// Authors: Sergey Linev Iliana Betsou // Date: 2019-04-11 // Warning: This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback is welcome! /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "Fit/BinData.h" #include "Fit/Fitter.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TGraph2D.h" #include "TGraph2DErrors.h" #include "TMultiGraph.h" #include "THStack.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TF2.h" #include "TF3.h" #include "TFitResult.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TBufferJSON.h" #include "Math/Minimizer.h" #include "HFitInterface.h" #include "TColor.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std::string_literals; using namespace ROOT::Experimental; /** \class RFitPanel \ingroup webwidgets web-based FitPanel prototype. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor RFitPanel::FitRes::FitRes(const std::string &_objid, std::unique_ptr &_func, TFitResultPtr &_res) : objid(_objid), res(_res) { std::swap(func, _func); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor RFitPanel::FitRes::~FitRes() { // to avoid dependency from TF1 // if TF1 object deleted before - prevent second delete if (func && func->IsZombie()) func.release(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor RFitPanel::RFitPanel(const std::string &title) { model().fTitle = title; GetFunctionsFromSystem(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor RFitPanel::~RFitPanel() { // to avoid dependency from TF1 } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns RWebWindow instance, used to display FitPanel std::shared_ptr RFitPanel::GetWindow() { if (!fWindow) { fWindow = ROOT::RWebWindow::Create(); fWindow->SetPanelName("rootui5.fitpanel.view.FitPanel"); fWindow->SetCallBacks( [this](unsigned connid) { fConnId = connid; fWindow->Send(fConnId, "INITDONE"); if (!model().fInitialized) SelectObject("$$$"); SendModel(); }, [this](unsigned connid, const std::string &arg) { ProcessData(connid, arg); }, [this](unsigned) { fConnId = 0; }); fWindow->SetGeometry(400, 650); // configure predefined geometry } return fWindow; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update list of available data void RFitPanel::UpdateDataSet() { auto &m = model(); m.fDataSet.clear(); for (auto &obj : fObjects) m.fDataSet.emplace_back("Panel", "panel::"s + obj->GetName(), Form("%s::%s", obj->ClassName(), obj->GetName())); if (gDirectory) { TIter iter(gDirectory->GetList()); TObject *obj = nullptr; while ((obj = iter()) != nullptr) { if (GetFitObjectType(obj) != RFitPanelModel::kObjectNotSupported) m.fDataSet.emplace_back("gDirectory", "gdir::"s + obj->GetName(), Form("%s::%s", obj->ClassName(), obj->GetName())); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select object for fitting void RFitPanel::SelectObject(const std::string &objid) { UpdateDataSet(); auto &m = model(); std::string id = objid; if (id.compare("$$$") == 0) { if (m.fDataSet.size() > 0) id = m.fDataSet[0].id; else id.clear(); } TObject *obj = GetSelectedObject(id); auto kind = GetFitObjectType(obj); m.SetObjectKind(kind); TH1 *hist = nullptr; switch (kind) { case RFitPanelModel::kObjectHisto: hist = (TH1*)obj; break; case RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph: hist = ((TGraph*)obj)->GetHistogram(); break; case RFitPanelModel::kObjectMultiGraph: hist = ((TMultiGraph*)obj)->GetHistogram(); break; case RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph2D: hist = ((TGraph2D*)obj)->GetHistogram("empty"); break; case RFitPanelModel::kObjectHStack: hist = (TH1 *)((THStack *)obj)->GetHists()->First(); break; //case RFitPanelModel::kObjectTree: // m.fFitMethods = {{ kFP_MUBIN, "Unbinned Likelihood" }}; // m.fFitMethod = kFP_MUBIN; // break; default: break; } if (!obj) m.fSelectedData = ""; else m.fSelectedData = id; m.fInitialized = true; // update list of data m.UpdateRange(hist); UpdateFunctionsList(); std::string selfunc = m.fSelectedFunc; if (!m.HasFunction(selfunc)) { if (m.fFuncList.size() > 0) selfunc = m.fFuncList[0].id; else selfunc.clear(); } SelectFunction(selfunc); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns object based on it string id /// Searches either in gDirectory or in internal panel list TObject *RFitPanel::GetSelectedObject(const std::string &objid) { if (objid.compare(0,6,"gdir::") == 0) { std::string name = objid.substr(6); if (gDirectory) return gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(name.c_str()); } else if (objid.compare(0,7,"panel::") == 0) { std::string