// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4PathFinder.cc 81596 2014-06-03 14:08:49Z gcosmo $ // GEANT4 tag $ Name: $ // // class G4PathFinder Implementation // // Original author: John Apostolakis, April 2006 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "G4PathFinder.hh" #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "G4Navigator.hh" #include "G4PropagatorInField.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4MultiNavigator.hh" #include "G4SafetyHelper.hh" // Initialise the static instance of the singleton // G4ThreadLocal G4PathFinder* G4PathFinder::fpPathFinder=0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GetInstance() // // Retrieve the static instance of the singleton // G4PathFinder* G4PathFinder::GetInstance() { if( ! fpPathFinder ) { fpPathFinder = new G4PathFinder; } return fpPathFinder; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // G4PathFinder::G4PathFinder() : fEndState( G4ThreeVector(), G4ThreeVector(), 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.), fFieldExertedForce(false), fRelocatedPoint(true), fLastStepNo(-1), fCurrentStepNo(-1), fVerboseLevel(0) { fpMultiNavigator= new G4MultiNavigator(); fpTransportManager= G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager(); fpFieldPropagator = fpTransportManager->GetPropagatorInField(); kCarTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); fNoActiveNavigators= 0; G4ThreeVector Big3Vector( kInfinity, kInfinity, kInfinity ); fLastLocatedPosition= Big3Vector; fSafetyLocation= Big3Vector; fPreSafetyLocation= Big3Vector; fPreStepLocation= Big3Vector; fPreSafetyMinValue= -1.0; fMinSafety_PreStepPt= -1.0; fMinSafety_atSafLocation= -1.0; fMinStep= -1.0; fTrueMinStep= -1.0; fPreStepCenterRenewed= false; fNewTrack= false; fNoGeometriesLimiting= 0; for( G4int num=0; num< fMaxNav; ++num ) { fpNavigator[num] = 0; fLimitTruth[num] = false; fLimitedStep[num] = kUndefLimited; fCurrentStepSize[num] = -1.0; fLocatedVolume[num] = 0; fPreSafetyValues[num]= -1.0; fCurrentPreStepSafety[num] = -1.0; fNewSafetyComputed[num]= -1.0; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor // G4PathFinder::~G4PathFinder() { delete fpMultiNavigator; if (fpPathFinder) { delete fpPathFinder; fpPathFinder=0; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void G4PathFinder::EnableParallelNavigation(G4bool enableChoice) { G4Navigator *navigatorForPropagation=0, *massNavigator=0; massNavigator= fpTransportManager->GetNavigatorForTracking(); if( enableChoice ) { navigatorForPropagation= fpMultiNavigator; // Enable SafetyHelper to use PF // fpTransportManager->GetSafetyHelper()->EnableParallelNavigation(true); } else { navigatorForPropagation= massNavigator; // Disable SafetyHelper to use PF // fpTransportManager->GetSafetyHelper()->EnableParallelNavigation(false); } fpFieldPropagator->SetNavigatorForPropagating(navigatorForPropagation); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // G4double G4PathFinder::ComputeStep( const G4FieldTrack &InitialFieldTrack, G4double proposedStepLength, G4int navigatorNo, G4int stepNo, // find next step G4double &pNewSafety, // for this geom ELimited &limitedStep, G4FieldTrack &EndState, G4VPhysicalVolume* currentVolume) { G4double possibleStep= -1.0; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " -------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ComputeStep - entered " << G4endl; G4cout << " - stepNo = " << std::setw(4) << stepNo << " " << " navigatorId = " << std::setw(2) << navigatorNo << " " << " proposed step len = " << proposedStepLength << " " << G4endl; G4cout << " PF::ComputeStep requested step " << " from " << InitialFieldTrack.GetPosition() << " dir " << InitialFieldTrack.GetMomentumDirection() << G4endl; } #endif #ifdef G4VERBOSE if( navigatorNo >= fNoActiveNavigators ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Bad Navigator ID !" << G4endl << " Requested Navigator ID = " << navigatorNo << G4endl << " Number of active navigators = " << fNoActiveNavigators; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::ComputeStep()", "GeomNav0002", FatalException, message); } #endif if( fNewTrack || (stepNo != fLastStepNo) ) { // This is a new track or a new step, so we must make the step // ( else we can simply retrieve its results for this Navigator Id ) G4FieldTrack currentState= InitialFieldTrack; fCurrentStepNo = stepNo; // Check whether a process shifted the position // since the last step -- by physics processes // G4ThreeVector newPosition = InitialFieldTrack.GetPosition(); G4ThreeVector moveVector= newPosition - fLastLocatedPosition; G4double moveLenSq= moveVector.mag2(); if( moveLenSq > kCarTolerance * kCarTolerance ) { G4ThreeVector newDirection = InitialFieldTrack.GetMomentumDirection(); #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4double moveLen= std::sqrt( moveLenSq ); G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ComputeStep : Point moved since last step " << " -- at step # = " << stepNo << G4endl << " by " << moveLen << " to " << newPosition << G4endl; } #endif MovePoint(); // Unintentional changed -- ???? // Relocate to cope with this move -- else could abort !? // Locate( newPosition, newDirection ); } // Check whether the particle have an (EM) field force exerting upon it // G4double particleCharge= currentState.GetCharge(); G4FieldManager* fieldMgr=0; G4bool fieldExertsForce = false ; if( (particleCharge != 0.0) ) { fieldMgr= fpFieldPropagator->FindAndSetFieldManager( currentVolume ); // Protect for case where field manager has no field (= field is zero) // fieldExertsForce = (fieldMgr != 0) && (fieldMgr->GetDetectorField() != 0); } fFieldExertedForce = fieldExertsForce; // Store for use in later calls // referring to this 'step'. fNoGeometriesLimiting= -1; // At start of track, no process limited step if( fieldExertsForce ) { DoNextCurvedStep( currentState, proposedStepLength, currentVolume ); //-------------- }else{ DoNextLinearStep( currentState, proposedStepLength ); //-------------- } fLastStepNo= stepNo; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if ( (fNoGeometriesLimiting < 0) || (fNoGeometriesLimiting > fNoActiveNavigators) ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Number of geometries limiting the step not set." << G4endl << " Number of geometries limiting step = " << fNoGeometriesLimiting; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::ComputeStep()", "GeomNav0002", FatalException, message); } #endif } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER else { if( proposedStepLength < fTrueMinStep ) // For 2nd+ geometry { std::ostringstream message; message << "Problem in step size request." << G4endl << " Error can be caused by incorrect process ordering." << " Being requested to make a step which is shorter" << " than the minimum Step " << G4endl << " already computed for any Navigator/geometry during" << " this tracking-step: " << G4endl << " This can happen due to an error in process ordering." << G4endl << " Check that all physics processes are registered" << G4endl << " before all processes with a navigator/geometry." << G4endl << " If using pre-packaged physics list and/or" << G4endl << " functionality, please report this error." << G4endl << G4endl << " Additional information for problem: " << G4endl << " Steps request/proposed = " << proposedStepLength << G4endl << " MinimumStep (true) = " << fTrueMinStep << G4endl << " MinimumStep (navraw) = " << fMinStep << G4endl << " Navigator raw return value" << G4endl << " Requested step now = " << proposedStepLength << G4endl << " Difference min-req = " << fTrueMinStep-proposedStepLength << G4endl << " -- Step info> stepNo= " << stepNo << " last= " << fLastStepNo << " newTr= " << fNewTrack << G4endl; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::ComputeStep()", "GeomNav0003", FatalException, message); } else { // This is neither a new track nor a new step -- just another // client accessing information for the current track, step // We will simply retrieve the results of the synchronous // stepping for this Navigator Id below. // if( fVerboseLevel > 1 ) { G4cout << " G4P::CS -> Not calling DoNextLinearStep: " << " stepNo= " << stepNo << " last= " << fLastStepNo << " new= " << fNewTrack << " Step already done" << G4endl; } } } #endif fNewTrack= false; // Prepare the information to return pNewSafety = fCurrentPreStepSafety[ navigatorNo ]; limitedStep = fLimitedStep[ navigatorNo ]; fRelocatedPoint= false; possibleStep= std::min(proposedStepLength, fCurrentStepSize[ navigatorNo ]); EndState = fEndState; // now corrected for smaller step, if needed #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 0 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ComputeStep returns " << fCurrentStepSize[ navigatorNo ] << " for Navigator " << navigatorNo << " Limited step = " << limitedStep << " Safety(mm) = " << pNewSafety / mm << G4endl; } #endif return possibleStep; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PathFinder::PrepareNewTrack( const G4ThreeVector& position, const G4ThreeVector& direction, G4VPhysicalVolume* massStartVol) { // Key purposes: // - Check and cache set of active navigators // - Reset state for new track G4int num=0; EnableParallelNavigation(true); // Switch PropagatorInField to use MultiNavigator fpTransportManager->GetSafetyHelper()->InitialiseHelper(); // Reinitialise