$Id: History 88500 2015-02-24 14:28:10Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- December 11th, 2014 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-23 - Avoid post-increment in G4NavigationLevelRep::AddAReference(). October 18th, 2014 A.Dotti - geomvol-V09-06-22 - Corrected possible data race (reported by DRD) in G4PVReplica::InitialiseWorker(). April 10th, 2014 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-21 - Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in source files March 31st, 2014 G.Cosmo - Corrected signature of operator=() for G4LogicalBorder/SkinSurface. February 14th, 2014 G.Cosmo - Minor cleanup and optimisation to G4EnhancedAllocator. - Code cleanup in G4GeometryWorkspace and G4GeometryWorkspacePool. November 19th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-20 - Fix(es) for issues identified by Coverity: G4GeometryWorkspace: initialisation of data member. G4GeometryWorkspacePool: fixed implementation of singleton. November 8th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-19 - Cleanup: reduced verbosity of G4GeometryWorkspace by making it optional. Added Set/Get Verbose methods to toggle and view it. November 7th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-18 - Restored the ability to 'clone' Nested Parameterisations. This allows the use of Nested Parameterizations with MT. This precaution is not needed - 'good' user code will cope with the changing of target solid in each thread. Note: The restriction on parameterizations which use multiple types of solids remains. November 1st, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-17 - Restored use of G4EnhancedVecAllocator in G4NavigationHistory for sequential mode. October 18th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-16 - G4GeometryWorkspace: Add new method CloneReplicaSolid, to ensure that the solid for each Replica is separate object. October 17th, 2013 J.Apostolakis, A.Dotti - geomvol-V09-06-15 - Cleanup of the code removing unnecessary lines of codes and comments - G4GeometryWorkspacePool::CreateWorkspace Do not create a second object G4GeometryWorkspace'. - Fixed Singleton G4GeometryWorkspacePool - for thread safe creation of object. G4GeometryWorkspacePool: CreateWorkspace will not create a second object G4GeometryWorkspace (in the same thread) Fixed Singleton G4GeometryWorkspacePool - for thread safe creation of object. October 4th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-14 - Retag due to issue with testing (needed to ensure use of geommng-V09-06-12) Co-works with geommng-V09-06-12 and geom-specific-V09-06-19. October 4th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-13 - Separated functionality for Solids (PCone/PHedra Sides) from G4GeometryWorkspace into separate class G4SolidsWorkspace in solids/specific. Needed to satisfy dependence issue. Co-works with geommng-V09-06-12 and geom-specific-V09-06-18. October 3rd, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-12 - Added new classes G4GeometryWorkspace - to create and manage MT objects. and G4GeometryWorkspacePool which keeps Workspace objects. - Small improvements and description in G4GeometryWorkspace. September 17th, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-10 - Test: use G4EnhancedVecAllocator in G4NavigationHistory only in MT mode. September 16th, 2013 I.Hrivnacova - geomvol-V09-06-09 - Removed thread-local specification for G4LogicalBorderSurfaceTable and G4LogicalSkinSurfaceTable, as now supposed to be shared. August 22nd, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-08 - Added parameter to specify maximum number of overlap errors to report. Adapted code in CheckOverlaps() in G4PVPlacement and G4PVParameterised to take into account the threshold. April 2nd, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-07 - More optimisation to G4LogicalBorderSurface and G4LogicalSkinSurface in the use of static tables. March 18th, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-06 - More cleanup from MT changes in G4TouchableHistory. March 12th, 2013 A.Dotti - geomvol-V09-06-05 - Added missing implementation of member function GetSubInstanceManager() in G4PVReplica. March 12th, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-04 - Added public accessors for MT data to G4PVReplica. March 11th, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-03 - Fixed accessors adding check for existance of static surface table. March 10th, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-02 - Redefined G4DLL_API to G4GEOM_DLL to avoid cases of macro redefinition. March 8th, 2013 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-06-01 - Renamed G4MTTransitory to G4GeomSplitter. Adapted G4PVReplica. - More cleanup of MT changes in G4PVReplica split class and other classes: G4NavigationLevel, G4NavigationLevelRep, G4TouchableHistory, G4LogicalBorderSurface and G4LogicalSkinSurface. February 12th, 2013 J.Apostolakis - geomvol-V09-06-00 - G4TouchableHistory: inspected changes for Geant4-MT. Took out unneeded calls that initialised allocator in many methods. Only the call in new() is needed, and is kept. Cleared extra code introducing a performance penalty and also complicating the code without reason. Note: constructors cannot check that the Allocator is initialised. They could be called first to create an object which was created in a different way (e.g. on the stack, via new(prealloc) or new[ ] ). January 13th, 2013 A.Dotti - Introduced changes for thread-safety from G4MT prototype. Classes with Allocator: all methods now initialising allocator pointer. Revised key classes, to separate the part of the state which is thread-dependent (changed in event loop), including: G4LogicalVolume, G4PhysicalVolume, G4PVReplica, G4PVPlacement. November 6th, 2012 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-05-02 - Fix in G4EnhancedVecAllocator for porting on AIX. May 14th, 2012 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-05-01 - Fixed spurious cases of hidden variable visibility, detected with '-Wshadow' compilation option on gcc compiler. April 2nd, 2012 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-05-00 - Corrected GNUMakefile for spurious inclusion path. August 24th, 2011 