#!/usr/bin/env python # # plot_mcphotoelectron_hit_times, plot_mchit_times, plot_calibrated_hit_times, plot_hit_times # # Hit times of the photoelectron, MCHit, uncalibrated and calibrated PMTs can be plotted. # Uncalibrated hit times are ADC counts and thus not easily compared. # # Author P G Jones - 2014-04-19 : New file. #################################################################################################### from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import ROOT import rat def plot_mcphotoelectron_hit_times(file_name): """ Plot the MCPhotoeletron hit times in *file_name* :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The created histogram """ hit_times = ROOT.TH1D("hHitTimes", "Hit times of the of photoelectrons", 500, 0.0, 500.0) hit_times.SetDirectory(0) for ds, _ in rat.dsreader(file_name): mc = ds.GetMC() for imcpmt in range(0, mc.GetMCPMTCount()): mcpmt = mc.GetMCPMT(imcpmt) for imcphotoelectron in range(0, mcpmt.GetMCPECount()): hit_times.Fill(mcpmt.GetMCPE(imcphotoelectron).GetCreationTime()) hit_times.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Count per 1 ns bin") hit_times.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Hit times [ns]") hit_times.Draw() return hit_times def plot_mchit_times(file_name): """ Plot the MCHit hit times in *file_name* :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The created histogram """ hit_times = ROOT.TH1D("hHitTimes", "Hit times of the MCHit per event", 500, 0.0, 500.0) hit_times.SetDirectory(0) for ds, _ in rat.dsreader(file_name): for imcev in range(0, ds.GetMCEVCount()): mc_hits = ds.GetMCEV(imcev).GetMCHits() for imchit in range(0, mc_hits.GetAllCount()): hit_times.Fill(mc_hits.GetAllPMT(imchit).GetTime()) hit_times.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Count per 1 ns bin") hit_times.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Hit times [ns]") hit_times.Draw() return hit_times def plot_calibrated_hit_times(file_name): """ Plot the Calibrated PMT hit times in *file_name* :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The created histogram """ hit_times = ROOT.TH1D("hHitTimes", "Hit times for the calibrated PMTs", 500, 0.0, 500.0) hit_times.SetDirectory(0) for ds, _ in rat.dsreader(file_name): for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): calibrated_pmts = ds.GetEV(iev).GetCalPMTs() for ipmt in range(0, calibrated_pmts.GetAllCount()): hit_times.Fill(calibrated_pmts.GetAllPMT(ipmt).GetTime()) hit_times.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Count per 1 ns bin") hit_times.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Hit times [ns]") hit_times.Draw() return hit_times def plot_hit_times(file_name): """ Plot all hit times from *file_name* :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: Tuple of the canvas and histograms """ c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() pe = plot_mcphotoelectron_hit_times(file_name) mc = plot_mchit_times(file_name) calibrated = plot_calibrated_hit_times(file_name) pe.Draw() mc.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen + 2) mc.Draw("SAME") calibrated.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) calibrated.Draw("SAME") t1 = ROOT.TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.88, 0.88) t1.AddEntry(pe, "Photoelectrons", "l") t1.AddEntry(mc, "MC Hits", "l") t1.AddEntry(calibrated, "Calibrated", "l") t1.SetLineColor(ROOT.kWhite) t1.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) t1.Draw() c1.Update() return (c1, pe, mc, calibrated, t1)