$Id: History 81686 2014-06-04 14:44:57Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- May 21, 2014 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-06-16 -------------------------- G4FieldTrack * Fixed SetChargeAndMoments to use the new method G4ChargeState::SetChargesAndMoments ( it was changing spin - because of erroneous change in G4ChargeState::SetChargesAndMoments - that method is now renamed SetChargeSpinMoments to show what it does. ) * Added pdg-spin as argument to constructors (needed to track polarization) * Renamed 'spin' to 'Polarization' in method, arguments, data member (avoid confusion) * Revised constructors to add pdg-spin as last argument (with default -1) G4ChargeState - Addressed Coverity issue 56281 'Arguments in wrong order' G4ChargeState::SetChargeMoments when used in G4FieldTrack::SetChargeMoments from addition of spin to arguments ( without revising name of method to reflect it. - Constructor: changed order of arguments, making spin 3rd argument (was 2nd) and making all arguments mandatory. - Renamed SetChargeAndMoments method with 5 arguments including spin (2nd) to SetChargeSpinMoments - Added new methods including SetChargesAndMoments, SetChargeMdm, SetChargeDipoleMoments (no spin), and also SetChargeSpin, SetChargeMdmSpin (which include spin) to provide most/all potential combinations. G4MagIntegratorDriver::OneGoodStep * Trial changes to address valgrind issue, about value used before being set Apr 01, 2014 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-06-15 -------------------------- - Moved G4FieldTrack::LoadFromArray() to .cc and removed non-necessary thread-local static data local to the function. Mar 14, 2014 J.Apostolakis -------------------------- - Fix assignment operator for G4FieldTrack. (Copied Rest Mass) - Improve printing of G4FieldTrack Jan 17, 2014 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-06-14 ------------------------- - add G4Mag_EqRhs::SetChargeMomentumMass( particleCharge, MomentumXc, mass) to G4Mag_SpinEqRhs::SetChargeMomentumMass, see bug reported at: http://hypernews.slac.stanford.edu/HyperNews/geant4/get/emfields/210.html Nov 18, 2013 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-06-13/12 ------------------------- - fix Coverity warning in G4RepleteEofM Nov 17, 2013 J.Apostolakis -------------------------- - Fixed and improved HelixMixed Stepper: Corrected the default stepper for small steps to be ClassicalRK4. Added Angle-threshold parameter. (Default remains 0.33 radians.) Added more Steppers, including G4NystromRK4. Revised Id numbers of Steppers, to make the best more visible. More comments in Stepper(). Nov 05, 2013 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-06-11 ------------------------- - remove writing out-of-bounds dydx[8] = 0. in G4RepleteEofM.cc Nov 04, 2013 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-06-10 ------------------------- - add G4RepleteEofM to sources.cmake field-V09-06-09 - same as Nov 01st, 2013 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-06-08 --------------------------- - add G4RepleteEofM: EofM that includes force due to B, E, and gravity field as well as mu*grad(B) and spin tracking. May 10th, 2013 P.Gumplinger/J.Apostolakis - field-V09-06-07 ----------------------------------------- - Revised number of field components (to allow up to 24). 18 are required for new applications (B, E, Gravity, B-gradients) - Fixes for initialisation errors found by Coverity. May 10th, 2013 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-06-06 --------------------------- - prevent divided by zero and shortcut spin tracking for spin == 0 particles: G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.cc, G4EqEMFieldWithSpin.cc and G4EqEMFieldWithEDM.cc field-V09-06-05 - same May 8th, 2013 P.Gumplinger/J.Apostolakis - field-V09-06-04 ----------------------------------------- - Introduced new class G4ChargeState to hold charge, spin, magnetic moment (promoted from internal class of G4FieldTrack). - Changed the signature of EquationOfMotion::SetChargeMomentumMass to take G4ChargeState in place of G4double (charge) as first argument. - Deleted SetChargeMomentumMass from G4ChordFinder, G4PropagatorInField, G4MagInt_Driver - Migrated testPropagateMagField and testPropagateSpin. March 19th, 2013 G.Cosmo - field-V09-06-03, field-V09-06-02 ------------------------- - Cleanup of MT changes in G4FieldManagerStore. February 26th, 2013 A.Dotti - field-V09-06-01 --------------------------- - First implementation of Cloning mechanism (needed for MT) February 22nd, 2013 G.Cosmo - field-V09-06-00 --------------------------- - Cleanup of unnecessary changes for multi-threading in G4QuadrupoleMagField. - Removed unused private data-members in G4Mag_UsualEqRhs and G4RKG3_Stepper. November 14th, 2012 P.Mato - field-V09-05-07 -------------------------- - G4QuadrupoleMagField: allow displaced origin and rotation (Björn Riese) - Added G4SystemOfUnits.hh in unit tests August 30th, 2012 P.Mato - field-V09-05-06 ------------------------ - Adapted CMakeLists.txt files to new unit tests June 11th, 2012 G.Cosmo - field-V09-05-05 ----------------------- - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. May 14th, 2012 G.Cosmo - field-V09-05-04 ---------------------- - Fixed spurious case of hidden variable visibility in G4NystromRK4, detected with '-Wshadow' compilation option on gcc compiler. February 3rd, 2012 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-05-03 --------------------------------- - G4FieldTrack: Added new (inline) method to set the Rest Mass. Needed in order to reset this - and keep reuse the same G4FieldTrack in a client (across tracks.) Made SetCurvePnt() method private. Simplified implementation of constructors. Gain of 1 square root and 1 division per call. February 3rd, 2012 G.Cosmo - field-V09-05-02 ---------------------------- - Removed tests in CMakeLists.txt causing catastrophic failure in system testing! February 2nd, 2012 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-05-01 ---------------------------------- - G4Mag_UsualEqRhs: in SetChargeMomentumMass() method, fixed problem with division by zero; stopped updating 'fInvCurrentMomentumXc' (data member is obsolete). - Added tests in CMakeLists.txt December 13th, 2011 G.Cosmo - field-V09-05-00 ---------------------------- - Fixed Coverity defects in G4SimpleRunge (removed spurious pointer data member) and G4FieldTrack (missing G4ChargeState::operator=()). - Synchronised unit tests to trunk (new test field07 and minor updates). November 11th, 2011 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-04-06 ---------------------------------- - Added G4Field.cc to list of files in sources.cmake November 4th, 2011 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-04-05 ---------------------------------- - G4Field: revised to improve ability to detect gravity field: Added new data member to identify gravity field; Added new method IsGravityActive() to access this data member; Created new source file: moving constructors to it. - Changed G4UniformGravityField and G4ElectroMagneticField to accomodate this refinement. November 2nd, 2011 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-04-04 -------------------------------- - update list of files in sources.cmake October 28th, 2011 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-04-03 -------------------------------- - Added (uniform) gravity field capability. New classes G4EqGravityField, G4UniformGravityField. *Required* for co-working tag in Transportation October 12th, 2011 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-04-02 -------------------------------- - replaced: omegac = 0.105658387*GeV/mass * 2.837374841e-3*(rad/cm/kilogauss) with: omegac = (eplus/particleMass)*c_light in G4EqEMFieldWithEDM.cc, G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.cc, G4EqEMFieldWithSpin.cc changed calculation: std::sqrt(kineticEnergy*kineticEnergy + 2.0*restMass_c2*kineticEnergy); to: std::sqrt(kineticEnergy*(kineticEnergy+2.0*restMass_c2)) in G4FieldTrack.cc August 11th, 2011 G.Cosmo - field-V09-04-01 -------------------------- - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme for warnings and errors. - Defined scheme for warnings/errors coding: + 1xxx for warnings, 0xxx for errors. Code numbering: + 0001: not supported or implemented features; + 0002: invalid setup/construct; + 0003: invalid run condition; + 1001: incorrect setup; automatically adapted. + 1002: notification. May 13th, 2011 J.Apostolakis ---------------------------- - Added new class G4TrialsCounter for keeping statistics of trials. - Avoid printing out pointer in G4CachedMagneticField::ReportStatistics(). - Updated unit tests. May 12th, 2011 G.Cosmo - field-V09-04-00 ----------------------- - Fixed compilation warnings from gcc-4.6.0 for variables set but not used. May 5th, 2011 J.Apostolakis ---------------------------- - Reordered data members to group invariants, field parameters, etc... Sep 10th, 2010 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-03-03 ----------------------------- - Revised constructor of G4MagErrorStepper to add number of State variables - Corrected MagErrorStepper to copy State Variable to output - Enable G4ConstRK4 to copy remaining State Variables (must integrate 6) Sep 10th, 2010 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-03-02 ----------------------------- - New class G4MonopoleEq for rhs of d(pc)/ds propagation in field in SI units (V.Grichine). - Fixed passing of time in G4NystromRK4 Jul 21st, 2010 T.Nikitina - field-V09-03-01 -------------------------- - Fixed cases of memory corruption in G4RKG3_Stepper. - Fixed case of unused array data member in G4ExactHelixStepper. - Removed useless code never executed in G4ConstRK4::Stepper(). - Fixed initialization in G4NystromRK4 constructor. Jul 14th, 2010 G.Cosmo - field-V09-03-00 ----------------------- - Added dummy initialization of members in constructors for G4CashKarpRKF45, G4ConstRK4, G4EqEMFieldWithEDM, G4EqEMFieldWithSpin, G4ExactHelixStepper, G4FieldTrack, G4MagHelicalStepper, G4MagInt_Driver, G4Mag_EqRhs, G4Mag_SpinEqRhs, G4Mag_UsualEqRhs, G4NystromRK4, G4RKG3_Stepper, G4UniformElectricField, G4UniformElectricField. Nov 12th, 2009 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-02-09 ----------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver: activate check on integration error for spin. Nov 12th, 2009 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-02-08 ----------------------------- (fix only) - G4Nystrom: Corrected interface method getField: array now has explicit dimension[4] (Problem found by gcc 4.3 - it checked indices used in inline method! ) Nov 6th, 2009 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-02-07 --------------------------- - bug fix in G4EqEMFieldWithSpin and G4EqEMFieldWithEDM thanks to Hiromi Iinuma (KEK) see: http://hypernews.slac.stanford.edu/HyperNews/geant4/get/emfields/161.html Nov 5th, 2009 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-02-06 ---------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc : Enabled call to ComputeRightHandSide - G4NystromRK4.cc : Disabled auxiliary code in Stepper (needed if ComputeRightHandSide is not called.) Nov 5th, 2009 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-02-05 ---------------------------- - Added new virtual method CalculateRightHandSide to G4MagIntegratorStepper for use in caching momentum (and field value) by G4NystromRK4 Default implementation in G4MagIntegratorStepper calls RightHandSide inline method. - G4Nystrom: New Set/Get method for cache distance. Changed private data members in G4NystromRK4. - G4MagIntegratorDriver: alternative call to ComputeRightHandSide is not used (in comment) As a result G4NystromRK4 operates without reusing Nov 5th, 2009 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-02-04 ---------------------------- - G4CachedMagneticField: New Simple class to cache value of Magnetic Field. Speeds up code when calculation of field value is complex. - G4NystromRK4 : New Stepper with Nystrom for magnetic field with analytic estimation of integration error. Greatly reduces number of field value per step. - Revised testPropagateMagField to use Cached Quadrupole field, and to cover G4NystromRK4 and G4ConstRK4. Nov 4th, 2009 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-02-03 --------------------------- - (minor change) remove comment from G4EqEMFieldWithSpin.cc add G4EqEMFieldWithEDM class: this is the RHS of EofM in a combined electric and magnetic field, with spin tracking for both MDM and EDM terms. Thanks to Kevin Lynch, Phys. Dept. at Boston University. May 18th, 2009 T.Nikitina - field-V09-02-02 ------------------------- - Enhanced algorithm G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointS() in order to speedup BrentLocator. March 25th, 2009 G.Cosmo - field-V09-02-01 ------------------------ - Some code cleanup and formatting... March 6th, 2009 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-02-00 ---------------------------- - Added 3rd term of BMT equation (Spin x Beta x Efield) to G4EqEMFieldWithSpin, addresses emfields forum posting #155 (bug report). Thanks to Kevin Lynch, Phys. Dept. at Boston University. - Moved renormalization