// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MODULE: G4SPSPosDistribution.cc // // Version: 1.0 // Date: 5/02/04 // Author: Fan Lei // Organisation: QinetiQ ltd. // Customer: ESA/ESTEC // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CHANGE HISTORY // -------------- // // // Version 1.0, 05/02/2004, Fan Lei, Created. // Based on the G4GeneralParticleSource class in Geant4 v6.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #include "G4SPSPosDistribution.hh" #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" G4SPSPosDistribution::G4SPSPosDistribution() : posRndm(0) { // Initialise all variables // Position distribution Variables SourcePosType = "Point"; Shape = "NULL"; halfx = 0.; halfy = 0.; halfz = 0.; Radius = 0.; Radius0 = 0.; SR = 0.; SX = 0.; SY = 0.; ParAlpha = 0.; ParTheta = 0.; ParPhi = 0.; CentreCoords = G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.); Rotx = CLHEP::HepXHat; Roty = CLHEP::HepYHat; Rotz = CLHEP::HepZHat; Confine = false; //If true confines source distribution to VolName VolName = "NULL"; SideRefVec1 = CLHEP::HepXHat; // x-axis SideRefVec2 = CLHEP::HepYHat; // y-axis SideRefVec3 = CLHEP::HepZHat; // z-axis verbosityLevel = 0 ; gNavigator = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager() ->GetNavigatorForTracking(); } G4SPSPosDistribution::~G4SPSPosDistribution() { } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetPosDisType(G4String PosType) { SourcePosType = PosType; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetPosDisShape(G4String shapeType) { Shape = shapeType; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetCentreCoords(G4ThreeVector coordsOfCentre) { CentreCoords = coordsOfCentre; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetPosRot1(G4ThreeVector posrot1) { // This should be x' Rotx = posrot1; if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Vector x' " << Rotx << G4endl; } GenerateRotationMatrices(); } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetPosRot2(G4ThreeVector posrot2) { // This is a vector in the plane x'y' but need not // be y' Roty = posrot2; if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "The vector in the x'-y' plane " << Roty << G4endl; } GenerateRotationMatrices(); } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetHalfX(G4double xhalf) { halfx = xhalf; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetHalfY(G4double yhalf) { halfy = yhalf; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetHalfZ(G4double zhalf) { halfz = zhalf; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetRadius(G4double rds) { Radius = rds; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetRadius0(G4double rds) { Radius0 = rds; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInR(G4double r) { SX = SY = r; SR = r; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInX(G4double r) { SX = r; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetBeamSigmaInY(G4double r) { SY = r; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetParAlpha(G4double paralp) { ParAlpha = paralp; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetParTheta(G4double parthe) { ParTheta = parthe; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::SetParPhi(G4double parphi) { ParPhi = parphi; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::GenerateRotationMatrices() { // This takes in 2 vectors, x' and one in the plane x'-y', // and from these takes a cross product to calculate z'. // Then a cross product is taken between x' and z' to give // y'. Rotx = Rotx.unit(); // x' Roty = Roty.unit(); // vector in x'y' plane Rotz = Rotx.cross(Roty); // z' Rotz = Rotz.unit(); Roty = Rotz.cross(Rotx); // y' Roty = Roty.unit(); if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "The new axes, x', y', z' " << Rotx << " " << Roty << " " << Rotz << G4endl; } } void G4SPSPosDistribution::ConfineSourceToVolume(G4String Vname) { VolName = Vname; if(verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << VolName << G4endl; G4VPhysicalVolume *tempPV = NULL; G4PhysicalVolumeStore *PVStore = 0; G4String theRequiredVolumeName = VolName; PVStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); G4int i = 0; G4bool found = false; if(verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << PVStore->size() << G4endl; while (!found && isize())) { tempPV = (*PVStore)[i]; found = tempPV->GetName() == theRequiredVolumeName; if(verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << i << " " << " " << tempPV->GetName() << " " << theRequiredVolumeName << " " << found << G4endl; if (!found) {i++;} } // found = true then the volume exists else it doesnt. if(found == true) { if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Volume " << VolName << " exists" << G4endl; Confine = true; } else { G4cout << " **** Error: Volume does not exist **** " << G4endl; G4cout << " Ignoring confine condition" << G4endl; Confine = false; VolName = "NULL"; } } void G4SPSPosDistribution::GeneratePointSource() { // Generates Points given the point source. if(SourcePosType == "Point") particle_position = CentreCoords; else if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Error SourcePosType is not set to Point" << G4endl; } void G4SPSPosDistribution::GeneratePointsInBeam() { G4double x, y, z; G4ThreeVector RandPos; G4double tempx, tempy, tempz; z = 0.; // Private Method to create points in a plane if(Shape == "Circle") { x = Radius + 100.; y = Radius + 100.; while(std::sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)) > Radius) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*Radius) - Radius; y = (y*2.*Radius) - Radius; } x += G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,SX) ; y += G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,SY) ; } else { // all other cases default to Rectangle case x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*halfx) - halfx; y = (y*2.*halfy) - halfy; x += G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,SX); y += G4RandGauss::shoot(0.0,SY); } // Apply Rotation Matrix // x * Rotx, y * Roty and z * Rotz if(verbosityLevel >= 2) { G4cout << "Raw position " << x << "," << y << "," << z << G4endl; } tempx = (x * Rotx.x()) + (y * Roty.x()) + (z * Rotz.x()); tempy = (x * Rotx.y()) + (y * Roty.y()) + (z * Rotz.y()); tempz = (x * Rotx.z()) + (y * Roty.z()) + (z * Rotz.z()); RandPos.setX(tempx); RandPos.setY(tempy); RandPos.setZ(tempz); // Translate particle_position = CentreCoords + RandPos; if(verbosityLevel >= 1) { if(verbosityLevel >= 2) { G4cout << "Rotated Position " << RandPos << G4endl; } G4cout << "Rotated and Translated position " << particle_position << G4endl; } } void G4SPSPosDistribution::GeneratePointsInPlane() { G4double x, y, z; G4double expression; G4ThreeVector RandPos; G4double tempx, tempy, tempz; x = y = z = 0.; if(SourcePosType != "Plane" && verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Error: SourcePosType is not Plane" << G4endl; // Private Method to create points in a plane if(Shape == "Circle") { x = Radius + 100.; y = Radius + 100.; while(std::sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)) > Radius) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*Radius) - Radius; y = (y*2.*Radius) - Radius; } } else if(Shape == "Annulus") { x = Radius + 100.; y = Radius + 100.; while(std::sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)) > Radius || std::sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)) < Radius0 ) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*Radius) - Radius; y = (y*2.*Radius) - Radius; } } else if(Shape == "Ellipse") { expression = 20.; while(expression > 1.) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*halfx) - halfx; y = (y*2.*halfy) - halfy; expression = ((x*x)/(halfx*halfx)) + ((y*y)/(halfy*halfy)); } } else if(Shape == "Square") { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*halfx) - halfx; y = (y*2.