// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4ParameterisationPolyhedra.cc 66356 2012-12-18 09:02:32Z gcosmo $ // // class G4ParameterisationPolyhedra Implementation file // // 14.10.03 - P.Arce, Initial version // 08.04.04 - I.Hrivnacova, Implemented reflection // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4ParameterisationPolyhedra.hh" #include #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" #include "G4ReflectedSolid.hh" #include "G4Polyhedra.hh" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4VParameterisationPolyhedra:: G4VParameterisationPolyhedra( EAxis axis, G4int nDiv, G4double width, G4double offset, G4VSolid* msolid, DivisionType divType ) : G4VDivisionParameterisation( axis, nDiv, width, offset, divType, msolid ) { G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(msolid); if ((msolid->GetEntityType() != "G4ReflectedSolid") && (msol->IsGeneric())) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Generic construct for G4Polyhedra NOT supported." << G4endl << "Sorry! Solid: " << msol->GetName(); G4Exception("G4VParameterisationPolyhedra::G4VParameterisationPolyhedra()", "GeomDiv0001", FatalException, message); } if (msolid->GetEntityType() == "G4ReflectedSolid") { // Get constituent solid G4VSolid* mConstituentSolid = ((G4ReflectedSolid*)msolid)->GetConstituentMovedSolid(); msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(mConstituentSolid); // Get parameters G4int nofSides = msol->GetOriginalParameters()->numSide; G4int nofZplanes = msol->GetOriginalParameters()->Num_z_planes; G4double* zValues = msol->GetOriginalParameters()->Z_values; G4double* rminValues = msol->GetOriginalParameters()->Rmin; G4double* rmaxValues = msol->GetOriginalParameters()->Rmax; // Invert z values, // convert radius parameters G4double* rminValues2 = new G4double[nofZplanes]; G4double* rmaxValues2 = new G4double[nofZplanes]; G4double* zValuesRefl = new G4double[nofZplanes]; for (G4int i=0; iGetName(), msol->GetStartPhi(), msol->GetEndPhi() - msol->GetStartPhi(), nofSides, nofZplanes, zValuesRefl, rminValues2, rmaxValues2); delete [] rminValues2; delete [] rmaxValues2; delete [] zValuesRefl; msol = newSolid; fmotherSolid = newSolid; fReflectedSolid = true; fDeleteSolid = true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4VParameterisationPolyhedra::~G4VParameterisationPolyhedra() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4double G4VParameterisationPolyhedra:: ConvertRadiusFactor(const G4Polyhedra& phedra) const { G4double phiTotal = phedra.GetEndPhi() - phedra.GetStartPhi(); G4int nofSides = phedra.GetOriginalParameters()->numSide; if ( (phiTotal <=0) || (phiTotal > 2*pi+G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetAngularTolerance()) ) { phiTotal = 2*pi; } return std::cos(0.5*phiTotal/nofSides); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho:: G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho( EAxis axis, G4int nDiv, G4double width, G4double offset, G4VSolid* msolid, DivisionType divType ) : G4VParameterisationPolyhedra( axis, nDiv, width, offset, msolid, divType ) { CheckParametersValidity(); SetType( "DivisionPolyhedraRho" ); G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); G4PolyhedraHistorical* original_pars = msol->GetOriginalParameters(); if( divType == DivWIDTH ) { fnDiv = CalculateNDiv( original_pars->Rmax[0] - original_pars->Rmin[0], width, offset ); } else if( divType == DivNDIV ) { fwidth = CalculateWidth( original_pars->Rmax[0] - original_pars->Rmin[0], nDiv, offset ); } #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho - # divisions " << fnDiv << " = " << nDiv << G4endl << " Offset " << foffset << " = " << offset << G4endl << " Width " << fwidth << " = " << width << G4endl; } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho::~G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho::CheckParametersValidity() { G4VDivisionParameterisation::CheckParametersValidity(); G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); if( fDivisionType == DivNDIVandWIDTH || fDivisionType == DivWIDTH ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "In solid " << msol->GetName() << G4endl << "Division along R will be done with a width " << "different for each solid section." << G4endl << "WIDTH will not be used !"; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv1001", JustWarning, message); } if( foffset != 0. ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "In solid " << msol->GetName() << G4endl << "Division along R will be done with a width " << "different for each solid section." << G4endl << "OFFSET will not be used !"; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv1001", JustWarning, message); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho::GetMaxParameter() const { G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); G4PolyhedraHistorical* original_pars = msol->GetOriginalParameters(); return original_pars->Rmax[0] - original_pars->Rmin[0]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho:: ComputeTransformation( const G4int, G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol ) const { //----- translation G4ThreeVector origin(0.,0.,0.); //----- set translation physVol->SetTranslation( origin ); //----- calculate rotation matrix: unit #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho " << G4endl << " foffset: " << foffset/deg << " - fwidth: " << fwidth/deg << G4endl; } #endif ChangeRotMatrix( physVol ); #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << std::setprecision(8) << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho " << G4endl << " Position: " << origin << " - Width: " << fwidth << " - Axis: " << faxis << G4endl; } #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho:: ComputeDimensions( G4Polyhedra& phedra, const G4int copyNo, const G4VPhysicalVolume* ) const { G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); G4PolyhedraHistorical* origparamMother = msol->GetOriginalParameters(); G4PolyhedraHistorical origparam( *origparamMother ); G4int nZplanes = origparamMother->Num_z_planes; G4double width = 0.; for( G4int ii = 0; ii < nZplanes; ii++ ) { width = CalculateWidth( origparamMother->Rmax[ii] - origparamMother->Rmin[ii], fnDiv, foffset ); origparam.Rmin[ii] = origparamMother->Rmin[ii]+foffset+width*copyNo; origparam.Rmax[ii] = origparamMother->Rmin[ii]+foffset+width*(copyNo+1); } phedra.SetOriginalParameters(&origparam); // copy values & transfer pointers phedra.Reset(); // reset to new solid parameters #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= -2 ) { G4cout << "G4ParameterisationPolyhedraRho::ComputeDimensions()" << G4endl << "-- Parametrised phedra copy-number: " << copyNo << G4endl; phedra.DumpInfo(); } #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi:: G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi( EAxis axis, G4int nDiv, G4double width, G4double offset, G4VSolid* msolid, DivisionType divType ) : G4VParameterisationPolyhedra( axis, nDiv, width, offset, msolid, divType ) { CheckParametersValidity(); SetType( "DivisionPolyhedraPhi" ); G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); G4double deltaPhi = msol->GetEndPhi() - msol->GetStartPhi(); if( divType == DivWIDTH ) { fnDiv = msol->GetNumSide(); } fwidth = CalculateWidth( deltaPhi, fnDiv, 0.0 ); #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi - # divisions " << fnDiv << " = " << nDiv << G4endl << " Offset " << foffset << " = " << offset << G4endl << " Width " << fwidth << " = " << width << G4endl; } #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::~G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::GetMaxParameter() const { G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); return msol->GetEndPhi() - msol->GetStartPhi(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::CheckParametersValidity() { G4VDivisionParameterisation::CheckParametersValidity(); G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); if( fDivisionType == DivNDIVandWIDTH || fDivisionType == DivWIDTH ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "In solid " << msol->GetName() << G4endl << " Division along PHI will be done splitting " << "in the defined numSide." << G4endl << "WIDTH will not be used !"; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv1001", JustWarning, message); } if( foffset != 0. ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "In solid " << msol->GetName() << G4endl << "Division along PHI will be done splitting " << "in the defined numSide." << G4endl << "OFFSET will not be used !"; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv1001", JustWarning, message); } G4PolyhedraHistorical* origparamMother = msol->GetOriginalParameters(); if( origparamMother->numSide != fnDiv && fDivisionType != DivWIDTH) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Configuration not supported." << G4endl << "Division along PHI will be done splitting in the defined" << G4endl << "numSide, i.e, the number of division would be :" << origparamMother->numSide << " instead of " << fnDiv << " !"; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv0001", FatalException, message); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi:: ComputeTransformation( const G4int copyNo, G4VPhysicalVolume *physVol ) const { //----- translation G4ThreeVector origin(0.,0.,0.); //----- set translation physVol->SetTranslation( origin ); //----- calculate rotation matrix (so that all volumes point to the centre) G4double posi = copyNo*fwidth; #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi - position: " << posi/deg << G4endl << " copyNo: " << copyNo << " - fwidth: " << fwidth/deg << G4endl; } #endif ChangeRotMatrix( physVol, -posi ); #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << std::setprecision(8) << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi " << copyNo << G4endl << " Position: " << origin << " - Width: " << fwidth << " - Axis: " << faxis << G4endl; } #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi:: ComputeDimensions( G4Polyhedra& phedra, const G4int, const G4VPhysicalVolume* ) const { G4Polyhedra* msol = (G4Polyhedra*)(fmotherSolid); G4PolyhedraHistorical* origparamMother = msol->GetOriginalParameters(); G4PolyhedraHistorical origparam( *origparamMother ); origparam.numSide = 1; origparam.Start_angle = origparamMother->Start_angle; origparam.Opening_angle = fwidth; phedra.SetOriginalParameters(&origparam); // copy values & transfer pointers phedra.Reset(); // reset to new solid parameters #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << "G4ParameterisationPolyhedraPhi::ComputeDimensions():" << G4endl; phedra.DumpInfo(); } #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ:: G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ( EAxis axis, G4int nDiv, G4double width, G4double offset, G4VSolid* msolid, DivisionType divType ) : G4VParameterisationPolyhedra( axis, nDiv, width, offset, msolid, divType ), fNSegment(0), fOrigParamMother(((G4Polyhedra*)fmotherSolid)->GetOriginalParameters()) { CheckParametersValidity(); SetType( "DivisionPolyhedraZ" ); if( divType == DivWIDTH ) { fnDiv = CalculateNDiv( fOrigParamMother->Z_values[fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1] - fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] , width, offset ); } else if( divType == DivNDIV ) { fwidth = CalculateNDiv( fOrigParamMother->Z_values[fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1] - fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] , nDiv, offset ); } #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 1 ) { G4cout << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ - # divisions " << fnDiv << " = " << nDiv << G4endl << " Offset " << foffset << " = " << offset << G4endl << " Width " << fwidth << " = " << width << G4endl; } #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::~G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::GetR(G4double z, G4double z1, G4double r1, G4double z2, G4double r2) const { // Linear parameterisation: // r = az + b // a = (r1 - r2)/(z1-z2) // b = r1 - a*z1 return (r1-r2)/(z1-z2)*z + ( r1 - (r1-r2)/(z1-z2)*z1 ) ; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::GetRmin(G4double z, G4int nseg) const { // Get Rmin in the given z position for the given polyhedra segment return GetR(z, fOrigParamMother->Z_values[nseg], fOrigParamMother->Rmin[nseg], fOrigParamMother->Z_values[nseg+1], fOrigParamMother->Rmin[nseg+1]); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::GetRmax(G4double z, G4int nseg) const { // Get Rmax in the given z position for the given polyhedra segment return GetR(z, fOrigParamMother->Z_values[nseg], fOrigParamMother->Rmax[nseg], fOrigParamMother->Z_values[nseg+1], fOrigParamMother->Rmax[nseg+1]); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4double G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::GetMaxParameter() const { return std::abs (fOrigParamMother->Z_values[fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1] -fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0]); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::CheckParametersValidity() { G4VDivisionParameterisation::CheckParametersValidity(); // Division will be following the mother polyhedra segments if( fDivisionType == DivNDIV ) { if( fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1 != fnDiv ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Configuration not supported." << G4endl << "Division along Z will be done splitting in the defined" << G4endl << "Z planes, i.e, the number of division would be :" << fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1 << " instead of " << fnDiv << " !"; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv0001", FatalException, message); } } // Division will be done within one polyhedra segment // with applying given width and offset if( fDivisionType == DivNDIVandWIDTH || fDivisionType == DivWIDTH ) { // Check if divided region does not span over more // than one z segment G4int isegstart = -1; // number of the segment containing start position G4int isegend = -1; // number of the segment containing end position if ( ! fReflectedSolid ) { // The start/end position of the divided region G4double zstart = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] + foffset; G4double zend = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] + foffset + fnDiv* fwidth; G4int counter = 0; while ( isegend < 0 && counter < fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1 ) { // first segment if ( zstart >= fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter] && zstart < fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter+1] ) { isegstart = counter; } // last segment if ( zend > fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter] && zend <= fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter+1] ) { isegend = counter; } ++counter; } } else { // The start/end position of the divided region G4double zstart = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] - foffset; G4double zend = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] - ( foffset + fnDiv* fwidth); G4int