$Id: History 88518 2015-02-25 13:22:30Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- December 15, 2014 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-25) --------------------------------- - G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: revise implementation of ComputeStep, to avoid calling G4Navigator::ComputeSafety (which has side effects.) Addresses problem report #1679. November 27, 2014 - G.Cosmo --------------------------- - Added protection in G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOutRad() for potential rare cases of negative value to sqrt() in equation calculation for rmin/rmax intersection. - Improved warning printout in G4Navigator::GetGlobalExitNormal(). November 20, 2014 - J.Apostolakis --------------------------------- - G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: fix to make normal a unit vector, and fix for Coverity issue, to protect against null 'target'. Addressing problem report #1679. November 19, 2014 - G.Cosmo --------------------------- - Some code cleanup in G4Navigator source. November 18, 2014 - J.Apostolakis --------------------------------- - G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: added GetGlobalExitNormal() method to correspond to update of G4Navigator interface in Geant4 9.5. Addresses problem report #1679. - G4Navigator: small fix to calculation of stored step endpoint, for steps that do not hit a boundary. - Fixed GNUmakefile in test. November 14, 2014 - J.Apostolakis --------------------------------- - G4Navigator: Corrections for Exit Normal. October 20, 2014 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-24) -------------------------- - Leave out changes in G4FieldPropagation.cc laying on the trunk... October 18, 2014 - A.Dotti -------------------------- - Code cleanup: removed unnecessary G4ThreadLocal in G4ReplicaNavigation. June 24, 2014 - G.Folger (geomnav-V09-06-23) ------------------------- - G4MultiNavigator: set 'fIdNavLimiting' index to navigator limiting the step, if only one navigator limited the step. Fixes crash in RE05 on Windows. May 27, 2014 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-22) ---------------------------- - G4Navigator: corrected saving/restoring of 'navigator state': - Added bool sWasLimitedByGeometry to G4SaveNavigatorState struct ( fixes side effect of call to ComputeSafety. ) - Corrected RestoreState() to reset the Safety Origin and Value - ComputeSafety: If at endpoint of step, answer safety=0.0 quickly. Do not save/restore state. April 10, 2014 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-21) ------------------------ - Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in source files. March 14, 2014 - J.Apostolakis ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder: Added method for end of track - needed to signal G4 Transportation Manager to use 'ordinary' Navigator. - Revised G4Navigator::SetupHierarchy, to reduce extra cost due to handling the case of Nested Parameterisation. - PropagatorInField: When setting up a new Intersection Locator pass pointer to current Navigator. December 11th, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-20) ----------------------------- - Fixed implementation of G4TransportationManager::SetNavigatorForTracking() to initialise active navigator and propagator-in-field with the new provided instance. Addressing problem report #1537. - Minor code cleanup in G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger. November 22nd, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova (geomnav-V09-06-19) ---------------------------------- - Fixed compiler warning intruduced with previous update. November 22nd, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova (geomnav-V09-06-18) ---------------------------------- - Removed checks for existence of G4TransportationManager from G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger as they do not work as expected. September 9th, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-17) ----------------------------- - Relaxed condition for reported move in G4PathFinder::Locate() to exclude reports for intentional pushes. September 3rd, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova (geomnav-V09-06-16) ---------------------------------- - Added new messenger class G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger defining UI commands for creating/deleting the global uniform magnetic field and activating/inactivating it according to the set field value. August 27th, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-15) --------------------------- - Added G4Ellipsoid among solids enabled for parameterisation in G4PhantomParameterisation. August 22nd, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-14) --------------------------- - Added ability to set maximum number of errors to report for overlaps from a volume in G4GeometryMessenger. Added new UI command "/geometry/test/maximum_errors [int]" to fix the threshold. By default, for each volume, reports stop after the first error reported. August 21st, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-13) --------------------------- - Rationalised implementation of VolumeType() and CharacteriseDaughters() in G4Navigator, to use implementation now provided in G4VPhysicalVolume and G4LogicalVolume respectively. July 15th, 2013 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-12) ------------------------------- - G4SafetyHelper: fixed compilation warning; take out unused variable and cleanup. July 12th, 2013 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-11) ------------------------------- - G4SafetyHelper: protection against storing 'fake' safety, in case 'maxLength' is used ( not DBL_MAX ). June 4th, 2013 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-10) ------------------------------ - G4MultiNavigator: fixed use of enum as Boolean in GetGlobalExitNormal(). Issue identified by Coverity. Jun 3rd, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-09) ----------------------- - Corrected deletion of commands in destructor and removed unused pointer. - Made copy-ctor and assignment operator private in G4Navigator, as not supposed to be copied or cloned. May 23rd, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-08) ------------------------ - Archived GeomTest* classes for overlaps checking through grid/cylinder lines. UI commands are replaced with calls to built-in overlaps checking based on random points located in surface. Defined commands are: /geometry/test/tolerance [double] [unit] -- to define tolerance by which overlaps should not be reported. Default is '0'. /geometry/test/verbosity [bool] -- to set verbosity mode. Default is 'true'. /geometry/test/resolution [int] -- to establish the number of points on surface to be generated and checked for each volume. Default is '10000'. /geometry/test/recursion_start [int] -- to set the starting depth level in the volumes tree from where checking overlaps. Default is level '0'. /geometry/test/recursion_depth [int] -- to set the total depth in the volume tree for checking overlaps. Default is '-1', which means checking the whole tree. /geometry/test/run -- to start the overlaps checking recursively through the volumes tree. May 7th, 2013 - P.Gumplinger (geomnav-V09-06-07, geomnav-V09-06-06) ---------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField: deleted SetChargeMomentumMass method. May 7th, 2013 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-05) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: Added new helper object G4VoxelSafety. A helper object is owned by a Navigator instance. To avoid including header it is stored as pointer. Resolves issue with Multi-threading (thanks to Andrea Dotti for identifying and reporting the issue.) Apr 17th, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-04) ------------------------ - Minor code cleanup. Apr 16th, 2013 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-03) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: made new safety (from G4VoxelSafety) the default. Apr 16th, 2013 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-06-02) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: corrected calculation of edges of voxels. Identified when point's coordinate is beyond the range of voxels. Mar 19th, 2013 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-01) ------------------------ - Cleanup of MT changes in G4PathFinder, G4RegularNavigationHelper and G4TransportationManager. Dec 10th, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-06-00) ------------------------ - Cleared left-over debug check in G4VoxelNavigation. Addressing problem report #1406. Nov 20th, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-45) ------------------------ - Corrected G4Exceptions tags and text. Nov 15th, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-44) ------------------------ - Code cleanup. Nov 6th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-43) ------------------------------ - G4SafetyHelper: fixed ComputeSafety(), to adapt it to use ComputeSafety() with extra argument. It was passing a boolean for this argument. That was correct until the additional argument was added. Nov 6th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-42) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator::ComputeSafety(): made the 'old' safety default (the one provided by G4VoxelNavigation. - G4VoxelSafety: in ComputeSafety(), provide the mother safety in the call to SafetyForVoxelHeader() as