Function: USERREAL Purpose: User input interface routine for reals. Category: USER-INTERFACE File: srvreq.c Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: INTEGER USERREAL( ARRAY, Output real array NMAX, Input integer DEFAULT, Input integer KEY, Input character MES ) Input character USERREAL Number of reals entered by the user. ARRAY array, contains output. NMAX maximum number of reals to return. DEFAULT default code ( 0: no default, 1: default, 2: hidden, 4: exact number). KEY keyword prompt. MES message for user. Updates: Jul 25, 1988: KGB, Creation date. Feb 15, 1990: JPT, Portable version, rewritten in ANSI C. Apr 17, 1991: JPT, reply buffer check added Oct 15, 1993: JPT, removed reply buffer limitation.