//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \file partialfitter.cc /// /// \brief Extracts performance metrics for partialFitter testing. /// /// \author W Parker /// /// REVISION HISTORY:\n /// /// \details This extracts the reconstructed position and energy /// versus mc and each other. It is heavily based on the /// scintFitter rat test. /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include void partialfitter(std::string event_file, std::string outfile) { RAT::DU::DSReader* dsReader = new RAT::DU::DSReader(event_file); TFile *outtfile = new TFile(outfile.c_str(),"RECREATE"); TH1D *hCenterRes = new TH1D("hCenterRes", "1 MeV electrons at position (0,0,1)m;Reconstructed Radius (mm);Events per bin", 100, 500, 1500); TProfile *hReconVsRadius = new TProfile("hReconVsRadius", "1 MeV electrons (error bars are RMS);(Radius/6005 mm)**3;Reconstructed Pos - True Pos (mm)", 5, 0, 1, 0, 750.0, "s"); TProfile *hReconVsEnergy = new TProfile("hReconVsEnergy", "Electrons at position (0,0,1)m (error bars are RMS);Kinetic energy (MeV);Reconstructed Pos (mm)", 5, 0.9, 3.6, 0, 1500.0, "s"); TProfile *hRadiusEnergy = new TProfile("hRadiusEnergy", "Electrons at position (0,0,1)m (error bars are RMS);(Radius/6005 mm)**3;Reconstructed energy - True energy (MeV)", 5, 0, 1, -1.0, 1.0, "s"); TProfile *hCenterEnergy = new TProfile("hCenterEnergy", "Electrons at position (0,0,1)m (error bars are RMS);Kinetic energy (MeV);Reconstructed energy - True energy (MeV)", 5, 0.9, 3.6, -2.0, 2.0, "s"); for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader->GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ ) { const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader->GetEntry( iEntry ); const TVector3 mcPos = rDS.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition(); const double mcEnergy = rDS.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetKineticEnergy(); for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ ) { const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV ); if( !rEV.FitResultExists( "partialFitter" ) || rEV.GetFitResult( "partialFitter" ).GetVertexCount() == 0 || !rEV.GetFitResult( "partialFitter" ).GetValid() ) continue; const TVector3 fitPos = rEV.GetFitResult( "partialFitter" ).GetVertex(0).GetPosition(); if( mcEnergy < 1.05 && mcPos.Mag() == 1000 ) hCenterRes->Fill( fitPos.Mag() ); if( mcEnergy > 1.05 && mcPos.Mag() == 1000 ) hReconVsEnergy->Fill( mcEnergy, fitPos.Mag() ); if( mcEnergy < 1.05 && mcPos.Mag() > 1000 ) hReconVsRadius->Fill( pow( mcPos.Mag() / 6005.0, 3.0 ), (fitPos - mcPos).Mag() ); const double fitEnergy = rEV.GetFitResult("partialFitter").GetVertex(0).GetEnergy(); if( mcPos.Mag() == 1000 ) hCenterEnergy->Fill(mcEnergy, fitEnergy-mcEnergy); if( mcEnergy < 1.05 && mcPos.Mag() > 1000 ) hRadiusEnergy->Fill( pow(mcPos.Mag()/6005.0, 3.0), fitEnergy-mcEnergy ); } } hReconVsRadius->SetMaximum(1500); hReconVsRadius->SetMinimum(0); hReconVsEnergy->SetMaximum(1500); hReconVsEnergy->SetMinimum(0); hCenterEnergy->SetMaximum(2); hCenterEnergy->SetMinimum(-2); hRadiusEnergy->SetMaximum(1); hRadiusEnergy->SetMinimum(-1); outtfile->cd(); hCenterRes->Write(); hReconVsRadius->Write(); hReconVsEnergy->Write(); hCenterEnergy->Write(); hRadiusEnergy->Write(); outtfile->Close(); delete outtfile; delete dsReader; }