of spin from G4EqEMFieldWithSpin and G4Mag_SpinEqRhs to G4ClassicalRK4 and G4SimpleHeum. - Added Spin propagation errors to the criteria for 'OneGoodStep' in G4MagIntegratorDriver but actually don't add it (yet) to the decision logic. November, 19th, 2008 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-01-05 ---------------------------------- - Renormalized the spin to 1 in G4EqEMFieldWithSpin and G4Mag_SpinEqRhs. November, 7th, 2008 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-01-04 ---------------------------------- - Added SetAnomaly() and GetAnomaly() accessors to G4EqEMFieldWithSpin. October, 28th, 2008 T.Nikitina - field-V09-01-03 -------------------------------- - Added 'ApproxCurveV' to method G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointS() in order to better calculate the curve length. - Some code cleanup. September, 18th, 2008 T.Nikitina ---------------------------------- - Added new stepper class G4ConstRK4, performing integration of one step with error calculation in constant magnetic field; implementation derived from G4ClassicalRK4. July, 15th, 2008 J.Apostolakis - field-V09-01-02 -------------------------------- - Revised signature of G4ChordFinder::FinderNextChord(), making 'FieldTrack' argument passed a reference. May, 28th, 2008 T.Nikitina ---------------------------- - G4ChordFinder: added new method ApproxCurvePointS() using Brent second order location mechanism. April 24th, 2008 T.Nikitina - field-V09-01-01 ----------------------------- - Fix 'unused' non-initialized values of dydx in G4EqMagElectricField and G4EqEMFieldWithSpin. January 17th, 2008 G.Cosmo - field-V09-01-00 ---------------------------- - G4CashKarpRKF45: deleted un-needed duplicate (and unused) instance variable 'fNumberOfVariables', already defined in G4MagIntegratorStepper. (J.Ap.) - Some code cleanup. December 7th, 2007 J.Apostolakis & T.Nikitina - field-V09-00-03 ----------------------------------------------- - New class G4FieldManagerStore. It enables resetting of all chord finders' state. Needed to address problem reported by user. September 9th, 2007 G.Cosmo - field-V09-00-02a ---------------------------- - Some code cleanup in G4MagHelicalStepper.cc. August 30th, 2007 P.Gumplinger - field-V09-00-02 --------------------------------- - Add G4EqEMFieldWithSpin class to allow tracking of spin also in G4ElectroMagneticFields August 21st, 2007 T.Nikitina - field-V09-00-01 ------------------------------- - Fix to DistChord() method for Helical Steppers: adopt 'special' case also for Ang<2pi not only for Ang pi G4RKG3Stepper - New calculation of DistChord for SteppingAngle > pi May 16th, 2007 G.Cosmo - field-V08-03-01 ------------------------- - Introduced new class G4ErrorMag_UsualEqRhs used to reverse the magnetic field when propagation is backwards for error propagation (by P.Arce). - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-02". May 11th, 2007 G.Cosmo - field-V08-03-00 ------------------------- - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance constant in G4MagIntegratorDriver. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. May 10th, 2007 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-02-01 ------------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver: * added protections against zero initial or internal step h=0, (exceptions) * revised (re)calculation of h, and quit loop if h/length < smallest-fraction (~ 10^-12) April 26th, 2007 T.Nikitina - field-V08-02-00 ---------------------------- - Corrected integration constants in G4MagHelicalStepper - Added implementation of G4RKG3_Stepper, stepper derived from Geant3. - Updated NTST unit test. New unit test "field06" for comparison of steppers. November 14th, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-01-02 ---------------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver * Made first argument of GetDerivatives a reference - avoid copy - G4MagIntegratorStepper * Include the SetEquationOfMotion() method in G4MagIntegratorStepper (for Geant4e, as in field-V08-01-00) * Update of disclaimers. November 13th, 2006 G.Cosmo - field-V08-01-01 ---------------------------- - G4FieldTrack: o Implemented missing definition for GetCharge(). o Corrected 'const' qualifier for accessors in the subclass. o Cleanup ... - NOTE: this tag is NOT including the change below in G4MagIntegratorStepper. June 21st, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-01-00 ------------------------------ - Including the SetEquationOfMotion() method in G4MagIntegratorStepper June 22nd, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-07 ----------------------------- - G4ExactHelixStepper: reintroduced corrected class --> testPropagateMagField now tests it also (added) - G4MagHelicalStepper: made Stepper virtual (for now) to enable G4ExactHelixStepper to override it June 21st, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-06 ----------------------------- - G4ExactHelixStepper: taking out class (provisional tag in case of difficulties with class, revisions) --- The field-V08-00-0x , x > 6, tags do not include the change below May 27th, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-05 ----------------------------- - G4FieldTrack: Fix for simple compilation error on Sun. May 23rd, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-04 ----------------------------- - G4FieldTrack: Fix for memory leak for ChargeState Made G4ChargeState a data member (has an instance) May 18th, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-03 ----------------------------- - G4FieldTrack: Fix for issue with gcc 4.0 (mac) May 16th, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-02 ----------------------------- - G4ExactHelixStepper Taken out alpha version - it was included in error May 11th, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-01 ----------------------------- - G4FieldTrack Significant, provisional change: * Added charge and moments to FieldTrack (SetMethods, and pointer to embedded class G4ChargeState) Technical revisions: * New constructor, with charge and without velocity * New almost-default constructor (taking a character) Also: * New constructor to take const reference to Spin * New implementation method UpdateFourMomentum * Streaming operator takes const reference, and outputs momentum magnitude & direction magn. - G4ExactHelixStepper Included in error Apr 6th, 2006 J.Apostolakis - field-V08-00-00 ---------------------------- - In G4FieldManager Added missing const GetChordFinder() method -- Problem report #847 Corrected description (at top of include file hh): - It is possible to set the field manager