/* compile.c Copyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen 1991 All Rights Reserved. #> compile.doc Document: compile Purpose: Describes how to compile/install a procedure/application program, how to install a document or include file, how to (un)reserve a source file with the program compile. Category: MANAGEMENT File: compile.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: $gip_exe/compile [switches] [source file(s)] The following switches are recognized by the program: -# discard default switch #. -c compile sources. -cc # # indicates the name of the c compiler to be used instead of the default. -check checks the GIPSY tree for strange and missing files. -copts defines the following switches to be compiler switches. -delete deletes a source file. -export # compares the history files in $gip_sys and #/sys, and copies new/modified sources to #. -fc # # indicates the name of the fortran compiler to be used instead of the default. -if # # is the name of a file which contains names of source files (one per line). -import # compares the history files in # and $gip_sys, and copies new/modified sources to $gip_sys. -install install new version(s) of source file(s). -lopts defines the following switches to be loader switches. -o # # denotes the name of the executable to be produced. -purify uses purify to build/link tasks. -rebuild rebuilds procedures and applications. -reserve reserves a source for the user. -retrieve retrieves an older version of a source file (-version switch must also be used). -sub same as -c. -sysgen used only when generating the system. -unreserve unreserves a source file reserved by the user. -update updates out of date procedures (and applications if -c or -sub not used). -version # # indicates the version number of a source file for retrieval or reinstall (only with -retrieve switch). -X (private use) adds X11 compiler and/or linker options to the compiler command. If switch is found in the first line of a c-source file, it had the same effect for privileged use. -XT (private use) adds X-Tookit compiler and/or linker options to the compiler command. If switch is found in the first line of a c-source file, it has the same effect for privileged use. The following file extensions are recognized: .c c source code. .col cola scripts. .csh csh shell script. .dc0 level 0 documentation. .dc1 level 1 documentation. .dc2 level 2 documentation. .dc3 level 3 documentation. .h c include file. .f fortran source code. .make make file. .mem memo's. .mgr management files. .nws file contains GIPSY news. .o object file. .py Python script .rep report files. .sh sh shell scripts .shl sheltran source code. .src a set of other known source files. .tex document in tex/latex format. While running make, the following variables are defined: ARCHITECTURE type of machine (i.e. alliant, sun4) CC_COMP name of c compiler CC_OPTS default c compiler options CC_LIBS default libraries for GIPSY c programmes FC_COMP name of fortran compiler FC_OPTS default fortran compiler options FC_LIBS default libraries for GIPSY fortran programmes X11_OPTS default X11 compiler options (includes) X11_LIBS default X11 linker options (library) XT_LIBS default X-Toolkit linker options (libraries) The sources will be directed to the following directories: Extension Directory .c .f .shl .src gip_sub (function), gip_tsk (application) .col gip_tsk .csh .sh .mgr .py gip_sys .dc0 .doc .tex gip_doc .dc1 gip_tsk .dc2 .dc3 gip_sub .mem .nws .rep gip_mis Most sources need documentation: Extension Documentation (one of) .c .f .shl .src .dc1 or .doc for applications .c .f .shl .src .dc2 or .dc3 for functions .col .dc1 .csh .sh .mgr .py .doc .h .dc2 .dc3 .tex .doc The files extracted while installing a (new) source will be directed to the following directories: Extension Directory .dc0 .doc .tex gip_doc .dc1 gip_tsk .dc2 .dc3 gip_sub .h gip_inc (if parent is a function) .csh .sh gip_sys Updates: May 23, 1991: KGB Document created. Mar 22, 1993: KGB .rep and .sh extensions added. Jan 3, 1995: KGB -export and -import options added. Mar 22, 1996: KGB length of strings increased. Oct 9, 1996: KGB switch -X implemented. Nov 25, 1996: KGB switch -purify implemented. May 12, 1997: KGB check for new server implemented. Jun 22, 1997: KGB check for -X in first source line. Jul 29, 1997: KGB check for -XT in first source line. Nov 9, 1998: JPT doubled MAXCHILD and MAXSOURCE to 2048. Feb 1, 1999: JPT declared big array static and reduced MAXCHILD and MAXSOURCE (due to Linux static limit) Dec 12, 2000: JPT for Linux: private version of system() Mar 9, 2001: JPT changed "thales" into "gipsy". May 4, 2007: JPT included conditional code for Apple Mac. Nov 24, 2008: JPT deactivated strip command. Oct 7, 2010: JPT allow for code generated in relation to -fPIC Jun 8, 2012: JPT .py extension added #< */ #include "ctype.h" /* */ #include "errno.h" /* */ #include "signal.h" /* */ #include "stdio.h" /* */ #include "stdlib.h" /* */ #include "string.h" /* */ #include "time.h" /* */ #include "xscanf.h" /* code for xscanf */ #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(_CONVEX_SOURCE) #define fgetpwent(x) fgetpwent(FILE *) #endif /* * The following routines might be defined in the system include files. * So we redefine them. */ #define access ACCESS #define chdir CHDIR #define chmod CHMOD #define fcntl FCNTL #define ftruncate FTRUNCATE #define getcwd GETCWD #define getpwuid GETPWUID #define open OPEN #define sleep SLEEP #define umask UMASK #include /* pwd definitions */ #include /* fcntl definitions */ #include /* file control */ #include #include /* unix types */ #ifndef F_OK #include #endif #include #include #include #if defined(__bsd__) #include #else #include #endif #if !defined(ntohl) && !defined(__alpha__) extern u_long ntohl( ); #endif #if defined(__alliant__) #else #include /* for hostinfo */ #endif #undef access #undef chdir #undef chmod #undef fcntl #undef ftruncate #undef getcwd #undef getpwuid #undef open #undef sleep #undef umask /* * The following lines of code try to determine the machine architecture. * If OS_ARCHITECTURE is not defined, this code should not compile and * the system manager should modify the osdef.h include file. */ static char *architecture = OS_ARCHITECTURE;/* set the achitecture */ static char *gipsyrelease = "Release 3.6"; /* GIPSY release */ #define LONG_AGE 172800.0 /* two days */ #define SHORT_AGE 1800.0 /* 30 minutes */ #define INSTALL_MODE 0x00000001 /* install a source */ #define UPDATE_MODE 0x00000002 /* update (sources) */ #define REBUILD_MODE 0x00000004 /* rebuild (sources) */ #define RESERVE_MODE 0x00000008 /* reserve a source */ #define UNRESERVE_MODE 0x00000010 /* unreserve a source */ #define DELETE_MODE 0x00000020 /* delete a source */ #define RETRIEVE_MODE 0x00000040 /* retrieve a source */ #define SUBROUTINE_MODE 0x00000080 /* a function */ #define OUTPUT_MODE 0x00000100 /* output name */ #define VERSION_MODE 0x00000200 /* version */ #define HISTORY_MODE 0x00000400 /* show history */ #define COMPILE_MODE 0x00000800 /* compile something */ #define PRIVATE_MODE 0x00001000 /* you! */ #define MASTER_MODE 0x00002000 /* the manager */ #define MAIL_MODE 0x00004000 /* from mail */ #define NOSORT_MODE 0x00008000 /* don't sort */ #define SYSGEN_MODE 0x00010000 /* generate system */ #define CHECK_MODE 0x00020000 /* check system */ #define RETRY_MODE 0x00040000 /* retry compiling */ #define UNLOCK_MODE 0x00080000 /* unlock */ #define EXPORT_MODE 0x00100000 /* export */ #define IMPORT_MODE 0x00200000 /* import */ #define PURIFY_MODE 0x00400000 /* purify */ #define FLAG_SYM 0 /* gipsy symbols defined */ #define FLAG_EXE 1 /* gipsy may run */ #define FLAG_COM 2 /* gipsy user compile */ #define FLAG_INS 4 /* gipsy user install */ #define FLAG_SUI 8 /* compile may not run suid */ #define FLAG_LCK 16 /* gipsy uses own locking */ #define FLAG_OLD 32 /* gipsy does not save old executables */ #define FLAG_SLV 64 /* compile runs as a slave */ #define FLAG_FTP 128 /* gipsy obtains source from server */ #define FLAG_LNK 256 /* has symbolic links */ #define FATAL 0xffffffff /* fatal error */ #define UTYPE_COL 1 /* cola scripts */ #define UTYPE_SYS 2 /* system scripts */ #define UTYPE_MIS 3 /* miscellaneous */ #define UTYPE_DOC 4 /* documentation */ #define UTYPE_INC 5 /* include file */ #define UTYPE_SUB 6 /* subroutine */ #define UTYPE_TSK 7 /* application */ #define FTYPE_BUG 0x00000001 /* bug report */ #define FTYPE_C 0x00000002 /* c source file */ #define FTYPE_COL 0x00000004 /* cola script */ #define FTYPE_CSH 0x00000008 /* csh script */ #define FTYPE_DC0 0x00000010 /* dc0 document */ #define FTYPE_DC1 0x00000020 /* dc1 document */ #define FTYPE_DC2 0x00000040 /* dc2 document */ #define FTYPE_DC3 0x00000080 /* dc3 document */ #define FTYPE_DOC 0x00000100 /* doc document */ #define FTYPE_EXE 0x00000200 /* executable */ #define FTYPE_F 0x00000400 /* fortran source file */ #define FTYPE_FIX 0x00000800 /* fix report */ #define FTYPE_FTOC 0x00001000 /* interface routine */ #define FTYPE_H 0x00002000 /* c include file */ #define FTYPE_L 0x00004000 /* lex files */ #define FTYPE_LNK 0x00008000 /* is a symbolic link */ #define FTYPE_MAKE 0x00010000 /* make file */ #define FTYPE_MEM 0x00020000 /* memo's */ #define FTYPE_MGR 0x00040000 /* Gipsy news file */ #define FTYPE_NWS 0x00080000 /* news file */ #define FTYPE_O 0x00100000 /* object file */ #define FTYPE_OPT 0x00200000 /* options file */ #define FTYPE_REP 0x00400000 /* report file */ #define FTYPE_S 0x00800000 /* assembler source file */ #define FTYPE_SH 0x01000000 /* Bourne shell script */ #define FTYPE_SHL 0x02000000 /* sheltran source file */ #define FTYPE_SRC 0x04000000 /* packed source file */ #define FTYPE_SYN 0x08000000 /* synonym file */ #define FTYPE_TEX 0x10000000 /* tex document */ #define FTYPE_PY 0x20000000 /* Python script */ #define FTYPE_UNKNOWN 0x40000000 /* ????? */ #define MAXARG 64 /* max. # or arguments */ #define MAXARCH 20 /* max. # of architectures */ #define MAXCHAR 128 /* length of strings */ #define MAXCHILD 1500 /* maximum number of children */ #define MAXCMD 4096 /* length of command */ #define MAXINC 64 /* number of .h files */ #define MAXLINE 256 /* length of line */ #define MAXPROG 100 /* maximum number of programmers */ #define MAXSOURCE 1500 /* maximum number of sources */ #define werr(f) { if (f < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Write error!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); }} #define BOF_MARK "Begin_Of_File" /* denotes begin of file */ #define EOF_MARK "End_Of_File" /* denotes end of file */ #define CHMOD_SRC 00644 /* for sources */ #define CHMOD_EXE 00755 /* for executables */ #define CHMOD_SUI 06755 /* for compile */ static char *nochecklist[] = { /* do NOT check for documents */ "xclib.c" /* documented in K&R */ }; #define NOCHECKLIST (sizeof(nochecklist)/sizeof(char *)) static char *nodocchecklist[] = { /* do NOT check for author names */ "thelp.dc1" /* helpfile for thermes */ }; #define NODOCCHECKLIST (sizeof(nodocchecklist)/sizeof(char *)) static char *nosupportlist[] = { /* these executables ar not supported */ "xhermes" /* xhermes */ }; #define NOSUPPORTLIST (sizeof(nosupportlist)/sizeof(char *)) typedef struct { char user[MAXCHAR]; /* logname of programmer */ char addr[MAXCHAR]; /* mail address of programmer */ char name[MAXCHAR]; /* full name of programmer */ char last[MAXCHAR]; /* last name */ } prog_struct; static prog_struct prog[MAXPROG]; /* list of known programmers */ static int nprog = 0; /* number of known programmers */ static char *utypes[] = { "", /* dummy */ "col", /* cola files */ "sys", /* system files */ "mis", /* miscelleneous */ "doc", /* documents */ "inc", /* include files */ "sub", /* routines */ "tsk" /* applications */ }; #define MAXUTYPES (sizeof(utypes)/sizeof(char *)) typedef struct { char module[MAXCHAR+1]; /* module name */ } nm_struct; typedef struct off_struct { char fname[MAXCHAR]; /* name of file */ char lname[MAXCHAR]; /* name of symbolic link */ int ftype; /* type of file */ char *path; /* path to destination */ int status; /* status */ } offspring; typedef struct { char fname[MAXCHAR+1]; /* points to argument */ char fpath[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* real path */ char uname[MAXCHAR+1]; /* owner of source */ char uname_old[MAXCHAR+1]; /* previous owner */ char *upath; /* here it goes */ char *rpath; /* remote path */ int done; /* already handled */ int ftype; /* type of file */ int mode; /* which mode */ int nchild; /* number of children */ int size; /* size of source */ int status; /* status */ int utype; /* this is the type */ int version; /* version number of source */ int version_old; /* previous version */ offspring *child; /* any offspring */ } parent; static int With_x11 = 0; /* default */ static char ar_add[MAXCMD+1]; /* add to archive */ static char ar_del[MAXCMD+1]; /* remove from archive */ static char as_cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* assembler */ static char cc_name[MAXCMD+1]; /* name default c compiler */ static char cc_opts1[MAXCMD+1]; /* install options c compiler */ static char cc_opts2[MAXCMD+1]; /* private c compiler options */ static char cc_libs[MAXCMD+1]; /* libs for c main */ static char chost[64]; /* name of current host */ static char cwd[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* current working directory */ static char exp_dir[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* export to this directory */ static char fc_name[MAXCMD+1]; /* name default fortran compiler */ static char fc_opts1[MAXCMD+1]; /* install options fortran compiler */ static char fc_opts2[MAXCMD+1]; /* private fortran compiler options */ static char fc_libs[MAXCMD+1]; /* libs for fortran main */ static char gfs_addr[MAXCHAR+1]; /* gipsy file server */ static char gfs_mail[MAXCHAR+1]; /* e-mail address */ static char gip_arch[MAXCHAR+1]; /* architecture of client */ static char gip_exe[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* executables */ static char gip_doc[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* document sources */ static char gip_inc[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* include files */ static char gip_lib[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* library */ static char gip_loc[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* local setup files */ static char gip_mis[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* miscellaneous files */ static char gip_old[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* old versions */ static char gip_sub[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* subroutine sources */ static char gip_sys[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* system directory */ static char gip_tmp[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* temporary directory */ static char gip_tsk[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* application sources */ static char gip_root[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* gipsy root directory */ static char imp_dir[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* import from this directory */ static char nm_cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* nm command */ static char x11_opts[MAXCMD+1]; /* x11 includes */ static char x11_libs[MAXCMD+1]; /* x11 libraries */ static char xt_libs[MAXCMD+1]; /* x11 Toolkit libraries */ static char rem_adm[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote adm */ static char rem_doc[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote doc */ static char rem_inc[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote inc */ static char rem_mis[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote mis */ static char rem_sub[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remte sub */ static char rem_sys[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote sys */ static char rem_tsk[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote tsk */ static char rem_root[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* path to remote root */ static char *cc = NULL; /* name of C compiler */ static char *fc = NULL; /* name of Fortran compiler */ static char *output = NULL; /* name of output file */ static char *program; /* name of program */ static char uobjects[MAXCMD+1]; /* the objects */ static char ranlib[MAXCMD+1]; /* makes library out of archive */ static char usermail[MAXCHAR+1]; /* mail address of user */ static char username[MAXCHAR+1]; /* username */ static char mgrname[MAXCHAR+1]; /* full name of manager */ static char mgrmail[MAXCHAR+1]; /* mail address of manager */ static char mgrlogn[MAXCHAR+1]; /* log name of manager */ static char lmgrmail[MAXCHAR+1]; /* mail address local manager */ static int ar_len; /* max. length of archived file */ static int intcount = 0; /* interrupt counter */ static int sflag = 0; /* what may we do */ static int no_update = 0; /* do update */ static int version = -1; /* version number */ static nm_struct dummy1[MAXSOURCE]; /* dummy 1 */ static nm_struct dummy2[MAXSOURCE]; /* dummy 2 */ static parent dummy3[MAXSOURCE]; /* dummy 3 */ static char *checkdirs[] = { gip_doc, gip_exe, gip_inc, gip_mis, gip_sub, gip_sys, gip_tsk, }; #define MAXCHECKDIRS (sizeof(checkdirs)/sizeof(char *)) static char *nocheckinsys[] = { "COPYRIGHT", "README", "XHermes", "bookkeeper", "grfont.txt", "history", "meudon.c", "mnh.c", "offspring", "pgpack.f" }; #define MAXNOCHECKINSYS (sizeof(nocheckinsys)/sizeof(char *)) /* * Get the unix file descriptor from ANSI-C FILE struct. */ #ifndef fileno #if defined(__hp9000s300__) #if OS_MAJOR_VERSION < 9 #define fileno(p) ((p)->__file) #else extern int fileno(FILE *); #endif #elif defined(__hp9000s700__) extern int fileno(FILE *); #elif defined(__linux__) extern int fileno(FILE *); #elif defined(__APPLE__) extern int fileno(FILE *); #else #define fileno(p) ((p)->_file) #endif #endif extern int access( char *path, int amode ); extern int chdir( char *path ); extern int chmod( char *path, int mode ); extern int fcntl( int fd, int cmd, int val ); extern int ftruncate( int fd, off_t length ); #if defined(__sysv__) | defined(__linux__) | defined(__APPLE__) extern char *getcwd( char *path, int size ); #endif extern uid_t geteuid( void ); #if defined(__bsd__) extern int gethostname( char *host, int size); #endif extern char *getlogin( void ); extern uid_t getuid( void ); #if defined(__bsd__) extern char *getwd( char *path ); #endif extern int gip_lock( const char *path ); extern int gip_unlock( const char *path ); #if defined(__hpux__) #define seteuid( euid ) setuid( euid ) #endif extern int pclose( FILE *stream ); extern FILE *popen( const char *command, const char *type ); extern int seteuid( uid_t euid ); extern int setruid( uid_t ruid ); extern int setuid( uid_t uid ); extern unsigned int sleep( unsigned int seconds ); static uid_t euid; /* effective uid */ static uid_t guid; /* uid of gipsy account */ static uid_t ruid; /* real uid */ #if defined(__linux__) | defined(__APPLE__) /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Code modified for use in the GIPSY program "compile" only. * * In the child branch the real uid is set to the effective uid in order * to prevent the called shell to assume the original real uid again. * */ #include extern int errno; extern char **environ; #define SHELL_PATH "/bin/sh" /* Path of the shell. */ #define SHELL_NAME "sh" /* Name to give it. */ /* Execute LINE as a shell command, returning its status. */ int system(const char *line) { int execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]); int setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid); pid_t fork(void); int status; pid_t pid; if (line == NULL) return 1; pid = fork (); if (pid == (pid_t) 0) { /* Child side. */ const char *new_argv[4]; new_argv[0] = SHELL_NAME; new_argv[1] = "-c"; new_argv[2] = line; new_argv[3] = NULL; signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); setreuid(geteuid(), geteuid()); /* Exec the shell. */ (void)execve(SHELL_PATH, (char *const *) new_argv, environ); exit(127); } else if (pid < (pid_t) 0) /* The fork failed. */ status = -1; else /* Parent side. */ if (waitpid (pid, &status, 0) != pid) status = -1; return status; } #endif /* * handler handles interrupt signals. */ static void handler( int sig ) { if (sig == SIGINT) { /* it was an interrupt */ intcount++; /* increase interrupt counter */ signal( sig, handler ); /* set handler again */ } } /* * mkpath puts directory + filename together. */ static void mkpath( char *path, char *dir, char *name ) { int n = 0; if (dir != NULL) { while (*dir) { path[n++] = *dir++; }; if (n && path[n-1] != '/') { path[n++] = '/'; } } if (name != NULL) { while (*name) { path[n++] = *name++; }; } path[n] = 0; } /* * Check server checks the file $gip_loc/server whether it is configured * for the old server, and modified it for the new server , if needed. */ static void check_server( void ) { FILE *s; char name[MAXCHAR]; mkpath( name, gip_loc, "server" ); s = fopen( name, "r+" ); if ( s != NULL ) { char f1[MAXCHAR], f2[MAXCHAR], f3[MAXCHAR]; if ( xscanf( s, "%s %s %s", f1, f2, f3 ) == 3 ) { int modified = 0; if ( !strcmp( f1, "" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f1, "" ); } if ( !strcmp( f1, "kapteyn.astro.rug.nl" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f1, "gipsy.astro.rug.nl" ); } if ( !strcmp( f1, "kapteyn" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f1, "gipsy" ); } if ( !strcmp( f2, "gipsy@[]" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f2, "gipsy@[]" ); } if ( !strcmp( f2, "gipsy@kapteyn.astro.rug.nl" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f2, "gipsy@astro.rug.nl" ); } if ( !strcmp( f3, "/dj3/users/gipsy" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f3, "/tha3/users/gipsy" ); } if ( !strcmp( f3, "/dj3/users/gipsy/" ) ) { modified++; strcpy( f3, "/tha3/users/gipsy" ); } if ( modified ) { char text[MAXCHAR+1]; time_t now = time( NULL ); /* current time */ fseek( s, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* set to begin-of-file */ strftime( text, MAXCHAR, "# server (modified %b %d, %Y)", localtime( &now ) ); fprintf( s, "%s\n%s:%s:%s\n", text, f1, f2,f3 ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- WARNING!! modified %s!\a\n", program, name ); } } fclose( s ); } } /* * fileage returns the time in seconds since the last modification * of a file. */ static double fileage( char *filename ) { double r = -1.0; struct stat buf; if (!stat( filename, &buf )) { time_t mtime; time_t ntime; mtime = buf.st_mtime; ntime = time( NULL ); r = difftime( ntime, mtime ); } return( r ); } /* * getguid obtains the uid of the GIPSY account. Usually this is the owner * of the GIPSY history file. */ static uid_t getguid( void ) { char path[FILENAME_MAX+1]; struct stat buf; mkpath( path, gip_sys, "history" ); if (stat( path, &buf )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot stat %s!\a\n", program, path ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } return( buf.st_uid ); } /* * getmanager reads $gip_sys/manager.mgr */ static int getmanager( void ) { FILE *f; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; if (mgrname[0]) return( 0 ); /* already done */ mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "manager.mgr" ); f = fopen( filename, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( -1 ); } if (xscanf( f, "%s %s %s", mgrname, mgrmail, mgrlogn ) != 3) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Error reading %s!