$Id: History 81671 2014-06-04 12:15:25Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 4 May, 2014 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-18) - G4GenericMessenger.cc : Fix core dump when GetCurrentValue() method is invoked for a command defined by DeclareMethod(). 3 May, 2014 M. Asai - Fix the treatment of double-quotes in G4UImanager::ForeachS(). Addressing bug report #1614. 16 April, 2014 G. Cosmo - Corrected inclusion protection flag in G4GenericMessenger.hh. Addressing old problem report #1527. 04 March, 2014 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-17) - G4GenericMessenger : introducing three additional methods to make it Geant4-v10.0-compliant. Addressing to bug report #1580. 26 November, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-16) - G4GenericMessenger : introducing two methods for declaring a method that has a unit. This solves the issue of G4GenericMessenger in multi-threaded mode. 21 November, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-15) - G4UIcommandTree : add a protection against a G4UIcommandTree object that does not have any guidance. 20 November, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-14) - Modify G4UImanager, G4UIcommandTree and G4UIcommand classes to make all UI commands defined in the worker thread are visible by the G4UImanager of the master thread so that undefined command, wrong parameters, etc are correctly detected. 20 November, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-13) - Fix G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit and G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit. Since version 9.3, they do not check and reject incorrect unit but instead misinterpret and accept with wrong value. 5 November, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-12) - Fix the way of forwarding a UI command to a thread immediately. 1 November, 2013 P. Mato (intercoms-V09-06-11) - Moved template specilizations from G4AnyType.cc to header file to avoid Windows linking problems. 29 October, 2013 P. Mato (intercoms-V09-06-10) - Fixed problem with G4GenericMessenger reported by Ivana that SetUnit and SetRange were not working together. Fixed variable shadowing in G4AnyType.hh. 25 September, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-09) - G4UImessenger constructor with command directory now may take a boolean flag of not-to-be-broadcasted. 20 September, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-08) - A UI command directory may be specified as such that all commands in that directory and all decendant directories should not be broadcased to worker threads. This setting must be made by the argument of G4UIdirectory constructor and cannot be changed. Each individual command may still be set to be broadcasted by accessing to G4UIcommand::SetToBeBroadcasted() method individually. 15 August, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-07) - Improve the behavior of ignoring thread cout. 15 August, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-06) - G4MTcoutDestination now has a capability of printing out only for the selected thread to make the display readable. - Introducing according UI command /control/cout/ignoreThreadsExcept. 23 May, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-05) - Introducing /control/cout/ command category for handling thread-local cout/cerr. 14 March, 2013 A. Dotti (intercoms-V09-06-04) - Changing signature for GetCommandStack() 12 March, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-03) - Adding flags for commands to be boradcasted to thread-local UI mamaners. 12 March, 2013 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-06-02) - Adding IgnoreCmdNotFound into G4UImanager required for multi-threading. 14 February 2013 Jean Jacquemier (intercoms-V09-06-01) - Removed modifcation G4UIcommand.cc for G4UnitTable (see tag intercoms-V09-06-00). These modification will be done once MultiThreading performance loss will be recover. February 08, 2013 J.Jacquemier (intercoms-V09-06-00) - G4UIcommand.cc: Modification for G4UnitTable (std::map). 26 October, 2012 P. Mato (intercoms-V09-05-07) - G4AnyMethod.hh avoided compilation warning. 22 October, 2012 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-05-06) - GenericMessenger, add settting range and available states. 