of a logical volume (since long) Nov 9th, 2005 G.Cosmo - field-V07-01-00 ---------------------- - Archived source code of field01 unit test, now moved to examples/extended. - Migrated unit test NTST to use and std:: namespace. Up-to-date with G4VParticleChange new interface. Dec 2nd, 2004 G.Cosmo - field-V06-02-02 ---------------------- - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. Dec 2nd, 2004 J.Apostolakis - field-V06-02-01 ---------------------------- - Improvements to comments in key Field classes - Changes to test/NTST, renaming 'main()' file & modifying input files - Several improvements to test files testProElectroMagField.cc * updating for new Electric Field inheritance (& need for different ChordFinder creation ) * adding columns to print-outs in spin case for better diagnosis testPropagateMagField.cc * Added verbosity level 1 to field Propagator, relabelled old method. testPropagateSpin.cc * Added more printout of parameters (state) of G4PropagatorInField and G4FieldManager before running each test. test/NTST * Renamed main() file to testNTST.cc and added G4UItcsh terminal. Oct 20th, 2004 P.Gumplinger - field-V06-02-00 ---------------------------- - Added Set/GetAnomaly() methods in G4Mag_SpinEqRhs. Feb 9th, 2004 G.Cosmo - field-V06-00-00 ---------------------- - G4UniformMagField.cc: added missing implementation for GetConstantFieldValue(). Fixes bug report #575. Nov 13th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-02-08 ----------------------------- - G4ChordFinder: o extended the arguments of AdvanceChordLimited and FindNextChord adding the current safety sphere (origin, radius), for use in optimising. o fixed set functions which had side effect (on first fraction.) - Added new class G4ChordFinderSaf (using above) o which uses safety to create longer chords, so enabling propagation in fewer steps --> performance optimisation - G4FieldManager: Changed default accuracy parameters to much better values: Epsilon Min Default to 5.0e-5 from 5.0e-7 (too small) Epsilon Max Default to 0.001 from 0.05 (far too big) Nov 7th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-02-07 ----------------------------- - G4ChordFinder o Made this a base class * to enable specialised implementations * virtual methods: FindNextChord, PrintStatistics) * new method AccumulateStatistics to aid in this o New default value of Accuracy!! Delta Chord to 0.25 mm (from 3.00 mm) <----- - G4FieldManager o Changed default values of Delta One Step to 0.010 mm (from 0.25 mm) <----- Delta Intersection to 0.001 mm (from 0.10 mm) <----- for increased default accuracy o Use field's DoesFieldChangesEnergy method to set relevant member variable Nov 7th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-02-06 ---------------------------- - G4ChordFinder Created new class members for parameters used in heuristics: fFirstFraction for first step fFractionLast fraction of last step, if redoing fFractionNextEstimate confidence in step est from chord fMultipleRadius for small radii of curve New method to Print Statistics. Verbosity to enable optional printing of stats in destructor. Nov 7th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-02-05 ---------------------------- - G4ChordFinder o Added simple statistics (with access methods) - test/NTST o Added new test, taken from D. Williams' exampleNTST modified and maintained by J. Apostolakis Nov 5th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-02-04 ---------------------------- - G4FieldManager o Added Get/Set Min/Max imumEpsilonStep o Added fEpsilonMin fEpsilonMax & default to member variables. >> Now these can be tailored for different parts of a detector or setup - G4Field G4ElectroMagneticField G4MagneticField o Adding the virtual method DoesFieldChangeEnergy() [to be used later] o So that G4ElectroMagneticField derives from G4Field and G4MagneticField derives from G4ElectroMagneticField - G4MagErrorStepper and derived classes (G4ClassicalRK4 G4SimpleRunge G4ExplicitEuler G4ImplicitEuler G4SimpleHeum) o the constructors take G4EquationOfMotion in place of a G4Mag_EqRhs as it these applicable to all types of equations (not just ones for Magnetic field) - G4EqMagElectricField o derives from G4EquationOfMotion - G4ChordFinder o Moved simple constructor to .cc file (together with 'complex' one) o Changed fDefaultDeltaChord to a constant member variable (from class var.) Nov 4th, 2003 G.Cosmo - field-V05-02-03 ---------------------- Undocumented. Nov 4th, 2003 G.Cosmo - field-V05-02-02 ---------------------- - G4ChordFinder.cc: o Fixed compilation problem occuring when G4DEBUG_FIELD was set. Oct 31st, 2003 G.Cosmo - field-V05-02-01 ----------------------- - Code cleanup and removal of redundant header includes, replaced where necessary by forward declarations. Oct 24th, 2003 G.Cosmo - field-V05-02-00 ----------------------- - Migrated to use new G4Exception scheme. - Updated outputs of unit tests. Jun 25th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-06 ----------------------------- - Suppressed printing of statistics (by default) in MagIntegrationDriver. - Fix for unused variables warning in ChordFinder. Jun 24th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-05 ----------------------------- - Fix for problems introduced in field-V05-01-03: o G4ChordFinder: - Fixed unitialised variable for next step (now used for optimisation). - Protected assignment of 'fLastStepEstimate_Unconstrained' in case of unitialised value. Jun 21st, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-04 ----------------------------- - G4FieldManager: o Revised into 'slightly' abstract class with one (new) virtual method: ConfigureForTrack( const G4Track *) to enable the user to configure it with different accuracy parameters depending on energy, particle id, volume, or other track state. Currently by default, no such configuration action is undertaken. Jun 21st, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-03 ----------------------------- - Revised G4ChordFinder: * FindNextChord now provides next Step estimate (for accuracy in Integr.) * AdvanceChordLimited to use - above extra argument to FindNextChord - the next Step argument as initial-step suggested to Accurate Advance - G4MagIntegratorDriver: * Added extra argument to Accurate Advance: hinitial: suggested initial step size - Note: * Purpose: performance boost with small/limited changes, including minor revisions of interfaces. Jun 20th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-02 ----------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver Quick Advance: o Took out two unneccessary square roots and two divisions. - Notes: 1) Pure magnetic, electric, spin field test are completed. 