\a\n", program, filename ); mgrname[0] = mgrmail[0] = mgrlogn[0] = 0; return( -1 ); } fclose( f ); return( 0 ); } /* * getuser obtains the name of the user. */ static void getuser( char *username ) { char *getlogin( ); /* gets login name */ char *uname; /* points to login name */ uname = getlogin( ); /* obtain login name */ if (uname == NULL) { /* no success */ struct passwd *pw, *getpwuid( ); /* from /etc/passwd */ pw = getpwuid( getuid( ) ); /* get pw struct */ uname = pw->pw_name; /* get login name */ } strcpy( username, uname ); /* copy user name */ } /* * createlockfile exclusively creates a file and writes the name of * the host in it. */ static void createlockfile( char *filename ) { char bugger[sizeof(chost)]; /* name of locker */ int close( ); /* close */ int count = 0; /* loop counter */ int ld; /* lockfile fd */ int open( ); /* open */ int read( ); /* read */ int write( ); /* write */ while ((ld = open( filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, 0644 )) == -1 && errno == EEXIST) { ld = open( filename, O_RDONLY ); /* open for read */ if (ld != -1) { /* no error */ int nr; /* number of bytes read */ nr = read( ld, bugger, sizeof( bugger ) - 1 ); if (nr == -1) { /* error reading */ strcpy( bugger, "?" ); } else { /* okay */ bugger[nr] = '\0'; } close( ld ); /* close it */ if (fileage( filename ) > SHORT_AGE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- lockfile %s timed out!\a\n", program, filename ); } else if (!count) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s already created by %s!\a\n", program, filename, bugger ); count++; } } sleep( 60 ); /* wait 60 seconds */ } if (ld != -1) { /* no error */ write( ld, chost, strlen( chost ) ); /* put name of host */ close( ld ); /* close it */ } else { char *errmes; /* error message */ errmes = strerror( errno ); /* get message */ if (errmes == NULL) errmes = "Unknown error"; fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Error creating %s (%s)!\a\n", program, filename, errmes ); } } /* * fopenl opens a file for exclusive access by this program. Arguments * and return as in fopen. */ static FILE *fopenl( const char *filename, const char *mode ) { FILE *r = NULL; /* return */ char lfilename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* lockfile name */ sprintf( lfilename, "%s.lock", filename ); /* name of lock file */ if (!(sflag & FLAG_LCK)) { /* use rpc.lockd */ int fd; /* file descriptor */ struct flock setlock; /* the lock struct */ r = fopen( filename, mode ); /* open file */ if ( r == NULL ) return( r ); /* file was NOT opened */ fd = fileno( r ); /* get file descriptor */ setlock.l_type = F_WRLCK; /* apply exclusive lock */ setlock.l_whence = 0; /* from beginning */ setlock.l_start = 0; /* start here */ setlock.l_len = 0; /* to the end */ while (fcntl( fd, F_SETLKW, (int)&setlock ) == -1 && errno == EINTR); createlockfile( lfilename ); /* make lock file */ } else { /* use lckserver */ if ( gip_lock( filename ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- error locking %s!\a\n", program, filename ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } createlockfile( lfilename ); /* make lock file */ r = fopen( filename, mode ); /* open file */ } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * fclosel closes a file which was exclusively locked by this program. */ static int fclosel( FILE *stream, const char *filename ) { char lfilename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int r; sprintf( lfilename, "%s.lock", filename ); /* lock file name */ fflush( stream ); /* flush it */ if (!(sflag & FLAG_LCK)) { int fd = fileno( stream ); /* file descriptor */ struct flock setlock; /* lock struct */ setlock.l_type = F_UNLCK; /* unlock */ setlock.l_whence = 0; /* from beginning */ setlock.l_start = 0; /* start here */ setlock.l_len = 0; /* to the end */ remove( lfilename ); /* remove lock file */ while (fcntl( fd, F_SETLKW, (int)&setlock ) == -1 && errno == EINTR); r = fclose( stream ); /* close file */ } else { r = fclose( stream ); /* close file */ remove( lfilename ); /* remove lock file */ if ( gip_unlock( filename ) ) { /* remove lock */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- error unlocking %s!\a\n", program, filename ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * getlocalmanager gets the mail address of the local GIPSY manager. */ static void getlocalmanager( void ) { FILE *mf; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char mhost[sizeof(chost)]; char mmail[MAXCHAR+1]; mkpath( filename, gip_loc, "manager" ); lmgrmail[0] = '\0'; mf = fopen( filename, "r" ); if ( mf != NULL ) { int nf; while ( ( nf = xscanf( mf, "%s %s", mhost, mmail ) ) == 2 && strcmp( chost, mhost ) ); if ( nf == 2 ) { strcpy( lmgrmail, mmail ); } fclose( mf ); } if (lmgrmail[0] == '\0') { strcpy( lmgrmail, username ); } } /* * initprog reads the file $gip_sys/programmers.mgr and stores its * contents in the prog_struct. It returns 0 on succes, 1 when the * file could not be opened, 2 when internal buffer is too small. */ static int initprog( void ) { FILE *f; char user[MAXCHAR+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char addr[MAXCHAR+1]; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int nf = 0; if (nprog) return( 0 ); mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "programmers.mgr" ); f = fopen( filename, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( 1 ); } while (nprog < MAXPROG && (nf = xscanf( f, "%s %s %s", user, addr, name )) == 3) { int n; strcpy( prog[nprog].user, user ); strcpy( prog[nprog].addr, addr ); strcpy( prog[nprog].name, name ); n = strlen( name ); while ( n && isalnum( name[n-1] ) ) n--; strcpy( prog[nprog].last, &name[n] ); nprog += 1; } fclose( f ); if (nf != EOF) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- prog buffer too small!\a\n", program ); return( 2 ); } return( 0 ); } /* * compar1 compares types of source files. It is called by qsort to sort the * source types. compar1 returns < 0 if a1 < a2, 0 if a1 == a2 and > 0 * if a1 > a2. */ static int compar1( const void *a1, const void *a2 ) { const parent *b1 = a1; /* assign */ const parent *b2 = a2; /* assign */ if (b1->utype == b2->utype) { if ((b1->mode & DELETE_MODE) && !(b2->mode & DELETE_MODE)) { return( -1 ); } else if (!(b1->mode & DELETE_MODE) && (b2->mode & DELETE_MODE)) { return( 1 ); } else { return( strcmp( b1->fname, b2->fname ) ); } } else { return( b1->utype - b2->utype ); /* return to caller */ } } /* * compar2 compares module names. It is called by qsort to sort the * module names. */ static int compar2( const void *a1, const void *a2 ) { const nm_struct *b1 = a1; /* assign */ const nm_struct *b2 = a2; /* assign */ return( strcmp( b1->module, b2->module ) ); /* return to caller */ } /* * unpack unpacks a mailed file. */ static int unpack( const char *file ) { FILE *f1; FILE *f2 = NULL; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char line[MAXLINE+1]; int lbof = strlen( BOF_MARK ); int leof = strlen( EOF_MARK ); int r = 0; int size1 = 0, size2 = 0; f1 = fopen( file, "r" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- (unpack) cannot open %s!\a\n", program, file ); return( FATAL ); } while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f1 ) != NULL) { if (!strncmp( line, BOF_MARK, lbof )) { if (f2 == NULL) { char *name; char *size; name = strtok( line, " \n" ); name = strtok( NULL, " \n" ); strcpy( filename, name ); size = strtok( NULL, " \n" ); if (size != NULL) size1 = atoi( size ); else size1 = 0; size2 = 0; f2 = fopen( filename, "w" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot create %s!\a\n", program, filename ); } else { fprintf( stdout, "Unpacking %s\n", filename ); } } } else if (!strncmp( line, EOF_MARK, leof )) { if (f2 != NULL) { fclose( f2 ); f2 = NULL; if (size1) { if (size1 != size2) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- incorrect size of %s!\a\n", program, filename ); remove( filename ); r += 1; } } } } else if (f2 != NULL) { size2 += fprintf( f2, "%s", line ); } } if (f2 != NULL) { fclose( f2 ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Error in packed file!\a\n", program ); remove( filename ); r += 1; } return( r ); } /* * nbits counts the number of bits in a 32-bit word which are set. This * only works on architectures where a int is 4 8-bit bytes. */ static int nbits( unsigned int word) { word = ((word & 0xAAAAAAAA)>> 1) + (word & 0x55555555); word = ((word & 0xCCCCCCCC)>> 2) + (word & 0x33333333); word = ((word & 0xF0F0F0F0)>> 4) + (word & 0x0F0F0F0F); word = ((word & 0xFF00FF00)>> 8) + (word & 0x00FF00FF); word = ((word & 0xFFFF0000)>>16) + (word & 0x0000FFFF); return( word ); /* return to caller */ } #if 0 /* * getchecksum computes the BSD checksum of a file. */ static int getchecksum( const char *filename ) { FILE *f; int c; int r = 0; f = fopen( filename, "rb" ); if ( f == NULL ) return( -1 ); while ( (c = fgetc( f ) ) != EOF ) { if ( r & 1 ) { r = ( r >> 1 ) + 0x8000; } else { r >>= 1; } r += c; r &= 0xffff; } if ( ferror( f ) ) r = -2; fclose( f ); return( r ); } #endif /* * getfilesize determines the size of the file in bytes. */ static int getfilesize( const char *filename ) { FILE *f; int r = -1; f = fopen( filename, "rb" ); if (f == NULL) { return( r ); } fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END ); r = ftell( f ); fclose( f ); return( r ); } /* * putfilesize puts the size of the file in a hidden file in the same * directory with name .'filename'size so that remote updates can check * the size of the file. The number of bytes is 10 (%9d\n). */ static void putfilesize( char *filename ) { char f[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* file name */ int len; /* length of filename */ int size; /* size of history file */ strcpy( f, filename ); /* copy filename */ len = strlen( f ); /* length of filename */ while ( len && f[len] != '/' ) { /* loop */ f[len+1] = f[len]; len--; /* shift upward */ } f[len+1] = '.'; /* hidden file */ strcat( f, "size" ); /* append 'size' */ size = getfilesize( filename ); /* size of file */ if ( size >= 0 ) { FILE *s; s = fopenl( f, "w" ); if ( s != NULL ) { fprintf( s, "%9d\n", size ); fclosel( s, f ); } } } /* * docmd does the unix command. It returns FATAL when the command could * not be executed, otherwize the status of the command is returned. */ static int docmd( char *cmd ) { int r; /* return from call to system */ if (intcount) return( FATAL ); /* interrupted */ fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", cmd ); /* show command */ r = system( cmd ); /* system call */ return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * cp copies a file. */ static int cp( char *source, char *destination ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ sprintf( cmd, "cp %s %s", source, destination ); return( docmd( cmd ) ); /* return to caller */ } /* * getfile obtains a file from the gipsy-source-server. It uses gftp * to obtain the file. If size is > 0, the filesize of the retrieved * file is compared with size. getfile return 0 on success, FATAL on error. */ static int getfile( char *filename1, char *filename2, int size, int mode ) { char cmd[MAXCMD]; int r = 0; int s; if (mode & IMPORT_MODE) { if ( !access( filename1, F_OK ) ) { r = cp( filename1, filename2 ); } else { r = 1; } } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s/gftp get %s %s", gip_exe, filename1, filename2 ); r = docmd( cmd ); } if (r) { remove( filename2 ); if ( size > -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- file retrieve error!\a\n", program ); } } else { s = getfilesize( filename2 ); if (size > 0) { if (size != s) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- incorrect filesize!\a\n", program ); r = FATAL; } } else if (s <= 0 && !size) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- file retrieve error!\a\n", program ); r = FATAL; } else if (s < 0) { r = FATAL; } } if (r) remove( filename2 ); return( r ); } /* * putfile sends a file to the gipsy-source-server. It uses gftp * to send the file. */ static int putfile( char *filename1, char *filename2 ) { char cmd[MAXCMD]; int r = 0; sprintf( cmd, "%s/gftp put %s", gip_exe, filename1 ); r = docmd( cmd ); remove( filename1 ); return( r ); } /* * ttostr converts the calendar time to string. The formatted time string * is written in a static area of which the address is returned. */ static char *ttostr( time_t tp ) { static char ttostr_b[24]; /* static memory */ struct tm *tmp; /* the time struct */ tmp = localtime( &tp ); /* local time */ strftime( ttostr_b, sizeof( ttostr_b ), "%d/%b/%y %H\\:%M\\:%S", tmp ); return( ttostr_b ); /* return to caller */ } /* * dcp copies a file. */ static int dcp( FILE *source, FILE *destination ) { int ch; /* a character */ fseek( source, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* set to begin-of-file */ fseek( destination, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* set to begin-of-file */ ftruncate( fileno( destination ), 0 ); /* truncate output file */ while ((ch = fgetc( source )) != EOF) { /* until end-of-file */ if (fputc( ch, destination ) == EOF) { /* put out character */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- File write error!\a\n", program ); return( 1 ); } } return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * mv moves a file. */ static int mv( char *source, char *destination ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ sprintf( cmd, "mv -f %s %s", source, destination ); return( docmd( cmd ) ); /* return to caller */ } /* * rm removes a file */ static int rm( char *filename ) { fprintf( stdout, "rm %s\n", filename ); /* show what we intend */ return( remove( filename ) ); /* return to caller */ } /* * readline reads a line from a file. It returns the number of characters * read from the file. The newline is replaced by a zero byte. Trailing * blanks are discarded. */ static int readline( char *line, int maxline, FILE *f ) { int r = 0; /* initialize */ if (!feof(f)) { /* quit when EOF */ int ch; /* a character */ while ((ch = fgetc( f )) != EOF) { /* loop until EOF */ if (ch == '\n') break; /* end of line */ if (r < maxline) line[r++] = ch; /* store */ } line[r] = 0; /* add zero byte */ while (r && line[r-1] == ' ') line[--r] = 0; } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * copyhead copies the first series of comment lines from file f1 * to file f2. It alsways returns zero. */ static int copyhead( FILE *f1, FILE *f2 ) { int ch; /* a character */ while ((ch = fgetc( f1 )) == '#') { /* while comment .. */ while ( ch != EOF && fputc( ch, f2 ) != '\n' ) ch = fgetc( f1 ); } if (ch != EOF) ungetc( ch, f1 ); /* put last character back */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * getupath gets the source path. */ static void getupath( parent *p, int utyp ) { p->utype = utyp; switch( utyp ) { case UTYPE_COL: { p->upath = gip_tsk; p->rpath = rem_tsk; break; } case UTYPE_DOC: { if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_DC1) ) { p->upath = gip_tsk; p->rpath = rem_tsk; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3) ) { p->upath = gip_sub; p->rpath = rem_sub; } else { p->upath = gip_doc; p->rpath = rem_doc; } break; } case UTYPE_INC: { p->upath = gip_inc; p->rpath = rem_inc; break; } case UTYPE_MIS: { p->upath = gip_mis; p->rpath = rem_mis; break; } case UTYPE_SUB: { p->upath = gip_sub; p->rpath = rem_sub; break; } case UTYPE_SYS: { p->upath = gip_sys; p->rpath = rem_sys; break; } case UTYPE_TSK: { p->upath = gip_tsk; p->rpath = rem_tsk; break; } default: { break; } } } /* * getutype gets the source type and source path. */ static void getutype( parent *p ) { if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_COL)) { p->utype = UTYPE_COL; p->upath = gip_tsk; p->rpath = rem_tsk; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP)) { p->utype = UTYPE_MIS; p->upath = gip_mis; p->rpath = rem_mis; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_CSH | FTYPE_MGR | FTYPE_SH | FTYPE_PY)) { p->utype = UTYPE_SYS; p->upath = gip_sys; p->rpath = rem_sys; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_TEX)) { p->utype = UTYPE_DOC; p->upath = gip_doc; p->rpath = rem_doc; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_DC1)) { p->utype = UTYPE_DOC; p->upath = gip_tsk; p->rpath = rem_tsk; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { p->utype = UTYPE_DOC; p->upath = gip_sub; p->rpath = rem_sub; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_H)) { p->utype = UTYPE_INC; p->upath = gip_inc; p->rpath = rem_inc; } else if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_SHL | FTYPE_SRC)) { if (p->mode & (SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { p->utype = UTYPE_SUB; p->upath = gip_sub; p->rpath = rem_sub; } else { p->utype = UTYPE_TSK; p->upath = gip_tsk; p->rpath = rem_tsk; } } } /* * getchilddest finds the path of the child. */ static void getchilddest( parent *p ) { int n; for (n = 0; n < p->nchild; n++) { int ftyp = p->child[n].ftype; if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_TEX)) { p->child[n].path = gip_doc; } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC1)) { p->child[n].path = gip_tsk; } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { p->child[n].path = gip_sub; } else if ((ftyp & FTYPE_H) && (p->utype == UTYPE_SUB)) { p->child[n].path = gip_inc; } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_CSH | FTYPE_SH)) { p->child[n].path = gip_sys; } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_EXE)) { p->child[n].path = gip_exe; } } } /* * ftype returns the type of file. */ static int ftype( char *filename ) { int l; /* counter */ int r = FTYPE_UNKNOWN; /* default */ for ( l = strlen( filename ) - 1; l && (filename[l] != '.') && (filename[l] != '/'); l--); if (filename[l] == '/') l = 0; /* no extension */ if (l) { /* extension found */ char *ext = &filename[l]; /* points to extension */ if (!strcmp( ext, ".bug" )) { /* .bug */ r = FTYPE_BUG; /* bug report */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".c" )) { /* .c */ r = FTYPE_C; /* c source code */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".col" )) { /* .col */ r = FTYPE_COL; /* cola script */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".csh" )) { /* .csh */ r = FTYPE_CSH; /* csh script */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".dc0" )) { /* .dc0 */ r = FTYPE_DC0; /* dc0 document */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".dc1" )) { /* .dc1 */ r = FTYPE_DC1; /* dc1 document */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".dc2" )) { /* .dc2 */ r = FTYPE_DC2; /* dc2 document */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".dc3" )) { /* .dc3 */ r = FTYPE_DC3; /* dc3 document */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".doc" )) { /* .doc */ r = FTYPE_DOC; /* doc document */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".f" )) { /* .f */ r = FTYPE_F; /* fortran source code */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".fix" )) { /* .fix */ r = FTYPE_FIX; /* fix report */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".h" )) { /* .h */ r = FTYPE_H; /* c include file */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".l" )) { /* .l */ r = FTYPE_L; /* file for lex */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".make" )) { /* .make */ r = FTYPE_MAKE; /* makefile */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".mem" )) { /* .mem */ r = FTYPE_MEM; /* memo */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".mgr" )) { /* .mgr */ r = FTYPE_MGR; /* management file */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".nws" )) { /* .news */ r = FTYPE_NWS; /* GIPSY news file */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".o" )) { /* .o */ r = FTYPE_O; /* object code */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".opt" )) { /* .opt */ r = FTYPE_OPT; /* compiler instructions */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".rep" )) { /* .rep */ r = FTYPE_REP; } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".py" )) { /* .py */ r = FTYPE_PY; } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".s" )) { /* .s */ r = FTYPE_S; /* assembler code */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".sh" )) { /* .sh */ r = FTYPE_SH; /* sh script */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".shl" )) { /* .shl */ r = FTYPE_SHL; /* sheltran source code */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".src" )) { /* .src */ r = FTYPE_SRC; /* packed source code */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".syn" )) { /* .syn */ r = FTYPE_SYN; /* synonyms */ } else if (!strcmp( ext, ".tex" )) { /* .tex */ r = FTYPE_TEX; /* tex document */ } } else { /* no extension */ r = FTYPE_EXE; /* so executable */ } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * get_nm_cmd gets the default nm command to search the objects and * libraries for modules. */ static void get_nm_cmd( void ) { #if defined(__hp9000s700__) strcpy( nm_cmd, "nm -p" ); #elif defined(__alpha__) | defined(__sgi__) strcpy( nm_cmd, "nm -oB" ); #elif defined(__aix__) strcpy( nm_cmd, "/usr/ucb/nm" ); #elif defined(__sun__) & defined(__sysv__) strcpy( nm_cmd, "nm -hp" ); #else strcpy( nm_cmd, "nm" ); #endif } /* * with_x11 returns true when source needs to be compiled with x11 */ static int with_x11( char *source ) { FILE *S; int r = 0; if ( ftype( source ) != FTYPE_C ) return( r ); if ( With_x11 ) return( With_x11 ); S = fopen( source, "r" ); if ( S != NULL ) { char line[MAXLINE+1]; if ( fgets( line, MAXLINE, S ) != NULL ) { char *p = strstr( line, " -XT" ); if ( p != NULL ) r = 2; else if ( strstr( line, " -X" ) != NULL ) r = 1; } fclose( S ); } return( r ); } /* * get_x11_opts finds defaults x11 compiler options. */ static void get_x11_opts( void ) { FILE *p; char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; char xsw[MAXCMD+1]; sprintf( cmd, "%s/findx.sh includes", gip_sys ); p = popen( cmd, "r" ); if (p == NULL) return; while (fscanf( p, "%s", xsw ) == 1) { int l; l = strlen( x11_opts ); if (l && x11_opts[l-1] != ' ') strcat( x11_opts, " " ); strcat( x11_opts, xsw ); } pclose( p ); } /* * get_x11_libs finds defaults x11 linker options. */ static void get_x11_libs( void ) { FILE *p; char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; char xsw[MAXCMD+1]; sprintf( cmd, "%s/findx.sh library", gip_sys ); p = popen( cmd, "r" ); if (p == NULL) return; while ( fscanf( p, "%s", xsw ) == 1 ) { int l; l = strlen( x11_libs ); if (l && x11_libs[l-1] != ' ') strcat( x11_libs, " " ); strcat( x11_libs, xsw ); } pclose( p ); } /* * get_x11_libs finds defaults x11 toolkit linker options. */ static void get_xt_libs( void ) { FILE *p; char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; char xsw[MAXCMD+1]; sprintf( cmd, "%s/findx.sh libraries", gip_sys ); p = popen( cmd, "r" ); if (p == NULL) return; while ( fscanf( p, "%s", xsw ) == 1 ) { int l; l = strlen( xt_libs ); if (l && xt_libs[l-1] != ' ') strcat( xt_libs, " " ); strcat( xt_libs, xsw ); } pclose( p ); } /* * fname returns pointer to name of file. The extension is removed. */ static char *fname( char *filename ) { static char buf[MAXCHAR+1]; /* static memory */ int k, l; /* counters */ for ( l = strlen( filename ) - 1; l && filename[l] != '.'; l-- ); for ( k = 0; k < l; k++ ) buf[k] = filename[k]; buf[k] = 0; /* add zero byte */ return( buf ); /* return to caller */ } /* * help displays the document of this program. */ static int help( void ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; sprintf( cmd, "more %s/compile.doc", gip_doc ); return( docmd( cmd ) ); } /* * client checks whether the current host is a known GIPSY client. * GIPSY clients of the same architecture must all have the same * operation system, and the same compiler and loader version. * This is not checked by compile!!. * This routine opens the file $gip_loc/clients and checks whether the * current host is in the list. It returns 0 when current host is a * client, otherwize FATAL is returned. */ static int client( void ) { FILE *f; /* file descriptor */ char entry[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name from file */ char name[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* file name */ int r; /* return value */ strcpy( name, gip_loc ); /* copy first part */ strcat( name, "/clients" ); /* copy second part */ f = fopen( name, "r" ); /* open file */ if (f == NULL) { /* cannot open file */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, name ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } while ((r = xscanf( f, "%s %s %d", entry, gip_arch, &sflag )) == 6 && strcmp( chost, entry )); fclose( f ); /* close file */ if ( r == 6 ) { /* o.k. so far */ if ( !strcmp( gip_arch, architecture ) ) { r = 0; } else { int l = strlen( architecture ); r = FATAL; if ( strlen( gip_arch ) > l ) { if ( !strncmp( gip_arch, architecture, l ) ) { if ( gip_arch[l] == '_' ) r = 0; } } } } else { r = FATAL; /* not o.k. */ } return( r ); } /* * setup_remote reads the file $gip_sys/server.mgr for the addresses * and paths of the gipsy source server. */ static int setup_remote( int mode ) { FILE *f; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; if ((sflag & FLAG_FTP)) { mkpath( filename, gip_loc, "server" ); /* try local first */ f = fopen( filename, "r" ); /* open it */ if (f == NULL) { /* no local */ mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "server.mgr" ); f = fopen( filename, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { /* error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL */ } } if (xscanf( f, "%s %s %s", gfs_addr, gfs_mail, rem_root ) != 3) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- error reading %s!