state of safety helper -- avoid problems with overlaps fNewTrack= true; this->MovePoint(); // Signal further that the last status is wiped // Message the G4NavigatorPanel / Dispatcher to find active navigators // std::vector::iterator pNavigatorIter; fNoActiveNavigators= fpTransportManager-> GetNoActiveNavigators(); if( fNoActiveNavigators > fMaxNav ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Too many active Navigators / worlds." << G4endl << " Transportation Manager has " << fNoActiveNavigators << " active navigators." << G4endl << " This is more than the number allowed = " << fMaxNav << " !"; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::PrepareNewTrack()", "GeomNav0002", FatalException, message); } fpMultiNavigator->PrepareNavigators(); //------------------------------------ pNavigatorIter= fpTransportManager->GetActiveNavigatorsIterator(); for( num=0; num< fNoActiveNavigators; ++pNavigatorIter,++num ) { // Keep information in C-array ... for creating touchables - at least fpNavigator[num] = *pNavigatorIter; fLimitTruth[num] = false; fLimitedStep[num] = kDoNot; fCurrentStepSize[num] = 0.0; fLocatedVolume[num] = 0; } fNoGeometriesLimiting= 0; // At start of track, no process limited step // In case of one geometry, the tracking will have done the locating!! if( fNoActiveNavigators > 1 ) { Locate( position, direction, false ); } else { // Update state -- depending on the tracking's call to Mass Navigator fLastLocatedPosition= position; fLocatedVolume[0]= massStartVol; // This information must be given // by transportation fLimitedStep[0] = kDoNot; fCurrentStepSize[0] = 0.0; } // Reset Safety Information -- as in case of overlaps this can cause // inconsistencies ... // fMinSafety_PreStepPt= fPreSafetyMinValue= fMinSafety_atSafLocation= 0.0; for( num=0; num< fNoActiveNavigators; ++num ) { fPreSafetyValues[num]= 0.0; fNewSafetyComputed[num]= 0.0; fCurrentPreStepSafety[num] = 0.0; } // The first location for each Navigator must be non-relative // or else call ResetStackAndState() for each Navigator fRelocatedPoint= false; } void G4PathFinder::EndTrack() // Signal end of tracking of current track. // Reset TransportationManager to use 'ordinary' Navigator // Reset internal state, if needed { EnableParallelNavigation(false); // Else it will be continue to be used } void G4PathFinder::ReportMove( const G4ThreeVector& OldVector, const G4ThreeVector& NewVector, const G4String& Quantity ) const { G4ThreeVector moveVec = ( NewVector - OldVector ); G4int prc= G4cerr.precision(12); std::ostringstream message; message << "Endpoint moved between value returned by ComputeStep()" << " and call to Locate(). " << G4endl << " Change of " << Quantity << " is " << moveVec.mag() / mm << " mm long" << G4endl << " and its vector is " << (1.0/mm) * moveVec << " mm " << G4endl << " Endpoint of ComputeStep() was " << OldVector << G4endl << " and current position to locate is " << NewVector; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::ReportMove()", "GeomNav1002", JustWarning, message); G4cerr.precision(prc); } void G4PathFinder::Locate( const G4ThreeVector& position, const G4ThreeVector& direction, G4bool relative) { // Locate the point in each geometry std::vector::iterator pNavIter= fpTransportManager->GetActiveNavigatorsIterator(); G4ThreeVector lastEndPosition= fEndState.GetPosition(); G4ThreeVector moveVec = (position - lastEndPosition ); G4double moveLenSq= moveVec.mag2(); if( (!fNewTrack) && (!fRelocatedPoint) && ( moveLenSq> 10*kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance ) ) { ReportMove( position, lastEndPosition, "Position" ); } fLastLocatedPosition= position; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " G4PathFinder::Locate : entered " << G4endl; G4cout << " -------------------- -------" << G4endl; G4cout << " Locating at position " << position << " with direction " << direction << " relative= " << relative << G4endl; if ( (fVerboseLevel > 1) || ( moveLenSq > 0.0) ) { G4cout << " lastEndPosition = " << lastEndPosition << " moveVec = " << moveVec << " newTr = " << fNewTrack << " relocated = " << fRelocatedPoint << G4endl; } G4cout << " Located at " << position ; if( fNoActiveNavigators > 1 ) { G4cout << G4endl; } } #endif for ( G4int num=0; num< fNoActiveNavigators ; ++pNavIter,++num ) { // ... who limited the step .... if( fLimitTruth[num] ) { (*pNavIter)->SetGeometricallyLimitedStep(); } G4VPhysicalVolume *pLocated= (*pNavIter)->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup( position, &direction, relative, false); // Set the state related to the location // fLocatedVolume[num] = pLocated; // Clear state related to the step // fLimitedStep[num] = kDoNot; fCurrentStepSize[num] = 0.0; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " - In world " << num << " geomLimStep= " << fLimitTruth[num] << " gives volume= " << pLocated ; if( pLocated ) { G4cout << " name = '" << pLocated->GetName() << "'"; G4cout << " - CopyNo= " << pLocated->GetCopyNo(); } G4cout << G4endl; } #endif } fRelocatedPoint= false; } void G4PathFinder::ReLocate( const G4ThreeVector& position ) { // Locate the point in each geometry std::vector::iterator pNavIter= fpTransportManager->GetActiveNavigatorsIterator(); #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER // Check that this relocation does not violate safety // - at endpoint (computed from start point) AND // - at last safety location (likely just called) G4ThreeVector lastEndPosition= fEndState.GetPosition(); // Calculate end-point safety ... // G4double DistanceStartEnd= (lastEndPosition - fPreStepLocation).mag(); G4double endPointSafety_raw = fMinSafety_PreStepPt - DistanceStartEnd; G4double endPointSafety_Est1 = std::max( 0.0, endPointSafety_raw ); // ... and check move from endpoint against this endpoint safety // G4ThreeVector moveVecEndPos = position - lastEndPosition; G4double moveLenEndPosSq = moveVecEndPos.mag2(); // Check that move from endpoint of last step is within safety // -- or check against last location or relocation ?? // G4ThreeVector moveVecSafety= position - fSafetyLocation; G4double moveLenSafSq= moveVecSafety.mag2(); G4double distCheckEnd_sq= ( moveLenEndPosSq - endPointSafety_Est1 *endPointSafety_Est1 ); G4double distCheckSaf_sq= ( moveLenSafSq - fMinSafety_atSafLocation *fMinSafety_atSafLocation ); G4bool longMoveEnd = distCheckEnd_sq > 0.0; G4bool longMoveSaf = distCheckSaf_sq > 0.0; G4double revisedSafety= 0.0; if( (!fNewTrack) && ( longMoveEnd && longMoveSaf ) ) { // Recompute ComputeSafety for end position // revisedSafety= ComputeSafety(lastEndPosition); const G4double kRadTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetRadialTolerance(); const G4double cErrorTolerance=1e-12; // Maximum relative error from roundoff of arithmetic G4double distCheckRevisedEnd= moveLenEndPosSq-revisedSafety*revisedSafety; G4bool longMoveRevisedEnd= ( distCheckRevisedEnd > 0. ) ; G4double moveMinusSafety= 0.0; G4double moveLenEndPosition= std::sqrt( moveLenEndPosSq ); moveMinusSafety = moveLenEndPosition - revisedSafety; if ( longMoveRevisedEnd && (moveMinusSafety > 0.0 ) && ( revisedSafety > 0.0 ) ) { // Take into account possibility of roundoff error causing // this apparent move further than safety if( fVerboseLevel > 0 ) { G4cout << " G4PF:Relocate> Ratio to revised safety is " << std::fabs(moveMinusSafety)/revisedSafety << G4endl; } G4double absMoveMinusSafety= std::fabs(moveMinusSafety); G4bool smallRatio= absMoveMinusSafety < kRadTolerance * revisedSafety ; G4double maxCoordPos = std::max( std::max( std::fabs(position.x()), std::fabs(position.y())), std::fabs(position.z()) ); G4bool smallValue= absMoveMinusSafety < cErrorTolerance * maxCoordPos; if( ! (smallRatio || smallValue) ) { G4cout << " G4PF:Relocate> Ratio to revised safety is " << std::fabs(moveMinusSafety)/revisedSafety << G4endl; G4cout << " Difference of move and safety is not very small." << G4endl; } else { moveMinusSafety = 0.0; longMoveRevisedEnd = false; // Numerical issue -- not too long! G4cout << " Difference of move & safety is very small in magnitude, " << absMoveMinusSafety << G4endl; if( smallRatio ) { G4cout << " ratio to safety " << revisedSafety << " is " << absMoveMinusSafety / revisedSafety << "smaller than " << kRadTolerance << " of safety "; } else { G4cout << " as fraction " << absMoveMinusSafety / maxCoordPos << " of position vector max-coord " << maxCoordPos << " smaller than " << cErrorTolerance ; } G4cout << " -- reset moveMinusSafety to " << moveMinusSafety << G4endl; } } if ( longMoveEnd && longMoveSaf && longMoveRevisedEnd && (moveMinusSafety>0.0) ) { G4int oldPrec= G4cout.precision(9); std::ostringstream message; message << "ReLocation is further than end-safety value." << G4endl << " Moved from last endpoint by " << moveLenEndPosition << " compared to end safety (from preStep point) = " << endPointSafety_Est1 << G4endl << " --> last PreSafety Location was " << fPreSafetyLocation << G4endl << " safety value = " << fPreSafetyMinValue << G4endl << " --> last PreStep Location was " << fPreStepLocation << G4endl << " safety value = " << fMinSafety_PreStepPt << G4endl << " --> last EndStep Location was " << lastEndPosition << G4endl << " safety value = " << endPointSafety_Est1 << " raw-value = " << endPointSafety_raw << G4endl << " --> Calling again at this endpoint, we get " << revisedSafety << " as safety value." << G4endl << " --> last position for safety " << fSafetyLocation << G4endl << " its safety value = " << fMinSafety_atSafLocation << G4endl << " move from safety location = " << std::sqrt(moveLenSafSq) << G4endl << " again= " << moveVecSafety.mag() << G4endl << " safety - Move-from-end= " << revisedSafety - moveLenEndPosition << " (negative is Bad.)" << G4endl << " Debug: distCheckRevisedEnd = " << distCheckRevisedEnd; ReportMove( lastEndPosition, position, "Position" ); G4Exception("G4PathFinder::ReLocate", "GeomNav0003", FatalException, message); G4cout.precision(oldPrec); } } if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ReLocate : entered " << G4endl; G4cout << " ---------------------- -------" << G4endl; G4cout << " *Re*Locating at position " << position << G4endl; // << " with direction " << direction // << " relative= " << relative << G4endl; if ( (fVerboseLevel > -1) || ( moveLenEndPosSq > 0.0) ) { G4cout << " lastEndPosition = " << lastEndPosition << " moveVec from step-end = " << moveVecEndPos << " is new Track = " << fNewTrack << " relocated = " << fRelocatedPoint << G4endl; } } #endif // G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER for ( G4int num=0; num< fNoActiveNavigators ; ++pNavIter,++num ) { // ... none limited the step (*pNavIter)->LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume( position ); // Clear state related to the step // fLimitedStep[num] = kDoNot; fCurrentStepSize[num] = 0.0; fLimitTruth[num] = false; } fLastLocatedPosition= position; fRelocatedPoint= false; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ReLocate : exiting " << " at position " << fLastLocatedPosition << G4endl << G4endl; } #endif } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4double G4PathFinder::ComputeSafety( const G4ThreeVector& position ) { // Recompute safety for the relevant point G4double minSafety= kInfinity; std::vector::iterator pNavigatorIter; pNavigatorIter= fpTransportManager->GetActiveNavigatorsIterator(); for( G4int num=0; numComputeSafety( position,true ); if( safety < minSafety ) { minSafety = safety; } fNewSafetyComputed[num]= safety; } fSafetyLocation= position; fMinSafety_atSafLocation = minSafety; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 1 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ComputeSafety - returns " << minSafety << " at location " << position << G4endl; } #endif return minSafety; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- G4TouchableHandle G4PathFinder::CreateTouchableHandle( G4int navId ) const { #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << "G4PathFinder::CreateTouchableHandle : navId = " << navId << " -- " << GetNavigator(navId) << G4endl; } #endif G4TouchableHistory* touchHist; touchHist= GetNavigator(navId) -> CreateTouchableHistory(); G4VPhysicalVolume* locatedVolume= fLocatedVolume[navId]; if( locatedVolume == 0 ) { // Workaround to ensure that the touchable is fixed !! // TODO: fix touchHist->UpdateYourself( locatedVolume, touchHist->GetHistory() ); } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4String VolumeName("None"); if( locatedVolume ) { VolumeName= locatedVolume->GetName(); } G4cout << " Touchable History created at address " << touchHist << " volume = " << locatedVolume << " name= " << VolumeName << G4endl; } #endif return G4TouchableHandle(touchHist); } G4double G4PathFinder::DoNextLinearStep( const G4FieldTrack &initialState, G4double proposedStepLength ) { std::vector::iterator pNavigatorIter; G4double safety= 0.0, step=0.0; G4double minSafety= kInfinity, minStep; const G4int IdTransport= 0; // Id of Mass Navigator !! G4int num=0; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::DoNextLinearStep : entered " << G4endl; G4cout << " Input field track= " << initialState << G4endl; G4cout << " Requested step= " << proposedStepLength << G4endl; } #endif G4ThreeVector initialPosition= initialState.GetPosition(); G4ThreeVector initialDirection= initialState.GetMomentumDirection(); G4ThreeVector OriginShift = initialPosition - fPreSafetyLocation; G4double MagSqShift = OriginShift.mag2() ; G4double MagShift; // Only given value if it larger than minimum safety // Potential optimisation using Maximum Value of safety! // if( MagSqShift >= sqr(fPreSafetyMaxValue ) ){ // MagShift= kInfinity; // Not a useful value -- all will not use/ignore // else // MagShift= std::sqrt(MagSqShift) ; MagShift= std::sqrt(MagSqShift) ; #ifdef G4PATHFINDER_OPTIMISATION G4double fullSafety; // For all geometries, for prestep point if( MagSqShift >= sqr(fPreSafetyMinValue ) ) { fullSafety = 0.0 ; } else { fullSafety = fPreSafetyMinValue - MagShift; } if( proposedStepLength < fullSafety ) { // Move is smaller than all safeties // -> so we do not have to move the safety center fPreStepCenterRenewed= false; for( num=0; num< fNoActiveNavigators; ++num ) { fCurrentStepSize[num]= kInfinity; safety = std::max( 0.0, fPreSafetyValues[num] - MagShift); minSafety= std::min( safety, minSafety ); fCurrentPreStepSafety[num]= safety; } minStep= kInfinity; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << "G4PathFinder::DoNextLinearStep : Quick Stepping. " << G4endl << " proposedStepLength " << proposedStepLength << " < (full) safety = " << fullSafety << " at " << initialPosition << G4endl; } #endif } else #endif // End of G4PATHFINDER_OPTIMISATION 1 { // Move is larger than at least one of the safeties // -> so we must move the safety center! fPreStepCenterRenewed= true; pNavigatorIter= fpTransportManager-> GetActiveNavigatorsIterator(); minStep= kInfinity; // Not proposedStepLength; for( num=0; num< fNoActiveNavigators; ++pNavigatorIter,++num ) { safety = std::max( 0.0, fPreSafetyValues[num] - MagShift); #ifdef G4PATHFINDER_OPTIMISATION if( proposedStepLength <= safety ) // Should be just < safety ? { // The Step is guaranteed to be taken step= kInfinity; // ComputeStep Would return this #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER G4cout.precision(8); G4cout << "PathFinder::ComputeStep> small proposed step = " << proposedStepLength << " <= safety = " << safety << " for nav " << num << " Step fully taken. " << G4endl; #endif } else #endif // End of G4PATHFINDER_OPTIMISATION 2 { #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER G4double previousSafety= safety; #endif step= (*pNavigatorIter)->ComputeStep( initialPosition, initialDirection, proposedStepLength, safety ); minStep = std::min( step, minStep); // TODO: consider whether/how to reduce the proposed step // to the latest minStep value - to reduce calculations #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 0) { G4cout.precision(8); G4cout << "PathFinder::ComputeStep> long proposed step = " << proposedStepLength << " > safety = " << previousSafety << " for nav " << num << " . New safety = " << safety << " step= " << step << G4endl; } #endif } fCurrentStepSize[num] = step; // Save safety value, must be done for all geometries "together" // (even if not recomputed using call to ComputeStep) // since they share the fPreSafetyLocation fPreSafetyValues[num]= safety; fCurrentPreStepSafety[num]= safety; minSafety= std::min( safety, minSafety ); #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << "G4PathFinder::DoNextLinearStep : Navigator [" << num << "] -- step size " << step << G4endl; } #endif } // Only change these when safety is recalculated // it is good/relevant only for safety calculations fPreSafetyLocation= initialPosition; fPreSafetyMinValue= minSafety; } // end of else for if( proposedStepLength <= fullSafety) // For use in Relocation, need PreStep point location, min-safety // fPreStepLocation= initialPosition; fMinSafety_PreStepPt= minSafety; fMinStep= minStep; if( fMinStep == kInfinity ) { minStep = proposedStepLength; // Use this below for endpoint !! } fTrueMinStep = minStep; // Set the EndState G4ThreeVector endPosition; fEndState= initialState; endPosition= initialPosition + minStep * initialDirection ; #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 1 ) { G4cout << "G4PathFinder::DoNextLinearStep : " << " initialPosition = " << initialPosition << " and endPosition = " << endPosition<< G4endl; } #endif fEndState.SetPosition( endPosition ); fEndState.SetProperTimeOfFlight( -1.000 ); // Not defined YET if( fNoActiveNavigators == 1 ) { G4bool transportLimited = (fMinStep!= kInfinity); fLimitTruth[IdTransport] = transportLimited; fLimitedStep[IdTransport] = transportLimited ? kUnique : kDoNot; // Set fNoGeometriesLimiting - as WhichLimited does fNoGeometriesLimiting = transportLimited ? 1 : 0; } else { WhichLimited(); } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::DoNextLinearStep : exits returning " << minStep << G4endl; G4cout << " Endpoint values = " << fEndState << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; } #endif return minStep; } void G4PathFinder::WhichLimited() { // Flag which processes limited the step G4int num=-1, last=-1; G4int noLimited=0; ELimited shared= kSharedOther; const G4int IdTransport= 0; // Id of Mass Navigator !! // Assume that [IdTransport] is Mass / Transport // G4bool transportLimited = (fCurrentStepSize[IdTransport] == fMinStep) && ( fMinStep!