from __future__ import annotations from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import logging import uuid import warnings from collections import Counter, deque from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial, singledispatch from itertools import zip_longest from typing import Callable, Deque, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union import ROOT from DistRDF import ComputationGraphGenerator, Ranges, _graph_cache from DistRDF.Backends.Base import distrdf_mapper, distrdf_reducer from DistRDF.Node import Node from DistRDF.Operation import Action, InstantAction, Operation from DistRDF.Backends import Utils if TYPE_CHECKING: from DistRDF.Backends.Base import BaseBackend, TaskResult logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @singledispatch def _append_node_to_actions(operation: Operation, node: Node, actions: List[Node]) -> None: """ Appends the input node to the list of action nodes, if the operation of the node is an action. """ pass @_append_node_to_actions.register(Action) @_append_node_to_actions.register(InstantAction) def _(operation: Union[Action, InstantAction], node: Node, actions: List[Node]) -> None: actions.append(node) @dataclass class TaskObjects: """ Holds objects needed in a distributed task. Attributes: rdf: The starting node of the RDataFrame computation graph. Only in a TTree-based run, if the task has nothing to process then this attribute is None. entries_in_trees: A struct holding the amount of processed entries in the task, as well as a dictionary where each key is an identifier for a tree opened in the task and the value is the number of entries in that tree. This attribute is not None only in a TTree-based run. """ rdf: Optional[ROOT.RDF.RNode] entries_in_trees: Optional[Ranges.TaskTreeEntries] class HeadNode(Node, ABC): """ The head node of the computation graph. Keeps record of all nodes in the graph, is then able to generate a flat representation to be sent to the distributed workers. Attributes: backend: A reference to the instance of distributed backend that will execute this computation graph. graph_nodes: A deque of references to the nodes belonging to this graph. node_counter: A counter of how many nodes were created in the graph of this head node, starting from zero. """ def __init__(self, backend: BaseBackend, npartitions: Optional[int], localdf: ROOT.RDataFrame): super().__init__(lambda: self) self.backend = backend self.node_counter: int = 0 # It is important to have a double-ended queue because we need to # traverse the nodes in different ways w.r.t. their insertion order. # While pruning the graph, we need to check leaf nodes before their # parents, so if a child is pruned then it also decrements the counter # of children of its parent. Thus, we need a bottom-up traversal. # While executing the graph in a task, we need to create the RDF nodes # in the order the user requested them, e.g. starting from the # RDataFrame itself, then calling its direct children, their children # and so on. Thus, we need a top-down traversal. self.graph_nodes: Deque[Node] = deque([self]) # Uniquely identify each computation graph execution of this RDataFrame # The uuid can be set here self.rdf_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # The full identifier is created at the beginning of each execution self.exec_id: _graph_cache.ExecutionIdentifier = None # Internal attribute to keep track of the number of partitions. We also # check whether it was specified by the user when creating the dataframe. # If so, this attribute will not be updated when triggering. self._npartitions = npartitions self._user_specified_npartitions = True if npartitions is not None else False # Internal RDataFrame object, useful to expose information such as # column names. self._localdf = localdf # A dictionary where the keys are the IDs of the objects to live visualize # and the values are the corresponding callback functions # This attribute only gets set in case the LiveVisualize() function is called self.drawables_dict: Optional[Dict[int, List[Optional[Callable]]]] = None @property def npartitions(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._npartitions @npartitions.setter def npartitions(self, value: int) -> None: """ The number of partitions for this dataframe is updated only if the user did not initially specify one when creating the dataframe. """ if not self._user_specified_npartitions: self._npartitions = value def _prune_graph(self): """ Prunes nodes from the graph under certain conditions. A node is pruned if it has no children and the user has no references to it. The internal representation of the graph is traversed in such a way so that leaf nodes are checked before their parents. """ logger.debug("Starting computational graph pruning") self.graph_nodes = deque(node for node in self.graph_nodes if not node.is_prunable()) logger.debug("Ended computational graph