$Id: History 77780 2013-11-28 07:50:59Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- November 27th, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-10) - Added Clear() method to G4IStore and G4WeightWindowStore to allow changes to the store within a run, if required. November 27th, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-09) - Added SetWorldVolume and SetParallelWorldVolume methods to G4WeightWindowStore November 27th, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-08) - Added SetWorldVolume and SetParallelWorldVolume methods to G4IStore November 25th, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-07) - Removed unused data member: fParaFlag from G4IStore and G4WeigthWindowStore November 22nd, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-06) - Retagging to be co-working with: phys-ctor-limiters-V09-06-013, procbiasing-V09-06-10 B01-V09-06-12 B02-V09-06-10 B03-V09-06-01 test33-V09-06-04 exbiasing-V09-06-03 November 22nd, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-05) - Added missing getinstance method from G4WeightWindowStore.cc November 22nd, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-04) - Fixed typo in G4WeightWindowStore.cc November 22nd, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-03) - Added missing method from G4WeightWindowStore.cc November 22nd, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-02) - Migrated missing parts of G4WeightWindowStore to MT compliance November 21st, 2013 A.Howard (geombias-V09-06-01) - Changed design to migrate to multi-threading. G4IStore and G4WeightWindowStore now a shared singleton. December 3rd, 2012 M.Asai (geombias-V09-06-00) - Removed obsolete classes G4VCellScorer and G4VCellScorerStore. October 22nd, 2012 G.Cosmo (geombias-V09-05-03) - Added static flag on deprecation warning... October 15th, 2012 G.Cosmo (geombias-V09-05-02) - Moved warning message to cout instead of cerr and formatted text. Corrected compilation error due to missing inclusion of G4ios.hh.... October 12th, 2012 M.Asai (geombias-V09-05-01) - Added obsolete warning message to G4VCellScorer and G4VCellScorerStore classes, pleanned for removal in release 10. May 14th, 2012 G.Cosmo (geombias-V09-05-00) - Fixed spurious cases of hidden variable visibility, detected with '-Wshadow' compilation option on gcc compiler. August 11th, 2011 G.Cosmo (geombias-V09-04-01) - Defined scheme for warnings/errors coding: + 1xxx for warnings, 0xxx for errors. Code numbering: + 0001: not supported features; + 0002: invalid setup/construct; + 1001: incorrect setup; automatically adapted. August 10th, 2011 G.Cosmo geombias-V09-04-00 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme for warnings and errors. September 6th, 2010 G.Cosmo geombias-V09-03-01 - Fixed false-positive cases of invalid iterator in G4IStore and G4WeightWindowStore. July 2nd, 2010 G.Cosmo geombias-V09-03-00 - G4IStore: corrected use of internal cell-importance iterator to avoid invalidation in methods GetImportance(). - Corrected mispelled name for GetLowerWeight() method in classes G4WeightWindowStore and G4VWeightWindowStore. Fixed use of internal cell-importance iterator in G4WeightWindowStore::GetLowerWeight() to avoid cases of invalidation. - Fixed initialization of data in copy-constructor for G4GeometryCell and corrected mispelled name for data member pointer. November 9th, 2007 A.Howard geombias-V09-00-01 - Revised search algorithm to Weight/UpperBound + 1. November 9th, 2007 A.Howard geombias-V09-00-00 - Modified WeightWindow algorithm according to Thomas Booth's recommendation (MCNP author). In order to not introduce extra variance in the case of splitting to the survival weight when the weight is above the upper weight window - modified G4WeightWindowAlgorithm.cc June 4th, 2007 A.Howard geombias-V08-03-02 - Put back some missing store and scoring classes: G4IStore, G4VCellScorerstore, G4VCellScorer May 31st, 2007 A.Howard geombias-V08-03-01 - Removed classes from old biasing scheme. These are now replaced by either CoupledTransportation (parallel navigation) or in processe/biasing. In addition the scoring is implemented with the new scoring frame-work (digits_hits) and processes/scoring. - The following classes are removed: G4IStore, G4ParallelNavigator, G4ParallelStepper, G4ParallelWorld, G4VCellScorer, G4VCellScorerStore, G4VIStore, G4VParallelStepper, G4VPGeoDriver, G4VScorer, G4ImportanceSplitExaminer, G4VImportanceSplitExaminer, G4VWeightWindowExaminer, G4WeightWindowExaminer - Classes are kept in the HEAD for testing purposes. May 11th, 2007 G.Cosmo geombias-V08-03-00 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance constant in G4ParallelNavigator. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. Nov, 9th 2005 G.Cosmo geombias-V07-01-00 - Implemented migration to for affected classes: G4ParallelNavigator and G4ImportanceAlgorithm. Oct, 22nd 2003 G.Cosmo geombias-V05-02-03 - Migrated calls to G4Exception to new scheme. Sep, 30th 2003 G.Cosmo geombias-V05-02-02 - updated GNUmakefile, according to new structure introduced in "geometry-V05-02-00". Aug, 22th 2003 M.Dressel geombias-V05-02-01 - got rid off G4ImportanceFinder Aug, 19th 2003 M.Dressel geombias-V05-02-00 - first implementation of weight window technique Jun, 4th 2003 G.Cosmo geombias-V05-01-00 - Fixes for inclusion of in G4ImportanceAlgorithm.cc and G4ImportanceFinder.cc in view of the g4std wrappers migration. Apt, 11th 2003 M.Dressel geombias-V05-00-03 - implementation of "IsInWorld" in G4IStore using IsAncestor of G4LogicalVolume Apr, 3rd 2003 G.Cosmo geombias-V05-00-02 - Fixed few trivial strict pedantic warnings. Mar, 27th 2003 G.Cosmo geombias-V05-00-01 - G4ParallelNavigator.cc: set cout precision to 12 (was 50 !?!). Mar, 24th 2003 M.Dressel geombias-V05-00-00 - G4ParallelNavigator.cc: modified shift mechanism in ComputeStepLengthShifted(). Nov, 20th 2002 G.Cosmo geombias-V04-01-04 - changed definition of G4NSplit_Weight from struct to class to allow porting on Windows DLLs. Nov, 4th 2002 M.Dressel geombias-V04-01-03 - remove G4std:: where it does not belong to, - remove G4StringConversion, - and added G4Nsplit_Weight.cc Oct, 28th 2002 M.Dressel geombias-V04-01-02 - moving interfaces G4VCellScorer and G4VCellScorerStore back Oct, 22th 2002 M.Dressel internal_7_geombias-V04-01-01 - renaming G4VPScorer to G4VScorer and G4PStep to G4GeometryCellStep - moving interfaces G4VCellScorer and G4VCellScorerStore to intercoms - adding comments Oct. 16th 2002 M.Dressel internal_6_geombias-V04-01-01 - changes recomanded by codewizard - stream, and string conversion from file G4Nsplit_Weight.hh/.cc to G4StringConversion.hh/.cc Oct. 15th 2002 M.Dressel removing G4Pstring with G4StringConversion Oct. 14th 2002 M.Dressel cleanup according to codewizzard Oct. 10th 2002 M.Dressel geombias-V04-01-01-internal-5 change in G4(V)ImportanceAlgorithm, G4ImportanceSplitExaminer G4ImportanceFinder: give pre and post importance separatly insted only ipre/ipost. Sep, 2th 2002 M.Dressel geombias-V04-01-01-internal-4 moved files concerning messaging a importance geometry to /afs/cern.ch/user/d/dressel/G4/IGeoMessangers. Support will be given on demand. Sep, 2th 2002 M.Dressel geombias-V04-01-01-internal-3 code cleanup for code-wizard Aug, 29th 2002 M.Dressel int-2-geombias-V04-01-01 renaming of G4PTouchableKey to G4GeometryCell changing G4VIStore and G4IStore and dependants Aug, 13th, 2002 M.Dressel removed G4VPrintableScorer.hh G4VPrintableScorerFactory.hh Aug, 13th, 2002 M.Dressel - geombias-V04-01-01 added G4VCellScorer.hh and G4VCellScorerStore.hh July, 18th, 2002 M.Dressel change the strategy for importance sampling: - G4VIStore: new function: IsKnown(const G4PTouchableKey &ptk) to tell if a cell (G4PTouchableKey) is known in the store - no biasing is applied between cells that are not known by the G4IStore and it's neighbors. - importance valu 0 is allowed to flag that no biasing should be done betweeen the cell and it's neighbors. change the G4PArallelNavigator: - using G4TouchableHanle - and LocateGlobalPointAndSetup July, 11th, 2002 M.Dressel added comments in new classes July, 11th, 2002 M.Dressel - internal-2-geombias-V04-01-01 added clases for contruction of a simple geometry with importance values and messengers. July, 10th, 2002 M.Dressel - internal-1-geombias-V04-01-01 change in G4Sigma: the sum over the weights is returned by GetWsum (before it was GetSumOfWeights) and the weighted sum over x is returned by GetWXsum(). May, 31th, 2002 M.Dressel - geombias-V04-00-04 - change name ImportanceSampler to ImportanceSplitExaminer May, 30th, 2002 M.Dressel - change comments in WeightWindowAlgorithm May, 24th, 2002 M.Dressel - internal-1-geombias-V04-00-02 - Added classes for weight window biasing. April 10th, 2002 M.Dressel - geombias-V04-00-03 - Added comments to header files for Software Reference Manual. April 9th, 2002 G.Cosmo - Added liability disclaimer to all files and minor cosmetics. April 8th, 2002 M.Dressel - geombias-V04-00-02 - Resolved compilation problems on HP-aCC. April 4th, 2002 M.Dressel - geombias-V04-00-01 - Resolved compilation problems on SUN-CC and Linux-egcs. March 28th, 2002 M.Dressel - geombias-V04-00-00 - First implementation of importance biasing and scoring. March 25th, 2002 G.Cosmo - Created.