$Id: 00README 66892 2013-01-17 10:57:59Z gunter $ ========================================================================== Geant4Py Geant4Py is a set of python modules for using Geant4. Tools package In dafault situation, Geant4 creates and uses "granular static libraries". But, Python interface requires "global shared library". This directory contains some utility tools for helping build Geant4 environment for using Python interface. ========================================================================== env --- Additonal setup script for co-building global shared libraries A small setup script helps co-build global shared libraries, in addition to an existing granular static environment. g4autobuild ----------- An automatic build tool. The tool takes care of multiple Geant4/CLHEP instances (granular static libray, global static library and global shared library), configuring visualization and UI environments. The building procedures are fully automated, avoiding duplicated building processes. A sample configuration file is as follows; --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # G4SYS # G4SYS Linux-g++ # # Base directory of Geant4 builds # G4BASE /opt/heplib/Geant4 # # Base directory of CLHEP # CLHEPBASE /opt/heplib/CLHEP # # G4 version and CLHEP version (starting with "-") # # G4 version CLHEP version - geant4.9.5 # # Visualization Options (starting with "v") # G4VIS_BUILD_XXX_DRIVER and G4VIS_USE_XXX are activated. # v DAWN v VRML v RAYTRACERX_DRIVER v OPENGLX v OPENGLQT # # UI Options (starting with "u") # G4UI_USE_XXX is activated. # u TCSH u GAG u QT # # Optional packages (starting with "o") # G4LIB_BUILD_XXX_DRIVER and G4LIB_USE_XXX are activated. # o GDML --------------------------------------------------------------------- Users just specify the base directories of Geant4 and CLHEP, and give combinations of their versions. Then, type $ ./g4autobuild . A series of building processes will start. The "status" directory will be created by the script. Note that null files (named geant4-%version%-xxx) associated with tasks will be created in this directory after finishing each task. These files works as flags for task status. g4package --------- A packaging tool. CLHEP and Geant4 libraries and headers are packed into a specified directory. This script contains a special care for embedded MacOSX(Mach-O) library paths. Using the packaged libraries makes free from setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in MacOSX, especially for CLHEP. For example, on MacOSX, $ ./g4pack --with-g4system=Darwin-g++ \ --with-g4-dir=/opt/heplib/Geant4/geant4.9.5 \ --with-clhep-dir=/opt/heplib/CLHEP/ \ --with-install-dir=/Library/Frameworks/Geant4.framework/Versions/9.5.0 creates new package in a "g4" directory. Then you can copy it to the framework directory specified.