/* gdserrors.h COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute University of Groningen - 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands #>gdserrors.dc3 Header: gdserrors.h Purpose: Define GDS error codes (both server and client) File: gdserrors.h Author: J.P. Terlouw Updates: Mar 3, 1994: JPT, Document created. #< */ #if !defined(_gdserrors_h_) #define _gdserrors_h_ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Result codes */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define GDS_SUCCESS 0 #define GDS_FATAL -1 #define GDS_BADWPOS -2 #define GDS_NOTFOUND -3 #define GDS_INCOMPLETE -4 #define GDS_OPENFAIL -5 #define GDS_NOTFOUND_2 -6 #define GDS_NOTFOUND_3 -7 #define GDS_CREFAIL -8 #define GDS_DELFAIL -9 #define GDS_ARGERR -10 #define GDS_NOTUNIQ -11 #define GDS_NOTUNIQ_2 -12 #define GDS_MORETHANONE -13 #define GDS_AXNOTFOUND -14 #define GDS_AXNOTFOUND_2 -15 #define GDS_SZAXNOTFOUND -16 #define GDS_ORAXNOTFOUND -17 #define GDS_NOTFITS -18 #define GDS_COORDUNDEF -19 #define GDS_NOUNDEFCOORD -20 #define GDS_BADFORMAT -21 #define GDS_BADTYPE -22 #define GDS_NOTUNIQ_3 -23 #define GDS_NOTUNIQ_4 -24 #define GDS_BUFOVFL -25 #define GDS_INVVARREC -26 #define GDS_RECTOOBIG -27 #define GDS_AXPRESENT -28 #define GDS_FBUFLENERR -29 #define GDS_BUFLENERR -30 #define GDS_BADTRANSID -31 #define GDS_ALLOCFAIL -32 #define GDS_EXTENDFAIL -33 #define GDS_COUTRANGE -34 #define GDS_CTOOBIG -35 #define GDS_IOPENFAIL -36 #define GDS_TRUNCATED -37 #define GDS_BADLINK -38 #define GDS_NOTPRESENT -39 #define GDS_ALRPRESENT -40 #define GDS_INSUFFINF -41 #define GDS_BADDIM -42 #define GDS_NOMORESUBS -43 #define GDS_TYPNOTFITS -44 #define GDS_ISINT -45 #define GDS_ISREAL -46 #define GDS_ISDBLE -47 #define GDS_BADVERSION -48 #define GDS_BADDSCFILE -49 #define GDS_BADBYTEORDER -50 #define GDS_NOPRIV -51 #define GDS_LOCKED -52 #define GDS_NOTLOCKED -53 #define GDS_BADFUNCTION -54 #define GDS_NOTOPEN -55 #define GDS_CONNFAIL -56 #define GDS_BADHANDLE -57 #define GDS_NOMEM -58 #define GDS_RENAMEFAIL -59 #define GDS_BADHEADER -60 #define GDS_BADDIR -61 #define GDS_TABNOTFOUND -66 #define GDS_TABBADTYPE -67 #define GDS_TABPASTEOI -68 #define GDS_TABSKIPROW -69 #define GDS_TABEOI -70 #define GDS_TABTOOFEW -71 #define GDS_AXTOOLONG -72 #endif /* _gdserrors_h_ */