/// \file PlotNhit.cc
/// \brief Functions to plot nhit (various definitions)
/// \author P G Jones <p.g.jones@qmul.ac.uk>
///     2014-03-26 : P G Jones - First Revision.\n
/// \details Nhit could be the MC photoelectrons, the MC hits, the
/// EV uncalibrated or the EV calibrated. All examples are included.

#include <RAT/DU/DSReader.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Entry.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/MC.hh>
#include <RAT/DB.hh>
#include <RAT/DU/Utility.hh>

#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TLegend.h>

#include <string>

/// Plot the number of NhitsCleaned per event
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotNhitsCleaned(const std::string& fileName)
  TH1D* hNHitsCleaned = new TH1D( "hNHitsCleaned", "Number of cleaned Nhits", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0);

  RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader(fileName);
  for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
      const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
      for(size_t iev = 0; iev < rDS.GetEVCount(); iev++) // Loop over triggered events
  hNHitsCleaned->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per bin" );
  hNHitsCleaned->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Number of NhitsCleaned per event" );
  return hNHitsCleaned;

/// Plot the number of NhitsCleaned per event re-normalised for detector state
/// This is useful for like-to-like comparison between runs. Uses ideal
/// scintillator state as reference by default.
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotNhitsCleanedCorrected(const std::string& fileName)
  TH1D* hNHitsCleanedCorrected = new TH1D( "hNHitsCleanedCorrected", "Number of cleaned Nhits corrected for detector state", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0);

  RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader(fileName);
  RAT::DU::DetectorStateCorrection stateCorrUtility = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetDetectorStateCorrection();
  for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
      const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
      for(size_t iev = 0; iev < rDS.GetEVCount(); iev++){ // Loop over triggered events
        double rawNhitsCleaned = rDS.GetEV(iev).GetNhitsCleaned();
        double corrected = stateCorrUtility.ApplyCorrectionNhits(rawNhitsCleaned);
  hNHitsCleanedCorrected->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per bin" );
  hNHitsCleanedCorrected->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Number of corrected NhitsCleaned per event" );
  return hNHitsCleanedCorrected;

/// Plot the number of MC photoelectrons per event (or NumPE)
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotMCPhotoelectronNhit( const std::string& fileName )
  TH1D* hNumPE = new TH1D( "hNumPE", "Number of photoelectrons per event", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0 );
  // If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
  // eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
  // We can disable the remote connections:
  // NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!

  RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
  for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
      const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
      hNumPE->Fill( rDS.GetMC().GetMCPECount() );
  hNumPE->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 1 pe bin" );
  hNumPE->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Number of photoelectrons per event" );
  return hNumPE;

/// Plot the number of MC hits per event
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotMCHitsNhit( const std::string& fileName )
  TH1D* hNumHits = new TH1D( "hNumHits", "Number of MC hits per event", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0 );

  RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
  for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
      const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
      for( size_t iMCEvent = 0; iMCEvent < rDS.GetMCEVCount(); iMCEvent++ ) // Loop over triggered events
        hNumHits->Fill( rDS.GetMCEV( iMCEvent ).GetMCHits().GetAllCount() ); // All can be changed to Normal, OWL etc...
  hNumHits->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 1 hit bin" );
  hNumHits->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Number of MC hits per event" );
  return hNumHits;

/// Plot the number of Uncalibrated hits per event
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotUncalibratedNhit( const std::string& fileName )
  TH1D* hUncalHits = new TH1D( "hUncalHits", "Number of Uncalibrated hits per event", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0 );
  // If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
  // eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
  // We can disable the remote connections:
  // NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!

  RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
  for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
      const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
      for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
        hUncalHits->Fill( rDS.GetEV( iEV ).GetUncalPMTs().GetAllCount() );
  hUncalHits->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 1 hit bin" );
  hUncalHits->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Number of Uncalibrated hits per event" );
  return hUncalHits;

/// Plot the number of Calibrated hits per event
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotCalibratedNhit( const std::string& fileName )
  TH1D* hCalHits = new TH1D( "hCalHits", "Number of Calibrated hits per event", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0 );
  // If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
  // eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
  // We can disable the remote connections:
  // NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!

  RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
  for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
      const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
      for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
        hCalHits->Fill( rDS.GetEV( iEV ).GetCalPMTs().GetAllCount() );
  hCalHits->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 1 hit bin" );
  hCalHits->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Number of calibrated hits per event" );
  return hCalHits;

/// Plot all NHit numbers
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
void PlotNhit( const std::string& fileName )
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
  TH1D* numPE = PlotMCPhotoelectronNhit( fileName );
  TH1D* mcHits = PlotMCHitsNhit( fileName );
  TH1D* uncalibrated = PlotUncalibratedNhit( fileName );
  TH1D* calibrated = PlotCalibratedNhit( fileName );
  TH1D* cleaned = PlotNhitsCleaned( fileName );
  TH1D* corrected = PlotNhitsCleanedCorrected( fileName );
  mcHits->SetLineColor( kGreen + 2 );
  uncalibrated->SetLineColor( kBlue );
  calibrated->SetLineColor( kRed );
  cleaned->SetLineColor( kMagenta+2 );
  corrected->SetLineColor( kOrange-3 );
  TLegend* t1 = new TLegend( 0.65, 0.65, 0.9, 0.9 );
  t1->AddEntry( numPE, "Photoelectrons", "l" );
  t1->AddEntry( mcHits, "MC Hits", "l" );
  t1->AddEntry( uncalibrated, "Uncalibrated", "l" );
  t1->AddEntry( calibrated, "Calibrated", "l" );
  t1->AddEntry( cleaned, "Cleaned", "l" );
  t1->AddEntry( corrected, "Cleaned and Corrected", "l" );