// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MODULE: G4SPSEneDistribution.cc // // Version: 1.0 // Date: 5/02/04 // Author: Fan Lei // Organisation: QinetiQ ltd. // Customer: ESA/ESTEC // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CHANGE HISTORY // -------------- // // // Version 1.0, 05/02/2004, Fan Lei, Created. // Based on the G4GeneralParticleSource class in Geant4 v6.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include "G4SPSEneDistribution.hh" #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" G4SPSEneDistribution::G4SPSEneDistribution() : particle_definition(0), eneRndm(0), Splinetemp(0) { // // Initialise all variables particle_energy = 1.0 * MeV; EnergyDisType = "Mono"; weight = 1.; MonoEnergy = 1 * MeV; Emin = 0.; Emax = 1.e30; alpha = 0.; biasalpha = 0.; prob_norm = 1.0; Ezero = 0.; SE = 0.; Temp = 0.; grad = 0.; cept = 0.; Biased = false; // not biased EnergySpec = true; // true - energy spectra, false - momentum spectra DiffSpec = true; // true - differential spec, false integral spec IntType = "NULL"; // Interpolation type IPDFEnergyExist = false; IPDFArbExist = false; ArbEmin = 0.; ArbEmax = 1.e30; verbosityLevel = 0; } G4SPSEneDistribution::~G4SPSEneDistribution() { } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetEnergyDisType(G4String DisType) { EnergyDisType = DisType; if (EnergyDisType == "User") { UDefEnergyH = IPDFEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; IPDFEnergyExist = false; } else if (EnergyDisType == "Arb") { ArbEnergyH = IPDFArbEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; IPDFArbExist = false; } else if (EnergyDisType == "Epn") { UDefEnergyH = IPDFEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; IPDFEnergyExist = false; EpnEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; } } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetEmin(G4double emi) { Emin = emi; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetEmax(G4double ema) { Emax = ema; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetMonoEnergy(G4double menergy) { MonoEnergy = menergy; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInE(G4double e) { SE = e; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetAlpha(G4double alp) { alpha = alp; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetBiasAlpha(G4double alp) { biasalpha = alp; Biased = true; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetTemp(G4double tem) { Temp = tem; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetEzero(G4double eze) { Ezero = eze; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetGradient(G4double gr) { grad = gr; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SetInterCept(G4double c) { cept = c; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::UserEnergyHisto(G4ThreeVector input) { G4double ehi, val; ehi = input.x(); val = input.y(); if (verbosityLevel > 1) { G4cout << "In UserEnergyHisto" << G4endl; G4cout << " " << ehi << " " << val << G4endl; } UDefEnergyH.InsertValues(ehi, val); Emax = ehi; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::ArbEnergyHisto(G4ThreeVector input) { G4double ehi, val; ehi = input.x(); val = input.y(); if (verbosityLevel > 1) { G4cout << "In ArbEnergyHisto" << G4endl; G4cout << " " << ehi << " " << val << G4endl; } ArbEnergyH.InsertValues(ehi, val); } void G4SPSEneDistribution::ArbEnergyHistoFile(G4String filename) { std::ifstream infile(filename, std::ios::in); if (!infile) G4Exception("G4SPSEneDistribution::ArbEnergyHistoFile", "Event0301",FatalException, "Unable to open the histo ASCII file"); G4double ehi, val; while (infile >> ehi >> val) { ArbEnergyH.InsertValues(ehi, val); } } void G4SPSEneDistribution::EpnEnergyHisto(G4ThreeVector input) { G4double ehi, val; ehi = input.x(); val = input.y(); if (verbosityLevel > 1) { G4cout << "In EpnEnergyHisto" << G4endl; G4cout << " " << ehi << " " << val << G4endl; } EpnEnergyH.InsertValues(ehi, val); Emax = ehi; Epnflag = true; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::Calculate() { if (EnergyDisType == "Cdg") CalculateCdgSpectrum(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Bbody") CalculateBbodySpectrum(); } void G4SPSEneDistribution::CalculateCdgSpectrum() { // This uses the spectrum from The INTEGRAL Mass Model (TIMM) // to generate a Cosmic Diffuse X/gamma ray spectrum. G4double pfact[2] = { 8.5, 112 }; G4double spind[2] = { 1.4, 2.3 }; G4double ene_line[3] = { 1. * keV, 18. * keV, 1E6 * keV }; G4int n_par; ene_line[0] = Emin; if (Emin < 18 * keV) { n_par = 2; ene_line[2] = Emax; if (Emax < 18 * keV) { n_par = 1; ene_line[1] = Emax; } } else { n_par = 1; pfact[0] = 112.; spind[0] = 2.3; ene_line[1] = Emax; } // Create a cumulative histogram. CDGhist[0] = 0.; G4double omalpha; G4int i = 0; while (i < n_par) { omalpha = 1. - spind[i]; CDGhist[i + 1] = CDGhist[i] + (pfact[i] / omalpha) * (std::pow( ene_line[i + 1] / keV, omalpha) - std::pow(ene_line[i] / keV, omalpha)); i++; } // Normalise histo and divide by 1000 to make MeV. i = 0; while (i < n_par) { CDGhist[i + 1] = CDGhist[i + 1] / CDGhist[n_par]; // G4cout << CDGhist[i] << CDGhist[n_par] << G4endl; i++; } } void G4SPSEneDistribution::CalculateBbodySpectrum() { // create bbody spectrum // Proved very hard to integrate indefinitely, so different // method. User inputs emin, emax and T. These are used to // create a 10,000 bin histogram. // Use photon density spectrum = 2 nu**2/c**2 * (std::exp(h nu/kT)-1) // = 2 E**2/h**2c**2 times the exponential G4double erange = Emax - Emin; G4double steps = erange / 10000.; G4double Bbody_y[10000]; G4double k = 8.6181e-11; //Boltzmann const in MeV/K G4double h = 4.1362e-21; // Plancks const in MeV s G4double c = 3e8; // Speed of light G4double h2 = h * h; G4double c2 = c * c; G4int count = 0; G4double sum = 0.; BBHist[0] = 0.; while (count < 10000) { Bbody_x[count] = Emin + G4double(count * steps); Bbody_y[count] = (2. * std::pow(Bbody_x[count], 2.)) / (h2 * c2 * (std::exp(Bbody_x[count] / (k * Temp)) - 1.)); sum = sum + Bbody_y[count]; BBHist[count + 1] = BBHist[count] + Bbody_y[count]; count++; } Bbody_x[10000] = Emax; // Normalise cumulative histo. count = 0; while (count < 10001) { BBHist[count] = BBHist[count] / sum; count++; } } void G4SPSEneDistribution::InputEnergySpectra(G4bool value) { // Allows user to specifiy spectrum is momentum EnergySpec = value; // false if momentum if (verbosityLevel > 1) G4cout << "EnergySpec has value " << EnergySpec << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::InputDifferentialSpectra(G4bool value) { // Allows user to specify integral or differential spectra DiffSpec = value; // true = differential, false = integral if (verbosityLevel > 1) G4cout << "Diffspec has value " << DiffSpec << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::ArbInterpolate(G4String IType) { if (EnergyDisType != "Arb") G4cout << "Error: this is for arbitrary distributions" << G4endl; IntType = IType; ArbEmax = ArbEnergyH.GetMaxLowEdgeEnergy(); ArbEmin = ArbEnergyH.GetMinLowEdgeEnergy(); // Now interpolate points if (IntType == "Lin") LinearInterpolation(); if (IntType == "Log") LogInterpolation(); if (IntType == "Exp") ExpInterpolation(); if (IntType == "Spline") SplineInterpolation(); } void G4SPSEneDistribution::LinearInterpolation() { // Method to do linear interpolation on the Arb points // Calculate equation of each line segment, max 1024. // Calculate Area under each segment // Create a cumulative array which is then normalised Arb_Cum_Area G4double Area_seg[1024]; // Stores area under each segment G4double sum = 0., Arb_x[1024], Arb_y[1024], Arb_Cum_Area[1024]; G4int i, count; G4int maxi = ArbEnergyH.GetVectorLength(); for (i = 0; i < maxi; i++) { Arb_x[i] = ArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(i)); Arb_y[i] = ArbEnergyH(size_t(i)); } // Points are now in x,y arrays. If the spectrum is integral it has to be // made differential and if momentum it has to be made energy. if (DiffSpec == false) { // Converts integral point-wise spectra to Differential for (count = 0; count < maxi - 1; count++) { Arb_y[count] = (Arb_y[count] - Arb_y[count + 1]) / (Arb_x[count + 1] - Arb_x[count]); } maxi--; } // if (EnergySpec == false) { // change currently stored values (emin etc) which are actually momenta // to energies. if (particle_definition == NULL) G4cout << "Error: particle not defined" << G4endl; else { // Apply Energy**2 = p**2c**2 + m0**2c**4 // p should be entered as E/c i.e. without the division by c // being done - energy equivalent. G4double mass = particle_definition->GetPDGMass(); // convert point to energy unit and its value to per energy unit G4double total_energy; for (count = 0; count < maxi; count++) { total_energy = std::sqrt((Arb_x[count] * Arb_x[count]) + (mass * mass)); // total energy Arb_y[count] = Arb_y[count] * Arb_x[count] / total_energy; Arb_x[count] = total_energy - mass; // kinetic energy } } } // i = 1; Arb_grad[0] = 0.; Arb_cept[0] = 0.; Area_seg[0] = 0.; Arb_Cum_Area[0] = 0.; while (i < maxi) { // calc gradient and intercept for each