/* irco_praxname.c Copyright (c) 1991 Laboratory for Space Research Groningen Kapteyn Laboratory Groningen All Rights Reserved. #> irco_praxname.dc2 Function: irco_praxname Purpose: provide names for the axes in all coor/proj systems Category: IRAS, private to program: IMAGE Author: Do Kester do@guspace.rug.nl Use: void irco_praxname_c( fint *coor, I coordinate system number fint *prid, I projection type number fchar lname, O name of the 'longitude' axis fchar bname ) O name of the 'latitude' axis USE For the combination of coordinate system and projection type identification names are returned which are valid in FITS. The names which are returned, represent the coordinate axis (l/bname: 4 char) padded with a projection type (pname: 4 char). coor.name lname bname prid pname EQUatorial RA-- DEC- 1 -STG ECLiptic ELON ELAT 2 -TAN GALactic GLON GLAT 3 -AZD SUPergalactic SLON SLAT 4 -AZA SUNreferenced SUNL SUNB 5 -SIN unknown L--- B--- 6 -CYL 7 -MER 8 -GLS 9 -AIT 10 -FLT 0 ---- See irco_name for a full description of the coordinate systems and irco_prname for the projection types. Updates: 05 Sep 1991: DK, Creation date Original: KOPRAX Structured and translated by ASSISTANT II Plus, v1.2 #< @subroutine irco_praxname( integer, integer, character, character ) */ #include "gipsyc.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "irco_namepoch.h" void irco_praxname_c( fint *coor, fint *prid, fchar lname, fchar bname ) { static char *lnames[] = {"RA--", "GLON", "ELON", "SLON", "SUNL", "L---"} ; static char *bnames[] = {"DEC-", "GLAT", "ELAT", "SLAT", "SUNB", "B---"} ; static char *pnames[] = {"----", "-STG", "-TAN", "-AZD", "-AZA", "-SIN", "-CYL", "-MER", "-GLS", "-AIT", "-FLT"} ; fchar coname ; char cotmp[41], co3[4] ; float epoch ; int cindex ; coname.a = cotmp ; coname.l = 40 ; irco_namepoch_c( coor, coname, &epoch ) ; /* check first three letters only */ co3[0] = toupper( cotmp[0] ) ; co3[1] = toupper( cotmp[1] ) ; co3[2] = toupper( cotmp[2] ) ; co3[3] = '\0' ; if ( strcmp( co3, "EQU" ) == 0 ) cindex = 0 ; else if ( strcmp( co3, "GAL" ) == 0 ) cindex = 1 ; else if ( strcmp( co3, "ECL" ) == 0 ) cindex = 2 ; else if ( strcmp( co3, "SUP" ) == 0 ) cindex = 3 ; else if ( strcmp( co3, "SUN" ) == 0 ) cindex = 4 ; else cindex = 5 ; sprintf( lname.a, "%s%s", lnames[cindex], pnames[*prid] ) ; lname.l = 8 ; sprintf( bname.a, "%s%s", bnames[cindex], pnames[*prid] ) ; bname.l = 8 ; }