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-04-01 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme for warnings and errors. - Defined scheme for warnings/errors coding: + 1xxx for warnings, 0xxx for errors. Code numbering: + 0001: not supported or implemented features; + 0002: invalid setup/construct; + 0003: invalid run condition; + 1001: incorrect setup; automatically adapted. + 1002: notification. July 15th, 2011 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-04-00 - Use WIN32 instead of G4LIB_BUILD_DLL as flag for choosing enhanced allocator in G4NavigationHistory. December 15th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-09 - Use normal allocator if building on Windows. September 6th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-08 - Fixed false-positive cases for initialization in copy-constructor of G4GRSSolid amd G4GRSVolume. Jul 5th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-07 - G4GRSSolid, G4GRSVolume: safer initialisation in copy constructor. - G4PVPlacement, G4PVReplica: added fake initialisation for all members in specialized constructor for I/O persistency. Added fake return statements after exceptions. - G4NavigationHistory: restore original implementation for constructor. Apr 23rd, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-06 - Corrected initialisation of dummy copy-ctor in G4EnhancedVecAllocator, fixing compilation problem on WIN32-VC. Apr 22nd, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-05 - Make use of specialized allocator for handling internal vector in G4NavigatorHistory, globally controlling the memory pool. Measured ~2% average run-time speed-up. Apr 15th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-04 - Combine use of G4Allocator for vectors in G4NavigationHistory with use of assign(). Apr 13th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-03 - Added Reset() method to G4ReflectionFactory for clearing maps of constituent and reflected volumes. Apr 9th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-02 - Use more elegant solution in G4NavigationHistory copy-ctor. Adopt assign(). Mar 31th, 2010 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-01 - Restore original vector allocation, but adopt simple loop copy within copy-constructor. Should provide slight performance improvement and keep locality. Dec 11th, 2009 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-03-00 - Use G4Allocator for vectors in G4NavigationHistory, to optimise memory management and reduce fragmentation. Nov 6th, 2009 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-02-04 - Moved inline constructors to source for G4TouchableHistory, to avoid problems of memory alignment in allocation. Nov 3rd, 2009 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-02-03 - Use G4Allocator for dynamic allocation of G4TouchableHistory objects. Should reduce the number of direct calls to malloc and memory fragmentation. Measured an average improvement of 3-5% in CPU speed, and same memory footprint. Sep 22nd, 2009 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-02-02 - Added missing implementation for composing G4AssemblyVolume constructor. Sep 21st, 2009 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-02-01 - Fix in G4PVParameterised::CheckOverlaps() to not modify daughter volume transformation matrix for application to points in the daughter's frame. Adopt Inverse() instead of Invert() in call to G4AffineTransform. Addresses problem report #1078. Aug 3rd, 2009 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-02-00 - Get rid of unnecessary call to Reset() in G4NavigationHistory destructor. - Some code formatting... Nov 13th, 2008 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-01-03 - Corrected singleton definition for G4ReflectionFactory. - Return 'const G4String&' instead of copy in GetVolumesNameExtension(). Aug 19th, 2008 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-01-02 - Restored names of methods DumpInfo() to G4LogicalSkinSurface and G4LogicalBorderSurface. Jul 16th, 2008 P.Gumplinger - geomvol-V09-01-01 - Change the name of the method DumpInfo() to DumpTableInfo() in G4LogicalSkinSurface and G4LogicalBorderSurface. Feb 4th, 2008 I.Hrivnacova - geomvol-V09-01-00 - Fixed problem of double-deletion of rotation matrix in destructor of G4AssemblyVolume. Nov 16th, 2007 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V09-00-01 - Added inline specification to methods in G4AssemblyTriplet class. Oct 12th, 2007 P.Gumplinger - geomvol-V09-00-00 - Minor cleanup: moved typedef to begin of include files and rename to theSkinSurfaceTable in G4LogicalBorderSurface and G4LogicalSkinSurface classes. - Added explicit initialisation of first volume entry to zero in G4TouchableHistory constructor, to ensure correct behavior for 'out-of-world' touchable handle. (J.Apostolakis) May 11th, 2007 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-03-00 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance in G4ReflectionFactory. - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. Apr 11th, 2007 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-02-02 - More extensions to the CheckOverlaps() algorithm: o Added possibility to define a tolerance for reporting overlaps; added new argument to signature, by default tolerance is set to zero. o Optimised implementation for detecting daughter volumes which are totally overlapping. o Added check on current volume to optimise and correctly handle the case of explicit call of the method when geometry is constructed. Mar 23rd, 2007 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-02-01 - Extended CheckOverlaps() algorithm, detect also cases of daughter volumes which are totally overlapping. Made warning message message more clear. Jan 31st, 2007 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-02-00 - Added flag for controlling verbosity to CheckOverlaps() method for G4PVPlacement and G4PVParameterised. By default, verbosity is ON. - Requires tag "geommng-V08-02-00". Nov 10th, 2006 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-01-00 - Use 'direct' rotation/translation instead of 'frame' rotation/translation in concrete CheckOverlaps() method of G4PVPlacement and G4PVParameterised