$Id: History 76263 2013-11-08 11:41:52Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- Nov 7, 2013 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V09-06-03 ---------------------------- - Groups tags geom-usolids-V09-06-04, geom-specific-V09-06-26, geom-csg-V09-06-06 and geom-bool-V09-06-03 on top of geometry-V09-06-02. Nov 1, 2013 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V09-06-02 ---------------------------- - Groups tags geom-usolids-V09-06-01, geom-specific-V09-06-24, geomvol-V09-06-17 on top of geometry-V09-06-01. Oct 29, 2013 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V09-06-01 ----------------------------- - Include tags on top of geant4-09-06-ref-10: geomsolids-V09-06-01 and geomdiv-V09-06-04. - Updated build scripts for additional 'usolids' module. Dec 18, 2012 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V09-06-00 ----------------------------- - Include tags on top of geant4-09-06-ref-00: geombias-V09-06-00, geommng-V09-06-00, geomnav-V09-06-00, geomsolids-V09-06-00. - Syncronised SVN Id on trunk. Jun 14, 2012 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V09-05-00 ----------------------------- - Include tags on top of geant4-09-05-ref-05: geomdiv-V09-05-01, field-V09-05-05, geommng-V09-05-02, geomnav-V09-05-04, geom-solids-V09-05-00. - Grouping updates to unit tests for compilation errors and warnings. May 19, 2011 Ben Morgan geometry-V09-04-00 ----------------------------- - CMakeLists.txt : Added G4GEOM_ALLOC_EXPORT compiler definition via add_definitions so all submodules pick it up. May 18, 2007 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V08-03-01 ----------------------------- - Includes tags: geomdiv-V08-03-01, geomnav-V08-03-02, breps-V08-03-01, geom-bool-V08-03-00, geom-csg-V08-03-01, geom-specific-V08-03-01 and geom-solids-tests-V08-03-00. - Use kAngTolerance and kRadTolerance from G4GeometryTolerance class. - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-03". May 11, 2007 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V08-03-00 ----------------------------- - Includes tags: geomvol-V08-03-00, geom-specific-V08-03-00, breps-V08-03-00, geomnav-V08-03-00, geommng-V08-03-01, geomdiv-V08-03-00, geombias-V08-03-00, field-V08-03-00. - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance where needed. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. Nov 09, 2005 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V07-01-00 ----------------------------- - Includes tags: geomsolids-V07-01-00, geomvol-V07-01-02, geombias-V07-01-00, geomdiv-V07-01-01, field-V07-01-00, geommng-V07-01-03. - Implemented changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X. - Added fake default constructor for all concrete volumes, solids, base classes and relevant utility classes for handling of direct object persistency. - Implemented migration to from deprecated . Dec 10, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V06-02-02 ----------------------------- - Replaced M_PI with CLHEP's pi. Dec 02, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V06-02-01 ----------------------------- - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. - Includes tags: field-V06-02-02, geomdiv-V06-02-02, geommng-V06-02-08, geomnav-V06-02-08, geomsolids-V06-02-01, geomvol-V06-02-01. Oct 13, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V06-02-00 ----------------------------- - Includes tags: geommng-V06-02-03, geom-csg-V06-02-05, geom-bool-V06-02-01, breps-V06-02-02, geom-specific-V06-02-02, geomnav-V06-02-04. Jun 11, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V06-01-01 ----------------------------- - Includes tag "geomnav-V06-01-01". - Use global flag G4GEOMETRY_ALLOC_EXPORT to export extern symbols for DLLs. Modified granular GNUmakefiles and rearranged usage of extern symbols in classes in volumes module. Jun 07, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V06-01-00 ----------------------------- - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS for DLLs support on Windows. - Includes tags in "geant4-06-02-cand-00" plus "geomvol-V06-01-02". Nov 04, 2003 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V05-02-01 ----------------------------- - Includes headers review. Tags included: field-V05-02-01, geommng-V05-02-03, geomnav-V05-02-03, geom-bool-V05-02-03, geom-csg-V05-02-04, geom-specific-V05-02-04, geomvol-V05-02-03. Sep 30, 2003 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V05-02-00 ----------------------------- - Logical reorganisation and restructure of modules: o Added new module "navigation" for navigation-releated classes. o Removed module "verification" and merged classes in "navigation". o Archived solids/STEP and solids/STEPinterface modules. o Modified GNUmakefiles in the various modules to cope with these changes. - Includes tags: geomvol-V05-02-01, geommng-V05-02-00, geomdiv-V05-02-02, geombias-V05-02-02, geomnav-V05-02-00, geomsolids-V05-02-00. Dec 