// Author: Sergey Linev // Date: 2017-06-29 // Warning: This is part of the ROOT 7 prototype! It will change without notice. It might trigger earthquakes. Feedback is welcome! /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2023, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "rootwebpage.h" #include #include "TString.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include ROOT::Experimental::RLogChannel &QtWebDisplayLog() { static ROOT::Experimental::RLogChannel sChannel("ROOT.QtWebDisplay"); return sChannel; } /** \class RootWebPage \ingroup qt5webdisplay */ RootWebPage::RootWebPage(QObject *parent) : QWebEnginePage(parent) { fConsole = gEnv->GetValue("WebGui.Console", (int)0); } void RootWebPage::javaScriptConsoleMessage(JavaScriptConsoleMessageLevel lvl, const QString &message, int lineNumber, const QString &src) { TString msg = TString::Format("%s:%d: %s", src.toLatin1().constData(), lineNumber, message.toLatin1().constData()); switch (lvl) { case InfoMessageLevel: R__LOG_DEBUG(0, QtWebDisplayLog()) << msg; if (fConsole > 0) std::cout << msg << std::endl; break; case WarningMessageLevel: R__LOG_WARNING(QtWebDisplayLog()) << msg; if (fConsole > 0) std::cout << msg << std::endl; break; case ErrorMessageLevel: R__LOG_ERROR(QtWebDisplayLog()) << msg; if (fConsole > 0) std::cerr << msg << std::endl; break; } }