volumes. Fixes a problem reported for wrong transformation associated to overlap-check in displaced boolean solids (V.Grichine). - Updated unit test 'testG4NavigationHistory': added test for NULL navigation-history (J.Apostolakis). May 5th, 2006 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-00-04 - G4AssemblyVolume: o Corrected decomposition of transformation in G4AssemblyVolume. o Added methods GetVolumesIterator() and TotalImprintedVolumes() for accessing the list of physical-volumes imprinted o Cleaned up comments and descriptions. - Corrected conditions for overlap check in G4PVPlacement constructors. May 2nd, 2006 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-00-03 - G4AssemblyVolume: now G4AssemblyVolume can support assembly of assemblies and reflections. Reviewed and modified MakeImprint() methods to act recursively (kind contribution of I.Hrivnacova). - Extended overlaps check also for reflection of placements. - Moved G4AssemblyTriplet class from 'management' module. - Protect against checking overlaps on world volume placement ... - Requires tag "geommng-V08-00-04". Apr 4th, 2006 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-00-02 - Moved G4VNestedParameterisation and G4VVolumeMaterialScanner classes to 'management' module, to support material scanning in G4Region. - Requires tag "geommng-V08-00-01". Mar 15th, 2006 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-00-01 - G4AssemblyVolume: added default boolean argument to MakeImprint() methods to allow for optional check for overlaps of constituent volumes. Dec 20th, 2005 G.Cosmo - geomvol-V08-00-00 - G4AssemblyVolume: fixed initialisation of names for placed volumes which was corrupted after migration to as side effect. Nov 24th, 2005 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V07-01-05 - Revised implementation of G4VNestedParameterisation, taking out use of G4PhysicalTouchable. - Added implementations of virtual methods to identify materials for nested parameterisations. - Removed G4PhysicalTouchable helper class. Nov 16th, 2005 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V07-01-04 - Corrections to tag below: o Fixed G4PVPlacement's IsRegularStructure() method. o Added missing methods for regular-structures to G4PhysicalTouchable. Nov 11th, 2005 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V07-01-03 - Added methods to identify regular structures in physical-volume derived classes (replicas, parameterised volumes, placements). New virtual methods implemented: - IsRegularStructure() [from G4VPhysicalVolume, defined in Replica] - GetRegularStructureId() Note that G4PVPlacement always return 'false' and 0 respectively. New method defined for Replicas: - SetRegularStructureId() virtual Nov 9th, 2005 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V07-01-02 - Added fake default constructor for concrete types of volumes (placements, parameterised and replica), for usage of direct object persistency. - Implemented migration to for affected classes: G4AssemblyVolume. Oct 19th, 2005 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V07-01-01 - Introduced first implementation for optional check of overlaps at construction to G4PVPlacement and G4PVParameterised volumes. Default resolution of 1000 points is defined for the check. The check is disabled by default. - Introduced method CheckOverlaps(p) for placements and parameterised volumes. The resolution for the check can be specified providing the number of points wished to be generated. - Updated unit test for G4ReflectedSolid. Jul 25th, 2005 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V07-01-00 - Cleanup and fixes in use of inline methods in G4VNestedParameterisation and G4PhysicalTouchable. Jun 14th, 2005 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V07-00-01 - Added G4VNestedParameterisation with ability to use parent information to compute/change material. - Added G4PhysicalTouchable class to enable this type of parameterisation. This class is an implementation class only, and its name especially and potentially other aspect is/are likely to be changed. ---> A revision of the interface of G4VPVParamerisation can provide this capability in future, in a simpler way. This tag coworks with "geomnav-V07-00-00". Jun 6th, 2005 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V07-00-00 - Moved constructors/destructors and operators for G4NavigationLevelRep and G4NavigationLevel to .cc file and not inlined. Dec 2nd, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-02-01 - Implemented migration to for standard mathematical functions. Sep 7th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-02-00 - G4ReflectionFactory.cc: added automatic reflection for visualization attributes, biasing weights and regions associated to the logical volume. Jun 9th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-01-03 - Adopt G4DLLIMPORT/G4DLLEXPORT technique to handle extern simbols for allowing support of DLLs on Windows. - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02b". Jun 7th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-01-02 - Export extern symbols for allowing support of DLLs on Windows. Modified files: G4NavigationLevel.icc, G4NavigationLevelRep.icc. - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02a". May 19th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-01-01 - Added CleanSurfaceTable() static methods in G4LogicalBorderSurface and G4LogicalSkinSurface classes for the clearing of the surface tables in case of dynamic geometries (by T.MacPhail). May 13th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-01-00 - Imported G4ReflectionFactory and unit test 'testG4ReflectedSolid' from module "solids/Boolean". - Enhanced G4ReflectionFactory to support reflection of divided volumes (courtesy of I.Hrivnacova). Added Divide(...) set of methods. - Coworks with tags: geommng-V06-01-00, geomdiv-V06-01-00 and geom-bool-V06-01-00. March 4th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-00-01 - G4NavigationHistory.icc: fixed bug in NewLevel() causing segmentation violation for cases of geometry with deep nested levels. Fixes problem report #597. (Thanks to A.Zoglauer who reported this) January 19th, 2004 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V06-00-00 - G4AssemblyVolume.cc: fixed initial value for 'numberOfDaughters' of imprinted volumes copy-numbers. Fixes problem report #566. December 5th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-08 - G4TouchableHistory.cc: added initialisation of allocators for navigation levels, moved from G4TransportationManager, where they were introduced as workaround for solving static initialisation a long time ago. December 4th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-07 - G4NavigationHistory[.icc.cc]: fixed redundant calls and initialisations. - G4NavigationLevel.icc, G4NavigationLevelRep.icc: fixed implementation of operator=() for inlining. December 1st, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-06 - G4LogicalBorderSurface[.hh.icc.cc], G4LogicalSkinSurface[.hh.icc.cc]: o modified to use G4SurfaceProperty instead of G4OpticalSurface. Requires tag "materials-V05-02-00". Requires tag "geommng-V05-02-05". - Updated unit tests to use derived navigator. November 17th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-05 - Added protection to placement and replica constructors for cases where a volume is placed inside itself. November 10th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-04 - Migrated unit tests to new G4Navigator interface. November 2nd, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-03 - Code cleanup and headers inclusion review (replaced by forward declarations where necessary). October 23rd, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-02 - Migrated calls to G4Exception to new scheme. September 30th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-02-01 - Logical reorganisation and restructure of modules. Moved files to geometry/management: G4BlockingList[.hh.icc.cc] G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter[.hh.cc] G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter[.hh.cc] Moved files to new module geometry/navigation: G4AuxiliaryNavServices[.hh.icc.cc] G4GeometryMessenger[.hh.cc] G4Navigator[.hh.icc.cc] G4NormalNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] G4ParameterisedNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc.cc] G4ReplicaNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] G4TransportationManager[.hh.icc.cc] G4VoxelNavigation[.hh.icc.cc] Imported files from geometry/management: G4AssemblyVolume[.hh.icc.cc] G4PVParameterised[.hh.cc] G4PVPlacement[.hh.cc] G4PVReplica[.hh.cc] - Removed implementation of method Setup() and updated initialisation of data, according to changes in the base class G4VPhysicalVolume. Affected classes: G4PVPlacement, G4PVReplica. - Updated GNUmakefile in test directory. September 12th, 2003 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V05-02-00 - G4PropagatorInField.cc: o Made optional the printing of information on 'looping' particles. It is now controlled by the verbose flag. Addresses CMS request in problem report #509. June 25th, 2003 G. Folger - geomvol-V05-01-04 - Added disclaimer of liability where needed. June 21st, 2003 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V05-01-03 - G4PropagatorInField (the tag requires "field-V05-01-05"): Likeliest to cause effect on Users is this: ************************************************************************* * Changed default value of "maximum step count" to 1,000 (from 10,000) * * --> this may cause more particles to be recognised to loop earlier, * * as this parameter controls this too. * ************************************************************************* Also neccessary fixes and improvements: 1) Added new method FindAndSetFieldManager() to find the current field manager and set it for the Propagator. 2) Added new method SetDetectorFieldManager(), so as to have it updated when the global field manager is changed. 3) Added new state variable to insure that the current field Manager has been set for the current step The flag ensures that the method FindAndSetFieldManager() is always called once for each call to ComputeStep(). - G4TransportationManager: corrected the method SetFieldManager(). It now messages the current global PropagatorInField to notify it - Changes from "g4std" to incorporated. May 26th, 2003 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V05-01-02 - G4PropagatorInField: use safety in G4PropagatorInField. (Adds to the state of this class). Reinstates the changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08" May 20th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-01-01 - G4GeometryMessenger[.hh.cc]: o Added new commands for controlling geometry overlaps: added recursion to line_test and cylinder_test; added possibility to customise the resolution and shape of grid/cylinder for the test; added ability to select depth of recursion in the geometry tree. o Added explicit call to OpenGeometry() in method CheckGeometry() to force cleanup of voxelisation when command navigator/reset is called. - Coworks with tag "geomver-V05-01-00" for geometry/verification. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". May 8th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-01-00 - G4PropagatorInField.cc: fix in ComputeStep() to avoid step computation if proposed step length is too small (less than kCarTolerance). Fixes problem report #485. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". Mar 31st, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-00-03 - Fixed trivial strict pedantic warnings. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". Mar 17th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-00-02 - G4Navigator[.hh.cc]: added 'inline' specifier in declaration of method LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle(). Removed redundant calculation of localPoint in method LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume() - G4GeometryMessenger[.hh.cc]: added UI command for setting navigator verbosity at run-time (/geometry/navigator/verbose [n], n in [0..4]). - G4ReplicaNavigation.icc: fixed debug statement in VoxelLocate(). - G4VoxelNavigation.cc: fixed debug statement in destructor. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". Mar 5th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-00-01 - G4NavigationHistory.icc: fix in methods Clear() and SetFirstEntry(). Correctly initialise navigation levels. Resolves discrepancy in the copy number assigned to the world volume, if retrieved through the touchable or explicitely through the physical volume. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". Feb 6th, 2003 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V05-00-00 - Fix in G4GeometryMessenger to check for geometry closed when commands are applied. Command /geometry/navigator/reset and test commands apply only when system is in "Idle" state. - G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter[.hh.cc]: fixed initialisation of data member in constructor. Fixed comments layout for Software Reference Manual. - G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter[.hh.cc]: fixed comments layout for Software Reference Manual. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". Nov 30th, 2002 S. Sadilov - geomvol-V04-01-09 - Small correction on the top of "geomvol-V04-01-07a" in files: G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter.cc G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter.cc to fix cout/G4cout, endl/G4endl mistakes. - Does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V04-01-08". Nov 29th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-01-08 - G4PropagatorInField: use safety in G4PropagatorInField. (Adds to the state of this class). Nov 29th, 2002 S. Sadilov - geomvol-V04-01-07a - Minor corrections (cout/G4cout, endl/G4endl) to files G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter.cc G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter.cc Nov 27th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-01-07 - G4BlockingList.cc: fixed initialisation of fBlockTagNo to 1. Fixes warnings reported by Valgrind to G4BlockingList, G4VoxelNavigation and G4ParameterisedNavigation. Nov 19th, 2002 J. Generowicz - geomvol-V04-01-06 - Created G4IdentityTrajectoryFilter, making G4VCurvedTrajectoryFliter truly abstract. Nov 8th, 2002 J. Generowicz - Introduced G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter, and gave PIF means of manipulating and communicating with it. Oct 29th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-01-05 - G4PropagatorInField Re-introduced memory of Charge Mass and Momentum into PropagatorInField, in order for it to message the correct ChordFinder at each step with this information. It now does this task. Aug 6th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-01-04 - Formatting cleanup in source implementation files. Jul 29th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-01-03 - G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc.cc]: Restored call to GetChordFinder()->SetChargeMomentumMass() in method SetChargeMomentumMass(), as was originally in release 4.1. All modifications introduced in tag "geomvol-V04-00-11" have now been removed. Jul 29th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-01-02 - G4PropagatorInField.cc: (J.Apostolakis) o Restored ComputeStep() as it was before tag "geomvol-V04-00-11", by removing call to GetChordFinder()->SetChargeMomentumMass(). This call was responsible for failure of unit tests, where no field strength was observed in some cases. o Set 'fNoZeroStep' to zero if (fNoZeroStep > fAbandonThreshold_NoZeroSteps) at the end of ComputeStep(). Fixes problem report from P.M.DeFreitas occurring in Mokka (Tesla), when reading primaries from their Pythia files. - G4PropagatorInField[.hh.cc]: o Removed not-implemented constructor taking G4Navigator* as argument. o Get rid of static const data for default epsilonStep size. o Initialise all data members in constructor ! o Code cleanup. Jul 24th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-01-01 - Removed static initialisations of data of G4FieldManager. Coworks with tag "field-V04-01-01". Jul 23rd, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-01-00 - Some code cleanup and cosmetics... Jun 18th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-00-11 - G4PropagatorInField.cc o Fix for messaging incorrect ChordFinder with Mass, Charge, Momentum. ( Problem seen for multiple FieldManagers - reported by Grahame Blair ) Jun 13th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-00-10 - G4Navigator.cc o Fix for navigation problem (dereference null volume pointer) in exampleN05 caused by ExitNormal fix. Jun 3rd, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-00-09 - G4Navigator[.hh.icc.cc]: o Cosmetics for Software Reference Manual and formatting. o Fixed few cases of endl/G4endl mystypes... May 31st, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-00-08 - G4Navigator.cc: o Corrections for problem report #351, #284 concerning ExitNormal: - using Daugther's solid preferentially (if applicable) - adjusting fEntering/fEnteredDaugther in LocateGlobalPointAndSetup to enable this - correcting location of point for which exit normal is requested for 'non-convex point' on solid boundary Thanks to Bryan Tipton (tipton@krl.caltech.edu), Antonis Papanestis (antonis.papanestis@cern.ch) and Peter Gumplinger for their demonstrations of the delicate problem. May 15th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-00-07 - G4ParameterisedNavigation: o Introduced 3D voxelisation technique for parameterised volumes with unspecified axis. Changed to become subclass of G4VoxelNavigation and adopt the same voxel location algorithms for optimised navigation. - G4VoxelNavigation: o Changed to become base class for optimised navigation. o Cosmetics and reformatting. - G4NormalNavigation.icc, G4ReplicaNavigation.icc, G4VoxelNavigation.icc: o Minor optimisations. o Cosmetics and reformatting. - G4Navigator.cc: o Invoke specific VoxelLocate call for parameterised navigation. - Co-works with "global-V04-00-06" and "geommng-V04-00-05". Apr 19th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-00-06 - Moved inline constructors and destructors to no inline. Affected files: G4BlockingList[.icc,cc], G4NavigationHistory[.icc,.cc], G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc.cc]. Apr 3rd, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-00-05 - G4GeometryMessenger[.hh.cc]: added new commands to exploit more features of the G4GeomTestVolume class for