04, 2002 Makoto Asai geometry-V04-01-00 -------------------------- - Migration to new G4ApplicationState Apr 19, 2002 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V04-00-03 ----------------------------- - Groups the following tags (see related History files for details): geom-bool-V04-00-04, geom-csg-V04-00-03, geommng-V04-00-03, geomvol-V04-00-06, geomver-V04-00-00, breps-V04-00-05. Apr 10, 2002 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V04-00-02 ----------------------------- - Fixed compilation problems for porting on supported and non-ISO platforms on 'biasing' module. Includes "geomvol-V04-00-05" and "geombias-V04-00-03" on top of previous global geometry tag. Mar 25, 2002 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V04-00-01 ----------------------------- - Added 'biasing' module. Updated global GNUmakefile. - Includes "biasing" module on top of 'geant4-04-00-ref-03'. Jan 11, 2002 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V04-00-00 ----------------------------- - Updated unit tests and benchmarks. - This tag includes also the following tags on top of "geant4-04-00-ref-00": geomvol-V04-00-01, geommng-V04-00-00, geom-solids-csg-V04-00-00, field-V04-00-00, geom-solid-bool-V04-00-00, geom-solids-specific-V04-00-00. See related History files for details. Oct 22, 2001 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V03-02-01 ----------------------------- - Introduced new module "verification" for geometry debugging. - This tag includes the following tags on top of "geant4-03-02-ref-05": geomver-V03-02-00, field-V03-02-00, geomvol-V03-02-00, geommng-V03-02-00, geom-solid-bool-V03-02-01. See related History files for details. Jul 11, 2001 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V03-02-00 ----------------------------- - Includes same code contents as in "geant4-03-02-ref-00" except that CVS file revision is now synchronized with HEAD, after the update for the disclaimer of warranty. - Includes tag "breps-V03-02-00". Apr 20, 2001 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V03-01-00 ----------------------------- - Includes all geometry coworking tags after the migration to STL vector: field-V03-00-05, geommng-V03-01-00, geomsolids-V03-01-00 and geomvol-V03-01-01. Nov 20, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V02-00-00 ----------------------------- - QA code cleanup from Code-Wizard and warnings issued by "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" g++ compiler options. Includes tags: geom-solids-csg-V02-00-11, breps-V02-00-03, geom-solid-bool-V02-00-02, STEP-V02-00-00, stepinterface-V02-00-02, geom-solids-specific-V02-00-04, field-V02-00-02, geommng-V02-00-04, geomvol-V02-00-01. May 12, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V01-01-03 ----------------------------- - magneticfield (field-V01-01-03): o fixes to G4MagErrorStepper (check on chord endpoint), G4RKG3_Stepper (deleted error message from StepNoErr), G4MagIntegratorDriver (modified debug information). o minor fix to dummy implementation of assignment operator in G4MagneticField.hh. o modified method for finding new trial step in G4ChordFinder. - volumes (geomvol-V01-01-00): o introduced kCarTolerance for check over taken step length and TruePathLength in G4PropagatorInField::ComputeStep(). - solids/CSG (geom-solids-csg-V01-01-02): o fixes in DistanceToIn(p,v) for G4Box and G4Trd to return 0 distance in case computed value is less than 0.5*kCarTolerance. Apr 27, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V01-01-02 ----------------------------- - management, solids/Boolean, magneticfield, volumes: o reorganised comments for the Software Reference Manual - solids/specific: o minor fixes and removed dependency over solids/CSG module. - solids/test o updated SBT test suite. Apr 11, 2000 John Allison geometry-V01-01-01 --------------------------- - management: o made virtual G4VisExtent G4VSolid::GetExtent() non-pure and implemented a default in terms of CalculateExtent. - solids: o removed implementations of GetExtent in most sub-classes of G4VSolid. o all implementations of DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const now correctly written: scene.AddThis(*this). - solids/Boolean: o CreatePolyhedron implemented for BooleanSolids. o G4DisplacedSolid: reversed implementation of GetFrameRotation and GetObjectRotation, removing inappropriate invertion. o G4DisplacedSolid::GetConstituentMovedSolid() made const. Apr 05, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V01-01-00 ---------------------------- - This tag includes the following sub-category tags since geometry-V01-00-00a (all of them collected by geomsolids-V01-01-00): o geom-solids-csg-V01-01-01 + fixes to G4PolyhedraSide.cc, G4Tubs.cc (see related History file) + added diagnostics to G4Cons, G4Sphere and G4Torus in function