Cradprof.shl C C COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 C Kapteyn Astronomical Institute C University of Groningen, The Netherlands C All Rights Reserved. C C#> radprof.dc1 C CProgram: RADPROF C CPurpose: Solves the radial surface density distribution from a strip C integral of the brightness distribution. USE PROGRAM C RADIAL AS FRONT END FOR RADPROF. C C CCategory: ANALYSIS, FITTING, PROFILES, RADIO C CFile: radprof.shl C CAuthor: M.G.R. Vogelaar C (Initial code: Myung-Hyun Rhee, Rob Swaters) C CKeywords: See radial.dc1 C C PA= Position angle (deg) of galaxy: C C INCL= Inclination (deg) of galaxy: C Inclination of 90.0 degrees not allowed. C C GUESS= Enter initial estimate: [L] C C Enter one of: L = Linear Regression C E = Exponential Decreasing C G = Gaussian Distribution C F = Flat Distribution C C **IDENT= Give integer to identify output: [0] C C SCF= Give scale factor for density: [1] C C C SIGMA= Give noise in your data points: [1] C C ITMAX= Maximum number of iterations: [10] C C BEAM= Half power beam width (arcsec): [0.0] C C POS= Positions of data points (arcsec): C First position must be zero and positions must be C equally spaced. C C EAST= Values at east side: C C WEST= Values at west side: C C TABLEFILE= Enter output filename for densities: [RADIAL.DAT] C This file contains the observed and fitted C integrated flux for east, west and the average profile, C and the fitted surface densities. C C C CDescription: RADPROF solves the radial surface density distribution from C a strip integral of the brightness distribution of a galaxy. C The method is simular to the one decribed by Lucy, C (The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 79, Number 6, June 1974). C The geometry of the problem is determined by the inclination C and the position angle of the galaxy together with the position C angle of the resolution axis of the strip integral. C The method of Lucy takes care of the existence of noise C in the data and used an iterative scheme to take that into C account. C CAlgorithm: 1. read in the observational data of observation 1 C from the data file for both the east and west side C 2. convert the positions on the resolution (=position) C axis to radial distances in the plane of the galaxy C 3. make an inital guess of the radial distribution C 4. start lucy iterative scheme to compute the true C radial distribution C 5. print and plot the results of the observation C C Array's C R (input) distance to centre along the resolution axis C R (out) distance in the plane of the galaxy C V (out) radial distr. east and west (solar masses/pc**2) C S (out) radial distr. east and west (cumulative perc.) C T (out) average radial distr. (solar masses/pc**2) C U (out) average radial distr. (cum. perc.) C C C This program is usually started by program RADIAL which C serves as a front-end to RADPROF. C For a further description of the method see: C Warmels, R.H., 1988b, A&AS 72, 427 C CUpdates: Jul 30, 1999: VOG, Document created. C C#< E PROGRAM RADPROF - MAIN MODULE - PROGRAM RADPROF C-DECLARATIONS----------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER IAL,NIAL,LIAL,OUT PARAMETER (IAL=256,NIAL=2*IAL+1,LIAL=1500,OUT=3) COMMON /ROMMEL/DUMA(-1*IAL:IAL),DUMB(-1*IAL:IAL),DUMC(-1*IAL:IAL), # DUMD(-1*IAL:IAL),DUME(-1*IAL:IAL) COMMON /RADII/ NP,R(0:IAL) REAL V(-1*IAL:IAL),S(-1*IAL:IAL), # T(-1*IAL:IAL),U(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL X1(0:IAL) REAL ST1O(-1*IAL:IAL),ST2O(-1*IAL:IAL),ST3O(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL STF(-1*IAL:IAL),STA(-1*IAL:IAL),STFA(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL FXSTO(2),FXSTF(2),FXSTOA(2),FXSTFA(2),FXSR(2),FXSRA REAL ANG(2),BEAM1,PAOBS1 REAL DELX,DELX1,SCF,SIGMA,SQKIMAX