$Id: History 81841 2014-06-06 09:07:26Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 11 April 2014 - P.Arce (ascii-V09-06-10) - G4tgbGeometryDumper: G4Para use G4ThreeVector methods for SymAxis 22 November 2013 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-09, ascii-V09-06-08) - Corrected compilation warning on previous tag... 22 November 2013 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-07) - Added support for G4GenericPolycone. 14 November 2013 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-06) - Corrected typo in G4tgrUtils::WordIsUnit(). 7 November 2013 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-05) - Replaced deprecated calls to solids accessor methods. 27 July 2013 - P.Arce (ascii-V09-06-04) - Corrected typo in G4tgrPlaceParameterisation::operator<<(). Addressing problem report #1504. 23 April 2013 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-03) - Corrected History file, for loss of description of tags 06-00 and 06-01... 19 March 2013 - P.Arce (ascii-V09-06-02) - Bug correction in assembly placement 26 February 2013 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-01) - Removed unused data member in G4tgbRotationMatrix. - Corrected composed text in expection in G4tgrSolidBoolean. - Cleanup of MT changes in several classes. 15 December 2012 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-06-00) - Removed BREPS solids. 6 November 2012 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-05-04) - Minor fix for porting on AIX to G4tgrVolumeMgr. 5 July 2012 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-05-03) - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. 25 May 2012 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-05-02) - Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. 4 April 2012 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-05-00) - Fixed case of conversion from size_t to G4int in G4tgrUtils in function AreWordsEquivalent(), detected on win64 system. 16 December 2011 - P.Arce (ascii-V09-04-09) - Bug correction in G4Tesselated vertex type, in G4tbgVolume.cc 10 November 2011 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-08) - Removed call to obsolete G4Exception format in G4tgrMaterialFactory. 27 October 2011 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-07) - Fixed trivial compilation warning from Xcode in G4tgbVolume. 1 September 2011 - P.Arce (ascii-V09-04-06) - Fixed bug on the usage of units. Addressing problem report #1240. 1 July 2011 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-05) - Fixed case of dereferencing null pointer in G4tgbGeometryDumper DumpRotationMatrix() method. 13 May 2011 - G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-04) - Fixed compilation warnings from gcc-4.6.0 for variables set but not used. 5 May, 11 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-03) - Use G4Evaluator typedef for evaluator and 3x3 rotations. 25 March, 11 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-02) - Use G4 types for 3-vectors and 3x3 rotations. 25 January, 11 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-04-01) - Removed function WordIsFunction() in G4tgrUtils with missing implementation introduced in previous tag. 10 January, 11 P.Arce (ascii-V09-04-00) - Added missing dumping of pressure and state for materials. Added enumeration of units. 15 December, 10 P.Arce (ascii-V09-03-05) - Introduced fixes for Coverity reports... 7 November, 10 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-03-04) - Removed wrong assumption for NULL pointer condition previously introduced in G4tgbVolume. Fixes crash in example P03. 2 November, 10 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-03-03) - Fixed minor left Coverity reports. 13 October, 10 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-03-02) - Synchronised HEAD revision with current production code. - Added missing static data initialisation to constructors in G4tgrFileIn, G4tgbGeometryDumper, G4tgbIsotope, G4tgbMaterial, G4tgbMaterialSimple, G4tgbPlaceParameterisation, G4tgbVolume, G4tgrElementFromIsotopes, G4tgrElementSimple, G4tgrIsotope, G4tgrMaterial, G4tgrMaterialSimple, G4tgrPlace, G4tgrPlaceDivRep, G4tgrRotationMatrix, G4tgrVolume. - Fixed potential cases of dereferencing a NULL pointer in G4tgbMaterialMgr, - Fixed cases of unreachable code in G4tbrVolumeMgr. - Fixed leaks in G4tgrFileReader. - G4tgrUtils: fixed logic in WordIsUnit() and fixed restoring of cout precision in Dump3v(). 3 September, 10 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-03-01) - Fixed signature for std::map in G4tgrVolumeMgr.hh.. - Added missing inclusion of header in G4tgrFileIn.cc. 14 June, 10 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-03-00) - Added missing virtual destructor to G4tgbDetectorBuilder. 25 November, 09 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-02-10) - Fixed compilation warnings on G4tgbVolume detected on MacOS. 24 November, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-09) - Corrected compilation errors introduced in last tag. 19 November, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-08) - Small additions in Get and Set methods and constructors - Inclusion of extruded and tessellated solids 17 May, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-06) - Fix of GNUmakefile 15 May, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-05) - Added parallel world management - Added G4tgbPlaceParamPhantom 16 February, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-04) - Removed deprecated class G4tgrFileOut, not used. 5 February, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-03) - Fix in delta theta for handling of G4Sphere, and renaming 'phiTotal' to 'phiDelta' for the relevant solids in G4tgbVolume implementation. 26 January, 09 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-02-02) - Correction for use of std:: namespace when calling standard mathematical functions, introduced in previous tag. - Fixed compilation error introduced in previous tag. 6 January, 09 P.Arce (ascii-V09-02-01) - Bug fix in definition of delta angle for all solids with section in Phi in G4tgbVolume. Take into consideration tolerance. 9 December, 08 P.Arce (ascii-V09-01-06) - SUBS -> SUBTRACTION, INTERS -> INTERSECTION - add FindG4PhysVol, delete FindLVs (declared but not defined) 3 December, 08 P.Arce (ascii-V09-01-05) - Include possibility of placements inside divisions - Correct rotation matrix in circular parameterisations - Small output messages changes 26 November, 08 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-01-04) - Fixed compilation warnings for uninitialised variables. 21 November, 08 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-01-03) - Corrected GNUmakefile to have ':=' instead of '=' for definition of library name. Required in order to correctly build libname.map! - Use "const G4String&" where possible. - Added missing CVS headers, some code cleanup and formatting... 21 November, 08 P.Arce (ascii-V09-01-02) - Added handling of G4EllipticalCone. - Use G4UIcommand::ConvertToString() in place of custom itoa(). - Corrected GNUmakefile to add path to BREPS module. 20 November, 08 P.Arce (ascii-V09-01-01) - Added BREPS reading, support for any kind of parameterisations and dumping abilities. - Corrected handling on strings in error/warnings printouts. 23 October, 08 G.Cosmo (ascii-V09-01-00) - Created from original implementation by P.Arce (CIEMAT). - Reviewed code and formatting. First release.