19 October, 2012 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-05-05) - ReceiveG4cout/cerr() argument, change G4String to const G4String& (G4UIsesson, G4UIbatch) - Code reviewed in terms of "function const" and G4String argument. (G4UImanager, G4UIcommandTree) 17 October, 2012 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-05-04) - Added macro path feature with /control/macroPath command (G4UImanager) - Added a shortcut way for defining UImacro commands (G4UImessenger) - Fixed on executing a macro file containing Windows return codes. 2 October, 2012 P. Mato (intercoms-V09-05-03) - Added some protection when getting the value of a command which is a method 1 October, 2012 P. Mato (intercoms-V09-05-02) - Fixed windows warning 27 September, 2012 P. Mato (intercoms-V09-05-01) - Added initial version of the G4GenericMessenger class. The use can be seen in the testGenericMessenger.cc unit test. - Added G4AnyType and G4AnyMethod class to support G4Generic Messenger. 23 May, 2012 G.Cosmo (intercoms-V09-05-00) - Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. 07 November, 2011 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-04-01) - Code quality improvements by Coverity. - G4Exception ID is modified. (set sequential ID in UI) 20 October, 2011 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-04-00) - Eliminating obsolete G4Exception. 11 November, 2010 G. Cosmo (intercoms-V09-03-04) - Corrected printout spelling in G4UIbatch. 24 August, 2010 M. Asai (intercoms-V09-03-03) - Add new commands /control/if /control/add /control/subtract /control/multiply /control/divide 3 Aug. 2010 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-03-02) - Range check of UI commands care for units. * G4UIcommahd::DoIt() method is changed to virtual. * G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit/G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit: add DoIt() method. 19 May 2010 L. Garnier (intercoms-V09-03-01) - G4UIManager : Add field to get GUI Window session 18 May, 2010 K.Murakami (intercoms-V09-03-00) - add used characters to tokenNum in G4UItokenNum for suppressing compiler warnings of gcc 4.5 6 November, 2009 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-02-02) - add GetPreviousSession() in G4UIbatch 6 November, 2009 K. Murakami (intercoms-V09-02-01) - fix incorrect directory deletion of G4UIcommandTree::RemoveCommand() 14 May 2009 K.Murakami (intercoms-V09-02-00) - tagged for release 9.3 beta 7th May 2009, Laurent Garnier - G4UIcommandTree : Add a new function to complete a command path with maximum characters guess. - G4UIcommandTree : FindCommandTree will now return current tree when command path is "/" 21 November, 2008 K.Murakami (intercoms-V09-01-01) - fix improper comment treatment for line continue characters in G4UIbatch. [Problem-1034] - tagged for release 9.2 14 June 2008 K.Murakami (intercoms-V09-01-00) - tagged 30th January 2008, Laurent Garnier - Add a new function in G4UIcommandTree to find a subtree August 10, 2007 K.Murakami (intercoms-V09-00-01) - G4UIbatch.cc : fixed the problem on 32bit-Linux. July 16, 2007 K.Murakami (intercoms-V09-00-00) - G4UImanager.cc : a bug fixed. (invalid returned object) - G4UIbatch.cc : completely revised. * bug fixed for the treatment of the last line * add support for continued line by \, _ * string after '#' is treated as comment * white spaces at the head of a line are allowed. June 6, 2007, M.Asai - Introducing /control/getEnv and /control/echo commands. November 3, 2006, M.Verderi (intercoms-V08-01-01) - Added missing forward declaration of G4VPhysicalVolume in G4VFlavoredParallelWorld header. October 17, 2006, J.Allison (intercoms-V08-01-00) - Extended G4UImanager::Loop to handle negative increments. November 9, 2005 Gabriele Cosmo (intercoms-V07-01-03) - Removed inclusion of from G4UImessenger.hh. - The tag coworks with: run-V07-01-05, radioactive_decay-V07-01-00. October 26, 2005 Koichi Murakami (intercoms-V07-01-02) - Migration from strstream to sstream October 20, 2005, Joseph Perl (intercoms-V07-01-01) - Tag to co-work with vis-V07-01-05. October 17, 2005 Jane Tinslay - intercoms->graphics_reps migration for G4VGraphicsScene and G4VVisManager May 19, 2005, M.Asai (intercoms-V07-00-02) - G4UIbatch is modified so that it now aborts the execution of the macro file (and