/// \class RAT::DS::PMTSet
/// \brief Collection of PMTs by SNO+ type
/// \author Phil G Jones
/// 2014-03-18 : P G Jones - New file, methods from EV.\n
/// 2017-03-28 : T Kaptanoglu - Add HQE PMTs
/// \details The class contains PMTs (daq channels really) organised by
/// SNO+ type. If simulating something generic only the normal collection
/// will be filled.
/// The collection of Uncalibrated PMTs is a typedef (below) as
/// UncalPMTs = PMTSet
/// and calibrated PMTs
/// CalPMTs = PMTSet
/// and mc hits
/// MCHits = PMTSet
#ifndef __RAT_DS_PMTSet___
#define __RAT_DS_PMTSet___
namespace RAT
namespace DS
class PMTSet : public TObject
/// construct the PMT, nothing to do
PMTSet() : TObject() { }
/// Combine a PMTSet with this one
/// @param[in] set to combine to this
inline void Combine( const PMTSet& set );
/// Get a PMT using the index in all of the vectors
/// @param[in] index into the all vectors
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
inline T& GetAllPMT( size_t index );
/// @copydoc GetAllPMT(size_t)
inline const T& GetAllPMT( size_t index ) const;
/// Get a PMT using the index in normal + HQE vectors
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
inline T& GetPMT (size_t index );
/// @copydoc GetPMT(size_t)
inline const T& GetPMT( size_t index ) const;
/// Get a PMT using the index in the normal vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetNormalPMT( const size_t index ) { return normal.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetNormalPMT(size_t)
const T& GetNormalPMT( const size_t index ) const { return normal.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the owl vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetOWLPMT( const size_t index ) { return owl.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetOWLPMT(size_t)
const T& GetOWLPMT( const size_t index ) const { return owl.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the low gain vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetLowGainPMT( const size_t index ) { return lowGain.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetLowGainPMT(size_t)
const T& GetLowGainPMT( const size_t index ) const { return lowGain.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the butt vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetBUTTPMT( const size_t index ) { return butt.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetBUTTPMT(size_t)
const T& GetBUTTPMT( const size_t index ) const { return butt.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the neck vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetNeckPMT( const size_t index ) { return neck.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetNeckPMT(size_t)
const T& GetNeckPMT( const size_t index ) const { return neck.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the fecd vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetFECDPMT( const size_t index ) { return fecd.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetFECDPMT(size_t)
const T& GetFECDPMT( const size_t index ) const { return fecd.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the spare vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetSparePMT( const size_t index ) { return spare.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetSparePMT(size_t)
const T& GetSparePMT( const size_t index ) const { return spare.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the HQE vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetHQEPMT( const size_t index ) { return hqe.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetHQEPMT(size_t)
const T& GetHQEPMT( const size_t index ) const { return hqe.at( index ); }
/// Get a PMT using the index in the invalid vector
/// @param[in] index into the array
/// @return reference to the T (PMT type)
/// @throws out_of_range if the index is out of range
T& GetInvalidPMT( const size_t index ) { return invalid.at( index ); }