detecting geometry overlaps: o /geometry/test/grid_test - runs the default grid test, same as "run". o /geometry/test/recursive_test - runs the grid test in recursive mode. o /geometry/test/cylinder_test - to shoot lines in a cylindrical pattern. o /geometry/test/line_test - to shoot a line according to position and direction. Mar 22nd, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-00-04 - G4PropagatorInField: added Set/Get methods for MaximumEpsilonStep Feb 20th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-00-03 - G4GeometryMessenger.cc: fixed local variable name not to clash with class data member. Jan 21st, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-00-02 - G4Navigator: reset blocked volume when locating 'within volume', after ensuring that it does not get called when ComputeSafety() is at a boundary. --> Fix for cases of longstanding 'Point P is Inside' errors. Jan 10th, 2002 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V04-00-01 - Activated mechanism in GNUmakefile for allowing compilation with G4DEBUG_FIELD or G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION flags. Replaced DEBUG with G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION in G4Navigator.cc. Jan 8th, 2002 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V04-00-00 - G4AuxiliaryNavServices o Fixed it so that it only considers whether a (Point,Direction) 'ray' if it is on the surface (it was mistakenly also checking those inside, and rejecting them.) [ This erroneous condition occurred frequently in the new usage of Locate with Direction to initialise a step. It's unclear if it occurred also at other times.] Jan 8th, 2002 G. Cosmo - Fixed compilation problems and warnings on unit tests. (G.Cosmo, R.Chytracek) Dec 11th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-02-08 - G4Navigator: o Added kNormal and Copy Number to NewLevel (Navigation Level) for Normal Navigation Now all TouchableHistory objects should have a valid entry in ReplicaNumber: - in the case of a placement volume it will be the copy number - in replicated volumes it will be the replica number o Commented out fix introduced in geomvol-V03-02-05. Dec 11th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-07 - G4Navigator: o Undoing the fix in geomvol-V03-02-05 -- because of problems in several tests (mostly large N tests). ----> Must resolve these !! <---- Dec 8th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-06 - G4PropagatorInField: o additional thresholds for No of steps, + get/Set methods o Modified choice of subsequent step size in case of Zero step - decrease quickly at first to try to ensure that the first/second "re-steps" are enough in most cases. - utilise addition threshold parameters (for # of steps) to slow down the rate of decrease of the step size for the 'difficult' cases which do not converse after a few steps. Dec 6th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-05 - G4Navigator: Fix for Locate Global Point Within Volume: clear state variables (that had erroneously been forgotten). Dec 6th, 2001 R. Chytracek - geomvol-V03-02-04 - G4Navigator: o Fixed mirroring of the input argument for global direction into local variable in LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(). o Cosmetics for the Software Reference Manual in .hh file. Dec 4th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-03 - G4Navigator: o Modified the interface - creating a new ResetState method (that only reset state - not stack) - adding a new optional argument to LocateGlobalPointAndSetup method - adding direction argument to LGPAS w/ touchable history o Modified the implementation - to reset its state when touchable history is used to re-initialise it - to use the direction in LocateGlobalPointAndSetup methods! - G4PropagatorInField: o Added use of new Largest Acceptable Step data member. o Protected, in reseting of Proposed Step length, against making it bigger in cases where several zero steps seen. o Several debugging prints added. (only in G4Verbose, ...) Nov 28th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-02 - Added GetCurrentFieldManager method to PropagatorInField - Incorporates additions seen in "geomvol-V03-02-00a/b/c" and in "geomvol-V03-02-01". - This tag is required by the new tag "transport-V03-02-06" in Transportation. Oct 18th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-01 - Added a new 'maximum' epsilon value in G4PropagatorInField, as some ill-conditions appear to be due to large proposed relative errors. NOTE: does NOT include changes in "geomvol-V03-02-00a/b/c". Nov 8th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-02-00c - Added handles for reference counting: G4GRSSolidHandle, G4GRSVolumeHandle, G4TouchableHistoryHandle. - Modified G4Navigator for reference counted touchables. Introduced new methods CreateTouchableHistoryHandle() and LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle(...). - New unit tests testG4ParameterisedMaterial.cc and testG4TouchableHandle.cc. Nov 1st, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-02-00b - G4GeometryMessenger.cc: fixed definition of unit category for tolerance. Oct 24th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-02-00a - Moved G4GeomTestMessenger from geometry/verification to geometry/volumes. Renamed to G4GeometryMessenger. - GeometryMessenger: renamed directory to geometry/test. Added directory geometry/navigator. Added geometry/navigator/reset command for resetting navigation history and position. - G4PropagatorInField.icc: fixed warning on Linux-g++.... Oct 18th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-02-00 - Corrected the initialisation of fEpsilonMin in G4PropagatorInField constructor, which was forgotten. May 31st, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-01-08 - Fixed usage of 'fabs', which belongs to global scope, NOT in std namespace. Detected by compilation error on DEC ISO/ANSI setup. - G4VoxelNavigation.icc: initialised data-member in initialiser list of constructor with explicit initialisation to dummy values to allow porting on ObjecSpace STL. May 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-01-07 - Added methods to Set the minimum epsilon (relative accuracy) to Propagator In