DistanceToOut() + general directory restructuring: moved non 'CSG' shapes to new directory 'specific' o breps-V01-00-02 + implemented decoupling from NIST STEP Reader + several fixes for porting and memory leaks (see related History file) o STEP-V01-00-01 + upgrade to NIST SCL 3.2 + porting and ISO-ANSI C++ fixes o stepinterface-V01-00-01 + upgrade to support the new NIST STEP Reader + improved overall diagnostics + several fixes for memory leaks and check of NULL pointers (see History) o geom-solids-specific-V01-01-00 + new directory containing the implementation of specific solids, several classes moved from solids/CSG + new specific solid G4EllipticalTube, implementing a tube with elliptical cross section (geant3 solid 'ELTU') - Generic tests "SBT" and "Fred" have been moved from solids/CSG/test to solids/test (new directory). - Organised class description comments for the Software Reference Manual in CSG and specific headers. Added CVS headers to files in specific. Feb 29, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V01-00-00a ---------------------------- - Minor fixes to unit tests (CSG) to make them up-to-date with recent development versions. Jan 19, 2000 Gabriele Cosmo geometry-V01-00-00 ---------------------------- - Sycronized file versions with HEAD after ISO-C++ migration. Collecting subtags: field-V01-00-00, geomsolids-V01-00-00, geommng-V01-00-00 and geomvol-V01-00-00. - Changes are now documented in the individual sub-category History files. Nov 10, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-V00-01-01 ------------------------------- - geomsolids-V00-01-03 which includes the following sub-tags: geom-solids-csg-01-00-02-cand geom-solid-bool-V00-01-03b breps-V00-01-00 stepinterface-V00-01-00 - geomvol-01-01-01b - geommng-V00-01-01 - field-V00-01-02 ############################################################################### Geant4 1.0 , 1st STL-based release. ############################################################################### June 7, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-01-00-06 ------------------------------- - Tagged. June 7, 99 D. C. Williams ------------------------------- - CSG Pcon/Pgon (and supporting classes) : several changes June 4, 99 S. Giani ------------------------------- - G4Trap : CalculateExtent fix - G4SmartVoxelHeader.cc : protection against inconsistent CalculateExtent May 21, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-01-00-05 ------------------------------- - Tagged. May 20, 99 S.Giani, S.Magni ------------------------------- - Fixes in BREP Line, & (PCone, FCylindrical/FConical surf) respectively - For more details see solids/BREP/History - Also see changes mentioned in solids/CSG/History for CSG Pcon/Pgon May 19, 99 Frank Behner ------------------------------- - Volumes: Further minor fixes for STL. May 12, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-01-00-04 ------------------------------- - Tagged. May 12, 99 Simone Giani ------------------------------- - Fixes to G4BREPSolidPolyhedra and G4FPlane. May 10, 99 Frank Behner ------------------------------- - Changes in RW use for compatibility with RW/STL in management/src/G4PhysicalVolumeStore.cc management/src/G4LogicalVolumeStore.cc modifying "delete first();" to "removeFirst();" May 7, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - Changed G4Navigator to issue warning in the case of small inaccuracies & cause fatal exception only for large deviations. May 3, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-01-00-03 ------------------------------- - Minor fixes In CSG solids: Cons & Tubs minor, and in PCon/PGon For STL migration: PV-vol-store, NavLevel (Frank Boehner) Apr 19, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-01-00-02 ------------------------------- - Small fixes to solids: consistency fix for CalculateExtent & tolerance - CodeWarrior fixes (some) to magneticfield Apr 15, 99 John Allison ------------------------------- - Added -I$(G4BASE)/intercoms/include to BREPS, Boolean abd CSG GNUmakefiles in preparation for move of G4VGraphicsScene to intercoms. Mar 19, 99 John Apostolakis geometry-01-00-01 ------------------------------- - Category tag using: solids: [tag geomsolids-01-00-01] volumes: [tag geomsolids-01-00-01] management: [tag geommng-01-00-02 ] magneticfield [tag field-01-00-03] Mar 19, 99 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - Summary of significant changes in sub-categories/sub-directories management: [tag geommng-01-00-02 ] G4AffineTransform.icc InverseProduct fix (used in Navigator). Jan 15, 99 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - Fixes in CSG solids (Cons by V.Grichine, CSG Pcone+Pgon by D.C.Williams) Jan 15, 99 Simone Giani ( rec by JA. ) ------------------------------- - Fixes in the creation of Smart Voxels: - Less memory intensive and much more performant at initialisation. No worse, but a little