REAL EAST(0:IAL) LOGICAL OKAY INTEGER NGC,IDENT,NR INTEGER I,NRET1,NP1,NP,ITMAX INTEGER RR, USERREAL CHARACTER INI*1 CHARACTER*50 DAT CHARACTER*256 TEXT C CHARACTER*256 TEXT2 C-DATA STATEMENTS-------------------------------------------------------------- C C DATA CONVF /10.1119/ C Change this constant to one so that the output of radprof will be C in map units. DATA CONVF /1/ C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C-FORMAT STATEMENTS----------------------------------------------------------- 1 FORMAT('OBS 1: position angle of observation [',F4.1,']',A1) 2 FORMAT('OBS 2: position angle of observation [',F4.1,']',A1) 500 FORMAT(7X,'POS',6X,'EAST',6X,'WEST',A1) 501 FORMAT(3F10.2,A1) C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- N start communication with HERMES CALL INIT CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' ' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, '-------------------------------------------' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' RADPROF VERSION 2.0 (oct 20, 1997)' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' Solves the radial surface density' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' distribution from a strip integral' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' of the brightness distribution.' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' Based on the Lucy method (The Astronomical') CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' Journal, Vol. 79, Number 6, June 1974' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' ' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' USE PROGRAM RADIAL TO START RADPROF' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, '-------------------------------------------' ) CALL ANYOUT( 1, ' ' ) N preset arrays PERFORM PRESET N open output file CALL OPENF( OUT ) N get input from the user PERFORM GALAXY N start with reading data of observation 1 PERFORM READ1 N number of points NP = NP1 N show input on screen N WRITE(TEXT,500) 0 N CALL ANYOUT( 1, TEXT ) N FOR I=0,NP-1 N WRITE(TEXT,501) X1(I),ST3O(-1*I),ST3O(I),0 N CALL ANYOUT( 1, TEXT ) N CFOR N calculate radial distribution for observ. 1 PERFORM RAD1 N output to user on terminal PERFORM OUTPUT CALL PLOT( R,FACT,ST3O,STF,V,SCF,NP1 ) CLOSE(UNIT=OUT) N break all communications CALL FINIS N we are done STOP E PROGRAM RADPROF - PROCEDURE PRESET - PROC PRESET C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C THIS PROCEDURE PRESETS THE ARRAYS NEEDED FOR THE CALCULATIONS. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N loop trough data points FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL N preset data first observation ST1O(I) = 0.0 N preset data second observation ST2O(I) = 0.0 N preset data points average of 1 and 2 ST3O(I) = 0.0 CFOR N end procedure CPROC E PROGRAM RADPROF - PROCEDURE GALAXY - PROC GALAXY C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C PROCEDURE TO GET TERMINAL INPUT FROM THE USER. C IT ASKS FOR: GALAXY NUMBER (NGC OR IC) C POSITION ANGLE AND INCLINATION (INCLINATION .NE. 90.0) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N get galaxy number C CALL USERINT(NGC,1,4,'GALAXY=', C # 'NGC or IC number of the galaxy wanted') N infinite loop to obtain correct p.a. and incl. WHILE .TRUE. N get p.a. and incl. RR = USERREAL(ANG(1), 1, 4, 'PA=', # 'Position angle (deg) of galaxy' ) RR = USERREAL(ANG(2), 1, 4, 'INCL=', # 'Inclination (deg) of galaxy' ) N inclination unequal 90.0 IF ANG(2).NE.90.0 THEN N yes; exit loop XWHILE N no ELSE N give warning CALL ERROR(1,'inclination of 90.0 degrees not allowed') N cancel keyword CALL CANCEL('PA=') CALL CANCEL('INCL=') CIF N end infinite loop CWHILE N infinite loop of initial estimate of model WHILE .TRUE. N give user info about initial estimates CALL ANYOUT(1,' ') CALL ANYOUT(1,' Possibilities for the initial estimate:') CALL ANYOUT(1,' L = Linear Regression ') CALL ANYOUT(1,' E = Exponential Decreasing ') CALL ANYOUT(1,' G = Gaussian Distribution ') CALL ANYOUT(1,' F = Flat Distribution ') CALL ANYOUT(1,' ') N what kind of initial estimate INI = 'L' CALL USERCHARU(INI,1,1,'GUESS=','Enter initial estimate [L]') N check if estimate is legal IF (INI.EQ.'L').OR.