any other parent macro files which issued this macro file) if a coomand in the macro file cannot be executed, instead of ignoring this particular command. May 3rd, 2005, J.Allison (intercoms-V07-00-01) - Completed migration to AddSolid. - G4VVisManager.hh: Improved description (introduced G4VisExecutive). - Made /units/list available in any G4 state. Jan 27, 2005, J.Allison (intercoms-V07-00-00, needed for vis-V07-00-01) - Interim tag for migration from AddThis to AddSolid and AddCompound. - G4VGraphicsScene: introduced new names. Old methods call new methods as interim solution. - G4VVisManager::Draw(const G4VHit&): G4VVisManager::Draw(const G4VTrajectory&,...): Removed argument: objectTransformation = G4Transform3D::Identity. Jun 7, 2004, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V06-01-02) - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS for DLLs support on Windows. May 16, 2004, M.Asai (intercoms-V06-01-01) - Introducing utility methods ConvertToStringWithBestUnit() and ConvertToStringWithDefaultUnit() for command classes taking a unit parameter. May 16, 2004, M.Asai (intercoms-V06-01-00) - Introducing static methods in G4UIcommand class for conversion between a string and a value. Some implementation of derived classes are modified accordingly. Jun 07, 2003, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V05-01-02) - G4UItokenNum.hh: corrected implementation of operator=(). Jun 04, 2003, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V05-01-01) - G4UItokenNum.hh: fixed longstanding bug in the definition of the struct "yystype": defined operator= and copy-constructor, defined default constructor with default initialisation of members. The fix makes happy Valgrind, concerning the usage of uninitialised values. May 21, 2003, M.Asai (intercoms-V05-01-00) - Clean up unused variables appeared in arguments. Jan 20, 2003, J.Allison (intercoms-V05-00-00, co-works vis-V05-00-00) - Added G4VVisManager::Draw methods for hits and trajectories. Dec 4, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-01-04, intercoms-V04-01-05) - Migration to new G4ApplicationState. Nov 27, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-01-03) - Fix memory leak in G4UIcommand.hh. Nov 20, 2002, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V04-01-02) - Patched access to public static data in G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager and G4VVisManager. Added static accessors to be used in the kernel to allow porting on Windows DLLs. Nov 01, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-01-01) - Tagged for Geant4 5.0 Oct 29, 2002, M.Asai - Fixed uninitialized data member in G4UIcommand.cc Oct 17, 2002, J.Allison (intercoms-V04-01-00 with vis-V04-01-02) - Added two new pure virtual functions to G4VGraphicsScene: AddThis(const G4VTrajectory&) AddThis(const G4VHit&) Jun 7, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-00-04) - Fix for a warning message in G4UIbatch. May 15, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-00-03) - Limit number of stored command string. (improvements) May 14, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-00-02) - Limit number of stored command string. May 3, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-00-01) - Recover G4UImanager::ApplyCommand(G4String) to accept + operator Apr 26, 2002, M.Asai (intercoms-V04-00-00) - Eliminate naive G4String type arguments Modified classes : G4UIparameter G4UImanager G4UIbatch G4UIaliasList G4UIcmdWithAnInteger G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit G4UIcmdWithADouble G4UIcmdWithABool G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit G4UIcmdWith3Vector G4UIcommand G4UIcommandTree Nov 23, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-15) - Fix a problem with a command which has doubled slash. Oct 23, 2001, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V03-02-14) - Restored inclusion of G4Tokenizer.hh for removal of STLinterface module. Files: G4UImanager.cc, G4UIcommand.cc and G4UIparameter.cc. Oct 12, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-13) - Rename method in G4UIcommandTree to avoid confliction. - Temporarly replaced inclusion of G4Tokenizer.hh with old RW wrapper. (G.Cosmo) - Replaced int/double with G4int/G4double wherever needed. (G.Cosmo) Oct 11, 