pruning") def _get_action_nodes(self) -> List[Node]: """Generates a list of nodes in the graph that are actions.""" # This function is called after distributed execution of the graph, no # need to repeat the pruning action_nodes: List[Node] = [] for node in reversed(self.graph_nodes): _append_node_to_actions(node.operation, node, action_nodes) return action_nodes def _generate_graph_dict(self) -> Dict[int, Node]: """ Generates a dictionary holding information about all nodes in the graph. It is then given to the distributed scheduler. """ # Need to prune the graph before sending it for distributed execution self._prune_graph() # We need to store references of each node id separately from the node # objects themselves. In a distributed task, we need to know for any # node which node is its parent (in order to execute an RDF operation # on the right node). We can't serialize the reference to the parent # node that each node object has, since that would trigger recursive # serialization of the parent(s) of parent(s) nodes. return {node.node_id: node for node in reversed(self.graph_nodes)} @abstractmethod def _build_ranges(self) -> List[Ranges.DataRange]: pass @abstractmethod def _generate_rdf_creator(self) -> Callable[[Ranges.DataRange], TaskObjects]: pass @abstractmethod def _handle_returned_values(self, values: TaskResult) -> Iterable: pass def execute_graph(self) -> None: """ Executes an RDataFrame computation graph on a distributed backend. The needed ingredients are: - A collection of logical ranges in which the dataset is split. Each range is going to be assigned to a distributed task. - A representation of the computation graph that the task needs to execute. - A way to generate an RDataFrame instance starting from the logical range of the task. - Optionally, some setup code to be run at the beginning of each task. These are used as inputs to a generic mapper function. Results from the various mappers are then reduced and the final results are retrieved in the local session. These are properly handled to perform extra checks, depending on the data source. Finally, the local user-facing nodes are filled with the values that were computed distributedly so that they can be accessed in the application like with local RDataFrame. """ # Updates the number of partitions for this dataframe if the user did # not specify one initially. This is done each time the computations are # triggered, in case the user changed the resource configuration # between runs (e.g. changing the number of available cores). self.npartitions = self.backend.optimize_npartitions() self.exec_id = _graph_cache.ExecutionIdentifier(self.rdf_uuid, uuid.uuid4()) computation_graph_callable = partial(ComputationGraphGenerator.trigger_computation_graph, self._generate_graph_dict()) mapper = partial(distrdf_mapper, build_rdf_from_range=self._generate_rdf_creator(), computation_graph_callable=computation_graph_callable, initialization_fn=self.backend.initialization) # List of action nodes in the same order as values local_nodes = self._get_action_nodes() # Execute graph distributedly and return the aggregated results from all tasks # using the appropriate backend method based on whether or not live visualization is enabled if self.drawables_dict is not None: # Prepare a dictionary with additional information for live visualization drawables_info_dict = { # Key: node_id node.node_id: ( # Tuple containing: # 1. Callback functions passed by the user self.drawables_dict[node.node_id], # 2. Index of the node in the local_nodes list i, # 3. Name of the operation associated with the node ) for i, node in enumerate(local_nodes) # Filter: Only include nodes requested by the user if node.node_id in self.drawables_dict } returned_values = self.backend.ProcessAndMergeLive(self._build_ranges(), mapper, distrdf_reducer, drawables_info_dict) else: returned_values = self.backend.ProcessAndMerge(self._build_ranges(), mapper, distrdf_reducer) # Perform any extra checks that may be needed according to the # type of the head node final_values = self._handle_returned_values(returned_values) # Set the value of every action node for node, value in zip(local_nodes, final_values): Utils.set_value_on_node(value, node, self.backend) def GetColumnNames(self) -> Iterable[str]: return self._localdf.GetColumnNames() def get_headnode(backend: BaseBackend, npartitions: int, *args) -> HeadNode: """ A factory for different kinds of head nodes of the RDataFrame computation graph, depending on the arguments to the RDataFrame constructor. Currently can return a TreeHeadNode or an EmptySourceHeadNode. Parses the arguments and compares them against the possible RDataFrame constructors. """ # Early check that arguments are accepted by RDataFrame try: localdf = ROOT.RDataFrame(*args) except TypeError: raise TypeError(("The arguments provided are not accepted by any RDataFrame constructor. " "See the RDataFrame documentation