(INI.EQ.'E').OR. # (INI.EQ.'G').OR.(INI.EQ.'F') N option is present and working THEN N exit infinite loop XWHILE N input was not legal ELSE N give user warning and try once more CALL ERROR(1,'Initial estimate unknown; try once more') N cancel keyword CALL CANCEL('GUESS=') CIF N end of infinite loop CWHILE N get identifier from user IDENT=0 CALL USERINT(IDENT,1,2,'IDENT=', 1 'Give integer to identify output: [0]') N get scalefactor from user to give reasonable output values SCF=1 N for densities RR = USERREAL(SCF,1,1,'SCF=', 1 'Give scalefactor for density: [1]') N get sigma per point SIGMA=1.0 RR = USERREAL(SIGMA,1,1,'SIGMA=', 1 'Give noise in your datapoints: [1]') N get maximum chi squared SQKIMAX=1 ITMAX=10 CALL USERINT(ITMAX,1,1,'ITMAX=', 1 'Maximum number of iterations: [10]') N end procedure CPROC E PROGRAM RADPROF - PROCEDURE READ1 - PROC READ1 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C This procedure reads the data of the strip integral of the C first observation and puts them in array st30 C The distances to the center along the strip axis are put into C array X. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1011 FORMAT('*** skipping NGC/IC ',I4,' - ',F5.1) 1012 FORMAT('*** cannot find data for NGC/IC ',I4,' sorry ***') C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N initialize beam to zero BEAM1=0.0 N get hpbw of in direction of datapoints RR = USERREAL(BEAM1,1,4,'BEAM=', 1 'Half power beam width (arcsec): [0.0]') N initialize position angle of observation PAOBS1=ANG(1) N prepare message C WRITE(TEXT,1) PAOBS1,0 N get pa from user C RR = USERREAL(PAOBS1,1,1,'PAOBS1=',TEXT) N start reading of loop REPEAT NR=IAL OKAY=.TRUE. NP1 = USERREAL(X1(0), NR, 1,'POS=', 1 'Positions of data points (arcsec): ') N first radius zero? IF (X1(0).NE.0.0) N no THEN N not okay OKAY=.FALSE. N inform user CALL ERROR(1,'first position must be zero') N cancel keyword CALL CANCEL('POS=') N check equal spacing ELSE N initialize counter I=2 N expected separation between data points DELX1 = X1(1) N loop to check on equally spaced data points REPEAT N separation with previous data point DELX = X1(I) - X1(I-1) N input okay if difference is small OKAY= (ABS(DELX1-DELX).LT.0.1) N increase counter I=I+1 N end loop if i > nr of points or something is wrong UNTIL (I.GT.NP1-1).OR.(.NOT.OKAY) N unequal spacing? IF .NOT.OKAY N yes THEN N error message to user CALL ERROR(1,'positions are not equally spaced, try again') N cancel keyword CALL CANCEL('POS=') CIF N end checks CIF N end of pos loop UNTIL OKAY NR = NP1 NRET1 = 0 NRET1 = USERREAL( EAST(0), NP1, 1, 'EAST=', 1 'Values at east side:') N convert east to right order in st30 FOR I=0,NRET1 ST3O(-1*I)=EAST(I) CFOR N get data west side NR = NRET1 NRET1 = USERREAL( ST3O(0), NR, 1, 'WEST=', 1 'Values at west side:') N end of proc read1 CPROC E PROGRAM RADPROF - procedure RAD1 PROC RAD1 C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This procedure calculates the radial distribution from the strip C distribution which has been read by the procedure read1. C First it applies the geometrical correction to the data; thereafter C it calls the subroutine lucy to obtain the radial distribution in C an iterative fashion. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N angle between integration direction and major axis DELPHI = ANG(1) - (PAOBS1-90.0) C Note that if RADPROF is started with RADIAL, the position angle C and inclination (PA=, INCL=) are both zero and there is no C the correction factor is equal to 1. N geometrical correction factor (note:deg->radians) FACT = 1.0/SQRT(1.-((COS(DELPHI*0.0174533)* # SIN(ANG(2)*0.0174533))**2)) N correct strip integral to face-on situation FOR I = 0,IAL N radius in plane galaxy R(I) = X1(I)*FACT ST1O(-1*I) = ST3O(-1*I)/FACT ST1O(I) = ST3O(I)/FACT STA(I) = (ST1O(-1*I)+ST1O(I))/2.0 STA(-1*I) = STA(I) CFOR N separating between rings DELR1 = R(1) N half power beam width BEAM = BEAM1*FACT N transfer dat for subroutine lucy FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL DUMC(I) = ST1O(I) CFOR N start lucy to calculate radial distribution CALL LUCY(BEAM,INI,NITO,CHIO,SIGMA,ITMAX) N flux content in observed strip integral CALL STFLUX(R,ST1O,FXSTO) N flux content in strip integral fits CALL STFLUX(R,DUMD,FXSTF) N flux content in radial distribution CALL SRFLUX(R,DUMA,S,FXSR) N transfer solutions to output array (ncl. conversion) FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL V(I) = DUMA(I)*CONVF N fit of the strip distribution STF(I) = DUMD(I)*FACT CFOR N loop for average FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL DUMC(I) = STA(I) CFOR N calculate average radial profile CALL LUCY(BEAM,INI,NITA,CHIA,SIGMA,ITMAX) N flux content in average observed strip integral CALL STFLUX(R,STA,FXSTOA) N flux content in average fitted strip integral CALL STFLUX(R,DUMD,FXSTFA) N flux content in radial distribution CALL SRFLUX(R,DUMA,U,FXSRA) N transfer solution to output arrays FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL N radial distribution T(I) = DUMA(I)*CONVF N the fitted observed strip integral STFA(I) = DUMD(I)*FACT CFOR N end of procedure CPROC E PROGRAM RADPROF - PROCEDURE OUTPUT PROC OUTPUT C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This procedure produces screen output to inform the user about the fit C which has been made for the observation(s). In addition it makes a plot C of the radial distribution calculated. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1000 FORMAT('! Initial guess: ',A,' scalefactor:',F4.1, 1 ' Identifier : ',I3) 1001 FORMAT('! ', A, A1) 1002 FORMAT('! Galaxy : NGC ',I4,' PA =',F5.1,' INCL =',F5.1, 2 ' PA Observation =',F5.1, 3 ' FACT =',1X,F8.5,A1) 1004 FORMAT (1X,F6.2,4X,3(F6.2,2X,F4.2,4X)) 1005 FORMAT ('! ',14X,'! S T R I P D I S T R I B U T I O N S',23X, 2 'S U R F A C E D E N S I T I E S') 1006 FORMAT ('! ',25X,'!',40X,'solar masses/pc**2') 1007 FORMAT ('! POS',11X,'EAST',17X,'WEST',17X,'AVE',16X, 2 'RADIUS',7X,'EAST',11X,'WEST',11X,'AVE') 1008 FORMAT ('! (arcsec)',3X,'OBS',7X,'FIT',8X,'OBS',7X,'FIT',8X, 2 'OBS',7X,'FIT',8X,'(arcsec)',1X,3(' DENS',3X,'FLUX',4X)) 1009 FORMAT (1X,F8.2,3X,3(F8.2,2X,F8.2,3X),2X,F8.2,3(2X,F7.3,1X,F5.3)) 1010 FORMAT (1X,'! TOTAL FLUX CONTENT (Jy km/s):', 2 1X,9X,3(F8.2,2X,F8.2,3X),13X,3(F7.3,8X)) 1014 FORMAT ('! ',25X,'! mapunits',50X,'mapunits') 1015 FORMAT ('! ',10X,3(F8.2,2X,F8.2,3X),12X,3(F7.3,8X)) 1016 FORMAT (A) 1017 FORMAT('! # Iterations EAST/WEST:',2X,I3,' CHI**2=',1X,E14.8) 1018 FORMAT('! # Iterations AVERAGE :',2X,I3,' CHI**2=',1X,E14.8) 1020 FORMAT (F7.3,1X,F7.3) 1021 FORMAT (F20.10,' ',F20.10) 1022 FORMAT('! # Iterations EAST/WEST:',2X,I3) 1023 FORMAT('! # Iterations AVERAGE :',2X,I3) 1024 FORMAT('! Standard deviation EAST :', 1X,E14.8) 1025 FORMAT('! Standard deviation WEST :', 1X,E14.8) 1026 FORMAT('! Standard deviation AVERAGE:', 1X,E14.8) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N date and time CALL GETDATE(DAT) STDOE = 0.0 STDOW = 0.0 STDAV = 0.0 FOR I = 0,NP-1,1 STDOE = STDOE + (ST3O(-1*I)-STF(-1*I))**2.0 