2001, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V03-02-12) - Replaced inclusions of ctoken.h with G4Tokenizer.hh in G4UImanager[.hh.cc], G4UIcommand.cc and G4UIparameter.cc. Removed comment on RW wrappers. - Co-works with tag "globals-V03-02-03" where the STLInterface module has been removed. Oct 10, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-11) - Change aliasing characters from "[" and "]" to "{" and "}". This is required to fix the crash in hadronics test code. - Introducing /control/createHTML Oct 5, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-10) - Introducing Loop() and Foreach() methods. - Introducing three new UI commands /control/shell /control/foreach /control/loop Oct 4, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-09) - Correction for string parameter starting with a space. - Recurrent variables Oct 1, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-08) - Introducing a functionality of "shell variables". New class : G4UIaliasList Modified classes : G4UImanager G4UIcontrolMessenger Sep 28, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-07) - For Batch mode, comment lines are displayed only at verbose level = 2. Aug 29, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-06) - Corrections in G4UIbatch to ignore the blank line. Aug 27, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-05) - G4UIbatch now displays (G4cerr) the error message. Correction according to the bug report #294. Aug 17, 2001, J.Allison (intercoms-V03-02-04) - Coworks with vis-V03-02-12 and greps-V03-02-02. - Added G4VisManager::Draw(const G4Scale&,... Aug 14, 2001, J.Allison (intercoms-V03-02-03) - Coworks with vis-V03-02-11 and greps-V03-02-02. - Moved default value of argument G4Transform3D::Identity from G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives to G4VGraphicsScene::BeginPrimitives. July 21, 2001, J.Allison (intercoms-V03-02-02) - Added G4VGraphicsScene::AddPrimitive(const G4Scale&). July 18, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-02-01) - Added a feature of suppressing program abortion due to G4Exception affected files : G4UIcontrolMessenger.hh G4UIcontrolMessenger.cc - This co-works with global-V03-02-01 July 17, 2001, J.Allison (intercoms-V03-02-00) - Fixed parsing of quoted (") tokens in current value for null or defaulted parameters in loop over previous parameters in G4UIcommand::DoIt(). May 18, 2001, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V03-01-00) - Cleared pedantic warnings detected in Linux-g++ with ISO/ANSI setup. Mar 8, 2001, G.Cosmo (intercoms-V03-00-02) - G4UIcommand.cc: replaced calls to entries() with size(), according to migration to STL vectors for G4UnitsTable and related in tag "global-V03-00-07". Feb 8, 2001, M.Asai (intercoms-V03-00-01) - Migration to STL vector classes affected classes : ./intercoms/include/G4UIcommand.hh ./intercoms/include/G4UIcommandTree.hh ./intercoms/include/G4UImanager.hh ./intercoms/src/G4UIcommand.cc ./intercoms/src/G4UIcommandTree.cc ./intercoms/src/G4UImanager.cc Jul 26, 00, M.Asai (tag intercoms-V02-00-01) - Retagging with removing G4StateManager, G4VStateDependent and G4ApplicationState classes. Jul 22, 00, M.Asai (tag intercoms-V02-00-00) - Making G4UImanager as a state dependent class. - Remove G4StateManager and G4VStateDependent classes. They are now in source/global/management. May 18, 00, J.Allison - Small spelling correction in class description of G4VGraphicsScene.hh. Feb 14, 00, M.Asai (tag intercoms-V01-00-00) - Put "const" to "char *" arguments in G4UImanager Nov 23, 99, J.Allison (tag intercoms-V00-01-02) - Tagged changes for Software Reference Manual on behalf of Makoto Asai. Nov 4, 99, M.Asai (tag intercoms-V00-01-01) - G4UImanager.cc is updated for G4cout modification. - Comments are enriched for software reference manual. Oct 26th, 99 J.Allison - Prepared G4VVisManager.hh and G4VGraphicsScene.hh for Software Reference Manual. Oct 4th, 99 J.Allison (tag intercoms-V00-01-00) - Augmented G4VGraphicsScene to include AddPrimitive methods for G4Polyline, G4Text, G4Circle, G4Square, G4Polymarker, G4Polyhedron and G4NURBS. May 19th, 99 J.Allison (tag intercoms-01-00-05) - Protected G4UIcommand.cc with if (aToken.length()>0... May 19th, 99 J.Allison (tag intercoms-01-00-04) - Improvements suggested by Code Wizard in G4VVisManager. May 