// @(#)root/splot:$Id$ // Author: Muriel Pivk, Anna Kreshuk 10/2005 /********************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2005 ROOT Foundation, CERN/PH-SFT * * * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TSPlot #define ROOT_TSPlot #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TMatrixT.h" #include "TMatrixDfwd.h" class TH1D; class TTree; class TSPlot: public TObject { protected: TMatrixD fXvar; //! TMatrixD fYvar; //! TMatrixD fYpdf; //! TMatrixD fPdfTot; //! TMatrixD fMinmax; //mins and maxs of variables for histogramming TMatrixD fSWeights; //computed sWeights TObjArray fXvarHists; //histograms of control variables TObjArray fYvarHists; //histograms of discriminating variables TObjArray fYpdfHists; //histograms of pdfs TObjArray fSWeightsHists; //histograms of weighted variables TTree *fTree; //! TString* fTreename; //The name of the data tree TString* fVarexp; //Variables used for splot TString* fSelection; //Selection on the tree Int_t fNx; //Number of control variables Int_t fNy; //Number of discriminating variables Int_t fNSpecies; //Number of species Int_t fNevents; //Total number of events Double_t *fNumbersOfEvents; //[fNSpecies] estimates of numbers of events in each species void SPlots(Double_t *covmat, Int_t i_excl); public: TSPlot(); TSPlot(Int_t nx, Int_t ny, Int_t ne, Int_t ns, TTree* tree); ~TSPlot() override; void Browse(TBrowser *b) override; Bool_t IsFolder() const override { return kTRUE;} void FillXvarHists(Int_t nbins = 100); void FillYvarHists(Int_t nbins = 100); void FillYpdfHists(Int_t nbins = 100); void FillSWeightsHists(Int_t nbins = 50); Int_t GetNevents() {return fNevents;} Int_t GetNspecies() {return fNSpecies;} TObjArray* GetSWeightsHists(); TH1D* GetSWeightsHist(Int_t ixvar, Int_t ispecies,Int_t iyexcl=-1); TObjArray* GetXvarHists(); TH1D* GetXvarHist(Int_t ixvar); TObjArray* GetYvarHists(); TH1D* GetYvarHist(Int_t iyvar); TObjArray* GetYpdfHists(); TH1D* GetYpdfHist(Int_t iyvar, Int_t ispecies); void GetSWeights(TMatrixD &weights); void GetSWeights(Double_t *weights); TString* GetTreeName(){return fTreename;} TString* GetTreeSelection() {return fSelection;} TString* GetTreeExpression() {return fVarexp;} void MakeSPlot(Option_t* option="v"); void RefillHist(Int_t type, Int_t var, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t nspecies=-1); void SetNX(Int_t nx){fNx=nx;} void SetNY(Int_t ny){fNy=ny;} void SetNSpecies(Int_t ns){fNSpecies=ns;} void SetNEvents(Int_t ne){fNevents=ne;} void SetInitialNumbersOfSpecies(Int_t *numbers); void SetTree(TTree *tree); void SetTreeSelection(const char* varexp="", const char *selection="", Long64_t firstentry=0); ClassDefOverride(TSPlot, 1) //class to disentangle signal from background }; #endif