initial value; optimisation, to reduce number of voxels searched. In SafetyForVoxelHeader(), if point is outside boundaries of voxel 'Min' or 'Max' coordinates, then corresponding 'distance' will be negative. Must never consider this direction to move: Reset that distance to DBL_MAX. Cosmetic changes in SafetyForVoxelHeader(): added explanation: why must 'pointNodeNo' be normalised; revised asserts, corrected comments and removed old ones; added 'depth' to some diagnostic printouts. Nov 9th, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-41) ----------------------- - G4RegularNavigationHelper: added newline at the end of file to avoid compilation warnings on clang. Nov 9th, 2012 - G.Folger (geomnav-V09-05-40) ------------------------ - G4RegularNavigationHelper: transform it to real singleton from static utility class, created upon first use; make vector of 'Steplengths' a data member. - Adapted G4RegularNavigation to use G4RegularNavigationHelper singleton calls. - Co-works with procscore-V09-05-05, which requires it. Nov 6th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-39) ------------------------------ - Fix for compiler warning from gcc 4.7. Nov 6th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-38) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety::SafetyForVoxelNode(): corrected calculation of 'pointNodeNo' to ensure it corresponds to a physical node ( range: 0 to Max-1 ). Reason: it is possible for the Min and Max of a voxel NOT to contain the current location along an axis (at lower levels only, not top level). Interface change: added const pointer to Physical volume (for printing). Nov 5th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-37) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety::SafetyForVoxelHeader(): use 'minSafety' and 'maxLength' to prune search tree for optimisation. Pass along 'minSafety' to lower levels. Also keep safety at this level and below (NOT above) as 'ourSafety' Return 'ourSafety', not updated value of 'minSafety'. Arguments: use *squared* distance-to-upper-depth, and add previous minimum safety. Revised calculation of square distance-to-upper-depth, adding square of current level distance (previously, using maximum of previous and current level, to avoid square root). Printing only under the flag 'G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION', not G4VERBOSE. Nov 1st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-36) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: hidden verbose output under G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION. Nov 1st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-35) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: do not check whether 'input' safety position is inside volume except if G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION is set. Nov 1st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-34) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: revised end condition to use distance of previous depths sqr(distAxis) + sqr(distUpperDepth) < sqr(minSafety). Streamlined printing, and move it behind G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION. Added count of nodes checked. - G4Navigator: fix for compilation warning. Small change in printing. Streamlined use of (new) G4VoxelSafety. Check its results only if G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION is set. NOTE: continues to use *new* safety (best safety). Nov 1st, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-33) ------------------------ - G4ReplicaNavigation: fixed compilation warning and some code cleanup... Nov 1st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-32) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: changed to use *new* safety (best safety), as a trial. Added information for problem of 'not calculated' normal in GetGlobalExitNormal(). Revised operator << to print all state (adapted from PrintState()), not just history. Hidden unused code in GetLocalExitNormalAndCheck(). Oct 31st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-31) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: improved reporting of potential issues, e.g. (nodeNo==0). - G4VoxelNavigation: added a simple check whether point in ComputeSafety() call is inside current volume. Oct 30th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-30) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: use distance to reduce search length. Oct 30th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-29) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: find distance to voxel boundary at current level. Decide next node using distance. Oct 30th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-28) ------------------------------ - G4VoxelSafety: fixed logic to find next voxel up and down. Oct 29th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-27) ------------------------------ - G4ReplicaNavigation: get additional information in case of 'Out-of-Volume' exception. Hide debug printout with (fVerbose>2). - G4SafetyHelper: introduced check of length for relocation method LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume() to check move against safety. Works if Verbose Level > 0. - G4VoxelSafety: eliminated debug printouts (hidden in 'if fVerbose > 2'). Reset 'fCheckMode' in constructor. Oct 29th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-26) ------------------------------ - G4ReplicaNavigation: fix for compilation issues (shadowing/unused variables). Oct 26th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-25) ------------------------------ - Fix for G4ReplicaNavigation: set 'calculatedExitNormal' flag correctly. Oct 26th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-24) ------------------------------ - Revised G4Navigator to use G4VoxelSafety and to check its results against those of G4NormalNavigation::ComputeSafety(). NOTE: *SLOW* - Calculates safety 3 times for voxel volumes for checking only, not for production! - G4VoxelSafety: improved to use equivalent nodes (still checks all voxels). Changed arguments and members to make G4SmartVoxelHeader into const. - G4ReplicaNavigation: small cleanup, mostly cosmetic. Oct 23rd, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-23) ------------------------------ - G4ReplicaNavigation: fixed compiler warning on use of 'perMillion'. Oct 23rd, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-22) ------------------------------ - Incorporated fixes made for tag "geomnav-V09-05-18" (in Fix-line). - G4Navigator::GetGlobalExitNormal(): corrected use of cached global normal value; use it only when ComputeStep() was last called. - G4Navigator, G4MultiNavigator and G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: changed default of 3rd argument of ComputeSafety to true. - G4Navigator: changed GetSavedState() and RestoreSavedState() methods to protected (from public). Extended the state saved by these methods. - G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: cosmetic change to improve readability of initialisation of a double. Oct 15th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-21) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField & G4VIntersectionLocator: changed first two arguments of IntersectChord() to const 3-vec references. - G4VIntersectionLocator: fixed return value of validNormal of GetSurfaceNormal(). Made const the first argument of GetLastSurface() normal. - G4ErrorPropagationNavigator: revised interface of ComputeSafety(), making 'true' default value of the 3rd argument. Cosmetic change to improve readability of initialisation of a double. - G4ReplicaNavigation: small revision to printout, to improve end-of-line. Oct 15th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-20) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: enabled code that finds the entering normal for the case of replicas! When entering a volume, the same code can find the entering normal in the case of replicas, as in the case of other types of volumes (normal, parameterised). Improved error message, changing it into an Exception. (#5) - G4ReplicaNavigation: transform exitNormal to Grand-mother reference frame (was current=mother). Fix starting depth for 'while': had made it top-2, not top-1=2nd level. Oct 15th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-15) - Fix-line ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: hidden exception with #ifdef for unsupported Exit Normal in Replicas. Oct 13th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-14) - Develop-line ------------------------------ - G4ReplicaNavigation: extended it to calculate ExitNormal. First version. Now calculates it at each 'depth', and also for daughter; used to calculate it only for exiting mother, i.e. current. - G4Navigator: GetExitNormal(): set 'fCalculatedExitNormal' in case of 'Valid' (convex) normal. Re-activate printing for missing exit Normal in case of Replica (define G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION 1). Oct 11th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-13) - Fix-line ------------------------------ - Ignoring previous tag. Oct 11th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-12) - Develop-line ------------------------------ - G4Navigator::GetLocalExitNormal(): hidden exception warning for missing Exit Normal (it remains 'protected' under #ifdef G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION). - G4SafetyHelper::ReLocateWithinVolume(): Added check of