\a\n", program, filename ); fclose( f ); /* close it */ return( FATAL ); /* FATAL */ } fclose( f ); } else if (mode & IMPORT_MODE) { strcpy( rem_root, imp_dir ); } else if (mode & EXPORT_MODE) { strcpy( rem_root, exp_dir ); } else { return( FATAL ); } mkpath( rem_adm, rem_root, "adm" ); /* path to remote adm */ mkpath( rem_doc, rem_root, "doc" ); /* path to remote doc */ mkpath( rem_inc, rem_root, "inc" ); /* path to remote inc */ mkpath( rem_mis, rem_root, "mis" ); /* path to remote mis */ mkpath( rem_sub, rem_root, "sub" ); /* path to remote sub */ mkpath( rem_sys, rem_root, "sys" ); /* path to remote sys */ mkpath( rem_tsk, rem_root, "tsk" ); /* path to remote tsk */ return( 0 ); } /* * setup reads the GIPSY setup file. This file contains information * about compilers, loaders, archivers etc. It first tries * $gip_loc/setup.hostname. If the file is not found or there is no entry * for the current architecture, it tries $gip_loc/setup. */ static int setup( void ) { FILE *f; /* file descriptor */ char arch[MAXCHAR+1]; /* architecture */ char name[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* name of setup file */ int r; /* return from xscanf */ strcpy( name, gip_loc ); /* copy first part */ strcat( name, "/setup." ); /* copy second part */ strcat( name, chost ); /* copy third part */ f = fopen( name, "r" ); /* open file */ if (f != NULL) { /* cannot open file */ while (((r = xscanf( f, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s", arch, cc_name, cc_opts1, cc_opts2, cc_libs, fc_name, fc_opts1, fc_opts2, fc_libs, as_cmd, ar_add, ar_del, &ar_len, ranlib, nm_cmd, x11_opts, x11_libs, xt_libs )) >= 14) && (r <= 18) && strcmp( arch, gip_arch)); fclose( f ); /* close file */ if (r >= 14) { /* nothing found */ cc = cc_name; /* name of c compiler */ fc = fc_name; /* name of fortran compiler */ if (r == 14) { get_nm_cmd( ); r++; } /* use default */ return( 0 ); } } strcpy( name, gip_loc ); /* copy first part */ strcat( name, "/setup" ); /* copy second part */ f = fopen( name, "r" ); /* open file */ if (f == NULL) { /* cannot open file */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, name ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } while (((r = xscanf( f, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %s %s %s %s %s", arch, cc_name, cc_opts1, cc_opts2, cc_libs, fc_name, fc_opts1, fc_opts2, fc_libs, as_cmd, ar_add, ar_del, &ar_len, ranlib, nm_cmd, x11_opts, x11_libs, xt_libs )) >= 14) && (r <= 18) && strcmp( arch, gip_arch)); fclose( f ); /* close file */ if ((r < 14) || (r > 18)) { /* nothing found */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No entry found for %s!\a\n", program, gip_arch ); } else { cc = cc_name; /* name of c compiler */ fc = fc_name; /* name of fortran compiler */ if (r == 14) { get_nm_cmd( ); r++; } /* use default */ if (r == 15) { get_x11_opts( ); r++; } if (r == 16) { get_x11_libs( ); r++; } if (r == 17) { get_xt_libs( ); r++; } } return( (r != 18) ? FATAL : 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * init does the initialization. It translates the GIPSY environment * variables, gets the default switches etcetera. The default switches * and the default compilers are read from a setup file with name * $gip_sys/setup. But first it is checked whether the current host is known * to the system. If so, there should be an entry in the file $gip_sys/clients. * Furthermore the current working directory is determined. It is assumed * that all source files on the command line are in this directory. * init returns 0 on success or FATAL on error. */ static int init( void ) { char *envp; /* environment pointer */ #if defined(__bsd__) if (gethostname( chost, sizeof(chost) - 1 )) { /* obtain host name */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot obtain name of host!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } chost[sizeof(chost)-1] = '\0'; /* add (extra?) zero byte */ #else struct utsname name; if (uname( &name ) == -1) { /* obtain host name */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot obtain name of host!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } if (strlen( name.nodename ) < ( sizeof(chost) - 1 )) { strcpy( chost, name.nodename ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- hostname too long!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } #endif envp = getenv( "gip_root" ); /* get $gip_root */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_root!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_root, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_doc" ); /* get $gip_doc */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_doc!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_doc, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_exe" ); /* get $gip_exe */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_exe!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_exe, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_inc" ); /* get $gip_lib */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_inc!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_inc, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_lib" ); /* get $gip_lib */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_lib!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_lib, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_loc" ); /* get $gip_loc */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_loc!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } strcpy( gip_loc, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_mis" ); /* get $gip_mis */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_mis!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } strcpy( gip_mis, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_old" ); /* get $gip_old */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_old!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_old, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_sub" ); /* get $gip_sub */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_sub!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_sub, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_sys" ); /* get $gip_sys */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_sys!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_sys, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_tmp" ); /* get $gip_tmp */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_tmp!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_tmp, envp ); /* copy string */ envp = getenv( "gip_tsk" ); /* get $gip_tsk */ if (envp == NULL) { /* no translation */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot translate $gip_tsk!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* error */ } strcpy( gip_tsk, envp ); /* copy string */ if (client( )) { /* host is no client */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Host is not a GIPSY client!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } if (setup( )) { /* cannot setup */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Problems with setup file!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * substitute replaces marked strings (starting with a #) by their * synonyms. If a marked string is not found, the synonym is appended * to the command. */ static void substitute( char *out, char *cmd, char *subst ) { char sub[MAXCMD+1]; /* work space */ char *p; /* work pointer */ strcpy( sub, subst ); /* copy substitution commands */ strcpy( out, cmd ); /* copy the command string */ p = strtok( sub, "=" ); /* find first marker */ while (p != NULL) { /* until no markers found */ char *pp; /* replace with */ char *s = out; /* pointer to out */ char *ss; /* should be replaced */ int done = 0; /* counts number of substs. */ int l1, l2; /* length counters */ l1 = strlen( p ); /* length of marker */ pp = strtok( NULL, "," ); /* substitute string */ l2 = strlen( pp ); /* length of this string */ while ( ( ss = strstr( s, p ) ) != NULL) { /* occurence of marker */ int l3 = strlen( ss ); /* left after start of marker */ char *qq = pp; /* copy of pp */ memmove( &ss[l2], &ss[l1], l3 + 1 ); /* do substitution */ while (*qq) *ss++ = *qq++; /* copy substitute */ s = ss; /* next part of command */ done += 1; /* count */ } if ( !done ) { /* not found */ strcat( out, " " ); /* insert space */ strcat( out, pp ); /* append substitute */ } p = strtok( NULL, "=" ); /* next marker */ } } /* * copylib copies the GIPSY library from gip_lib to gip_tmp (dir != 0) or * from gip_tmp to gip_lib (dir == 0). It keeps track of where the * library is at the moment. When putting it back, it will run ranlib * first (if this is needed on the system). */ static int copylib( int dir ) { int r = 0; /* return value */ static int copied = 0; /* static memory */ if (dir && !copied) { /* copy to tmp */ char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* source */ char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* destination */ mkpath( filename1, gip_lib, "giplib.a" ); if (!access( filename1, F_OK )) { /* it does exist */ mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "giplib.a" ); if (access( filename2, F_OK )) { /* not yet present */ #ifndef __linux__ if (cp( filename1, filename2 )) return( FATAL ); #else /* KGB. * To avoid crashing on Linux Boxes we do the copying of * the library to tmp not via cp. I don't know why it crashes, * but this seems to avoid the crash. */ if (system( "cp $gip_lib/giplib.a $gip_tmp/giplib.a" )) return( FATAL ); #endif } else { /* already present */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Warning: already a copy of giplib.a present!\a\n", program ); } } copied = 1; /* set to true */ } else if (!dir && copied) { /* put it back */ char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* source */ char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* destination */ mkpath( filename1, gip_tmp, "giplib.a" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_lib, "giplib.a" ); if (ranlib[0]) { /* run ranlib first */ char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ char sub[MAXCMD+1]; /* substitution */ sprintf( sub, "#library=%s", filename1 ); substitute( cmd, ranlib, sub ); /* do the substitution */ r = docmd( cmd ); /* do the command */ if (r && r != FATAL) { /* ranlib error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- FATAL error!\a\n", program ); r = FATAL; /* FATAL error */ } if (r == FATAL) return( r ); /* exit */ } if (mv( filename1, filename2 )) return( FATAL ); copied = 0; /* it's back now */ } return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * makelist generates a list of all symbols in an object or executable. */ static int makelist( char *object ) { FILE *f1, *f2; char cmd[MAXCHAR+1]; char command[MAXCMD+1]; char line[MAXLINE+1]; char sub[MAXCHAR+1]; int r = 0; if (access( "nm.out", F_OK )) { f1 = fopen( "nm.out", "w+" ); } else { f1 = fopen( "nm.out", "a+" ); } sprintf( sub, "#object=%s", object ); substitute( cmd, nm_cmd, sub ); sprintf( command, "%s > nm.dum", cmd ); docmd( command ); f2 = fopen( "nm.dum", "r" ); while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f2 ) != NULL) { int l; int len = strlen( line ); while (len && isspace( line[--len] )) line[len] = 0; while (len && !isspace( line[--len] )); l = len + 1; while (len && isspace( line[--len] )); if (len && (line[len] == 'T' || line[len] == 'D')) { werr(fprintf( f1, "%s %c\n", &line[l], line[len] )); r += 1; } } fclose( f1 ); fclose( f2 ); remove( "nm.dum" ); return( r ); } /* * makedependsub searches for all modules produced out of the source file. * It also checks whether the modules produced by this source are in * conflict withm modules produced by another source. */ static int makedependsub( parent *p ) { FILE *f1; FILE *f2; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char module[MAXCHAR+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1]; int n; int ndone = 0; int nmods = 0; int r = 0; /* return value */ nm_struct *mods = NULL; if (!(p->mode & COMPILE_MODE)) return( 0 ); if ((p->mode & RETRY_MODE) && (p->status) ) return( 0 ); if (!(p->mode & DELETE_MODE)) { int n, nchild = p->nchild; for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_O) { nmods += makelist( p->child[n].fname ); } } if (nmods) { FILE *f; int check = 1; /* check for document */ int k = 0; while (k < NOCHECKLIST && strcmp( p->fname, nochecklist[k] )) k++; if (k < NOCHECKLIST) check = 0; /* do not check */ mods = malloc( sizeof( nm_struct ) * nmods ); f = fopen( "nm.out", "r" ); for (n = 0; n < nmods; n++) { int len; readline( mods[n].module, MAXCHAR, f ); len = strlen( mods[n].module ); mods[n].module[len-2] = 0; if (mods[n].module[len-1] == 'T') { char root[MAXCHAR+1]; int l, m, nf = 1; l = 0; while (mods[n].module[l] == '_') l++; while (mods[n].module[l] == '.') l++; strcpy( root, &mods[n].module[l] ); l = strlen( root ) - 1; #ifdef __F2C__ while (root[l] == '_') root[l--] = 0; if (l > 1 && root[l-1] == '_' && isdigit( root[l] ) ) { nf = 0; } #endif if (nf) { while (root[l] == '_') root[l--] = 0; if (l > 1 && root[l-1] == '_' && root[l] == 'c') { root[l--] = 0; root[l--] = 0; } } #ifdef __cray__ m = 0; while (isupper(root[m])) m++; if (m > l) { for ( m = 0; m <= l; root[m] = tolower( root[m] ), m++ ); } #endif for (m = 0; nf && m < nchild; m++) { if (p->child[m].ftype & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { if (!strcmp( fname( p->child[m].fname ), root )) nf = 0; } } if (nf && check) { if (!strstr(root, "get_pc_thunk")) { /* * Allow for code automatically generated by gcc * when -fPIC is specified. Otherwise error. */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Module %s has no docsliceviewument!\a\n", program, root ); r = FATAL; } } } } fclose( f ); if (nmods > 1) { qsort( mods, nmods, sizeof( nm_struct ), compar2 ); } } remove( "nm.out" ); /* unlink this file */ } if (r) { if (nmods) free( mods ); return( r ); } mkpath( filename1, gip_lib, "contents" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "contents" ); f1 = fopen( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { /* not present, create it */ char text[MAXLINE+1]; /* for text */ time_t now = time( NULL ); /* current time */ f1 = fopen( filename1, "w+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { /* creation error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL error */ } werr(fprintf( f1, "# contents\n" )); /* now add some text ... */ werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); strftime( text, MAXLINE, "#\tCopyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen %Y", localtime( &now ) ); werr(fprintf( f1, "%s\n", text )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\tAll Rights Reserved.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Document: contents\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Purpose: Lists the modules defined in the GIPSY library.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Category: MANAGEMENT\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#File: contents\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Author: %s\n", program )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Description: Each line contains a module name and the GIPSY source name,\n# separated by a colon.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); strftime( text, MAXLINE, "#Updates: %b %d, %Y: Document created", localtime( &now ) ); werr(fprintf( f1, "%s\n", text )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); fclose( f1 ); f1 = fopen( filename1, "w+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { /* creation error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL error */ } } else if (nmods) { int n; /* loop counter */ int nf = 0; /* reset */ while (xscanf( f1, "%s %s", module, source ) == 2) { for (n = 0; n < nmods; n++) { if (!strcmp( module, mods[n].module ) && strcmp( source, p->fname )) { if (!strstr(module, "get_pc_thunk")) { /* * Allow for code automatically generated by gcc * when -fPIC is specified. Otherwise error. */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Source %s produces also %s!\a\n", program, source, module ); nf++; } } } } if (nf) { /* modules from another source */ r = FATAL; /* fatal error */ } else { fseek( f1, 0, SEEK_SET ); /* rewind file */ } } if (r) { fclose( f1 ); /* close file */ free( mods ); /* free memory */ return( r ); /* quit */ } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot create %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); return( FATAL ); } copyhead( f1, f2 ); while (xscanf( f1, "%s %s", module, source ) == 2) { int cmp2 = strcmp( source, p->fname ); while (ndone < nmods && strcmp( module, mods[ndone].module ) >= 0) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", mods[ndone++].module, p->fname )); } if (cmp2) { /* ship out */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", module, source )); } } for (n = ndone; n < nmods; n++) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", mods[n].module, p->fname )); } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy from f2 to f1 */ fclose( f1 ); fclose( f2 ); remove( filename2 ); if (nmods) free( mods ); return( 0 ); } /* * makedependtsk. */ static int makedependtsk( parent *p ) { FILE *f1; FILE *f2; FILE *f3; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename3[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; char src[MAXCHAR+1]; int m; int n; int ndone = 0; int nmods = 0; int nsrcs = 0; nm_struct *mods = NULL; nm_struct *srcs = NULL; if (!(p->mode & COMPILE_MODE)) return( 0 ); if ((p->mode & RETRY_MODE) && (p->status) ) return( 0 ); mkpath( filename3, gip_lib, "contents" ); if (access( filename3, F_OK )) return( 0 ); if (!(p->mode & DELETE_MODE)) { int nchild = p->nchild; int ndone = 0; for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_EXE) { nmods += makelist( p->child[n].fname ); } } if (nmods) { FILE *f; char module[MAXCHAR+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1]; int nowns = 0; mods = malloc( sizeof( nm_struct ) * nmods ); f = fopen( "nm.out", "r" ); for (n = 0; n < nmods; n++) { int len; readline( mods[n].module, MAXCHAR, f ); len = strlen( mods[n].module ); mods[n].module[len-2] = 0; } fclose( f ); remove( "nm.out" ); for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_O) { nowns += makelist( p->child[n].fname ); } } if (nowns) { FILE *f; char module[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( "nm.out", "r" ); for (n = 0; n < nowns; n++) { int len, m; readline( module, MAXCHAR, f ); len = strlen( module ); module[len-2] = 0; for (m = 0; m < nmods; m++) { if (!strcmp( module, mods[m].module )) { strcpy( mods[m].module, "_?????_" ); break; } } } fclose( f ); } qsort( mods, nmods, sizeof( nm_struct ), compar2 ); f3 = fopen( filename3, "r" ); while (xscanf( f3, "%s %s", module, source ) == 2) { int m = ndone; while (m < nmods && strcmp( module, mods[m].module )) m++; if (m < nmods) { int k = 0; while (k < nsrcs && strcmp( source, srcs[k].module )) k++; if (k == nsrcs) { ndone = m + 1; srcs = realloc( srcs, sizeof( nm_struct ) * ( nsrcs + 1 ) ); strcpy( srcs[nsrcs].module, source ); nsrcs += 1; } } } fclose( f3 ); } remove( "nm.out" ); } if (nmods) free( mods ); /* free memory */ if (nsrcs) qsort( srcs, nsrcs, sizeof( nm_struct ), compar2 ); mkpath( filename1, gip_lib, "depend" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "depend" ); f1 = fopen( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { char text[MAXLINE+1]; /* for text */ time_t now = time( NULL ); /* current time */ f1 = fopen( filename1, "w+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { /* creation error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL error */ } werr(fprintf( f1, "# depend\n" )); /* now add some text ... */ werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); strftime( text, MAXLINE, "#\tCopyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen %Y", localtime( &now ) ); werr(fprintf( f1, "%s\n", text )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\tAll Rights Reserved.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Document: depend\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Purpose: Dependency list of GIPSY applications.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Category: MANAGEMENT\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#File: depend\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Author: %s\n", program )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Description: Each line contains a GIPSY source and a application name,\n# separated by a colon.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); strftime( text, MAXLINE, "#Updates: %b %d, %Y: Document created", localtime( &now ) ); werr(fprintf( f1, "%s\n", text )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); fclose( f1 ); f1 = fopen( filename1, "w+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { /* creation error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL error */ } } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot create %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); return( FATAL ); } copyhead( f1, f2 ); while (xscanf( f1, "%s %s", exe, src ) == 2) { int cmp = strcmp( exe, p->fname ); if (ndone < nsrcs) { if (cmp >= 0) { for (m = 0; m < nsrcs; m++) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, srcs[ndone++].module )); } } } if (cmp) { /* put out */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", exe, src )); } } if (ndone < nsrcs) { /* still not done */ for (m = 0; m < nsrcs; m++) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, srcs[ndone++].module )); } } if (nsrcs) free( srcs ); /* free memory */ if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclose( f1 ); fclose( f2 ); rm( filename2 ); /* remove temp file */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * makedepend. */ static int makedepend( parent *p ) { if (p->utype == UTYPE_SUB) { return( makedependsub( p ) ); } else if (p->utype == UTYPE_TSK) { return( makedependtsk( p ) ); } else { return( 0 ); } } /* * cleanup removes all files created in the tmp directory. It returns zero * on success, -1 on error. */ static int cleanup( parent *p ) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* the file */ int n; /* loop counter */ int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ int r = 0; /* return value */ for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { /* delete loop */ mkpath( filename, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); if (!access( filename, F_OK )) { /* it exists */ rm( filename ); /* set return value */ } } mkpath( filename, gip_tmp, p->fname ); if (!access( filename, F_OK )) { /* it exists */ rm( filename ); /* remove parent */ } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * add adds an object module to the parent struct. If the name of the object * module is too large, it is renamed to a random name (only in non-private * mode). */ static void add( char *filename, int ftyp, parent *p ) { int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ if (!