// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4VisAttributes.cc 66376 2012-12-18 09:42:59Z gcosmo $ // // // John Allison 23rd October 1996 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include "G4AttDef.hh" G4VisAttributes::G4VisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes& va): fVisible (va.fVisible), fDaughtersInvisible (va.fDaughtersInvisible), fColour (va.fColour), fLineStyle (va.fLineStyle), fLineWidth (va.fLineWidth), fForceDrawingStyle (va.fForceDrawingStyle), fForcedStyle (va.fForcedStyle), fForceAuxEdgeVisible (va.fForceAuxEdgeVisible), fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle (va.fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle), fStartTime (va.fStartTime), fEndTime (va.fEndTime), // AttValues are created afresh for each object (using the // CreateAttValues message), but deletion is the responsibility of // the creator. So just copy pointer. fAttValues (va.fAttValues), // AttDefs, if any, belong to the object from which they were obtained // (with a GetAttDefs message), so just copy pointer. fAttDefs (va.fAttDefs) {} G4VisAttributes::G4VisAttributes (): fVisible (true), fDaughtersInvisible (false), fColour (G4Colour ()), fLineStyle (unbroken), fLineWidth (1.), fForceDrawingStyle (false), fForcedStyle (wireframe), fForceAuxEdgeVisible (false), fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle (0), // <=0 means not forced. fStartTime (-DBL_MAX), fEndTime (DBL_MAX), fAttValues (0), fAttDefs (0) {} G4VisAttributes::G4VisAttributes (G4bool visibility): fVisible (visibility), fDaughtersInvisible (false), fColour (G4Colour ()), fLineStyle (unbroken), fLineWidth (1.), fForceDrawingStyle (false), fForcedStyle (wireframe), fForceAuxEdgeVisible (false), fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle (0), // <=0 means not forced. fStartTime (-DBL_MAX), fEndTime (DBL_MAX), fAttValues (0), fAttDefs (0) {} G4VisAttributes::G4VisAttributes (const G4Colour& colour): fVisible (true), fDaughtersInvisible (false), fColour (colour), fLineStyle (unbroken), fLineWidth (1.), fForceDrawingStyle (false), fForcedStyle (wireframe), fForceAuxEdgeVisible (false), fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle (0), // <=0 means not forced. fStartTime (-DBL_MAX), fEndTime (DBL_MAX), fAttValues (0), fAttDefs (0) {} G4VisAttributes::G4VisAttributes (G4bool visibility, const G4Colour& colour): fVisible (visibility), fDaughtersInvisible (false), fColour (colour), fLineStyle (unbroken), fLineWidth (1.), fForceDrawingStyle (false), fForcedStyle (wireframe), fForceAuxEdgeVisible (false), fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle (0), // <=0 means not forced. fStartTime (-DBL_MAX), fEndTime (DBL_MAX), fAttValues (0), fAttDefs (0) {} G4VisAttributes::~G4VisAttributes() { } G4VisAttributes& G4VisAttributes::operator= (const G4VisAttributes& rhs) { if (&rhs == this) return *this; fVisible = rhs.fVisible; fDaughtersInvisible = rhs.fDaughtersInvisible; fColour = rhs.fColour; fLineStyle = rhs.fLineStyle; fLineWidth = rhs.fLineWidth; fForceDrawingStyle = rhs.fForceDrawingStyle; fForcedStyle = rhs.fForcedStyle; fForceAuxEdgeVisible = rhs.fForceAuxEdgeVisible; fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle = rhs.fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle; fStartTime = rhs.fStartTime; fEndTime = rhs.fEndTime; // AttValues are created afresh for each object (using the // CreateAttValues message), but deletion is the responsibility of // the creator. So just copy pointer. fAttValues = rhs.fAttValues; // AttDefs, if any, belong to the object from which they were obtained // (with a GetAttDefs message), so just copy pointer. fAttDefs = rhs.fAttDefs; return *this; } const G4VisAttributes G4VisAttributes::Invisible = G4VisAttributes (false); const std::vector* G4VisAttributes::CreateAttValues () const { // Create an expendable copy on the heap... return new std::vector(*fAttValues); } void G4VisAttributes::SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle (G4int nSegments) { const G4int nSegmentsMin = 12; if (nSegments > 0 && nSegments < nSegmentsMin) { nSegments = nSegmentsMin; G4cout << "G4VisAttributes::SetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle: attempt to set the" "\nnumber of line segements per circle < " << nSegmentsMin << "; forced to " << nSegments << G4endl; } fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle = nSegments; } std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const G4VisAttributes& a) { os << "G4VisAttributes: "; if (&a){ if (!a.fVisible) os << "in"; os << "visible, daughters "; if (a.fDaughtersInvisible) os << "in"; os << "visible, colour: " << a.fColour; os << "\n linestyle: "; switch (a.fLineStyle) { case G4VisAttributes::unbroken: os << "solid"; break; case G4VisAttributes::dashed: os << "dashed"; break; case G4VisAttributes::dotted: os << "dotted"; break; default: os << "unrecognised"; break; } os << ", line width: " << a.fLineWidth; os << "\n drawing style: "; if (a.fForceDrawingStyle) { os << "forced to: "; switch (a.fForcedStyle) { case G4VisAttributes::wireframe: os << "wireframe"; break; case G4VisAttributes::solid: os << "solid"; break; default: os << "unrecognised"; break; } } else { os << "not forced"; } os << ", auxiliary edge visibility: "; if (!a.fForceAuxEdgeVisible) { os << "not "; } os << "forced"; os << "\n line segments per circle: "; if (a.fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle > 0) { os << "forced to " << a.fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle; } else { os << "not forced."; } os << "\n time range: (" << a.fStartTime << ',' << a.fEndTime << ')'; os << "\n G4AttValue pointer is "; if (a.fAttValues) { os << "non-"; } os << "zero"; os << ", G4AttDef pointer is "; if (a.fAttDefs) { os << "non-"; } os << "zero"; } else os << " zero G4VisAttributes pointer"; return os; } G4bool G4VisAttributes::operator != (const G4VisAttributes& a) const { if ( (fVisible != a.fVisible) || (fDaughtersInvisible != a.fDaughtersInvisible) || (fColour != a.fColour) || (fLineStyle != a.fLineStyle) || (fLineWidth != a.fLineWidth) || (fForceDrawingStyle != a.fForceDrawingStyle) || (fForceAuxEdgeVisible!= a.fForceAuxEdgeVisible)|| (fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle != a.fForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle) || (fStartTime != a.fStartTime) || (fEndTime != a.fEndTime) || (fAttValues != a.fAttValues) || (fAttDefs != a.fAttDefs) ) return true; if (fForceDrawingStyle) { if (fForcedStyle != a.fForcedStyle) return true; } return false; } G4bool G4VisAttributes::operator == (const G4VisAttributes& a) const { return !(G4VisAttributes::operator != (a)); }