# Copyright (c) 2011 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc. # Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import datetime import re from unittest import mock from urllib import parse from oslo_utils import strutils import novaclient from novaclient import api_versions from novaclient import client as base_client from novaclient import exceptions from novaclient.tests.unit import fakes from novaclient.tests.unit import utils from novaclient.v2 import client # regex to compare callback to result of get_endpoint() # checks version number (vX or vX.X where X is a number) # and also checks if the id is on the end ENDPOINT_RE = re.compile( r"^get_http:__nova_api:8774_v\d(_\d)?_\w{32}$") # accepts formats like v2 or v2.1 ENDPOINT_TYPE_RE = re.compile(r"^v\d(\.\d)?$") # accepts formats like v2 or v2_1 CALLBACK_RE = re.compile(r"^get_http:__nova_api:8774_v\d(_\d)?$") # fake image uuids FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_1 = 'c99d7632-bd66-4be9-aed5-3dd14b223a76' FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_2 = 'f27f479a-ddda-419a-9bbc-d6b56b210161' FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAPSHOT = '555cae93-fb41-4145-9c52-f5b923538a26' FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAP_DEL = '55bb23af-97a4-4068-bdf8-f10c62880ddf' FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_BACKUP = '2f87e889-41a4-4778-8553-83f5eea68c5d' # fake request id FAKE_REQUEST_ID = fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST = fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = {'x-openstack-request-id': FAKE_REQUEST_ID} FAKE_SERVICE_UUID_1 = '75e9eabc-ed3b-4f11-8bba-add1e7e7e2de' FAKE_SERVICE_UUID_2 = '1f140183-c914-4ddf-8757-6df73028aa86' SERVER_TOPOLOGY = { "nodes": [ { "cpu_pinning": { "0": 0, "1": 5 }, "host_node": 0, "memory_mb": 1024, "siblings": [ [ 0, 1 ] ], "vcpu_set": [ 0, 1 ] }, { "cpu_pinning": { "2": 1, "3": 8 }, "host_node": 1, "memory_mb": 2048, "siblings": [ [ 2, 3 ] ], "vcpu_set": [ 2, 3 ] } ], "pagesize_kb": 4 } class FakeClient(fakes.FakeClient, client.Client): def __init__(self, api_version, *args, **kwargs): client.Client.__init__(self, username='username', password='password', project_id='project_id', auth_url='auth_url', extensions=kwargs.get('extensions'), direct_use=False, api_version=api_version) self.client = FakeSessionClient(api_version=api_version, **kwargs) class FakeSessionClient(base_client.SessionClient): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.callstack = [] self.visited = [] self.auth = mock.Mock() self.session = mock.Mock() self.service_type = 'service_type' self.service_name = None self.endpoint_override = None self.interface = None self.region_name = None self.version = None self.api_version = kwargs.get('api_version') self.auth.get_auth_ref.return_value.project_id = 'tenant_id' # determines which endpoint to return in get_endpoint() # NOTE(augustina): this is a hacky workaround, ultimately # we need to fix our whole mocking architecture (fixtures?) if 'endpoint_type' in kwargs: self.endpoint_type = kwargs['endpoint_type'] else: self.endpoint_type = 'endpoint_type' self.logger = mock.MagicMock() def get_endpoint(self, **kwargs): # check if endpoint matches expected format (eg, v2.1) if (hasattr(self, 'endpoint_type') and ENDPOINT_TYPE_RE.search(self.endpoint_type)): return "http://nova-api:8774/%s/" % self.endpoint_type else: return ( "http://nova-api:8774/v2.1/190a755eef2e4aac9f06aa6be9786385") def request(self, url, method, **kwargs): return self._cs_request(url, method, **kwargs) def _cs_request(self, url, method, **kwargs): # Check that certain things are called correctly if method in ['GET', 'DELETE']: assert 'body' not in kwargs elif method == 'PUT': assert 'body' in kwargs if url is not None: # Call the method args = parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlparse(url)[4]) kwargs.update(args) munged_url = url.rsplit('?', 1)[0] munged_url = munged_url.strip('/').replace('/', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('.', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('-', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace(' ', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('!', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('@', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('%20', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('%3A', '_') munged_url = munged_url.replace('%', '_') callback = "%s_%s" % (method.lower(), munged_url) if url is None or callback == "get_http:__nova_api:8774": # To get API version information, it is necessary to GET # a nova endpoint directly without "v2/". callback = "get_versions" elif CALLBACK_RE.search(callback): callback = "get_current_version" elif ENDPOINT_RE.search(callback): # compare callback to result of get_endpoint() # NOTE(sdague): if we try to call a thing that doesn't # exist, just return a 404. This allows the stack to act # more like we'd expect when making REST calls. raise exceptions.NotFound('404') # Handle fake glance v2 requests v2_image = False if callback.startswith('get_v2_images'): v2_image = True callback = callback.replace('get_v2_', 'get_') simulate_pagination_next_links = [ 'get_os_simple_tenant_usage', 'get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenant_id', ] if callback in simulate_pagination_next_links: while callback in self.visited: callback += '_next' if not hasattr(self, callback): raise AssertionError('Called unknown API method: %s %s, ' 'expected fakes method name: %s' % (method, url, callback)) # Note the call self.visited.append(callback) self.callstack.append((method, url, kwargs.get('body'))) status, headers, body = getattr(self, callback)(**kwargs) # If we're dealing with a glance v2 image response, the response # isn't wrapped like the compute images API proxy is, so handle that. if body and v2_image and 'image' in body: body = body['image'] r = utils.TestResponse({ "status_code": status, "text": body, "headers": headers, }) if status >= 400: raise exceptions.from_response(r, body, url, method) return r, body def get_versions(self): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { "versions": [ {"status": "SUPPORTED", "updated": "2011-01-21T11:33:21Z", "links": [{"href": "http://nova-api:8774/v2/", "rel": "self"}], "min_version": "", "version": "", "id": "v2.0"}, {"status": "CURRENT", "updated": "2013-07-23T11:33:21Z", "links": [{"href": "http://nova-api:8774/v2.1/", "rel": "self"}], "min_version": novaclient.API_MIN_VERSION.get_string(), "version": novaclient.API_MAX_VERSION.get_string(), "id": "v2.1"} ]}) def get_current_version(self): versions = { # v2 doesn't contain version or min_version fields "v2": { "version": { "status": "SUPPORTED", "updated": "2011-01-21T11:33:21Z", "links": [{ "href": "http://nova-api:8774/v2/", "rel": "self" }], "id": "v2.0" } }, "v2.1": { "version": { "status": "CURRENT", "updated": "2013-07-23T11:33:21Z", "links": [{ "href": "http://nova-api:8774/v2.1/", "rel": "self" }], "min_version": novaclient.API_MIN_VERSION.get_string(), "version": novaclient.API_MAX_VERSION.get_string(), "id": "v2.1" } } } # if an endpoint_type that matches a version wasn't initialized, # default to v2.1 endpoint = 'v2.1' if hasattr(self, 'endpoint_type'): if ENDPOINT_TYPE_RE.search(self.endpoint_type): if self.endpoint_type in versions: endpoint = self.endpoint_type else: raise AssertionError( "Unknown endpoint_type:%s" % self.endpoint_type) return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, versions[endpoint]) # # agents # def get_os_agents(self, **kw): hypervisor = kw.get('hypervisor', 'kvm') return (200, {}, { 'agents': [{'hypervisor': hypervisor, 'os': 'win', 'architecture': 'x86', 'version': '7.0', 'url': 'xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx', 'md5hash': 'add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f545', 'id': 1}, {'hypervisor': hypervisor, 'os': 'linux', 'architecture': 'x86', 'version': '16.0', 'url': 'xxx://xxxx/xxx/xxx1', 'md5hash': 'add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f546', 'id': 2}]}) def post_os_agents(self, body): return (200, {}, {'agent': { 'url': '/xxx/xxx/xxx', 'hypervisor': body['agent']['hypervisor'], 'md5hash': 'add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f546', 'version': '7.0', 'architecture': 'x86', 'os': 'win', 'id': 1}}) def delete_os_agents_1(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def put_os_agents_1(self, body, **kw): return (200, {}, { "agent": {"url": "/yyy/yyyy/yyyy", "version": "8.0", "md5hash": "add6bb58e139be103324d04d82d8f546", 'id': 1}}) # # Limits # def get_limits(self, **kw): absolute = { "maxTotalRAMSize": 51200, "maxServerMeta": 5, "maxImageMeta": 5 } # 2.57 removes injected_file* entries from the response. if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion('2.57'): absolute.update({"maxPersonality": 5, "maxPersonalitySize": 10240}) return (200, {}, {"limits": { "rate": [ { "uri": "*", "regex": ".