faster at tracking time. (G4SmartVoxelHeader) Jan 10, 99 John Apostolakis ( geometry-01-00-01 to be done) ------------------------------- geometry as in geant4-00-patch2 - Fixes in BREPs (Pcone, Pgon, ...) see solids/BREPS/History includes the subtags stepinterface-01-00-01 step-01-00-01 ############################################################################### Geant4.0.0 , 1st production release. ############################################################################### Dec 11, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-04-04 ------------------------------- - Fixes in BREP Pcone, Pgon new csg versions of above too. Dec 9, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-04-03 ------------------------------- - Fixes for: - BrepPCone in constructor, FPlane, Cylindrical, Conical surfaces. Ellipse and others. - Navigator for Replica Navigation (edges). - STEPinterface : several creators Dec 1, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-04-02 ------------------------------- - New code in solids/CSG (other implementation of Pgon, Pcon - not exercised) Dec 1, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-04-02minus ------------------------------- - Fixes in Boolean/src portability BREPS/src logical problems (bPcone, ConeSurf, Plane) - Added History files in subdirectories. Nov 27, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-04-01 ------------------------------- - Fixes in Boolean/src code: logical fixes magneticfield/include interface problem src printing in propagator (debug) Breps renamed methods (from compiler warnings) + several fixes: Fplane, BREPSolid, Cylinder volumes/NormalNav stores Copy No management no changes - but fixed versions (now head) Nov 19, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-10 ------------------------------- - Fixes from Lionel in BREPS/STEP/STEPinterface - management/include/G4LogicalVolume.icc Deleted and readded same version to get CVS to see it on the head. Nov 19, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-09 ------------------------------- - Added field-00-03-03 (it fixes propagation and several steppers) Nov 13, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-08 ------------------------------- - Tagged. Nov 12, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-07 ------------------------------- - Tagged for the STT. - solids-00-03-02: i) New directory finally included: solids/Boolean As in geometry-00-03-03 with minor change/fix. ii) Fix in solids/CSG/src/G4Sphere.cc (V. Grichine). - field-00-03-02 Many changes in Magnetic field to accomodate Electric Field. - Still does not contain the fixes in geometry-00-03-03 (and later) in the following directories: BREPS, STEP, STEPinterface Nov 9, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-06 ------------------------------- - Tagged for the STT. Includes reorganisation of volumes Still does not contain the fixes in geometry-00-03-03 (and later) in the following directories: BREPS, STEP, STEPinterface, >all< of solids/Boolean Oct 30, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-03 ------------------------------- - New Boolean directory. - Many fixes in BREPS: Deleted StepCopyData from all classes. Replaced G4Point, Point3d and Point2d with G4Point3D Fixes to BREPSolid for BoundingBoxes Sept 23rd, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - G4Box: changed DistanceToIn to fix new problem. - G4ParameterisedNavigation - G4VoxelNavigation: fixed VoxelSafety computation for the case of the middle voxel of a set of equivalent (lowest-level) voxels. Sept 17th, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-03-01 ------------------------------- - Tag created. Sept 15th, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - In G4ParameterisedNavigation i) Corrected ComputeSafety(...) which called ComputeVoxelSafety without setting the fVoxelNode & fVoxelNodeNo to the ones at localpoint. [ This produced incorrect safeties in some cases & resulted in an assertion failure in testT08 because of an unexpected change of volume. ] ii) ComputeStep: Fixed assertion check of blocked replica number. Aug 24th, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-02-01 ------------------------------- - Tagged. Small fixes in BREPS, to allow compilation on different platforms. ############################################################################### beta01 release ############################################################################### July 31st, 98 Peter Urban ------------------------------- - Several fixes for BREPS. July 29th, 98 John Apostolakis (with Stefano Magni) ------------------------------- - G4BREPSolidPCone.cc : Cylindrical sections were incorrectly placed. - G4ConicalSurface.cc G4CylindricalSurface.cc: The Inside functions are modified to try to use the Geant-4 tolerance. --> must be checked further [ The method is used by Intersect of