relocation. Oct 11th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-11) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator::ComputeStep(): fixed condition for transformation of local-normal: had flipped conditions, not corrected it. Oct 2nd, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-10) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator::GetGlobalExitNormal(): added checks for non-unit surface normals in cases of exiting (existing global) or entering (new local) normal. Sep 21st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-09) ------------------------------ - Improved GetLocalExitNormal(). In case GrandMother is correct, it will now supply it. Sep 20th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-08) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: suppressed extra transformations for updating 'fGrandMotherExitNormal' in ComputeStep(). This is the only existing way to keep an update 'local' Exit Normal (potential alternative way is not implemented). It also serves as an alternative way (not needed) for the 'global' Exit Normal. CHANGE of BEHAVIOR: This changes the results of GetLocalExitNormal(G4bool*) and GetLocalExitNormalAndCheck(const G4ThreeVector&, G4bool*); it now always returns 'valid'=false when Exiting. A simple ERROR (not G4Exception) is generated if this case used. Detailed description of change: previously it was unclear whether the (Grand Mother) normal was correct (due to potential extra changes of coordinates). In the case that the GrandMother was correct (unknown before), it is no longer available (when exiting). The suppressed updating of 'fGrandMotherExitNormal' in ComputeStep() is not needed for the Exit Normal in Global Coordinates, as that is now calculated using the Grand-Mother to Global transform in the case of exiting volume. NOTE: any client that need a normal should convert to using GetGlobalExitNormal() in place of GetLocalExitNormal(). - Commented out extra debug printing in ComputeStep(). Sep 19th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-07) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: commented out debug printing in ComputeStep() and GetGlobalExitNormal(). Sep 19th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-06) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: reverted condition in GetGlobalExitNormal(). NOTE: This version contains debug printing (next tag will remove them.) - Extended testG4Navigator1 unit test to check GetGlobalExitNormal() (few rotation for now). Aug 15th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis ------------------------------ - G4Navigator: corrected condition in GetGlobalExitNormal -- the value is precalculated when Locate was just called, not when ComputeStep was last called. July 11th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-05) ------------------------------- - Added data member for improved Exit Normal for optical photons (and potentially more uses, e.g. field ) June 12th, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-04) ------------------------- - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. May 14th, 2012 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-03) ------------------------ - Fixed spurious cases of hidden variable visibility, detected with '-Wshadow' compilation option on gcc compiler. March 9th, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-02) ------------------------------- - G4MultiNavigator: fix for dealing with cases of clashing normals and return Invalid normal. Replaced FatalException with Warning, issued only if fVerbose > 2. January 31st, 2012 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-05-01) ---------------------------------- - Corrected redundant condition in G4PropagatorInField. Revised threshold for decreaseFactor=0.5 from 100 to 30 times the zero-step threshold. December 8th, 2011 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-05-00) ---------------------------- - Fixed left over debug flags for field check in locator classes. Some code cleanup. November 24th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-12) ----------------------------------- - G4VIntersectionLocator: Use only 'last' Normal. Disable fallback of using helper Navigator, as it appears to cause problems in the presence of additional geometries. November 23rd, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-11) ----------------------------------- - G4MultiNavigator: adapt to revisions of intersection logic, to provide Exit Surface Normal for step ending on boundary. First implementation of methods GetGlobalExitNormal(), GetLocalExitNormal() and GetLocalExitNormalAndCheck. The Local methods are not adapted for this case - they complain: - warn if one navigator limited the step; - fail report error if multiple navigators limited the step. Added data members to record number of Navigators which limited the step in the last call to ComputeStep ( fNoLimitingStep ), and the id in case of just one having limited it (fIdNavLimiting). November 18th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-10) ----------------------------------- - G4Navigator: fixed valid flag to mean correctly 'convexity' and 'have-calculated' in its two use cases. - G4Navigator::ComputeStep(): * Undid / corrected change to 'fValidExitNormal' (meaning= exited solid is convex ) when it is recalculated for the case of exiting. - Minor fix to G4Navigator::GetLocalExitNormal(): * Always set Valid=calculated for Local Normal. November 18th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-09) ----------------------------------- - G4SimpleLocator, G4BrentLocator & G4MultiLevelLocator: Revised all Locator classes to use GetLastSurfaceNormal() which first calls the robust GetLastSurfaceNormal() instead of calling GetLocalSurfaceNormal(). *Corrects* ATLAS stuck track issues for hard test cases. November 11th, 2011 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-04-08) ----------------------------- - Trivial fixes for Coverity defects in G4GeomTestPoint and G4GeomTestVolPoint. - Some code cleanup... October 28th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-07) ---------------------------------- - Fix in G4Navigator::GetLocalExitNormal() to use end-point of last step (not start point) when calculating normal at end of step. - New method GetLocalExitNormalAndCheck(3-vec, *valid) for checking, now used by GetGlobalExitNormal(). - Added new state 'fLastStepEndPointLocal' to the state of G4Navigator. October 26th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-06) ---------------------------------- - Fix to G4Navigator::GetLocalExitNormal(): rewrote the case when ComputeStep() has been called but not Locate. If 'entering', must first transform 'fLastLocatedPointLocal' to the new daughter coordinates before using them. If 'exiting' use the stored values (as after Locate()). - Created new method GetMotherToDaughterTransform() in G4Navigator: 'fLastLocatedPointLocal' remains in the coordinates of current step's volume, i.e. what is called mother (always) , until after the re-location (i.e. call to LocateGlobalPointAndSetup()) October 25th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-05) ---------------------------------- - G4Navigator: ComputeSafety() no longer sets flag meant for ComputeStep(). October 24th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-04) ---------------------------------- - Improvement in G4VIntersectionLocator (for use in GetLocalSurfaceNormal()): make a data member of type G4TouchableHistoryHandle to replace interim use of 'static' for local variable in GetLocalSurfaceNormal(). - G4MultiLevelNavigator: put in missing change of threshold. October 21th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-03) ---------------------------------- - Several fixes and improvements in G4VIntersectionLocator: o Fix to GetSurfaceNormal(): fixed check in case of 'last computed' normal. o Fix to GetGlobalSurfaceNormal(): use correct navigator (helper) to transform normal from local to global o Optimisation to GetLocalSurfaceNormal(): reuse G4TouchableHistoryHandle (via static ad interim), do not allocate for every call. Note: *limitation* of using helper - cannot cope with coincident surfaces in this version (need to use direction of trial *chord* when locating). o GetLocalExitNormal(): call Surface Normal only if on Surface or near inside, else return 'false' for validity. o All 'Normal' methods: check Normal vector to make sure its magnitude is within 0.001 of 1. October 18th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis ---------------------------------- - Locators (Simple, Brent, Multi-Level): Refined the threshold for accepting a candidate intersection The new criterion is much smaller (to capture more cases) : sagitta < tolerance ~= 1e-9 mm whereas it used to be sagitta < geom_mean( tolerance, delta_intersection ) ie. sagitta < 1e-6 mm. - Corrected compilation warning from gcc 4.6 (unused variables). - Corrected problem in G4Navigator::GetLocalExitNormal (not set variable). October 11th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-04-02) ---------------------------------- - Created *fix* for ATLAS problem of tracks stuck on boundary of volumes: Improved the condition for accepting a candidate intersection with a boundary in the Locator classes. >> It now *checks* that the track will enter the new volume. << All three Locator classes were revised to use the new convergence condition ( ie G4SimpleLocator, G4BrentLocator and