*", "limit": [ { "value": 10, "verb": "POST", "remaining": 2, "unit": "MINUTE", "next-available": "2011-12-15T22:42:45Z" }, { "value": 10, "verb": "PUT", "remaining": 2, "unit": "MINUTE", "next-available": "2011-12-15T22:42:45Z" }, { "value": 100, "verb": "DELETE", "remaining": 100, "unit": "MINUTE", "next-available": "2011-12-15T22:42:45Z" } ] }, { "uri": "*/servers", "regex": "^/servers", "limit": [ { "verb": "POST", "value": 25, "remaining": 24, "unit": "DAY", "next-available": "2011-12-15T22:42:45Z" } ] } ], "absolute": absolute, }}) # # Servers # def get_servers(self, **kw): servers = {"servers": [ {'id': '1234', 'name': 'sample-server'}, {'id': '5678', 'name': 'sample-server2'}, {'id': '9014', 'name': 'help'} ]} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.69'): # include "partial results" from non-responsive part of # infrastructure. servers['servers'].append( {'id': '9015', 'status': "UNKNOWN", "links": [ { "href": "http://fake/v2.1/", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "http://fake", "rel": "bookmark" } ]} ) return (200, {}, servers) def get_servers_detail(self, **kw): servers = {"servers": [ { "id": '1234', "name": "sample-server", "image": { "id": FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_2, "name": "sample image", }, "flavor": { "id": 1, "name": "256 MiB Server", }, "hostId": "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0", "status": "BUILD", "progress": 60, "addresses": { "public": [ { "version": 4, "addr": "", }, { "version": 4, "addr": "", }], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "", }], }, "metadata": { "Server Label": "Web Head 1", "Image Version": "2.1" }, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host": "computenode1", "security_groups": [{ 'id': 1, 'name': 'securitygroup1', 'description': 'FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7' }], "OS-EXT-MOD:some_thing": "mod_some_thing_value", }, { "id": '5678', "name": "sample-server2", "image": { "id": FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_1, "name": "sample image", }, "flavor": { "id": 1, "name": "256 MiB Server", }, "hostId": "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "status": "ACTIVE", "addresses": { "public": [ { "version": 4, "addr": "", }, { "version": 4, "addr": "", }], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "", }], }, "metadata": { "Server Label": "DB 1" }, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host": "computenode2", "security_groups": [ { 'id': 1, 'name': 'securitygroup1', 'description': 'FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7' }, { 'id': 2, 'name': 'securitygroup2', 'description': 'ANOTHER_FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7' }], }, { "id": '9012', "name": "sample-server3", "image": "", "flavor": { "id": 1, "name": "256 MiB Server", }, "hostId": "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "status": "ACTIVE", "addresses": { "public": [ { "version": 4, "addr": "", }, { "version": 4, "addr": "", }], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "", }], }, "metadata": { "Server Label": "DB 1" } }, { "id": '9013', "name": "sample-server4", "flavor": { "id": '80645cf4-6ad3-410a-bbc8-6f3e1e291f51', }, "image": { "id": '3e861307-73a6-4d1f-8d68-f68b03223032', }, "hostId": "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "status": "ACTIVE", }, { "id": '9014', "name": "help", "flavor": { "id": '80645cf4-6ad3-410a-bbc8-6f3e1e291f51', }, "image": { "id": '3e861307-73a6-4d1f-8d68-f68b03223032', }, "hostId": "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "status": "ACTIVE", }, ]} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.69'): # include "partial results" from non-responsive part of # infrastructure. servers['servers'].append( { "id": "9015", "status": "UNKNOWN", "tenant_id": "6f70656e737461636b20342065766572", "created": "2018-12-03T21:06:18Z", "links": [ { "href": "http://fake/v2.1/", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "http://fake", "rel": "bookmark" } ] } ) return (200, {}, servers) def post_servers(self, body, **kw): assert set(body.keys()) <= set(['server', 'os:scheduler_hints']) fakes.assert_has_keys( body['server'], required=['name', 'imageRef', 'flavorRef'], optional=['metadata', 'personality']) if 'personality' in body['server']: for pfile in body['server']['personality']: fakes.assert_has_keys(pfile, required=['path', 'contents']) if body['server']['name'] == 'some-bad-server': return (202, {}, self.get_servers_1235()[2]) else: return (202, {}, self.get_servers_1234()[2]) def get_servers_1234(self, **kw): server = self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][0] if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.71'): server.update( {'server_groups': ['a67359fb-d397-4697-88f1-f55e3ee7c499']}) return (200, {}, {'server': server}) def get_servers_1235(self, **kw): r = {'server': self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][0]} r['server']['id'] = '1235' r['server']['status'] = 'error' r['server']['fault'] = {'message': 'something went wrong!'} return (200, {}, r) def get_servers_5678(self, **kw): r = {'server': self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][1]} return (200, {}, r) def get_servers_9012(self, **kw): r = {'server': self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][2]} return (200, {}, r) def get_servers_9013(self, **kw): r = {'server': self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][3]} return (200, {}, r) def get_servers_9014(self, **kw): r = {'server': self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][4]} return (200, {}, r) def get_servers_9015(self, **kw): r = {'server': self.get_servers_detail()[2]['servers'][5]} r['server']["OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone"] = 'geneva' r['server']["OS-EXT-STS:power_state"] = 0 flavor = { "disk": 1, "ephemeral": 0, "original_name": "m1.tiny", "ram": 512, "swap": 0, "vcpus": 1, "extra_specs": {} } image = { "id": "c99d7632-bd66-4be9-aed5-3dd14b223a76", } r['server']['image'] = image r['server']['flavor'] = flavor r['server']['user_id'] = "fake" return (200, {}, r) def delete_os_server_groups_12345(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def delete_os_server_groups_56789(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def delete_servers_5678(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234_metadata_key2(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def post_servers_1234_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'test_key': 'test_value'}}) def get_servers_1234_diagnostics(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def post_servers_uuid1_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}}) def post_servers_uuid2_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}}) def post_servers_uuid3_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}}) def post_servers_uuid4_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}}) def post_servers_uuid5_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}}) def post_servers_uuid6_metadata(self, **kw): return (204, {}, {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}}) def delete_servers_uuid1_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def delete_servers_uuid2_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def delete_servers_uuid3_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def delete_servers_uuid4_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def delete_servers_uuid5_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def delete_servers_uuid6_metadata_key1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'}) def