2) Purpose: performance boost with small changes. Jun 20th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-01 ----------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver: o Corrected neglected conversion to from "G4std". - Migrated unit tests to . Jun 19th, 2003 J.Apostolakis - field-V05-01-00 ----------------------------- - G4ChordFinder: o Corrected simple constructor to initialise several member variables including LastStepEstimate_Unconstrained. - G4MagIntegratorDriver: o Keep simple statistics on number of steps, total error and step size. o Took out an unneccessary square root (in loop). - NOTE: tests field0X are to be migrated. Purpose: fixes, small performance boost, simple statistics. Apr 2nd, 2003 G. Cosmo - field-V05-00-01 --------------------------- - Created .cc files for G4MagneticField and G4ElecroMagneticField. - Fixed definition of copy constructors in fields inheritance chain. - Moved obsolete method StepWithEst() to private in G4RKG3_Stepper, G4CashKarpRKF45 and G4ClassicalRK4. - Cleared strict pedantic warnings. Feb 5th, 2003 G. Cosmo - field-V05-00-00 --------------------------- - Removed redundant inclusions of PhysicalConstants.h or SystemOfUnits.h. Now using directly CLHEP's headers. Dec 12th, 2002 G. Cosmo - field-V04-01-06 --------------------------- - Moved unused variable 'nStpPr' to debug section in G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc, method AccurateAdvance(). Dec 06th, 2002 G. Cosmo - field-V04-01-05 --------------------------- - Merged changes by Makoto for migration to new G4ApplicationState in messengers of unit tests. Nov 29th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-01-04 --------------------------------- Further fixes for unitialised variable - in other steppers: G4ExplicitEuler, G4ImplicitEuler, G4ImplicitEuler Large memory leak fix for G4ImplicitEuler, small for ExplicitEuler. Test accuracy requirements for spin adjusted. Nov 20th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-01-03 --------------------------------- Further fixes for unitialised variables: * G4MagIntegratorStepper - Created instance variables for number of Integration, State variables * G4MagErrorStepper - Utilise number of State variables to initialise full state of Output. * G4Mag_SpinEqRhs - Initialise the values of dydx that we do not update. Note: Undoing these changes and the ones below would enable the user to see if undefined values are used in variables that he/she expects to have integrated. BUT the fix assists us to find truly undefined values elsewhere -- if they exist -- using valgrind. Nov 9th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-01-02 --------------------------------- Fixes to address use of uninitialised variable in seting values of FieldTrack (this was done by design, but was neither ideal or always well-behaved.) Changed: * G4MagIntegratorDriver - Added instance variables for number of Integration, State variables - Initialise all State variables of Output with values from initial variables. - Only the Integration variables will be integrated * G4ClassicalRK4 and G4MagErrorStepper - Copy the initial time to intermediate and output C-vectors, in order to provide a zero-eth estimate value. Note1: Should clean-up this fix, making it similar to Driver (above) Note2: Should *not* be used for time varying field unless created with at least 8 integration variables --------------------------------- G4ChordFinder.cc - Correction from zero dChord which is does not update the Unconstrained step estimate (state) - Added instance variables to store number of calls and chord-trials and new print method for 'debugging' G4Mag_UsualEqRhs.cc - Attempted approximations for speedup *overwritten* by full inverse sqrt. Oct 29th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - test-V04-01-02 -------------------------------- - Changed output of tests for small output change (GeV->MeV) Oct 29th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - test-V04-01-02 -------------------------------- - (Only changed and tagged test subdirectory) Changed tests to use the new method SetChargeMomentumMass of PropagatorInField in order to be ready for its full use in G4PropagatorInField. (A key problem at end-July was this non-preparedness of the unit tests.) Jul 24th, 2002 G. Cosmo - field-V04-01-01 -------------------------- - G4FieldManager[.hh.cc]: made fDefault_Delta_One_Step_Value and fDefault_Delta_Intersection_Val normal constants (not static) to resolve initialisation problems. Coworks with tag "geomvol-V04-01-01". Fixes problem report #383. Jul 23rd, 2002 G. Cosmo - field-V04-01-00 -------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc: cleared warning of unused variable. Protected variable 'nStpPr' with G4DEBUG_FIELD. - Updated reference outputs and some other updates to unit tests. Jun 25th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-00-05 -------------------------------- - G4ChordFinder.cc In NewStep: fixed case of stepTrial >> stepTrialOld, to take large multiple - not small; (it was treated the same as stepTrial << old) Added guard for stepTrial==0.0 in FindNextChord - G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc Added protection against error of 0.0 in ComputeNewStepSize. - G4EquationOfMotion Made RightHandSide an inline method In GetFieldValue signature of Point is double[4], instead of double[3] Defined G4maximum_number_of_field_components as enum Jun 7th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-00-04 -------------------------------- - G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.cc o Fix to momentum component of Rhs. May 31st, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-00-03 -------------------------------- - G4MagHelicalStepper.icc o Fix to LinearStep (correcting previous fix/cosmetic) - G4ChordFinder.cc o Corrective behaviour for very small or large changes of 'new step' [observed in complex 3-d fields (purging magnet), or approximate equations of motion ] - G4MagIntegratorDriver o More information in debug printing (tangent cosine, norm) May 7th, 2002 J. Apostolakis -------------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver - ( on trunk ) * Fix to update the field track for steps smaller than the chord finder's minstep. April 19th, 2002 J. Apostolakis (not included in tag field-V04-00-02) -------------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver.hh,cc (on trunk) * Bug fix: last step can now only be triggerred if x+h > x2. * Debugging methods improved. May 7th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-00-02 -------------------------------- Tag including only two changes below: - Putting aside the other fixes/changes (as the one above) to G4MagIntegratorDriver, tagging only the fix to update the field track for steps smaller than the chord finder's minstep. May 7th, 2002 J. Apostolakis -------------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorDriver - ** branch ** on 1.20 ** * Fix to update the field track for steps smaller than the chord finder's minstep. May 7th, 2002 J. Apostolakis -------------------------------- - G4MagIntegratorStepper * Changed RightHandSide from a virtual method to an inline (non-virtual) method -- it is not and should not be changed by derived classes. Mar 28th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - field-V04-00-01 ----------------------- - Fixed LinearStep in G4MagHelicalStepper (expected unit direction), that had not been updated for new integration variable (momentum). --> found in testing helical steppers in BaBar setup, in region of negligible field. - Changed maximum number of steps in driver, halving from 500/order to 250/order. Mar 28th, 2002 J. Apostolakis ----------------------- - Committed directory "OtherField" with examples of fields, Delphi, Quadropole etc. - Updated outputs of testPropagateMagField for new version of source, that has 3rd test case. - Added new runs and outputs for testProElectroMagField, with several steppers, and modified test script test.sh accordingly. Feb 2nd, 2002 V. Grichine ------------------------ Update of test/field02 to utilise new features - for Electric Field, to signal that a field modifies the energy; - updating of time by integration, for time dependent fields. Jan 10th, 2002 G. Cosmo - field-V04-00-00 ------------------------ - Activated G4DEBUG_FIELD in GNUmakefile. Jan 7th, 2002 J. Apostolakis ----------------------------- - G4MagHelicalStepper.cc: renamed local variables "*Momentum*" to "*Velocity*". Dec 4th, 2001 G. Cosmo - field-V03-02-08 ----------------------- - Fixed interface to virtual functions in the inheritance chain. Added 'virtual' qualifier to destructor and GetFieldValue() for subclasses of G4Field which may act as base class for user-defined fields. Modified files: G4MagneticField.hh, G4UniformElectricField[.hh.cc], G4UniformMagField.hh. - G4ChordFinder.cc: the unphysical curve length exception has been moved to inside #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD. Other #ifdef renamed to G4DEBUG_FIELD. - G4LineSection[.hh.cc]: correction for A=B when the distance from P to A is returned (V.Grichine). Nov 28th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-02-07 ------------------------------ G4FieldManager - Added fFieldChangesEnergy data member and get/set methods ( required to allow transportation to know how to calculate end-time, enabling the integration of time only for electric fields. ) Nov 28th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-02-06 ------------------------------ Small fixes only: G4CashKarpRKF45 - fixed deletion of unassigned pointer/array in destructor. (-> Volodya Velev) G4EqMagElectricField - bug fixed in the formula for inverse velocity (-> V. Grichine) Nov 21st, 2001 G. Cosmo - field-V03-02-05 ------------------------ - Protected verbose warnings with G4FIELD_DEBUG flag in G4ChordFinder.cc (V.Grichine). - Replaced G4DEBUG with G4DEBUG_FIELD in G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc. - Updates to unit test field02. Nov 13th, 2001 G. Cosmo - field-V03-02-04 ------------------------ - Removed warnings on gcc-2.95.2. - Included unit tests field01, field02, field03. Nov 9th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-02-03 ----------------------------- Motivated by the use case of an Electric Field, - in order to achieve reasonable accuracy in time integration, - and to enable fields that vary with the global time) we (John Ap. and V. Grichine) changed the following: - Modified G4Field to allow the time in the GetFieldValue method - as 4th component of the "position" array. - Modified EquationOfMotion to provide the time to the GetFieldValue method of G4Field * as the 4th component of a position / time 4-array * in place of only position as a 3-arry - Added the global time as variable to be integrated over in the case of an Electric Field Support for these modifications is required in G4Transportation. (Better support will require either - a modification in G4FieldTrack to indicate whether the time has been integrated or not. - or additionally making the time calculation a property of G4FieldTrack, bring in code to do it in from G4Transportation.) Nov 8th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-02-02 ------------------------ - Introduced several changes in G4MagIntegratorDriver. It now respects its minimum driver step size in AccurateAdvance. * whereas before it did not. Modified maximum number of steps, lowering by factor of 10. -> it should reduce the time spent integrating low energy particles, in some cases where it is unneccessary. Protected printing of (nearly?) all warnings with a G4DEBUG_FIELD #ifdef. Nov 05th, 2001 G. Cosmo - field-V03-02-01 ------------------------ - Fixed trivial warnings on Linux-g++. Aug 27th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-02-00 ------------------------------ Tagged last change. This tag is utilised in transport-V03-02-01 (which requires it). Aug 16th, 2001 J. Apostolakis ------------------------------ G4ChordFinder: Added method to erase/reset the state of the StepEstimate. This is unwanted internal state that was carried between tracks and events as a side effect. Calling this at the start of each track, it is now possible to eliminate a non-repeatability that was possible due to this. ( It has been observed in particular in vaccuum. ) May 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-01-02 ------------------------------ - Added Exception to G4RKG3Stepper constructor: the class does not work May 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-01-01 ------------------------------ - Fixed G4FieldManager constructors to give default values to delta parameters. - Updated testPropagateSpin (it now compiles), and some outputs of testPropagateMagField (1 to 5) Apr 12th, 2001 P. Gumplinger - field-V03-01-00 ----------------------------- - Updated G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.hh and G4Mag_SpinEqRhs.cc for correction to spin tracking. Apr 04th, 2001 G. Cosmo - field-V03-00-05 ------------------------ - G4FieldTrack.icc: fixed pedantic warnings on Linux-g++. Mar 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-00-04 ------------------------------ - Electric Field unit test now works: test runs until completion. Test outputs saved (on Linux). - Fixed src/G4UniformElectricField.cc to set correct field components (compatible with Equation of Motion G4EqMagElectricField ) - Tidied G4FieldTrack * deleted obsolete methods Set/Get MomentumModulus() and its data member. * in constructor to set the value of the spin to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if pSpin is null. (It was undefined.) Mar 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-00-03 ------------------------------ - Fixed (hacked) CashKarp to work using Auxiliary Stepper. - Modified G4MagIntegratorStepper to use pointer to G4EquationOfMotion instead of G4Mag_EqRhs - Design iteration appears neccessary Mar 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-00-02 ------------------------------ - Fixed G4MagHelicalStepper::AdvanceHelix for momentum, allowing the possibility of (correct) use of all Helical Steppers. - test/testProElectroMagField.cc updated for momentum. (Not yet updated: Spin tests) Mar 19th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - field-V03-00-01 ------------------------------ - Tagging the modification of several classes to integrate in momentum*c_light instead of velocity. Reason for change: Velocity integration can result in superluminar velocities, due to arithmetic inaccuracies. Classes modified: G4FieldTrack, (Changed components 3,4,5 of SixVector to Momentum, G4Mag_EqRhs, G4Mag_UsualEqRhs, G4EqMagElectricField Feb 20th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - Modified several classes to integrate in momentum instead of velocity. G4FieldTrack: Changed components 3,4,5 of SixVector to Momentum, Modified constructor Added energy calculation to "LoadFromArray" method GetEnergy method is now implemented. Deleted obsolete (old) method names for Curve and Position. New have "Get" G4ChordFinder Renamed old-method names of Field Track to new ones. Jan 29th, 2001 G. Cosmo - field-V03-00-00 ------------------------- - Minor fix to G4MagneticField.hh: added explicit call to G4Field() in copy constructor. Fixes report #205. Nov 20th, 2000 G. Cosmo - field-V02-00-02 - Fixes to remove warnings from "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" g++ compiler options: o commented out variables declared and not used. o fixed declaration of variables used before being initialised. o fixed order of initialisation of member data in constructors. o fixed usage of unsigned-int (size_t) for array indeces. Nov 9th, 2000 G. Cosmo - field-V02-00-01 - G4FieldManager: added check on existence of allocated fChordFinder in CreateChordFinder(G4MagneticField*) method. Nov 1st, 2000 G. Cosmo - field-V02-00-00 - QA code revision and cleanup (+fixes from CodeWizard filtering): o Added (private) declarations of copy constructor and assignment operator where needed. o Added "const" qualifier to accessor methods, wherever needed. o Added equality check on operator= where needed. o Made destructor "virtual" for classes having virtual methods, wherever missing. o Changed virtual functions to non-inline wherever's the case. o Changed return value to be "const" pointer to functions: - G4EquationOfMotion::GetFieldObj() - G4FieldManager::GetDetectorField() - G4MagIntegratorDriver::GetStepper() o Fixed and corrected signature to G4MagIntegratorDriver::SetHmin(). o Added "inline" qualifier to methods' declarations. o General cosmetics Jun 2nd, 2000 J. Apostolakis - G4FieldManager[.hh.icc] o Added DeltaIntersection and DeltaOneStep to FieldManager: added Get/Set methods and SetAccuraciesWithDeltaOneStep(). May 31st, 2000 J. Apostolakis - field-V01-01-03 include/G4FieldManager.hh,icc o Moved Delta Intersection and Delta One Step to FieldManager (from Propagator in Field), to allow them to differ over the detector. May 11th, 2000 J. Apostolakis - field-V01-01-02 - G4ChordFinder[.hh.cc] o Modified method for finding new trial step. New method assumes a quadratic relationship between step-length and d_chord: d_chord proportional to step-lenght ^ 2 o Added two small refinement in order to avoid unneccesary extra step due to small numerical inaccuracies in estimation: FindNextChord to first step use (1-0.001) * last-step-estimate New Step: to subsequent step use trial_step = 0.98 * estimate May 10th, 2000 G. Cosmo - G4MagneticField.hh: minor fix to dummy implementation of assignment operator. May 9th, 2000 J. Apostolakis - field-V01-01-01 - G4MagErrorStepper: Modified DistChord to check whether the chord endpoint are the same point. - G4RKG3_Stepper: Deleted error message from StepNoErr, as it is used in Stepper. - G4MagIntegratorDriver: Changed the condition for the debug output (~cosmetic) April 27th, 2000 G. Cosmo - Reorganised comments for the Software Reference Manual. - Moved inlined definition to .icc files, where needed. Created: G4ChordFinder.icc and G4FieldManager.icc. April 13th, 2000 J. Apostolakis - field-V01-01-00 - Modified signature to function DumbStepper() in classes: G4HelixExplicitEuler, G4HelixHeum, G4HelixImplicitEuler, G4HelixSimpleRunge and G4MagHelicalStepper. - Modified signature and implementation of function MagFieldEvaluate() in G4MagHelicalStepper, to use Field (as ThreeVector) in place of dydx. - Made Richardson extrapolation optional (it is unclear if it offers benefit) in G4MagHelicalStepper. - Updated unit test testPropagateMagField and reference output. - G4LineSection: fixes to prevent divisions by 0. and sqrt(<0) (V.Grichine). January 19th, 2000 G. Cosmo - field-V01-00-00 Syncronized versioning of files with HEAD after ISO-C++ migration (essentially CVS header changes). December 7th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-V00-01-01a For negative or very small curve lengths (h) we suppress writing an error (about the distance of endpoints being further than the curve length), as it is meaningless. November 23rd, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-V00-01-01 Tagged this sub-category's state in geometry-V00-01-01 July 6th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-07 These fixes and those in field-01-00-06 and field-01-00-06a all come from the need to cope with the imprecision of the integration, and its interaction with paths that are rather straight. G4MagIntegrationDriver: i) AccurateAdvance now that the chord distance is smaller than the curve len- gth (times 1+epsilon). ii) OneGoodStep and QuickAdvance considers the error of the velocity as well as the error of the position - and ensure that both relative errors are within the "eps" maximum given. G4ChordFinder: Having found that