$Id: History 88498 2015-02-24 13:54:04Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- 24 November 2014 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-11) - Fixed typo in G4GDMLWriteSolids::BooleanWrite() for the case of repeated displacements of the reference solid in the same Boolean operation (issue reported by ATLAS). 10 November 2014 Witold Pokorski - Correction to G4GDMLReadMaterials::MixtureRead() to revert order of reading (first elements then materials) for mixtures by fraction; corrects referencing for cases when elements and materials may carry the same name (case reported by ATLAS). 21 May 2014 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-10) - Added better description to fatal exception in case document content imported happens to be empty in G4GDMLRead::Read(). 20 May 2014 Gabriele Cosmo - Correction to G4GDMLRead::Read() for the case when schema validation is turned off, to disable initialisation of validation machinery in the parser and allow for standalone parsing off-network. 15 May 2014 Gabriele Cosmo - Corrected minor Coverity defect in G4GDMLParser for uninitialised 'strip' flag in constructors. - Corrected potential memory leak in G4GDMLReadSolids. 11 April 2014 Gabriele Cosmo - Corrected dump of 'phi' and 'theta' for G4Trap and G4Para in writer. Addressing problem report #1602. 10 April 2014 Gabriele Cosmo - Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in source files. 13 March 2014 Gabriele Cosmo - Added comparison operator for 3-vector key in 'vertexMap' in G4GDMLWriteSolids for export of tessellated solid. Addressing problem report #1573. 29 November 2013 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-06-09) - Fixed GDML schema for spurious validation errors on last changes introduced for parameterisation of polycone and polyhedra and multi-union. - Fixed typo in G4GDMLReadParamvol and some code cleanup. 23 November 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-08) - Fixed compilation warnings on SLC5/gcc-4.1. 22 November 2013 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-06-07) - Added support for parameterisation of polycone and polyhedra in GDML schema. Extended related classes accordingly in reader and writer. - Added warning in reader for multi-union structure not yet supported. 7 November 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-06) - Replaced deprecated calls to G4Sphere accessor methods. 29 October 2013 Tatiana Nikitina - Added 'generic' Polycone and Polyhedra to GDML Reader and Writer. Splitted definition of Polycone to ordinary and generic. - Added parameterisation for Ellipsoid to readear/writer and schema. - Added MultiUnion solid and 'generic' Polycone and Polyhedra to the schema GDML schema updated to version 3.1.0. - Fix in G4GDMLReadParamvol::ParametersRead() for reading parameterised Sphere, Orb, Torus and Para. 27 August 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-05, gdml-V09-06-04) - Added G4Ellipsoid among solids enabled for parameterisation in G4GDMLParameterisation. 5 June 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-03) - Replaced use of 'pascal' with 'hep_pascal' to avoid conflicts on Windows. 10 April 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-02) - Removed TLS changes in G4GDMLWrite as not necessary. 26 February 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-06-01) - Removed unused data member in G4STRead. - Cleanup of MT changes in G4GDMLWrite. 25 October 2012 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-05-05) - Added inclusion of headers to G4STRead.cc to make it self consistent. 18 July 2012 Witek Pokorski (gdml-V09-05-04) - Corrected handling of constant material properties. 5 July 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-05-03) - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. 30 May 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-05-02) - Fixed typo introduced in previous tag... 25 May 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-05-01) - Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing. 20 March 2012 Witek Pokorski (gdml-V09-05-00, gdml-V09-04-11) - Bug fix in material properties. 23 November 2011 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-04-10) - Additional fix on G4EllipticalTube, to not consider units in import for semi-axes ratios. 23 November 2011 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-04-09) - Same fix for G4TessellatedSolid and G4Tet, to consider units in import for vertices. 23 November 2011 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-04-08) - Fix in reader for G4GenericTrap shape to consider units in import for vertices. 1 November 2011 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-04-07) - Extended reader and writer to support new shape G4CutTubs. 14 October 2011 Peter Gumplinger (gdml-V09-04-06) - Completed migration to work with tag "materials-V09-04-15" also for writer. 13 October 2011 Peter Gumplinger (gdml-V09-04-05) - Modify to comply with modifications in tag "materials-V09-04-14". 27 September 2010 Anton Pytel (gdml-V09-04-04) - Extended GDML schema for materials to include ionisation potential (mean excitation energy) property to materials (GDML-3.0.1). Adapted reader and writer plugins accordingly. 