STDOW = STDOW + (ST3O(I)-STF(I))**2.0 STDAV = STDAV+ (STA(-1*I)*FACT-STFA(-1*I))**2.0 CFOR STDOE = SQRT(STDOE/(REAL(NP)-1.0)) STDOW = SQRT(STDOW/(REAL(NP)-1.0)) STDAV = SQRT(STDAV/(REAL(NP)-1.0)) N Write information to screen N --------------------------- CALL ANYOUT( 3, '! RESULTS OF LUCY"S ITERATIVE SOLUTION SCHEME '// # 'FOR THE RADIAL HI DISTRIBUTION' ) CALL ANYOUT( 3, '! WRITTEN TO FILE ON DISK AT:') WRITE (TEXT,1001) DAT,0 CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) N galaxy, pa and incl, pa observ. and factor C WRITE (TEXT,1002) NGC,ANG(1),ANG(2),PAOBS1,FACT,0 C CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT2 ) N number of iterations WRITE (TEXT,1022) NITO CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) WRITE (TEXT,1023) NITA N standard deviations CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) WRITE (TEXT,1024) STDOE CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) WRITE (TEXT,1025) STDOW CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) WRITE (TEXT,1026) STDAV CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) N radii, surf, dens. east, west and average C FOR I = 0,NP-1,1 C WRITE (TEXT,1004) R(I),V(-1*I)*SCF, C # S(-1*I),V(I)*SCF,S(I),T(I)*SCF,U(I) C CALL ANYOUT( 3, TEXT ) C CFOR N write information in output file N -------------------------------- WRITE (OUT,1001) DAT,0 N galaxy, pa and incl, pa observ., factor WRITE (OUT,1002) NGC,ANG(1),ANG(2),PAOBS1,FACT,0 N number of iterations, chi**2 WRITE (OUT,1022) NITO WRITE (OUT,1023) NITA WRITE (OUT,1024) STDOE WRITE (OUT,1025) STDOW WRITE (OUT,1026) STDAV WRITE (OUT,1000) INI,SCF,IDENT N headers of columns WRITE (OUT,1005) WRITE (OUT,1014) WRITE (OUT,1007) WRITE (OUT,1008) N loop through all points FOR I = 0,NP-1,1 WRITE (OUT,1009) R(I)/FACT,ST3O(-1*I),STF(-1*I),ST3O(I), 2 STF(I),STA(-1*I)*FACT,STFA(-1*I), 3 R(I),V(-1*I)*SCF,S(-1*I),V(I)*SCF, 4 S(I),T(I)*SCF,U(I) CFOR WRITE (OUT,1016) '! TOTAL FLUX CONTENT:' WRITE (OUT,1015) FXSTO(1),FXSTF(1),FXSTO(2),FXSTF(2), 2 FXSTOA(1),FXSTFA(1),FXSR(1),FXSR(2),2.0*FXSRA N end procedure CPROC END E PROGRAM RADPROF - SUBROUTINE LUCY - MAIN BODY - SUBROUTINE LUCY(HPBW,MODEL,IT,SQKI,SIGMA,ITMAX) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This subroutine solves the radial surface density distribution from an C observed integration of the brightness distribution upon an axis. C It uses the method described by Lucy. C C procedure: 1. initial estimate for the radial distribution C 2. iterative part to find the n-th solution for C the radial distribution C 3. routine to monitor the convergence of the solution C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARAMETER (IAL=256,NIAL=2*IAL+1,NBEAM=7) COMMON /ROMMEL/DUMA(-1*IAL:IAL),DUMB(-1*IAL:IAL),DUMC(-1*IAL:IAL), 2 DUMD(-1*IAL:IAL),DUME(-1*IAL:IAL) COMMON /RADII/ NP,R(0:IAL) REAL B(-1*NBEAM:NBEAM),HPBW INTEGER NP CHARACTER MODEL CHARACTER*40 TEKST DATA PI/3.141592654/ C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 FORMAT ('busy with iteration ',I2,A1) N preset arrays needed for ther calculations PERFORM PRESET N initial guess: triangular model PERFORM QUESS N calculate beam shape on grid points PERFORM BEAM N number of iterations IT = 0 WHILE .TRUE. N inform user about iterations WRITE(TEKST,100) IT,0 CALL STATUS(TEKST) N calculate new strip distr. for radial distr. PERFORM STRIP N preset chi-squared SQKI = 0.0 FOR I = -1*NP,NP IF (DUMC(I).NE.0.0) THEN N there is something wrong with this definition sqki N SQKI = SQKI+(DUMD(I)-DUMC(I))**2./DUMC(I) N is this better ? SQKI = SQKI+(DUMD(I)-DUMC(I))**2.0/(SIGMA**2.0) CIF CFOR N chi-squares within limit? IF (IT.GE.ITMAX) N yes THEN N exit loop XWHILE N no ELSE N increase number of iterations IT = IT+1 CIF N calculate radial distr. from strip distr. PERFORM RAD N end iterative loop CWHILE N back to original values FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL DUMA(I) = DUMA(I)*FLUX DUMC(I) = DUMC(I)*FLUX DUMD(I) = DUMD(I)*FLUX CFOR N return to radial RETURN E SUBROUTINE LUCY - PROCEDURE PRESET - PROC PRESET C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This procedure presets the arrays needed for the calculations. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N loop through arrays FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL DUMA(I) = 0.0 DUMB(I) = 0.0 DUMD(I) = 0.0 DUME(I) = 0.0 CFOR N end procedure CPROC E SUBROUTINE LUCY - PROCEDURE QUESS - PROC QUESS C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This procedure produces the initial guess of the radial C distribution. The user can choose between four different C forms of the initial estimate: C 1. linear regression to the last measured point ('l') C 2. exponential decreasing with scale size 1/rmax ('e') C 3. gaussian distribution ('g') C 4. complete flat distribution out to rmax ('f') C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N radial separation between grid points DELR = R(1) N preset total flux FLUX = 0.0 N calculate total flux FOR I = -1*NP,NP FLUX = FLUX+DUMC(I)*DELR CFOR N normalize flux content of strip distribution to 1.0 FOR I = -1*IAL,IAL DUMC(I) = DUMC(I)/FLUX CFOR N user wants linear regression N ----------------------------- IF MODEL.EQ.'L' THEN N sloop of the linear function CST1 = -3.0/(PI*(NP*DELR)**3.0) N zero point CST2 = +3.0/(PI*(NP*DELR)**2.0) FOR I = 0,NP N west side DUMA(I) = CST1*I*DELR + CST2 N is equal to east side DUMA(-1*I) = DUMA(I) CFOR CIF N user wants exponential decreasing function N ------------------------------------------ IF MODEL.EQ.'E' THEN N scale factor for normalization CST1 = 1.0/(2.*PI*(NP*DELR)**2.) N scale length CST2 = 1.0/(NP*DELR) N loop through array points FOR I = 0,IAL N west side DUMA(I) = CST1*EXP(-1.0*CST2*(I*DELR)) N east side DUMA(-1*I) = DUMA(I) CFOR CIF N user wants gaussian model N ------------------------- IF MODEL.EQ.'G' THEN N scale factor of the gaussian distribution CST1 = LOG(2.)/(PI*(NP*DELR)**2.) N constant in the exponent CST2 = LOG(2.)/((NP*DELR)**2.) N loop trough array points FOR I = 0,IAL N west side DUMA(I) = CST1*EXP(-1.0*CST2*(I*DELR)**2) N east side DUMA(-1*I) = DUMA(I) CFOR CIF N user wants a flat model N ----------------------- IF MODEL.EQ.'F' THEN N constant value over the whole range CST1 = 1.0/(2.0*NP*DELR) N loop through array points FOR I = 0,NP N west side DUMA(I) = CST1 N east side DUMA(-1*I) = DUMA(I) CFOR CIF N end procedure CPROC E SUBROUTINE LUCY - PROCEDURE BEAM - PROC BEAM C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C This procedure calculates the shape on a one-dimensional grid C The number of grid points is given in the parameter statement C The hpbw is given to the subroutine in the arguments C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C N separation between the grid points DELR = R(1) N hpbw is greater than zero IF HPBW.GT.0.0 THEN N constant needed for normalization CST1 = (2./HPBW)*SQRT(LOG(2.)/PI) N constant in the exponent CST2 = -4.*LOG(2.)/(HPBW**2.) N loop trough grid points FOR I = 0,NBEAM N west side B(I) = CST1*EXP(CST2*(I*DELR)**2.) N is equal to east side B(-1*I) = B(I) CFOR N hpbw less or equal to zero ELSE FOR I = 1,NBEAM B(I) = 0.0 B(-1*I) = 0.0 CFOR N central value of beam B(0) = 1.0/DELR CIF CPROC E SUBROUTINE LUCY - PROCEDURE STRIP - PROC STRIP C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This procedure calculates the n-th fit of the observed strip C distribution from the n-th solution for the radial distribution. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N centre strip value strip integral DUMB(0)= 0.0 FOR J = 0,IAL-1 TERM1E = DUMA(-1*J-1)+DUMA(-1*J) TERM1W = DUMA(J+1)+DUMA(J) TERM1 = TERM1E + TERM1W TERM2 = SQRT(FLOAT(J+1)**2) - SQRT(FLOAT(J**2)) DUMB(0) = DUMB(0) + (DELR*TERM1*TERM2)/2. CFOR N eastern side FOR K = -1,-1*IAL,-1 DUMB(K) = 0.0 FOR J = 0,IAL+K IF (K-J-1).LT.-1*IAL THEN TERM1 = DUMA(K-J) ELSE TERM1 = DUMA(K-J-1)+DUMA(K-J) CIF TERM2 = SQRT(FLOAT((K-J-1)**2-K**2))-SQRT(FLOAT((K-J)**2-K**2)) DUMB(K) = DUMB(K)+DELR*TERM1*TERM2 CFOR CFOR N western side FOR K = 1,IAL DUMB(K) = 0.0 FOR J = 0,IAL-K IF (K+J+1).GT.IAL THEN TERM1 = DUMA(K+J) ELSE TERM1 = DUMA(K+J+1)+DUMA(K+J) CIF TERM2 = SQRT(FLOAT((K+J+1)**2-K**2))-SQRT(FLOAT((K+J)**2-K**2)) DUMB(K) = DUMB(K)+DELR*TERM1*TERM2 CFOR CFOR N smooth the strip distribution with the beam FOR K = -1*IAL+NBEAM,IAL-NBEAM N preset output array element DUMD(K) = 0.0 FOR J = -1*NBEAM,NBEAM DUMD(K) = DUMD(K)+DUMB(K+J)*B(J)*DELR CFOR CFOR N calculate corrections for radial distribution FOR K = -1*IAL,IAL IF (DUMD(K).EQ.0.0) THEN DUME(K) = 0.0 ELSE DUME(K) = DUMC(K)/DUMD(K) CIF CFOR N end procedure CPROC E SUBROUTINE LUCY - PROCEDURE RAD - PROC RAD C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C This procedure calculated the n+1-th radial distribution form the C n-th fit of the observed strip distribution. C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N central value of radial distribution DUMB(0) = DUME(0) N loop through radii east side FOR K = -1,-1*IAL,-1 N preset dumb(k) DUMB(K) = 0.0 FOR J = 0,K+1,-1 TERM1 = DUME(J-1)+DUME(J) TERM2 = ASIN(FLOAT(J-1)/FLOAT(K))- ASIN(FLOAT(J)/FLOAT(K)) DUMB(K) = DUMB(K)+TERM1*TERM2 CFOR DUMB(K) = DUMB(K)/PI CFOR N loop through radii west side FOR K = 1,IAL N preset dumb(k) DUMB(K) = 0.0 FOR J = 0,K-1 TERM1 = DUME(J+1)+DUME(J) TERM2 = ASIN(FLOAT(J+1)/FLOAT(K))- ASIN(FLOAT(J)/FLOAT(K)) DUMB(K) = DUMB(K)+TERM1*TERM2 CFOR DUMB(K) = DUMB(K)/PI CFOR N calculate n-th estimate of radial distr. FOR K = -1*IAL,IAL DUMA(K) = DUMB(K)*DUMA(K) CFOR N end procedure CPROC N end subroutine lucy END E PROGRAM RADPROF - SUBROUTINE FLUX - SUBROUTINE SRFLUX(X,Y,Z,FLX) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C entry srflux: C Subroutine to calculate flux from a radial distribution. C input: C x(i) : radii in the plane of the galaxy C y(i) : surface density in the rings C output: C z(i) : cumulative percentage of flux C flx(1): total flux content in the distribution east side C flx(2): total flux content in the distribution west side C C entry stflux: C Subroutine to calculate the flux content in a strip distribution. C input: C x(i) : positional coordinate along the strip axis C y(i) : intensity of the strip integral C output: C C flx(1): total flux content in the strip distribution east side C flx(2): total flux content in the strip distribution west side C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARAMETER (IAL=256) REAL X(0:IAL),Y(-1*IAL:IAL),Z(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL FLX(2) DATA PI/3.141592654/ C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N routine to estimate flux for radial distribution N distrance between rings DELR = X(1) N central flux content Z(0) = PI*DELR**2.0*Y(0)/2.0 N loop through rings FOR I = 1,IAL N flux contribution of ring; east side Z(-1*I) = Z(-1*I+1)+PI*X(I)*DELR*Y(-1*I) N flux contribution of ring; west side Z(I) = Z(I-1) + PI*X(I)*DELR*Y(I) CFOR N total flux east FLX(1) = Z(-1*IAL) N total flux west FLX(2) = Z(IAL) N total flux content galaxy FLXT = FLX(1) + FLX(2) N normalize flux FOR I = 0,IAL N east side Z(-1*I) = Z(-1*I)/FLX(1) N west side Z(I) = Z(I)/FLX(2) CFOR N flux in jy km/s; east sdie FLX(1) = FLX(1)/1000.0 N flux in jy km/s; west side FLX(2) = FLX(2)/1000.0 RETURN C N entry to estimate