# server.mgr # # Copyright (c) Kapteyn Laboratorium Groningen 1993 # All Rights Reserved. # ##> server.doc # #Document: server # #Purpose: This file contains the name (or address) of the gipsy # server from which to obtain the sources. The file is # also used by programme report (bug). # #Category: MANAGEMENT # #File: server.mgr # #Author: K.G. Begeman # #Description: If the local GIPSY site wants continued updates of the # GIPSY library and GIPSY applications with the command # $gip_exe/compile -update, then this file holds the information # for compile how to obtain the updates. # The following fields, separated by colons (':'), contain # the following information: # # Field Meaning # #1 Address of GIPSY File Server # #2 Mail address of GIPSY File Server # #3 pseudo-path to gip_root on GIPSY File Server # # If you don't have a nameserver/mailserver which can translate # the name of the GIPSY File Server, you should create a # file `server' in the gip_loc directory with the internet # addresses instead of the names, i.e. #[]:/tha3/users/gipsy # #Updates: May 22, 1992: KGB Document created. # Feb 5, 1993: KGB Minor change in documentation. # May 10, 1997: KGB Adapted for new server. # Mar 9, 2001: JPT New server hostname. # ##< # # Here comes the info: # gipsy.astro.rug.nl:gipsy@astro.rug.nl:/tha3/users/gipsy