(p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) && (ftyp & FTYPE_O)) { if (strlen( filename ) > ar_len) { /* generate random name */ char newname[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* receives new name */ static int tnum = 0; if (tnum) { /* initialized */ int nnum; /* a nem number */ while ((nnum = time( NULL )) == tnum) sleep( 1 ); tnum = nnum; } else { tnum = time( NULL ); } sprintf( newname, "ar%d.o", tnum ); mv( filename, newname ); /* rename */ strcpy( filename, newname ); /* return new name */ } } if (nchild == MAXCHILD) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( p->child[nchild].fname, filename ); /* add name */ p->child[nchild].ftype = ftyp; /* add type */ p->nchild = nchild + 1; /* an extra child */ } /* * addlnk adds an symbolic link to the parent struct. Only executables * may be linked. */ static void addlnk( char *filename, char *linkname, parent *p ) { int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ if (nchild == MAXCHILD) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( p->child[nchild].fname, filename ); /* add name */ strcpy( p->child[nchild].lname, linkname ); /* link to this file */ p->child[nchild].ftype = FTYPE_LNK; /* add type */ p->nchild = nchild + 1; /* an extra child */ } /* * getmask. */ static int getmask( FILE *f1, FILE *f2 ) { char a[MAXARCH][MAXCHAR+1]; /* the archtectures */ int n = 0; /* counter */ int narch; /* number of architectures */ int r = 0; /* return value */ narch = xscanf( f1, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9], a[10], a[11], a[12], a[13], a[14], a[15], a[16], a[17], a[18], a[19] ); if (narch < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No architecture found!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } else if (narch > MAXARCH) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Too many architectures! Inform GIPSY MANAGER!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while (n < narch && strcmp( a[n], gip_arch )) n++; if (n == narch) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Architecture unknown!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } r = (1 << n); /* make mask */ if (f2 != NULL) { /* copy architectures */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s", a[0] )); for (n = 1; n < narch; n++) werr(fprintf( f2, ":%s", a[n] )); werr(fprintf( f2, "\n" )); } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * marktasks marks applications whether they should be rebuild because * of a subroutine update. Tasks are only marked. The rebuilding is done * at a later stage. */ static int marktasks( parent *p, int np ) { FILE *f, *f1, *f2; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; char src[MAXCHAR+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; int amask, umask, dmask, emask; int n; int nsubs = 0; int ntsks = 0; nm_struct *subs = dummy1; nm_struct *tsks = dummy2; for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { if (p[n].utype == UTYPE_SUB && !p[n].status) { strcpy( subs[nsubs++].module, p[n].fname ); } } if (!nsubs) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ mkpath( filename, gip_lib, "depend" ); /* dependencies are here */ if (access( filename, F_OK )) return( 0 ); /* no such file */ f = fopen( filename, "r" ); /* open file with dependencies */ if (f == NULL) { /* file not present ? */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s\a\n", program, filename ); return( FATAL ); } while (xscanf( f, "%s %s", exe, src ) == 2) { int m = 0; /* counter */ while (m < nsubs && strcmp( src, subs[m].module )) m++; if (m < nsubs) { /* we found a match */ int l = 0; /* counter */ while (l < ntsks && strcmp( exe, tsks[l].module )) l++; if (l == ntsks) { /* no match */ strcpy( tsks[ntsks++].module, exe );/* add to list */ } } } fclose( f ); /* close file */ if (!ntsks) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ qsort( tsks, ntsks, sizeof( nm_struct ), compar2 ); mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "bookkeeper" ); f1 = fopenl( filename1, "r+" ); /* open file */ if (f1 == NULL) { /* could not be opened */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); /* open file */ if (f2 == NULL) { /* could not be opened */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s\a\n", program, filename2 ); fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } if (copyhead( f1, f2 )) return( FATAL ); /* error */ amask = getmask( f1, f2 ); /* obtain mask */ if (amask == FATAL) return( FATAL ); /* error */ while (xscanf( f1, "%s %s %d %d %d", name, type, &umask, &dmask, &emask ) == 5) { int ndone = 0; while (ndone < ntsks && strcmp( name, tsks[ndone].module )) ndone++; if (ndone < ntsks) { /* bingo */ umask = (umask | amask) - amask; /* remove our mask */ } werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclosel( f1, filename1 ); /* close file */ fclose( f2 ); /* close file */ rm( filename2 ); /* remove scratch file */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * dellib removes an entry from the library. */ static int dellib( char *object ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ char sub[MAXCMD+1]; /* the substitutes */ copylib( 1 ); /* make copy of library */ sprintf( sub, "#library=giplib.a,#object=%s", object ); substitute( cmd, ar_del, sub ); /* do the substitution */ if (docmd( cmd )) return( FATAL ); /* error */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * addlib adds an object module to the library. It also creates an * entry in the already opened file objects. */ static int addlib( parent *p, FILE *f ) { int n; /* loop counter */ int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { /* loop */ if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_O) { /* add this one */ char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ char sub[MAXCMD+1]; /* the substitutes */ copylib( 1 ); /* make copy of library */ sprintf( sub, "#library=giplib.a,#object=%s", p->child[n].fname ); substitute( cmd, ar_add, sub ); /* do the substitution */ docmd( cmd ); /* do the command */ werr(fprintf( f, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } } return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * updatelib removes (and adds) object modules from (to) the library. * The contents of the library are stored in $gip_lib/objects. This * file is also updated. * Eventually we have to implement the dependency checks here. */ static int updatelib( parent *p ) { FILE *f1, *f2; /* the file descriptors */ char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1], filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1], object[MAXCHAR+1]; int done = 0; if (!(p->mode & COMPILE_MODE)) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ if (!(p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) return( 0 ); if ((p->mode & RETRY_MODE) && (p->status)) return( 0 ); if (p->mode & DELETE_MODE) done = 1; /* do not add objects */ mkpath( filename1, gip_lib, "objects" ); /* source */ mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "objects" ); /* destination */ f1 = fopen( filename1, "r" ); /* open source */ if (f1 == NULL) { /* create file */ char text[MAXLINE+1]; /* for text */ time_t now = time( NULL ); /* current time */ f1 = fopen( filename1, "w" ); /* create file */ if (f1 == NULL) { /* creation error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL error */ } werr(fprintf( f1, "# objects\n" )); /* now add some text ... */ werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); strftime( text, MAXLINE, "#\tCopyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen %Y", localtime( &now ) ); werr(fprintf( f1, "%s\n", text )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\tAll Rights Reserved.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Document: objects\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Purpose: Lists the object files originating from GIPSY sources.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Category: MANAGEMENT\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#File: objects\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Author: %s\n", program )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#Description: Each line contains a GIPSY source name and an object,\n# separated by a colon.\n" )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); strftime( text, MAXLINE, "#Updates: %b %d, %Y: Document created", localtime( &now ) ); werr(fprintf( f1, "%s\n", text )); werr(fprintf( f1, "#\n" )); fclose( f1 ); f1 = fopen( filename1, "r" ); /* create file */ if (f1 == NULL) { /* creation error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Could not open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* FATAL error */ } } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w" ); /* open destination */ if (copyhead( f1, f2 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy header part */ while (xscanf( f1, "%*s %*s", MAXCHAR, source, MAXCHAR, object ) == 2) { int cmp = strcmp( source, p->fname ); if (cmp < 0) { /* skip this entry */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", source, object )); } else if (cmp == 0) { /* remove object */ dellib( object ); } else if (cmp > 0) { if (!done) { /* add objects */ addlib( p, f2 ); /* add to library */ done = 1; /* set to done */ } werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", source, object )); } } if (!done) addlib( p, f2 ); /* append entries */ fclose( f1 ); /* close source */ fclose( f2 ); /* close destination */ mv( filename2, filename1 ); /* replace with new file */ marktasks( p, 1 ); /* KGB, Sep 21, 1992 */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * rmexe( char *exe ) */ static void rmexe( char *exe ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* command buffer */ char exe2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* to */ mkpath( exe2, gip_exe, exe ); /* path to */ if (!access( exe2, F_OK )) { /* exe present */ char exe3[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* old */ strcpy( exe3, exe2 ); /* copy name */ strcat( exe3, ".old" ); /* append .old */ if (!access( exe3, F_OK )) { /* already present */ rm( exe3 ); /* remove */ } mv( exe2, exe3 ); /* rename */ if ((sflag & FLAG_OLD)) { /* remove old exes ? */ rm( exe3 ); /* yes */ } else { /* keep them */ sprintf( cmd, "touch %s", exe3 ); /* change mdate */ docmd( cmd ); /* do it */ } } } /* * saveexe. */ static void saveexe( char *exe ) { char exe1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* from */ char exe2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* to */ rmexe( exe ); /* remove executable */ mkpath( exe1, gip_tmp, exe ); /* path from */ mkpath( exe2, gip_exe, exe ); /* path to */ mv( exe1, exe2 ); /* save new exe */ if (!strcmp( exe, "compile" ) && !(sflag & FLAG_SUI) ) { chmod( exe2, CHMOD_SUI ); } else { chmod( exe2, CHMOD_EXE ); } } /* * savelnk. */ static void savelnk( char *exe, char *lnk ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* command buffer */ char exe1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* from */ char exe2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* to */ mkpath( exe1, gip_exe, lnk ); /* path from */ mkpath( exe2, gip_exe, exe ); /* path to */ rm( exe2 ); /* remove original link */ sprintf( cmd, "ln -s %s %s", exe1, exe2 ); /* link it */ docmd( cmd ); /* do it */ } /* * updatetsk. */ static int updatetsk( parent *p ) { int n; int nchild = p->nchild; if (p->mode & MAIL_MODE) return( 0 ); if (!(p->mode & COMPILE_MODE)) return( 0 ); if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) return( 0 ); if (!(p->mode & REBUILD_MODE)) return( 0 ); if (p->mode & DELETE_MODE) return( 0 ); if ((p->mode & RETRY_MODE) && (p->status)) return( 0 ); for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_EXE) { saveexe( p->child[n].fname ); } else if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_LNK) { savelnk( p->child[n].fname, p->child[n].lname ); } } return( 0 ); } /* * getcmd looks for an options file. If not found it returns 1, otherwize 0 * is returned. In case of error FATAL is returned. */ static int getcmd( char *cmd, char *filename, parent *p, int mode ) { char opt[MAXCMD+1]; /* the name of the file */ int m; /* loop counter */ int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ int r = 1; /* return value */ sprintf( opt, "%s.opt", fname( filename ) ); /* make name */ for (m = 0; r && m < nchild; m++) { /* loop */ if (p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_OPT && !strcmp( opt, p->child[m].fname )) r = 0; } if (!r) { /* we found one */ FILE *f; /* file descriptor */ f = fopen( opt, "r" ); /* open options file */ if (!readline( cmd, MAXCMD, f )) { /* read options */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot get options from %s!\a\n", program, opt ); r = FATAL; /* fatal error */ } fclose( f ); /* close options file */ } else { FILE *of; /* file with options */ char opts[6][MAXCHAR]; /* the options */ char optname[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* file name */ int nf; mkpath( optname, gip_loc, "options" ); of = fopen( optname, "r" ); if (of == NULL) return( r ); while ( r && ((nf = xscanf( of, "%s %s %s %s %s %s", opts[0], opts[1], opts[2], opts[3], opts[4], opts[5] ) ) == 6 ) ) { if (!strcmp( opts[0], gip_arch ) && strstr( opts[1], p->fname )) { if (opts[1][strlen(p->fname)] == '(' && strstr( opts[1], fname( filename ) )) { r = 0; } else if (!strcmp( p->fname, opts[1] )) { r = 0; } } } fclose( of ); if (!r) { char *c_name, *c_opts1, *c_opts2, *c_libs; if (opts[2][0]) { c_name = opts[2]; } else if (ftype( filename ) & FTYPE_C) { c_name = cc_name; } else { c_name = fc_name; } if (opts[3][0]) { c_opts1 = opts[3]; } else if (ftype( filename ) & FTYPE_C ) { c_opts1 = cc_opts1; } else { c_opts1 = fc_opts1; } if (opts[4][0]) { c_opts2 = opts[4]; } else if (ftype( filename ) & FTYPE_C ) { c_opts2 = cc_opts2; } else { c_opts2 = fc_opts2; } if (opts[5][0]) { c_libs = opts[5]; } else if (ftype( filename ) & FTYPE_C ) { c_libs = cc_libs; } else { c_libs = fc_libs; } if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { if (p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE) { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", c_name, c_opts2, filename ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", c_name, c_opts1, filename ); } } else { char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; char objs[MAXCMD+1]; /* contains all objects */ int m; strcpy( exe, fname( filename ) ); objs[0] = 0; /* set end of string */ for (m = 0; m < p->nchild; m++) { /* search for objects */ if (p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_O) { strcat( objs, " " ); /* insert a space */ strcat( objs, p->child[m].fname ); } } if (p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE && p->mode & OUTPUT_MODE) { strcpy( exe, output ); } if (p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE) { if (p->mode & PURIFY_MODE) { sprintf( cmd, "purify %s -o %s %s %s%s%s %s", c_name, exe, c_opts2, filename, objs, uobjects, c_libs ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s%s%s %s", c_name, exe, c_opts2, filename, objs, uobjects, c_libs ); } } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s%s %s", c_name, exe, c_opts1, filename, objs, c_libs ); } } } } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * doftoc compiles the fortran to c interface routines created by f2cvv. */ static int doftoc( parent *p ) { char cmd[MAXCMD]; /* the command */ char obj[MAXCHAR+1]; /* the result */ int m; /* loop counter */ int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ int r = 0; /* return value */ for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { /* loop */ if (p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_FTOC && p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_C) { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", cc_name, cc_opts1, p->child[m].fname ); sprintf( obj, "%s.o", fname( p->child[m].fname ) ); r = docmd( cmd ); /* do it */ add( obj, FTYPE_O, p ); /* add this child */ } } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * checkexe checks whether an executable exists and if its an * unsupported executable. */ static int checkexe( char *exe ) { int r; if (access( exe, X_OK )) { /* no executable */ int n = 0; fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No executable %s produced!\a\n", program, exe ); while ( n < NOSUPPORTLIST && strcmp( nosupportlist[n], exe )) n++; if ( n < NOSUPPORTLIST) { FILE *x; x = fopen( exe, "w" ); if ( x != NULL ) { fprintf( x, "echo \'No %s available (yet) on %s\'", exe, OS_ARCHITECTURE ); fclose( x ); chmod( exe, CHMOD_EXE ); r = 0; } else { r = -1; } } else { r = -1; } } else { r = 0; } return( r ); } /* * make runs make. When finished it checks the files created by the * make command. */ static int make( char *makefile, parent *p ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of executable */ int r = 0; /* return value */ strcpy( exe, fname( makefile ) ); /* name of executable */ if (p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE) { /* private options */ if (p->mode & PURIFY_MODE) { sprintf( cmd, "make -f %s \"CC_COMP=purify %s\" \"CC_OPTS=%s\" \"CC_LIBS=%s\" \"FC_COMP=purify %s\" \"FC_OPTS=%s\" \"FC_LIBS=%s\" \"X11_OPTS=%s\" \"X11_LIBS=%s\" \"XT_LIBS=%s\" \"ARCHITECTURE=%s\"", makefile, cc, cc_opts2, cc_libs, fc, fc_opts2, fc_libs, x11_opts, x11_libs, xt_libs, OS_ARCHITECTURE ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "make -f %s \"CC_COMP=%s\" \"CC_OPTS=%s\" \"CC_LIBS=%s\" \"FC_COMP=%s\" \"FC_OPTS=%s\" \"FC_LIBS=%s\" \"X11_OPTS=%s\" \"X11_LIBS=%s\" \"XT_LIBS=%s\" \"ARCHITECTURE=%s\"", makefile, cc, cc_opts2, cc_libs, fc, fc_opts2, fc_libs, x11_opts, x11_libs, xt_libs, OS_ARCHITECTURE ); } } else { /* system options */ sprintf( cmd, "make -f %s \"CC_COMP=%s\" \"CC_OPTS=%s\" \"CC_LIBS=%s\" \"FC_COMP=%s\" \"FC_OPTS=%s\" \"FC_LIBS=%s\" \"X11_OPTS=%s\" \"X11_LIBS=%s\" \"XT_LIBS=%s\" \"ARCHITECTURE=%s\"", makefile, cc, cc_opts1, cc_libs, fc, fc_opts1, fc_libs, x11_opts, x11_libs, xt_libs, OS_ARCHITECTURE ); } r = docmd( cmd ); /* run make */ if (!(p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) { /* check results of make */ int n; /* loop counter */ int nchild = p->nchild; /* number of children */ for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { /* loop */ if (p->child[n].ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_L | FTYPE_S | FTYPE_SHL)) { char testfile[FILENAME_MAX+1];/* test file name */ int m; /* loop counter */ int nf = 1; /* logical */ sprintf( testfile, "%s.o", fname( p->child[n].fname )); if (!access( testfile, F_OK )) { /* it does exist */ for (m = 0; nf && m < nchild; m++) { nf = strcmp( testfile, p->child[m].fname ); } if (nf) add( testfile, FTYPE_O, p ); } if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_SHL) { sprintf( testfile, "%s.f", fname( p->child[n].fname )); if (!access( testfile, F_OK )) { /* it does exist */ for (m = 0; nf && m < nchild; m++) { nf = strcmp( testfile, p->child[m].fname ); } if (nf) add( testfile, FTYPE_F, p ); } } else if (p->child[n].ftype & FTYPE_L) { sprintf( testfile, "%s.c", fname( p->child[n].fname )); if (!access( testfile, F_OK )) { /* it does exist */ for (m = 0; nf && m < nchild; m++) { nf = strcmp( testfile, p->child[m].fname ); } if (nf) add( testfile, FTYPE_C, p ); } } } } if (!access( exe, F_OK )) { /* add executable */ add( exe, FTYPE_EXE, p ); } } r = checkexe( exe ); return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * doc does the c compilation. */ static int doc( char *filename, int mode, parent *p ) { char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of executable */ char obj[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of object */ char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ int private = (p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE); /* private mode */ int r = 0; /* return value */ strcpy( exe, fname( filename ) ); /* name of executable */ sprintf( obj, "%s.o", exe ); /* name of object */ r = getcmd( cmd, filename, p, mode ); /* get options */ if (r == -1) return( r ); /* error while reading options */ if (r == 1) { /* there are no options */ int x11 = with_x11( filename ); r = 0; /* reset */ if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { /* subroutine */ if (private) { if ( x11 ) { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s %s", cc, cc_opts2, x11_opts, filename ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", cc, cc_opts2, filename ); } } else { if ( x11 ) { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s %s", cc, cc_opts1, x11_opts, filename ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", cc, cc_opts1, filename ); } } } else { /* executable */ char objs[MAXCMD+1]; /* contains all objects */ int m; int nchild = p->nchild; objs[0] = 0; /* set end of string */ for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { /* search for objects */ if (p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_O) { strcat( objs, " " ); /* insert a space */ strcat( objs, p->child[m].fname ); } } if (private && p->mode & OUTPUT_MODE) { strcpy( exe, output ); } if (private) { if (p->mode & PURIFY_MODE) { switch ( x11 ) { case 1: { sprintf( cmd, "purify %s -o %s %s %s %s%s%s %s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts2, x11_opts, filename, objs, uobjects, cc_libs, x11_libs ); break; } case 2: { sprintf( cmd, "purify %s -o %s %s %s %s%s%s %s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts2, x11_opts, filename, objs, uobjects, cc_libs, xt_libs ); break; } default: { sprintf( cmd, "purify %s -o %s %s %s%s%s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts2, filename, objs, uobjects, cc_libs ); break; } } } else { switch ( x11 ) { case 1: { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s %s%s%s %s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts2, x11_opts, filename, objs, uobjects, cc_libs, x11_libs ); break; } case 2: { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s %s%s%s %s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts2, x11_opts, filename, objs, uobjects, cc_libs, xt_libs ); break; } default: { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s%s%s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts2, filename, objs, uobjects, cc_libs ); break; } } } } else { switch ( x11 ) { case 1: { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s %s%s %s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts1, x11_opts, filename, objs, cc_libs, x11_libs ); break; } case 2: { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s %s%s %s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts1, x11_opts, filename, objs, cc_libs, xt_libs ); break; } default: { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s%s %s", cc, exe, cc_opts1, filename, objs, cc_libs ); break; } } } } } r = docmd( cmd ); /* do the compilation */ if (!r) { if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { if (access( obj, F_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No object produced!