7th, 99 J.Allison (tag intercoms-01-00-03) - Added newVal.resize( parameter.entries() ) to G4UIcommand::SetParameter. Apr 28, 99 J.Allison (tag intercoms-01-00-02) - Moved G4VVisManager and G4VGraphicsScene from graphics_reps. Paulo Mora de Freitas (tag intercoms-01-00-01) - Added abstract interface G4VFlavoredParallelWorld and G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager so we can decouple vis from parametrisation. Dec 03, 98 J.Allison (tag intercoms-00-04-04) - Protected G4UImanager::SetCoutDestination with #ifdef G4STREAM. Dec 02, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-04-03) - G4UnitsMessenger is constructed/destructed by G4UImanager. Nov 27, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-04-02) - G4UnitsMessenger has been inported from global/management to avoid a loop dependency. Nov 25, 98 J.Allison (tag intercoms-00-04-01) - Allowed quotation-mark-enclosed blank-embedded parameters in GetCurrentValue. - "Cosmetic" change to G4UIparameter (M.Asai). Nov 05, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-07) - Move G4strstreambuf.hh to global category to avoid a loop dependency (M.Nagamatsu) affected files are G4UImanager.hh G4UImanager.cc, G4UIsession.hh. Oct 26, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-06) - Add SetCoutDestination(NULL) to the constructor and destructor of G4UImanager. Oct 20, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-05) - Change static methods in G4UIcommand which are for unit conversion from protected to public. Oct 13, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-04) - Interoducing a concrete implementation of G4cout/G4cerr (M.Nagamatsu). affected files : include/G4UImanager.hh G4strstreambuf.hh src/G4UImanager.cc G4UIsession.cc Oct 01, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-03) - Introducing a new UI command named "manual". Sep 27, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-02) - Fixes a bug in G4UIparameter. This bug caused a trouble of range checking *only* for the parameter(s) atouched to the G4UIcommand base class objects. Sep 25, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-03-01) - Minor modification in G4UIcommand.cc. - "DeregisterDependent()" method is implemented in G4StateManager and this method is invoked by the destructor of G4VStateDependent base class. Aug 11, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-02-01) - G4UIcommand.cc corresponds to "string with blanks". July 15, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-01-03) July 13, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-01-02) - Bug in G4UIcommand.hh is fixed. July 4, 98 <.Asai (tag intercoms-00-01-01) - Ready for the beta release. June 30, 98 M.Asai (tag intercoms-00-07-01) - Debug G4UIdirectory.cc for protecting against missing "/" at the tail. June 10, 98 M.Asai - Introducing more methods in G4UIcommand, G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit, G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit with the new G4UnitsTable - Tagged as intercoms-00-06-02 June 8, 98 M.Asai - Introducing new methods in G4UIcommand, G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit, G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit with the new G4UnitsTable - Tagged as intercoms-00-06-01 April 21, 98 M.Asai - G5ApplicationState.hh, G4StateManager.h and .cc, G4VStateDependent.hh and .cc are moved from "globals/management". - Tagged as intercoms-00-05-03. April 20, 98 M.Asai - tagged intercoms-00-05-02. April 9, 98 G.Cosmo - Porting on DEC-cxx 6.0. Removed meaningless usage of "const" qualifier from functions return type for basic types by value. Modified files: G4UIcommand.hh, G4UIcommandTree.hh, G4UIparameter.hh April 6, 98 M.Nagamatu - added getRange() to G4UIcommand.hh March 27, 98 M.Asai - remove redandant constructors/methods from G4UIparameter, G4UIcommand, G4UIcmd*** - tagged intercoms-00-05-01 March 2, 98 S.Sadilov - fix include in G4UIcommand.cc for WinNT February 18, 98 John Allison - made G4UIcommand::valueOf a static member function. - tagged intercoms-00-04-01 February 3, 98 M.Asai - (intercoms-00-03-02) - Debugged : G4UImanager.cc - Tagged as intercoms-00-03-02 January 29, 98 M.Asai - (intercoms-00-03-01) - Tagged as intercoms-00-03-01 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03) - Created.