# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2011 Nebula, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import six.moves.urllib as urllib from keystoneclient import base from keystoneclient import exceptions from keystoneclient.i18n import _ class Project(base.Resource): """Represents an Identity project. Attributes: * id: a uuid that identifies the project * name: project name * description: project description * enabled: boolean to indicate if project is enabled * parent_id: a uuid representing this project's parent in hierarchy * parents: a list or a structured dict containing the parents of this project in the hierarchy * subtree: a list or a structured dict containing the subtree of this project in the hierarchy """ def update(self, name=None, description=None, enabled=None): kwargs = { 'name': name if name is not None else self.name, 'description': (description if description is not None else self.description), 'enabled': enabled if enabled is not None else self.enabled, } try: retval = self.manager.update(self.id, **kwargs) self = retval except Exception: retval = None return retval def add_tag(self, tag): self.manager.add_tag(self, tag) def update_tags(self, tags): return self.manager.update_tags(self, tags) def delete_tag(self, tag): self.manager.delete_tag(self, tag) def delete_all_tags(self): return self.manager.update_tags(self, []) def list_tags(self): return self.manager.list_tags(self) def check_tag(self, tag): return self.manager.check_tag(self, tag) class ProjectManager(base.CrudManager): """Manager class for manipulating Identity projects.""" resource_class = Project collection_key = 'projects' key = 'project' def create(self, name, domain, description=None, enabled=True, parent=None, **kwargs): """Create a project. :param str name: the name of the project. :param domain: the domain of the project. :type domain: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.domains.Domain` :param str description: the description of the project. :param bool enabled: whether the project is enabled. :param parent: the parent of the project in the hierarchy. :type parent: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` :param kwargs: any other attribute provided will be passed to the server. :returns: the created project returned from server. :rtype: :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` """ # NOTE(rodrigods): the API must be backwards compatible, so if an # application was passing a 'parent_id' before as kwargs, the call # should not fail. If both 'parent' and 'parent_id' are provided, # 'parent' will be preferred. if parent: kwargs['parent_id'] = base.getid(parent) return super(ProjectManager, self).create( domain_id=base.getid(domain), name=name, description=description, enabled=enabled, **kwargs) def list(self, domain=None, user=None, parent=None, **kwargs): """List projects. :param domain: the domain of the projects to be filtered on. :type domain: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.domains.Domain` :param user: filter in projects the specified user has role assignments on. :type user: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.users.User` :param parent: filter in projects the specified project is a parent for :type parent: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` :param kwargs: any other attribute provided will filter projects on. Project tags filter keyword: ``tags``, ``tags_any``, ``not_tags``, and ``not_tags_any``. tag attribute type string. Pass in a comma separated string to filter with multiple tags. :returns: a list of projects. :rtype: list of :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` """ base_url = '/users/%s' % base.getid(user) if user else None projects = super(ProjectManager, self).list( base_url=base_url, domain_id=base.getid(domain), parent_id=base.getid(parent), fallback_to_auth=True, **kwargs) base_response = None list_data = projects if self.client.include_metadata: base_response = projects list_data = projects.data base_response.data = list_data for p in list_data: p.tags = self._encode_tags(getattr(p, 'tags', [])) if self.client.include_metadata: base_response.data = list_data return base_response if self.client.include_metadata else list_data def _check_not_parents_as_ids_and_parents_as_list(self, parents_as_ids, parents_as_list): if parents_as_ids and parents_as_list: msg = _('Specify either parents_as_ids or parents_as_list ' 'parameters, not both') raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg) def _check_not_subtree_as_ids_and_subtree_as_list(self, subtree_as_ids, subtree_as_list): if subtree_as_ids and subtree_as_list: msg = _('Specify either subtree_as_ids or subtree_as_list ' 'parameters, not both') raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg) def get(self, project, subtree_as_list=False, parents_as_list=False, subtree_as_ids=False, parents_as_ids=False): """Retrieve a project. :param project: the project to be retrieved from the server. :type project: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` :param