/// @copydoc GetInvalidPMT(size_t)
const T& GetInvalidPMT( const size_t index ) const { return invalid.at( index ); }
/// Get the count of all PMTs
/// @return count of all the PMTs
inline size_t GetAllCount() const;
/// Get the count of inward PMTs (normal + HQE)
/// @return count of inward PMTs (normal + HQE)
inline size_t GetCount() const;
/// Get the count of normal PMTs
/// @return count of normal PMTs
size_t GetNormalCount() const { return normal.size(); }
/// Get the count of OWL PMTs
/// @return count of OWL PMTs
size_t GetOWLCount() const { return owl.size(); }
/// Get the count of low gain PMTs
/// @return count of low gain PMTs
size_t GetLowGainCount() const { return lowGain.size(); }
/// Get the count of BUTT PMTs
/// @return count of BUTT PMTs
size_t GetBUTTCount() const { return butt.size(); }
/// Get the count of neck PMTs
/// @return count of neck PMTs
size_t GetNeckCount() const { return neck.size(); }
/// Get the count of FECD PMTs
/// @return count of FECD PMTs
size_t GetFECDCount() const { return fecd.size(); }
/// Get the count of spare PMTs
/// @return count of spare PMTs
size_t GetSpareCount() const { return spare.size(); }
/// Get the count of HQE PMTs
/// @return count of HQE PMTs
size_t GetHQECount() const { return hqe.size(); }
/// Get the count of invalid PMTs
/// @return count of invalid PMTs
size_t GetInvalidCount() const { return invalid.size(); }
/// Add a PMT with the type specified by an UInt_t
/// @param[in] pmt to add
/// @param[in] type of the pmt
inline void AddPMT( const T& pmt, const DU::PMTInfo::EPMTType type );
/// Add a normal PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddNormalPMT( const T& pmt ) { normal.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a owl PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddOWLPMT( const T& pmt ) { owl.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a low gain PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddLowGainPMT( const T& pmt ) { lowGain.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a butt PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddBUTTPMT( const T& pmt ) { butt.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a neck PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddNeckPMT( const T& pmt ) { neck.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a fecd PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddFECDPMT( const T& pmt ) { fecd.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a spare PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddSparePMT( const T& pmt ) { spare.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add an HQE PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddHQEPMT( const T& pmt ) { hqe.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Add a invalid PMT
/// @param[in] pmt to add
void AddInvalidPMT( const T& pmt ) { invalid.push_back( pmt ); }
/// Prune all the PMTs
inline void PruneAllPMTs();
/// Prune the normal PMTs
void PruneNormalPMTs() { clear_vector( normal ); }
/// Prune the normal PMTs - Need to keep to prune this list from old files
void PruneInwardPMTs() { clear_vector( inward ); }
/// Prune the owl PMTs
void PruneOWLPMTs() { clear_vector( owl ); }
/// Prune the low gain PMTs
void PruneLowGainPMTs() { clear_vector( lowGain ); }
/// Prune the butt PMTs
void PruneBUTTPMTs() { clear_vector( butt ); }
/// Prune the neck PMTs
void PruneNeckPMTs() { clear_vector( neck ); }
/// Prune the fecd PMTs
void PruneFECDPMTs() { clear_vector( fecd ); }
/// Prune the spare PMTs
void PruneSparePMTs() { clear_vector( spare ); }
/// Prune the hqe PMTs
void PruneHQEPMTs() { clear_vector( hqe ); }
/// Prune the invalid PMTs
void PruneInvalidPMTs() { clear_vector( invalid ); }
// This ROOT macro adds dictionary methods to this class.
// The number should be incremented whenever this class's members are changed.
// It assumes this class has no virtual methods, use ClassDef if change this.