G4MultiLevelLocator). Note: the check uses the dot product between the exiting normal and the estimated momentum of the track at the approximate curve point near the entry/intersection point. - Revised G4VIntersectionLocator: * New method GetSurfaceNormal, to get last normal or, if not available obtain new estimate from GetGlocalSurfaceNormal; * Corrected AdjustmentOfFoundIntersection() to use GlobalExitNormal instead of Local(ExitNormal); * Renamed arguments of IntersectChord (to no longer use fP prefix). - Revised G4Navigator::GetLocalExitNormal(): * improved GetLocalExitNormal() method, to allow it to be called before Locate is called at the endpoint of the last ComputeStep; * adding state to identify whether ComputeStep was called last (rather than a Locate method); * adding a method to provide the Exit Normal in Global coordinates. August 11th, 2011 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-04-01) --------------------------- - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme for warnings and errors. - Defined scheme for warnings/errors coding: + 1xxx for warnings, 0xxx for errors. Code numbering: + 0001: not supported or implemented features; + 0002: invalid setup/construct; + 0003: invalid run condition; + 1001: incorrect setup; automatically adapted. + 1002: notification. May 12th, 2011 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-04-00) ------------------------ - Fixed compilation warnings from gcc-4.6.0 for variables set but not used. May 4th, 2011 - J.Apostolakis ----------------------------- - Adjusted constructor in G4PropagatorInField to reorder class' data members, to separate a) invariants, b) state information and c)Dependent objects. December 15th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-10) ----------------------------- - Added inline method for creation of a touchable-history given a navigation history as argument. Required for clients like G4ScoreSplittingProcess, to avoid external symbols exporting on generation of DLLs. November 19th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-09) ----------------------------- - Removed unused variable in G4RegularNavigation. November 15th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-08) ----------------------------- - Restored trials for zero steps to 10 in G4Navigator, as originally. November 12th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-07) ----------------------------- - Cleared compilation warnings for unused parameters; temporarily commented out. November 11th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-06) ----------------------------- - Set trials for zero steps to 5 before activating push in G4Navigator; increased unit value to 100 times kCarTolerance to make push more effective. November 10th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-05) ----------------------------- - Reduced trials for zero steps from 10 to 3 for activating tolerance push in G4Navigator. - Added possibility to switch off push notifications in G4Navigator; also added related UI command. November 9th, 2010 - P.Arce --------------------------- - Added new class G4PartialPhantomParameterisation allowing for envelopes of different types other than box for regular geometries, so that relaxing the restriction for voxels to completely fill the envelope container. Adapted G4PhantomParameterisation, G4RegularNavigation and G4Navigator accordingly. November 4th, 2010 - G.Cosmo ---------------------------- - Added new class G4NavigationLogger for "check-mode" verbosity. Reorganised verbosity formatting for voxel and normal navigation. November 3rd, 2010 - J.Apostolakis ---------------------------------- - Added prototype class G4VoxelSafety for computation of exact safety. September 6th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-04) ----------------------------- - Added missing initialization for 'fNewSafety' and 'fTrueMinStep' in G4MultiNavigator constructor. September 3rd, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-03) ----------------------------- - Fixed typo in signature of ComputeStepSkippingEqualMaterials() in G4RegularNavigation. August 19th, 2010 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-03-02) ------------------------------ - Fix in G4GeomTestSegment::FindSomePoints(), to address problem report #980. July 12th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-01) ------------------------- - Fixed array out of bound error in G4MultipleNavigator and G4PathFinder constructors (J.Apostolakis). - Fixed cout precision restoring in G4BrentLocator, G4PropagatorInField, G4SimpleLocator, G4VIntersectionLocator and G4MultiLevelLocator. - Removed unused private data members in G4MultiLevelLocator. - Replaced use of DBL_MAX for distances with kInfinity in G4MultiNavigator and G4Navigator internals. - Exchanged conditions for initialization of members in G4TransportationManager constructor. - Added dummy initialisation of members in constructors in G4MultiNavigator, G4ParameterisedNavigation, G4PathFinder, G4PhantomParameterisation, G4RegularNavigation. March 8th, 2010 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-03-00) ------------------------- - Avoid unnecessary creation of string for debug purposes in G4PropagatorInField. Courtesy of P.Elmer (CMS). - Some printout formatting... December 11th, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-11) ----------------------------------- - Implemented field by region in G4PropagatorInField, with extra checking of logical volume. November 30th, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-10) ----------------------------------- - Fixes in G4VIntersectionLocator: * Fixed problem in ReEstimateEndPoint() behaviour for very small steps. * Corrected constructor to ensure that it initialises all data members. * Labelled the methods (in header) to make noticable those that must change at every step (attributes: 'ChordFinder', 'EpsilonStep', 'Navigator'). Nov 23rd, 2009 - J.Apostolakis ------------------------------ - Fixes in G4PropagatorInField.cc: * Revised condition for flagging ZeroStep to avoid fake triggering. Small proposed steps (from Physics) could trigger the previous simple condition for Tiny/Zero Problem steps. November 12th, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-09) ----------------------------------- - Cleanup of minor methods in G4PropagatorInField: * Added new method RefreshIntersectionLocator() to update the state of locator. It is used to synchronise with G4IntersectionLocator. * Deleted long obsolete methods: SetAccuraciesWithDeltaOneStep(), SetDeltaIntersection() and SetDeltaOneStep(). * Revised implementation to avoid using the older methods GetDeltaIntersection() and GetDeltaOneStep(). November 12th, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-08) ----------------------------------- - Refined G4PropagatorInField.cc: * Changed parameters for treating consecutive tiny/zero steps: - the value of default decrease factor to 0.25 (from 0.1), - the value is not used when the step size falls below a certain thresholds This threshold is changed. It is expressed as a multiple of fZeroStepThreshold instead of kCarTolerance. This, since the thresholds were meant to refer to the ZeroStepThreshold (it was kCarTolerance), and the values were now much larger than 'ZeroStepThreshold'. - The value given to the decrease factor after the first such thresholds is changed to 0.35 instead of 0.25, 0.5. * Improved printing of Diagnostic message. November 3rd, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-07) ---------------------------------- - Refined G4PropagatorInField.cc: * Added new member fZeroStepThreshold, to enable tuning of threshold for Tiny/Zero steps. * Changed default value from 0.5 * kCarTolerance to max (100,000 * kCarTolerance, 0.1 * micron ) * This is first revision to address problem seen at boundary of volumes (Reports of ATLAS). June 2nd, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-06) ------------------------------ - Fix in G4PropagatorInField::SetNavigator * Forward new Navigator to IntersectionLocator. May 20th, 2009 - P.Arce (geomnav-V09-02-05) ----------------------- - Added method BuildContainerSolid() taking a solid as argument to G4PhantomParameterisation. Added protection to GetMaterialIndex() for zero index. May 18th, 2009 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-02-04) --------------------------- - Enhanced algorithm for 'FB_intersects' in order to speedup BrentLocator. - Fix in the usage of the geometrical tolerance in G4VIntersectionLocator in method AdjustementOfFoundIntersection(). May 13th, 2009 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-02-03) ------------------------------ - Fix in G4PathFinder: A geometry is at a boundary if its step is within tolerance of the minimum step for any geometry. May 5th, 2009 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-02-02) -------------------------- - Fix in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() for the computation of rotation of the 'LocalExitNormal' in cases when DistanceToOut() returns non-valid normal for optical photons in rotated solids. Addresses problem report #1059. February 26th, 2009 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-02-01) -------------------------------- - Fixed problem in G4BrentLocator::EstimateIntersectionPoint() responsible for rare cases of negative steps. January 27th, 2009 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-02-00) ---------------------------- - Added