the flux content strip distr. ENTRY STFLUX(X,Y,FLX) N grid separation DELX = X(1) FLX(1) = Y(0)*DELX/2.0 FLX(2) = FLX(1) N loop trough grid points FOR I = 1,IAL N flux contribution east FLX(1) = FLX(1)+Y(-1*I)*DELX N flux contribution west FLX(2) = FLX(2) + Y(I)*DELX CFOR N unit in jy km/s; east side FLX(1) = FLX(1)/1000.0 N unit in jy km/s; west side FLX(2) = FLX(2)/1000.0 RETURN END E PROGRAM RADPROF - FUNCTION WGHTMT - FUNCTION WGHTMT(I,K) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Wghtmt(i,k) is the weight matrix used to obtain the radial hi distri- C bution from the observed strip integration and v.v C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARAMETER(IAL=256) COMMON /RADII/ NP,R(0:IAL) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A1 =ABS(R(K+1)*R(K+1)-R(I)*R(I)) A2 =ABS(R(K)*R(K) -R(I)*R(I)) WGHTMT=2.0*(SQRT(A1)-SQRT(A2)) RETURN END E PROGRAM RADPROF - SUBROUTINE PLOT - MAIN BODY - SUBROUTINE PLOT(R, FACT, ST3O, STF, V, SCF, NP ) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Make a plot of the observed and fitted strip distributions C C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 501 FORMAT(3F10.2,A1) INTEGER IAL PARAMETER (IAL=256) INTEGER RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW PARAMETER (RED=2,GREEN=3,BLUE=4,CYAN=5,MAGENTA=6,YELLOW=7) PARAMETER (ORANGE=8) REAL R(0:IAL) REAL ST3O(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL STF(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL V(-1*IAL:IAL) REAL FACT, SCF INTEGER NP INTEGER I INTEGER NXSUB, NYSUB CHARACTER*80 DEVSPEC REAL XTICK, YTICK REAL MINX, MAXX REAL MINY, MAXY REAL DELTA INTEGER PLUS, CIRCLE PARAMETER (PLUS=2,CIRCLE=4) UNIT = 0 DEVSPEC = '?' CALL PGBEG( UNIT, DEVSPEC, 1, 2 ) CALL PGASK( .TRUE. ) CALL PGPAGE() CALL PGSVP( 0.15, 0.9, 0.15, 0.85 ) CALL PGSCH( 1.6 ) CALL MINMAX1( R, NP, MINX, MAXX ) DELTA = (MAXX - MINX) / 10.0 MAXX = MAXX + DELTA MINX = MINX - DELTA CALL MINMAX1( ST3O(-1*NP), 2*NP+1, MINY, MAXY ) DELTA = (MAXY - MINY) / 10.0 MAXY = MAXY + DELTA MINY = MINY - DELTA CALL PGSWIN( -MAXX, MAXX, MINY, MAXY ) XTICK = 0.0 YTICK = 0.0 NXSUB = 0 NYSUB = 0 CALL PGSCI( GREEN ) CALL PGBOX( 'BCNST', XTICK, NXSUB, 1 'BCNSTV', YTICK, NYSUB ) CALL PGLAB( 'Radius (arcsec)', 'Integrated flux (mapunits)', 1 'OBSERVED (yellow) & FITTED STRIP DISTRIBUTIONS ' ) CALL PGSCI( YELLOW ) FOR I=0,NP-1 N WRITE(TEXT,501) R(I)/FACT,ST3O(-1*I),ST3O(I),0 N CALL ANYOUT( 1, TEXT ) CALL PGPT( 1, R(I)/FACT, ST3O(I), PLUS ) CALL PGPT( 1, -R(I)/FACT, ST3O(-1*I), PLUS ) CFOR CALL PGSCI( CYAN ) FOR I=0,NP-1 CALL PGPT( 1, -R(I)/FACT, STF(-1*I), CIRCLE ) CFOR CALL PGSCI( MAGENTA ) FOR I=0,NP-1 CALL PGPT( 1, R(I)/FACT, STF(I), CIRCLE ) CFOR CALL PGPAGE() CALL MINMAX1( V(-1*NP), 2*NP+1, MINY, MAXY ) CALL PGSCI( GREEN ) DELTA = (MAXY - MINY) / 10.0 MAXY = MAXY + DELTA MINY = MINY - DELTA CALL PGSWIN( -DELTA/2.0, MAXX, MINY, MAXY ) CALL PGBOX( 'BCNST', XTICK, NXSUB, 1 'BCNSTV', YTICK, NYSUB ) CALL PGLAB( 'Radius (arcsec)', 'Surface density (mapunits)', # 'RADIAL PROFILE' ) CALL PGSCI( CYAN ) FOR I=0,NP-1 CALL PGPT( 1, R(I)/FACT, V(-1*I), CIRCLE ) CFOR CALL PGSCI( MAGENTA ) FOR I=0,NP-1 CALL PGPT( 1, R(I)/FACT, V(I), CIRCLE ) CFOR RETURN END E PROGRAM RADPROF - SUBROUTINE OPENF - MAIN BODY - SUBROUTINE OPENF( OUT ) C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C C C C C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEGER OUT CHARACTER*80 FNAME CHARACTER*80 TEXT FNAME='RADIAL.DAT' CALL USERTEXT( FNAME,1,'TABLEFILE=', 1 'Enter output filename for densities: [RADIAL.DAT]' ) OPEN( UNIT=OUT,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='UNKNOWN' ) WRITE( TEXT, 1 '(''RADPROF: File on disk with densities is called: '', 2 A20, A1 )' ) FNAME, 0 CALL ANYOUT( 1, TEXT ) RETURN END