name = objid.substr(7); for (auto &item : fObjects) if (name.compare(item->GetName()) == 0) return item; } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns kind of object RFitPanelModel::EFitObjectType RFitPanel::GetFitObjectType(TObject *obj) { if (!obj) return RFitPanelModel::kObjectNone; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) return RFitPanelModel::kObjectHisto; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TGraph::Class())) return RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TGraph2D::Class())) return RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph2D; if (obj->InheritsFrom(THStack::Class())) return RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph2D; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TMultiGraph::Class())) return RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph2D; return RFitPanelModel::kObjectNotSupported; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update list of available functions void RFitPanel::UpdateFunctionsList() { auto &m = model(); m.fFuncList.clear(); if (m.fDim == 1) { m.fFuncList = { {"gaus"}, {"gausn"}, {"expo"}, {"landau"}, {"landaun"}, {"pol0"},{"pol1"},{"pol2"},{"pol3"},{"pol4"},{"pol5"},{"pol6"},{"pol7"},{"pol8"},{"pol9"}, {"cheb0"}, {"cheb1"}, {"cheb2"}, {"cheb3"}, {"cheb4"}, {"cheb5"}, {"cheb6"}, {"cheb7"}, {"cheb8"}, {"cheb9"} }; } else if (m.fDim == 2) { m.fFuncList = { {"xygaus"}, {"bigaus"}, {"xyexpo"}, {"xylandau"}, {"xylandaun"} }; } for (auto &func : fSystemFuncs) { m.fFuncList.emplace_back("System", "system::"s + func->GetName(), func->GetName()); } for (auto &entry : fPrevRes) { if (entry.objid == m.fSelectedData) m.fFuncList.emplace_back("Previous", "previous::"s + entry.func->GetName(), entry.func->GetName()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select fit function void RFitPanel::SelectFunction(const std::string &funcid) { model().SelectedFunc(funcid, FindFunction(funcid)); model().UpdateAdvanced(FindFitResult(funcid)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Assign histogram to use with fit panel - without ownership void RFitPanel::AssignHistogram(TH1 *hist) { fObjects.emplace_back(hist); SelectObject("panel::"s + hist->GetName()); SendModel(); } /// Assign histogram name to use with fit panel - it should be available in gDirectory void RFitPanel::AssignHistogram(const std::string &hname) { SelectObject("gdir::" + hname); SendModel(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// assign canvas to use for drawing results of fitting or showing fitpanel itself void RFitPanel::AssignCanvas(std::shared_ptr &canv) { if (!fCanvas) { fCanvas = canv; } else { R__LOG_ERROR(FitPanelLog()) << "FitPanel already bound to the canvas - change is not yet supported"; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// assign histogram for fitting void RFitPanel::AssignHistogram(std::shared_ptr &hist) { fFitHist = hist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Show FitPanel void RFitPanel::Show(const std::string &where) { GetWindow()->Show(where); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Hide FitPanel void RFitPanel::Hide() { if (fWindow) fWindow->CloseConnections(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return reference on model object /// Model created if was not exists before RFitPanelModel &RFitPanel::model() { if (!fModel) { fModel = std::make_unique(); fModel->Initialize(); } return *fModel.get(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send model object to the client void RFitPanel::SendModel() { if (fWindow && (fConnId > 0)) { TString json = TBufferJSON::ToJSON(&model()); fWindow->Send(fConnId, "MODEL:"s + json.Data()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Process data from FitPanel /// OpenUI5-based FitPanel sends commands or status changes void RFitPanel::ProcessData(unsigned, const std::string &arg) { if (arg == "RELOAD") { GetFunctionsFromSystem(); UpdateDataSet(); UpdateFunctionsList(); SendModel(); } else if (arg.compare(0, 7, "UPDATE:") == 0) { if (UpdateModel(arg.substr(7)) > 0) SendModel(); } else if (arg.compare(0, 6, "DOFIT:") == 0) { if (UpdateModel(arg.substr(6)) >= 0) if (DoFit()) SendModel(); } else if (arg.compare(0, 7, "DODRAW:") == 0) { if (UpdateModel(arg.substr(7)) >= 0) if (DoDraw()) SendModel(); } else if (arg.compare(0, 8, "SETPARS:") == 0) { auto info = TBufferJSON::FromJSON(arg.substr(8)); if (info) { TF1 *func = FindFunction(info->id); // copy all parameters back to the function if (func) info->SetParameters(func); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Search for existing functions, ownership still belongs to FitPanel or global lists TF1 *RFitPanel::FindFunction(const std::string &id) { if (id.compare(0,8,"system::") == 0) { std::string name = id.substr(8); for (auto &item : fSystemFuncs) if (name.compare(item->GetName()) == 0) return item.get(); } if (id.compare(0,10,"previous::") == 0) { std::string name = id.substr(10); for (auto &entry : fPrevRes) if (name.compare(entry.func->GetName()) == 0) return entry.func.get(); } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates new instance to make fitting TFitResult *RFitPanel::FindFitResult(const std::string &id) { if (id.compare(0,10,"previous::") == 0) { std::string name = id.substr(10); for (auto &entry : fPrevRes) if (name.compare(entry.func->GetName()) == 0) return entry.res.Get(); } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates new instance to make fitting std::unique_ptr RFitPanel::GetFitFunction(const std::string &funcname) { std::unique_ptr res; TF1 *func = FindFunction(funcname); if (func) { // Now we make a copy. res.reset((TF1*) func->IsA()->New()); func->Copy(*res); } else if (funcname.compare(0,6,"dflt::") == 0) { std::string formula = funcname.substr(6); ROOT::Fit::DataRange drange = model().GetRanges(); double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax; drange.GetRange(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax); if ( model().fDim == 1 || model().fDim == 0 ) { res.reset(new TF1(formula.c_str(), formula.c_str(), xmin, xmax)); } else if ( model().fDim == 2 ) { res.reset(new TF2(formula.c_str(), formula.c_str(), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)); } else if ( model().fDim == 3 ) { res.reset(new TF3(formula.c_str(), formula.c_str(), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)); } } return res; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update fit model /// returns -1 if JSON fails /// return 0 if nothing large changed /// return 1 if important selection are changed and client need to be updated int RFitPanel::UpdateModel(const std::string &json) { auto m = TBufferJSON::FromJSON(json); if (!m) { R__LOG_ERROR(FitPanelLog()) << "Fail to parse JSON for RFitPanelModel"; return -1; } m->fInitialized = true; int res = 0; // nothing changed if (model().fSelectedData != m->fSelectedData) { res |= 1; } if (model().fSelectedFunc != m->fSelectedFunc) { res |= 2; } std::swap(fModel, m); // finally replace model if (res & 1) SelectObject(model().fSelectedData); if (res != 0) SelectFunction(model().fSelectedFunc); return res; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copies f into a new TF1 to be stored in the fitpanel with it's /// own ownership. This is taken from Fit::StoreAndDrawFitFunction in /// HFitImpl.cxx TF1* RFitPanel::copyTF1(TF1* f) { double xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0, zmin = 0, zmax = 0; // no need to use kNotGlobal bit. TF1::Copy does not add in the list by default if ( dynamic_cast(f)) { TF3* fnew = (TF3*)f->IsA()->New(); f->Copy(*fnew); f->GetRange(xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax); fnew->SetRange(xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax); fnew->SetParent( nullptr ); fnew->AddToGlobalList(false); return fnew; } else if ( dynamic_cast(f) != 0 ) { TF2* fnew = (TF2*)f->IsA()->New(); f->Copy(*fnew); f->GetRange(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); fnew->SetRange(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); fnew->Save(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,0,0); fnew->SetParent( nullptr ); fnew->AddToGlobalList(false); return fnew; } TF1* fnew = (TF1*)f->IsA()->New(); f->Copy(*fnew); f->GetRange(xmin,xmax); fnew->SetRange(xmin,xmax); // This next line is added, as fnew-Save fails with gausND! As // the number of dimensions is unknown... if ( '\0' != fnew->GetExpFormula()[0] ) fnew->Save(xmin,xmax,0,0,0,0); fnew->SetParent( nullptr ); fnew->AddToGlobalList(false); return fnew; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Looks for all the functions registered in the current ROOT /// session. void RFitPanel::GetFunctionsFromSystem() { fSystemFuncs.clear(); // Be carefull not to store functions that will be in the // predefined section std::vector fnames = { "gaus" , "gausn", "expo", "landau", "landaun", "pol0", "pol1", "pol2", "pol3", "pol4", "pol5", "pol6", "pol7", "pol8", "pol9", "user" }; // No go through all the objects