23 May 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-04-03) - G4GDMLWriteMaterials: avoid dereferencing of null pointer in PropertyWrite() for materials without property assigned; issue a warning message. Addressing problem report #1214. 13 May 2011 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-04-02) - Fixed compilation warnings from gcc-4.6.0 for variables set but not used. 5 May 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-04-01) - Make use of G4Evaluator typedef for evaluator instance. 10 Jan 2010 Ivana Hrivnakova (gdml-V09-04-00) - Correction in G4GDMLWriteMaterials::MaterialWrite() to properly treat export of materials with single element defined as isotope composition. 30 Nov 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-10) - Fixed ambiguity in signature of Write() method in G4GDMLParser. 17 Nov 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-09) - Added possibility to de-activate/activate names stripping when reading files, by invoking a new method G4GDMLParser::SetStripFlag(bool) before importing the GDML file. Stripping is activated by default. - Corrected initialization of messenger for all constructors of G4GDMLParser. 04 Nov 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-08) - Fixed compilation warning on G4GDMLEvaluator. 02 Nov 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-07) - Fixed minor left Coverity reports. - Some code cleanup and updated CMake scripts. 25 Oct 2010 Witold Pokorski - New class G4GDMLMessenger instantiated with G4GDMLParser and defining UI commands for importing and exporting GDML files, through the various options the parser provides. - Corrected GetWorldVolume() in G4GDMLReadStructure, to make use of structure stored in memory in case geometry is already imported. 14 Oct 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-06) - Fixed dummy initialisation of members in constructors in classes G4GDMLParameterisation, G4GDMLReadParamvol, G4GDMLReadStructure, G4GDMLWrite, G4GDMLWriteDefine, G4GDMLWriteMaterials, G4GDMLWriteSolids. - Added exceptions asserting validity of dynamic casted pointers. 11 Oct 2010 Witold Pokorski (gdml-V09-03-05) - Added GetAuxMap() method to G4GDMLParser and removed 'const' qualifier to types in internal map of logical-volumes. Changed value type to 'string' in G4GDMLAuxPairType to avoid extra type evaluation while parsing. 19 Aug 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-04) - Fixed printout of unit in G4GDMLWriteStructure for replicas and divisions, in the case of angles. 02 Jun 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-03) - Added G4GenericTrap among the set of supported solids in both reader and writer, treating as 'arb8' GDML type. 20 May 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-02) - Corrected dump of division axis in writer. 18 Feb 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-01) - Added missing reference attribute in G4GDMLWriteMaterials for dumping of materials property vectors. Increased string buffer in G4GDMLWrite. Addressing problem report #1104. - Corrected import of surface properties in G4GDMLReadSolids for the case of recursive read of files. 17 Feb 2010 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-03-00) - Added IsValid() method to parser to verify if variable/constant/quantity is defined and is valid. Added const qualifier to reader accessors in parser. 04 Dec 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-18) - Updated list of optical properties in G4GDMLReadSolid according to last changes to G4OpticalSurface and G4SurfaceProperty. 14 Oct 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-17) - Added support for GDML 'expression' tag, implementing generic expressions stored as literal constants. - Corrected handling of 'quantity' tag; added missing caching of evaluation. 24 Sep 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-16) - Added support for the GDML 'assembly' tag, implementing assemblies of simple placements through G4AssemblyVolume. 12 May 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-15) - Restricted usage of loops only for placement of volumes. Now correctly handling most common use-case of multiple copies of the same volume/solid through loop statement. Addressing problem report #1063. 11 May 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-14) - Allow for name stripping of volumes which are included in loops; do not store appended internal counter reference. 27 April 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-13) - Get rid of unused parameter in G4GDMLWriteMaterials::PropertyVectorWrite(). 24 April 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-12) - Some code cleanup: rationalised inclusion of headers, replacing them with forward declarations where possible. 24 April 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-11) - Allow for reading/writing of constant material properties. - Implemented ability to write surface properties associated to volumes and material properties. 17 April 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-10) - Defined missing copy constructor and operator=() to G4GDMLMatrix internal class, to avoid cases of memory corruption when handling matrices. 