// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4FRClientServer.cc 81905 2014-06-06 13:57:45Z gcosmo $ // // Satoshi TANAKA, Wed Jul 3 14:14:29 JST 1996 //////////////////////////////// ///// G4FRClientServer.cc ///// //////////////////////////////// //=================// #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_DAWN_DRIVER //=================// #include "G4VisManager.hh" #include "G4FRClientServer.hh" // #define DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER #include //----- const const char DEFAULT_SUN_PATH[] = "FR_TMP3" ; const int DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER = 40701 ; //const char FR_ENV_SERVER_HOST_NAME[] = "G4DAWN_HOST_NAME" ; // moved to .hh const int MAX_CONNECT_TRIAL = 10 ; const char FR_DEFAULT_HOST_NAME[] = "localhost" ; //----- G4FRClientServer::G4FRClientServer () G4FRClientServer::G4FRClientServer ( char terminator , char end_line ) : TERMINATOR ( terminator ) , END_OF_LINE( end_line ) , fSocketFd ( -1 ) { SetSunPath ( DEFAULT_SUN_PATH ) ; // for Unix domain SetPortNumber ( DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER ) ; ClearReceivedMessage () ; } //----- G4FRClientServer::ConnectUnix() int G4FRClientServer::ConnectUnix() { //----- local int flag_connected = 0 ; struct sockaddr_un server_address ; //----- make socket fSocketFd = socket( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if( fSocketFd < 0 ) { Err("G4FRClientServer::ConnectUnix(),socket"); } //----- set server address memset( (char *)&server_address, '\0', sizeof(server_address)) ; server_address.sun_family = AF_UNIX ; strcpy( server_address.sun_path, SUN_PATH ); //----- connection int connection_status = -1 ; int num_trial = 0 ; while( connection_status < 0 && num_trial <= MAX_CONNECT_TRIAL ) { num_trial++ ; connection_status = connect( fSocketFd, (struct sockaddr * )(&server_address), sizeof( server_address ) ) ; if( connection_status <0 ) { #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER Err("G4FRClientServer::ConnectUnix(),connect => RETRY"); #endif flag_connected = 0 ; } else { flag_connected = 1 ; break ; } sleep(1); } // while(connection_status...) //----- return status of connection return flag_connected ; } // G4FRClientServer::ConnectUnix() //----- G4FRClientServer::Receive() void G4FRClientServer::Receive() { //----- ClearReceivedMessage () ; if( recv( fSocketFd, fReceivedMessage, G4FRClientServer::RECV_BUFMAX , 0 ) < 0 ) { Err("G4FRClientServer::Receive(), recv"); } #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER if (G4VisManager::GetVerbosity() >= G4VisManager::errors) G4cout << ">>>>> receivedMessage = " << fReceivedMessage << G4endl; #endif } //----- G4FRClientServer::ReceiveLine() void G4FRClientServer::ReceiveLine() { //----- local char buf[1]; int index = 0 ; //----- receive a line (until newline) memset(fReceivedMessage, '\0', RECV_BUFMAX) ; while( read( fSocketFd, buf, 1 ) == 1 ) { fReceivedMessage[index++] = buf[0]; if( IsEndOfLine(buf[0]) ) { break ;} } } // G4FRClientServer::ReceiveLine() //----- G4FRClientServer::Send() void G4FRClientServer::Send() { if( send( fSocketFd, fSendingMessage, strlen(fSendingMessage) , 0 ) < 0 ) { Err("G4FRClientServer::Send(), send"); } #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER if (G4VisManager::GetVerbosity() >= G4VisManager::errors) G4cout << "<<<<< SentMessage = " << fSendingMessage << G4endl; #endif } // G4FRClientServer::Send() //----- G4FRClientServer::Send( message ) void G4FRClientServer::Send( const char* message ) { this->SetSendingMessage( message ) ; this->Send(); } // G4FRClientServer::Send( message ) //----- G4FRClientServer::SendLine() void G4FRClientServer::SendLine( const char* message ) { //----- local int smsg_length ; //----- set message to sending buf this->SetSendingMessage( message ) ; smsg_length = GetSendingMessageLength() ; //----- add newline if necessary if( !IsEndOfLine( fSendingMessage[ (smsg_length - 1)] ) ) { fSendingMessage[ smsg_length ] = GetEndOfLine() ; fSendingMessage[ (smsg_length +1) ] = '\0' ; smsg_length = GetSendingMessageLength(); } //----- send this->Send(); }// G4FRClientServer::SendLine() //----- G4FRClientServer::DisConnect() void G4FRClientServer::DisConnect() { //----- close connection if( shutdown(fSocketFd,2) < 0 ) { Err("G4FRClientServer::DisConnect,shutdown"); } close( fSocketFd ); this->Clear(); } //----- G4FRClientServer::Clear() void G4FRClientServer::Clear() { unlink(SUN_PATH) ; fSocketFd = -1 ; } //----- G4FRClientServer::ConnectINET() int G4FRClientServer::ConnectINET() { //----- local int flag_connected = 0 ; sockaddr_in server_address ; char server_hostname[32] ; hostent* server_host_p ; //----- make socket fSocketFd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); if( fSocketFd < 0 ) { #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER Err("G4FRClientServer::ConnectINET(),socket"); #endif } //----- get IP address of server from its name if( getenv( FR_ENV_SERVER_HOST_NAME ) != NULL ) { //----- get server name strcpy( server_hostname, getenv( FR_ENV_SERVER_HOST_NAME ) ); //----- get IP address of server from its name, //..... reading /etc/hosts server_host_p = gethostbyname( server_hostname ) ; //----- If the host specified by FR_ENV_SERVER_HOST_NAME //..... is not written in /etc/hosts, //...... server host is set to the same as the //...... client host if( !server_host_p ) { #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER Err("G4FRClientServer::ConnectINET(), gethostbyname"); #endif server_host_p = gethostbyname( FR_DEFAULT_HOST_NAME ) ; } } else { server_host_p = gethostbyname( FR_DEFAULT_HOST_NAME ) ; } // #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER if (G4VisManager::GetVerbosity() >= G4VisManager::errors) G4cout << "***** Trying connection to " << server_hostname << G4endl; // #endif //----- connection and binding memset( (char *)&server_address, '\0', sizeof(server_address)) ; // clear server_address server_address.sin_family = AF_INET ; server_address.sin_port = htons( PORT_NUMBER ); memcpy( (char *)(&server_address.sin_addr ), (char *)( server_host_p->h_addr ), server_host_p->h_length ); int connection_status = -1 ; int num_trial = 0 ; while( connection_status < 0 && num_trial <= MAX_CONNECT_TRIAL ) { num_trial++ ; connection_status = connect( fSocketFd, (struct sockaddr * )(&server_address), sizeof( server_address ) ) ; if( connection_status <0 ) { #if defined DEBUG_CLIENT_SERVER Err("G4FRClientServer::ConnectINET(),connect => RETRY"); #endif flag_connected = 0 ; } else { flag_connected = 1 ; break ; } sleep(1); } // while(connection_status...) //----- return status of connection return flag_connected ; } // G4FRClientServer::ConnectINET() //----- G4FRClientServer::WaitSendBack() void G4FRClientServer::WaitSendBack( const char* command_string ) { //----- wait for sending back while(1) { this->ReceiveLine(); if( !strncmp( this->GetReceivedMessage(), \ command_string , \ (strlen(command_string)) ) ) { break; } else { sleep(2); } } // while //----- clear buffer to receive message this->ClearReceivedMessage(); } // G4FRClientServer::WaitSendBack() #endif // G4VIS_BUILD_DAWN_DRIVER