// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MODULE: G4SPSAngDistribution.cc // // Version: 1.0 // Date: 5/02/04 // Author: Fan Lei // Organisation: QinetiQ ltd. // Customer: ESA/ESTEC // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // CHANGE HISTORY // -------------- // // // Version 1.0, 05/02/2004, Fan Lei, Created. // Based on the G4GeneralParticleSource class in Geant4 v6.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include "G4SPSAngDistribution.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh" G4SPSAngDistribution::G4SPSAngDistribution() : Theta(0.), Phi(0.) { // Angular distribution Variables G4ThreeVector zero; particle_momentum_direction = G4ParticleMomentum(0,0,-1); AngDistType = "planar"; AngRef1 = CLHEP::HepXHat; AngRef2 = CLHEP::HepYHat; AngRef3 = CLHEP::HepZHat; MinTheta = 0.; MaxTheta = pi; MinPhi = 0.; MaxPhi = twopi; DR = 0.; DX = 0.; DY = 0.; FocusPoint = G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.); UserDistType = "NULL"; UserWRTSurface = true; UserAngRef = false; IPDFThetaExist = false; IPDFPhiExist = false; verbosityLevel = 0 ; } G4SPSAngDistribution::~G4SPSAngDistribution() {} // void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetAngDistType(G4String atype) { if(atype != "iso" && atype != "cos" && atype != "user" && atype != "planar" && atype != "beam1d" && atype != "beam2d" && atype != "focused") G4cout << "Error, distribution must be iso, cos, planar, beam1d, beam2d, focused or user" << G4endl; else AngDistType = atype; if (AngDistType == "cos") MaxTheta = pi/2. ; if (AngDistType == "user") { UDefThetaH = IPDFThetaH = ZeroPhysVector ; IPDFThetaExist = false ; UDefPhiH = IPDFPhiH = ZeroPhysVector ; IPDFPhiExist = false ; } } void G4SPSAngDistribution::DefineAngRefAxes(G4String refname, G4ThreeVector ref) { if(refname == "angref1") AngRef1 = ref.unit(); // x' else if(refname == "angref2") AngRef2 = ref.unit(); // vector in x'y' plane // User defines x' (AngRef1) and a vector in the x'y' // plane (AngRef2). Then, AngRef1 x AngRef2 = AngRef3 // the z' vector. Then, AngRef3 x AngRef1 = AngRef2 // which will now be y'. AngRef3 = AngRef1.cross(AngRef2); // z' AngRef2 = AngRef3.cross(AngRef1); // y' UserAngRef = true ; if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Angular distribution rotation axes " << AngRef1 << " " << AngRef2 << " " << AngRef3 << G4endl; } } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetMinTheta(G4double mint) { MinTheta = mint; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetMinPhi(G4double minp) { MinPhi = minp; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetMaxTheta(G4double maxt) { MaxTheta = maxt; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetMaxPhi(G4double maxp) { MaxPhi = maxp; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInAngR(G4double r) { DR = r; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInAngX(G4double r) { DX = r; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInAngY(G4double r) { DY = r; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::UserDefAngTheta(G4ThreeVector input) { if(UserDistType == "NULL") UserDistType = "theta"; if(UserDistType == "phi") UserDistType = "both"; G4double thi, val; thi = input.x(); val = input.y(); if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "In UserDefAngTheta" << G4endl; UDefThetaH.InsertValues(thi, val); } void G4SPSAngDistribution::UserDefAngPhi(G4ThreeVector input) { if(UserDistType == "NULL") UserDistType = "phi"; if(UserDistType == "theta") UserDistType = "both"; G4double phhi, val; phhi = input.x(); val = input.y(); if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "In UserDefAngPhi" << G4endl; UDefPhiH.InsertValues(phhi, val); } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetFocusPoint(G4ThreeVector input) { FocusPoint = input; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetUserWRTSurface(G4bool wrtSurf) { // This is only applied in user mode? // if UserWRTSurface = true then the user wants momenta with respect // to the surface normals. // When doing this theta has to be 0-90 only otherwise there will be // errors, which currently are flagged anywhere. UserWRTSurface = wrtSurf; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::SetUseUserAngAxis(G4bool userang) { // if UserAngRef = true the angular distribution is defined wrt // the user defined co-ordinates UserAngRef = userang; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::GenerateBeamFlux() { G4double theta, phi; G4double px, py, pz; if (AngDistType == "beam1d") { theta = G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,DR); phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); } else { px = G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,DX); py = G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,DY); theta = std::sqrt (px*px + py*py); if (theta != 0.) { phi = std::acos(px/theta); if ( py < 0.) phi = -phi; } else { phi = 0.0; } } px = -std::sin(theta) * std::cos(phi); py = -std::sin(theta) * std::sin(phi); pz = -std::cos(theta); G4double finx, finy, finz ; finx = px, finy =py, finz =pz; if (UserAngRef){ // Apply Angular Rotation Matrix // x * AngRef1, y * AngRef2 and z * AngRef3 finx = (px * AngRef1.x()) + (py * AngRef2.x()) + (pz * AngRef3.x()); finy = (px * AngRef1.y()) + (py * AngRef2.y()) + (pz * AngRef3.y()); finz = (px * AngRef1.z()) + (py * AngRef2.z()) + (pz * AngRef3.z()); G4double ResMag = std::sqrt((finx*finx) + (finy*finy) + (finz*finz)); finx = finx/ResMag; finy = finy/ResMag; finz = finz/ResMag; } particle_momentum_direction.setX(finx); particle_momentum_direction.setY(finy); particle_momentum_direction.setZ(finz); // particle_momentum_direction now holds unit momentum vector. if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Generating beam vector: " << particle_momentum_direction << G4endl; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::GenerateFocusedFlux() { particle_momentum_direction = (FocusPoint - posDist->particle_position).unit(); // // particle_momentum_direction now holds unit momentum vector. if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Generating focused vector: " << particle_momentum_direction << G4endl; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::GenerateIsotropicFlux() { // generates isotropic flux. // No vectors are needed. G4double rndm, rndm2; G4double px, py, pz; // G4double sintheta, sinphi,costheta,cosphi; rndm = angRndm->GenRandTheta(); costheta = std::cos(MinTheta) - rndm * (std::cos(MinTheta) - std::cos(MaxTheta)); sintheta = std::sqrt(1. - costheta*costheta); rndm2 = angRndm->GenRandPhi(); Phi = MinPhi + (MaxPhi - MinPhi) * rndm2; sinphi = std::sin(Phi); cosphi = std::cos(Phi); px = -sintheta * cosphi; py = -sintheta * sinphi; pz = -costheta; // for volume and ponit source use mother or user defined co-ordinates // for plane and surface source user surface-normal or userdefined co-ordinates // G4double finx, finy, finz; if (posDist->SourcePosType == "Point" || posDist->SourcePosType == "Volume") { if (UserAngRef){ // Apply Rotation Matrix // x * AngRef1, y * AngRef2 and z * AngRef3 finx = (px * AngRef1.x()) + (py * AngRef2.x()) + (pz * AngRef3.x()); finy = (px * AngRef1.y()) + (py * AngRef2.y()) + (pz * AngRef3.y()); finz = (px * AngRef1.z()) + (py * AngRef2.z()) + (pz * AngRef3.z()); } else { finx = px; finy = py; finz = pz; } } else { // for plane and surface source if (UserAngRef){ // Apply Rotation Matrix // x * AngRef1, y * AngRef2 and z * AngRef3 finx = (px * AngRef1.x()) + (py * AngRef2.x()) + (pz * AngRef3.x()); finy = (px * AngRef1.y()) + (py * AngRef2.y()) + (pz * AngRef3.y()); finz = (px * AngRef1.z()) + (py * AngRef2.z()) + (pz * AngRef3.z()); } else { finx = (px*posDist->SideRefVec1.x()) + (py*posDist->SideRefVec2.x()) + (pz*posDist->SideRefVec3.x()); finy = (px*posDist->SideRefVec1.y()) + (py*posDist->SideRefVec2.y()) + (pz*posDist->SideRefVec3.y()); finz = (px*posDist->SideRefVec1.z()) + (py*posDist->SideRefVec2.z()) + (pz*posDist->SideRefVec3.z()); } } G4double ResMag = std::sqrt((finx*finx) + (finy*finy) + (finz*finz)); finx = finx/ResMag; finy = finy/ResMag; finz = finz/ResMag; particle_momentum_direction.setX(finx); particle_momentum_direction.setY(finy); particle_momentum_direction.setZ(finz); // particle_momentum_direction now holds unit momentum vector. if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Generating isotropic vector: " << particle_momentum_direction << G4endl; } void G4SPSAngDistribution::GenerateCosineLawFlux() { // Method to generate flux distributed with a cosine law G4double px, py, pz; G4double rndm, rndm2; // G4double sintheta, sinphi,costheta,cosphi; rndm = angRndm->GenRandTheta(); sintheta = std::sqrt( rndm * (std::sin(MaxTheta)*std::sin(MaxTheta) - std::sin(MinTheta)*std::sin(MinTheta) ) +std::sin(MinTheta)*std::sin(MinTheta) ); costheta = std::sqrt(1. -sintheta*sintheta); rndm2 = angRndm->GenRandPhi(); Phi = MinPhi + (MaxPhi - MinPhi) * rndm2; sinphi = std::sin(Phi); cosphi = std::cos(Phi); px = -sintheta * cosphi; py = -sintheta * sinphi; pz = -costheta; // for volume and ponit source use mother or user defined co-ordinates // for plane and surface source user surface-normal or userdefined co-ordinates // G4double finx, finy, finz; if (posDist->SourcePosType == "Point" || posDist->SourcePosType == "Volume") { if (UserAngRef){ // Apply Rotation Matrix finx = (px * AngRef1.x()) + (py * AngRef2.x()) + (pz * AngRef3.x()); finy = (px * AngRef1.y()) + (py * AngRef2.y()) + (pz * AngRef3.y()); finz = (px * AngRef1.z()) + (py * AngRef2.z()) + (pz * AngRef3.z()); } else { finx = px; finy = py; finz = pz; } } else { // for plane and surface source if (UserAngRef){ // Apply Rotation Matrix finx = (px * AngRef1.x()) + (py * AngRef2.x()) + (pz * AngRef3.x()); finy = (px * AngRef1.y()) + (py * AngRef2.y()) + (pz * AngRef3.y()); finz = (px * AngRef1.z()) + (py * AngRef2.z()) + (pz * AngRef3.z()); } else { finx = (px*posDist->SideRefVec1.x()) + (py*posDist->SideRefVec2.x()) + (pz*posDist->SideRefVec3.x()); finy = (px*posDist->SideRefVec1.y()) + (py*posDist->SideRefVec2.y()) + (pz*posDist->SideRefVec3.y()); finz = (px*posDist->SideRefVec1.z()) + (py*posDist->SideRefVec2.z()) + (pz*posDist->SideRefVec3.z()); } } G4double ResMag = std::sqrt((finx*finx) + (finy*finy) + (finz*finz)); finx = finx/ResMag; finy = finy/ResMag; finz = finz/ResMag; particle_momentum_direction.setX(finx); particle_momentum_direction.setY(finy); particle_momentum_direction.setZ(finz); // particle_momentum_direction now contains unit momentum vector. if(verbosityLevel >= 1) { G4cout << "Resultant cosine-law unit momentum vector " << particle_momentum_direction << G4endl; } } void G4SPSAngDistribution::GeneratePlanarFlux() { // particle_momentum_direction now contains unit momentum vector. // nothing need be done here as the m-directions have been set