segment Arb_grad[i] = (Arb_y[i] - Arb_y[i - 1]) / (Arb_x[i] - Arb_x[i - 1]); if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << Arb_grad[i] << G4endl; if (Arb_grad[i] > 0.) { if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << "Arb_grad is positive" << G4endl; Arb_cept[i] = Arb_y[i] - (Arb_grad[i] * Arb_x[i]); } else if (Arb_grad[i] < 0.) { if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << "Arb_grad is negative" << G4endl; Arb_cept[i] = Arb_y[i] + (-Arb_grad[i] * Arb_x[i]); } else { if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << "Arb_grad is 0." << G4endl; Arb_cept[i] = Arb_y[i]; } Area_seg[i] = ((Arb_grad[i] / 2) * (Arb_x[i] * Arb_x[i] - Arb_x[i - 1] * Arb_x[i - 1]) + Arb_cept[i] * (Arb_x[i] - Arb_x[i - 1])); Arb_Cum_Area[i] = Arb_Cum_Area[i - 1] + Area_seg[i]; sum = sum + Area_seg[i]; if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << Arb_x[i] << Arb_y[i] << Area_seg[i] << sum << Arb_grad[i] << G4endl; i++; } i = 0; while (i < maxi) { Arb_Cum_Area[i] = Arb_Cum_Area[i] / sum; // normalisation IPDFArbEnergyH.InsertValues(Arb_x[i], Arb_Cum_Area[i]); i++; } // now scale the ArbEnergyH, needed by Probability() ArbEnergyH.ScaleVector(1., 1./sum); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) { G4cout << "Leaving LinearInterpolation" << G4endl; ArbEnergyH.DumpValues(); IPDFArbEnergyH.DumpValues(); } } void G4SPSEneDistribution::LogInterpolation() { // Interpolation based on Logarithmic equations // Generate equations of line segments // y = Ax**alpha => log y = alpha*logx + logA // Find area under line segments // create normalised, cumulative array Arb_Cum_Area G4double Area_seg[1024]; // Stores area under each segment G4double sum = 0., Arb_x[1024], Arb_y[1024], Arb_Cum_Area[1024]; G4int i, count; G4int maxi = ArbEnergyH.GetVectorLength(); for (i = 0; i < maxi; i++) { Arb_x[i] = ArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(i)); Arb_y[i] = ArbEnergyH(size_t(i)); } // Points are now in x,y arrays. If the spectrum is integral it has to be // made differential and if momentum it has to be made energy. if (DiffSpec == false) { // Converts integral point-wise spectra to Differential for (count = 0; count < maxi - 1; count++) { Arb_y[count] = (Arb_y[count] - Arb_y[count + 1]) / (Arb_x[count + 1] - Arb_x[count]); } maxi--; } // if (EnergySpec == false) { // change currently stored values (emin etc) which are actually momenta // to energies. if (particle_definition == NULL) G4cout << "Error: particle not defined" << G4endl; else { // Apply Energy**2 = p**2c**2 + m0**2c**4 // p should be entered as E/c i.e. without the division by c // being done - energy equivalent. G4double mass = particle_definition->GetPDGMass(); // convert point to energy unit and its value to per energy unit G4double total_energy; for (count = 0; count < maxi; count++) { total_energy = std::sqrt((Arb_x[count] * Arb_x[count]) + (mass * mass)); // total energy Arb_y[count] = Arb_y[count] * Arb_x[count] / total_energy; Arb_x[count] = total_energy - mass; // kinetic energy } } } // i = 1; Arb_alpha[0] = 0.; Arb_Const[0] = 0.; Area_seg[0] = 0.; Arb_Cum_Area[0] = 0.; if (Arb_x[0] <= 0. || Arb_y[0] <= 0.) { G4cout << "You should not use log interpolation with points <= 0." << G4endl; G4cout << "These will be changed to 1e-20, which may cause problems" << G4endl; if (Arb_x[0] <= 0.) Arb_x[0] = 1e-20; if (Arb_y[0] <= 0.) Arb_y[0] = 1e-20; } G4double alp; while (i < maxi) { // Incase points are negative or zero if (Arb_x[i] <= 0. || Arb_y[i] <= 0.) { G4cout << "You should not use log interpolation with points <= 0." << G4endl; G4cout << "These will be changed to 1e-20, which may cause problems" << G4endl; if (Arb_x[i] <= 0.) Arb_x[i] = 1e-20; if (Arb_y[i] <= 0.) Arb_y[i] = 1e-20; } Arb_alpha[i] = (std::log10(Arb_y[i]) - std::log10(Arb_y[i - 1])) / (std::log10(Arb_x[i]) - std::log10(Arb_x[i - 1])); Arb_Const[i] = Arb_y[i] / (std::pow(Arb_x[i], Arb_alpha[i])); alp = Arb_alpha[i] + 1; if (alp == 0.) { Area_seg[i] = Arb_Const[i] * (std::log(Arb_x[i]) - std::log(Arb_x[i - 1])); } else { Area_seg[i] = (Arb_Const[i] / alp) * (std::pow(Arb_x[i], alp) - std::pow(Arb_x[i - 1], alp)); } sum = sum + Area_seg[i]; Arb_Cum_Area[i] = Arb_Cum_Area[i - 1] + Area_seg[i]; if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << Arb_alpha[i] << Arb_Const[i] << Area_seg[i] << G4endl; i++; } i = 0; while (i < maxi) { Arb_Cum_Area[i] = Arb_Cum_Area[i] / sum; IPDFArbEnergyH.InsertValues(Arb_x[i], Arb_Cum_Area[i]); i++; } // now scale the ArbEnergyH, needed by