= kInfinity) ; if( transportLimited ) { shared= kSharedTransport; } for ( num= 0; num < fNoActiveNavigators; num++ ) { G4bool limitedStep; G4double step= fCurrentStepSize[num]; limitedStep = ( std::fabs(step - fMinStep) < kCarTolerance ) && ( step != kInfinity); fLimitTruth[ num ] = limitedStep; if( limitedStep ) { noLimited++; fLimitedStep[num] = shared; last= num; } else { fLimitedStep[num] = kDoNot; } } fNoGeometriesLimiting= noLimited; // Save # processes limiting step if( (last > -1) && (noLimited == 1 ) ) { fLimitedStep[ last ] = kUnique; } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 1 ) { PrintLimited(); // --> for tracing if( fVerboseLevel > 4 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::WhichLimited - exiting. " << G4endl; } } #endif } void G4PathFinder::PrintLimited() { // Report results -- for checking G4cout << "G4PathFinder::PrintLimited reports: " ; G4cout << " Minimum step (true)= " << fTrueMinStep << " reported min = " << fMinStep << G4endl; if( (fCurrentStepNo <= 2) || (fVerboseLevel>=2) ) { G4cout << std::setw(5) << " Step#" << " " << std::setw(5) << " NavId" << " " << std::setw(12) << " step-size " << " " << std::setw(12) << " raw-size " << " " << std::setw(12) << " pre-safety " << " " << std::setw(15) << " Limited / flag" << " " << std::setw(15) << " World " << " " << G4endl; } G4int num; for ( num= 0; num < fNoActiveNavigators; num++ ) { G4double rawStep = fCurrentStepSize[num]; G4double stepLen = fCurrentStepSize[num]; if( stepLen > fTrueMinStep ) { stepLen = fTrueMinStep; // did not limit (went as far as asked) } G4int oldPrec= G4cout.precision(9); G4cout << std::setw(5) << fCurrentStepNo << " " << std::setw(5) << num << " " << std::setw(12) << stepLen << " " << std::setw(12) << rawStep << " " << std::setw(12) << fCurrentPreStepSafety[num] << " " << std::setw(5) << (fLimitTruth[num] ? "YES" : " NO") << " "; G4String limitedStr= LimitedString(fLimitedStep[num]); G4cout << " " << std::setw(15) << limitedStr << " "; G4cout.precision(oldPrec); G4Navigator *pNav= GetNavigator( num ); G4String WorldName( "Not-Set" ); if (pNav) { G4VPhysicalVolume *pWorld= pNav->GetWorldVolume(); if( pWorld ) { WorldName = pWorld->GetName(); } } G4cout << " " << WorldName ; G4cout << G4endl; } if( fVerboseLevel > 4 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::PrintLimited - exiting. " << G4endl; } } G4double G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep( const G4FieldTrack &initialState, G4double proposedStepLength, G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPhysicalVolume ) { const G4double toleratedRelativeError= 1.0e-10; G4double minStep= kInfinity, newSafety=0.0; G4int numNav; G4FieldTrack fieldTrack= initialState; G4ThreeVector startPoint= initialState.GetPosition(); #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER G4int prc= G4cout.precision(9); if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep ****** " << G4endl; G4cout << " Initial value of field track is " << fieldTrack << " and proposed step= " << proposedStepLength << G4endl; } #endif fPreStepCenterRenewed= true; // Always update PreSafety with PreStep point if( fNoActiveNavigators > 1 ) { // Calculate the safety values before making the step G4double minSafety= kInfinity, safety; for( numNav=0; numNav < fNoActiveNavigators; ++numNav ) { safety= fpNavigator[numNav]->ComputeSafety( startPoint, false ); fPreSafetyValues[numNav]= safety; fCurrentPreStepSafety[numNav]= safety; minSafety = std::min( safety, minSafety ); } // Save safety value, related position fPreSafetyLocation= startPoint; fPreSafetyMinValue= minSafety; fPreStepLocation= startPoint; fMinSafety_PreStepPt= minSafety; } // Allow Propagator In Field to do the hard work, calling G4MultiNavigator // minStep= fpFieldPropagator->ComputeStep( fieldTrack, proposedStepLength, newSafety, pCurrentPhysicalVolume ); // fieldTrack now contains the endpoint information // fEndState= fieldTrack; fMinStep= minStep; fTrueMinStep = std::min( minStep, proposedStepLength ); if( fNoActiveNavigators== 1 ) { // Update the 'PreSafety' sphere - as any ComputeStep was called // (must be done anyway in field) fPreSafetyValues[0]= newSafety; fPreSafetyLocation= startPoint; fPreSafetyMinValue= newSafety; // Update the current 'PreStep' point's values - mandatory // fCurrentPreStepSafety[0]= newSafety; fPreStepLocation= startPoint; fMinSafety_PreStepPt= newSafety; } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << "G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep : " << G4endl << " initialState = " << initialState << G4endl << " and endState = " << fEndState << G4endl; G4cout << "G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep : " << " minStep = " << minStep << " proposedStepLength " << proposedStepLength << " safety = " << newSafety << G4endl; } #endif G4double currentStepSize; // = 