// qprinter.sip generated by MetaSIP // // This file is part of the QtPrintSupport Python extension module. // // Copyright (c) 2017 Riverbank Computing Limited // // This file is part of PyQt5. // // This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License // version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in // the file LICENSE included in the packaging of this file. Please review the // following information to ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 // requirements will be met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. // // If you do not wish to use this file under the terms of the GPL version 3.0 // then you may purchase a commercial license. For more information contact // info@riverbankcomputing.com. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %If (PyQt_Printer) class QPrinter : QPagedPaintDevice { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: enum PrinterMode { ScreenResolution, PrinterResolution, HighResolution, }; explicit QPrinter(QPrinter::PrinterMode mode = QPrinter::ScreenResolution); QPrinter(const QPrinterInfo &printer, QPrinter::PrinterMode mode = QPrinter::ScreenResolution); virtual ~QPrinter(); enum Orientation { Portrait, Landscape, }; typedef QPagedPaintDevice::PageSize PaperSize; enum PageOrder { FirstPageFirst, LastPageFirst, }; enum ColorMode { GrayScale, Color, }; enum PaperSource { OnlyOne, Lower, Middle, Manual, Envelope, EnvelopeManual, Auto, Tractor, SmallFormat, LargeFormat, LargeCapacity, Cassette, FormSource, MaxPageSource, %If (Qt_5_3_0 -) Upper, %End %If (Qt_5_3_0 -) CustomSource, %End %If (Qt_5_3_0 -) LastPaperSource, %End }; enum PrinterState { Idle, Active, Aborted, Error, }; enum OutputFormat { NativeFormat, PdfFormat, }; enum PrintRange { AllPages, Selection, PageRange, CurrentPage, }; enum Unit { Millimeter, Point, Inch, Pica, Didot, Cicero, DevicePixel, }; enum DuplexMode { DuplexNone, DuplexAuto, DuplexLongSide, DuplexShortSide, }; void setOutputFormat(QPrinter::OutputFormat format); QPrinter::OutputFormat outputFormat() const; void setPrinterName(const QString &); QString printerName() const; bool isValid() const; void setOutputFileName(const QString &); QString outputFileName() const; void setPrintProgram(const QString &); QString printProgram() const; void setDocName(const QString &); QString docName() const; void setCreator(const QString &); QString creator() const; void setOrientation(QPrinter::Orientation); QPrinter::Orientation orientation() const; virtual void setPageSizeMM(const QSizeF &size); void setPaperSize(QPagedPaintDevice::PageSize); QPagedPaintDevice::PageSize paperSize() const; void setPaperSize(const QSizeF &paperSize, QPrinter::Unit unit); QSizeF paperSize(QPrinter::Unit unit) const; void setPageOrder(QPrinter::PageOrder); QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder() const; void setResolution(int); int resolution() const; void setColorMode(QPrinter::ColorMode); QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode() const; void setCollateCopies(bool collate); bool collateCopies() const; void setFullPage(bool); bool fullPage() const; void setCopyCount(int); int copyCount() const; bool supportsMultipleCopies() const; void setPaperSource(QPrinter::PaperSource); QPrinter::PaperSource paperSource() const; void setDuplex(QPrinter::DuplexMode duplex); QPrinter::DuplexMode duplex() const; QList supportedResolutions() const; void setFontEmbeddingEnabled(bool enable); bool fontEmbeddingEnabled() const; void setDoubleSidedPrinting(bool enable); bool doubleSidedPrinting() const; QRect paperRect() const; QRect pageRect() const; QRectF paperRect(QPrinter::Unit) const; QRectF pageRect(QPrinter::Unit) const; %If (WS_X11 || WS_MACX) QString printerSelectionOption() const; %End %If (WS_X11 || WS_MACX) void setPrinterSelectionOption(const QString &); %End virtual bool newPage(); bool abort(); QPrinter::PrinterState printerState() const; virtual QPaintEngine *paintEngine() const; QPrintEngine *printEngine() const; void setFromTo(int fromPage, int toPage); int fromPage() const; int toPage() const; void setPrintRange(QPrinter::PrintRange range); QPrinter::PrintRange printRange() const; virtual void setMargins(const QPagedPaintDevice::Margins &m); void setPageMargins(qreal left, qreal top, qreal right, qreal bottom, QPrinter::Unit unit); void getPageMargins(qreal *left, qreal *top, qreal *right, qreal *bottom, QPrinter::Unit unit) const; protected: virtual int metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric) const; void setEngines(QPrintEngine *printEngine, QPaintEngine *paintEngine); public: %If (Qt_5_1_0 -) void setPaperName(const QString &paperName); %End %If (Qt_5_1_0 -) QString paperName() const; %End private: QPrinter(const QPrinter &); }; %End