Program: VISIONS Purpose: Display data from FITS files or GIPSY sets. It allows for slices in any direction of the data set. A plot can be made in several formats. A manual is included in the program. Press f1 to get the handbook. Category: COORDINATES, DISPLAY, PLOTTING File: visions.src Author: M.G.R. Vogelaar Keywords: INSET= Name of FITS file or GIPSY set e.g.: INSET=/home/vogelaar/Gipsy/SimpleSmooth/rense.fits vel 50 Other keywords are described in the handbook included in the application. Updates: VOG: Mar 27, 2011: VOG document created. VOG: Dec 13, 2012: Version 1 (1.05) installed VOG: Jan 06, 2013: Version 1 (1.06) installed PLC= and MARKER= keywords added