// // This file contains the class InputDialog. // An InputDialog object prompts for an input string using a simple // dialog box. The InputDialog class is also a good example of how // to use the ROOT GUI classes via the interpreter. Since interpreted // classes can not call virtual functions via base class pointers, all // GUI objects are used by composition instead of by inheritance. // // This file contains also some utility functions that use // the InputDialog class to either get a string, integer or // floating point number. There are also two functions showing // how to use the file open and save dialogs. The utility functions are: // // const char *OpenFileDialog() // const char *SaveFileDialog() // const char *GetStringDialog(const char *prompt, const char *defval) // Int_t GetIntegerDialog(const char *prompt, Int_t defval) // Float_t GetFloatDialog(const char *prompt, Float_t defval) // // To use the InputDialog class and the utility functions you just // have to load the Dialogs.C file as follows: // .L Dialogs.C // // Now you can use them like: // { // const char *file = OpenFileDialog(); // Int_t run = GetIntegerDialog("Give run number:", 0); // Int_t event = GetIntegerDialog("Give event number:", 0); // printf("analyse run %d, event %d from file %s\n", run ,event, file); // } // #include "TList.h" #include "TGLabel.h" #include "TGButton.h" #include "TGText.h" #include "TGFileDialog.h" #include "TGTextEntry.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Input Dialog Widget // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class InputDialog { private: TGTransientFrame *fDialog; // transient frame, main dialog window TGTextEntry *fTE; // text entry widget containing char *fRetStr; // address to store return string public: InputDialog(const char *prompt, const char *defval, char *retstr); ~InputDialog(); void ProcessMessage(Longptr_t msg, Longptr_t parm1, Longptr_t parm2); }; InputDialog::~InputDialog() { // Cleanup dialog. fDialog->DeleteWindow(); // cleanup and delete fDialog } InputDialog::InputDialog(const char *prompt, const char *defval, char *retstr) { // Create simple input dialog. const TGWindow *main = gClient->GetRoot(); fDialog = new TGTransientFrame(main, main, 10, 10); fDialog->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); // command to be executed by buttons and text entry widget char cmd[128]; sprintf(cmd, "{long r__ptr=0x%zx; ((InputDialog*)r__ptr)->ProcessMessage($MSG,$PARM1,$PARM2);}", (size_t)this); // create prompt label and textentry widget TGLabel *label = new TGLabel(fDialog, prompt); TGTextBuffer *tbuf = new TGTextBuffer(256); //will be deleted by TGtextEntry tbuf->AddText(0, defval); fTE = new TGTextEntry(fDialog, tbuf); fTE->Resize(260, fTE->GetDefaultHeight()); fTE->SetCommand(cmd); TGLayoutHints *l1 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 5, 0); TGLayoutHints *l2 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 5, 5); fDialog->AddFrame(label, l1); fDialog->AddFrame(fTE, l2); // create frame and layout hints for Ok and Cancel buttons TGHorizontalFrame *hf = new TGHorizontalFrame(fDialog, 60, 20, kFixedWidth); TGLayoutHints *l3 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsExpandX, 5, 5, 0, 0); // create OK and Cancel buttons in their own frame (hf) UInt_t nb = 0, width = 0, height = 0; TGTextButton *b; b = new TGTextButton(hf, "&Ok", cmd, 1); b->Associate(fDialog); hf->AddFrame(b, l3); height = b->GetDefaultHeight(); width = TMath::Max(width, b->GetDefaultWidth()); ++nb; b = new TGTextButton(hf, "&Cancel", cmd, 2); b->Associate(fDialog); hf->AddFrame(b, l3); height = b->GetDefaultHeight(); width = TMath::Max(width, b->GetDefaultWidth()); ++nb; // place button frame (hf) at the bottom TGLayoutHints *l4 = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsCenterX, 0, 0, 5, 5); fDialog->AddFrame(hf, l4); // keep buttons centered and with the same width hf->Resize((width + 20) * nb, height); // set dialog title fDialog->SetWindowName("Get Input"); // map all widgets and calculate size of dialog fDialog->MapSubwindows(); width = fDialog->GetDefaultWidth(); height = fDialog->GetDefaultHeight(); fDialog->Resize(width, height); // position relative to the parent window (which is the root window) Window_t wdum; int ax, ay; gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(main->GetId(), main->GetId(), (((TGFrame *) main)->GetWidth() - width) >> 1, (((TGFrame *) main)->GetHeight() - height) >> 1, ax, ay, wdum); fDialog->Move(ax, ay); fDialog->SetWMPosition(ax, ay); // make the message box non-resizable fDialog->SetWMSize(width, height); fDialog->SetWMSizeHints(width, height, width, height, 0, 0); fDialog->SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll | kMWMDecorResizeH | kMWMDecorMaximize | kMWMDecorMinimize | kMWMDecorMenu, kMWMFuncAll | kMWMFuncResize | kMWMFuncMaximize | kMWMFuncMinimize, kMWMInputModeless); // popup dialog and wait till user replies fDialog->MapWindow(); fRetStr = retstr; gClient->WaitFor(fDialog); } void InputDialog::ProcessMessage(Longptr_t msg, Longptr_t parm1, Longptr_t parm2) { // Handle button and text enter events switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: switch (parm1) { case 1: // here copy the string from text buffer to return variable strcpy(fRetStr, fTE->GetBuffer()->GetString()); delete this; break; case 2: fRetStr[0] = 0; delete this; break; } default: break; } break; case kC_TEXTENTRY: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kTE_ENTER: // here copy the string from text buffer to return variable strcpy(fRetStr, fTE->GetBuffer()->GetString()); delete this; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } //--- Utility Functions -------------------------------------------------------- const char *OpenFileDialog() { // Prompt for file to be opened. Depending on navigation in // dialog the current working directory can be changed. // The returned file name is always with respect to the // current directory. const char *gOpenAsTypes[] = { "Macro files", "*.C", "ROOT files", "*.root", "PostScript", "*.ps", "Encapsulated PostScript", "*.eps", "Gif files", "*.gif", "All files", "*", 0, 0 }; static TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = gOpenAsTypes; new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), gClient->GetRoot(), kFDOpen, &fi); return fi.fFilename; } const char *SaveFileDialog() { // Prompt for file to be saved. Depending on navigation in // dialog the current working directory can be changed. // The returned file name is always with respect to the // current directory. const char *gSaveAsTypes[] = { "Macro files", "*.C", "ROOT files", "*.root", "PostScript", "*.ps", "Encapsulated PostScript", "*.eps", "Gif files", "*.gif", "All files", "*", 0, 0 }; static TGFileInfo fi; fi.fFileTypes = gSaveAsTypes; new TGFileDialog(gClient->GetRoot(), gClient->GetRoot(), kFDSave, &fi); return fi.fFilename; } const char *GetStringDialog(const char *prompt, const char *defval) { // Prompt for string. The typed in string is returned. static char answer[128]; new InputDialog(prompt, defval, answer); return answer; } Int_t GetIntegerDialog(const char *prompt, Int_t defval) { // Prompt for integer. The typed in integer is returned. static char answer[32]; char defv[32]; sprintf(defv, "%d", defval); new InputDialog(prompt, defv, answer); return atoi(answer); } Float_t GetFloatDialog(const char *prompt, Float_t defval) { // Prompt for float. The typed in float is returned. static char answer[32]; char defv[32]; sprintf(defv, "%f", defval); new InputDialog(prompt, defv, answer); return atof(answer); }