\a\n", program ); r = -1; } else { add( obj, FTYPE_O, p ); } } else { if (checkexe( exe )) { r = -1; } else { if (!access( obj, F_OK )) add( obj, FTYPE_O, p ); add( exe, FTYPE_EXE, p ); } } } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * dof does the fortran compilation. */ static int dof( char *filename, int mode, parent *p ) { char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of executable */ char obj[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of object */ char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ int private = (p->mode & PRIVATE_MODE); /* private mode */ int r = 0; /* return value */ strcpy( exe, fname( filename ) ); /* name of executable */ sprintf( obj, "%s.o", exe ); /* name of object */ r = getcmd( cmd, filename, p, mode ); /* get options */ if (r == -1) return( r ); /* error reading options */ if (r == 1) { /* no options */ r = 0; /* reset */ if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { /* subroutine */ if (private) { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", fc, fc_opts2, filename ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -c %s %s", fc, fc_opts1, filename ); } } else { /* executable */ char objs[MAXCMD+1]; /* list of objects */ int m; int nchild = p->nchild; objs[0] = 0; /* set end of text */ for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { if (p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_O) { strcat( objs, " " ); /* insert space */ strcat( objs, p->child[m].fname ); } } if (private && p->mode & OUTPUT_MODE) { strcpy( exe, output ); } if (private) { if (p->mode & PURIFY_MODE) { sprintf( cmd, "purify %s -o %s %s %s%s%s %s", fc, exe, fc_opts2, filename, objs, uobjects, fc_libs ); } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s%s%s %s", fc, exe, fc_opts2, filename, objs, uobjects, fc_libs ); } } else { sprintf( cmd, "%s -o %s %s %s%s %s", fc, exe, fc_opts1, filename, objs, fc_libs ); } } } r = docmd( cmd ); /* do the compilation */ if (!r) { if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { if (access( obj, F_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No object produced!\a\n", program ); r = -1; } else { add( obj, FTYPE_O, p ); } } else { if (checkexe( exe )) { r = -1; } else { if (!access( obj, F_OK )) add( obj, FTYPE_O, p ); add( exe, FTYPE_EXE, p ); } } } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * dos does the assembler compilation. */ static int dos( char *filename, parent *p ) { char obj[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of object */ char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ char sub[MAXCMD+1]; /* the substitutions */ int r = 0; /* return value */ sprintf( obj, "%s.o", fname( filename ) ); /* name of object */ sprintf( sub, "#object=%s,#source=%s", obj, filename ); substitute( cmd, as_cmd, sub ); /* the substitution */ r = docmd( cmd ); /* the command */ if (!r) add( obj, FTYPE_O, p ); return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * doshl does the sheltran compilation. */ static int doshl( char *filename, int mode, parent *p ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; /* the command */ int r = 0; /* the return value */ sprintf( cmd, "%s/sheltran %s", gip_exe, filename ); r = docmd( cmd ); /* do it */ if (!r) { char fsrc[MAXCHAR+1]; strcpy( fsrc, fname( filename ) ); strcat( fsrc, ".f" ); add( fsrc, FTYPE_F, p ); r = dof( fsrc, mode, p ); } return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * dosrc handles packed source files. */ static int dosrc( parent *p ) { int m; int r = 0; int ftyp = 0; int nchild = p->nchild; for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { ftyp |= p->child[m].ftype; } if (ftyp & FTYPE_MAKE) { for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { if (p->child[m].ftype & FTYPE_MAKE) { int rm = 0; rm = make( p->child[m].fname, p ); if (rm) r = rm; } } } else { int mexe = -1; int mtyp = FTYPE_UNKNOWN; if (!(p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { char *out = fname( p->fname ); for (m = 0; mexe == -1 && m < nchild; m++) { char *src = fname( p->child[m].fname ); if (p->child[m].ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_SHL) && !strcmp( out, src )) { mexe = m; mtyp = p->child[m].ftype; } } } for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { int rm = 0; if (m != mexe) switch( p->child[m].ftype ) { case FTYPE_C: { rm = doc( p->child[m].fname, SUBROUTINE_MODE, p ); break; } case FTYPE_F: { rm = dof( p->child[m].fname, SUBROUTINE_MODE, p ); break; } case FTYPE_S: { rm = dos( p->child[m].fname, p ); break; } case FTYPE_SHL: { rm = doshl( p->child[m].fname, SUBROUTINE_MODE, p ); break; } default: { break; } } if (rm) r = rm; } if (mexe != -1) { int rm = 0; switch(mtyp) { case FTYPE_C: { rm = doc( p->child[mexe].fname, 0, p ); break; } case FTYPE_F: { rm = dof( p->child[mexe].fname, 0, p ); break; } case FTYPE_SHL: { rm = doshl( p->child[mexe].fname, 0, p ); break; } default: { break; } } if (rm) r = rm; } } return( r ); } /* * dosyn creates the synonyms. */ static int dosyn( parent *p ) { char exe[MAXCHAR+1]; char syn[MAXCHAR+1]; int m; int nchild = p->nchild; strcpy( exe, fname( p->fname ) ); strcpy( syn, exe ); strcat( syn, ".syn" ); for (m = 0; m < nchild; m++) { if (!strcmp( syn, p->child[m].fname ) ) break; } if (m < nchild) { FILE *f; char filename[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( syn, "r" ); while (readline( filename, MAXCHAR, f )) { if ( sflag & FLAG_LNK ) { addlnk( filename, exe, p ); } else { cp( exe, filename ); add( filename, FTYPE_EXE, p ); } } fclose( f ); } return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * compile compiles the compilables. */ static int compile( parent *p ) { int mode = p->mode; int r = 0; if (mode & DELETE_MODE) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ if (!(mode & COMPILE_MODE)) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ r = doftoc( p ); /* ftoc interface */ if (r) return( r ); switch(p->ftype) { case FTYPE_MAKE: { r = make( p->fname, p ); break; } case FTYPE_SRC: { r = dosrc( p ); break; } case FTYPE_C: { r = doc( p->fname, mode, p ); break; } case FTYPE_F: { r = dof( p->fname, mode, p ); break; } case FTYPE_S: { r = dos( p->fname, p ); break; } case FTYPE_SHL: { r = doshl( p->fname, mode, p ); break; } default: { r = -1; break; } } if (!r && !(mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { r = dosyn( p ); } p->status = r; if (r && (p->mode & RETRY_MODE)) r = 0; return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * f2c generates the Fortran to C interface. */ static int f2c( char *file, parent *p ) { char cmd[MAXCMD]; char ftoc[MAXCHAR]; remove( "f2cvv.out" ); /* remove file first */ sprintf( cmd, "%s/f2cvv %s > f2cvv.out", gip_exe, file ); if (docmd( cmd )) return( -1 ); /* return with error */ strcpy( ftoc, fname( file ) ); if (ftype( file ) == FTYPE_C) { strcat( ftoc, "_ftoc.c" ); } else { strcat( ftoc, "_ctof.c" ); } if (!access( ftoc, R_OK )) { add( ftoc, FTYPE_C | FTYPE_FTOC, p ); if (!access( "f2cvv.out", R_OK )) { FILE *f; char fname[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( "f2cvv.out", "r" ); while (readline( fname, MAXCHAR, f )) { add( fname, FTYPE_FTOC | FTYPE_H, p ); } fclose( f ); } } rm( "f2cvv.out" ); /* remove file */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * doccheck checks whether a known person is stated as the author of the * document. It returns -1 when no known author is found, or the entry * in the prog_struct prog. It returns nprog when the document is listed * in nodocchecklist. */ static int doccheck( char *docname ) { FILE *f; char line[MAXLINE]; char *s; int l; int lauthor = 0; int n = 0; int r = 0; while (n < NODOCCHECKLIST && strcmp( docname, nodocchecklist[n] )) n++; if (n < NODOCCHECKLIST) return( nprog ); f = fopen( docname, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, docname ); return( -2 ); } while ((s = fgets( line, MAXLINE, f )) == line && strstr( line, "Author:" ) != line); fclose( f ); if (s == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- 'Author:' not found in %s!\a\n", program, docname ); return( -1 ); } for ( l = strlen( line ) - 1; isspace( line[l] ) || line[l] == ')'; line[l--] = '\0' ); while (l && isalnum( line[l] )) l--; lauthor = strlen( &line[++l] ); if (lauthor) { while (r < nprog && strcmp( prog[r].last, &line[l] ) ) r++; if (r == nprog) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Author of %s not in programmers.mgr!\a\n", program, docname ); r = -1; } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- 'Author:' not found in %s!\a\n", program, docname ); r = -1; } return( r ); } /* * birth generates offspring (runs $gip_exe/xfile). */ static int birth( parent *p ) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; if (p->mode & DELETE_MODE) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP)) return( 0 ); if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_SHL)) { int r = f2c( p->fname, p ); if (r) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Error running f2cvv!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } } remove( "xfile.out" ); sprintf( cmd, "%s/xfile %s > xfile.out", gip_exe, p->fname ); if (docmd( cmd )) return( FATAL ); /* return with error */ if (!access( "xfile.out", R_OK )) { FILE *f; char fname[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( "xfile.out", "r" ); while (readline( fname, MAXCHAR, f )) { int ftyp = ftype( fname ); if (ftyp == FTYPE_EXE) ftyp = FTYPE_UNKNOWN; add( fname, ftyp, p ); if (ftyp & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_SHL)) { int r = f2c( fname, p ); if (r) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Error running f2cvv!\a\n", program ); fclose( f ); rm( "xfile.out" ); /* remove file */ return( FATAL ); } } } fclose( f ); rm( "xfile.out" ); /* remove file */ } if (!(p->mode & INSTALL_MODE)) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ if (p->mode & MASTER_MODE) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ if (p->ftype & ( FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP )) { } else if (p->ftype & ( FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DC1 | FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3 | FTYPE_DOC )) { } else if (p->ftype & FTYPE_TEX) { char fnam[MAXCHAR+1]; int doc = (FTYPE_DOC); int n; int nf = 0; int nchild = p->nchild; strcpy( fnam, fname( p->fname ) ); for (n = 0; !nf && n < nchild; n++) { if ((p->child[n].ftype & doc) && !strcmp( fnam, fname( p->child[n].fname ))) { nf += 1; } } if (!nf) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No correct documentation found for %s!\a\n", program, p->fname ); return( -1 ); } } else if (p->ftype & FTYPE_H) { char fnam[MAXCHAR+1]; int doc = (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3); int n; int nf = 0; int nchild = p->nchild; strcpy( fnam, fname( p->fname ) ); for (n = 0; !nf && n < nchild; n++) { if ((p->child[n].ftype & doc) && !strcmp( fnam, fname( p->child[n].fname ))) { nf += 1; } } if (!nf) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No correct documentation found for %s!\a\n", program, p->fname ); return( -1 ); } } else if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { char fnam[MAXCHAR+1]; int doc = (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3); int n; int nf = 0; int nchild = p->nchild; strcpy( fnam, fname( p->fname ) ); for (n = 0; !nf && n < nchild; n++) { if ((p->child[n].ftype & doc) && !strcmp( fnam, fname( p->child[n].fname ))) { nf += 1; } } if (!nf) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No correct documentation found for %s!\a\n", program, p->fname ); return( -1 ); } } else { char fnam[MAXCHAR+1]; int doc = (FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_DC1 | FTYPE_TEX); int n; int nf = 0; int nchild = p->nchild; strcpy( fnam, fname( p->fname ) ); for (n = 0; !nf && n < nchild; n++) { if ((p->child[n].ftype & doc) && !strcmp( fnam, fname( p->child[n].fname ))) { nf += 1; } } if (!nf) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No correct documentation found for %s!\a\n", program, p->fname ); return( -1 ); } } if ((p->ftype & FTYPE_MGR) && !(sflag & FLAG_SLV)) { if (getmanager()) return( -1 ); /* error */ if (strcmp( username, mgrlogn )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Only GIPSY manager (%s) may install *.mgr files!\a\n", program, mgrname ); return( -1 ); } } if (p->ftype & ( FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP )) { } else if (p->ftype & ( FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DC1 | FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3 | FTYPE_DOC )) { if (doccheck( p->fname ) < 0) { return( -1 ); } } else { int doc = (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DC1 | FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3 | FTYPE_DOC); int n; int nf = 0; int nchild = p->nchild; for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { if ((p->child[n].ftype & doc) && doccheck( p->child[n].fname ) < 0) { nf += 1; } } if (nf) return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); } /* * retrieve retrieves older version of source files. */ static int retrieve( parent *p, int np ) { int n; if (sflag & FLAG_SLV) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- you can not retrieve!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { if (p[n].mode & RETRIEVE_MODE) { int vers = -1; if (version == -1) { if (p[n].version) vers = p[n].version - 1; } else { vers = version; } if (vers > -1 && vers <= p[n].version) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; int nd = 0; int nf = 0; int v; for (v = p[n].version - 1; !nf && v >= vers; v--) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename0[FILENAME_MAX+1]; sprintf( filename0, "%s.%d", p[n].fname, v ); mkpath( filename, gip_old, filename0 ); if (access( filename, F_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not present!\a\n", program, filename ); nf = 1; } else { if (nd) { strcat( cmd, " " ); } else { strcpy( cmd, "( cat " ); } strcat( cmd, filename ); nd += 1; } } if (!nf) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; if (nd) { strcat( cmd, " ; echo '1,$p' ) | ed - " ); } else { strcpy( cmd, "cat " ); } if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) { char filename0[FILENAME_MAX+1]; sprintf( filename0, "%s.%d", p[n].fname, p[n].version ); mkpath( filename, gip_old, filename0 ); } else { mkpath(filename, p[n].upath, p[n].fname ); } if (access( filename, F_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not present!\a\n", program, filename ); } else { strcat( cmd, filename ); if (p[n].mode & MAIL_MODE) { strcat( cmd, " | mail " ); strcat( cmd, usermail ); } else { strcat( cmd, " > " ); strcat( cmd, p[n].fname ); } docmd( cmd ); } } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Version %d not present!\a\n", program, vers ); } } } return( 0 ); } /* * reserve reserves or unreserves source files. */ static int reserve( parent *p, int np ) { FILE *f = NULL; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int n; time_t now = time( NULL ); if (sflag & FLAG_SLV) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You may not reserve!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "history" ); f = fopenl( filename, "a+" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( FATAL ); } for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { /* loop */ if (p[n].mode & RESERVE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, username, p[n].size )); if (p[n].mode & MAIL_MODE) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; sprintf( cmd, "cat %s/%s | mail %s", p[n].upath, p[n].fname, usermail ); docmd( cmd ); } } else if (p[n].mode & UNRESERVE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:GIPSY:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].size )); } } fclosel( f, filename ); /* close file */ putfilesize( filename ); /* update size history file */ return( 0 ); /* return to caller */ } /* * history obtains (displays) information about the history of * GIPSY sources. */ static int history( parent *p, int np, int mode ) { FILE *f; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; char date[MAXCHAR+1]; char user[MAXCHAR+1]; char ownr[MAXCHAR+1]; int size; int vers; int nf; int r = 0; if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && (sflag & FLAG_SLV)) return( 0 ); if (mode & HISTORY_MODE) { fprintf( stdout, "SOURCE FILE TYPE VERSION DATE INSTALLER OWNER\n" ); } mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "history" ); if (mode & PRIVATE_MODE) { f = fopen( filename, "r" ); } else { f = fopenl( filename, "r" ); } if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( FATAL ); } while ((nf = xscanf( f, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %d", name, type, &vers, date, user, ownr, &size )) >= 6) { int ftyp = ftype( name ); int n; for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { if (!strcmp( name, p[n].fname )) { int utyp = 1; strcpy( p[n].uname, ownr ); p[n].version = vers; if (nf == 6) { p[n].size = 0; } else { p[n].size = size; } p[n].ftype = ftyp; while (utyp < MAXUTYPES && strcmp( type, utypes[utyp] )) utyp += 1; getupath( &p[n], utyp ); break; } } if (((n < np) || !np ) && (mode & HISTORY_MODE) && !(ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX))) { fprintf( stdout, "%-20s %-4.4s %7d %-20s %-10s %-10s\n", name, type, vers, date, user, ownr ); } } if (mode & PRIVATE_MODE) { fclose( f ); } else { fclosel( f, filename ); } if (mode & (INSTALL_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE | DELETE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE)) { int n; for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { if (p[n].version > -1) { /* known source */ switch( p[n].utype ) { /* which type */ case UTYPE_SYS: { if (ftype( p[n].fname ) & FTYPE_MGR) { if (p[n].mode & (INSTALL_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE | DELETE_MODE)) { if (getmanager()) { r += 1; } else if (strcmp( mgrlogn, username )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Only manager (%s) is allowed to do this!\a\n", program, mgrname ); r += 1; } } } break; } case UTYPE_TSK: { /* subroutine mode off */ if (p[n].mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s is not a subroutine!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); p[n].mode -= SUBROUTINE_MODE; } break; } case UTYPE_SUB: { /* subroutine mode on */ if (!(p[n].mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s is a subroutine!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); p[n].mode |= SUBROUTINE_MODE; } break; } default: { break; } } if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "GIPSY" )) { if (mode & UNRESERVE_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not reserved!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); r += 1; } else if (mode & (INSTALL_MODE | DELETE_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not reserved by %s!\a\n", program, p[n].fname, username ); r += 1; } } else if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) { if (mode & UNRESERVE_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not reserved!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); r += 1; } else if (mode & (RESERVE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s has been removed!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); r += 1; } else if (mode & DELETE_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s has already been removed!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); r += 1; } } else if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, username )) { if (mode & RESERVE_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You have already reserved %s!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); r += 1; } } else { if (!(mode & REBUILD_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s reserved by %s!\a\n", program, p[n].fname, p[n].uname ); r += 1; } } } else { /* unknown source */ if (mode & (REBUILD_MODE | DELETE_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not present!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); r += 1; } else if (ftype( p[n].fname ) & FTYPE_MGR) { if (p[n].mode & (INSTALL_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE | DELETE_MODE)) { if (getmanager()) { r += 1; } else if (strcmp( mgrlogn, username )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Only manager (%s) is allowed to do this!\a\n", program, mgrname ); r += 1; } } } } } } return( r ); } /* * bookkeeper. */ static int bookkeeper( parent *p ) { FILE *f1, *f2; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1], filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; int amask, umask, dmask, emask; int done = 0; int r = 0; if (p->utype != UTYPE_SUB && p->utype != UTYPE_TSK) return( 0 ); mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "bookkeeper" ); f1 = fopenl( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } if (copyhead( f1, f2 )) return( FATAL ); amask = getmask( f1, f2 ); if (amask == FATAL) { fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } while ((r = xscanf( f1, "%s %s %d %d %d", name, type, &umask, &dmask, &emask )) == 5) { int cmp = strcmp( name, p->fname ); if (cmp < 0) { /* skip this entry */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } else if (cmp == 0) { /* replace */ if (p->mode & INSTALL_MODE) { /* new version */ if (!p->status) { /* new version o.k. */ emask = (emask | amask) - amask; /* remove our flag */ if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:sub:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, amask, 0, emask )); } else { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:tsk:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, amask, 0, emask )); } } else { /* old version */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } } else if (p->mode & DELETE_MODE) { /* delete current version */ umask = (umask | amask) - amask; /* remove our bit */ emask = (emask | amask) - amask; /* remove our bit */ if (umask) { /* queued for others */ if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:sub:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, umask, 1, emask )); } else { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:tsk:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, umask, 1, emask )); } } } else { /* rebuild or update */ if (p->status) { emask |= amask; /* add our flag */ } else { emask = (emask | amask) - amask;/* remove our flag */ } umask = umask | amask; /* add our bit */ if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:sub:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, umask, 0, emask )); } else { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:tsk:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, umask, 0, emask )); } } done = 1; /* it's done */ } else if (!done) { /* insert */ if (p->mode & (INSTALL_MODE | REBUILD_MODE)) { int new_emask = 0; if (p->mode & REBUILD_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Warning: inserting %s in bookkeeper!\a\n", program, p->fname ); if (p->status) new_emask = amask; } if (!p->status) { if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:sub:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, amask, 0, new_emask )); } else { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:tsk:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, amask, 0, new_emask )); } } } done = 1; /* it's done */ werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } else { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } } if (!done) { if (p->mode & (INSTALL_MODE | REBUILD_MODE)) { int new_emask = 0; if (p->mode & REBUILD_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Warning: inserting %s in bookkeeper!\a\n", program, p->fname ); if (p->status) new_emask = amask; } if (!p->status) { if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:sub:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, amask, 0, new_emask )); } else { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:tsk:%d:%d:%d\n", p->fname, amask, 0, new_emask )); } } } } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclosel( f1, filename1 ); fclose( f2 ); rm( filename2 ); return( 0 ); } /* * delete. */ static int delete( parent *p ) { FILE *f; FILE *f1; FILE *f2; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename0[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char child[MAXCHAR+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[4]; time_t now; now = time( NULL ); if (!(p->mode & DELETE_MODE)) return( 0 ); /* no action needed */ if ((sflag & FLAG_SLV) && (!(sflag & FLAG_FTP) && !(p->mode & IMPORT_MODE))) return( FATAL ); if (!strcmp( p->uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) return( 0 ); /* already removed */ if ((p->mode & RETRY_MODE) && (p->status)) return( 0 ); mkpath( filename1, p->upath, p->fname ); sprintf( filename0, "%s.