/// \file detection.cc
/// \brief This extracts the MC Photoelectron count
/// \author P G Jones
/// 2014-07-21 : P G Jones - moved to rat-tools validation.\n
// 2018-02-10 : R Lane - change to function arguments necessary for ROOT 6 compatibility
/// \details This plots the number of photoelectrons, i.e. the number of photons
/// that hit the photocathode and are absorbed.
void detection(std::string event_file, std::string outfile)
RAT::DU::DSReader* dsReader = new RAT::DU::DSReader(event_file);
TFile *outtfile = new TFile(outfile.c_str(),"RECREATE");
TH1D* hNhits = new TH1D( "nHits", "nHits", 200, 0.0, 2000.0 );
hNhits->SetXTitle( "Number of hits per event." );
hNhits->SetYTitle( "Count per 10 hit bin." );
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader->GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader->GetEntry( iEntry );
hNhits->Fill( rDS.GetMC().GetMCPECount() );
delete outtfile;
delete dsReader;