Probability() ArbEnergyH.ScaleVector(1., 1./sum); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Leaving LogInterpolation " << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::ExpInterpolation() { // Interpolation based on Exponential equations // Generate equations of line segments // y = Ae**-(x/e0) => ln y = -x/e0 + lnA // Find area under line segments // create normalised, cumulative array Arb_Cum_Area G4double Area_seg[1024]; // Stores area under each segment G4double sum = 0., Arb_x[1024], Arb_y[1024], Arb_Cum_Area[1024]; G4int i, count; G4int maxi = ArbEnergyH.GetVectorLength(); for (i = 0; i < maxi; i++) { Arb_x[i] = ArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(i)); Arb_y[i] = ArbEnergyH(size_t(i)); } // Points are now in x,y arrays. If the spectrum is integral it has to be // made differential and if momentum it has to be made energy. if (DiffSpec == false) { // Converts integral point-wise spectra to Differential for (count = 0; count < maxi - 1; count++) { Arb_y[count] = (Arb_y[count] - Arb_y[count + 1]) / (Arb_x[count + 1] - Arb_x[count]); } maxi--; } // if (EnergySpec == false) { // change currently stored values (emin etc) which are actually momenta // to energies. if (particle_definition == NULL) G4cout << "Error: particle not defined" << G4endl; else { // Apply Energy**2 = p**2c**2 + m0**2c**4 // p should be entered as E/c i.e. without the division by c // being done - energy equivalent. G4double mass = particle_definition->GetPDGMass(); // convert point to energy unit and its value to per energy unit G4double total_energy; for (count = 0; count < maxi; count++) { total_energy = std::sqrt((Arb_x[count] * Arb_x[count]) + (mass * mass)); // total energy Arb_y[count] = Arb_y[count] * Arb_x[count] / total_energy; Arb_x[count] = total_energy - mass; // kinetic energy } } } // i = 1; Arb_ezero[0] = 0.; Arb_Const[0] = 0.; Area_seg[0] = 0.; Arb_Cum_Area[0] = 0.; while (i < maxi) { G4double test = std::log(Arb_y[i]) - std::log(Arb_y[i - 1]); if (test > 0. || test < 0.) { Arb_ezero[i] = -(Arb_x[i] - Arb_x[i - 1]) / (std::log(Arb_y[i]) - std::log(Arb_y[i - 1])); Arb_Const[i] = Arb_y[i] / (std::exp(-Arb_x[i] / Arb_ezero[i])); Area_seg[i] = -(Arb_Const[i] * Arb_ezero[i]) * (std::exp(-Arb_x[i] / Arb_ezero[i]) - std::exp(-Arb_x[i - 1] / Arb_ezero[i])); } else { G4cout << "Flat line segment: problem" << G4endl; Arb_ezero[i] = 0.; Arb_Const[i] = 0.; Area_seg[i] = 0.; } sum = sum + Area_seg[i]; Arb_Cum_Area[i] = Arb_Cum_Area[i - 1] + Area_seg[i]; if (verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << Arb_ezero[i] << Arb_Const[i] << Area_seg[i] << G4endl; i++; } i = 0; while (i < maxi) { Arb_Cum_Area[i] = Arb_Cum_Area[i] / sum; IPDFArbEnergyH.InsertValues(Arb_x[i], Arb_Cum_Area[i]); i++; } // now scale the ArbEnergyH, needed by Probability() ArbEnergyH.ScaleVector(1., 1./sum); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Leaving ExpInterpolation " << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::SplineInterpolation() { // Interpolation using Splines. // Create Normalised arrays, make x 0->1 and y hold // the function (Energy) // // Current method based on the above will not work in all cases. // new method is implemented below. G4double sum, Arb_x[1024], Arb_y[1024], Arb_Cum_Area[1024]; G4int i, count; G4int maxi = ArbEnergyH.GetVectorLength(); for (i = 0; i < maxi; i++) { Arb_x[i] = ArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(i)); Arb_y[i] = ArbEnergyH(size_t(i)); } // Points are now in x,y arrays. If the spectrum is integral it has to be // made differential and if momentum it has to be made energy. if (DiffSpec == false) { // Converts integral point-wise spectra to Differential for (count = 0; count < maxi - 1; count++) { Arb_y[count] = (Arb_y[count] - Arb_y[count + 1]) / (Arb_x[count + 1] - Arb_x[count]); } maxi--; } // if (EnergySpec == false) { // change currently stored values (emin etc) which are actually momenta // to energies. if (particle_definition == NULL) G4Exception("G4SPSEneDistribution::SplineInterpolation", "Event0302",FatalException, "Error: particle not defined"); else { // Apply Energy**2 = p**2c**2 + m0**2c**4 // p should be entered as E/c i.e. without the division by c // being done - energy equivalent. G4double mass = particle_definition->GetPDGMass(); // convert point to energy unit and its value to per energy unit G4double total_energy; for (count = 0; count < maxi; count++) { total_energy = std::sqrt((Arb_x[count] * Arb_x[count]) + (mass * mass)); // total energy