G4RegularNavigationHelper class, used by G4RegularNavigation for counting the number of step lengths in each voxel of the regular structure (by P.Arce). - Some code cleanup... December 11th, 2008 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-01-10) -------------------------------- - Reinstated G4MultiLevelLocator as the default locator to allow for proper tuning of parameters in propagation in field and avoid CPU penalty currently induced by default parameters. - Corrected text in exceptions in locators classes. November 14th, 2008 - T.Nikitina, J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-01-09) ----------------------------------------------- - Introduced first implementation of new optional method in locator classes AdjustementOfFoundIntersection() using surface-normal of the intersecting solid to boost accuracy. Added the optional call to the new method in each concrete locator. - Removed unnecessary accessors for Brent locator in G4PropagatorInField. - G4VoxelNavigation: implemented additional check when running in "check" mode; if it is on the surface, ensure that it can move on next step; either DistanceToIn(p,v) or DistanceToOut(p,v) should return a finite value greater than the tolerance. November 10th, 2008 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-01-08) ----------------------------- - G4PathFinder: cleared unecessary calls to ComputeSafety() in ReLocate(). October 28th, 2008 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-01-07) ------------------------------- - Moved method LocateIntersectionPoint() in G4PropagatorInField to a separate class G4VIntersectionLocator, now allowing to use different location algorithms: Brent, MultiLevel, Simple. - New classes: G4VIntersectionLocator, G4SimpleLocator, G4BrentLocator and G4MultiLevelLocator. - Coworks with tag "field-V09-01-03". October 10th, 2008 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-01-06) ---------------------------- - Introduced optional Boolean argument in G4Navigator::ComputeSafety() to allow for computation of safety without modifying the state restoring of the navigator. - Modified accordingly the following classes, for calls to ComputeSafety(): G4SafetyHelper, G4PathFinder (now calling ComputeSafety() with TRUE argument to preserve navigator's state), G4MultiNavigator and G4ErrorPropagationNavigator. May 5th, 2008 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-01-05) -------------------------- - Added Brent method for LocateIntersectionPoint() in G4PropagatorInField. The Brent method is now used as default and can be switched off through call to the proper accessor function SetBrentMethod(). - Requires related update to G4ChordFinder in geometry/magneticfield module included in tag "field-V09-01-02". April 29th, 2008 - M.Asai (geomnav-V09-01-04) ------------------------- - G4PathFinder: commented out warning and exception in ComputeStep() for step smaller than minimum threshold. April 28th, 2008 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-01-03) -------------------------- - Corrected condition for wrong evaluation order introduced in the previous tag. March 13th, 2008 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-01-02) -------------------------- - Cleared compilation warnings in G4ReplicaNavigation on gcc-4.3.0 for ambiguous use of parentheses in condition statements. January 24th, 2008 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V09-01-01) ------------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField: changed condition for 'ReEstimationEndPoint' in order to better handle very strict parameters of propagation. Also added more verbosity in case of error for negative step. Fixes rare problem observed in production by ATLAS. January 22nd, 2008 - P.Arce (geomnav-V09-01-00) --------------------------- - G4PhantomParameterisation: o Bug fix in GetReplicaNo() to catch overflows in X and Y. (on suggestion by S.Stute) o Made CheckVoxelsFillContainer() visible in public interface. November 16th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-00-12) ----------------------------- - Cleared compilation warnings for shadowing of variables in classes within the module. November 14th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-00-11) ----------------------------- - Reintroduced artificial push in G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep(). Further investigation and eventually reimplementation of LevelLocate() required to take into account point and direction ... November 14th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-00-10) ----------------------------- - Trial to remove artificial push in G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep(). - Some minor cleanup. November 9th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-09) ---------------------------------- - G4SafetyHelper: Improved ComputeSafety() not to call G4Navigator if exactly on safety 'center'. - G4PathFinder: correction to debug code under #ifdef G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION. November 9th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-00-08) ---------------------------- - Fix in G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut() for exact classification of the linear step for Cartesian case. - Made IdentifyAndPlaceSolid() method inlined in G4ParameterisedNavigation. - Minor cosmetics and cleanup. November 6th, 2007 - P.Arce (geomnav-V09-00-07) --------------------------- - Optimisation in G4RegularNavigation: use voxelBox->DistanceToOut() instead of ComputeStep() in ComputeStepSkippingEqualMaterials(). - Some cleanup and proper formatting of error/warning messages. November 2nd, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-06) ---------------------------------- - Merging fixes in "geomnav-V09-00-03b" and "geomnav-V09-00-03c" on top of tag "geomnav-V09-00-05". November 2nd, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-03c) ---------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: o Added setting of 'fNoGeometriesLimiting' in DoNextCurvedStep(). o Check to verify that 'fNoGeometriesLimiting' is set by DoNext*Step methods. o Revised data type of 'fNoGeometriesLimiting' to be a int, so that < 0 shows 'unset'. - G4PropagatorInField: o Fixes for compilation of code under G4DEBUG_FIELD (problem report #982). o Added extra check of method LocateIntersectionPoint() arguments. - Tag based on "geomnav-V09-00-03b". October 29th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-03b) ---------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: first fix for problem of another process shortening steps (between calls to ComputeStep by different processes in same step.) I.e. First call to ComputeStep (geom 1) has proposed Step = 3.0 cm Next call to ComputeStep (geom 2) has proposed Step = 1.0 cm (e.g. Multiple Scattering) - Tag based on "geomnav-V09-00-03a". October 24th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-05) ---------------------------------- - Merging fixes introduced in "geomnav-V09-00-03a" on top of "geomnav-V09-00-04". October 24th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-03a) ---------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: fix to now set 'fNoGeometriesLimiting' in DoNextLinearStep() when WhichLimited() is not called, i.e. in case of one navigator optimisation. - Tag based on "geomnav-V09-00-03". October 18th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-00-04) ---------------------------- - Added new specific navigation for regular structures and phantoms. New classes: G4RegularNavigation, G4PhantomParameterisation (by P.Arce). Added cases to G4Navigator. Added dependency on "materials" module. October 12th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-03) ---------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: added new methods GetNumberGeometriesLimitingStep() and GetMinimumStep() needed by G4CoupledTransportation to see whether to relocate. September 25th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V09-00-02) ------------------------------ - Some code cleanup in G4PathFinder. Switch off additional optimisation for safety in method DoNextLinearStep(). - Set 'fRecomputeFactor' in G4SafetyHelper to 0.0, to switch off internal optimisation and allow for reproducibility of steps (A.Howard). July 12th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-01) ------------------------------- - Restores fixes/improvements of geomnav-V08-03-07 - G4PathFinder: includes fix for result of ObtainSafety(), used in CoupledTransportation. July 12th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V09-00-00) ------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: o Include correction to signature of method PrepareNewTrack(). (This was done on a branch for this class in order to keep only development of geomnav-V08-03-06) - G4PropagatorInField: o Included revisions and fixes for G4PropagatorInField of June 8th. - This tag is based on "geomnav-V08-03-06" and does NOT include the revisions of "geomnav-V08-03-07". July 5th, 2007 - G.Cosmo ------------------------ - G4PathFinder: o Corrected signature to method PrepareNewTrack(). Resolves linking problems detected on SUN-CC platform. - Changes included in tag "geomnav-V08-03-02c", included in relase 9.0.p01. June 8th, 2007 - T.Nikitina --------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField: o Put in the constructor creation of array of FieldTracks used in LocateInterSectionPoint(). o Change in ReEstimateNewPoint() in order to handle