get_servers_1234_os_security_groups(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { "security_groups": [{ 'id': 1, 'name': 'securitygroup1', 'description': 'FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7', 'rules': []}] }) def get_servers_1234_topology(self, **kw): return 200, {}, SERVER_TOPOLOGY # # Server password # # Testing with the following password and key # # Clear password: FooBar123 # # RSA Private Key: novaclient/tests/unit/idfake.pem # # Encrypted password # OIuEuQttO8Rk93BcKlwHQsziDAnkAm/V6V8VPToA8ZeUaUBWwS0gwo2K6Y61Z96r # qG447iRz0uTEEYq3RAYJk1mh3mMIRVl27t8MtIecR5ggVVbz1S9AwXJQypDKl0ho # QFvhCBcMWPohyGewDJOhDbtuN1IoFI9G55ZvFwCm5y7m7B2aVcoLeIsJZE4PLsIw # /y5a6Z3/AoJZYGG7IH5WN88UROU3B9JZGFB2qtPLQTOvDMZLUhoPRIJeHiVSlo1N # tI2/++UsXVg3ow6ItqCJGgdNuGG5JB+bslDHWPxROpesEIHdczk46HCpHQN8f1sk # Hi/fmZZNQQqj1Ijq0caOIw== def get_servers_1234_os_server_password(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'password': 'OIuEuQttO8Rk93BcKlwHQsziDAnkAm/V6V8VPToA8ZeUaUBWwS0gwo2K6Y61Z96r' 'qG447iRz0uTEEYq3RAYJk1mh3mMIRVl27t8MtIecR5ggVVbz1S9AwXJQypDKl0ho' 'QFvhCBcMWPohyGewDJOhDbtuN1IoFI9G55ZvFwCm5y7m7B2aVcoLeIsJZE4PLsIw' '/y5a6Z3/AoJZYGG7IH5WN88UROU3B9JZGFB2qtPLQTOvDMZLUhoPRIJeHiVSlo1N' 'tI2/++UsXVg3ow6ItqCJGgdNuGG5JB+bslDHWPxROpesEIHdczk46HCpHQN8f1sk' 'Hi/fmZZNQQqj1Ijq0caOIw=='}) def delete_servers_1234_os_server_password(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) # # Server actions # none_actions = ['revertResize', 'os-stop', 'os-start', 'forceDelete', 'restore', 'pause', 'unpause', 'unlock', 'unrescue', 'resume', 'suspend', 'shelve', 'shelveOffload', 'resetNetwork'] type_actions = ['os-getVNCConsole', 'os-getSPICEConsole', 'os-getRDPConsole'] @classmethod def check_server_actions(cls, body): action = list(body)[0] if action == 'reboot': assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] assert body[action]['type'] in ['HARD', 'SOFT'] elif action == 'resize': assert 'flavorRef' in body[action] elif action in cls.none_actions: assert body[action] is None elif action == 'changePassword': assert list(body[action]) == ['adminPass'] elif action in cls.type_actions: assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] elif action == 'os-resetState': assert list(body[action]) == ['state'] elif action == 'resetNetwork': assert body[action] is None elif action in ['addSecurityGroup', 'removeSecurityGroup']: assert list(body[action]) == ['name'] elif action == 'trigger_crash_dump': assert body[action] is None else: return False return True def post_servers_1234_action(self, body, **kw): _headers = dict() _body = None resp = 202 assert len(body.keys()) == 1 action = list(body)[0] if self.check_server_actions(body): # NOTE(snikitin): No need to do any operations here. This 'pass' # is needed to avoid AssertionError in the last 'else' statement # if we found 'action' in method check_server_actions and # raise AssertionError if we didn't find 'action' at all. pass elif action == 'os-migrateLive': expected = set(['host', 'block_migration']) if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion("2.30"): if 'force' in body[action].keys(): # force can be optional expected.add('force') if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion("2.25"): expected.add('disk_over_commit') assert set(body[action].keys()) == expected elif action == 'migrate': if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion("2.56"): assert body[action] is None else: expected = set() if 'host' in body[action].keys(): # host can be optional expected.add('host') assert set(body[action].keys()) == expected elif action == 'lock': if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion("2.73"): assert body[action] is None else: # In 2.73 and above, we allow body to be one of these: # a) {'lock': None} # b) {'lock': {}} # c) {'lock': {locked_reason': 'blah'}} if body[action] is not None: expected = set() if 'locked_reason' in body[action].keys(): # reason can be optional expected.add('locked_reason') assert set(body[action].keys()) == expected else: assert body[action] is None elif action == 'unshelve': if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion("2.77"): assert body[action] is None else: # In 2.77 and above, we allow body to be one of these: # {'unshelve': None} # {'unshelve': {'availability_zone': 'foo-az'}} if body[action] is not None: assert set(body[action].keys()) == set( ['availability_zone']) elif action == 'rebuild': body = body[action] adminPass = body.get('adminPass', 'randompassword') assert 'imageRef' in body _body = self.get_servers_1234()[2] _body['server']['adminPass'] = adminPass elif action == 'confirmResize': assert body[action] is None # This one method returns a different response code return (204, {}, None) elif action == 'rescue': if body[action]: keys = set(body[action].keys()) assert not (keys - set(['adminPass', 'rescue_image_ref'])) else: assert body[action] is None _body = {'adminPass': 'RescuePassword'} elif action == 'createImage': assert set(body[action].keys()) == set(['name', 'metadata']) if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion('2.45'): _headers = dict(location="http://blah/images/%s" % FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAPSHOT) else: _body = {'image_id': FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAPSHOT} if body[action]['name'] == 'mysnapshot_deleted': _headers = dict(location="http://blah/images/%s" % FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAP_DEL) elif action == 'createBackup': assert set(body[action].keys()) == set(['name', 'backup_type', 'rotation']) if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion('2.45'): _headers = dict(location="http://blah/images/%s" % FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_BACKUP) else: _body = {'image_id': FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_BACKUP} elif action == 'os-getConsoleOutput': assert list(body[action]) == ['length'] return (202, {}, {'output': 'foo'}) elif action == 'evacuate': keys = list(body[action]) if 'adminPass' in keys: keys.remove('adminPass') if 'host' in keys: keys.remove('host') if 'onSharedStorage' in keys: keys.remove('onSharedStorage') if 'force' in keys: keys.remove('force') assert set(keys) == set() else: raise AssertionError("Unexpected server action: %s" % action) _headers.update(FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS) return (resp, _headers, _body) def post_servers_5678_action(self, body, **kw): return self.post_servers_1234_action(body, **kw) # # Flavors # def get_flavors(self, **kw): status, header, flavors = self.get_flavors_detail(**kw) included_fields = ['id', 'name'] if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.55'): included_fields.append('description') if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.61'): included_fields.append('extra_specs') for flavor in flavors['flavors']: for k in list(flavor): if k not in included_fields: del flavor[k] return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, flavors) def get_flavors_detail(self, **kw): flavors = {'flavors': [ {'id': 1, 'name': '256 MiB Server', 'ram': 256, 'disk': 10, 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral': 10, 'os-flavor-access:is_public': True, 'links': {}}, {'id': 2, 'name': '512 MiB Server', 'ram': 512, 'disk': 20, 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral': 20, 'os-flavor-access:is_public': False, 'links': {}}, {'id': 4, 'name': '1024 MiB Server', 'ram': 1024, 'disk': 10, 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral': 10, 'os-flavor-access:is_public': True, 'links': {}}, {'id': 'aa1', 'name': '128 MiB Server', 'ram': 128, 'disk': 0, 'OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral': 0, 'os-flavor-access:is_public': True, 'links': {}} ]} if 'is_public' not in kw: filter_is_public = True else: if kw['is_public'].lower() == 'none': filter_is_public = None else: filter_is_public = strutils.bool_from_string(kw['is_public'], True) if filter_is_public is not None: if filter_is_public: flavors['flavors'] = [ v for v in flavors['flavors'] if v['os-flavor-access:is_public'] ] else: flavors['flavors'] = [ v for v in flavors['flavors'] if not v['os-flavor-access:is_public'] ] # Add description in the response for all flavors. if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.55'): for flavor in flavors['flavors']: flavor['description'] = None # Add a new flavor that is a copy of the first but with a different # name, flavorid and a description set. new_flavor = copy.deepcopy(flavors['flavors'][0]) new_flavor['id'] = 'with-description' new_flavor['name'] = 'with-description' new_flavor['description'] = 'test description' flavors['flavors'].append(new_flavor) # Add extra_specs in the response for all flavors. if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.61'): for flavor in flavors['flavors']: flavor['extra_specs'] = {'test': 'value'} return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, flavors) def get_flavors_1(self, **kw): return ( 200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'flavor': self.get_flavors_detail(is_public='None')[2]['flavors'][0]} ) def get_flavors_2(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'flavor': self.get_flavors_detail(is_public='None')[2]['flavors'][1]} ) def get_flavors_3(self, **kw): # Diablo has no ephemeral return ( 200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'flavor': { 'id': 3, 'name': '256 MiB Server', 'ram': 256, 'disk': 10, }}, ) def get_flavors_512_MiB_Server(self, **kw): raise exceptions.NotFound('404') def get_flavors_128_MiB_Server(self, **kw): raise exceptions.NotFound('404') def get_flavors_80645cf4_6ad3_410a_bbc8_6f3e1e291f51(self, **kw): raise exceptions.NotFound('404') def get_flavors_aa1(self, **kw): # Alphanumeric flavor id are allowed. return ( 200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'flavor': self.get_flavors_detail(is_public='None')[2]['flavors'][3]} ) def get_flavors_4(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'flavor': self.get_flavors_detail(is_public='None')[2]['flavors'][2]} ) def get_flavors_with_description(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'flavor': self.get_flavors_detail(is_public='None')[2]['flavors'][-1]} ) def delete_flavors_flavordelete(self, **kw): return (202, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, None) def delete_flavors_2(self, **kw): return (202, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, None) def post_flavors(self, body, **kw): return ( 202, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'flavor': self.get_flavors_detail(is_public='None')[2]['flavors'][0]} ) def put_flavors_with_description(self, body, **kw): assert 'flavor' in body assert 'description' in body['flavor'] flavor = self.get_flavors_with_description(**kw)[2] # Fake out the actual update of the flavor description for the response flavor['description'] = body['flavor']['description'] return (200, {}, {'flavor': flavor}) def get_flavors_1_os_extra_specs(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'extra_specs': {"k1": "v1"}}) def get_flavors_2_os_extra_specs(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'extra_specs': {"k2": "v2"}}) def get_flavors_aa1_os_extra_specs(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'extra_specs': {"k3": "v3"}}) def get_flavors_4_os_extra_specs(self, **kw): return ( 200, {}, {'extra_specs': {"k4": "v4"}}) def post_flavors_1_os_extra_specs(self, body, **kw): assert list(body) == ['extra_specs'] fakes.assert_has_keys(body['extra_specs'], required=['k1']) return ( 200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'extra_specs': {"k1": "v1"}}) def post_flavors_4_os_extra_specs(self, body, **kw): assert list(body) == ['extra_specs'] return ( 200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, body) def delete_flavors_1_os_extra_specs_k1(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) # # Flavor access # def get_flavors_2_os_flavor_access(self, **kw): return ( 200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'flavor_access': [{'flavor_id': '2', 'tenant_id': 'proj1'}, {'flavor_id': '2', 'tenant_id': 'proj2'}]}) def post_flavors_2_action(self, body, **kw): return (202, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, self.get_flavors_2_os_flavor_access()[2]) # # Images # def get_images(self, **kw): images = [ { "id": FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAPSHOT, "name": "My Server Backup", "serverId": '1234', "updated": "2010-10-10T12:00:00Z", "created": "2010-08-10T12:00:00Z", "status": "SAVING", "progress": 80, "links": {}, }, { "id": FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_SNAP_DEL, "name": "My Server Backup Deleted", "serverId": '1234', "updated": "2010-10-10T12:00:00Z", "created": "2010-08-10T12:00:00Z", "status": "DELETED", "fault": {'message': 'Image has been deleted.'}, "links": {}, }, { 'id': FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_1, 'name': 'CentOS 5.2', "updated": "2010-10-10T12:00:00Z", "created": "2010-08-10T12:00:00Z", "status": "ACTIVE", "test_key": "test_value", "links": {}, }, { "id": FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_2, "name": "My Server Backup", "serverId": '1234', "updated": "2010-10-10T12:00:00Z", "created": "2010-08-10T12:00:00Z", "status": "SAVING", "progress": 80, "links": {}, }, { "id": FAKE_IMAGE_UUID_BACKUP, "name": "back1", "serverId": '1234', "updated": "2010-10-10T12:00:00Z", "created": "2010-08-10T12:00:00Z", "status": "SAVING", "progress": 80, "links": {}, }, ] if 'id' in kw: requested = kw['id'].replace('in:', '').split(',') images = [i for i in images if i['id'] in requested] if 'names' in kw: requested = kw['names'].replace('in:', '').split(',') images = [i for i in images if i['name'] in requested] return (200, {}, {'images': images}) def get_images_555cae93_fb41_4145_9c52_f5b923538a26(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'image': self.get_images()[2]['images'][0]}) def get_images_55bb23af_97a4_4068_bdf8_f10c62880ddf(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'image': self.get_images()[2]['images'][1]}) def get_images_c99d7632_bd66_4be9_aed5_3dd14b223a76(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'image': self.get_images()[2]['images'][2]}) def get_images_f27f479a_ddda_419a_9bbc_d6b56b210161(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'image': self.get_images()[2]['images'][3]}) def get_images_2f87e889_41a4_4778_8553_83f5eea68c5d(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'image': self.get_images()[2]['images'][4]}) def get_images_3e861307_73a6_4d1f_8d68_f68b03223032(self): raise exceptions.NotFound('404') # # Keypairs # def get_os_keypairs_test(self, *kw): return (200, {}, {'keypair': self.get_os_keypairs()[2]['keypairs'][0]['keypair']}) def get_os_keypairs(self, user_id=None, limit=None, marker=None, *kw): return (200, {}, { "keypairs": [{"keypair": { "public_key": "FAKE_SSH_RSA", "private_key": "FAKE_PRIVATE_KEY", "user_id": "81e373b596d6466e99c4896826abaa46", "name": "test", "deleted": False, "created_at": "2014-04-19T02:16:44.000000", "updated_at": "2014-04-19T10:12:3.000000", "figerprint": "FAKE_KEYPAIR", "deleted_at": None, "id": 4}} ]}) def delete_os_keypairs_test(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def post_os_keypairs(self, body, **kw): assert list(body) == ['keypair'] fakes.assert_has_keys(body['keypair'], required=['name']) r = {'keypair': self.get_os_keypairs()[2]['keypairs'][0]['keypair']} return (202, {}, r) # # Quotas # def get_os_quota_sets_tenant_id(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'quota_set': { 'tenant_id': 'test', 'metadata_items': [], 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'keypairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def get_os_quota_sets_97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'quota_set': { 'tenant_id': '97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353', 'metadata_items': [], 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'keypairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def get_os_quota_sets_97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353_detail(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'quota_set': { 'tenant_id': '97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353', 'cores': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 20, 'reserved': 0 }, 'fixed_ips': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': -1, 'reserved': 0 }, 'floating_ips': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 10, 'reserved': 0 }, 'injected_file_content_bytes': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 10240, 'reserved': 0 }, 