0.0; if( minStep < proposedStepLength ) // if == , then a boundary found at end ?? { // Recover the remaining information from MultiNavigator // especially regarding which Navigator limited the step G4int noLimited= 0; // No geometries limiting step for( numNav=0; numNav < fNoActiveNavigators; ++numNav ) { G4double finalStep, lastPreSafety=0.0, minStepLast; ELimited didLimit; G4bool limited; finalStep= fpMultiNavigator->ObtainFinalStep( numNav, lastPreSafety, minStepLast, didLimit ); // Calculate the step for this geometry, using the // final step (the only one which can differ.) currentStepSize = fTrueMinStep; G4double diffStep= 0.0; if( (minStepLast != kInfinity) ) { diffStep = (finalStep-minStepLast); if ( std::abs(diffStep) <= toleratedRelativeError * finalStep ) { diffStep = 0.0; } currentStepSize += diffStep; } fCurrentStepSize[numNav] = currentStepSize; // TODO: could refine the way to obtain safeties for > 1 geometries // - for pre step safety // notify MultiNavigator about new set of sub-steps // allow it to return this value in ObtainFinalStep // instead of lastPreSafety (or as well?) // - for final step start (available) // get final Step start from MultiNavigator // and corresponding safety values // and/or ALSO calculate ComputeSafety at endpoint // endSafety= fpNavigator[numNav]->ComputeSafety( endPoint ); fLimitedStep[numNav] = didLimit; fLimitTruth[numNav] = limited = (didLimit != kDoNot ); if( limited ) { noLimited++; } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER G4bool StepError= (currentStepSize < 0) || ( (minStepLast != kInfinity) && (diffStep < 0) ) ; if( StepError || (fVerboseLevel > 2) ) { G4String limitedString= LimitedString( fLimitedStep[numNav] ); G4cout << " G4PathFinder::ComputeStep. Geometry " << numNav << " step= " << fCurrentStepSize[numNav] << " from final-step= " << finalStep << " fTrueMinStep= " << fTrueMinStep << " minStepLast= " << minStepLast << " limited = " << (fLimitTruth[numNav] ? "YES" : " NO") << " "; G4cout << " status = " << limitedString << " #= " << didLimit << G4endl; if( StepError ) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Incorrect calculation of step size for one navigator" << G4endl << " currentStepSize = " << currentStepSize << ", diffStep= " << diffStep << G4endl << "ERROR in computing step size for this navigator."; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep", "GeomNav0003", FatalException, message); } } #endif } // for num Navigators fNoGeometriesLimiting= noLimited; // Save # processes limiting step } else if ( (minStep == proposedStepLength) || (minStep == kInfinity) || ( std::abs(minStep-proposedStepLength) < toleratedRelativeError * proposedStepLength ) ) { // In case the step was not limited, use default responses // --> all Navigators // Also avoid problems in case of PathFinder using safety to optimise // - it is possible that the Navigators were not called // if the safety was already satisfactory. // (In that case calling ObtainFinalStep gives invalid results.) currentStepSize= minStep; for( numNav=0; numNav < fNoActiveNavigators; ++numNav ) { fCurrentStepSize[numNav] = minStep; // Safety for endpoint ?? // Can eventuall improve it -- see TODO above fLimitedStep[numNav] = kDoNot; fLimitTruth[numNav] = false; } fNoGeometriesLimiting= 0; // Save # processes limiting step } else // (minStep > proposedStepLength) and not (minStep == kInfinity) { std::ostringstream message; message << "Incorrect calculation of step size for one navigator." << G4endl << " currentStepSize = " << minStep << " is larger than " << " proposed StepSize = " << proposedStepLength << "."; G4Exception("G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep()", "GeomNav0003", FatalException, message); } #ifdef G4DEBUG_PATHFINDER if( fVerboseLevel > 2 ) { G4cout << " Exiting G4PathFinder::DoNextCurvedStep " << G4endl; PrintLimited(); } G4cout.precision(prc); #endif return minStep; } G4String& G4PathFinder::LimitedString( ELimited lim ) { static G4String StrDoNot("DoNot"), StrUnique("Unique"), StrUndefined("Undefined"), StrSharedTransport("SharedTransport"), StrSharedOther("SharedOther"); G4String* limitedStr; switch ( lim ) { case kDoNot: limitedStr= &StrDoNot; break; case kUnique: limitedStr = &StrUnique; break; case kSharedTransport: limitedStr= &StrSharedTransport; break; case kSharedOther: limitedStr = &StrSharedOther; break; default: limitedStr = &StrUndefined; break; } return *limitedStr; } void G4PathFinder::PushPostSafetyToPreSafety() { fPreSafetyLocation= fSafetyLocation; fPreSafetyMinValue= fMinSafety_atSafLocation; for( G4int nav=0; nav < fNoActiveNavigators; ++nav ) { fPreSafetyValues[nav]= fNewSafetyComputed[nav]; } }