cases with zero step caused by diffCurve=0. o In case of proposed step less than tolerance, now return 'kInfinity' as per convention of geometry instead of 'DBL_MAX'. (by J.Apostolakis, May 18th 2007) - Changes included in tag "geomnav-V08-03-02b", included in release 9.0. June 5th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-03-07) ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder: o New method to return the safety sphere last calculated for a PreStep point (it could be a previous one - due to optimasation). >> If last step(s) were smaller than safety, then for a linear track (no field or no charge) Navigator's ComputeSafety is not called. The older PreStep (previous step or some steps back in case of many small steps) is stored for this - and provided. o ComputeStep() still returns current PreStep point's safety (must). o Revisions are to make this (used by CoupledTransportation) more compatible with the old direct use of G4Navigator by G4Transportation. May 29th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-03-06) ------------------------------ - G4Navigator o Fixed **ComputeSafety**: wrong coordinates used (last tag only). For certainty reinstated LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume (for now). o Corrected calculation of fStepEndPoint (in ComputeStep) for case of step not limited by geometry - G4PathFinder o PrepareNewTrack: calls to re-initialise SafetyHelper (reset safety) o ReLocate: Corrected check of move (avoid one side effect on stored safety) --> ComputeSafety still results individual navigators' values. May 24th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-03-05) ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder: 1 correction and 2 optimisations: o PrepareNewTrack() clear safety - to avoid potential problems in overlaps. o DoNextLinearStep() only calls ComputeStep() for a navigator whose safety greater than the step. o DoNextCurvedStep(), if there's one geometry, no longer calls ComputeSafety() at start. - G4Navigator ComputeSafety: o Corrected it to address use at non-endpoint o Replaced call to LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume() with calls to sub-navigators. May 21st, 2007 - G.Cosmo ------------------------ - Made 'fVerbose' protected in G4Navigator, reused in G4MultipleNavigator. - Some cleanup in G4MultipleNavigator implementation. - Make G4PathFinder singleton definition canonical. - Added method CheckPointExiting() in G4AuxiliaryNavServices utility class (by P.Arce). May 19th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-03-04) ------------------------------ - Corrections and additions in G4PathFinder: 1) Added calculation of start-point safety in DoNextCurvedStep 2) Corrected GetCurrentSafety() - uses mininum of 1) 3) Added method to obtain safety of one navigator (after call to all). 4) Deleted obsolete data member 'fMinSafety'. 5) If only one geometry, do not call WhichLimited in DoNextLinearStep (optimisation) 6) ComputeSafety: save the values of isotropic safety for each navigator May 18th, 2007 - A.Howard (geomnav-V08-03-03) ------------------------ - Fixed return value for G4PathFinder::ComputeStep in case of step smaller than tolerance (now kInfinity): fixes one PathFinder issue (JA). - Added compiler flags for verbosity in G4PathFinder.cc - Added compiler flags for verbosity in G4MultiNavigator.cc May 18th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-03-02) ------------------------ - Use kAngTolerance and kRadTolerance from G4GeometryTolerance class. - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-03". May 16th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-03-01) ------------------------ - Introduced new class G4ErrorPropagationNavigator, a specialised navigator for performing double navigation in the detector geometry and on the target surface for error propagation (by P.Arce). - Fixed bug in G4GeomTestSegment in case of TestPoint on the surface, reducing cases of reported spurious overlaps. - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-02". May 16th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-03-00a) ------------------------------ - Moved to G4PathFinder version without extra prints April 26th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-03-00) -------------------------- - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance where needed. - Revised data members in G4SafetyHelper to conform to convention. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. April 26th, 2007 - T.Nikitina (geomnav-V08-02-03) ----------------------------- - Fixed case of out of range access in G4GeomTestSegment responsible for crashes observed when recursive-grid test for overlaps was run. Addressing problem report #784. April 20th, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-02-02) -------------------------- - Some cleanup and minor cosmetics ... April 12st, 2007 - V.Ivanchenko ------------------------------- - G4SafetyHelper become a unique class, which can be accessed via G4TransporationManager. Depending on type of navigation (single world or multiple navigation) it uses mass navigator or G4PathFinder. All calls from EM processes to geometry are provided by G4SafetyHelper. - G4TransportationManager: added G4SafetyHelper. - G4PathFinder: initialisation of G4SafetyHelper. - Tagged "geomnav-V08-02-02-beta2". March 31st, 2007 - J. Apostolakis --------------------------------- - G4Navigator: o New method CheckNextStep() makes a trial step, without changing the state of the Navigator (to be verified). It is a variant of ComputeStep, whose signature it shares. - Tagged "geomnav-V08-02-02-beta1". February 13th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis ----------------------------------- - G4Navigator: o Improvement for creating touchable history when located outside world. Retain whether last point was located outside, and if so call default TouchableHistory constructor (that initialised world to null). NOTE: testing found problems with SteppingManager::SetInitialStep() as the Vertex physical volume was not set. Protection is potentially required, or bigger issue to be resolved. Currently, changes in G4Navigator.hh,cc are safe, but the fix in .icc is temporarly suspended and NOT included. - Attempted fix created Dec 7th, 2006 February 13th, 2007 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-02-01) ----------------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField: o Implemented ClearPropagatorState() to clear all the track-dependent state (incl. safety, zero-steps, loop flag ...). ** Calling this is mandatory for each new track because in the case of geometry overlaps, the safety can be easily inconsistent (and/or incorrect) otherwise ** Must be called from G4Transportation (or alternatives) !! - Fix created Jan 25th, 2007 January 31st, 2007 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-02-00) ---------------------------- - G4Navigator: forcing call to CheckOverlaps() on the current volume before event abortion for cases of stuck tracks. - Requires tag "geommng-V08-02-00". November 23rd, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-08) ----------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: o Fix when report a problem only if move > safety (additional check). o Revised condition for extra checking against safety. o Many small and cosmetic changes in debug printing. November 18th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-07) ----------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: o Fix for problem when step is fully taken. Note: this occurs due to optimisation in PiF that avoids calling G4(Multi)Navigator!! o Function LimitedString( ELimited lim ) enables printing this enum o Improved printing in IntersectChord. Deleted/simplified few prints in ComputeStep(). - G4MultiNavigator: cleanup, cosmetics November 13th, 2006 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-01-06) ----------------------------- - Fixed compilation warnings and some cleanup ... November 11th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-05) ----------------------------------- - G4PathFinder improvements for parallel Navigation o ComputeStep method signature extended to add volume o Use G4MultiNavigator for tracking in field. - G4MultiNavigator: o Several fixes, primarily for taking care of condition of geometry limited step. November 11th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-04) ----------------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField: o Refined fix in LocateIntersectionPoint(), to subdivide in case it cannot find intersection point quickly (T.Nikitina). Second version, with several levels of cutting. o NOTE: Special tags made (later) not including the Developments in G4TransportationManager, G4PathFinder, G4SafetyHelper for parallel navigation. i.e. - based on tag "geomnav-V08-01-03". November 11th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis ----------------------------------- - Created G4MultiNavigator class and utilised it from G4PathFinder to implement curved trajectory parallel navigation. November 10th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-03) ----------------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField: o Fix in LocateIntersectionPoint(), to subdivide in case it cannot find intersection point quickly (T.Nikitina). First version, only one level of cutting o NOTE: Special tags made (later) not including the Developments in G4TransportationManager, G4PathFinder, G4SafetyHelper