/* iras_root.c Copyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen 1991 All Rights Reserved. #> iras_root.dc3 Function: iras_root Purpose: provide a string containing the basename of the IRAS server Category: IRAS File: iras_root.c Author: Do Kester Use: integer iras_root_c( root ) O character*(*) root the name of the IRAS root (enclosed in backslashes) returns the number of characters in root -1 : not enough characters in root Dependent: System dependent name; now : /net/hermes/SRONproj/iras/server/ Updates: 29 Nov 1991: DK, Creation date 27 Mar 2003: DK, move to another storage system 02 Feb 2011: JPT, yet another storage system #< Fortran to C interface: @ integer function iras_root( character ) */ #include "gipsyc.h" #include "string.h" /* iras_root should be to /net/ouranos/Data/iras/server/ problems with the dns server prevent this use ip number in stead */ #define IRASROOT "/Software/users/irasadm/server/" #define ROOTLENG 31 /* number of char in root */ #define TOOSHORT -1 /* not enough chars in root */ fint iras_root_c( fchar root ) { if ( root.l <= ROOTLENG ) return( TOOSHORT ) ; strcpy( root.a, IRASROOT ) ; return( ROOTLENG ) ; }