counter = 0; while ( isegend < 0 && counter < fOrigParamMother->Num_z_planes-1 ) { // first segment if ( zstart <= fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter] && zstart > fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter+1] ) { isegstart = counter; } // last segment if ( zend < fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter] && zend >= fOrigParamMother->Z_values[counter+1] ) { isegend = counter; } ++counter; } } if ( isegstart != isegend ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Configuration not supported." << G4endl << "Division with user defined width." << G4endl << "Solid " << fmotherSolid->GetName() << G4endl << "Divided region is not between two Z planes."; G4Exception("G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::CheckParametersValidity()", "GeomDiv0001", FatalException, message); } fNSegment = isegstart; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ:: ComputeTransformation( const G4int copyNo, G4VPhysicalVolume* physVol) const { if ( fDivisionType == DivNDIV ) { // The position of the centre of copyNo-th mother polycone segment G4double posi = ( fOrigParamMother->Z_values[copyNo] + fOrigParamMother->Z_values[copyNo+1])/2; physVol->SetTranslation( G4ThreeVector(0, 0, posi) ); } if ( fDivisionType == DivNDIVandWIDTH || fDivisionType == DivWIDTH ) { // The position of the centre of copyNo-th division G4double posi = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0]; if ( ! fReflectedSolid ) posi += foffset + (2*copyNo + 1) * fwidth/2.; else posi -= foffset + (2*copyNo + 1) * fwidth/2.; physVol->SetTranslation( G4ThreeVector(0, 0, posi) ); } //----- calculate rotation matrix: unit #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ - position: " << posi << G4endl << " copyNo: " << copyNo << " - foffset: " << foffset/deg << " - fwidth: " << fwidth/deg << G4endl; } #endif ChangeRotMatrix( physVol ); #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << std::setprecision(8) << " G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ " << copyNo << G4endl << " Position: " << origin << " - Width: " << fwidth << " - Axis: " << faxis << G4endl; } #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ:: ComputeDimensions( G4Polyhedra& phedra, const G4int copyNo, const G4VPhysicalVolume* ) const { // Define division solid G4PolyhedraHistorical origparam; G4int nz = 2; origparam.Num_z_planes = nz; origparam.numSide = fOrigParamMother->numSide; origparam.Start_angle = fOrigParamMother->Start_angle; origparam.Opening_angle = fOrigParamMother->Opening_angle; // Define division solid z sections origparam.Z_values = new G4double[nz]; origparam.Rmin = new G4double[nz]; origparam.Rmax = new G4double[nz]; origparam.Z_values[0] = - fwidth/2.; origparam.Z_values[1] = fwidth/2.; if ( fDivisionType == DivNDIV ) { // The position of the centre of copyNo-th mother polycone segment G4double posi = ( fOrigParamMother->Z_values[copyNo] + fOrigParamMother->Z_values[copyNo+1])/2; origparam.Z_values[0] = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[copyNo] - posi; origparam.Z_values[1] = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[copyNo+1] - posi; origparam.Rmin[0] = fOrigParamMother->Rmin[copyNo]; origparam.Rmin[1] = fOrigParamMother->Rmin[copyNo+1]; origparam.Rmax[0] = fOrigParamMother->Rmax[copyNo]; origparam.Rmax[1] = fOrigParamMother->Rmax[copyNo+1]; } if ( fDivisionType == DivNDIVandWIDTH || fDivisionType == DivWIDTH ) { if ( ! fReflectedSolid ) { origparam.Z_values[0] = - fwidth/2.; origparam.Z_values[1] = fwidth/2.; // The position of the centre of copyNo-th division G4double posi = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] + foffset + (2*copyNo + 1) * fwidth/2.; // The first and last z sides z values G4double zstart = posi - fwidth/2.; G4double zend = posi + fwidth/2.; origparam.Rmin[0] = GetRmin(zstart, fNSegment); origparam.Rmax[0] = GetRmax(zstart, fNSegment); origparam.Rmin[1] = GetRmin(zend, fNSegment); origparam.Rmax[1] = GetRmax(zend, fNSegment); } else { origparam.Z_values[0] = fwidth/2.; origparam.Z_values[1] = - fwidth/2.; // The position of the centre of copyNo-th division G4double posi = fOrigParamMother->Z_values[0] - ( foffset + (2*copyNo + 1) * fwidth/2.); // The first and last z sides z values G4double zstart = posi + fwidth/2.; G4double zend = posi - fwidth/2.; origparam.Rmin[0] = GetRmin(zstart, fNSegment); origparam.Rmax[0] = GetRmax(zstart, fNSegment); origparam.Rmin[1] = GetRmin(zend, fNSegment); origparam.Rmax[1] = GetRmax(zend, fNSegment); } // It can happen due to rounding errors if ( origparam.Rmin[0] < 0.0 ) origparam.Rmin[0] = 0.0; if ( origparam.Rmin[nz-1] < 0.0 ) origparam.Rmin[1] = 0.0; } phedra.SetOriginalParameters(&origparam); // copy values & transfer pointers phedra.Reset(); // reset to new solid parameters #ifdef G4DIVDEBUG if( verbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << "G4ParameterisationPolyhedraZ::ComputeDimensions()" << G4endl << "-- Parametrised phedra copy-number: " << copyNo << G4endl; phedra.DumpInfo(); } #endif }