// @(#)root/histpainter:$Id: TGraph2DPainter.h,v 1.00 // Author: Olivier Couet /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TGraph2DPainter #define ROOT_TGraph2DPainter ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGraph2DPainter // // // // helper class to draw 2D graphs // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" class TGraph2D; class TGraphDelaunay; class TGraphDelaunay2D; class TList; class TGraph2DPainter : public TObject { protected: Double_t *fX; ///fX Double_t *fY; ///fY Double_t *fZ; ///fZ Double_t *fXN; ///fXN Double_t *fYN; ///fYN Double_t *fEXlow; ///fXElow Double_t *fEXhigh; ///fXEhigh Double_t *fEYlow; ///fYElow Double_t *fEYhigh; ///fYEhigh Double_t *fEZlow; ///fZElow Double_t *fEZhigh; ///fZEhigh Double_t fXNmin; ///fXNmin Double_t fXNmax; ///fXNmax Double_t fYNmin; ///fYNmin Double_t fYNmax; ///fYNmax Double_t fXmin; ///fHistogram Xmin Double_t fXmax; ///fHistogram Xmax Double_t fYmin; ///fHistogram Ymin Double_t fYmax; ///fHistogram Ymax Double_t fZmin; ///fHistogram Zmin Double_t fZmax; ///fHistogram Zmax Int_t fNpoints; ///fNpoints Int_t fNdt; ///fNdt Int_t *fPTried; ///fPTried Int_t *fNTried; ///fNTried Int_t *fMTried; ///fMTried TGraphDelaunay *fDelaunay; ///