Field. May 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-01-06 - Added new parameter to Propagator In Field, fEpsilonMin which is the minimal relative accuracy for MF driving. May 23rd, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-01-05 - Moved Delta Intersection and One Step from PropagatorInField to Field Manager. - Modified G4TransportationManager.cc to initialise default values accordingly. (Incorporating changes into a tag, finally, after fix to G4FieldManager constructors. ) o This tag requires and co-works with field-V03-01-01. This now ENABLES the use of different Field Managers for different parts of the detector. First implementation allows a volume that has a field manager to override the global one. Note: All field managers currently must refer to fields in global coordinates o New ability: to set the delta accuracy parameters differently in different volumes (even while maintaining the same field as the global one!). May 23rd, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-01-04 - Fixes in G4ReplicaNavigation for bug reports #253 and #254: o in VoxelLocate(...), treated particular case of rotational symmetry with extent over 360 degrees (courtesy of H.Boie). o in DistanceToOutPhi(...), fix to correctly handle cases where the starting point is on boundary of replicas and direction is along boundary. May 15th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-01-03 - G4AuxiliaryNavServices::CheckPointOnSurface(): added additional check to resolve endless looping of G4Navigator in case the track is passing through a point, edge or surface shared by two solids. This problem occured when G4Navigator was trying to transport a particle when exiting a solid. Transportation will now perform a few zero steps and continues stepping instead of looping around the same point. Fixes problem report #185. April 27th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-01-02 - G4VoxelNavigation.icc: fixed compilation warnings on HP-UX, concerning potential uninitialised vector elements. April 20th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-01-01 - Updated unit tests to conform to recent STL vector migration. April 17th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-01-00 - Migration to STL vector: o Modified classes: G4VoxelNavigation, G4NavigationHistory, G4BlockingList, G4LogicalSkinSurface, G4LogicalBorderSurface. o Removed GetIndex() and table-index data from G4LogicalSkinSurface and G4LogicalBorderSurface. March 19th, 2001 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V03-00-03 - G4PropagatorInField: Modified to use new (not obsolete) methods of G4FieldTrack. Deleted old/obsolete ComputeStep method (that was being used only for testing purposes, but could not be used anymore after change to Momentum Integration.) March 12th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-00-02 - G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep(): apply push of kCarTolerance to ourStep in case the proposed step is zero. February 23rd, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-00-01 - Restored original 0.5 shift for kPhi transformation in ComputeTransformation() methods, as original specifications from P.Kent impose. - Fixed bug in ComputeTransformation(const G4int rNo, G4VPhysicalVolume* pVol) where 'pVol' was NOT passed to SetPhiTransformation() in the kPhi case (!). February 15th, 2001 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V03-00-00 - Fix in G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeTransformation(...) for kPhi case. Removed shift of 0.5 to center of replica volume to conform with original specifications for replica transformations in Phi. - Cosmetics in G4ReplicaNavigation.cc. November 20th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V02-00-01 - Fixes to remove warnings from "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" g++ compiler options: o commented out variables declared and not used. o fixed declaration of variables used before being initialised. o fixed order of initialisation of member data in constructors. o fixed usage of unsigned-int (size_t) for array indeces. November 1st, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V02-00-00 - QA code revision and cleanup (+fixes from CodeWizard filtering): o Added (private) copy constructor and assignment operator where needed. o Added "const" qualifier to accessor methods, wherever needed. o Added equality check on operator= where needed. o Made destructor "virtual" for classes having virtual methods, wherever missing. o Changed virtual functions to non-inline wherever's the case. o Changed return value to be "const" pointer to functions: - G4LogicalBorderSurface::GetVolume1() - G4LogicalBorderSurface::GetVolume2() - G4LogicalSkinSurface::GetLogicalVolume() o G4NavigationHistory: moved kHistoryMax and kHistoryStride to geomdefs.hh and made static constants. Reorganised comments. o G4VoxelNavigation: moved kNavigatorVoxelStackMax in geomdefs.hh. Changed "do-loops" with "while-loops" where convenient. o Added "inline" qualifier to methods' declarations. o General cosmetics June 2nd, 2000 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V01-01-02 include/G4PropagatorInField.hh,icc o Moved Delta Intersection and Delta One Step to FieldManager (from Propagator in Field), to allow them to differ over the detector. G4TransportationManager.cc o Changed static variable for above (default values). May 17th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V01-01-01 G4ReplicaNavigation.cc: - Added check to returned safety value in DistanceToOut(). Zero is returned if the computed velue is less than kCarTolerance. - Introduced temporary fix to ComputeStep() in the first step computation for replica boundaries. 