for parallel navigation. i.e. - based on tag "geomnav-V08-01-02". November 9th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis ----------------------------------- - G4SafetyHelper: o Changed default value of 'fUseParallelGeometries' to 'false'. This is the default, except when using parallel geometries. Value 'true' will become the default. November 4th, 2006 - M.Asai --------------------------- - G4TransportationManager: o added new method SetWorldForTracking() to enable change of world from the RunManager. October 31st, 2006 - J.Apostolakis ---------------------------------- - G4SafetyHelper o Added new class variable 'fUseParallelGeometries', to enable it to work call G4Navigator of Mass geometry directly, in the case of single geometry (when G4PathFinder is disabled). o Default value is currently 'true' --> for parallel navigation development. - G4PathFinder o Improved the code that checks within relocation whether position is proposed to be moved outside safety sphere from endpoint. October 26th, 2006 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-01-02) ---------------------------- - G4Navigator: o Added inline methods EnteredDaughterVolume() and ExitedMotherVolume() to allow for verification of a point entering a daughter volume or exiting the mother volume. o Made LocateGlobalPointAndSetup() method virtual. Moved to non virtual and inline LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle() method. o Moved 'fHistory' data member to protected to aloow for more complete subclassing. o Minor cosmetics to recently introduced printout diagnostics in ComputeSafety() method. - G4TransportationManager: o Added methods to access the list of the registered worlds. - NOTE: this tag does NOT include the recent developments introduced for G4PathFinder. It resumes from tag "geomnav-V08-00-01"; anything else introduced after it, except for changes in G4Navigator, is NOT included ! October 25th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis ---------------------------------- - G4PathFinder: fixed initialisation of cached value for the G4TransportationManager to cope with singletons. October 16th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-01) ---------------------------------- - G4Navigator: moved debug printing behind fVerbose conditions October 12th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-01-00) ---------------------------------- - New class G4SafetyHelper to aid multiple scattering inn determining the correct Mass geometry step (via PathFinder) and all-geometry safety. - Several revisions, fixes to G4PathFinder. June 8th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-00-06) ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder: o New method 'ComputeSafety' to compute safety at endpoint of last step. June 2nd, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-00-05) ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder: o New method ReLocate() for non-Transportation classes to call when moving the endpoint of a particle. Uses LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume() method of the navigators. o Small fixes and protection of debug printing with Verbose flag. o Default verbose level is now 0. May 28th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-00-04) ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder: o Check whether a process shifted the position since the last step. o Corrected checking for 'Unique', i.e. one process limiting step. o Revised printing (more information, some protected by verbose flag). May 27th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-00-03) ------------------------------ - G4PathFinder revised significantly: o Workaround for problem of CreateHistory() when outside world. o Revised for new counting of Navigator IDs (M.Asai). o Added MovePoint() method that signals if it moved. o Added state to cope with cases where a full step is taken, i.e. to cope with steps that return kInfinity: New state: RelocatedPoint - to show if it is moved; TrueMinStep - finite whereas reported can be kInfinity. and to aid in clarifying the state of the (singleton) object: LastStepNo - already kept in one method (static), now exposed; CurrentStepNo - mostly for debugging and printing out. o Small improvements in tests. May 23rd, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-00-02) ------------------------------ - Added new prototype class G4PathFinder to coupled navigation in parallel geometries. May 22nd, 2006 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V08-00-01) ------------------------ - Extended G4TransportationManager to handle multiple navigators. Preserved interface for navigation in mass/tracking geometry. - Added activation flag to G4Navigator and related accessor methods. Feb 8th, 2006 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V08-00-00) ----------------------------- - Addressing problem with convergence in LocateIntersectionPoint() of G4PropagatorInField (problem identified by Atlas, observed when requesting high precision, i.e. small values of eps_min/max, delta_one_step, due e.g. to need for small delta_intersection): o First solution by increasing maximum iterations (from 100 to 10,000). o Until correct information can be returned, an Exception is thrown in case of too many iterations. o Warn in case over 1000 iterations, to let user see difficulty. - This fix is an interim solution, in lieu of improving the algorithm for location (or returning correct incomplete progress). Nov 24th, 2005 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V07-01-02) ------------------------------ - Revised G4ParameterisedNavigation, to use new interface for ComputeMaterial(). Now no longer needing 'Physical Touchable'. Sep 19th, 2005 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V07-01-01) ------------------------ - G4DrawVoxels: removed unnecessary 'panic' message in ComputeVoxelPolyhedra() and some code cleanup. Jul 25th, 2005 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V07-01-00) ------------------------ - Some cleanup and cosmetic changes for Software Reference Manual. Jun 14th, 2005 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V07-00-00) ------------------------------ - Added ability to use Nested Parameterisations to Parameterised Navigation Coworks with tag "geomvol-V07-00-01". Dec 2nd, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-08) ----------------------- - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. Nov 24th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-07) ------------------------ - Fix in G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOutPhi() for the case of phi sections on convex surfaces. Fixes problem report #651. Nov 19th, 2004 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V06-02-06) ------------------------------ - New access method in G4Navigator for SeverityOfZeroStepping(). Nov 17th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-05) ------------------------ - Allow consecutive corrections for stuck tracks in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() up to 10 times before aborting the event. Sep 28th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-04) ------------------------ - Invoke G4LogicalVolume::UpdateMaterial() instead of SetMaterial() for parameterised navigation in G4Navigator and G4ParameterisedNavigation (M.Asai). - Coworks with tag "geommng-V06-02-02". Sep 13th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-03) ------------------------ - G4Navigator: corrected computation of fGrandMotherExitNormal in ComputeStep() in the case where a not valid exit-normal exists. Sep 11th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-02) ------------------------ - Dump out contents from the solid when a fatal G4Exception is thrown from the navigators in ComputeStep(). Modified files G4NormalNavigation.cc, G4ParameterisedNavigation.cc, G4ReplicaNavigation.cc, G4VoxelNavigation.cc. Aug 31st, 2004 - D.C.Williams (geomnav-V06-02-01) ----------------------------- - G4GeomTestSegment: fix to correctly determine whether starting trajectory is entering or exiting the solid when the starting point is on a surface. Added additional tests on solid consistencies (from roundoff sometimes) to avoid incorrect overlap warnings. Addresses problem reports #610 and #652. Jun 29th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-02-00) ------------------------ - Fixed zero step-length problem in G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep() for cases where different replica types are coincident. Resolves problem report #633. - G4NormalNavigation: added extra verbosity to print out information for each solid which returns a 'lowest-yet' step, including the mother volume. It is activated by setting verbose level to 2 or more (J.Apostolakis). Jun 18th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-01-03) ------------------------ - Enhanced check for null step in G4Navigator::ComputeStep(). Now attempting a corrective action after 10 consecutive zero steps. Event gets aborted after 25 zero steps. Jun 15th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-01-02) ------------------------ - Relax exception in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() for stuck tracks. Event gets aborted after 25 zero steps. Jun 11th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-01-01) ------------------------ - Added check to G4Navigator to count the number of steps with zero length and issue an exception for tracks