/* gauestd.c Copyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen 1999 All Rights Reserved. #> gauestd.dc2 Function: GAUESTD Purpose: Searches for gaussian components in a profile. Category: MATH File: gauestd.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: INTEGER GAUESTD( Y , Input DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY WORK , Output DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY N , Input INTEGER P , Output DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY NP , Input INTEGER RMS , Input DOUBLE PRECISION CUTAMP , Input DOUBLE PRECISION CUTSIG , Input DOUBLE PRECISION Q ) Input INTEGER GAUESTD Returns number of gaussians found. Y Data points on profile (dimension N). WORK Work array (dimension N). N Number of points in profile (dimension of Y and WORK). P Contains the estimated gaussian parameters on output. The dimension of P should be at least NP. Each gaussian takes three elements of P to store the parameters. First the amplitude, then the centre and third the dispersion. The dispersion is in units of pixels, to get the dispersion in physical units multiply by the grid separation. The centre is in units of pixel offset (relative to first pixel in Y). NP Maximum number of parameters which can be stored in P, i.e. the maximum number of gaussian components, multiplied by 3. RMS The r.m.s. noise level of the profile. CUTAMP Critical amplitude of gaussian. Gaussians below this amplitude will be discarded. CUTSIG Critical dispersion of gaussian. Q Smoothing parameter used in calculating the second derivative of the profile. Q must be greater than zero. Description: Double precision version of gauest, using the entire profile as signal region. The second derivative of the profile in the signal region is calculated by fitting a second degree polynomal. The smoothing parameter Q determines the number of points used for this (=2*Q+1). The gaussians can then be estimated as described by Schwarz, 1968, Bull.Astr.Inst.Netherlands, Volume 19, 405. Updates: Mar 12, 1991: KGB Document created. Jul 08, 1999: VOG Double precision version. Window method removed. Nov 8, 2010: JPT Corrected documentation for arguments P and NP. #< Fortran to C interface: @integer function gauestd( double precision, double precision, @ integer, double precision, integer, @ double precision, double precision, @ double precision, integer ) */ /* * includes and definitions: */ #include "float.h" /* */ #include "math.h" /* */ #include "stdio.h" /* */ #include "stdlib.h" /* */ #include "gipsyc.h" /* GIPSY symbols */ #include "setdblank.h" /* define setfblank_c */ #define MAXPAR 200 /* max. number of parameters */ #define MAX(a1,a2) (a1 > a2 ? a1 : a2 ) /* 'returns' maximum */ #define MIN(a1,a2) (a1 < a2 ? a1 : a2 ) /* 'returns' minimum */ #define NINT(a) (a+0.5) /* 'returns' nearest integer */ typedef struct { double a; /* amplitude */ double c; /* centre */ double s; /* dispersion */ } par_struct; static par_struct pars[MAXPAR]; /* contains the parameters */ /* * compar returns 1 if the amplitude of component 1 (first argument) * is greater than component 2 (second argument). compar is called by qsort. */ static int compar( const void *v1, const void *v2 ) { par_struct *p1, *p2; /* the types */ p1 = (par_struct *) v1; /* assign component 1 */ p2 = (par_struct *) v2; /* assign component 2 */ if (p1->a > p2->a) { /* one > two */ return( -1 ); } else if (p1->a < p2->a) { /* one < two */ return( 1 ); } else { /* one == two */ return( 0 ); } } /* * window determines the signal region of the profile. It uses a * modified automatic window method. window returns the width of the * window. */ static fint window( double y[] , /* the profile */ fint n , /* length of profile */ double cutoff , /* the critical level */ double rms , /* nois level in profile */ fint *wstart , /* begin of