$Id: History 81905 2014-06-06 13:57:45Z gcosmo $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Category History file --------------------- This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all category-tags. It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every committal in the CVS repository ! ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- History file for visualization/FukuiRenderer sub-category --------------------------------------------------------- 14th March 2014 Laurent Garnier (DAWN-V09-06-07) - G4FRClientServer.cc: Remove MAX_BINDING_TRIAL and BINDING_TRIAL_INTERVAL due to compilation warnings on clang (mac os 10.9) 15th November 2013 John Allison (DAWN-V09-06-06) - Some changes as suggested by PVS. 7th November 2013 Gabriele Cosmo (DAWN-V09-06-05, DAWN-V09-06-04) - Replaced deprecated calls to solids accessor methods. 29th January 2013 John Allison (DAWN-V09-06-03) - Revert to DAWN-V09-06-00. 12th January 2013 John Allison (DAWN-V09-06-02) - Coverity fixes. 2nd December 2012 John Allison (DAWN-V09-06-00) o Removed NURBS. 20th July 2012 John Allison (DAWN-V09-05-05) - Added print-once warnings for 2D. 19th July 2012 John Allison - G4FukuiRendererSceneHandler.hh, G4DAWNFILESceneHandler.hh: o Added SendStrDouble3Str. - G4FRSceneFunc.icc: o G4FRSCENEHANDLER::AddPrimitive ( const G4Text& text ): . Intercepted 2D text. . First try: Mapped -1= G4VisManager::errors) 30th May 2010 John Allison (DAWN-V09-03-00) - G4DAWN/FukuiRendererSceneHandler: Added AddCompound(const G4VDigi&). 21st October 2009 John Allison (DAWN-V09-02-00 coworks greps-V09-02-02) - Added default AddCompound (const G4THitsMap&) methods. o Prevents warnings about hiding - calls G4VSceneHandler base class. 10th July 2006 John Allison (DAWN-V08-01-00) - G4FRSceneFunc.icc: G4FRSCENEHANDLER::SendNdiv respects forced line segments per circle. 12th June 2006 John Allison (DAWN-V08-00-04) - Fixed rewind problem: o G4FRofstream.hh: Removed rewind (badly implemented). o G4DAWNFILEViewer.cc: ClearView closes and re-opens file. - G4DAWNFILESceneHandler.cc: Fixed file closure on exit: 2nd June 2006 John Allison (DAWN-V08-00-03) - G4DAWNFILESceneHandler.cc: Close file in destructor if required. - G4FRSceneFunc.icc: Improve behaviour when no model exists. 4th May 2006 John Allison (DAWN-V08-00-02) - Improved protection for null models and parameters. 19th April 2006 John Allison (DAWN-V08-00-01) - G4FRSceneFunc.icc: Migrated to direct access to G4PhysicalVolumeModel. 23rd January 2006 John Allison (DAWN-V08-00-00) - Implemented G4FRofstream::Rewind. Used in ClearView. Avoids duplicate geomtries in output file. 13th October 2005 John Allison (DAWN-V07-01-00) - Migrated to . 27th May 2005 John Allison (DAWN-V07-00-00) - Fixed bug introduced in ClearTransientStore. 22nd September 2004 John Allison (DAWN-V06-02-00) - Improve diagnostic on trapping non-regular polyhedra. 4th October 2003 Gabriele Cosmo (vis-V05-02-01) - Simplified GNUmakefile. DAWN-V04-01-01 Satoshi TANAKA Sept 01, 2002 - Precision control with "setenv G4DAWNFILE_PRECISION number". DAWN-V03-02-01 Satoshi TANAKA Sept 18, 2001 - Maximal number of g4.prim file is changed from 99 to 100. DAWN-V03-02-00 Satoshi TANAKA Sept 17, 2001 - Updation for automatic visualization implemented at Hebden Bridge mini-workshop. DAWN-V01-01-04 - Target = standard target in scene + relative target in view (G4DAWNFILEView.cc, G4FukuiRendererView.cc) - Automatic filename incrementation is made default. g4_00.prim, g4_01.prim, ... , g4_99.prim g4_00.eps , g4_01.eps , ... , g4_99.eps DAWN-V01-01-03 Satoshi TANAKA May 11, 2000 - In G4DAWNFILEViewer.cc, < strcpy( fPSViewer, "ghostview" ); --- > // strcpy( fPSViewer, "ghostview" ); > strcpy( fPSViewer, "gv" ); DAWN-V00-01-08 - Removed implicit casting from the previous updation DAWN-V00-01-06 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 30, 1999 - Fixing improper definition of alpha1, alpha2 DAWN-V00-01-05 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 23, 1999 - Protection to special cases of G4Trap in AddThis() DAWN-V00-01-04 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 02, 1999 - Protection to AddPrimitive( G4NURBS ) DAWN-V00-01-03 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 02, 1999 - Environmental variable G4DAWN_MULTI_WINDOW is renamed to G4DAWNFILE_MULTI_WINDOW for DAWN-file driver. (G4DAWN_MULTI_WINDOW still works for a while.) DAWN-V00-01-02 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 01, 1999 - Separation of BeginModeling() and FRBeginModeling(). Co-workable with /run/beamOn with the new vis commands. DAWN-V00-01-01 Satoshi TANAKA Aug 26, 1999 - Protection for invalid calling of BeginModeling - .DAWN.history ==> .DAWN_1.history **** It means DAWN version 3.80a or after is required *** DAWN-00-03-06 Satoshi TANAKA Dec 04, 1998 - Maximun number of generated g4.prim files in the destination directory is customizable as: "setenv G4DAWNFILE_MAX_FILE_NUM N" (N is the integer greater than or equal to 1. The default value is 1.) DAWN-00-03-05 Satoshi TANAKA Dec 04, 1998 - Revised G4FRSocketConfig.hh together with architecture.gmk. Compilation at SUN-CC was made automatic DAWN-00-03-04 Satoshi TANAKA Dec 04, 1998 - Bug fix DAWN-00-03-03 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 30, 1998 - Destination directiory of g4.prim and g4.eps is customizable with the environmental variable "G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR". Unix: % setenv G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR directory_name/ For example, % setenv G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR /tmp/ Do not forget to add "/" at the end of the directory name. NT: DOS> set G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR directory_name\ Do not forget to add "\" at the end of the directory name. - Auto incremetaion of output file names is supported. Names of generated files are: DAWN-format files: g4.prim, g4_1.prim, g4_2.prim, ... , g4_100.prim EPS files : g4.eps , g4_1.eps , g4_2.eps , ... , g4_100.eps Maximal number of files in one directory is restricted in order to avoid explosion of your hard disk. The maximal number is hard-coded. You can revise is by editing enum of G4DAWNFILEScene.hh. Note that the incrementation is done as follows (pseudo codes) filename = "g4.prim" // initialization while( filename already exists in the dest directory ) { increment filename } It means that if you delete file "g4.prim" in the destination directory, the file name in the next generation is still g4.prim. DAWN-00-03-02 Satoshi TANAKA Nov 30, 1998 - Backup before going on to tag DAWN-00-03-03.