%d", p->fname, p->version ); mkpath( filename2, gip_old, filename0 ); if (access( filename1, F_OK )) return( 0 ); /* not present */ if (sflag & FLAG_SLV) { rm( filename1 ); } else { mv( filename1, filename2 ); /* save it */ } if (!(p->ftype & ( FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP ))) { mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "offspring" ); f1 = fopenl( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { /* no such file */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open file %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( 0 ); } mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "offspring" ); f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); /* fatal error */ } copyhead( f1, f2 ); /* copy file heading */ while (xscanf( f1, "%s %s", source, child ) >= 2) { if (strcmp( source, p->fname )) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", source, child )); } else { char name[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int ftyp = ftype( child ); if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_TEX)) { mkpath( name, gip_doc, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC1)) { mkpath( name, gip_tsk, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { mkpath( name, gip_sub, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_H)) { mkpath( name, gip_inc, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_CSH | FTYPE_SH | FTYPE_PY)) { mkpath( name, gip_sys, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_EXE)) { rmexe( child ); } } } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclosel( f1, filename1 ); putfilesize( filename1 ); /* size of file */ fclose( f2 ); rm( filename2 ); } strcpy( type, utypes[p->utype] ); mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "history" ); f = fopenl( filename, "a" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( -1 ); } werr(fprintf( f, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:WASTEBASKET:%d\n", p->fname, type, p->version, ttostr( now ), username, p->size )); fclosel( f, filename ); putfilesize( filename ); /* update size history file */ return( 0 ); } /* * dependinc searches for sources which include the header file h. */ static int dependinc( char *h ) { FILE *f1, *f2; static char hh[MAXINC][MAXCHAR]; /* list with includes */ static char nd[MAXINC]; /* list (done or not done) */ static int nh = 0; /* size of list */ char cmd[MAXCMD]; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char ofile[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1], kid[MAXCHAR+1]; char line[MAXLINE]; int n, nf; int nsrc = 0; nm_struct *src = dummy1; /* * First check whether the include has already been checked. */ for ( nf = 1, n = 0; nf && n < nh; n++ ) { nf = strcmp( hh[n], h ); } if (!nf && (nd[n-1] == 3) ) return( 0 ); /* already checked */ if (nh < MAXINC) strcpy( hh[nh++], h ); /* add to list */ /* * Simple: create a file h.dep which contains all include files which * include the header file h. Then look for all sources which include * any of these files. */ sprintf( cmd, "echo $gip_inc/%s > h.dep", h ); docmd( cmd ); mkpath( ofile, gip_sys, "offspring" ); f1 = fopen( "inc.dir", "w" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot create inc.dir!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } f2 = fopen( ofile, "r" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, ofile ); return( FATAL ); } while (xscanf( f2, "%s %s", source, kid ) >= 2) { if (ftype( source ) == FTYPE_H) { if (strcmp( h, source )) { for ( nf = 1, n = 0; nf && n < nh; n++ ) { nf = strcmp( hh[n], source ); } if (!nf && ( nd[n-1] == 3 ) ) { /* already done */ } else { fprintf( f1, "%s\n", source ); if (nh < MAXINC) strcpy( hh[nh++], source ); } } } } fclose( f1 ); fclose( f2 ); f1 = fopen( "inc.dir", "r" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open inc.dir!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } while (fgets( filename, FILENAME_MAX, f1 ) != NULL) { int ll = strlen( filename ) - 1; while (ll > 0 && isspace(filename[ll])) filename[ll--] = 0; if ((ftype( filename ) & FTYPE_H) && strcmp( h, filename )) { sprintf( cmd, "grep -l '\"%s\"' $gip_inc/%s >> h.dep", h, filename ); docmd( cmd ); } } fclose( f1 ); remove( "inc.dir" ); f1 = fopen( "h.dep", "r" ); if (f1 == NULL) return( 0 ); fclose( f1 ); /* * now we have a list of all include files which have something to * do with the include file which is modified. Next we have to * check all possible sources which include these files. * * First the subroutines. */ docmd( "touch sub.dep" ); sprintf( cmd, "ls $gip_sub > sub.dir" ); docmd( cmd ); f1 = fopen( "h.dep", "r" ); f2 = fopen( "sub.dir", "r" ); if ( f2 == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open sub.dir!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } fclose( f2 ); while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f1 ) != NULL) { int l = strlen( line ); while (l && line[l-1] == '\n') line[--l] = 0; while (l && line[l-1] != '/') l--; for ( nf = 1, n = 0; nf && n < nh; n++) { /* check */ nf = strcmp( hh[n], &line[l] ); } if (!nf && ( nd[n-1] & 1 ) ) { /* already done */ } else { if (!nf) nd[n-1] |= 1; /* flag */ f2 = fopen( "sub.dir", "r" ); while(fgets( filename, FILENAME_MAX, f2 ) != NULL) { int ll = strlen( filename ) - 1; while (ll > 0 && isspace(filename[ll])) filename[ll--] = 0; if (ftype( filename ) & ( FTYPE_C | FTYPE_SRC )) { sprintf( cmd, "grep -l '\"%s\"' $gip_sub/%s >> sub.dep", &line[l], filename ); docmd( cmd ); } } fclose( f2 ); } } remove( "sub.dir" ); fclose( f1 ); f2 = fopen( "sub.dep", "r" ); if (f2 != NULL) { nsrc = 0; while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f2 ) != NULL) { int l = strlen( line ); n = 0; while (l && line[l-1] == '\n') line[--l] = 0; while (l && line[l-1] != '/') l--; while (n < nsrc && strcmp( &line[l], src[n].module)) n++; if (n == nsrc) { if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); fclose( f2 ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( src[n].module, &line[l] ); nsrc += 1; } } fclose( f2 ); if (nsrc > 1) { qsort( src, nsrc, sizeof( nm_struct ), compar2 ); } remove( "sub.dep" ); if (nsrc) { char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; int amask, umask, dmask, emask; int r; mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "bookkeeper" ); f1 = fopenl( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } if (copyhead( f1, f2 )) return( FATAL ); amask = getmask( f1, f2 ); if (amask == FATAL) { fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } while ((r = xscanf( f1, "%s %s %d %d %d", name, type, &umask, &dmask, &emask )) == 5) { int ns = 0; while (ns < nsrc && strcmp( name, src[ns].module )) ns++; if (ns < nsrc) umask = 0; werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclosel( f1, filename1 ); fclose( f2 ); rm( filename2 ); } } /* * Second the applications. */ docmd( "touch tsk.dep" ); sprintf( cmd, "ls $gip_tsk > tsk.dir" ); docmd( cmd ); f1 = fopen( "h.dep", "r" ); f2 = fopen( "tsk.dir", "r" ); if ( f2 == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open tsk.dir!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } fclose( f2 ); while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f1 ) != NULL) { int l = strlen( line ); while (l && line[l-1] == '\n') line[--l] = 0; while (l && line[l-1] != '/') l--; for ( nf = 1, n = 0; nf && n < nh; n++) { /* check */ nf = strcmp( hh[n], &line[l] ); } if (!nf && ( nd[n-1] & 2 ) ) { /* already done */ } else { if (!nf) nd[n-1] |= 2; /* flag */ f2 = fopen( "tsk.dir", "r" ); while(fgets( filename, FILENAME_MAX, f2 ) != NULL) { int ll = strlen( filename ) - 1; while (ll > 0 && isspace(filename[ll])) filename[ll--] = 0; if (ftype( filename ) & ( FTYPE_C | FTYPE_SRC )) { sprintf( cmd, "grep -l '\"%s\"' $gip_tsk/%s >> tsk.dep", &line[l], filename ); docmd( cmd ); } } fclose( f2 ); } } remove( "tsk.dir" ); fclose( f1 ); remove( "h.dep" ); f2 = fopen( "tsk.dep", "r" ); if (f2 != NULL) { nsrc = 0; while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f2 ) != NULL) { int l = strlen( line ); n = 0; while (l && line[l-1] == '\n') line[--l] = 0; while (l && line[l-1] != '/') l--; while (n < nsrc && strcmp( &line[l], src[n].module)) n++; if (n == nsrc) { if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); fclose( f2 ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( src[n].module, &line[l] ); nsrc += 1; } } fclose( f2 ); if (nsrc > 1) { qsort( src, nsrc, sizeof( nm_struct ), compar2 ); } remove( "tsk.dep" ); if (nsrc) { char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; int amask, umask, dmask, emask; int r; mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "bookkeeper" ); f1 = fopenl( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } if (copyhead( f1, f2 )) return( FATAL ); amask = getmask( f1, f2 ); if (amask == FATAL) { fclosel( f1, filename1 ); return( FATAL ); } while ((r = xscanf( f1, "%s %s %d %d %d", name, type, &umask, &dmask, &emask )) == 5) { int ns = 0; while (ns < nsrc && strcmp( name, src[ns].module )) ns++; if (ns < nsrc) umask = 0; werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%d\n", name, type, umask, dmask, emask )); } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclosel( f1, filename1 ); fclose( f2 ); rm( filename2 ); } } return( 0 ); } /* * install. */ static int install( parent *p ) { FILE *f, *f1, *f2; char *dest; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1]; char child[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[4]; int done = 0; int r = 0; int vers = -1; time_t now; if (!(p->mode & INSTALL_MODE)) return( 0 ); /* nothing to do */ if ((sflag & FLAG_SLV) && (!(sflag & FLAG_FTP) && !(p->mode & IMPORT_MODE))) return( FATAL ); if (p->status) return( 0 ); /* cannot install */ now = time( NULL ); strcpy( type, utypes[p->utype] ); dest = p->upath; if (!(sflag & FLAG_SLV)) { vers = p->version + 1; } else { vers = p->version; } if (!(p->ftype & (FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP))) { mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "offspring" ); f1 = fopenl( filename1, "r+" ); if (f1 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); return( -1 ); } mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "offspring" ); f2 = fopen( filename2, "w+" ); if (f2 == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); fclosel( f1, filename1 ); } copyhead( f1, f2 ); while ((r = xscanf( f1, "%s %s", source, child )) >= 2) { int cmp = strcmp( source, p->fname ); if (cmp < 0 || done) { werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", source, child )); } else if (cmp == 0) { char name[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int ftyp = ftype( child ); if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_TEX)) { mkpath( name, gip_doc, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC1)) { mkpath( name, gip_tsk, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { mkpath( name, gip_sub, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_H)) { mkpath( name, gip_inc, child ); rm ( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_CSH | FTYPE_SH)) { mkpath( name, gip_sys, child ); rm( name ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_EXE)) { rmexe( child ); } } else if (!done) { char name1[FILENAME_MAX+1], name2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int n; int nchild = p->nchild; for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { int ftyp = p->child[n].ftype; if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_TEX)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_doc, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC1)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_tsk, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_sub, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & FTYPE_EXE) { saveexe( p->child[n].fname ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & FTYPE_LNK) { savelnk( p->child[n].fname, p->child[n].lname ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_CSH | FTYPE_SH)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_sys, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_EXE ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if ((ftyp & FTYPE_H) && (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_inc, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } } werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", source, child )); done = 1; } } if (!done) { char name1[FILENAME_MAX+1], name2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int n; int nchild = p->nchild; for (n = 0; n < nchild; n++) { int ftyp = p->child[n].ftype; if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC0 | FTYPE_DOC | FTYPE_TEX)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_doc, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC1)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_tsk, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_DC2 | FTYPE_DC3)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_sub, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & FTYPE_EXE) { saveexe( p->child[n].fname ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & FTYPE_LNK) { savelnk( p->child[n].fname, p->child[n].lname ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_CSH | FTYPE_SH)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_sys, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_EXE ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } else if ((ftyp & FTYPE_H) && (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { mkpath( name1, gip_tmp, p->child[n].fname ); mkpath( name2, gip_inc, p->child[n].fname ); mv( name1, name2 ); chmod( name2, CHMOD_SRC ); werr(fprintf( f2, "%s:%s\n", p->fname, p->child[n].fname )); } } } if (dcp( f2, f1 )) return( FATAL ); /* copy back */ fclosel( f1, filename1 ); putfilesize( filename1 ); /* save size of file */ fclose( f2 ); rm( filename2 ); if ((p->ftype & FTYPE_H) && (p->version > 0)) { if (!(p->mode & SYSGEN_MODE)) { dependinc( p->fname ); } } } mkpath( filename1, gip_tmp, p->fname ); mkpath( filename2, dest, p->fname ); if (vers && !(sflag & FLAG_SLV) && strcmp( p->uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; char filename0[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename3[FILENAME_MAX+1]; sprintf( filename0, "%s.%d", p->fname, vers - 1 ); mkpath( filename3, gip_old, filename0 ); sprintf( cmd, "diff -e %s %s > %s", filename1, filename2, filename3 ); docmd( cmd ); } if (mv( filename1, filename2 )) return( -1 ); if (( p->ftype == FTYPE_CSH ) || ( p->ftype == FTYPE_SH ) || ( p->ftype == FTYPE_PY )) { chmod( filename2, CHMOD_EXE ); } else { chmod( filename2, CHMOD_SRC ); } mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "history" ); f = fopenl( filename, "a" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( -1 ); } if (sflag & FLAG_FTP) { werr(fprintf( f, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p->fname, type, vers, ttostr( now ), username, p->uname, getfilesize( filename2 ) ) ); } else { werr(fprintf( f, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:GIPSY:%d\n", p->fname, type, vers, ttostr( now ), username, getfilesize( filename2 ) ) ); } fclosel( f, filename ); putfilesize( filename ); /* update size history file */ return( 0 ); } /* * checkkids checks the offspring. */ static int checkkids( parent *p ) { FILE *f; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int r = 0; if (!(p->mode & INSTALL_MODE)) return( 0 ); if (p->ftype & (FTYPE_MEM | FTYPE_NWS | FTYPE_REP)) return( 0 ); mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "offspring" ); f = fopenl( filename, "r" ); if (f != NULL) { char source[MAXCHAR+1]; char child[MAXCHAR+1]; int n; int nchild = p->nchild; int nf = 0; while ((r = xscanf( f, "%s %s", source, child )) >= 2) { if (!strcmp( child, p->fname )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s also produced %s!\a\n", program, source, child ); nf += 1; } else { for ( n = 0; n < nchild; n++ ) { int check = 0; switch( p->child[n].ftype ) { case FTYPE_CSH: case FTYPE_DOC: case FTYPE_DC0: case FTYPE_DC1: case FTYPE_DC2: case FTYPE_DC3: case FTYPE_EXE: case FTYPE_PY: case FTYPE_SH: case FTYPE_TEX: { check = 1; break; } case FTYPE_H: { if (p->mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) check = 1; break; } default: { break; } } if (check) { if (!strcmp( p->child[n].fname, source )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s overwrites source %s!\a\n", program, p->child[n].fname, source ); nf += 1; } else if (strcmp( p->fname, source ) && !strcmp( p->child[n].fname, child )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s also produces %s!\a\n", program, source, child ); nf += 1; } } } } } fclosel( f, filename ); if (nf) r = FATAL; else r = 0; } return( r ); } /* * action does the installation, rebuilding etc. of the sources. */ static int action( parent *p, int np ) { int mode = 0; /* accumulated mode */ int n; /* loop counter */ int private = 0; /* private mode ? */ int r = 0; /* return value */ offspring cbuf[MAXCHILD]; if (!np) return( 0 ); /* fast solution */ for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { mode |= p[n].mode; /* accumulate */ p[n].child = cbuf; p[n].nchild = 0; /* reset */ } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) { /* not private */ if (!(mode & NOSORT_MODE)) { qsort( p, np, sizeof( parent ), compar1 ); /* sort them */ } } else { private = 1; /* private use */ } for (n = 0; !intcount && n < np; n++) { /* loop */ char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* input file */ char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; /* output file */ r = 0; if (!private) { /* copy file */ if (!(p[n].mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE)) { r = copylib( 0 ); } if (p[n].mode & INSTALL_MODE) { /* get it from user */ chdir( cwd ); /* go to initial directory */ mkpath( filename1, p[n].fpath, p[n].fname ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, p[n].fname ); if ((sflag & FLAG_FTP) || (mode & IMPORT_MODE)) { r = getfile( filename1, filename2, p[n].size, mode ); } else { r = cp( filename1, filename2 ); /* copy it from user */ } chdir( gip_tmp ); /* back to temp */ } else if (p[n].mode & DELETE_MODE) { /* no copy */ } else if (p[n].mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { mkpath( filename1, gip_sub, p[n].fname ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, p[n].fname ); r = cp( filename1, filename2 ); /* copy it from GIPSY */ } else { mkpath( filename1, gip_tsk, p[n].fname ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, p[n].fname ); r = cp( filename1, filename2 ); /* copy it from GIPSY */ } } if (!r) r = birth( &p[n] ); /* generate offspring */ if (!r) r = compile( &p[n] ); /* compile */ if (!private) { /* privilege mode */ if (!r) r = checkkids( &p[n] ); /* check offspring */ if (!r) r = makedepend( &p[n] ); /* make dependencies */ if (!r) r = updatelib( &p[n] ); /* update library */ if (!r) r = updatetsk( &p[n] ); /* update executable */ if (!r) r = delete( &p[n] ); /* delete */ if (!r) r = install( &p[n] ); /* install */ if (r && !p[n].status) p[n].status = r; bookkeeper( &p[n] ); /* do the bookkeeping */ cleanup( &p[n] ); /* cleanup the mess */ } if (r | p[n].status) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Error processing %s!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Ready with %s!\a\n", program, p[n].fname ); } if (!private) { /* remove the mess */ if ((p[n].mode & INSTALL_MODE) && (p[n].mode & MAIL_MODE)) { chdir( cwd ); rm( filename1 ); chdir( gip_tmp ); } } } if (!private) r = copylib( 0 ); /* save new library */ #if 0 if (!private) r = marktasks( p, np ); /* mark applications */ #endif return( r ); /* return to caller */ } /* * action_remote does a remote privileged action. * The compile commands and the files can be extracted by compile on * the gipsy source server. */ static int action_remote( parent *b, int nb ) { FILE *p; char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; int mode = 0; int n; if (setup_remote( mode )) return( FATAL ); for ( n = 0; n < nb; n++) { mode |= b[n].mode; } sprintf( cmd, "mail %s", gfs_mail ); p = popen( cmd, "w" ); if (p == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot execute mail!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } fprintf( p, "Gipsy_Compile_Begin\n" ); fprintf( p, "%s compile.arg 0\n", BOF_MARK ); fprintf( p, "compile" ); switch( mode & (DELETE_MODE | INSTALL_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | RETRIEVE_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE)) { case DELETE_MODE: { fprintf( p, " -delete" ); break; } case INSTALL_MODE: { fprintf( p, " -install" ); break; } case RESERVE_MODE: { fprintf( p, " -reserve" ); break; } case RETRIEVE_MODE: { fprintf( p, " -retrieve" ); if (version != -1) { fprintf( p, " -version %d", version ); } break; } case UNRESERVE_MODE: { fprintf( p, " -unreserve" ); break; } default: { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- illegal mode for remote install!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } } if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { fprintf( p, " -c" ); } fprintf( p, " -user %s", username ); for ( n = 0; n < nb; n++ ) { fprintf( p, " %s", b[n].fname ); } fprintf( p, "\n" ); fprintf( p, "%s compile.arg\n", EOF_MARK ); if (mode & INSTALL_MODE) { for ( n = 0; n < nb; n++) { FILE *f; char line[MAXLINE]; char name[FILENAME_MAX+1]; chdir( cwd ); mkpath( name, b[n].fpath, b[n].fname ); f = fopen( name, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- file %s not found!\a\n", program, name ); } else { fprintf( p, "%s %s %d\n", BOF_MARK, b[n].fname, getfilesize( b[n].fname ) ); while (fgets( line, MAXLINE, f ) != NULL) { fprintf( p, "%s", line ); } fprintf( p, "%s %s\n", EOF_MARK, b[n].fname ); fclose( f ); } chdir( gip_tmp ); } } fprintf( p, "Gipsy_Compile_End\n" ); pclose( p ); return( 0 ); } /* * updatesub updates the library. */ static int updatesub( void ) { FILE *f; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int amask, umask, dmask, emask; int r = 0; int nsubs = 0; parent *subs = dummy3; if (no_update) return( r ); mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); f = fopenl( filename, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( FATAL ); } amask = getmask( f, NULL ); if (amask == FATAL) { fclosel( f, filename ); return( FATAL ); } while ((r = xscanf( f, "%s %s %d %d %d", name, type, &umask, &dmask, &emask )) == 5) { if ((!strcmp( type, "sub" )) && ((!(umask & amask) && !dmask) || ((umask & amask) && dmask) || ((umask & amask) && (emask & amask)))) { int mode = (COMPILE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE | SUBROUTINE_MODE); if (nsubs == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); fclosel( f, filename ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((umask & amask) && (emask & amask)) { mode |= RETRY_MODE; } strcpy( subs[nsubs].fname, name ); subs[nsubs].child = NULL; subs[nsubs].nchild = 0; subs[nsubs].done = 0; subs[nsubs].ftype = ftype( name ); subs[nsubs].utype = UTYPE_SUB; subs[nsubs].upath = gip_sub; subs[nsubs].mode = mode; if (dmask) { /* delete it */ subs[nsubs].mode |= DELETE_MODE; } subs[nsubs].status = 0; subs[nsubs].version = 0; nsubs += 1; } } fclosel( f, filename ); r = action( subs, nsubs ); return( r ); } /* * updateapp updates the applications */ static int updateapp( void ) { FILE *f; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int amask, umask, dmask, emask; int r = 0; int napps = 0; parent *apps = dummy3; if (no_update) return( r ); mkpath( filename, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); f = fopenl( filename, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename ); return( -1 ); } amask = getmask( f, NULL ); if (amask == FATAL) { fclosel( f, filename ); return( FATAL ); } while ((r = xscanf( f, "%s %s %d %d %d", name, type, &umask, &dmask, &emask )) == 5) { if ((!strcmp( type, "tsk" )) && ((!