registered in gROOT TIter functionsIter(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()); TObject* obj; while( (obj = functionsIter()) != nullptr ) { // And if they are TF1s if ( TF1* func = dynamic_cast(obj) ) { bool addFunction = true; // And they are not already registered in fSystemFunc for ( auto &name : fnames) { if ( name.compare(func->GetName()) == 0 ) { addFunction = false; break; } } // Add them. if ( addFunction ) fSystemFuncs.emplace_back( copyTF1(func) ); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns pad where histogram is drawn /// If canvas not exists, create new one TPad *RFitPanel::GetDrawPad(TObject *obj, bool force) { if (!obj || (!force && (model().fNoDrawing || model().fNoStoreDraw))) return nullptr; std::function check = [&](TPad *pad) { TPad *res = nullptr; if (!pad) return res; if (!fPadName.empty() && (fPadName.compare(pad->GetName()) == 0)) return pad; TIter next(pad->GetListOfPrimitives()); TObject *prim = nullptr; while (!res && (prim = next())) { res = (prim == obj) ? pad : check(dynamic_cast(prim)); } return res; }; if (!fCanvName.empty()) { auto drawcanv = dynamic_cast (gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(fCanvName.c_str())); auto drawpad = check(drawcanv); if (drawpad) { drawpad->cd(); return drawpad; } if (drawcanv) { drawcanv->Clear(); drawcanv->cd(); obj->Draw(); return drawcanv; } fCanvName.clear(); fPadName.clear(); } TObject *c = nullptr; TIter nextc(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()); while ((c = nextc())) { auto drawpad = check(dynamic_cast(c)); if (drawpad) { drawpad->cd(); fCanvName = c->GetName(); fPadName = drawpad->GetName(); return drawpad; } } auto canv = gROOT->MakeDefCanvas(); canv->SetName("fpc"); canv->SetTitle("Fit panel drawings"); fPadName = fCanvName = canv->GetName(); canv->cd(); obj->Draw(); return canv; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Perform fitting using current model settings /// Returns true if any action was done bool RFitPanel::DoFit() { auto &m = model(); TObject *obj = GetSelectedObject(m.fSelectedData); if (!obj) return false; auto kind = GetFitObjectType(obj); auto f1 = GetFitFunction(m.fSelectedFunc); if (!f1) return false; auto drange = m.GetRanges(); auto minOption = m.GetMinimizerOptions(); auto fitOpts = m.GetFitOptions(); auto drawOpts = m.GetDrawOption(); fitOpts.StoreResult = 1; TVirtualPad::TContext ctxt(kFALSE); auto pad = GetDrawPad(obj); TFitResultPtr res; switch (kind) { case RFitPanelModel::kObjectHisto: { TH1 *hist = dynamic_cast(obj); if (hist) res = ROOT::Fit::FitObject(hist, f1.get(), fitOpts, minOption, drawOpts, drange); break; } case RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph: { TGraph *gr = dynamic_cast(obj); if (gr) res = ROOT::Fit::FitObject(gr, f1.get(), fitOpts, minOption, drawOpts, drange); break; } case RFitPanelModel::kObjectMultiGraph: { TMultiGraph *mg = dynamic_cast(obj); if (mg) res = ROOT::Fit::FitObject(mg, f1.get(), fitOpts, minOption, drawOpts, drange); break; } case RFitPanelModel::kObjectGraph2D: { TGraph2D *g2d = dynamic_cast(obj); if (g2d) res = ROOT::Fit::FitObject(g2d, f1.get(), fitOpts, minOption, drawOpts, drange); break; } case RFitPanelModel::kObjectHStack: { // N/A break; } default: { // N/A break; } } // After fitting function appears in global list if (f1 && gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(f1.get())) gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(f1.get()); if (m.fSame && f1 && pad) { TF1 *copy = copyTF1(f1.get()); copy->SetBit(kCanDelete); copy->Draw("same"); } DoPadUpdate(pad); std::string funcname = f1->GetName(); if ((funcname.compare(0,4,"prev") == 0) && (funcname.find("-") > 4)) funcname.erase(0, funcname.find("-") + 1); funcname = "prev"s + std::to_string(fPrevRes.size() + 1) + "-"s + funcname; f1->SetName(funcname.c_str()); fPrevRes.emplace_back(m.fSelectedData, f1, res); UpdateFunctionsList(); SelectFunction("previous::"s + funcname); return true; // provide client with latest changes } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Extract color from string /// Should be coded as #%ff00ff string Color_t RFitPanel::GetColor(const std::string &colorid) { if ((colorid.length() != 7) || (colorid.compare(0,1,"#") != 0)) return 0; return TColor::GetColor(colorid.c_str()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create confidence levels drawing /// tab. Then it call Virtual Fitter to perform it. TObject *RFitPanel::MakeConfidenceLevels(TFitResult *result) { if (!result) return nullptr; // try to use provided method // auto conf = result->GetConfidenceIntervals(); // printf("GET INTERVALS %d\n", (int) conf.size()); const auto *function = result->FittedFunction(); if (!function) { R__LOG_ERROR(FitPanelLog()) << "Fit Function does not exist!"; return nullptr; } const auto *data = result->FittedBinData(); if (!data) { R__LOG_ERROR(FitPanelLog()) << "Unbinned data set cannot draw confidence levels."; return nullptr; } std::vector ci(data->Size()); result->GetConfidenceIntervals(*data, &ci[0], model().fConfidenceLevel); if (model().fDim == 1) { TGraphErrors *g = new TGraphErrors(ci.