/* gipsyc.h Copyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen 1990 All Rights Reserved. #> gipsyc.dc3 Header: gipsyc Purpose: This include file should be included in all C sources of GIPSY level one, two and three routines. File: gipsyc.h Author: K.G. Begeman Use: #include "gipsyc.h" Description: The include file defines the ANSI-F77 types for the Fortran to C interface: Fortran C C character fchar character integer fint integer logical bool logical real float real double precision double double precision complex complex complex Furthermore the macros tobool(l) and toflog(l) are defined. tobool(l) converts a Fortran logical to a C true or false value and toflog(l) converts a C true or false value to a Fortran logical which is .TRUE. or .FALSE. resp. Also some simple GIPSY programming utilities are defined, like: char2str str2char tofchar zadd Updates: Sep 21, 1988: KGB, Document created. Sep 20, 1989: JPT, Fortran equivalent types included. Feb 13, 1990: KGB, Definition of GIPSY C utilities included. #< */ #if !defined(_GIPSYC_H) #define _GIPSYC_H #include "osdef.h" /* get __'machine'__ */ #include "f2cvvdefs.h" /* system dependent file (generated by f2cvv) */ #define integer fint /* 'Fortran' integer equivalent */ #define logical bool /* 'Fortran' logical equivalent */ #define real float /* 'Fortran' real equivalent */ #define character fchar /* 'Fortran' character equivalent */ #define precision /* 'Fortran' double precision equivalent */ extern int char2str(fchar fc,char *cc,int len); extern int str2char(char *cc,fchar fc); extern fchar tofchar (char *cc); extern char *zadd(fchar fc); #endif