ClassDefNV( PMTSet, 3 );
std::vector normal; ///< Collection of normal PMTs
std::vector inward; ///< Collection of inward PMTs (normal + HQE)- keeping to be able to prune old files
std::vector owl; ///< Collection of OWL PMTs
std::vector lowGain; ///< Collection of Low Gain PMTs
std::vector butt; ///< Collection of BUTT PMTs (don't exist in SNO+)
std::vector neck; ///< Collection of neck PMTs
std::vector fecd; ///< Collection of FECD PMTs (really daq channels)
std::vector spare; ///< Collection of spare PMTs (really daq channels)
std::vector hqe; ///< Collection of HQE PMTs
std::vector invalid; ///< Collection of invalid PMTs (really daq channels)
PMTSet::Combine( const PMTSet& set )
normal.insert( normal.end(), set.normal.begin(), set.normal.end() );
owl.insert( owl.end(), set.owl.begin(), set.owl.end() );
lowGain.insert( lowGain.end(), set.lowGain.begin(), set.lowGain.end() );
butt.insert( butt.end(), set.butt.begin(), set.butt.end() );
neck.insert( neck.end(), set.neck.begin(), set.neck.end() );
fecd.insert( fecd.end(), set.fecd.begin(), set.fecd.end() );
spare.insert( spare.end(), set.spare.begin(), set.spare.end() );
hqe.insert( hqe.end(), set.hqe.begin(), set.hqe.end() );
invalid.insert( invalid.end(), set.invalid.begin(), set.invalid.end() );
PMTSet::AddPMT( const T& pmt,
const DU::PMTInfo::EPMTType type )
case DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL: AddNormalPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::OWL: AddOWLPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::LOWGAIN: AddLowGainPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::BUTT: AddBUTTPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::NECK: AddNeckPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::CALIB: AddFECDPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::SPARE: AddSparePMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::HQE: AddHQEPMT( pmt ); break;
case DU::PMTInfo::INVALID: AddInvalidPMT( pmt ); break;
default: warn << "PMTSet::AddPMT: Unknown PMT type: " << type << "\n"; break;
PMTSet::GetAllPMT( size_t index )
if( index < normal.size() ) return normal.at( index );
index -= normal.size();
if( index < owl.size() ) return owl.at( index );
index -= owl.size();
if( index < lowGain.size() ) return lowGain.at( index );
index -= lowGain.size();
if( index < butt.size() ) return butt.at( index );
index -= butt.size();
if( index < neck.size() ) return neck.at( index );
index -= neck.size();
if( index < fecd.size() ) return fecd.at( index );
index -= fecd.size();
if( index < spare.size() ) return spare.at( index );
index -= spare.size();
if( index < hqe.size() ) return hqe.at( index );
index -= hqe.size();
return invalid.at( index );
const T&
PMTSet::GetAllPMT( size_t index ) const
if( index < normal.size() ) return normal.at( index );
index -= normal.size();
if( index < owl.size() ) return owl.at( index );
index -= owl.size();
if( index < lowGain.size() ) return lowGain.at( index );
index -= lowGain.size();
if( index < butt.size() ) return butt.at( index );
index -= butt.size();
if( index < neck.size() ) return neck.at( index );
index -= neck.size();
if( index < fecd.size() ) return fecd.at( index );
index -= fecd.size();
if( index < spare.size() ) return spare.at( index );
index -= spare.size();
if( index < hqe.size() ) return hqe.at( index );
index -= hqe.size();
return invalid.at( index );
PMTSet::GetAllCount() const
return normal.size() + owl.size() + lowGain.size() + butt.size() + neck.size() + fecd.size() + spare.size() + hqe.size() + invalid.size();
PMTSet::GetPMT( size_t index)
if( index < normal.size() ) return normal.at( index );
index -= normal.size();
return hqe.at( index );
const T&
PMTSet::GetPMT( size_t index ) const
if( index < normal.size() ) return normal.at( index );
index -= normal.size();
return hqe.at( index );
PMTSet::GetCount() const
return normal.size() + hqe.size();
clear_vector( normal );
clear_vector( inward );
clear_vector( owl );
clear_vector( lowGain );
clear_vector( butt );
clear_vector( neck );
clear_vector( fecd );
clear_vector( spare );
clear_vector( hqe );
clear_vector( invalid );
/// \class RAT::DS::UncalPMTs
/// This is a typedef of the PMTSet class using RAT::DS::PMTUncal
/// \sa RAT::DS::PMTSet for full documentation
typedef PMTSet UncalPMTs;
/// \class RAT::DS::CalPMTs
/// This is a typedef of the PMTSet class using RAT::DS::PMTCal
/// \sa RAT::DS::PMTSet for full documentation
typedef PMTSet CalPMTs;
/// \class RAT::DS::MCHits
/// This is a typedef of the PMTSet class using MCHit
/// \sa RAT::DS::PMTSet for full documentation
typedef PMTSet MCHits;
} // namespace DS
} // namespace RAT