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ci.size(); ++i) { const Double_t *x = data->Coords(i); const Double_t y = (*function)(x); g->SetPoint(i, *x, y); g->SetPointError(i, 0, ci[i]); } // std::ostringstream os; // os << "Confidence Intervals with " << conflvl << " conf. band."; // g->SetTitle(os.str().c_str()); g->SetTitle("Confidence Intervals with"); auto icol = GetColor(model().fConfidenceColor); g->SetLineColor(icol); g->SetFillColor(icol); g->SetFillStyle(3001); return g; } else if (model().fDim == 2) { TGraph2DErrors *g = new TGraph2DErrors(ci.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ci.size(); ++i) { const Double_t *x = data->Coords(i); const Double_t y = (*function)(x); g->SetPoint(i, x[0], x[1], y); g->SetPointError(i, 0, 0, ci[i]); } // std::ostringstream os; // os << "Confidence Intervals with " << fConfLevel->GetNumber() << " conf. band."; // g->SetTitle(os.str().c_str()); g->SetTitle("Confidence Intervals with"); auto icol = GetColor(model().fConfidenceColor); g->SetLineColor(icol); g->SetFillColor(icol); g->SetFillStyle(3001); return g; } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Perform drawing using current model settings /// Returns true if any action was done bool RFitPanel::DoDraw() { auto &m = model(); TObject *obj = GetSelectedObject(m.fSelectedData); if (!obj) return false; TObject *drawobj = nullptr; std::string drawopt; bool superimpose = true, objowner = true; if (m.fHasAdvanced && (m.fSelectedTab == "Advanced")) { TFitResult *res = FindFitResult(m.fSelectedFunc); if (!res) return false; if (m.fAdvancedTab == "Contour") { superimpose = m.fContourSuperImpose; int par1 = std::stoi(m.fContourPar1Id); int par2 = std::stoi(m.fContourPar2Id); TGraph *graph = new TGraph(m.fContourPoints); if (!res->Contour(par1, par2, graph, m.fConfidenceLevel)) { delete graph; return false; } auto fillcolor = GetColor(m.fContourColor); graph->SetFillColor(fillcolor); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( res->ParName(par1).c_str() ); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( res->ParName(par2).c_str() ); drawobj = graph; drawopt = superimpose ? "LF" : "ALF"; } else if (m.fAdvancedTab == "Scan") { int par = std::stoi(m.fScanId); TGraph *graph = new TGraph( m.fScanPoints); if (!res->Scan( par, graph, m.fScanMin, m.fScanMax)) { delete graph; return false; } auto linecolor = GetColor(m.fScanColor); if (!linecolor) linecolor = kBlue; graph->SetLineColor(linecolor); graph->SetLineWidth(2); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(res->ParName(par).c_str()); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("FCN" ); superimpose = false; drawobj = graph; drawopt = "ALF"; } else if (m.fAdvancedTab == "Confidence") { drawobj = MakeConfidenceLevels(res); drawopt = "C3same"; } else { return false; } } else { // find already existing functions, not try to create something new TF1 *func = FindFunction(m.fSelectedFunc); // when "Pars" tab is selected, automatically update function parameters if (func && (m.fSelectedTab.compare("Pars") == 0) && (m.fSelectedFunc == m.fFuncPars.id)) m.fFuncPars.SetParameters(func); drawobj = func; drawopt = "same"; objowner = true; } if (!drawobj) return false; auto pad = GetDrawPad(obj, true); if (!pad) { if (objowner) delete drawobj; return false; } if (!superimpose) pad->Clear(); if (objowner) drawobj->SetBit(kCanDelete); drawobj->Draw(drawopt.c_str()); DoPadUpdate(pad); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Mark pad modified and do update /// For web canvas set async mode first to avoid blocking here void RFitPanel::DoPadUpdate(TPad *pad) { if (!pad) return; pad->Modified(); pad->UpdateAsync(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set handle which will be cleared when connection is closed void RFitPanel::ClearOnClose(const std::shared_ptr &handle) { GetWindow()->SetClearOnClose(handle); }