'injected_file_path_bytes': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 255, 'reserved': 0 }, 'injected_files': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 5, 'reserved': 0 }, 'instances': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 10, 'reserved': 0 }, 'key_pairs': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 100, 'reserved': 0 }, 'metadata_items': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 128, 'reserved': 0 }, 'ram': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 51200, 'reserved': 0 }, 'security_group_rules': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 20, 'reserved': 0 }, 'security_groups': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 10, 'reserved': 0 }, 'server_group_members': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 10, 'reserved': 0 }, 'server_groups': { 'in_use': 0, 'limit': 10, 'reserved': 0 } }}) def get_os_quota_sets_97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353_defaults(self): return (200, {}, { 'quota_set': { 'tenant_id': 'test', 'metadata_items': [], 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'keypairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def get_os_quota_sets_tenant_id_defaults(self): return (200, {}, { 'quota_set': { 'tenant_id': 'test', 'metadata_items': [], 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'keypairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def put_os_quota_sets_97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353(self, body, **kw): assert list(body) == ['quota_set'] fakes.assert_has_keys(body['quota_set']) return (200, {}, { 'quota_set': { 'tenant_id': '97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353', 'metadata_items': [], 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'keypairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def delete_os_quota_sets_97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353(self, **kw): return (202, {}, {}) # # Quota Classes # def get_os_quota_class_sets_test(self, **kw): # 2.57 removes injected_file* entries from the response. if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.57'): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { 'quota_class_set': { 'id': 'test', 'metadata_items': 1, 'ram': 1, 'instances': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'server_groups': 1, 'server_group_members': 1}}) if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.50'): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { 'quota_class_set': { 'id': 'test', 'metadata_items': 1, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'server_groups': 1, 'server_group_members': 1}}) return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { 'quota_class_set': { 'id': 'test', 'metadata_items': 1, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'fixed_ips': -1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def put_os_quota_class_sets_test(self, body, **kw): assert list(body) == ['quota_class_set'] # 2.57 removes injected_file* entries from the response. if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.57'): return (200, {}, { 'quota_class_set': { 'metadata_items': 1, 'ram': 1, 'instances': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'server_groups': 1, 'server_group_members': 1}}) if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.50'): return (200, {}, { 'quota_class_set': { 'metadata_items': 1, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'server_groups': 1, 'server_group_members': 1}}) return (200, {}, { 'quota_class_set': { 'metadata_items': 1, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'fixed_ips': -1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) def put_os_quota_class_sets_97f4c221bff44578b0300df4ef119353(self, body, **kw): assert list(body) == ['quota_class_set'] return (200, {}, { 'quota_class_set': { 'metadata_items': 1, 'injected_file_content_bytes': 1, 'injected_file_path_bytes': 1, 'ram': 1, 'floating_ips': 1, 'instances': 1, 'injected_files': 1, 'cores': 1, 'key_pairs': 1, 'security_groups': 1, 'security_group_rules': 1}}) # # Tenant Usage # def get_os_simple_tenant_usage(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'tenant_usages': [{ 'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665, 'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333, 'total_hours': 49.71047423333333, 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'stop': '2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722', 'server_usages': [{ 'hours': 49.71047423333333, 'uptime': 27035, 'local_gb': 0, 'ended_at': None, 'name': 'f15image1', 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'instance_id': 'f079e394-1111-457b-b350-bb5ecc685cdd', 'vcpus': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'state': 'active', 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'started_at': '2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998', }], 'start': '2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687', 'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}]}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_next(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'tenant_usages': [{ 'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665, 'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333, 'total_hours': 49.71047423333333, 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'stop': '2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722', 'server_usages': [{ 'hours': 49.71047423333333, 'uptime': 27035, 'local_gb': 0, 'ended_at': None, 'name': 'f15image1', 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'instance_id': 'f079e394-2222-457b-b350-bb5ecc685cdd', 'vcpus': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'state': 'active', 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'started_at': '2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998', }], 'start': '2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687', 'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}]}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_next_next(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'tenant_usages': []}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenantfoo(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'tenant_usage': { 'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665, 'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333, 'total_hours': 49.71047423333333, 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'stop': '2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722', 'server_usages': [{ 'hours': 49.71047423333333, 'uptime': 27035, 'local_gb': 0, 'ended_at': None, 'name': 'f15image1', 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'instance_id': 'f079e394-1111-457b-b350-bb5ecc685cdd', 'vcpus': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'state': 'active', 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'started_at': '2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998', }], 'start': '2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687', 'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_test(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'tenant_usage': { 'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665, 'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333, 'total_hours': 49.71047423333333, 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'stop': '2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722', 'server_usages': [{ 'hours': 49.71047423333333, 'uptime': 27035, 'local_gb': 0, 'ended_at': None, 'name': 'f15image1', 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'instance_id': 'f079e394-1111-457b-b350-bb5ecc685cdd', 'vcpus': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'state': 'active', 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'started_at': '2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998', }], 'start': '2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687', 'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenant_id(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'tenant_usage': { 'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665, 'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333, 'total_hours': 49.71047423333333, 