Arb_y[count] = Arb_y[count] * Arb_x[count] / total_energy; Arb_x[count] = total_energy - mass; // kinetic energy } } } // i = 1; Arb_Cum_Area[0] = 0.; sum = 0.; Splinetemp = new G4DataInterpolation(Arb_x, Arb_y, maxi, 0., 0.); G4double ei[101],prob[101]; while (i < maxi) { // 100 step per segment for the integration of area G4double de = (Arb_x[i] - Arb_x[i - 1])/100.; G4double area = 0.; for (count = 0; count < 101; count++) { ei[count] = Arb_x[i - 1] + de*count ; prob[count] = Splinetemp->CubicSplineInterpolation(ei[count]); if (prob[count] < 0.) { G4ExceptionDescription ED; ED << "Warning: G4DataInterpolation returns value < 0 " << prob[count] <<" "< 0) G4cout << "Leaving SplineInterpolation " << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateMonoEnergetic() { // Method to generate MonoEnergetic particles. particle_energy = MonoEnergy; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateGaussEnergies() { // Method to generate Gaussian particles. particle_energy = G4RandGauss::shoot(MonoEnergy,SE); if (particle_energy < 0) particle_energy = 0.; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateLinearEnergies(G4bool bArb = false) { G4double rndm; G4double emaxsq = std::pow(Emax, 2.); //Emax squared G4double eminsq = std::pow(Emin, 2.); //Emin squared G4double intersq = std::pow(cept, 2.); //cept squared if (bArb) rndm = G4UniformRand(); else rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); G4double bracket = ((grad / 2.) * (emaxsq - eminsq) + cept * (Emax - Emin)); bracket = bracket * rndm; bracket = bracket + (grad / 2.) * eminsq + cept * Emin; // Now have a quad of form m/2 E**2 + cE - bracket = 0 bracket = -bracket; // G4cout << "BRACKET" << bracket << G4endl; if (grad != 0.) { G4double sqbrack = (intersq - 4 * (grad / 2.) * (bracket)); // G4cout << "SQBRACK" << sqbrack << G4endl; sqbrack = std::sqrt(sqbrack); G4double root1 = -cept + sqbrack; root1 = root1 / (2. * (grad / 2.)); G4double root2 = -cept - sqbrack; root2 = root2 / (2. * (grad / 2.)); // G4cout << root1 << " roots " << root2 << G4endl; if (root1 > Emin && root1 < Emax) particle_energy = root1; if (root2 > Emin && root2 < Emax) particle_energy = root2; } else if (grad == 0.) // have equation of form cE - bracket =0 particle_energy = bracket / cept; if (particle_energy < 0.) particle_energy = -particle_energy; if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GeneratePowEnergies(G4bool bArb = false) { // Method to generate particle energies distributed as // a power-law G4double rndm; G4double emina, emaxa; emina = std::pow(Emin, alpha + 1); emaxa = std::pow(Emax, alpha + 1); if (bArb) rndm = G4UniformRand(); else rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); if (alpha != -1.) { particle_energy = ((rndm * (emaxa - emina)) + emina); particle_energy = std::pow(particle_energy, (1. / (alpha + 1.))); } else { particle_energy = (std::log(Emin) + rndm * (std::log(Emax) - std::log( Emin))); particle_energy = std::exp(particle_energy); } if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateBiasPowEnergies() { // Method to generate particle energies distributed as // in biased power-law and calculate its weight G4double rndm; G4double emina, emaxa, emin, emax; G4double normal = 1. ; emin = Emin; emax = Emax; // if (EnergyDisType == "Arb") { // emin = ArbEmin; // emax = ArbEmax; //} rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); if (biasalpha != -1.) { emina = std::pow(emin, biasalpha + 1); emaxa = std::pow(emax, biasalpha + 1); particle_energy = ((rndm * (emaxa - emina)) + emina); particle_energy = std::pow(particle_energy, (1. / (biasalpha + 1.))); normal = 1./(1+biasalpha) * (emaxa - emina); } else { particle_energy = (std::log(emin) + rndm * (std::log(emax) - std::log( emin))); particle_energy = std::exp(particle_energy); normal = std::log(emax) - std::log(emin) ; } weight = GetProbability(particle_energy) / (std::pow(particle_energy,biasalpha)/normal); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateExpEnergies(G4bool bArb = false) { // Method to generate particle energies distributed according // to an exponential curve. G4double rndm; if (bArb) rndm = G4UniformRand(); else rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); particle_energy = -Ezero * (std::log(rndm * (std::exp(-Emax / Ezero) - std::exp(-Emin / Ezero)) + std::exp(-Emin / Ezero))); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateBremEnergies() { // Method to generate particle energies distributed according // to a Bremstrahlung equation of // form I = const*((kT)**1/2)*E*(e**(-E/kT)) G4double rndm; rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); G4double expmax, expmin, k; k = 8.6181e-11; // Boltzmann's const in MeV/K G4double ksq = std::pow(k, 2.); // k squared G4double Tsq = std::pow(Temp, 2.); // Temp squared expmax = std::exp(-Emax / (k * Temp)); expmin = std::exp(-Emin / (k * Temp)); // If either expmax or expmin are zero then this will cause problems // Most probably this will be because T is too low or E is too high if (expmax == 0.) G4cout << "*****EXPMAX=0. Choose different E's or Temp" << G4endl; if (expmin == 0.) G4cout << "*****EXPMIN=0. Choose different E's or Temp" << G4endl; G4double tempvar = rndm * ((-k) * Temp * (Emax * expmax - Emin * expmin) - (ksq * Tsq * (expmax - expmin))); G4double bigc = (tempvar - k * Temp * Emin * expmin - ksq * Tsq * expmin) / (-k * Temp); // This gives an equation of form: Ee(-E/kT) + kTe(-E/kT) - C =0 // Solve this iteratively, step from Emin to Emax in 1000 steps // and take the best solution. G4double erange = Emax - Emin; G4double steps = erange / 1000.; G4int i; G4double etest, diff, err; err = 100000.; for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { etest = Emin + (i - 1) * steps; diff = etest * (std::exp(-etest / (k * Temp))) + k * Temp * (std::exp( -etest / (k * Temp))) - bigc; if (diff < 0.) diff = -diff; if (diff < err) { err = diff; particle_energy = etest; } } if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateBbodyEnergies() { // BBody_x holds Energies, and BBHist holds the cumulative histo. // binary search to find correct bin then lin interpolation. // Use the earlier defined histogram + RandGeneral method to generate // random numbers following the histos distribution. G4double rndm; G4int nabove, nbelow = 0, middle; nabove = 10001; rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); // Binary search to find bin that rndm is in while (nabove - nbelow > 1) { middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2; if (rndm == BBHist[middle]) break; if (rndm < BBHist[middle]) nabove = middle; else nbelow = middle; } // Now interpolate in that bin to find the correct output value. G4double x1, x2, y1, y2, t, q; x1 = Bbody_x[nbelow]; x2 = Bbody_x[nbelow + 1]; y1 = BBHist[nbelow]; y2 = BBHist[nbelow + 1]; t = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); q = y1 - t * x1; particle_energy = (rndm - q) / t; if (verbosityLevel >= 1) { G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateCdgEnergies() { // Gen random numbers, compare with values in cumhist // to find appropriate part of spectrum and then // generate energy in the usual inversion way. // G4double pfact[2] = {8.5, 112}; // G4double spind[2] = {1.4, 2.3}; // G4double ene_line[3] = {1., 18., 1E6}; G4double rndm, rndm2; G4double ene_line[3]; G4double omalpha[2]; if (Emin < 18 * keV && Emax < 18 * keV) { omalpha[0] = 1. - 1.4; ene_line[0] = Emin; ene_line[1] = Emax; } if (Emin < 18 * keV && Emax > 18 * keV) { omalpha[0] = 1. - 1.4; omalpha[1] = 1. - 2.3; ene_line[0] = Emin; ene_line[1] = 18. * keV; ene_line[2] = Emax; } if (Emin > 18 * keV) { omalpha[0] = 1. - 2.3; ene_line[0] = Emin; ene_line[1] = Emax; } rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); rndm2 = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); G4int i = 0; while (rndm >= CDGhist[i]) { i++; } // Generate final energy. particle_energy = (std::pow(ene_line[i - 1], omalpha[i - 1]) + (std::pow( ene_line[i], omalpha[i - 1]) - std::pow(ene_line[i - 1], omalpha[i - 1])) * rndm2); particle_energy = std::pow(particle_energy, (1. / omalpha[i - 1])); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenUserHistEnergies() { // Histograms are DIFFERENTIAL. // G4cout << "In GenUserHistEnergies " << G4endl; if (IPDFEnergyExist == false) { G4int ii; G4int maxbin = G4int(UDefEnergyH.GetVectorLength()); G4double bins[1024], vals[1024], sum; sum = 0.; if ((EnergySpec == false) && (particle_definition == NULL)) G4cout << "Error: particle definition is NULL" << G4endl; if (maxbin > 1024) { G4cout << "Maxbin > 1024" << G4endl; G4cout << "Setting maxbin to 1024, other bins are lost" << G4endl; } if (DiffSpec == false) G4cout << "Histograms are Differential!!! " << G4endl; else { bins[0] = UDefEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(0)); vals[0] = UDefEnergyH(size_t(0)); sum = vals[0]; for (ii = 1; ii < maxbin; ii++) { bins[ii] = UDefEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(ii)); vals[ii] = UDefEnergyH(size_t(ii)) + vals[ii - 1]; sum = sum + UDefEnergyH(size_t(ii)); } } if (EnergySpec == false) { G4double mass = particle_definition->GetPDGMass(); // multiply the function (vals) up by the bin width // to make the function counts/s (i.e. get rid of momentum // dependence). for (ii = 1; ii < maxbin; ii++) { vals[ii] = vals[ii] * (bins[ii] - bins[ii - 1]); } // Put energy bins into new histo, plus divide by energy bin width // to make evals counts/s/energy for (ii = 0; ii < maxbin; ii++) { bins[ii] = std::sqrt((bins[ii] * bins[ii]) + (mass * mass)) - mass; //kinetic energy } for (ii = 1; ii < maxbin; ii++) { vals[ii] = vals[ii] / (bins[ii] - bins[ii - 1]); } sum = vals[maxbin - 1]; vals[0] = 0.; } for (ii = 0; ii < maxbin; ii++) { vals[ii] = vals[ii] / sum; IPDFEnergyH.InsertValues(bins[ii], vals[ii]); } // Make IPDFEnergyExist = true IPDFEnergyExist = true; if (verbosityLevel > 1) IPDFEnergyH.DumpValues(); } // IPDF has been create so carry on G4double rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); particle_energy = IPDFEnergyH.GetEnergy(rndm); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenArbPointEnergies() { if (verbosityLevel > 0) G4cout << "In GenArbPointEnergies" << G4endl; G4double rndm; rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); // IPDFArbEnergyH.DumpValues(); // Find the Bin // have x, y, no of points, and cumulative area distribution G4int nabove, nbelow = 0, middle; nabove = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetVectorLength(); // G4cout << nabove << G4endl; // Binary search to find bin that rndm is in while (nabove - nbelow > 1) { middle = (nabove + nbelow) / 2; if (rndm == IPDFArbEnergyH(size_t(middle))) break; if (rndm < IPDFArbEnergyH(size_t(middle))) nabove = middle; else nbelow = middle; } if (IntType == "Lin") { Emax = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow + 1)); Emin = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow)); grad = Arb_grad[nbelow + 1]; cept = Arb_cept[nbelow + 1]; // G4cout << rndm << " " << Emax << " " << Emin << " " << grad << " " << cept << G4endl; GenerateLinearEnergies(true); } else if (IntType == "Log") { Emax = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow + 1)); Emin = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow)); alpha = Arb_alpha[nbelow + 1]; // G4cout << rndm << " " << Emax << " " << Emin << " " << alpha << G4endl; GeneratePowEnergies(true); } else if (IntType == "Exp") { Emax = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow + 1)); Emin = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow)); Ezero = Arb_ezero[nbelow + 1]; // G4cout << rndm << " " << Emax << " " << Emin << " " << Ezero << G4endl; GenerateExpEnergies(true); } else if (IntType == "Spline") { Emax = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow + 1)); Emin = IPDFArbEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(nbelow)); particle_energy = -1e100; rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); while (particle_energy < Emin || particle_energy > Emax) { particle_energy = SplineInt[nbelow+1]->CubicSplineInterpolation(rndm); rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); } if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } else G4cout << "Error: IntType unknown type" << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::GenEpnHistEnergies() { // G4cout << "In GenEpnHistEnergies " << Epnflag << G4endl; // Firstly convert to energy if not already done. if (Epnflag == true) // epnflag = true means spectrum is epn, false means e. { // convert to energy by multiplying by A number ConvertEPNToEnergy(); // EpnEnergyH will be replace by UDefEnergyH. // UDefEnergyH.DumpValues(); } // G4cout << "Creating IPDFEnergy if not already done so" << G4endl; if (IPDFEnergyExist == false) { // IPDF has not been created, so create it G4double bins[1024], vals[1024], sum; G4int ii; G4int maxbin = G4int(UDefEnergyH.GetVectorLength()); bins[0] = UDefEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(0)); vals[0] = UDefEnergyH(size_t(0)); sum = vals[0]; for (ii = 1; ii < maxbin; ii++) { bins[ii] = UDefEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(ii)); vals[ii] = UDefEnergyH(size_t(ii)) + vals[ii - 1]; sum = sum + UDefEnergyH(size_t(ii)); } for (ii = 0; ii < maxbin; ii++) { vals[ii] = vals[ii] / sum; IPDFEnergyH.InsertValues(bins[ii], vals[ii]); } // Make IPDFEpnExist = true IPDFEnergyExist = true; } // IPDFEnergyH.DumpValues(); // IPDF has been create so carry on G4double rndm = eneRndm->GenRandEnergy(); particle_energy = IPDFEnergyH.GetEnergy(rndm); if (verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Energy is " << particle_energy << G4endl; } void G4SPSEneDistribution::ConvertEPNToEnergy() { // Use this before particle generation to convert the // currently stored histogram from energy/nucleon // to energy. // G4cout << "In ConvertEpntoEnergy " << G4endl; if (particle_definition == NULL) G4cout << "Error: particle not defined" << G4endl; else { // Need to multiply histogram by the number of nucleons. // Baryon Number looks to hold the no. of nucleons. G4int Bary = particle_definition->GetBaryonNumber(); // G4cout << "Baryon No. " << Bary << G4endl; // Change values in histogram, Read it out, delete it, re-create it G4int count, maxcount; maxcount = G4int(EpnEnergyH.GetVectorLength()); // G4cout << maxcount << G4endl; G4double ebins[1024], evals[1024]; if (maxcount > 1024) { G4cout << "Histogram contains more than 1024 bins!" << G4endl; G4cout << "Those above 1024 will be ignored" << G4endl; maxcount = 1024; } if (maxcount < 1) { G4cout << "Histogram contains less than 1 bin!" << G4endl; G4cout << "Redefine the histogram" << G4endl; return; } for (count = 0; count < maxcount; count++) { // Read out ebins[count] = EpnEnergyH.GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t(count)); evals[count] = EpnEnergyH(size_t(count)); } // Multiply the channels by the nucleon number to give energies for (count = 0; count < maxcount; count++) { ebins[count] = ebins[count] * Bary; } // Set Emin and Emax Emin = ebins[0]; if (maxcount > 1) Emax = ebins[maxcount - 1]; else Emax = ebins[0]; // Put energy bins into new histogram - UDefEnergyH. for (count = 0; count < maxcount; count++) { UDefEnergyH.InsertValues(ebins[count], evals[count]); } Epnflag = false; //so that you dont repeat this method. } } // void G4SPSEneDistribution::ReSetHist(G4String atype) { if (atype == "energy") { UDefEnergyH = IPDFEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; IPDFEnergyExist = false; Emin = 0.; Emax = 1e30; } else if (atype == "arb") { ArbEnergyH = IPDFArbEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; IPDFArbExist = false; } else if (atype == "epn") { UDefEnergyH = IPDFEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; IPDFEnergyExist = false; EpnEnergyH = ZeroPhysVector; } else { G4cout << "Error, histtype not accepted " << G4endl; } } G4double G4SPSEneDistribution::GenerateOne(G4ParticleDefinition* a) { particle_definition = a; particle_energy = -1.; while ((EnergyDisType == "Arb") ? (particle_energy < ArbEmin || particle_energy > ArbEmax) : (particle_energy < Emin || particle_energy > Emax)) { if (Biased) { GenerateBiasPowEnergies(); } else { if (EnergyDisType == "Mono") GenerateMonoEnergetic(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Lin") GenerateLinearEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Pow") GeneratePowEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Exp") GenerateExpEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Gauss") GenerateGaussEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Brem") GenerateBremEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Bbody") GenerateBbodyEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Cdg") GenerateCdgEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "User") GenUserHistEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Arb") GenArbPointEnergies(); else if (EnergyDisType == "Epn") GenEpnHistEnergies(); else G4cout << "Error: EnergyDisType has unusual value" << G4endl; } } return particle_energy; } G4double G4SPSEneDistribution::GetProbability(G4double ene) { G4double prob = 1.; if (EnergyDisType == "Lin") { if (prob_norm == 1.) { prob_norm = 0.5*grad*Emax*Emax + cept*Emax - 0.5*grad*Emin*Emin - cept*Emin; } prob = cept + grad * ene; prob /= prob_norm; } else if (EnergyDisType == "Pow") { if (prob_norm == 1.) { if (alpha != -1.) { G4double emina = std::pow(Emin, alpha + 1); G4double emaxa = std::pow(Emax, alpha + 1); prob_norm = 1./(1.+alpha) * (emaxa - emina); } else { prob_norm = std::log(Emax) - std::log(Emin) ; } } prob = std::pow(ene, alpha)/prob_norm; } else if (EnergyDisType == "Exp"){ if (prob_norm == 1.) { prob_norm = -Ezero*(std::exp(-Emax/Ezero) - std::exp(Emin/Ezero)); } prob = std::exp(-ene / Ezero); prob /= prob_norm; } else if (EnergyDisType == "Arb") { prob = ArbEnergyH.Value(ene); // prob = ArbEInt->CubicSplineInterpolation(ene); //G4double deltaY; //prob = ArbEInt->PolynomInterpolation(ene, deltaY); if (prob <= 0.) { //G4cout << " Warning:G4SPSEneDistribution::GetProbability: prob<= 0. "<