// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4NystromRK4.cc 66356 2012-12-18 09:02:32Z gcosmo $ // // History: // - Created: I.Gavrilenko 15.05.2009 (as G4AtlasRK4) // - Adaptations: J. Apostolakis May-Nov 2009 // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4NystromRK4.hh" #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor - with optional distance ( has default value) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4NystromRK4::G4NystromRK4(G4Mag_EqRhs* magEqRhs, G4double distanceConstField) : G4MagIntegratorStepper(magEqRhs, 6), // number of variables m_fEq( magEqRhs ), m_magdistance( distanceConstField ), m_cof( 0.0 ), m_mom( 0.0 ), m_imom( 0.0 ), m_cachedMom( false ) { m_fldPosition[0] = m_iPoint[0] = m_fPoint[0] = m_mPoint[0] = 9.9999999e+99 ; m_fldPosition[1] = m_iPoint[1] = m_fPoint[1] = m_mPoint[1] = 9.9999999e+99 ; m_fldPosition[2] = m_iPoint[2] = m_fPoint[2] = m_mPoint[2] = 9.9999999e+99 ; m_fldPosition[3] = -9.9999999e+99; m_lastField[0] = m_lastField[1] = m_lastField[2] = 0.0; m_magdistance2 = distanceConstField*distanceConstField; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4NystromRK4::~G4NystromRK4() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Integration in one step ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4NystromRK4::Stepper (const G4double P[],const G4double dPdS[],G4double Step,G4double Po[],G4double Err[]) { G4double R[3] = { P[0], P[1] , P[2]}; G4double A[3] = {dPdS[0], dPdS[1], dPdS[2]}; m_iPoint[0]=R[0]; m_iPoint[1]=R[1]; m_iPoint[2]=R[2]; const G4double one_sixth= 1./6.; G4double S = Step ; G4double S5 = .5*Step ; G4double S4 = .25*Step ; G4double S6 = Step * one_sixth; // Step / 6.; // John A added, in order to emulate effect of call to changed/derived RHS // m_mom = sqrt(P[3]*P[3]+P[4]*P[4]+P[5]*P[5]); // m_imom = 1./m_mom; // m_cof = m_fEq->FCof()*m_imom; // Point 1 // G4double K1[3] = { m_imom*dPdS[3], m_imom*dPdS[4], m_imom*dPdS[5] }; // Point2 // G4double p[4] = {R[0]+S5*(A[0]+S4*K1[0]), R[1]+S5*(A[1]+S4*K1[1]), R[2]+S5*(A[2]+S4*K1[2]), P[7] }; getField(p); G4double A2[3] = {A[0]+S5*K1[0],A[1]+S5*K1[1],A[2]+S5*K1[2]}; G4double K2[3] = {(A2[1]*m_lastField[2]-A2[2]*m_lastField[1])*m_cof, (A2[2]*m_lastField[0]-A2[0]*m_lastField[2])*m_cof, (A2[0]*m_lastField[1]-A2[1]*m_lastField[0])*m_cof}; m_mPoint[0]=p[0]; m_mPoint[1]=p[1]; m_mPoint[2]=p[2]; // Point 3 with the same magnetic field // G4double A3[3] = {A[0]+S5*K2[0],A[1]+S5*K2[1],A[2]+S5*K2[2]}; G4double K3[3] = {(A3[1]*m_lastField[2]-A3[2]*m_lastField[1])*m_cof, (A3[2]*m_lastField[0]-A3[0]*m_lastField[2])*m_cof, (A3[0]*m_lastField[1]-A3[1]*m_lastField[0])*m_cof}; // Point 4 // p[0] = R[0]+S*(A[0]+S5*K3[0]); p[1] = R[1]+S*(A[1]+S5*K3[1]); p[2] = R[2]+S*(A[2]+S5*K3[2]); getField(p); G4double A4[3] = {A[0]+S*K3[0],A[1]+S*K3[1],A[2]+S*K3[2]}; G4double K4[3] = {(A4[1]*m_lastField[2]-A4[2]*m_lastField[1])*m_cof, (A4[2]*m_lastField[0]-A4[0]*m_lastField[2])*m_cof, (A4[0]*m_lastField[1]-A4[1]*m_lastField[0])*m_cof}; // New position // Po[0] = P[0]+S*(A[0]+S6*(K1[0]+K2[0]+K3[0])); Po[1] = P[1]+S*(A[1]+S6*(K1[1]+K2[1]+K3[1])); Po[2] = P[2]+S*(A[2]+S6*(K1[2]+K2[2]+K3[2])); m_fPoint[0]=Po[0]; m_fPoint[1]=Po[1]; m_fPoint[2]=Po[2]; // New direction // Po[3] = A[0]+S6*(K1[0]+K4[0]+2.*(K2[0]+K3[0])); Po[4] = A[1]+S6*(K1[1]+K4[1]+2.*(K2[1]+K3[1])); Po[5] = A[2]+S6*(K1[2]+K4[2]+2.*(K2[2]+K3[2])); // Errors // Err[3] = S*std::fabs(K1[0]-K2[0]-K3[0]+K4[0]); Err[4] = S*std::fabs(K1[1]-K2[1]-K3[1]+K4[1]); Err[5] = S*std::fabs(K1[2]-K2[2]-K3[2]+K4[2]); Err[0] = S*Err[3] ; Err[1] = S*Err[4] ; Err[2] = S*Err[5] ; Err[3]*= m_mom ; Err[4]*= m_mom ; Err[5]*= m_mom ; // Normalize momentum // G4double normF = m_mom/std::sqrt(Po[3]*Po[3]+Po[4]*Po[4]+Po[5]*Po[5]); Po [3]*=normF; Po[4]*=normF; Po[5]*=normF; // Pass Energy, time unchanged -- time is not integrated !! Po[6]=P[6]; Po[7]=P[7]; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Estimate the maximum distance from the curve to the chord ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4double G4NystromRK4::DistChord() const { G4double ax = m_fPoint[0]-m_iPoint[0]; G4double ay = m_fPoint[1]-m_iPoint[1]; G4double az = m_fPoint[2]-m_iPoint[2]; G4double dx = m_mPoint[0]-m_iPoint[0]; G4double dy = m_mPoint[1]-m_iPoint[1]; G4double dz = m_mPoint[2]-m_iPoint[2]; G4double d2 = (ax*ax+ay*ay+az*az) ; if(d2!=0.) { G4double ds = (ax*dx+ay*dy+az*dz)/d2; dx -= (ds*ax) ; dy -= (ds*ay) ; dz -= (ds*az) ; } return std::sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Derivatives calculation - caching the momentum value ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4NystromRK4::ComputeRightHandSide(const G4double P[],G4double dPdS[]) { G4double P4vec[4]= { P[0], P[1], P[2], P[7] }; // Time is P[7] getField(P4vec); m_mom = std::sqrt(P[3]*P[3]+P[4]*P[4]+P[5]*P[5]) ; m_imom = 1./m_mom ; m_cof = m_fEq->FCof()*m_imom ; m_cachedMom = true ; // Caching the value dPdS[0] = P[3]*m_imom ; // dx /ds dPdS[1] = P[4]*m_imom ; // dy /ds dPdS[2] = P[5]*m_imom ; // dz /ds dPdS[3] = m_cof*(P[4]*m_lastField[2]-P[5]*m_lastField[1]) ; // dPx/ds dPdS[4] = m_cof*(P[5]*m_lastField[0]-P[3]*m_lastField[2]) ; // dPy/ds dPdS[5] = m_cof*(P[3]*m_lastField[1]-P[4]*m_lastField[0]) ; // dPz/ds }