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'stop': '2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722', 'server_usages': [{ 'hours': 49.71047423333333, 'uptime': 27035, 'local_gb': 0, 'ended_at': None, 'name': 'f15image1', 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'instance_id': 'f079e394-1111-457b-b350-bb5ecc685cdd', 'vcpus': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'state': 'active', 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'started_at': '2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998', }], 'start': '2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687', 'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenant_id_next(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'tenant_usage': { 'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665, 'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333, 'total_hours': 49.71047423333333, 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'stop': '2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722', 'server_usages': [{ 'hours': 49.71047423333333, 'uptime': 27035, 'local_gb': 0, 'ended_at': None, 'name': 'f15image1', 'tenant_id': '7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869', 'instance_id': 'f079e394-2222-457b-b350-bb5ecc685cdd', 'vcpus': 1, 'memory_mb': 512, 'state': 'active', 'flavor': 'm1.tiny', 'started_at': '2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998', }], 'start': '2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687', 'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}}) def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenant_id_next_next(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'tenant_usage': {}}) # # Aggregates # def get_os_aggregates(self, *kw): response = (200, {}, {"aggregates": [ {'id': '1', 'name': 'test', 'availability_zone': 'nova1'}, {'id': '2', 'name': 'test2', 'availability_zone': 'nova1'}, {'id': '3', 'name': 'test3', 'metadata': {'test': "dup", "none_key": "Nine"}}, ]}) # microversion >= 2.41 returns the uuid in the response if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.41'): aggregates = response[2]['aggregates'] aggregates[0]['uuid'] = '80785864-087b-45a5-a433-b20eac9b58aa' aggregates[1]['uuid'] = '30827713-5957-4b68-8fd3-ccaddb568c24' aggregates[2]['uuid'] = '9a651b22-ce3f-4a87-acd7-98446ef591c4' return response def _return_aggregate(self): r = {'aggregate': self.get_os_aggregates()[2]['aggregates'][0]} return (200, {}, r) def _return_aggregate_3(self): r = {'aggregate': self.get_os_aggregates()[2]['aggregates'][2]} return (200, {}, r) def get_os_aggregates_1(self, **kw): return self._return_aggregate() def get_os_aggregates_3(self, **kw): return self._return_aggregate_3() def post_os_aggregates(self, body, **kw): return self._return_aggregate() def put_os_aggregates_1(self, body, **kw): return self._return_aggregate() def post_os_aggregates_1_action(self, body, **kw): return self._return_aggregate() def post_os_aggregates_3_action(self, body, **kw): return self._return_aggregate_3() def delete_os_aggregates_1(self, **kw): return (202, {}, None) def post_os_aggregates_1_images(self, body, **kw): return (202, {}, None) # # Services # def get_os_services(self, **kw): host = kw.get('host', 'host1') binary = kw.get('binary', 'nova-compute') if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.53'): service_id_1 = FAKE_SERVICE_UUID_1 service_id_2 = FAKE_SERVICE_UUID_2 else: service_id_1 = 1 service_id_2 = 2 services = { 'services': [ {'binary': binary, 'host': host, 'zone': 'nova', 'status': 'enabled', 'state': 'up', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime( 2012, 10, 29, 13, 42, 2), 'id': service_id_1}, {'binary': binary, 'host': host, 'zone': 'nova', 'status': 'disabled', 'state': 'down', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime( 2012, 9, 18, 8, 3, 38), 'id': service_id_2}, ] } if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.69'): services['services'].append( { "binary": "nova-compute", "host": "host-down", "status": "UNKNOWN" } ) return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, services) def put_os_services_enable(self, body, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'service': {'host': body['host'], 'binary': body['binary'], 'status': 'enabled'}}) def put_os_services_disable(self, body, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'service': {'host': body['host'], 'binary': body['binary'], 'status': 'disabled'}}) def put_os_services_disable_log_reason(self, body, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'service': { 'host': body['host'], 'binary': body['binary'], 'status': 'disabled', 'disabled_reason': body['disabled_reason']}}) def put_os_services_75e9eabc_ed3b_4f11_8bba_add1e7e7e2de( self, body, **kw): """This should only be called with microversion >= 2.53.""" return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'service': { 'host': 'host1', 'binary': 'nova-compute', 'status': body.get('status', 'enabled'), 'disabled_reason': body.get('disabled_reason'), 'forced_down': body.get('forced_down', False)}}) def delete_os_services_1(self, **kw): return (204, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, None) def delete_os_services_75e9eabc_ed3b_4f11_8bba_add1e7e7e2de(self, **kwarg): return (204, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, None) def put_os_services_force_down(self, body, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'service': { 'host': body['host'], 'binary': body['binary'], 'forced_down': False}}) # # Hypervisors # def get_os_hypervisors(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { "hypervisors": [ {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1'}, {'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2'}]}) def get_os_hypervisors_statistics(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { "hypervisor_statistics": { 'count': 2, 'vcpus': 8, 'memory_mb': 20 * 1024, 'local_gb': 500, 'vcpus_used': 4, 'memory_mb_used': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 250, 'free_ram_mb': 10 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 250, 'current_workload': 4, 'running_vms': 4, 'disk_available_least': 200} }) def get_os_hypervisors_hyper1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisor': {'id': 1234, 'service': {'id': 1, 'host': 'compute1'}, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb': 250, 'vcpus_used': 2, 'memory_mb_used': 5 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 125, 'hypervisor_type': "xen", 'hypervisor_version': 3, 'hypervisor_hostname': "hyper1", 'free_ram_mb': 5 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 125, 'current_workload': 2, 'running_vms': 2, 'cpu_info': 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least': 100}}) def get_os_hypervisors_region_child_1(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisor': {'id': 'region!child@1', 'service': {'id': 1, 'host': 'compute1'}, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb': 250, 'vcpus_used': 2, 'memory_mb_used': 5 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 125, 'hypervisor_type': "xen", 'hypervisor_version': 3, 'hypervisor_hostname': "hyper1", 'free_ram_mb': 5 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 125, 'current_workload': 2, 'running_vms': 2, 'cpu_info': 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least': 100}}) def get_os_hypervisors_hyper_search(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisors': [ {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1'}, {'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2'}]}) def get_os_hypervisors_hyper_servers(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisors': [ {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1', 'servers': [ {'name': 'inst1', 'uuid': 'uuid1'}, {'name': 'inst2', 'uuid': 'uuid2'}]}, {'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2', 'servers': [ {'name': 'inst3', 'uuid': 'uuid3'}, {'name': 'inst4', 'uuid': 'uuid4'}]}] }) def get_os_hypervisors_hyper1_servers(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisors': [ {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1', 'servers': [ {'name': 'inst1', 'uuid': 'uuid1'}, {'name': 'inst2', 'uuid': 'uuid2'}]}] }) def get_os_hypervisors_hyper2_servers(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisors': [ {'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2', 'servers': [ {'name': 'inst3', 'uuid': 'uuid3'}, {'name': 'inst4', 'uuid': 'uuid4'}]}] }) def get_os_hypervisors_hyper_no_servers_servers(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'hypervisors': [{'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1'}]}) def get_os_hypervisors_1234(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisor': {'id': 1234, 'service': {'id': 1, 'host': 'compute1'}, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb': 250, 'vcpus_used': 2, 'memory_mb_used': 5 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 125, 'hypervisor_type': "xen", 'hypervisor_version': 3, 'hypervisor_hostname': "hyper1", 'free_ram_mb': 5 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 125, 'current_workload': 2, 'running_vms': 2, 'cpu_info': 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least': 100}}) def get_os_hypervisors_1234_uptime(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisor': {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': "hyper1", 'uptime': "fake uptime"}}) def get_os_hypervisors_region_child_1_uptime(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { 'hypervisor': {'id': 'region!child@1', 'hypervisor_hostname': "hyper1", 'uptime': "fake uptime"}}) def get_v2_0_networks(self, **kw): """Return neutron proxied networks. We establish a few different possible networks that we can get by name, which we can then call in tests. The only usage of this API should be for name -> id translation, however a full valid neutron block is provided for the private network to see the kinds of things that will be in that payload. """ name = kw.get('name', "blank") networks_by_name = { 'private': [ {"status": "ACTIVE", "router:external": False, "availability_zone_hints": [], "availability_zones": ["nova"], "description": "", "name": "private", "subnets": ["64706c26-336c-4048-ab3c-23e3283bca2c", "18512740-c760-4d5f-921f-668105c9ee44"], "shared": False, "tenant_id": "abd42f270bca43ea80fe4a166bc3536c", "created_at": "2016-08-15T17:34:49", "tags": [], "ipv6_address_scope": None, "updated_at": "2016-08-15T17:34:49", "admin_state_up": True, "ipv4_address_scope": None, "port_security_enabled": True, "mtu": 1450, "id": "e43a56c7-11d4-45c9-8681-ddc8171b5850", "revision": 2}], 'duplicate': [ {"status": "ACTIVE", "id": "e43a56c7-11d4-45c9-8681-ddc8171b5850"}, {"status": "ACTIVE", "id": "f43a56c7-11d4-45c9-8681-ddc8171b5850"}], 'blank': [] } return (200, {}, {"networks": networks_by_name[name]}) def get_os_availability_zone_detail(self, **kw): return (200, {}, { "availabilityZoneInfo": [ {"zoneName": "zone-1", "zoneState": {"available": True}, "hosts": { "fake_host-1": { "nova-compute": { "active": True, "available": True, "updated_at": datetime.datetime( 2012, 12, 26, 14, 45, 25, 0)}}}}, {"zoneName": "internal", "zoneState": {"available": True}, "hosts": { "fake_host-1": { "nova-sched": { "active": True, "available": True, "updated_at": datetime.datetime( 2012, 12, 26, 14, 45, 25, 0)}}, "fake_host-2": { "nova-network": { "active": True, "available": False, "updated_at": datetime.datetime( 2012, 12, 26, 14, 45, 24, 0)}}}}, {"zoneName": "zone-2", "zoneState": {"available": False}, "hosts": None}]}) def get_servers_1234_os_interface(self, **kw): attachments = { "interfaceAttachments": [ {"port_state": "ACTIVE", "net_id": "net-id-1", "port_id": "port-id-1", "mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": ""}], }, {"port_state": "ACTIVE", "net_id": "net-id-1", "port_id": "port-id-1", "mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": ""}], } ] } if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.70'): # Include the "tag" field in each attachment. for attachment in attachments['interfaceAttachments']: attachment['tag'] = 'test-tag' return (200, {}, attachments) def post_servers_1234_os_interface(self, **kw): attachment = {} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.70'): # Include the "tag" field in the response. attachment['tag'] = 'test-tag' return (200, {}, {'interfaceAttachment': attachment}) def delete_servers_1234_os_interface_port_id(self, **kw): return (200, {}, None) def post_servers_1234_os_volume_attachments(self, **kw): attachment = {"device": "/dev/vdb", "volumeId": 2} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.70'): # Include the "tag" field in the response. attachment['tag'] = 'test-tag' if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.79'): # Include the "delete_on_termination" field in the # response. attachment['delete_on_termination'] = True return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {"volumeAttachment": attachment}) def put_servers_1234_os_volume_attachments_Work(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {"volumeAttachment": {"volumeId": 2}}) def get_servers_1234_os_volume_attachments(self, **kw): attachments = { "volumeAttachments": [ {"display_name": "Work", "display_description": "volume for work", "status": "ATTACHED", "id": "15e59938-07d5-11e1-90e3-e3dffe0c5983", "created_at": "2011-09-09T00:00:00Z", "attached": "2011-11-11T00:00:00Z", "size": 1024, "attachments": [{"id": "3333", "links": ''}], "metadata": {}} ] } if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.70'): # Include the "tag" field in each attachment. for attachment in attachments['volumeAttachments']: attachment['tag'] = 'test-tag' if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.79'): # Include the "delete_on_termination" field in each # attachment. for attachment in attachments['volumeAttachments']: attachment['delete_on_termination'] = True return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, attachments) def get_servers_1234_os_volume_attachments_Work(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { "volumeAttachment": {"display_name": "Work", "display_description": "volume for work", "status": "ATTACHED", "id": "15e59938-07d5-11e1-90e3-e3dffe0c5983", "created_at": "2011-09-09T00:00:00Z", "attached": "2011-11-11T00:00:00Z", "size": 1024, "attachments": [{"id": "3333", "links": ''}], "metadata": {}}}) def delete_servers_1234_os_volume_attachments_Work(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {}) def get_servers_1234_os_instance_actions(self, **kw): action = {"instance_uuid": "1234", "user_id": "b968c25e04ab405f9fe4e6ca54cce9a5", "start_time": "2013-03-25T13:45:09.000000", "request_id": "req-abcde12345", "action": "create", "message": None, "project_id": "04019601fe3648c0abd4f4abfb9e6106"} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.58'): # This is intentionally different from the start_time. action['updated_at'] = '2013-03-25T13:50:09.000000' return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { "instanceActions": [action]}) def get_servers_1234_os_instance_actions_req_abcde12345(self, **kw): action = {"instance_uuid": "1234", "user_id": "b968c25e04ab405f9fe4e6ca54cce9a5", "start_time": "2013-03-25T13:45:09.000000", "request_id": "req-abcde12345", "action": "create", "message": None, "project_id": "04019601fe3648c0abd4f4abfb9e6106"} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.58'): action['updated_at'] = '2013-03-25T13:45:09.000000' return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { "instanceAction": action}) def get_os_instance_usage_audit_log(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { "instance_usage_audit_logs": { "hosts_not_run": ["samplehost3"], "log": { "samplehost0": { "errors": 1, "instances": 1, "message": ("Instance usage audit ran for host " "samplehost0, 1 instances in 0.01 " "seconds."), "state": "DONE" }, "samplehost1": { "errors": 1, "instances": 2, "message": ("Instance usage audit ran for host " "samplehost1, 2 instances in 0.01 " "seconds."), "state": "DONE" }, "samplehost2": { "errors": 1, "instances": 3, "message": ("Instance usage audit ran for host " "samplehost2, 3 instances in 0.01 " "seconds."), "state": "DONE" }, }, "num_hosts": 4, "num_hosts_done": 3, "num_hosts_not_run": 1, "num_hosts_running": 0, "overall_status": "3 of 4 hosts done. 3 errors.", "period_beginning": "2012-06-01 00:00:00", "period_ending": "2012-07-01 00:00:00", "total_errors": 3, "total_instances": 6}}) def get_os_instance_usage_audit_log_2016_12_10_13_59_59_999999(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { "instance_usage_audit_log": { "hosts_not_run": ["samplehost3"], "log": { "samplehost0": { "errors": 1, "instances": 1, "message": ("Instance usage audit ran for host " "samplehost0, 1 instances in 0.01 " "seconds."), "state": "DONE" }, "samplehost1": { "errors": 1, "instances": 2, "message": ("Instance usage audit ran for host " "samplehost1, 2 instances in 0.01 " "seconds."), "state": "DONE" }, "samplehost2": { "errors": 1, "instances": 3, "message": ("Instance usage audit ran for host " "samplehost2, 3 instances in 0.01 " "seconds."), "state": "DONE" }, }, "num_hosts": 4, "num_hosts_done": 3, "num_hosts_not_run": 1, "num_hosts_running": 0, "overall_status": "3 of 4 hosts done. 3 errors.", "period_beginning": "2012-06-01 00:00:00", "period_ending": "2012-07-01 00:00:00", "total_errors": 3, "total_instances": 6}}) def get_os_instance_usage_audit_log__5Cu5de5_5Cu4f5c(self, **kw): return (400, {}, {"Invalid timestamp for date \u6f22\u5b57"}) def post_servers_uuid1_action(self, **kw): return 202, {}, {} def post_servers_uuid2_action(self, **kw): return 202, {}, {} def post_servers_uuid3_action(self, **kw): return 202, {}, {} def post_servers_uuid4_action(self, **kw): return 202, {}, {} def post_servers_uuid5_action(self, **kw): return 202, {}, {} def post_servers_uuid6_action(self, **kw): return 202, {}, {} def get_os_migrations(self, **kw): migration1 = { "created_at": "2012-10-29T13:42:02.000000", "dest_compute": "compute2", "dest_host": "", "dest_node": "node2", "id": '1234', "instance_uuid": "instance_id_123", "new_instance_type_id": 2, "old_instance_type_id": 1, "source_compute": "compute1", "source_node": "node1", "status": "Done", "updated_at": "2012-10-29T13:42:02.000000" } migration2 = { "created_at": "2012-10-29T13:42:02.000000", "dest_compute": "compute2", "dest_host": "", "dest_node": "node2", "id": '1234', "instance_uuid": "instance_id_456", "new_instance_type_id": 2, "old_instance_type_id": 1, "source_compute": "compute1", "source_node": "node1", "status": "Done", "updated_at": "2013-11-50T13:42:02.000000" } if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion("2.23"): migration1.update({"migration_type": "live-migration"}) migration2.update({"migration_type": "live-migration"}) if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion("2.59"): migration1.update({"uuid": "11111111-07d5-11e1-90e3-e3dffe0c5983"}) migration2.update({"uuid": "22222222-07d5-11e1-90e3-e3dffe0c5983"}) if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion("2.80"): migration1.update({ "project_id": "b59c18e5fa284fd384987c5cb25a1853", "user_id": "13cc0930d27c4be0acc14d7c47a3e1f7"}) migration2.update({ "project_id": "b59c18e5fa284fd384987c5cb25a1853", "user_id": "13cc0930d27c4be0acc14d7c47a3e1f7"}) migration_list = [] instance_uuid = kw.get('instance_uuid', None) if instance_uuid == migration1['instance_uuid']: migration_list.append(migration1) elif instance_uuid == migration2['instance_uuid']: migration_list.append(migration2) elif instance_uuid is None: migration_list.extend([migration1, migration2]) migrations = {'migrations': migration_list} return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, migrations) # # Server Groups # def get_os_server_groups(self, **kw): server_groups = [ {"members": [], "metadata": {}, "id": "2cbd51f4-fafe-4cdb-801b-cf913a6f288b", "policies": [], "name": "ig1"}, {"members": [], "metadata": {}, "id": "4473bb03-4370-4bfb-80d3-dc8cffc47d94", "policies": ["anti-affinity"], "name": "ig2"}, {"members": [], "metadata": {"key": "value"}, "id": "31ab9bdb-55e1-4ac3-b094-97eeb1b65cc4", "policies": [], "name": "ig3"}, {"members": ["2dccb4a1-02b9-482a-aa23-5799490d6f5d"], "metadata": {}, "id": "4890bb03-7070-45fb-8453-d34556c87d94", "policies": ["anti-affinity"], "name": "ig2"}] other_project_server_groups = [ {"members": [], "metadata": {}, "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "policies": [], "name": "ig4"}, {"members": [], "metadata": {}, "id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222", "policies": ["anti-affinity"], "name": "ig5"}, {"members": [], "metadata": {"key": "value"}, "id": "31ab9bdb-55e1-4ac3-b094-97eeb1b65cc4", "policies": [], "name": "ig6"}, {"members": ["33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333"], "metadata": {}, "id": "44444444-4444-4444-4444-444444444444", "policies": ["anti-affinity"], "name": "ig5"}] if kw.get("all_projects", False): server_groups.extend(other_project_server_groups) limit = int(kw.get("limit", 1000)) offset = int(kw.get("offset", 0)) server_groups = server_groups[offset:limit + 1] return (200, {}, {"server_groups": server_groups}) def _return_server_group(self): if self.api_version < api_versions.APIVersion("2.64"): r = {'server_group': self.get_os_server_groups()[2]['server_groups'][0]} else: r = {"members": [], "id": "2cbd51f4-fafe-4cdb-801b-cf913a6f288b", 'server_group': {'name': 'ig1', 'policy': 'anti-affinity', 'rules': {'max_server_per_host': 3}}} return (200, {}, r) def post_os_server_groups(self, body, **kw): return self._return_server_group() def post_servers_1234_migrations_1_action(self, body): return (202, {}, None) @api_versions.wraps(start_version="2.23") def get_servers_1234_migrations_1(self, **kw): migration = {"migration": { "created_at": "2016-01-29T13:42:02.000000", "dest_compute": "compute2", "dest_host": "", "dest_node": "node2", "id": 1, "server_uuid": "4cfba335-03d8-49b2-8c52-e69043d1e8fe", "source_compute": "compute1", "source_node": "node1", "status": "running", "memory_total_bytes": 123456, "memory_processed_bytes": 12345, "memory_remaining_bytes": 120000, "disk_total_bytes": 234567, "disk_processed_bytes": 23456, "disk_remaining_bytes": 230000, "updated_at": "2016-01-29T13:42:02.000000" }} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion("2.80"): migration['migration'].update({ "project_id": "b59c18e5fa284fd384987c5cb25a1853", "user_id": "13cc0930d27c4be0acc14d7c47a3e1f7"}) return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, migration) @api_versions.wraps(start_version="2.23") def get_servers_1234_migrations(self, **kw): migrations = {'migrations': [ { "created_at": "2016-01-29T13:42:02.000000", "dest_compute": "compute2", "dest_host": "", "dest_node": "node2", "id": 1, "server_uuid": "4cfba335-03d8-49b2-8c52-e69043d1e8fe", "source_compute": "compute1", "source_node": "node1", "status": "running", "memory_total_bytes": 123456, "memory_processed_bytes": 12345, "memory_remaining_bytes": 120000, "disk_total_bytes": 234567, "disk_processed_bytes": 23456, "disk_remaining_bytes": 230000, "updated_at": "2016-01-29T13:42:02.000000" }]} if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion("2.80"): migrations['migrations'][0].update({ "project_id": "b59c18e5fa284fd384987c5cb25a1853", "user_id": "13cc0930d27c4be0acc14d7c47a3e1f7"}) return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, migrations) def delete_servers_1234_migrations_1(self): return (202, {}, None) def put_servers_1234(self, **kw): return (201, {}, None) def put_servers_1234_tags_tag(self, **kw): return (201, {}, None) def put_servers_1234_tags_tag1(self, **kw): return (201, {}, None) def put_servers_1234_tags_tag2(self, **kw): return (201, {}, None) def put_servers_1234_tags_tag3(self, **kw): return (201, {}, None) def put_servers_1234_tags(self, **kw): return (201, {}, None) def get_servers_1234_tags(self, **kw): return (200, {}, {'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2']}) def delete_servers_1234_tags_tag(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234_tags_tag1(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234_tags_tag2(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234_tags_tag3(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def delete_servers_1234_tags(self, **kw): return (204, {}, None) def post_os_assisted_volume_snapshots(self, **kw): return (202, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {'snapshot': {'id': 'blah', 'volumeId': '1'}}) def delete_os_assisted_volume_snapshots_x(self, **kw): return (202, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, {}) def post_os_server_external_events(self, **kw): return (200, FAKE_RESPONSE_HEADERS, { 'events': [ {'name': 'test-event', 'status': 'completed', 'tag': 'tag', 'server_uuid': 'fake-uuid1'}, {'name': 'test-event', 'status': 'completed', 'tag': 'tag', 'server_uuid': 'fake-uuid2'}]})