the curve_length vs ABdist disrepancy has its basis in the imprecision of the integration: i) Modified the exception in this case to happen only for very large relative disrepancies ( 10 * eps ). ii) Undertaken a default corrective action in all other cases Note that this disrepancy only happens for very straight sections of track - ie step lengths much smaller than the curvature of the track. July 1st, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-06a In order to cope with the anomalous condition created by candidate fix in G4PropagatorInField, we ensure that the fraction_AE is always between 0 and 1.0. (giving it a default value of 0.5 whenever it is wrong). ( in G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointV ) June 29th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-06 I re-instated a check on whether the input distance along the curve between the two input curve points is truly greater than their linear distance. ( in G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointV ) The condition that prints out a warning message has been altered to take into account the case of a very small final interval. ( in G4MagInt_Driver::AccurateAdvance ) June ??th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-05 The condition that prints out a warning message was changed to delete an incorrect comparison. ( in G4MagInt_Driver::AccurateAdvance ) April 19th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-04 G4MagErrorStepper: Cosmetic changes to name of data members March 4th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-03 Corrected delete statement of arrays to use 'delete[]' instead of simple delete in destructors of 2 steppers (G4CashKarpRKF45, G4SimpleHeum) February 17th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-02 Moved G4PropagatorInField files to geometry/volumes. Updated GNUmakefile not to depend on geometry/volumes anymore. -> the known circular dependency is removed February 12th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-spin1-works1 (act Feb17) A tag that contains the first version that worked with spin (in Peter G.'s directory). G4PropagateInSpin is still in this version. A small change in a branch of the header file was needed. February 10th, 1999 J. Apostolakis All the following changes are needed for energy integration also: G4ChordFinder now passes to the constructed driver the number of variables. Because of the need for the stepper to know about it in its Abstract interface -> Moved theNumberOfVariables from derived class G4MagErrorStepper to base class G4MagIntegratorStepper As a consequense the classes that derived from G4MagIntegratorStepper directly were changed: G4CashKarpRKF45, G4MagHelicalStepper, February 9th, 1999 J. Apostolakis Equation of Motion: G4MagEqRhs.hh Made SetChargeMomentumMass virtual, so that G4Mag_SpinEqRhs can initialise its constants too. February 9th, 1999 P. Gumplinger Added Equation of Motion for Spin in Magnetic Field. February 17th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-01 ---> date is correct, made sure that tag does not include above fixes! Moved G4PropagatorInField files to geometry/volumes. Updated GNUmakefile not to depend on geometry/volumes anymore. -> the known circular dependency is removed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Geant 4 Production Release ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 19th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - field-00-04-01head ===> R+D version only G4PropagatorInField files modified: - to store the last safety computed and its origin. - to give them to a requester ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nov 19th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - field-00-03-03b Subtle fix to interface of G4UniformMagField::GetFieldValue ( that tripped Visual C++ ) G4PropagatorInField: added printing method for verboseness. Nov 19th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - field-00-03-03a Steppers: Fixed instance variables construction (SimpleRunge) and clash of names in CashKarp::StepWithEstimate Added post-const to all Field classes for void GetFieldValue(const G4double yTrack[] , G4double B[] ) const ; Added SetFieldValue methods to UniformMagField Added GetConstantFieldValue() methods to Uniform Mag & Electric Fields Nov 19th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - field-00-03-03 Fixes to Propagate and Steppers Nov 19th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - field-00-03-02 Minor corrections (???) Nov 19th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - field-00-03-02 Major development to allow Electric Field June 17th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - magfield-06-03 Modified Files: include/G4PropagatorInField.hh src/G4PropagatorInField.cc test/testPropagateInField.cc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Added an assertion after each call to LocateGlobalPointAndSetup. It checks that the located volume is equal to the current volume. If this check fails, the Propagator does not know how to continue. 2) Added an argument to ComputeStep method of G4PropagatorInField. The new volume argument is used to check the current volume during the step. 3) When G4Navigator's ComputeStep returned stepLength==stepRequested, this used to be treated as a failure to intersect. This is incorrect. stepLength==stepRequested is an intersection, so I am now treating it as such in each comparison (of 3). Ignoring it causes problems, including volume being skipped. --> but treating it as an intersection used to cause problems too ?? May 7th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - magfield-06-02-helix01 - Tag includes new version of G4ChordFinder (not used by W.Wander). May 7th, 1998 W. Wander (recorded/commited by J. Apostolakis) - New "helical" RK steppers that move in helical segments, not linear. * Several changes to add steppers Modified Files: G4MagErrorStepper.hh G4MagErrorStepper.cc added Helical stepping methods to this general ABC. G4MagIntegratorStepper.hh made RightHandSide virtual (this will be reversed very soon) testPropagateMagField.cc Test of Helical stepping functionality added. Added Files for new Helical RK steppers, deriving from G4MagErrorStepper: G4HelixExplicitEuler.cc ( and .hh ) G4HelixHeum.cc G4HelixImplicitEuler.cc G4HelixSimpleRunge.cc Added File for implementation: G4MagErrorStepper.icc May 7th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - magfield-06-01 - added small changes to * G4ChordFinder: methods to get/set IntegratorDriver * G4MagIntegratorDriver: made OneGoodStep method public - created the file.