respective surfaces in a complicated manner. ] - G4FConicalSurface.cc - Fix to Bounding Box, which was incorrectly centered/placed. - Fix to Intersect, to insure that only intersection in Finite extent of Surface are found. July 28th, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - In the Navigator location, the blocked Volume was not cleared when the navigator descended several levels in the tree. This would allows the same in another part of the tree to be wrongly blocked. - In G4ParameterisedNavigation, the identity of the blocked Physical Volume was not checked! You would block replica number 3 of your parameterised volume although you exited replica number 3 of another volume! - The above problems combined to allow BlockingList to be called with replicaNo = -1, which caused Linux/G++ & HP to dump core on program exit. Modified Files: G4Navigator.cc G4ParameterisedNavigation.cc - An assignment used to be an equality check by mistake. (Probably it was ok because it is redundant) Modified Files: G4VoxelNavigation.cc June 26th, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-06-05 ------------------------------- - 1) Modified check in ComputeStep that pseudo-relocation is within safety: i) no check is made is the move is within tolerance as it makes no sense - on a boundary it would cause a volume change (where there was none.) ii) the Navigator now stores the last safety it calculated (origin, value) and uses it for the calculation of this check. This eliminates problems with this check, that produced assertion failure in many example codes. - 2) NavigationHistory equality operator modified for efficiency (with P.Urban) - 3) G4Box Problem in DistanceToIn reporting intersection where there was none has been given a more complete solution (V.Grichine) G4Sphere Exception problem fixed. (V.Grichine) June 20th, 98 John Apostolakis geometry-00-06-04 ------------------------------- - 1) I have added a check that any pseudo-relocation made between a call to Locate (the true Relocation) and the next call to ComputeStep (eg in a PostStepDoIt) is truly within safety. - 2) The Navigator's ComputeStep method now always returns infinity, when it does not limit the step - 3) G4Tubs.cc: Fixed surface normal (in R) which was not a unit vector. June 18th, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - In the Navigator: 1) Fix to allow lateral displacement (within safety) in PostStepDoIts without messaging the Navigator. 2) A first implementation of LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume - A fix in NormalNavigation's Compute Step, to allow volumes that are "touched" to be tagged as entered. (Ie, if the step is just long enough to arrive at the surface of a volume, the navigator can still enter it quickly.) June 12th, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-06-03) ------------------------------- - Candidate fix to BREP PCone, constructing Conical Surfaces using different starting point. - Fix to ReplicaNavigation to temporarily patch "assertion" problem. June 10th, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-06-02) ------------------------------- - Added a new CSG Solid (G4Hype), a Hyperboloid by rotation - Bug fix to G4Box::DistanceToIn (which reported intersection where there was none). - Bug fix to G4FConicalSurface and G4ConicalSurface to fix G4BREPSolidPCone. Correction to to DistanceToOut of BREPSolid to ensure compatibility with convexity assumptions of Navigator June 8th, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-06-01) ------------------------------- - Created a tag for BREPS at the last point before merge with Peter's Developments. Modified G4Navigator and G4NormalNavigation G4ParameterisedNavigation G4ReplicaNavigation G4VoxelNavigation to add ComputeSafety methods. These make a quick estimation of the safety and can/should be called for the final point of a step only. June 3rd, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - G4Navigator: Added a new new method LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume that serves to notify the Navigator that a track has moved to the new Global point 'position'. This point must be known to be within the current volume, probably because it is withing safety. May 11th, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - G4PVPlacement: - Implemented additional (4th) constructor that takes a pointer to a logical mother volume and a G4Transform3D with the solid's rotation. - Also added a data member to store whether a RotationMatrix was created. This allows us to avoid a small memory leak in use of 2 constructors. May 8th, 98 John Apostolakis ------------------------------- - History files created in magneticfield directory for this category. It will be used exclusively for the maintenance of information in this category. Only what impacts its interaction with the geometry (G4PropagatorInField) will be mentioned