*halfy) - halfy; } else if(Shape == "Rectangle") { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = (x*2.*halfx) - halfx; y = (y*2.*halfy) - halfy; } else G4cout << "Shape not one of the plane types" << G4endl; // Apply Rotation Matrix // x * Rotx, y * Roty and z * Rotz if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Raw position " << x << "," << y << "," << z << G4endl; } tempx = (x * Rotx.x()) + (y * Roty.x()) + (z * Rotz.x()); tempy = (x * Rotx.y()) + (y * Roty.y()) + (z * Rotz.y()); tempz = (x * Rotx.z()) + (y * Roty.z()) + (z * Rotz.z()); RandPos.setX(tempx); RandPos.setY(tempy); RandPos.setZ(tempz); // Translate particle_position = CentreCoords + RandPos; if(verbosityLevel >= 1) { if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Rotated Position " << RandPos << G4endl; } G4cout << "Rotated and Translated position " << particle_position << G4endl; } // For Cosine-Law make SideRefVecs = to Rotation matrix vectors SideRefVec1 = Rotx; SideRefVec2 = Roty; SideRefVec3 = Rotz; // If rotation matrix z' point to origin then invert the matrix // So that SideRefVecs point away. if((CentreCoords.x() > 0. && Rotz.x() < 0.) || (CentreCoords.x() < 0. && Rotz.x() > 0.) || (CentreCoords.y() > 0. && Rotz.y() < 0.) || (CentreCoords.y() < 0. && Rotz.y() > 0.) || (CentreCoords.z() > 0. && Rotz.z() < 0.) || (CentreCoords.z() < 0. && Rotz.z() > 0.)) { // Invert y and z. SideRefVec2 = -SideRefVec2; SideRefVec3 = -SideRefVec3; } if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Reference vectors for cosine-law " << SideRefVec1 << " " << SideRefVec2 << " " << SideRefVec3 << G4endl; } } void G4SPSPosDistribution::GeneratePointsOnSurface() { //Private method to create points on a surface G4double theta, phi; G4double x, y, z; x = y = z = 0.; G4ThreeVector RandPos; // G4double tempx, tempy, tempz; if(SourcePosType != "Surface" && verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Error SourcePosType not Surface" << G4endl; if(Shape == "Sphere") { // G4double tantheta; theta = posRndm->GenRandPosTheta(); phi = posRndm->GenRandPosPhi(); theta = std::acos(1. - 2.*theta); // theta isotropic phi = phi * 2. * pi; // tantheta = std::tan(theta); x = Radius * std::sin(theta) * std::cos(phi); y = Radius * std::sin(theta) * std::sin(phi); z = Radius * std::cos(theta); RandPos.setX(x); RandPos.setY(y); RandPos.setZ(z); // Cosine-law (not a good idea to use this here) G4ThreeVector zdash(x,y,z); zdash = zdash.unit(); G4ThreeVector xdash = Rotz.cross(zdash); G4ThreeVector ydash = xdash.cross(zdash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); } else if(Shape == "Ellipsoid") { G4double minphi, maxphi, middlephi; G4double answer, constant; constant = pi/(halfx*halfx) + pi/(halfy*halfy) + twopi/(halfz*halfz); // simplified approach theta = posRndm->GenRandPosTheta(); phi = posRndm->GenRandPosPhi(); theta = std::acos(1. - 2.*theta); minphi = 0.; maxphi = twopi; while(maxphi-minphi > 0.) { middlephi = (maxphi+minphi)/2.; answer = (1./(halfx*halfx))*(middlephi/2. + std::sin(2*middlephi)/4.) + (1./(halfy*halfy))*(middlephi/2. - std::sin(2*middlephi)/4.) + middlephi/(halfz*halfz); answer = answer/constant; if(answer > phi) maxphi = middlephi; if(answer < phi) minphi = middlephi; if(std::fabs(answer-phi) <= 0.00001) { minphi = maxphi +1; phi = middlephi; } } x = std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi); y = std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi); z = std::cos(theta); // x,y and z form a unit vector. Put this onto the ellipse. G4double lhs; // solve for x G4double numYinX = y/x; G4double numZinX = z/x; G4double tempxvar; tempxvar= 1./(halfx*halfx)+(numYinX*numYinX)/(halfy*halfy) + (numZinX*numZinX)/(halfz*halfz); tempxvar = 1./tempxvar; G4double coordx = std::sqrt(tempxvar); //solve for y G4double numXinY = x/y; G4double numZinY = z/y; G4double tempyvar; tempyvar=(numXinY*numXinY)/(halfx*halfx)+1./(halfy*halfy) +(numZinY*numZinY)/(halfz*halfz); tempyvar = 1./tempyvar; G4double coordy = std::sqrt(tempyvar); //solve for z G4double numXinZ = x/z; G4double numYinZ = y/z; G4double tempzvar; tempzvar=(numXinZ*numXinZ)/(halfx*halfx) +(numYinZ*numYinZ)/(halfy*halfy)+1./(halfz*halfz); tempzvar = 1./tempzvar; G4double coordz = std::sqrt(tempzvar); lhs = std::sqrt((coordx*coordx)/(halfx*halfx) + (coordy*coordy)/(halfy*halfy) + (coordz*coordz)/(halfz*halfz)); if(std::fabs(lhs-1.) > 0.001 && verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Error: theta, phi not really on ellipsoid" << G4endl; // coordx, coordy and coordz are all positive G4double TestRandVar = G4UniformRand(); if(TestRandVar > 0.5) { coordx = -coordx; } TestRandVar = G4UniformRand(); if(TestRandVar > 0.5) { coordy = -coordy; } TestRandVar = G4UniformRand(); if(TestRandVar > 0.5) { coordz = -coordz; } RandPos.setX(coordx); RandPos.setY(coordy); RandPos.setZ(coordz); // Cosine-law (not a good idea to use this here) G4ThreeVector zdash(coordx,coordy,coordz); zdash = zdash.unit(); G4ThreeVector xdash = Rotz.cross(zdash); G4ThreeVector ydash = xdash.cross(zdash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); } else if(Shape == "Cylinder") { G4double AreaTop, AreaBot, AreaLat; G4double AreaTotal, prob1, prob2, prob3; G4double testrand; // User giver Radius and z-half length // Calculate surface areas, maybe move this to // a different routine. AreaTop = pi * Radius * Radius; AreaBot = AreaTop; AreaLat = 2. * pi * Radius * 2. * halfz; AreaTotal = AreaTop + AreaBot + AreaLat; prob1 = AreaTop / AreaTotal; prob2 = AreaBot / AreaTotal; prob3 = 1.00 - prob1 - prob2; if(std::fabs(prob3 - (AreaLat/AreaTotal)) >= 0.001) { if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << AreaLat/AreaTotal << " " << prob3< (Radius*Radius)) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = x * 2. * Radius; y = y * 2. * Radius; x = x - Radius; y = y - Radius; } // Cosine law SideRefVec1 = Rotx; SideRefVec2 = Roty; SideRefVec3 = Rotz; } else if((testrand > prob1) && (testrand <= (prob1 + prob2))) { //Point on Bottom surface z = -halfz; x = Radius + 100.; y = Radius + 100.; while(((x*x)+(y*y)) > (Radius*Radius)) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); x = x * 2. * Radius; y = y * 2. * Radius; x = x - Radius; y = y - Radius; } // Cosine law SideRefVec1 = Rotx; SideRefVec2 = -Roty; SideRefVec3 = -Rotz; } else if(testrand > (prob1+prob2)) { G4double rand; //Point on Lateral Surface rand = posRndm->GenRandPosPhi(); rand = rand * 2. * pi; x = Radius * std::cos(rand); y = Radius * std::sin(rand); z = posRndm->GenRandZ(); z = z * 2. * halfz; z = z - halfz; // Cosine law G4ThreeVector zdash(x,y,0.); zdash = zdash.unit(); G4ThreeVector xdash = Rotz.cross(zdash); G4ThreeVector ydash = xdash.cross(zdash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); } else G4cout << "Error: testrand " << testrand << G4endl; RandPos.setX(x); RandPos.setY(y); RandPos.setZ(z); } else if(Shape == "Para") { G4double testrand; //Right Parallelepiped. // User gives x,y,z half lengths and ParAlpha // ParTheta and ParPhi // +x = <1, -x >1 & <2, +y >2 & <3, -y >3 &<4 // +z >4 & < 5, -z >5 &<6. testrand = G4UniformRand(); G4double AreaX = halfy * halfz * 4.; G4double AreaY = halfx * halfz * 4.; G4double AreaZ = halfx * halfy * 4.; G4double AreaTotal = 2*(AreaX + AreaY + AreaZ); G4double Probs[6]; Probs[0] = AreaX/AreaTotal; Probs[1] = Probs[0] + AreaX/AreaTotal; Probs[2] = Probs[1] + AreaY/AreaTotal; Probs[3] = Probs[2] + AreaY/AreaTotal; Probs[4] = Probs[3] + AreaZ/AreaTotal; Probs[5] = Probs[4] + AreaZ/AreaTotal; x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); z = posRndm->GenRandZ(); x = x * halfx * 2.; x = x - halfx; y = y * halfy * 2.; y = y - halfy; z = z * halfz * 2.; z = z - halfz; // Pick a side first if(testrand < Probs[0]) { // side is +x x = halfx + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi) + y*std::tan(ParAlpha); y = y + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi); // z = z; // Cosine-law G4ThreeVector xdash(halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi), halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi), halfz/std::cos(ParPhi)); G4ThreeVector ydash(halfy*std::tan(ParAlpha), -halfy, 0.0); xdash = xdash.unit(); ydash = ydash.unit(); G4ThreeVector zdash = xdash.cross(ydash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); } else if(testrand >= Probs[0] && testrand < Probs[1]) { // side is -x x = -halfx + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi) + y*std::tan(ParAlpha); y = y + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi); // z = z; // Cosine-law G4ThreeVector xdash(halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi), halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi), halfz/std::cos(ParPhi)); G4ThreeVector ydash(halfy*std::tan(ParAlpha), halfy, 0.0); xdash = xdash.unit(); ydash = ydash.unit(); G4ThreeVector zdash = xdash.cross(ydash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); } else if(testrand >= Probs[1] && testrand < Probs[2]) { // side is +y x = x + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi) + halfy*std::tan(ParAlpha); y = halfy + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi); // z = z; // Cosine-law G4ThreeVector ydash(halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi), halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi), halfz/std::cos(ParPhi)); ydash = ydash.unit(); G4ThreeVector xdash = Roty.cross(ydash); G4ThreeVector zdash = xdash.cross(ydash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = -ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = -zdash.unit(); } else if(testrand >= Probs[2] && testrand < Probs[3]) { // side is -y x = x + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi) - halfy*std::tan(ParAlpha); y = -halfy + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi); // z = z; // Cosine-law G4ThreeVector ydash(halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi), halfz*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi), halfz/std::cos(ParPhi)); ydash = ydash.unit(); G4ThreeVector xdash = Roty.cross(ydash); G4ThreeVector zdash = xdash.cross(ydash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); } else if(testrand >= Probs[3] && testrand < Probs[4]) { // side is +z z = halfz; y = y + halfz*std::sin(ParPhi)*std::tan(ParTheta); x = x + halfz*std::cos(ParPhi)*std::tan(ParTheta) + y*std::tan(ParAlpha); // Cosine-law SideRefVec1 = Rotx; SideRefVec2 = Roty; SideRefVec3 = Rotz; } else if(testrand >= Probs[4] && testrand < Probs[5]) { // side is -z z = -halfz; y = y - halfz*std::sin(ParPhi)*std::tan(ParTheta); x = x - halfz*std::cos(ParPhi)*std::tan(ParTheta) + y*std::tan(ParAlpha); // Cosine-law SideRefVec1 = Rotx; SideRefVec2 = -Roty; SideRefVec3 = -Rotz; } else { G4cout << "Error: testrand out of range" << G4endl; if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "testrand=" << testrand << " Probs[5]=" << Probs[5] <= 1) { if(verbosityLevel == 2) G4cout << "Rotated position " << RandPos << G4endl; G4cout << "Rotated and translated position " << particle_position << G4endl; } if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Reference vectors for cosine-law " << SideRefVec1 << " " << SideRefVec2 << " " << SideRefVec3 << G4endl; } } void G4SPSPosDistribution::GeneratePointsInVolume() { G4ThreeVector RandPos; G4double tempx, tempy, tempz; G4double x, y, z; x = y = z = 0.; if(SourcePosType != "Volume" && verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Error SourcePosType not Volume" << G4endl; //Private method to create points in a volume if(Shape == "Sphere") { x = Radius*2.; y = Radius*2.; z = Radius*2.; while(((x*x)+(y*y)+(z*z)) > (Radius*Radius)) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); z = posRndm->GenRandZ(); x = (x*2.*Radius) - Radius; y = (y*2.*Radius) - Radius; z = (z*2.*Radius) - Radius; } } else if(Shape == "Ellipsoid") { G4double temp; temp = 100.; while(temp > 1.) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); z = posRndm->GenRandZ(); x = (x*2.*halfx) - halfx; y = (y*2.*halfy) - halfy; z = (z*2.*halfz) - halfz; temp = ((x*x)/(halfx*halfx)) + ((y*y)/(halfy*halfy)) + ((z*z)/(halfz*halfz)); } } else if(Shape == "Cylinder") { x = Radius*2.; y = Radius*2.; while(((x*x)+(y*y)) > (Radius*Radius)) { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); z = posRndm->GenRandZ(); x = (x*2.*Radius) - Radius; y = (y*2.*Radius) - Radius; z = (z*2.*halfz) - halfz; } } else if(Shape == "Para") { x = posRndm->GenRandX(); y = posRndm->GenRandY(); z = posRndm->GenRandZ(); x = (x*2.*halfx) - halfx; y = (y*2.*halfy) - halfy; z = (z*2.*halfz) - halfz; x = x + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::cos(ParPhi) + y*std::tan(ParAlpha); y = y + z*std::tan(ParTheta)*std::sin(ParPhi); // z = z; } else G4cout << "Error: Volume Shape Doesnt Exist" << G4endl; RandPos.setX(x); RandPos.setY(y); RandPos.setZ(z); // Apply Rotation Matrix // x * Rotx, y * Roty and z * Rotz tempx = (x * Rotx.x()) + (y * Roty.x()) + (z * Rotz.x()); tempy = (x * Rotx.y()) + (y * Roty.y()) + (z * Rotz.y()); tempz = (x * Rotx.z()) + (y * Roty.z()) + (z * Rotz.z()); RandPos.setX(tempx); RandPos.setY(tempy); RandPos.setZ(tempz); // Translate particle_position = CentreCoords + RandPos; if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Raw position " << x << "," << y << "," << z << G4endl; G4cout << "Rotated position " << RandPos << G4endl; } if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Rotated and translated position " << particle_position << G4endl; // Cosine-law (not a good idea to use this here) G4ThreeVector zdash(tempx,tempy,tempz); zdash = zdash.unit(); G4ThreeVector xdash = Rotz.cross(zdash); G4ThreeVector ydash = xdash.cross(zdash); SideRefVec1 = xdash.unit(); SideRefVec2 = ydash.unit(); SideRefVec3 = zdash.unit(); if(verbosityLevel == 2) { G4cout << "Reference vectors for cosine-law " << SideRefVec1 << " " << SideRefVec2 << " " << SideRefVec3 << G4endl; } } G4bool G4SPSPosDistribution::IsSourceConfined() { // Method to check point is within the volume specified if(Confine == false) G4cout << "Error: Confine is false" << G4endl; G4ThreeVector null(0.,0.,0.); G4ThreeVector *ptr; ptr = &null; // Check particle_position is within VolName, if so true, // else false G4VPhysicalVolume *theVolume; theVolume=gNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(particle_position,ptr,true); if(!theVolume) return(false); G4String theVolName = theVolume->GetName(); if(theVolName == VolName) { if(verbosityLevel >= 1) G4cout << "Particle is in volume " << VolName << G4endl; return(true); } else return(false); } G4ThreeVector G4SPSPosDistribution::GenerateOne() { // G4bool srcconf = false; G4int LoopCount = 0; while(srcconf == false) { if(SourcePosType == "Point") GeneratePointSource(); else if(SourcePosType == "Beam") GeneratePointsInBeam(); else if(SourcePosType == "Plane") GeneratePointsInPlane(); else if(SourcePosType == "Surface") GeneratePointsOnSurface(); else if(SourcePosType == "Volume") GeneratePointsInVolume(); else { G4cout << "Error: SourcePosType undefined" << G4endl; G4cout << "Generating point source" << G4endl; GeneratePointSource(); } if(Confine == true) { srcconf = IsSourceConfined(); // if source in confined srcconf = true terminating the loop // if source isnt confined srcconf = false and loop continues } else if(Confine == false) srcconf = true; // terminate loop LoopCount++; if(LoopCount == 100000) { G4cout << "*************************************" << G4endl; G4cout << "LoopCount = 100000" << G4endl; G4cout << "Either the source distribution >> confinement" << G4endl; G4cout << "or any confining volume may not overlap with" << G4endl; G4cout << "the source distribution or any confining volumes" << G4endl; G4cout << "may not exist"<< G4endl; G4cout << "If you have set confine then this will be ignored" <