(umask & amask) && !dmask) || ((umask & amask) && dmask) || ((umask & amask) && (emask & amask)))) { int mode = ( COMPILE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE ); if (napps == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); fclosel( f, filename ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((umask & amask) && (emask & amask)) { mode |= RETRY_MODE; } strcpy( apps[napps].fname, name ); apps[napps].child = NULL; apps[napps].done = 0; apps[napps].ftype = ftype( name ); apps[napps].utype = UTYPE_TSK; apps[napps].mode = mode; if (dmask) { /* delete it */ apps[napps].mode |= DELETE_MODE; } apps[napps].status = 0; apps[napps].version = 0; napps += 1; } } fclosel( f, filename ); r = action( apps, napps ); return( r ); } /* * lock locks compile for privileged use. If already locked by another user * compile will quit if not in master mode. In master mode it will wait * until the lock has been removed. */ static int lock( int mode ) { FILE *f; char lockfile1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char lockfile2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; if (mode & PRIVATE_MODE) return( 0 ); /* no locking */ if ((sflag & FLAG_SLV) && !(mode & ((REBUILD_MODE | UPDATE_MODE)))) return( 0 ); if (euid != guid) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- not allowed to create lock file!\a\n", program ); return( FATAL ); } mkpath( lockfile1, gip_tmp, "update.lock" ); if (access( lockfile1, F_OK )) { /* lock it */ f = fopen( lockfile1, "w" ); werr(fprintf( f, "%s\n", username )); fclose( f ); } else if (mode & UNLOCK_MODE) { char user[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( lockfile1, "r" ); readline( user, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); fprintf( stdout, "%s -- Overriding lock by %s!\a\n", program, user ); } else if (mode & MASTER_MODE) { if (!access( lockfile1, F_OK )) { char user[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( lockfile1, "r" ); readline( user, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Waiting for lock to be removed by %s!\a\n", program, user ); } while (!access( lockfile1, F_OK )) { /* loop while file exists */ if (fileage( lockfile1 ) > LONG_AGE) { remove( lockfile1 ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Lock file %s timed out!\a\n", program, lockfile1 ); } else { sleep( 60 ); /* wait one minute */ } } f = fopen( lockfile1, "w" ); werr(fprintf( f, "%s\n", username )); fclose( f ); } else { char user[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( lockfile1, "r" ); readline( user, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Locked by %s!\a\n", program, user ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } /* * An extra lock for ftp sites. */ if ((sflag & FLAG_SLV) && (mode & UPDATE_MODE)) { mkpath( lockfile2, gip_sys, "architecture.lock" ); if (access( lockfile2, F_OK )) { /* lock it */ f = fopen( lockfile2, "w" ); werr(fprintf( f, "%s\n", OS_ARCHITECTURE )); fclose( f ); } else if (mode & UNLOCK_MODE) { char arch[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( lockfile2, "r" ); readline( arch, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); fprintf( stdout, "%s -- Overriding lock by %s!\a\n", program, arch ); } else if (mode & MASTER_MODE) { if (!access( lockfile2, F_OK )) { char arch[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( lockfile2, "r" ); readline( arch, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Waiting for lock to be removed by %s!\a\n", program, arch ); } while (!access( lockfile2, F_OK )) { /* loop while file exists */ if (fileage( lockfile2 ) > LONG_AGE) { remove( lockfile2 ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Lockfile %s timed out!\a\n", program, lockfile2 ); } else { sleep( 60 ); /* wait one minute */ } } f = fopen( lockfile2, "w" ); werr(fprintf( f, "%s\n", OS_ARCHITECTURE )); fclose( f ); } else { char arch[MAXCHAR+1]; f = fopen( lockfile2, "r" ); readline( arch, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Locked by %s!\a\n", program, arch ); remove( lockfile1 ); return( FATAL ); /* exit with error */ } } return( 0 ); } /* * unlock removes the lock set by lock. */ static void unlock( int mode ) { char lockfile1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char lockfile2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; if (mode & PRIVATE_MODE) return; /* no locking */ mkpath( lockfile1, gip_tmp, "update.lock" ); if (!access( lockfile1, F_OK )) { /* was locked */ if (intcount) { /* was interrupted */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s interrupted, contact system manager!\a\n", program, program ); } else { remove( lockfile1 ); /* remove lock */ } } if ((sflag & FLAG_SLV) && (mode & UPDATE_MODE)) { mkpath( lockfile2, gip_sys, "architecture.lock" ); if (!access( lockfile2, F_OK )) { /* was locked */ if (!intcount) { remove( lockfile2 ); /* remove lock */ } } } } /* * dooptions removes or add an option to the option list. */ static void dooptions( char *arg, int copts ) { char *ptr = NULL; /* look for occurence in private options */ char *optc; /* points to c opts */ char *optf; /* points to fortran opts */ if (copts) { /* compiler options */ optc = cc_opts2; /* c options */ optf = fc_opts2; /* fortran options */ } else { /* linker options */ optc = cc_libs; /* c linker libs */ optf = fc_libs; /* fortran linker libs */ } if (arg[0] == '-') { /* might be removing an option */ int len = strlen( arg ) - 1; /* length of option */ if (!len) return; /* no option, quit */ ptr = strstr( optc, &arg[1] ); /* look for string */ if (ptr == NULL) { /* not found */ ptr = strstr( optf, &arg[1] ); /* second try */ } if (ptr != NULL) { /* match */ char *p = strstr( ptr, " " ); /* end of option */ int l; /* length of option */ if (p == NULL) { /* last option */ l = strlen( ptr ); /* the end */ } else { /* there are more options */ l = p - ptr; /* here is the end */ } if (ptr != optc && ptr != optf) { /* first option */ if (ptr[-1] != ' ') ptr = NULL; /* no blank */ } if (ptr != NULL) { /* there is still a chance */ if (l != len) ptr = NULL; /* no way! */ } } } if (ptr != NULL) { /* matching option */ int l1 = strlen( arg ); /* the length */ int l2 = strlen( ptr ) + 1; /* the rest */ if (l2 - l1) { memmove( ptr, &ptr[l1], l2 - l1 ); } else { ptr[0] = 0; } } else { /* append options */ strcat( optc, " " ); strcat( optc, arg ); strcat( optf, " " ); strcat( optf, arg ); } } /* * hostinfo displays some info about the current host. */ static void hostinfo( FILE *f ) { struct hostent *hp; struct hostent *gethostbyname( ); time_t now = time( NULL ); fprintf( f, "USERNAME : %s\n", username ); fprintf( f, "DATE : %s", ctime( &now ) ); fprintf( f, "HOSTNAME : " ); hp = gethostbyname( chost ); if ( hp != NULL ) { if ( hp->h_name != NULL ) { fprintf( f, "%s", hp->h_name ); } else { fprintf( f, "%s", chost ); } if ( hp->h_aliases != NULL ) { int n = 0; fprintf( f, " (" ); while ( hp->h_aliases[n] != NULL ) { fprintf( f, " %s", hp->h_aliases[n] ); n++; } fprintf( f, " )" ); } fprintf( f, "\n" ); if ( (hp->h_addr_list != NULL) && (hp->h_length == sizeof(int))) { int n = 0; fprintf( f, "ADDRESS :" ); while ( hp->h_addr_list[n] != NULL ) { int addr1, addr; addr1 = (*((int *) hp->h_addr_list[n])); addr = ntohl( addr1 ); fprintf( f, " %d.%d.%d.%d", (addr & 0xff000000) >> 24, (addr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, (addr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8, (addr & 0x000000ff) ); n++; } fprintf( f, "\n" ); } } else { fprintf( f, "%s\n", chost ); } fprintf( f, "ARCHITECTURE : %s\n", OS_ARCHITECTURE ); /* * get mail address of local manager. */ fprintf( f, "MANAGER : %s\n", lmgrmail ); #if defined(__alliant__) #else { struct utsname name; if (uname( &name ) != -1) { fprintf( f, "SYSNAME : %s\n", name.sysname ); fprintf( f, "NODENAME : %s\n", name.nodename ); fprintf( f, "RELEASE : %s\n", name.release ); fprintf( f, "VERSION : %s\n", name.version ); fprintf( f, "MACHINE : %s\n", name.machine ); } } #endif fprintf( f, "CC : %s\n", cc_name ); fprintf( f, "CC OPTIONS 1 : %s\n", cc_opts1 ); fprintf( f, "CC OPTIONS 2 : %s\n", cc_opts2 ); fprintf( f, "CC OPTIONS LD : %s\n", cc_libs ); fprintf( f, "FC : %s\n", fc_name ); fprintf( f, "FC OPTIONS 1 : %s\n", fc_opts1 ); fprintf( f, "FC OPTIONS 2 : %s\n", fc_opts2 ); fprintf( f, "FC OPTIONS LD : %s\n", fc_libs ); fprintf( f, "AS : %s\n", as_cmd ); fprintf( f, "AR ADD : %s\n", ar_add ); fprintf( f, "AR DEL : %s\n", ar_del ); fprintf( f, "AR LEN : %d\n", ar_len ); fprintf( f, "RANLIB : %s\n", ranlib ); fprintf( f, "NM : %s\n", nm_cmd ); fprintf( f, "X11 OPTIONS : %s\n", x11_opts ); fprintf( f, "X11 OPTIONS L : %s\n", x11_libs ); fprintf( f, "XT OPTIONS L : %s\n", xt_libs ); } /* * getregisternumber tries to read the local register number. If not * present, it tries to claim a register number. */ static int getregisternumber( void ) { FILE *rf; char cmd[MAXCMD]; char registerfile[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int r = 0; if (!(sflag & FLAG_FTP)) return( 0 ); mkpath( registerfile, gip_tmp, "gftp.out" ); sprintf( cmd, "%s/gftp > %s", gip_exe, registerfile ); r = system( cmd ); rf = fopen( registerfile, "r" ); if (rf != NULL) { int ch; while (!r && (ch = fgetc( rf )) != EOF) { if (ch == '#') { while ((ch = fgetc( rf )) != EOF && isdigit( ch )) { r = 10 * r + ch - '0'; } } } fclose( rf ); } remove( registerfile ); return( r ); } /* * sendstatus writes the status in the bookkeeper file to a file * which is send to the GIPSY source server. */ static void sendstatus( FILE *rf ) { FILE *b; char a[MAXARCH][MAXCHAR+1]; /* the archtectures */ char bookkeeper[FILENAME_MAX]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; int umask, dmask, emask; int narch; mkpath( bookkeeper, gip_sys, "bookkeeper" ); b = fopenl( bookkeeper, "r" ); if (b == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, bookkeeper ); fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Cannot open %s\n", bookkeeper ); return; } narch = xscanf( b, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9], a[10], a[11], a[12], a[13], a[14], a[15], a[16], a[17], a[18], a[19] ); if (narch < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No architecture found!\a\n", program ); fprintf( rf, "ERROR : No architectures found\n" ); return; } else if (narch > MAXARCH) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Too many architectures! Inform GIPSY MANAGER!\a\n", program ); fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Too many architectures\n" ); return; } while (xscanf( b, "%s %d %d %d", name, &umask, &dmask, &emask ) == 4) { if (emask) { int n; fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Error compiling %s for", name ); for ( n = 0; n < narch; n++ ) { if (emask & (1 << n)) { fprintf( rf, " %s" , a[n] ); } } fprintf( rf, "\n" ); } } fclosel( b, bookkeeper ); } /* * updatefromremote gets the history file from the gipsy-source-server * and compares its contents with the local history file. If there * are new versions of sources, they will be installed. */ static int updatefromremote( int mmode ) { FILE *rf = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char gftp[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char regfile1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char regfile2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; char date[MAXCHAR+1]; char user[MAXCHAR+1]; char ownr[MAXCHAR+1]; int size; int vers; int n; int nf; int np = 0; int npn = 0; int ns, nt; int r = 0; int registernumber = 0; parent *pn = dummy3; parent p[MAXSOURCE]; check_server( ); /* check for new server */ mmode |= UPDATE_MODE; if (setup_remote( mmode )) return( FATAL ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { mkpath( gftp, gip_exe, "gftp" ); if (access( gftp, X_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- no executable %s present!\a\n", program, gftp ); return( 0 ); } } mkpath( filename1, rem_sys, "history" ); mkpath( filename2, gip_tmp, "history" ); if ( getfile( filename1, filename2, 0, mmode ) ) { /* * Do only the local updates. */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot contact GIPSY Source Server, doing local update!\a\n", program ); r = updatesub( ); if (!r) r = updateapp( ); return( r ); } getlocalmanager( ); /* get mail address of local manager */ registernumber = getregisternumber( ); /* * Are there any messages for local manager? */ { char msgfile1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char msgfile2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; sprintf( msgfile1, "%s/manager.%5.5d", rem_adm, registernumber ); mkpath( msgfile2, gip_tmp, "manager" ); if (!getfile( msgfile1, msgfile2, -1, mmode )) { char cmd[MAXCMD+1]; sprintf( cmd, "mail %s < %s", lmgrmail, msgfile2 ); docmd( cmd ); } } /* * Check for new version of COPYRIGHT and README. */ { char *files[] = { "COPYRIGHT", "README", }; int i; for ( i = 0; i < (sizeof(files) / sizeof(char *)); i++ ) { FILE *f; char line1[MAXCHAR+1]; char line2[MAXCHAR+1]; char name1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name3[FILENAME_MAX+1]; int doget = 0; mkpath( name1, gip_sys, files[i] ); f = fopen( name1, "r" ); if ( f != NULL ) { sprintf( line1, "%s %s", files[i], gipsyrelease ); readline( line2, MAXCHAR, f ); fclose( f ); doget = strcmp( line1, line2 ); } else { doget = 1; } if (doget) { mkpath( name2, rem_sys, files[i] ); mkpath( name3, gip_tmp, files[i] ); if (!getfile( name2, name3, -1, mmode )) { cp( name3, name1 ); remove( name3 ); } } } } mkpath( regfile1, gip_tmp, "register" ); mkpath( regfile2, rem_adm, "register" ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) rf = fopen( regfile1, "w" ); hostinfo( rf ); mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "history" ); f = fopenl( filename1, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Cannot open %s\n", filename1 ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } while ((nf = xscanf( f, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %d", name, type, &vers, date, user, ownr, &size ) ) >= 6) { int ftyp = ftype( name ); int utyp = 1; if (ftyp == FTYPE_UNKNOWN) continue; /* skip this weird entry */ if (ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX)) { /* old file types */ char oldname[FILENAME_MAX]; mkpath( oldname, gip_mis, name ); if (access( oldname, F_OK )) { remove( oldname ); } continue; /* skip this weird entry */ } for (n = 0; n < np && strcmp( name, p[n].fname ); n++); if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- too many sources!\a\n", program ); fclosel( f, filename1 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Too many sources in %s\n", filename1 ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } if (n == np) { np++; strcpy( p[n].fname, name ); p[n].fpath[0] = 0; p[n].ftype = ftyp; } strcpy( p[n].uname, ownr ); strcpy( p[n].uname_old, ownr ); p[n].version_old = vers; p[n].version = vers; while (utyp < MAXUTYPES && strcmp( type, utypes[utyp] )) utyp += 1; getupath( &p[n], utyp ); if (nf > 6) { p[n].size = size; } else { p[n].size = 0; } } fclosel( f, filename1 ); f = fopen( filename2, "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename2 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Cannot open %s\n", filename2 ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } remove( filename2 ); return( FATAL ); } while ((nf = xscanf( f, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %d", name, type, &vers, date, user, ownr, &size )) >= 7) { int ftyp = ftype( name ); int utyp = 1; if (ftyp == FTYPE_UNKNOWN) continue; if (ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX)) continue; for (n = 0; n < np && strcmp( name, p[n].fname ); n++); if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- too many sources!\a\n", program ); fclose( f ); remove( filename2 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Too many sources in %s\n", filename2 ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } if (n == np) { np++; strcpy( p[n].fname, name ); p[n].version_old = -1; p[n].uname_old[0] = 0; p[n].ftype = ftyp; while (utyp < MAXUTYPES && strcmp( type, utypes[utyp] )) utyp += 1; getupath( &p[n], utyp ); p[n].fpath[0] = 0; } strcpy( p[n].uname, ownr ); p[n].version = vers; p[n].size = size; } fclose( f ); remove( filename2 ); for ( npn = 0, n = 0; n < np; n++) { FILE *h; int mode = 0; time_t now = time( NULL ); /* current time */ if ( p[n].version_old < p[n].version ) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" ) && p[n].version_old < 0) { h = fopenl( filename1, "a" ); if (h == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Cannot open %s\n", filename1 ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } werr(fprintf( h, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].uname, p[n].size )); fclosel( h, filename1 ); putfilesize( filename1 ); /* update size history file */ } else if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname_old, "WASTEBASKET" )) { h = fopenl( filename1, "a" ); if (h == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, filename1 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Cannot open %s\n", filename1 ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } werr(fprintf( h, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].uname_old, p[n].size )); fclosel( h, filename1 ); putfilesize( filename1 ); /* update size history file */ } else { strcpy( p[n].uname, p[n].uname_old ); mode = DELETE_MODE; } } else { mode = INSTALL_MODE; } } else if (strcmp( p[n].uname, p[n].uname_old )) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET")) { mode = DELETE_MODE; strcpy( p[n].uname, p[n].uname_old ); } } if (mode) { strcpy( pn[npn].fpath, p[n].rpath ); pn[npn].size = p[n].size; strcpy( pn[npn].fname, p[n].fname ); pn[npn].utype = p[n].utype; strcpy( pn[npn].uname, p[n].uname ); pn[npn].version = p[n].version; pn[npn].status = 0; pn[npn].ftype = ftype( p[n].fname ); pn[npn].upath = p[n].upath; pn[npn].rpath = p[n].rpath; if (p[n].utype == UTYPE_SUB) { mode |= ( SUBROUTINE_MODE | COMPILE_MODE ); } else if (p[n].utype == UTYPE_TSK) { mode |= COMPILE_MODE; } pn[npn].mode = ( mode | mmode | NOSORT_MODE ); npn += 1; } } /* * first we select the subroutines and other files. */ for ( ns = n = 0; n < npn; n++ ) { if ((pn[n].utype != UTYPE_TSK) && (pn[n].mode & DELETE_MODE)) { p[ns++] = pn[n]; } } for ( n = 0; n < npn; n++ ) { if ((pn[n].utype != UTYPE_TSK) && !(pn[n].mode & DELETE_MODE)) { p[ns++] = pn[n]; } } for ( nt = n = 0; n < npn; n++ ) { if ((pn[n].utype == UTYPE_TSK) && (pn[n].mode & DELETE_MODE)) { p[ns+(nt++)] = pn[n]; } } for ( n = 0; n < npn; n++ ) { if ((pn[n].utype == UTYPE_TSK) && !(pn[n].mode & DELETE_MODE)) { p[ns+(nt++)] = pn[n]; } } if (ns) { r = action( p, ns ); { int ne, nm = ns; do { ne = 0; for ( n = 0; n < nm; n++ ) { if ( p[n].status ) { p[n].status = 0; if (n != ne ) p[ne] = p[n]; ne += 1; } } if (ne >= nm) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- endless loop!\a\n", program ); fprintf( stdout, "The following files could not be installed:\n" ); for ( n = 0; n < ne; n++ ) { if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Could not install %s\n", p[n].fname ); } fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", p[n].fname ); } updatesub( ); updateapp( ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { sendstatus( rf ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } nm = ne; if (nm) { fprintf( stdout, "%s -- retrying %d routines!\a\n", program, nm ); r = action( p, nm ); } } while ( nm ); } } if (!r) r = updatesub( ); /* * next we do the applications */ if (!r && nt) { if (ns) { for ( n = 0; n < nt; n++ ) { p[n] = p[n+ns]; } } r = action( p, nt ); /* do IT */ { int ne, nm = nt; do { ne = 0; for ( n = 0; n < nm; n++ ) { if ( p[n].status ) { p[n].status = 0; if (n != ne ) p[ne] = p[n]; ne += 1; } } if (ne >= nm) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- endless loop!\a\n", program ); fprintf( stdout, "The following files could not be installed:\n" ); for ( n = 0; n < ne; n++ ) { if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( rf, "ERROR : Could not install %s\n", p[n].fname ); } fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", p[n].fname ); } updateapp( ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { sendstatus( rf ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( FATAL ); } nm = ne; if (nm) { fprintf( stdout, "%s -- retrying %d applications!\a\n", program, nm ); r = action( p, nm ); } } while ( nm ); } } if (!r) r = updateapp( ); remove( filename2 ); if (!(mmode & IMPORT_MODE)) { sendstatus( rf ); fclose( rf ); putfile( regfile1, regfile2 ); } return( r ); } /* * cleantmp cleans the $gip_tmp directory of tmp.* files. */ static int cleantmp( void ) { DIR *dirp; #if defined(__sysv__) | defined(__linux__) | defined(__APPLE__) struct dirent *dp; /* directory entry pointer */ #else struct direct *dp; /* directory entry pointer */ #endif dirp = opendir( gip_tmp ); if (dirp == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, gip_tmp ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while ((dp = readdir( dirp )) != NULL) { char entry[FILENAME_MAX+1]; strcpy( entry, dp->d_name ); if ( strstr( entry, "tmp." ) == entry ) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; mkpath( filename, gip_tmp, entry ); remove( filename ); rewinddir( dirp ); } } closedir( dirp ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } /* * check checks the GIPSY files. */ static int check( void ) { DIR *dirp; FILE *h, *o; char history[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char offspringf[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; char date[MAXCHAR+1]; char user[MAXCHAR+1]; char ownr[MAXCHAR+1]; char child[MAXCHAR+1]; char source[MAXCHAR+1]; int nchild = 0; int size; int vers; int l, m, n, nf; int nd = 0, np = 0; parent *p = dummy3; #if defined(__sysv__) | defined(__linux__) | defined(__APPLE__) struct dirent *dp; /* directory entry pointer */ #else struct direct *dp; /* directory entry pointer */ #endif mkpath( history, gip_sys, "history" ); h = fopen( history, "r" ); if (h == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, history ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while ((nf = xscanf( h, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %d", name, type, &vers, date, user, ownr, &size ) ) >= 6) { int ftyp = ftype( name ); int utyp = 1; for ( n = 0; n < np && strcmp( name, p[n].fname ); n++); if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- too many sources!\a\n", program ); fclose( h ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (n == np) { np++; strcpy( p[n].fname, name ); p[n].fpath[0] = 0; p[n].ftype = ftyp; } strcpy( p[n].uname, ownr ); strcpy( p[n].uname_old, ownr ); p[n].version_old = vers; p[n].version = vers; p[n].status = 0; p[n].nchild = 0; while (utyp < MAXUTYPES && strcmp( type, utypes[utyp] )) utyp += 1; getupath( &p[n], utyp ); if (nf > 6) { p[n].size = size; } else { p[n].size = 0; } } fclose( h ); for ( n = 0; n < np; n++) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET")) nd++; } fprintf( stdout, "Found %5d files in history\n", np ); mkpath( offspringf, gip_sys, "offspring" ); o = fopen( offspringf, "r" ); if ( o == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, offspringf ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while ((nf = xscanf( o, "%s %s", source, child )) >= 2) { for ( n = 0; n < np && strcmp( p[n].fname, source ); n++); if (n == np) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not a GIPSY source!\a\n", program, source ); } else { p[n].child = realloc( p[n].child, (p[n].nchild + 1) * sizeof( offspring ) ); strcpy( p[n].child[p[n].nchild].fname, child ); p[n].child[p[n].nchild].ftype = ftype( child ); p[n].child[p[n].nchild].status = 0; p[n].nchild++; nchild++; } } fclose( o ); fprintf( stdout, "Found %5d files in offspring\n", nchild ); for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { getchilddest( &p[n] ); } for (l = 0; l < MAXCHECKDIRS; l++ ) { char *dir = checkdirs[l]; fprintf( stdout, ". . . . checking files in %s\n", dir ); dirp = opendir( dir ); if (dirp == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- cannot open %s!