/*============================================================================ sortc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #> sortc.dc2 Subroutine: sortc Purpose: sort an array with character strings File: sortc.c Author: W. Zwitser Use: SORTC( STR, In/Out character NUM, In/Out integer NEL ) Input integer STR array with strings which is sorted in an alphabetic order. NUM array with numbers which correspond with a STR element. Before the call to SORTC they are initialised from 1...NEL and after the call they give the original position of each element in the STR array. NEL number of elements in STR. Description: SORTC is a so called shellsort and was copied from the second edition of the C manual of Harbinson & Steele, page 211. Updates: Apr 27, 1990: WZ, installed @ subroutine sortc( character, @ integer, @ integer ) #< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "gipsyc.h" #define lc 21 static char *extr( char *cc, int lcc, char *ss, int iss ) { cc[lcc] = '\0'; return( strncpy( cc, &ss[iss*lcc], lcc ) ); } void sortc_c( fchar str, /* array with strings to be sorted */ fint *num, /* array with numbers which correspond with STR */ fint *nel ) /* number of elements in STR */ { char c[lc], ctemp[lc], *chr; int gap, i, j, lchr; fint ntemp; chr = str.a; lchr = str.l; gap = 1; do ( gap = 3 * gap + 1 ); while ( gap <= *nel ); for ( gap /= 3; gap > 0; gap /= 3 ) for ( i = gap; i < *nel; i++ ) { ntemp = num[i]; strncpy( ctemp, &chr[i*lchr], lchr ); for ( j = i - gap; ( j >= 0 && strncmp( extr( c, lchr, chr, j ), ctemp, lchr ) > 0 ); j -= gap ) { strncpy( &chr[(j+gap)*lchr], c, lchr ); num[j+gap] = num[j]; } strncpy( &chr[(j+gap)*lchr], ctemp, lchr ); num[j+gap] = ntemp; } }