signal region */ fint *wend ) /* end of signal region */ { fint i; /* loop counter */ fint imax = 0; /* position of maximum */ fint nw = 0; /* width of window */ double flux = 0.0; /* total flux in profile */ double ymax; /* maximum in profile */ for (ymax = y[0], i = 1; i < n; i++) { /* loop to get max. and flux */ double yi = y[i]; if (yi > ymax) { ymax = yi; imax = i; } /* new maximum */ flux += yi; /* add to total flux */ } if (ymax > cutoff) { /* above critical level */ fint iwhi, iwlo; /* window borders */ double bnew, bold; /* new and old base level */ double cnew, cold; /* new and old centre */ double width = -1.0; /* window width */ cnew = imax; /* start centre */ bnew = flux; /* start base level */ do { /* loop */ double c, s; width += 1.0; /* increase width of window */ cold = cnew; /* save current centre */ bold = bnew; /* save current base */ iwlo = NINT( cold - width ); /* start of window */ iwhi = NINT( cold + width ); /* end of window */ iwlo = MAX( 0, iwlo ); /* start of window */ iwhi = MIN( n - 1, iwhi ); /* end of window */ s = c = 0.0; /* reset */ for (i = iwlo; i <= iwhi; i++) { /* loop over new window */ double yi = y[i]; s += yi; /* flux in window */ c += yi * i; /* first moment in window */ } bnew = flux - s; /* new base */ nw = n - iwhi + iwlo - 1; /* window width */ if (s != 0.0) { /* we can devide */ cnew = c / s; /* normalized first moment */ if (cnew < 0 || cnew > (n - 1)) cnew = cold; } } while (fabs( bnew - bold ) > rms && nw ); (*wstart) = iwlo; /* start of window */ (*wend) = iwhi; /* end of window */ } return( nw ); /* return width of window */ } /* * findc2 calculates the second derivative of the profile inside the * window determined by window. This is done by fitting a second degree * polynomial to the profile. The smoothing parameter q determines the * number of points used for the fit: np = 2*q + 1, */ static void findc2( double y[] , /* the profile */ double work[] , /* the derivative */ fint n , /* length of profile */ fint iwlo , /* start of window */ fint iwhi , /* end of window */ fint q ) /* smoothing parameter */ { int i, j; /* loop counters */ static fint oldq = 1; /* save this q */ static double a = 3.0, b = 0.6666667; /* save a and b */ if (oldq != q) { /* re-calculate a and b */ a = 90.0 / (double) ( q * ( q + 1 ) * ( 4 * q * q - 1 ) * ( 2 * q + 3 ) ); b = (double) ( q * ( q + 1 ) ) / 3.0; oldq = q; } for (i = iwlo; i <= iwhi; i++) { /* loop over window */ double m0 = 0.0; /* reset zeroeth moment */ double m2 = 0.0; /* reset second moment */ for (j = -q; j <= q; j++) { /* width is 2 * q + 1 */ fint k = i + j; if (k >= 0 && k < n) { /* inside range */ double yi = y[k]; /* value from profile */ m0 += yi; /* add to zeroeth moment */ m2 += ( yi * (double) ( j * j ) ); /* add to second moment */ } } work[i] = a * ( m2 - b * m0 ); /* this is the derivative */ } } /* * findga estimates the gaussian parameters by looking for local maxima in * the second derivative of the profile. It returns the number of * gaussians found. */ static fint findga( double y[] , /* the profile */ double work[] , /* the second derivative */ fint n , /* length of profile */ fint iwlo , /* start of window */ fint iwhi , /* end of window */ double cutoff , /* critical level */ double sigmin ) /* minimum value for sigma */ { fint i; /* loop counter */ fint iclo, ichi; /* window on gaussian */ fint nmax = 0; /* peak counter */ fint r = 0; /* return value */ iclo = iwlo; /* reset */ i = iwlo - 1; /* reset */ while (i++ < iwhi) { /* loop over window */ if (work[i] > 0.0) { /* we should check this */ if (i > iwlo && i < iwhi) { /* not at edge of window */ if (work[i-1] < work[i] && work[i+1] < work[i]) { nmax += 1; /* peak in 2nd derivative */ } } else if (i == iwlo && work[i+1] < work[i]) { nmax += 1; /* peak at start of window */ } else if (i == iwhi && work[i-1] < work[i]) { nmax += 1; /* peak at end of window */ } } switch( nmax ) { /* how many peaks ? */ case 1: { /* search for next peak */ break; } case 2: { /* we have a gaussian */ fint ic; /* loop counter */ double a, b; double det; /* determinant */ double m0m, m0, m1, m2; /* some moments */ ichi = i; /* end of gauss window */ b = work[iclo]; /* now we use the Schwarz */ a = (work[ichi] - b) / (double) (ichi - iclo); m0m = m0 = m1 = m2 = 0.0; for (ic = iclo; ic <= ichi; ic++) { /* loop over gaussian */ double wi; m0m += MIN( work[ic], 0.0 ); wi = work[ic] - a * (double) (ic - iclo) - b; m0 += wi; m1 += wi * (double) ic; m2 += wi * (double) (ic*ic); } det = m2 * m0 - m1 * m1; /* determinant */ if (det > 0.0 && fabs( m0m ) > FLT_EPSILON) { fint im, is; double pg, sg; double xm = m1 / m0; double yh, yl, ym; sg = 1.69 * sqrt( det ) / fabs( m0 ); if (sg > sigmin) { /* above critical width */ is = NINT( 1.73 * sg ); im = NINT( xm ); if ((im - is) < 0) yl = 0.0; else yl = y[im-is]; ym = y[im]; if ((im + is) > (n-1)) yh = 0.0; else yh = y[im+is]; pg = (ym-0.5*(yh+yl))/(1.0-exp(-0.5*((double)(is*is))/sg/sg)); pg = MIN( pg, ym ); if (pg > cutoff) { /* above critical level */ if (r < MAXPAR) { /* add to list */ pars[r].a = pg; /* amplitude */ pars[r].s = sg; /* width */ pars[r].c = xm; /* centre */ } r += 1; /* increase # gaussians */ } } } iclo = ichi; /* next gauss starts here */ nmax -= 1; /* one peak less */ break; } default: { /* no gauss */ iclo = i + 1; /* next gauss could start here */ break; } } } return( r ); } /* * the works */ fint gauestd_c( double *y , /* profile data */ double *work , /* work array */ fint *n , /* number of points */ double *p , /* parameter estimates */ fint *np , /* number of parameters */ double *rms , /* rms noise level */ double *cutoff , /* cutoff level */ double *minsig , /* minimum width of gaussians */ fint *q ) /* smoothing parameter */ { fint iwhi, iwlo; /* window limits */ fint l, m; /* loop counters */ fint r = 0; /* return value */ static double BLANK = 0.0; /* BLANK value */ if (BLANK == 0.0) setdblank_c( &BLANK ); /* get blank */ #ifdef WITHWINDOW if (!window( y, *n, *cutoff, *rms, &iwlo, &iwhi )) { return( r ); /* no signal in profile */ } iwhi = MIN( iwhi + (*q) , (*n) - 1 ); /* extend window with ... */ iwlo = MAX( iwlo - (*q) , 0 ); /* smoothing parameter */ #endif iwhi = *n - 1; iwlo = 0; findc2( y, work, *n, iwlo, iwhi, *q ); /* get second derivative */ r = findga( y, work, *n, iwlo, iwhi, *cutoff, *minsig ); if (r > MAXPAR) r = MAXPAR; /* this should neven happen */ if (r > 1) qsort( pars, r, sizeof( par_struct ), compar ); for (l = 0, m = 0; m < (*np); l++) { if (l < r) { /* still something in list */ p[m++] = pars[l].a; /* the amplitude */ p[m++] = pars[l].c; /* the centre */ p[m++] = pars[l].s; /* the width */ } else { /* list is exhausted */ p[m++] = BLANK; /* set to blank */ p[m++] = BLANK; /* set to blank */ p[m++] = BLANK; /* set to blank */ } } return( r ); /* return number of gaussians */ } #if defined(TESTBED) #define NPAR 9 #define NPTS 100 void main( ) { fint q = 1; fint r; fint n = NPTS; fint np = NPAR; double rms = 0.5; double cutoff= 1.0; double minsig = 0.5; double par[NPAR]; double w[NPTS]; double y[NPTS]; par[0] = 5.0; par[1] = 45.0; par[2] = 1.1; par[3] = 4.0; par[4] = 50.0; par[5] = 1.1; par[6] = 6.0; par[7] = 55.0; par[8] = 1.1; { fint i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { y[i] = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < np; j += 3) { if (par[j] != 0.0) { double a = par[j]; double c = (par[j+1] - (double) i); double s = par[j+2]; y[i] += a * exp( -0.5 * c / s * c / s ); } } } } r = gauestd_c( y, w, &n, par, &np, &rms, &cutoff, &minsig, &q ); printf( "gauest = %d\n", r ); if (r > 0) { fint i; for (i = 0; i < (3*r); i += 3) { printf( "A = %f, C = %f, S = %f\n", par[i], par[i+1], par[i+2] ); } } } #endif