\a\n", program, dir ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while ((dp = readdir( dirp )) != NULL) { char entry[FILENAME_MAX+1]; strcpy( entry, dp->d_name ); if (entry[0] != '.') { int d = 0; for ( n = 0; n < np && strcmp( p[n].fname, entry ); n++ ); if (n < np) { if (p[n].upath == dir) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; mkpath( filename, dir, entry ); if (getfilesize( filename ) == p[n].size) { d = p[n].status = 1; } else { d = p[n].status = 2; } } else { d = p[n].status = 3; } } else { for ( n = 0; !d && n < np; n++ ) { for (m = 0; m < p[n].nchild && strcmp( p[n].child[m].fname, entry ); m++); if (m < p[n].nchild) { if (!strcmp( p[n].child[m].path, dir )) { d = p[n].child[m].status = 1; } else { d = p[n].child[m].status = 3; } } } } if (d == 0) { if (dir == gip_sys) { for ( n = 0; n < MAXNOCHECKINSYS && strstr( entry, nocheckinsys[n] ) == NULL; n++ ); if (n < MAXNOCHECKINSYS) d = 1; } else if (dir == gip_exe) { char *ptr; if ((ptr = strstr( entry, ".old" )) != NULL && strlen( ptr ) == 4) { char oentry[FILENAME_MAX+1]; strcpy( oentry, entry ); oentry[strlen(entry)-4] = 0; for ( n = 0; !d && n < np; n++ ) { for (m = 0; m < p[n].nchild && strcmp( p[n].child[m].fname, oentry ); m++); if (m < p[n].nchild) d = 1; } } } } if (!d) { fprintf( stdout, "%s is not a GIPSY file\n", entry ); } } } closedir( dirp ); } for (n = 0; n < np; n++) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) { if (p[n].status != 0) { fprintf( stdout, "%s should have been removed\n", p[n].fname ); } for ( m = 0; m < p[n].nchild; m++ ) { if (p[n].child[m].status != 0) { fprintf( stdout, "%s should have been removed\n", p[n].child[m].fname ); } } } else { if (p[n].status == 0) { fprintf( stdout, "%s is missing\n", p[n].fname ); } else if (p[n].status == 2) { fprintf( stdout, "%s has wrong size\n", p[n].fname ); } else if (p[n].status == 3) { fprintf( stdout, "%s in wrong directory\n", p[n].fname ); } for ( m = 0; m < p[n].nchild; m++ ) { if (p[n].child[m].status == 0) { fprintf( stdout, "%s (child of %s) is missing\n", p[n].child[m].fname, p[n].fname ); } else if (p[n].child[m].status == 3) { fprintf( stdout, "%s (child of %s) in wrong directory\n", p[n].child[m].fname, p[n].fname ); } } } } return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } /* * export exports modified files to a directory which contains an old * history file. */ static int export( int mode ) { FILE *h1, *h2; char filename1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char filename2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char history1[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char history2[FILENAME_MAX+1]; char name[MAXCHAR+1]; char type[MAXCHAR+1]; char date[MAXCHAR+1]; char user[MAXCHAR+1]; char ownr[MAXCHAR+1]; int size; int vers; int n, nf, np; parent *p = dummy3; if (setup_remote( mode )) return( FATAL ); mkpath( history1, gip_sys, "history" ); mkpath( history2, rem_sys, "history" ); h2 = fopen( history2, "r" ); if ( h2 == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\n\a", program, history2 ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } np = 0; while ((nf = xscanf( h2, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %d", name, type, &vers, date, user, ownr, &size ) ) >= 6) { int ftyp = ftype( name ); int utyp = 1; if (ftyp == FTYPE_UNKNOWN) continue; /* skip this weird entry */ if (ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX)) continue; for (n = 0; n < np && strcmp( name, p[n].fname ); n++); if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- too many sources!\a\n", program ); fclose( h2 ); return( FATAL ); } if (n == np) { np++; strcpy( p[n].fname, name ); p[n].fpath[0] = 0; p[n].ftype = ftyp; } strcpy( p[n].uname, ownr ); strcpy( p[n].uname_old, ownr ); p[n].version_old = vers; p[n].version = vers; while (utyp < MAXUTYPES && strcmp( type, utypes[utyp] )) utyp += 1; getupath( &p[n], utyp ); if (nf > 6) { p[n].size = size; } else { p[n].size = 0; } } fclose( h2 ); h1 = fopen( history1, "r" ); if ( h1 == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\n\a", program, history1 ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } while ((nf = xscanf( h1, "%s %s %d %s %s %s %d", name, type, &vers, date, user, ownr, &size )) >= 7) { int ftyp = ftype( name ); int utyp = 1; if (ftyp == FTYPE_UNKNOWN) continue; if (ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX)) continue; for (n = 0; n < np && strcmp( name, p[n].fname ); n++); if (n == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- too many sources!\a\n", program ); fclose( h1 ); return( FATAL ); } if (n == np) { np++; strcpy( p[n].fname, name ); p[n].version_old = -1; p[n].uname_old[0] = 0; p[n].ftype = ftyp; while (utyp < MAXUTYPES && strcmp( type, utypes[utyp] )) utyp += 1; getupath( &p[n], utyp ); p[n].fpath[0] = 0; } strcpy( p[n].uname, ownr ); p[n].version = vers; p[n].size = size; } fclose( h1 ); mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "README" ); mkpath( filename2, rem_sys, "README" ); cp( filename1, filename2 ); mkpath( filename1, gip_sys, "COPYRIGHT" ); mkpath( filename2, rem_sys, "COPYRIGHT" ); cp( filename1, filename2 ); h2 = fopen( history2, "a" ); if ( h2 == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\n\a", program, history2 ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } for ( n = 0; n < np; n++ ) { int mode = 0; time_t now = time( NULL ); if ( p[n].version_old < p[n].version ) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" ) && p[n].version_old < 0) { werr(fprintf( h2, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), p[n].uname, p[n].uname, p[n].size )); } else if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET" )) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname_old, "WASTEBASKET" )) { werr(fprintf( h2, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].uname_old, p[n].size )); } else { strcpy( p[n].uname, p[n].uname_old ); mode = DELETE_MODE; } } else { mode = INSTALL_MODE; } } else if (strcmp( p[n].uname, p[n].uname_old )) { if (!strcmp( p[n].uname, "WASTEBASKET")) { mode = DELETE_MODE; strcpy( p[n].uname, p[n].uname_old ); } else { werr(fprintf( h2, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].uname, p[n].size )); } } switch( mode ) { case DELETE_MODE: { werr(fprintf( h2, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:WASTEBASKET:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].size )); break; } case INSTALL_MODE: { werr(fprintf( h2, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%s:%s:%d\n", p[n].fname, utypes[p[n].utype], p[n].version, ttostr( now ), username, p[n].uname, p[n].size ) ); mkpath( filename1, p[n].upath, p[n].fname ); mkpath( filename2, p[n].rpath, p[n].fname ); cp( filename1, filename2 ); break; } default: { break; } } } fclose( h2 ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } /* * main_body does the main action. */ static int main_body( int argc, char *argv[], int mode ) { int copts = 1; /* turn on compiler options */ int ccount = 0; /* number of compilables */ int ocount = 0; /* number of options */ int ftyp; /* type of file */ int iarg; /* argument counter */ int nbase = 0; /* reset */ int r = 0; /* return code */ static parent base[MAXSOURCE]; /* the sources */ for (iarg = 1; iarg < argc; iarg++) { /* loop over command line arguments */ if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-c" )) { mode |= SUBROUTINE_MODE; /* subroutine mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-cc" )) { if (++iarg < argc) { cc = argv[iarg]; /* name of c compiler */ cc_opts2[0] = 0; /* no default options */ } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -cc not followed by compiler name!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-check" )) { mode |= CHECK_MODE; /* check GIPSY files */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-copts" )) { copts = 1; /* next switches are compiler switches */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-delete" )) { mode |= DELETE_MODE; /* set delete mode */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-export" )) { mode |= EXPORT_MODE; /* set export mode */ if (++iarg < argc) { strcpy( exp_dir, argv[iarg] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -export not followed by name of directory!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-fc" )) { if (++iarg < argc) { fc = argv[iarg]; /* name of fortran compiler */ fc_opts2[0] = 0; /* no default options */ } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -fc not followed by compiler name!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-history" )) { mode |= HISTORY_MODE; } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-if" )) { if (++iarg < argc) { /* next argument is filename */ FILE *f; /* file descriptor */ char fname[MAXCHAR+1]; /* name of file */ f = fopen( argv[iarg], "r" ); if (f == NULL) { /* file does not exist */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot open %s!\a\n", program, argv[iarg] ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } while (readline( fname, MAXCHAR, f )) { int ftyp = ftype( fname ); if (ftyp & FTYPE_O) { ocount += 1; /* increase counter */ strcat( uobjects, " " ); strcat( uobjects, fname ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not allowed anymore!\a\n", program, fname ); } else { if (nbase == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( base[nbase].fname, fname ); base[nbase].done = 0; base[nbase].nchild = 0; base[nbase].version = -1; base[nbase].status = 0; base[nbase].child = NULL; base[nbase].ftype = ftype( fname ); if (base[nbase].ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_MAKE | FTYPE_S | FTYPE_SHL | FTYPE_SRC)) { base[nbase].mode = COMPILE_MODE; } else { base[nbase].mode = 0; } nbase += 1; /* increase number of arguments */ } } } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -if not followed by filename!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-import" )) { mode |= IMPORT_MODE; /* set import mode */ if (++iarg < argc) { strcpy( imp_dir, argv[iarg] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -import not followed by name of directory!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-install" )) { mode |= INSTALL_MODE; /* install mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-lopts" )) { copts = 0; /* next switches are loader switches */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-o" )) { mode |= OUTPUT_MODE; /* output mode on */ if (++iarg < argc) { /* next argument */ output = argv[iarg]; /* output name of executable */ } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -o not followed by filename!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-purify" )) { mode |= PURIFY_MODE; /* purify mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-rebuild" )) { mode |= REBUILD_MODE; /* rebuild mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-reserve" )) { mode |= RESERVE_MODE; /* reserve mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-retrieve" )) { mode |= RETRIEVE_MODE; /* retrieve mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-sub" )) { mode |= SUBROUTINE_MODE; /* subroutine mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-sysgen" )) { mode |= SYSGEN_MODE; /* sysgen mode */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-unlock" )) { mode |= UNLOCK_MODE; /* unlock */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-unreserve" )) { mode |= UNRESERVE_MODE; /* unreserve mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-update" )) { mode |= UPDATE_MODE; /* update mode on */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-version" )) { mode |= VERSION_MODE; /* version mode on */ if (++iarg < argc) { version = atoi( argv[iarg] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -version not followed by number!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-X" )) { With_x11 = 1; /* add X incs. and libs */ } else if (!strcmp( argv[iarg], "-XT" )) { With_x11 = 2; /* add X incs. and toolkit libs */ } else if (!((ftyp = ftype( argv[iarg] )) & (FTYPE_UNKNOWN | FTYPE_EXE))) { if (ftyp & FTYPE_O) { /* -> loader switch */ ocount += 1; /* increase counter */ strcat( uobjects, " " ); strcat( uobjects, argv[iarg] ); } else if (ftyp & (FTYPE_BUG | FTYPE_FIX)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not allowed anymore!\a\n", program, fname ); } else { if (nbase == MAXSOURCE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Not enough buffer space!\a\n", program ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( base[nbase].fname, argv[iarg] ); base[nbase].done = 0; base[nbase].nchild = 0; /* no children yet */ base[nbase].child = NULL; /* no children yet */ base[nbase].status = 0; /* reset */ base[nbase].version = -1; /* no version */ base[nbase].ftype = ftyp; /* save file type */ if (base[nbase].ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_MAKE | FTYPE_S | FTYPE_SHL | FTYPE_SRC)) { base[nbase].mode = COMPILE_MODE; } else { base[nbase].mode = 0; } nbase += 1; /* increase number of arguments */ } } else { /* options */ ocount += 1; /* increase counter */ dooptions( argv[iarg], copts ); /* add/remove option */ } } if (nbits( mode & (CHECK_MODE | INSTALL_MODE | UPDATE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE | DELETE_MODE | RETRIEVE_MODE | OUTPUT_MODE | SYSGEN_MODE | EXPORT_MODE | IMPORT_MODE)) > 1) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Illegal combination of options!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & EXPORT_MODE) && (nbits( mode ) != 1)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No other options allowed with -export!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & IMPORT_MODE) && (nbits( mode ) != 1)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No other options allowed with -import!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & CHECK_MODE)) { if (nbits( mode ) != 1) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- other arguments will be discarded!\a\n", program ); } return( check( ) ); } if (nbits( mode & (SUBROUTINE_MODE | OUTPUT_MODE) ) > 1) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Clash of options (-o and -c or -sub)!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (mode & ( INSTALL_MODE | UPDATE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE | RESERVE_MODE | SYSGEN_MODE | UNRESERVE_MODE | DELETE_MODE )) { int n, nf = 0; if (ocount) { /* not allowed */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Compiler/loader options on command line!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & (UPDATE_MODE | SYSGEN_MODE)) && nbase) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- No source name allowed on command line!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } for (n = 0; n < nbase; n++) { int l = strlen( base[n].fname ); if ((mode & INSTALL_MODE) && access( base[n].fname, F_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not found!\a\n", program, base[n].fname ); nf += 1; } while (l && base[n].fname[l-1] != '/') l--; if (l) { strncpy( base[n].fpath, base[n].fname, l ); strcpy( base[n].fname, &base[n].fname[l] ); } base[n].fpath[l] = 0; base[n].mode |= mode; /* set mode */ if (base[n].ftype & (FTYPE_MAKE | FTYPE_OPT | FTYPE_S | FTYPE_SYN )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not allowed on command line!\a\n", program, base[n].fname ); nf += 1; } else { getutype( &base[n] ); } if (base[n].mode & COMPILE_MODE) ccount++; } if (nf) return( EXIT_FAILURE ); if (nbase && !ccount) no_update = 1; } else if ( mode & IMPORT_MODE ) { mode |= UPDATE_MODE; } else { int n, nf = 0; mode |= PRIVATE_MODE; for (n = 0; n < nbase; n++) { base[n].mode |= mode; /* set mode */ getutype( &base[n] ); if (base[n].ftype & (FTYPE_OPT | FTYPE_SYN)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s not allowed on command line!\a\n", program, base[n].fname ); nf += 1; } else if (!(mode & (HISTORY_MODE | RETRIEVE_MODE))) { if (access( base[n].fname, F_OK )) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- %s does not exist!\a\n", program, base[n].fname ); nf += 1; } else if (base[n].ftype & (FTYPE_C | FTYPE_F | FTYPE_S | FTYPE_SHL | FTYPE_SRC)) { ccount += 1; } } } if (nf) return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && !(sflag & FLAG_INS)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You may not install on this machine!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && !(sflag & FLAG_COM)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You may not compile on this machine!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & IMPORT_MODE) && !(sflag & FLAG_SLV)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- can only import in slave!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & IMPORT_MODE) && (sflag & FLAG_FTP)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- can not import in ftp mode!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && (euid != ruid)) { euid = ruid; seteuid( euid ); /* remove the privilege */ } if ((mode & EXPORT_MODE)) { return( export( mode ) ); } { char *pwd = NULL; /* current working dir */ #if defined(__bsd__) /* BSD */ pwd = getwd( cwd ); /* pwd */ #endif #if defined(__sysv__) | defined(__linux__) | defined(__APPLE__) /* SYSV */ pwd = getcwd( cwd, FILENAME_MAX ); /* pwd */ #endif if (pwd == NULL) { /* error */ fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Cannot obtain current working directory!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* fatal error */ } } if (ruid == euid && guid == euid && !(mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) { mode |= MASTER_MODE; /* it's the boss */ } if (mode & MASTER_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- running in Master Mode!\a\n", program ); } else if (mode & (SYSGEN_MODE | IMPORT_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- must be running in Master Mode!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if ((mode & SYSGEN_MODE) && nbits(sflag & (FLAG_SLV | FLAG_FTP)) != 2) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- can only generate system in slave and ftp mode!\a\n", program ); fprintf( stderr, "%s -- check $gip_loc/clients file\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) { int umask( ); chdir( gip_tmp ); /* change directory */ umask( 022 ); /* set user mask */ } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && !(mode & MASTER_MODE)) { if ( (guid != euid) || (sflag & FLAG_SUI) ) { if (!(sflag & FLAG_SLV) || (mode & (REBUILD_MODE | UPDATE_MODE | SYSGEN_MODE))) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You don't have the privilege to install!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } } if ( mode & PURIFY_MODE ) { if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Purify only for private purposes!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (mode & SUBROUTINE_MODE) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Purify NOT for subroutines!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (!(ccount)) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- There is nothing to purify!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && !(mode & MASTER_MODE)) { if (initprog( )) { return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE) && !(mode & MASTER_MODE)) { int n = 0; while (n < nprog && strcmp( prog[n].user, username )) n++; if (n == nprog) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You (%s) are not allowed to install! Sorry!!\a\n", program, username ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( usermail, prog[n].addr ); } if (lock( mode )) return( FATAL ); /* lock compile */ if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) { if ( (sflag & FLAG_SLV) && !(mode & (UPDATE_MODE | REBUILD_MODE | SYSGEN_MODE))) { r = action_remote( base, nbase ); } else if ( (sflag & FLAG_FTP) && (mode & (UPDATE_MODE | SYSGEN_MODE))) { r = updatefromremote( mode ); } else if (!(sflag & FLAG_FTP) && (mode & IMPORT_MODE)) { r = updatefromremote( mode ); } else { r = history( base, nbase, mode ); if (!r) { if (mode & (INSTALL_MODE | REBUILD_MODE | UPDATE_MODE | DELETE_MODE)) { r = updatesub( ); if (!r) r = action( base, nbase ); if (!r && ((mode & MASTER_MODE) || ((mode & (UPDATE_MODE | SUBROUTINE_MODE)) == UPDATE_MODE))) r = updateapp( ); } else { r = reserve( base, nbase ); } } } } else if (mode & RETRIEVE_MODE) { if (sflag & FLAG_SLV) { r = action_remote( base, nbase ); } else { r = history( base, nbase, mode ); if (!r) r = retrieve( base, nbase ); } } else if (mode & HISTORY_MODE ) { r = history( base, nbase, mode ); } else { r = action( base, nbase ); } if (!(mode & PRIVATE_MODE)) r = cleantmp( ); /* clean up the mess */ unlock( mode ); /* unlock compile */ if (r) { return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* exit with error */ } else { return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); /* exit with success */ } } /* * main checks the command line arguments and decides what to do. */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char *file = NULL; int mode = 0; int m; int n; int r = 0; uobjects[0] = 0; /* set end of text */ signal( SIGINT, handler ); /* set interrupt handler */ setbuf( stdout, NULL ); /* no buffering */ getuser( username ); /* get name of user */ n = strlen( argv[0] ); /* length */ program = argv[0] + n; /* get name of program */ while (n && *(--program) != '/') n--; /* go back until / */ if (*program == '/') program++; /* it was a / */ if (init( )) return( EXIT_FAILURE ); /* initialize things */ if (argc < 2) { /* give user some help */ return( help( ) ); /* exit */ } euid = geteuid( ); /* get effective uid */ guid = getguid( ); /* get uid of GIPSY account */ ruid = getuid( ); /* get real uid */ for ( n = 1; n < argc; n++ ) { if (!strcmp( argv[n], "-mail" )) { mode = MAIL_MODE; if (++n == argc) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- no mail address specified!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } else { strcpy( usermail, argv[n] ); } if (argc != 4) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Must have 4 arguments on command line!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (euid != guid) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- Must run in MASTER mode!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } else { file = argv[n]; } } if (!(mode)) { r = main_body( argc, argv, mode ); } else { FILE *f; char *myargv[MAXARG]; char cmd[MAXCMD]; int myargc = 0; int n; r = unpack( file ); if (!r) { char *s; r = remove( file ); f = fopen( "compile.arg", "r" ); if (f == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- no file compile.arg found!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (fgets( cmd, MAXCMD, f ) == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- error reading compile.arg!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } fclose( f ); r = remove ( "compile.arg" ); s = strtok( cmd, " \n" ); do { myargv[myargc++] = s; s = strtok( NULL, " \n" ); } while ( s != NULL ); for ( m = n = 0; n < myargc; n++) { if (!strcmp( myargv[n], "-user" )) { if (++n == myargc) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- username not on command line!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } strcpy( username, myargv[n] ); } else { if (m != n) myargv[m] = myargv[n]; m += 1; } } if (m == myargc) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- -user switch not found!\a\n", program ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } myargc = m; fprintf( stdout, "%s", myargv[0] ); for ( n = 1; n < myargc; n++) { fprintf( stdout, " %s", myargv[n] ); } fprintf( stdout, "\n" ); if (initprog()) { return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } n = 0; while (n < nprog && strcmp( prog[n].addr, usermail ) && strcmp( prog[n].user, username ) ) n++; if (n == nprog) { fprintf( stderr, "%s -- You (%s) at %s are not allowed to install! Sorry!!\a\n", program, username, usermail ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } r = main_body( myargc, myargv, mode ); } } if (r) r = EXIT_FAILURE; else r = EXIT_SUCCESS; return( r ); }