here. - History file has existed in solids/BREPS for slightly more detailed changes in that sub-category. April 29th, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-05-05) ------------------------------- - A significant logical error in G4VoxelNavigation::LocateNextVoxel was corrected: the search for the next voxel could ignore voxels at lower levels - Small changes for DEC in GNUmakefile in BREPS & STEP * Removed -cfront option from GNUmakefile for DEC. -cfront overrides ANSI standard rules in cxx-6.0. * Cleaned up trivial warnings on DEC (Extraneous semicolons). April 27th, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-05-04) ------------------------------- - Tagged April 24th, 98 Jari Sulkimo ( recorded by John Apostolakis here) ------------------------------- - Fixes in BREPs (see solids/BREP/History for details, by author) * fixed scope bugs in for loops * bug fixes to G4Assembly.cc for STEP file interaction & placed solids creation. April 23rd, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-05-03) ------------------------------- - Bug fixes to BREP code for Assembly level of STEP files (introduced in alpha05) - Renamed file G4Point3d.hh to G4Point3d.h (because of problems on Windows NT in name clash with G4Point3D.hh). April 22nd, 98 John Apostolakis (geom-05-02) ------------------------------- - Tagged. April 21st, 98 John Apostolakis (geometry-00-05-01) ------------------------------- - Added SetAllParameters methods to G4Torus and G4Para. - All CSG solids now inherit from the new abstract class G4CSGSolid, instead of directly from G4VSolid. - "const G4double" arguments have been changed to "G4double" for CSG methods. April 21st, 98 John Allison ------------------------------- - Slightly relaxed tolerance in G4Trap (for g3tog4). - Corrected G4BREPSolidPolyhedra.cc for graphics_reps/G4Polyhedron. - Added void G4Trd::SetAllParameters. - Also relaxed check in G4Trd::CheckAndSetAllParameters (pdx1>=0, etc.) April 2, 98 G.Barrand ------------------------------- - STEP/dirobj.cc : #ifdef WIN32, do not compile opendir and closedir. March 24, 98 G.Barrand ------------------------------- - GNUmakefile : MAKESHLIB changed in G4MAKESHLIB March 13, 98 G.Cosmo (on behalf of S.Giani) - (geometry-00-04-05) ------------------------------- - Added G4VPVParameterisation.cc including default implementations of ComputeSolid() and ComputeMaterial() missing previously (J.Apostolakis). - Included fixes for aCC compiler in BREPS and STEP (J.Sulkimo, G.Cosmo). March 9, 98 J. Apostolakis - (geometry-00-04-04) ------------------------------- - Small fix to G4BREPSolid.cc which was causing problems on HP-UX. (Deleted use of floating point modulo for integers, with Jari S.) - G4Sphere: further small corrections. March 5, 98 J. Apostolakis - (geometry-00-04-03) ------------------------------- - Parameterised Volume can now VARY the TYPE of SOLID and/or Material by copy number. PVParameterisation classes can now compute these. The Navigator has been modified to compute solid and material, and to set them in the associated logical volume - Now able to process an extra level of STEP files, using new code in BREPs (Jari Sulkimo). - Further cleanup of code in BREP category (Peter Urban). - Small modification in solids/STEP/GNUmakefile for Win/NT port (S. Sadilov). March 4, 98 J. Apostolakis - (geometry-00-04-02) ------------------------------- - G4Sphere: corrected tests of the phi angle and with tolerance checking that compared squares of distances. - The World volume can now be split into replicas. This not recommended, but the Navigator is now able to handle it. - Cleanup of code in BREP category (Peter Urban & Jari Sulkimo) February 16, 98 J. Apostolakis - (geometry-00-04-01) ------------------------------- - Replicas and parameterised physical-volumes now store the copy number of their current copy. (It is valid only for physical volume in the hot tree). Navigation routines were modified to enable this. February 4, 98 J. Apostolakis - (geometry-00-03-02) ------------------------------- - A few small changes were made to the Magnetic Field classes. This included one that allows it to work without repeatedly issuing an unneccessary warning. - Small fixes to BREP and STEP parts help in fixing a problem with True/false on some platforms. January 28, 98 S. Sadilov ------------------------------- - Small modification in GNUmakefile for Win/NT port January 26, 98 J. Apostolakis - (geometry-00-03-01) ------------------------------- - i) New implementation of G4NavigationHistory using G4NavigationLevel. This implementation allows for very fast copying of G4NavigationHistory, which is required in order to copy G4TouchableHistory. - ii) Correction in G4ReplicaNavigation.cc in DistanceToOutPhi, influencing replicas divided in phi. December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03) ------------------------------- - Created.