'ourStep' is not set to the computed 'sampleStep' if 'sampleStep' happens to be zero. This fix helps to get rid of infinite loops when a point is on a shared surface of a replica or on a shared vertex; a more definitive solution to the problem is needed for the correct replica location. May 16th, 2000 J. Apostolakis G4PropagatorInField[.hh.icc]: - Added implementations for SetDeltaOneStep and SetDeltaIntersection. May 9th, 2000 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V01-01-00 Improvements in G4PropagatorInField incorporating include file fixes in geometry-V01-01-02 [ ie: Introduced kCarTolerance for check over taken step length and TruePathLength in G4PropagatorInField::ComputeStep(). ] May 8th, 2000 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-fieldImprove1 Internal tag for version that improves the behavior of the field. [ it does not include the changes of geometry-V01-01-02 ] May 5th, 2000 J. Apostolakis G4PropagatorInField improvements modifying: i) the comparison for detecting probable loop condition - to accomodate solids that (wrongly) return small finite answer instead of zero for Distance on surface. [ can probably be reversed eventually] ii) the condition for exit from while (sufficient path length) to avoid making a very small final step : used the tolerance. April 25th, 2000 G. Cosmo - Reorganised comments for the Software Reference Manual. - Moved inlined definition to .icc files, where needed. Created: G4LogicalBorderSurface.icc and G4LogicalSkinSurface.icc. - Removed obsolete G4Transform class. Removed files: G4Transform[.hh.icc]. January 19th, 2000 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V01-00-00 Sycronized files versions with HEAD after ISO-C++ migration. (essentially CVS headers changes). Left out only G4Navigator[.hh.cc]. December 2nd, 1999 G. Cosmo - geomvol-V00-01-02 G4TransportationManager: Fixed definition of the singleton to conform to the canonical implementation. Moved default constructor from private to protected and added call to G4Exception in case of multiple instances through derived classes. November 26th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-V00-01-01 G4TouchableHistory: Moved GetTranslation and GetRotation from inline file to source file -- as they use static variables in the methods themselves. --> cannot be handled by new HP aCC compiler G4PropagatorInField: Initialised fVerboseLevel in constructor. (omision) --> on WinNT 4.0sp4 / VC++ 6.0 it was given value of 1 not 0. November 10th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-01-01-01b Modified test/GNUmakefile to make it use fully-granular libraries. New test code in testG4Volumes for Object/Frame Rotation/Translation. October 29th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-01-01-01a Moved initialisation of static data members of G4PropagatorInField fDefault_Delta_Intersection_Val fDefault_Delta_One_Step_Value to G4TransportationManager.cc, to ensure correct order initialisation of static (class) data members G4PropagatorInField warning message about integration inaccuracy now printed (for a maximum of 10 times) and in Verbose. July 27th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-01-01-02 Modified G4Navigator to distinguish Candidate volume from Blocked volume July 27th, 1999 J. Apostolakis - geomvol-01-01-01 Tagged --- here ??? --- July 27th, 1999 J. Apostolakis G4PropagatorInField: Added instance variables to keep track of "abnormal" case - which caused loop: This is induced when a step at a boundary goes into one volume - but in that volume it encounters an intermediate boundary and when the step is subdivided it finds a zero step. Then it looped between the volumes This is corrected by finding this problem (#subsequent zero steps > threshold) and attempting ever smaller trial steps until it succeeds. -> it was not done for the first step July 27th, 1999 J. Apostolakis G4PropagatorInField: Made DeltaIntersection and DeltaOneStep instance variables (not class var.) Added Get/Set methods. Old values of are now the defaults. July 1st, 1999 J. Apostolakis - field-01-00-06a In G4PropagatorInField --> method LocateIntersectionPoint(): Integration inaccuracies cause an internal step's mid-point and endpoint to be further apart than their curve length difference. (Unphysical) In order to compensate, we re-compute the step's endpoint. [ This also requires modification in G4ChordFinder::ApproxCurvePointV ] A better solution would be to re-start/re-structure the loop to handle this sort of case. But this would be a more major change ... May 19, 99 J.Apostolakis, F. Behner In G4Navigator: Changed cout -> G4cout Changed protection for printing of Physical volume name: (because of warning on SUN; same functionality) In G4NavigationLevel, created an optional operator delete(void *, void *) this is accepted by DEC, and not accepted by SUN, HP new flag created in architecture for protection: ~ G4NO_ISO_DELETES May 17, 99 J. Allison. In G4NavigationLevel, changed operator new(size_t, G4NavigationLevel *) to operator new(size_t, void *) because the former is not accepted by Sun CC 4.2 (with STL Interface.) May 3, 99 J. Apostolakis testG4ReplicaNavigation.cc Changed comparison of doubles, to give it a tolerance. April 8, 99 (committed & recorded J. Apostolakis May 3rd) G4NavigationLevel.{hh,icc}: Minor Changes added const to copy constructor and new 'new' operator with size_t - for STL use with preallocated containers" March 19, 99 J. Apostolakis geomvol-01-00-03 New tag for replica fix. March 18, 99 J. Apostolakis A fix for looping in Replicas: In the case where a zero step is done in Replicas, we must allow ReplicaNavigator to handle the case itself - or else we loop. March 11, 99 J. Apostolakis G4GRSVolume.icc: corrected G4Exception messages. February 18, 99 J. Apostolakis include/G4VoxelNavigation.hh src/G4VoxelNavigation.cc : overwrote versions 1.2 with production version ---> when changes are refined and retested, they could be reincorporated February 17, 99 J. Apostolakis geomvol-01-00-02 Moved G4PropagatorInField here from magneticfield to remove correct dependency. February 15, 99 J. Apostolakis geomvol-01-00-01 Only fixes in G4Navigator's incorporated. GNUmakefile corrected (for SUN-CC). January 99, J. Apostolakis Fix for ComputeSafety in Navigator: G4Navigator.cc the voxel information that was used was incorrect v 1.3 -> it resulted in wrong value of safety December 98 geant4-00-RandD include/G4VoxelNavigation.hh src/G4VoxelNavigation.cc : versions 1.2 are trial versions from beta "head" December 98 Trial fix for navigation in replicas G4Navigator.cc v 1.2 (a problem persists with this version) December 98 geant4-00 Code moved: production tag from beta repository.