$Id: History 84628 2014-10-17 10:12:21Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Sub-Category History file ------------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all directory-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- September, 17th, 2014, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V09-06-02 - Updated unit tests for compilation errors and warnings... September, 1st, 2014, G.Cosmo - Fixed use of polyhedron pointer, to avoid race condition in MT when parameterised volumes are visualised. October, 29th, 2013, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V09-06-01 - Include tags on top of geant4-09-06-ref-10: geom-specific-V09-06-22. - Added new 'usolids' module, including classes imported from the AIDA Unified Solids Library (see https://aidasoft.web.cern.ch/USolids). December, 14th, 2012, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V09-06-00 - Includes tags: geom-bool-V09-06-01, geom-csg-V09-06-01, geom-specific-V09-06-01, geom-solids-tests-V09-06-00. - Archived BREPS module. - Restored SVN id headers. June, 12th, 2012, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V09-05-00 - Includes tags: geom-bool-V09-05-02, geom-csg-V09-05-04, breps-V09-05-01, geom-specific-V09-05-06. - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. October, 20th, 2006, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V08-01-00 - Includes tags: geom-bool-V08-01-00, breps-V08-01-00, geom-csg-V08-01-00, geom-specific-V08-01-00, geom-solids-tests-V08-01-00. - Implemented specific computation of surface area for CSG solids and included caching mechanism for the computed value. - Requires tag "geommng-V08-01-04". November, 9th, 2005, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V07-01-00 - Includes tags: geom-bool-V07-01-01, breps-V07-01-01, geom-csg-V07-01-04, geom-specific-V07-01-07. - Implemented changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X. - Added fake default constructor for all concrete solids, base classes and relevant utility classes for handling of direct object persistency. - Implemented migration to from deprecated for BREPS and unit tests Fred and SBT. April, 4th, 2005, G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V07-00-00 - Includes tags: breps-V07-00-01, geom-bool-V07-00-02, geom-csg-V07-00-02 and geom-specific-V07-00-03. - Implemented Get/CreatePolyhedron() when missing. - Some code cleanup. - Requires tag "greps-V07-00-02". December, 2nd, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V06-02-01 - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. September, 22nd, 2004 G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V06-02-00 - Includes tags: geom-csg-V06-02-04, geom-bool-V06-02-00, geom-specific-V06-02-01, breps-V06-02-01. Requires tag "geommng-V06-02-01". October, 28th, 2003 G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V05-02-01 - Includes tags: geom-specific-V05-02-03, geom-csg-V05-02-02, geom-bool-V05-02-02, breps-V05-02-01. September, 30th, 2003 G.Cosmo - geomsolids-V05-02-00 - Archived solids/STEP and solids/STEPinterface modules. Modified GNUmakefiles to cope with this. Include tags: breps-V05-02-00, geom-bool-V05-02-00, geom-csg-V05-02-00, geom-specific-V05-02-01, May 28th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V05-01-00 - Modified GNUmakefile to make compilation of STEP and STEPinterface modules optional. By default compilation will not be triggered, it is now required to set the variable G4LIB_BUILD_STEP for it. Coworks with tag "config-V05-01-01" for geant4/config and with "geometry-gmk-V05-01-00" for geant4/source/geometry/GNUmakefile. Oct 28th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V04-01-00 - Collects tags breps-V04-01-01, geom-bool-V04-01-00, geom-csg-V04-01-01, geom-specific-V04-01-00. - Coworks with tag geommng-V04-01-03 of geometry/management, and based on reference tag "geant4-04-01-ref-03". Includes streaming mechanism for solids. Apr 20th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V03-01-00 - Collects tags breps-V03-01-00, geom-solids-csg-V03-01-01, stepinterface-V03-01-00, geom-solids-specific-V03-01-00, geom-solid-bool-V03-00-03 and the latest fixes to STEP. - Added X11RayTracer tool (E.Medernach) for unit testing and latest updates to SBT and Fred test suites. Nov 13th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V02-00-01 - Collects tags breps-V02-00-02, geom-solids-csg-V02-00-09, stepinterface-V02-00-01 and geom-solids-specific-V02-00-03 on top of the previous tag. Nov 09th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V02-00-00 - General QA code review. See History file within each subdomain. Includes tags: geom-solids-csg-V02-00-08, stepinterface-V02-00-00, breps-V02-00-01, geom-solids-specific-V02-00-02, geom-solid-bool-V02-00-01. - Included recent developments in unit tests SBT and Fred. (E.Medernach) Apr 27th, 2000 G. Cosmo - Updated comments for the Software Reference Manual in "Boolean", added CVS and standard G4 headers where missing. Apr 18th, 2000 D. Williams - Minor fixes and cosmectics in "specific" solids. Removed dependency over the CSG module. - Updated SBT test to cope with new shapes in "specific". Apr 11th, 2000 J. Allison - Removed implementations of GetExtent in most sub-classes of G4VSolid (a default implementation exists in G4VSolid). - All implementations of DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const now correctly written: scene.AddThis(*this). - CreatePolyhedron implemented for BooleanSolids. - G4DisplacedSolid: reversed implementation of GetFrameRotation and GetObjectRotation, removing inappropriate invertion. - G4DisplacedSolid::GetConstituentMovedSolid() made const. Apr 5th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V01-01-00 - Restructured CSG directory: o moved all shapes which are non-pure CSG to solids/specific. See related History files for more details. o moved unit-tests to appropriate test directories. o extracted tests "SBT" and "Fred" and placed one level up in solids/tests (new directory). - Fixes to G4Tubes.cc and G4Hype[.hh.cc]. - Added new shape in solids/specific: G4EllipticalTube. - Organised class description comments for the Software Reference Manual in CSG and specific headers. Added CVS headers to files in specific. Jan 19th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomsolids-V01-00-00 - Syncronized HEAD versioning of files after ISO-C++ migration (essentially CVS headers changes). - CSG: fixed bug in DistanceToIn(p,v). (V.Grichine) Modified files: G4Trap.cc and testG4Trap.cc. Dec 1st, 1998 J. Apostolakis - solids-00-04-02 Small additions to History fix to GNUmakefiles and All of solids-00-04-02plus Dec 1st, 1998 J. Apostolakis - solids-00-04-02plus Includes David W's new CSG implementations. Dec 1st, 1998 J. Apostolakis - solids-00-04-02minus Boolean fixes (see that History) BREPS fixes Not David W's new CSG implementations (yet) Nov 20th, 1998 J. Apostolakis/L.Broglia - solids-00-03-04 Tag includes BREPS/STEP/STEPinterface fixes (see relevant history files) Nov 17th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - solids-00-03-03 Latest state (but excluding Boolean - and possibly G4Sphere state) --> newest PCone at the time given to CMS (Matthias) for preliminary testing. mentioned to Steffano Magni Nov 17th, 1998 J. Apostolakis - solids-00-03-02