directly // under this option if(verbosityLevel >= 1) { G4cout << "Resultant Planar wave momentum vector " << particle_momentum_direction << G4endl; } } void G4SPSAngDistribution::GenerateUserDefFlux() { G4double rndm, px, py, pz, pmag; if(UserDistType == "NULL") G4cout << "Error: UserDistType undefined" << G4endl; else if(UserDistType == "theta") { Theta = 10.; while(Theta > MaxTheta || Theta < MinTheta) Theta = GenerateUserDefTheta(); Phi = 10.; while(Phi > MaxPhi || Phi < MinPhi) { rndm = angRndm->GenRandPhi(); Phi = twopi * rndm; } } else if(UserDistType == "phi") { Theta = 10.; while(Theta > MaxTheta || Theta < MinTheta) { rndm = angRndm->GenRandTheta(); Theta = std::acos(1. - (2. * rndm)); } Phi = 10.; while(Phi > MaxPhi || Phi < MinPhi) Phi = GenerateUserDefPhi(); } else if(UserDistType == "both") { Theta = 10.; while(Theta > MaxTheta || Theta < MinTheta) Theta = GenerateUserDefTheta(); Phi = 10.; while(Phi > MaxPhi || Phi < MinPhi) Phi = GenerateUserDefPhi(); } px = -std::sin(Theta) * std::cos(Phi); py = -std::sin(Theta) * std::sin(Phi); pz = -std::cos(Theta); pmag = std::sqrt((px*px) + (py*py) + (pz*pz)); if(!UserWRTSurface) { G4double finx, finy, finz; if (UserAngRef) { // Apply Rotation Matrix // x * AngRef1, y * AngRef2 and z * AngRef3 finx = (px * AngRef1.x()) + (py * AngRef2.x()) + (pz * AngRef3.x()); finy = (px * AngRef1.y()) + (py * AngRef2.y()) + (pz * AngRef3.y()); finz = (px * AngRef1.z()) + (py * AngRef2.z()) + (pz * AngRef3.z()); } else { // use mother co-ordinates finx = px; finy = py; finz = pz; } G4double ResMag = std::sqrt((finx*finx) + (finy*finy) + (finz*finz)); finx = finx/ResMag; finy = finy/ResMag; finz = finz/ResMag; particle_momentum_direction.setX(finx); particle_momentum_direction.setY(finy); particle_momentum_direction.setZ(finz); } else { // UserWRTSurface = true G4double pxh = px/pmag; G4double pyh = py/pmag; G4double pzh = pz/pmag; if(verbosityLevel > 1) { G4cout <<"SideRefVecs " <SideRefVec1<SideRefVec2<SideRefVec3<SideRefVec1.x()) + (pyh*posDist->SideRefVec2.x()) + (pzh*posDist->SideRefVec3.x()); G4double resulty = (pxh*posDist->SideRefVec1.y()) + (pyh*posDist->SideRefVec2.y()) + (pzh*posDist->SideRefVec3.y()); G4double resultz = (pxh*posDist->SideRefVec1.z()) + (pyh*posDist->SideRefVec2.z()) + (pzh*posDist->SideRefVec3.z()); G4double ResMag = std::sqrt((resultx*resultx) + (resulty*resulty) + (resultz*resultz)); resultx = resultx/ResMag; resulty = resulty/ResMag; resultz = resultz/ResMag; particle_momentum_direction.setX(resultx); particle_momentum_direction.setY(resulty); particle_momentum_direction.setZ(resultz); } // particle_momentum_direction now contains unit momentum vector. if(verbosityLevel > 0 ) { G4cout << "Final User Defined momentum vector " << particle_momentum_direction << G4endl; } } G4double G4SPSAngDistribution::GenerateUserDefTheta() { // Create cumulative histogram if not already done so. Then use RandFlat //::shoot to generate the output Theta value. if(UserDistType == "NULL" || UserDistType == "phi") { // No user defined theta distribution G4cout << "Error ***********************" << G4endl; G4cout << "UserDistType = " << UserDistType << G4endl; return (0.); } else { // UserDistType = theta or both and so a theta distribution // is defined. This should be integrated if not already done. if(IPDFThetaExist == false) { // IPDF has not been created, so create it G4double bins[1024],vals[1024], sum; G4int ii; G4int maxbin = G4int(UDefThetaH.GetVectorLength()); bins[0] = UDefThetaH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(0)); vals[0] = UDefThetaH(size_t(0)); sum = vals[0]; for(ii=1;ii