15 April 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-09) - Completed virtual layer for allowing customisation of the writer for user-extended schemas. 09 April 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-08) - Correction in G4GDMLWriteSolids::BooleanWrite() in order to handle cases of nested displaced solids given to both operands in a Boolean operation (ATLAS use case). - Renamed flag for maximum number of transformations applied to a solid and moved to G4GDMLWriteSolids base class. - First virtual layer for custom writer classes G4GDMLWriteSolids and G4GDMLWriteStructure. 03 April 2009 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-02-07) - Correction in materials and solids tags for allowing parsing of definitions within the tag scope; possibility foreseen by the schema. 24 March 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-06) - Added empty default constructor and virtual destructor to classes in the inheritance chain. 02 March 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-05) - Fixed association of entities in nested loops for solids and materials. Definitions of materials are not supposed to be included in loops being therefore repeated... - Strip off white spaces from names G4GDMLWrite::GenerateName(), to avoid parsing problems in imported files. 26 February 2009 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-02-04) - Corrected treatment of brackets and indeces for matrices in G4GDMLEvaluator. Fixes problem report #1048. 24 February 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-03) - Removed useless 'const' qualifier from GetAuxMap() signature. 19 February 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-02) - Fix in G4GDMLStructure class for missing caching of auxiliary information from child modules, causing auxiliary information defined within separated modules to get lost and therefore not assigned to volumes. Fixes problem report #1049. 23 January 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-01) - Changed post-fix"_refl" to "_PV" for placements made through the reflection-factory. 22 January 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-02-00) - Added possibility to check overlaps by activating/de-activating the built-in surface check for placement and parameterised volumes. By default the overlap check is off. To activate it, use call to the parser 'SetOverlapCheck(true)' before reading the GDML file. 4 December 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-21) - Updated default GDML schema location in G4GDMLParser to point to new GDML schema. 21 November 2008 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-01-20) - Updated schema to include new features introduced in reader/writer plugin. 21 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-19) - Added missing solid Elliptical-Cone to reader and writer. 20 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-18) - Implemented mechanism for importing GDML descriptions with extensions to the GDML schema, identified by a new tag "extension". - Added implementation .cc file for G4GDMLParser. 17 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-17) - Get rid of module-name pre-pended to entity names. - Added StripNamePointers() method to G4GDMLParser, utility to be invoked in the user-code to strip off pointers from entity names in a GDML modular setup after loading all modules. 14 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-16) - Enhanced name stripping in G4GDMLRead, to remove also additional IDs prepended to the original name of entities in the case of modular GDML files. 13 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-15) - Added support for new serializer API as introduced in Xerces-3.0.0. - Cleared compilation warnings on Intel-icc compiler. 22 August 2008 Tatiana Nikitina (gdml-V09-01-14) - G4GDMLReadStructure: added methods ReplicaRead(), AxisRead(), QuantityRead() and introduced corrections in order to read replica volumes conforming to the GDML Schema. Added possibility to read/write replication for Rho and Phi axes. - G4GDMLWriteStructure: introduced corrections in order to write replica volumes conforming to the GDML Schema. 20 August 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-13) - G4GDMLParser: added argument to Write() for specify if appending or not reference pointer to generated names. Default is TRUE. - G4GDMLRead: implemented filtering of names to remove from entity names appended reference pointer which may have been generated. Simplified name generated for physical-volumes to only append "_PV" to its logical volume name. - Removed wherever applicable additional strings appended to names. 18 August 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-12) - G4GDMLWriteSolids: fixes in naming convention for solids; added specification of units where missing. Introduced parsing of vertices for tessellated solids to avoid duplication in writing. 29 July 2008 Tatiana Nikitina - Fixes to parameterisation read and write to match the schema. 24 July 2008 Tatiana Nikitina - Added to reader the possibility to have a reference to position and rotation for Boolean solids, as it was possible in GDML_2_10_0. 