that get stuck in a loop (J.Apostolakis). - Modified GNUmakefile to define G4GEOMETRY_ALLOC_EXPORT flag for DLLs build on Windows. May 17th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-01-00) ------------------------ - Added more verbosity on solids response for navigators (optimised/not optimised) if "check_mode" state is combined with verbose level-1. Mar 11th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-00-02) ------------------------ - Added "check_mode" state for navigators. The state can be activated by a new UI command (geometry/navigator/check_mode [true/false]) and will force more strict and less tolerant checks in step/safety computation to verify the correctness of solids' response in the geometry. - Reorganised verbosity levels. Added more useful information activated when in G4VERBOSE mode and verbosity level selected. Fixed output formatting when entering/exiting verbose blocks. Feb 27th, 2004 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V06-00-01) ------------------------ - G4Navigator.cc: o Fixed old outstanding bug in ComputeStep() for the location of the the local point in the calculation of a valid exit normal. (V.Grichine) Feb 9th, 2004 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V06-00-00) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField.cc: o ReEstimateEndpoint: Changed to cope with a failure of AccurateAdvance, by calling it iteratively up maximum 20 times. o SetVerboseLevel, now forwards the verbosity (minus 3) to integration driver Dec 11th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-15) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField.cc: o LocateIntersectionPoint: Refined re-setting of finalSection. --> Endpoint recalculation is returned only for final section. (trial fix in -14 is replaced by above code) o Fixed ReEstimateEndPoint which ignored return code of AccurateAdvance and moved to short end-point for long requests It now leaves the endpoint unchanged, when it cannot improve it. o Few format changes for PrintStatus Dec 10th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-14) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField.cc on top of latest (not 1.7): o Fix for the case where two previous corrections are 'operational' Problem if the current endpoint is not the final one, and it has been recalculated, and we need to go beyond the current section to the final one -- the recalcuted endpoint no longer valid! Dec 10th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-13) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField.cc: o Gone back to version 1.7, without the fix in LocateIntersectionPoint for the "long-standing error". Dec 5th, 2003 - G.Cosmo - (geomnav-V05-02-12) ------------------------ - G4TransportationManager.cc: o removed initialisation of allocators for navigation levels, where they were introduced as workaround for solving static initialisation a long time ago. Now moved to "volumes" module, where they should belong, in G4TouchableHistory.cc. - Restored original unit-tests, using inherited navigator. --> Requires geomvol-V05-02-08 Dec 4th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-11) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField.cc o Corrected placement of #endif for two #ifdef VERBOSE Dec 2nd, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-10) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField[.hh.cc]: o Fixed LocateIntersectionPoint for long-standing error. A section of the chord was not considered in use case where a previous chord at first appeared to have an intersection, but did not. Nov 26th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-09) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField[.hh.cc]: o Added argument Method LocateIntersectionPoint G4bool& recalculatedEndPt to return 'true' if the endpoint has been recalculated. This fixes a problem that can occasionally cause the skipping of a volume boundary - in the case when a re-integration was done near a boundary, because the new endpoint was previously not passed back. o ComputeStep also changed to accept above recalculation. o New method GetVerboseLevel(), closer to std naming than Verbose() Nov 14th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-08) ------------------------------ - Retagged the files of tag "geomnav-V05-02-07", due to tagging with same name incorrectly files in another directory and, as such confusing Bonsai. Nov 13th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-07) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc.cc]: o Pass safety sphere information to G4ChordFinder for optimisation o Including G4ChordFinder.hh only in .cc file - Requires and coworks with "field-V05-02-08" tag. Nov 10th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V05-02-06) ------------------------ - G4Navigator[.hh.icc.cc] - methods review: o Removed obsolete methods: IsExitNormalValid(), GetLocalExitNormal(). o Renamed method LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(p,v,history) to ResetHistoryAndLocate(p,v,history). o Moved to protected the following methods: GetCurrentLocalCoordinate(), ComputeLocalPoint(), ComputeLocalAxis(), NetTranslation(), NetRotation(), EnteredDaughterVolume(). o Fixed consistency of inline/not-inline implementations of methods. - Coworks with tag "tracking-V05-02-03". Nov 6th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-05) ----------------------------- - G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc.cc]: o Implements move of EpsilonMin / Max to G4FieldManager. - Requires and coworks with "field-V05-02-04" or later tag. Nov 6th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V05-02-04) ----------------------- - G4Navigator[.hh.icc.cc]: o Made relevant methods virtual to verify performance impact. If tests will behave reasonably, a further refinement in the design of the class will be applied, in view of a more consistent design review next year. Nov 3rd, 2003 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V05-02-03) ----------------------- - Code cleanup and headers inclusion review (replaced by forward declarations where necessary). - Added build system to tests. Cleared compilation warnings. Oct 29th, 2003 - J.Apostolakis (geomnav-V05-02-02) ------------------------------ - G4PropagatorInField: Added option to turn On/Off the optimisation of using the safety in calling G4Navigator. - Unit tests: moved test testG4NavigatorX, X=1,2,3,4,5,6 here from "volumes" module. Oct 24th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V05-02-01) ------------------------ - Migrated calls to G4Exception to new scheme. - Fixed compilation warning in G4PropagationInField. Sep 29th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (geomnav-V05-02-00) ------------------------ - Created. Imported classes from "volumes", "management" and "verification" modules: G4AuxiliaryNavServices[.hh.icc] - from geometry/volumes G4GeometryMessenger[.hh.cc] - " " G4Navigator[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4NormalNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4ParameterisedNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4ReplicaNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4TransportationManager[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4VoxelNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] - " " G4DrawVoxels[.hh.cc] - from geometry/management G4GeomTest*[.hh.cc] - from geometry/verification - Cleared call to PV->Setup() according to changes in G4VPhysicalVolume. Affected files: G4Navigator[.icc.cc], G4ParameterisedNavigation[.icc.cc], G4VoxelNavigation[.icc.cc], G4ReplicaNavigation[.icc.cc], G4NormalNavigation[.icc.cc]. - G4DrawVoxels: retrieve top transformation through touchable history in method DrawVoxels(). Removed old method GetAbsoluteTransformation(). - G4GeomTestErrorList.cc: retrieve top transformation through touchable history in method FindGlobalCoordinateSystem(). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Imported History file from old geometry/verification module +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ May 20th, 2003 G.Cosmo (geomver-V05-01-00) - G4GeomTestVolume[.hh.cc]: o Added methods TestRecursiveLine() and TestRecursiveCylinder() for allowing recursion on line_test and cylinder_test respectively. o Introduced ability to control depth and starting level of recursion. Jul 30th, 2002 G.Cosmo (geomver-V04-01-00) - G4GeomTestVolume.cc: fixed recursive call to G4GeomTestVolume passing also 'tolerance' as argument in the recursive test algorithm. Apr 19th, 2002 G.Cosmo (geomver-V04-00-00) - Moved inline constructors and destructors to no inline. Affected files: G4GeomTestStreamLogger[.hh.cc]. Oct 24th, 2001 G.Cosmo (geomver-V03-02-02) - Fixed compilation error and warnings on HP-aCC. Modified files: G4GeomTestVolume.cc, G4GeomTestStreamLogger.cc. Oct 24th, 2001 G.Cosmo (geomver-V03-02-01) - Moved messenger to geometry/volumes and renamed G4GeometryMessenger. - Removed dependencies from intercoms and geometry/volumes. Oct 22nd, 2001 G.Cosmo (geomver-V03-02-00) - Added "/geomtest/tolerance" command to set custom error tolerance. Added Set/GetTolerance() methods to G4GeomTestVolume class. - Introduced additional diagnostics in G4GeomTestStreamLogger to report in case no intersections/overlaps are detected. Oct 16th, 2001 G.Cosmo - Added messenger for geometry overlaps testing. - General source code formatting. - G4TestGeom* classes implementation by D.C.Williams (UCSC, BaBar).