/* getaxname.c COPYRIGHT (c) 1990 Kapteyn Institute University of Groningen, The Netherlands All Rights Reserved. #> getaxname.dc2 Subroutine: GETAXNAME Purpose: Get the axis name for an axis and clean up the name if appropriate and wanted. Category: COORDINATES File: getaxname.c Author: M.G.R. Vogelaar Use: Fortran/Sheltran: CALL GETAXNAME( setname , Input CHARACTER*(*) axnum , Input INTEGER chop , Input INTEGER axname , Output CHARACTER*(*) ) C: getaxname( setname, Input fchar axnum, Input fint chop, Input fint axname, Output fchar ) setname: Name of set from which to extract axis name axnum: Axis number as returned by gdsinp chop: If <> 0 allow to remove characters after dash in name. Parameter type axis names are returned without chopping. axname: The processed axis name. Description: Axis names are stored in FITS item CTYPEn where n is the number of the axis. Usually these names contain a dash followed by projection information which is removed before displaying the name. However since the use of parameter type axes, the information after the dash is important to distinguish for example the two axes PAR-SLICE and PAR-OFFSET in one set. This routine removes the dash and information that follows for axes that are not of parameter type. You allow this behaviour by entering a value for 'chop' unequal to 0. Updates: Sep 25, 1999: VOG, Document created. #< Fortran to C interface: @ subroutine getaxname( character, integer, integer, character ) */ #include "stddef.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "gipsyc.h" #include "gdsc_name.h" #include "axtype.h" #include "nelc.h" void getaxname_c( fchar Setin, fint *axnum, fint *chop, fchar Name ) /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PURPOSE: Return axis name. If allowed chop the name to */ /* avoid having the projection information. For parameter */ /* type axes, return the complete name. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ { fchar Ctype, Cunit, Dunit; char b1[21], b2[21], b3[21]; fint r; fint typenr; fint skysys, prosys, velsys; Ctype.a = b1; Ctype.l = 20; Cunit.a = b2; Cunit.l = 20; Dunit.a = b3; Dunit.l = 20; r = 0; gdsc_name_c( Ctype, Setin, axnum, &r ); if (r < 0) { strcpy( Name.a, "" ); return; } Ctype.a[nelc_c(Ctype)] = '\0'; Ctype.l = strlen(Ctype.a); typenr = axtype_c( Ctype, Cunit, Dunit, &skysys, &prosys, &velsys ); if (typenr != 10 && *chop != 0) /* Parameter axis */ { strcpy( Name.a, strtok( Ctype.a, " -" ) ); } else { strcpy( Name.a, Ctype.a ); } }