24 July 2008 Tatiana Nikitina - Fixes in reading/writing G4TwistedTrap shapes. 22 July 2008 Tatiana Nikitina - Added G4Paraboloid to list of supported solids for reader and writer. 16 July 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-11) - Renamed internal methods wherever needed to match code policy and having them starting with capital letter. 15 July 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-10) - Code review, formatting and adoption of canonical form for calls to G4Exception. Usage of std:: namespace for calls to standard mathematical functions. - Added class G4STRead, copy of the original class implemented by Z.Torzsok. - Corrected compilation error on Windows/VC++8 compiler for incorrect signature of method in base class. 3 July 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (gdml-V09-01-09) - Corrected bugs introduced in last commits for modularization of files; Restored original use of maps. - Corrected syntax for parser writer to (optionally) take a pointer to the top physical-volume instead of the logical volume. 25 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-08) - Units are set according to CLHEP units in G4GDMLEvaluator. 23 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Optimised string handling. Schema location can be set in the writer. 20 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-07) - Set correct URL for schema for 'noNamespaceSchemaLocation' parameter. 17 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Added schema validation. - Added schema definition files. 10 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-06) - Modularization can be done either by physvol/depth/mixed. Volume auxiliary information is requested by pointer instead of by name. 9 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Naming convention can be configured in the writer. 5 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Module name is optional now. If no name is specified, the logical volume name will be the filename. 2 June 2008 Zoltan Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-05) - Writer checks if the file to be created does already exist. - Added GetVolume() function. 29 May 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Added support for writing modular files. 28 May 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Only the referenced materials/elements/isotopes are written out, not the whole material/element/isotope store. - Assigned the name to world physical volume. 27 May 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Optimized/simplified writing of structure: no array required for sorting. - Only the referenced solids are written out, not the whole solid store. 23 May 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Writer: precision is now considered in case of scale, rotation and position of the physical-volume. DBL_EPSILON is used to filter precision for avoiding unnecessary scaling, rotation or positioning. 6 May 2008 Zoltan Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-04) - Added a constant limiting the maximum number of reflections/displacements of a single solid 21 April 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Divisionvol, replicavol and paramvol are resolved now. 11 April 2008 Zoltan Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-03) - Referenced solid in volume is resolved in case of displacements/reflections. 10 April 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Added text output to console to inform of progress during processing. 9 April 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Worked out an algorithm for sorting logical volumes in the writer. 4 April 2008 Zoltan Torzsok - Modified writing out of volumes to happen in recursive way. Still needs optimization. Does not recompute touched branches! 1 April 2008 Z.Torzsok - Corrected function names to have all starting with capital letter. 11 March 2008 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-02) - Added border surface to reader. - Added skin surface to reader. - Fixed compilation problems on Intel/icc compiler. 7 March 2008 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-01) - Material properties added to reader 20 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Completed support for parameterised volumes in writer. - Name is added to physvol in reader. 19 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Replicavol is simplified and no longer restricted to replication along axes. 18 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Added G4GDMLWriteParamvol class implementing the parameterised volumes in the writer. Added box parameterisation and succesfully tested. 15 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Division volumes added to writer and succesfully tested. 14 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Replica volumes added to writer and succesfully tested. 13 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Added getRotationMatrix() function to G4GDMLReadDefine: this function converts rotation angles into a rotation matrix. This wad used in physvol, reflectedSolid and boolean solid. Now this conversion is in one place - Added 'firstrotation' and 'firstposition' to boolean solid. Now the first solid can be transformed too (Boolean solid is succesfully tested). 