bool subtree_as_list: retrieve projects below this project in the hierarchy as a flat list. It only includes the projects in which the current user has role assignments on. :param bool parents_as_list: retrieve projects above this project in the hierarchy as a flat list. It only includes the projects in which the current user has role assignments on. :param bool subtree_as_ids: retrieve the IDs from the projects below this project in the hierarchy as a structured dictionary. :param bool parents_as_ids: retrieve the IDs from the projects above this project in the hierarchy as a structured dictionary. :returns: the specified project returned from server. :rtype: :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` :raises keystoneclient.exceptions.ValidationError: if subtree_as_list and subtree_as_ids or parents_as_list and parents_as_ids are included at the same time in the call. """ self._check_not_parents_as_ids_and_parents_as_list( parents_as_ids, parents_as_list) self._check_not_subtree_as_ids_and_subtree_as_list( subtree_as_ids, subtree_as_list) # According to the API spec, the query params are key only query_params = [] if subtree_as_list: query_params.append('subtree_as_list') if subtree_as_ids: query_params.append('subtree_as_ids') if parents_as_list: query_params.append('parents_as_list') if parents_as_ids: query_params.append('parents_as_ids') query = self.build_key_only_query(query_params) dict_args = {'project_id': base.getid(project)} url = self.build_url(dict_args_in_out=dict_args) p = self._get(url + query, self.key) p.tags = self._encode_tags(getattr(p, 'tags', [])) return p def find(self, **kwargs): p = super(ProjectManager, self).find(**kwargs) p.tags = self._encode_tags(getattr(p, 'tags', [])) return p def update(self, project, name=None, domain=None, description=None, enabled=None, **kwargs): """Update a project. :param project: the project to be updated on the server. :type project: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` :param str name: the new name of the project. :param domain: the new domain of the project. :type domain: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.domains.Domain` :param str description: the new description of the project. :param bool enabled: whether the project is enabled. :param kwargs: any other attribute provided will be passed to server. :returns: the updated project returned from server. :rtype: :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` """ return super(ProjectManager, self).update( project_id=base.getid(project), domain_id=base.getid(domain), name=name, description=description, enabled=enabled, **kwargs) def delete(self, project): """Delete a project. :param project: the project to be deleted on the server. :type project: str or :class:`keystoneclient.v3.projects.Project` :returns: Response object with 204 status. :rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response` """ return super(ProjectManager, self).delete( project_id=base.getid(project)) def _encode_tags(self, tags): """Encode tags to non-unicode string in python2. :param tags: list of unicode tags :returns: List of strings """ return [str(t) for t in tags] def add_tag(self, project, tag): """Add a tag to a project. :param project: project to add a tag to. :param tag: str name of tag. """ url = "/projects/%s/tags/%s" % (base.getid(project), urllib.parse.quote(tag)) return self._put(url) def update_tags(self, project, tags): """Update tag list of a project. Replaces current tag list with list specified in tags parameter. :param project: project to update. :param tags: list of str tag names to add to the project :returns: list of tags """ url = "/projects/%s/tags" % base.getid(project) for tag in tags: tag = urllib.parse.quote(tag) resp, body = self.client.put(url, body={"tags": tags}) return self._prepare_return_value(resp, body['tags']) def delete_tag(self, project, tag): """Remove tag from project. :param projectd: project to remove tag from. :param tag: str name of tag to remove from project """ return self._delete( "/projects/%s/tags/%s" % (base.getid(project), urllib.parse.quote(tag))) def list_tags(self, project): """List tags associated with project. :param project: project to list tags for. :returns: list of str tag names """ url = "/projects/%s/tags" % base.getid(project) resp, body = self.client.get(url) body['tags'] = self._encode_tags(body['tags']) return self._prepare_return_value(resp, body['tags']) def check_tag(self, project, tag): """Check if tag is associated with project. :param project: project to check tags for. :param tag: str name of tag :returns: true if tag is associated, false otherwise """ url = "/projects/%s/tags/%s" % (base.getid(project), urllib.parse.quote(tag)) try: resp, body = self.client.head(url) # no errors means found the tag return self._prepare_return_value(resp, True) except exceptions.HttpError as ex: # return false with request_id if include_metadata=True return self._prepare_return_value(ex.response, False)