11 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Added matrices to writer. - Exception handling is added to loops (identify infinite loops). 8 Febryary 2008 Z.Torzsok - Naming of physvol changed to 'ReferencedVolumeName_in_MotherVolumeName'. 7 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Added twistedtrap and twistedtubs to writer. 6 february 2008 Z.Torzsok - Tet, Twistedbox and Twistedtrd added to writer and succesfully tested. 5 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Hype, orb and para added to writer. Succesfully tested, except the para. 1 February 2008 Z.Torzsok - Ellipsoid and elliptical-tube added to writer. 31 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Quantities now can be referenced - Naming of physical volumes changed: MotherLogicalName_daughter(index) 30 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - If there is only one setup defined, name does not matter, that setup will be loaded. - Temperature, pressure and state are now processed in the reader. Added Nist support. 28 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Element added to writer. - Polyhedra and torus added to writer. - Now the package is able to read/write the CMS geometry. 25 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Bugs fixed in the writer in G4GMLWriteStructure::physvolWrite(): the signs of the rotational angles were incorrect in certain cases (180 degrees, 90 degrees,...). The reflection was incorrect in case of reflecting a subtree. - Now the package is capable of reading and writing back the LHCb geometry correctly. 23 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Composite materials added to writer. - Cone and tube added to writer. - Boolean solid (intersection, subtraction, union) added to writer. 22 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Extruded solid is added to writer. - Reflected solid is removed from the written GDML files. Scale transformation is used instead. - Optimization to tha case of reading multiple GDML files and writing out into a single GDML file: The mother volume is moved to the end of the list after its daugthers are processed... only when necessary, when new logical volumes come from the daughters! 21 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Reflected solid is added to the writer. - Solved problem of reading multiple GDML files and writing out into a single GDML file: if a logical volume (let's say the mother volume) is instantiated, it will be added to the end of list of volumes (G4LogicalVolumeStore). Once this logical volume is instantiated we can add daughters. If a daughter refers to an external file, additional logical volumes will come. These logical volumes will be added to the list as well, AFTER the mother volume. In the mother volume these logical volumes can be referenced ...but these logical volumes are not instantiated yet when we instantiate the mother! That's why we move the mother volume at the end of the list after the daughters are processed. 18 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - The class hierarchy of the GDML parser/writer is finished: Write <- WriteDefine <- WriteMaterials <- WriteSolids <- WriteSetup <- WriteStructure Parser Read <- ReadDefine <- ReadMaterials <- ReadSolids <- ReadSetup <- ReadParamvol <- ReadStructure. 16 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Starting the materials section. 15 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Writer implements the setup section too. 11 January 2008 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-01-00) - Reader is now capable of resolving entities. 08 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Vertex referencing is fixed in tessellated solid (using the identifier "vertex" according to the schema). 07 January 2008 Z.Torzsok - Starting to implement the writer. 30 November, 07 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-00-04) - Fine tuning of the class hierarchy and fixed issue with reflections. 23 November, 07 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-00-03) - Better handling of embedded loops and first adaptation. 22 November, 07 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-00-02) - Handling of embedded loops added. - Fixed compilation problems on Windows platform. 19 November, 07 G.Cosmo (gdml-V09-00-01) - Better handling of modular GDML files and reflections (Z.Torzsok). - Added disclaimer to all files. Use G4 types. - Fixed compilation problems on SUN platform. 15 November, 07 Z.Torzsok (gdml-V09-00-00) - Added support for modular files. - Completed set of specific solids. Supported reflections and divisions. 02 November, 07 G.Cosmo (persistency-V09-00-00) - Added G4LIB_BUILD_GDML/G4LIB_USE_GDML flags to trigger compilation through the central scripts. Moved setup for XERCESC (includes and libs paths) to central scripts. - Coworks with tag "config-V09-00-06". 17 October, 07 Z.Torzsok - Introduced new "gdml" plugin sub-module, based on new GDML release 3.