for the accepted constructor argument types.")) firstarg = args[0] if isinstance(firstarg, int): # RDataFrame(ULong64_t numEntries) return EmptySourceHeadNode(backend, npartitions, localdf, firstarg) elif isinstance(firstarg, (ROOT.TTree, str)): # RDataFrame(std::string_view treeName, filenameglob, defaultBranches = {}) # RDataFrame(std::string_view treename, filenames, defaultBranches = {}) # RDataFrame(std::string_view treeName, dirPtr, defaultBranches = {}) # RDataFrame(TTree &tree, const ColumnNames_t &defaultBranches = {}) return TreeHeadNode(backend, npartitions, localdf, *args) else: raise RuntimeError( ("First argument {} of type {} is not recognised as a supported " "argument for distributed RDataFrame. Currently only TTree/Tchain " "based datasets or datasets created from a number of entries " "can be processed distributedly.").format(firstarg, type(firstarg))) class EmptySourceHeadNode(HeadNode): """ The head node of a computation graph where the RDataFrame data source is empty and a number of sequential entries will be created at runtime. This head node is responsible for the following RDataFrame constructor:: RDataFrame(ULong64_t numEntries) Attributes: nentries (int): The number of sequential entries the RDataFrame will create. npartitions (int): The number of partitions the dataset will be split in for distributed execution. """ def __init__(self, backend: BaseBackend, npartitions: Optional[int], localdf: ROOT.RDataFrame, nentries: int): """ Creates a new RDataFrame instance for the given arguments. Args: nentries (int): The number of entries this RDataFrame will process. npartitions (int): The number of partitions the dataset will be split in for distributed execution. """ super().__init__(backend, npartitions, localdf) self.nentries = nentries def _build_ranges(self) -> List[Ranges.DataRange]: """Build the ranges for this dataset.""" # Empty datasets cannot be processed distributedly if not self.nentries: raise RuntimeError( ("Cannot build a distributed RDataFrame with zero entries. " "Distributed computation will fail. ")) # TODO: This shouldn't be triggered if entries == 1. The current minimum # amount of partitions is 2. We need a robust reducer that smartly # becomes no-op if npartitions == 1 to avoid this. if self.npartitions > self.nentries: # Restrict 'npartitions' if it's greater than 'nentries' msg = ("Number of partitions {0} is greater than number of entries {1} " "in the dataframe. Using {1} partition(s)".format(self.npartitions, self.nentries)) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2) self.npartitions = self.nentries return Ranges.get_balanced_ranges(self.nentries, self.npartitions, self.exec_id) def _generate_rdf_creator(self) -> Callable[[Ranges.DataRange], TaskObjects]: """ Generates a function that is responsible for building an instance of RDataFrame on a distributed mapper for a given entry range. Specific for an empty data source. """ nentries = self.nentries def build_rdf_from_range(current_range): """ Builds an RDataFrame instance for a distributed mapper. """ if current_range.exec_id not in _graph_cache._RDF_REGISTER: rdf_toprocess = ROOT.RDataFrame(nentries) _graph_cache._RDF_REGISTER[current_range.exec_id] = rdf_toprocess else: rdf_toprocess = _graph_cache._RDF_REGISTER[current_range.exec_id] ROOT.Internal.RDF.ChangeEmptyEntryRange( ROOT.RDF.AsRNode(rdf_toprocess), (current_range.start, current_range.end)) return TaskObjects(rdf_toprocess, None) return build_rdf_from_range def _handle_returned_values(self, values: TaskResult) -> Iterable: """ Handle values returned after distributed execution. No extra checks are needed in the empty source case. """ return values.mergeables class TreeHeadNode(HeadNode): """ The head node of a computation graph where the RDataFrame data source is a TTree or a TChain. This head node is responsible for the following RDataFrame constructors:: RDataFrame(std::string_view treeName, std::string_view filenameglob, const ColumnNames_t &defaultBranches = {}) RDataFrame(std::string_view treename, const std::vector &fileglobs, const ColumnNames_t &defaultBranches = {}) RDataFrame(std::string_view treeName, TDirectory *dirPtr, const ColumnNames_t &defaultBranches = {}) RDataFrame(TTree &tree, const ColumnNames_t &defaultBranches = {}) Attributes: npartitions (int): The number of partitions the dataset will be split in for distributed execution. tree (ROOT.TTree, ROOT.TChain): The dataset that will be processed. This is either stored as is if the user passed it as the first argument to the distributed RDataFrame constructor, or created from the arguments of the other constructor overloads. treename (str): The name of the dataset. inputfiles (list[str]): List of file names where the dataset is stored. defaultbranches (ROOT.std.vector[ROOT.std.string], None): Optional list of branches to be read from the tree passed by the user. Defaults to None. friendinfo (ROOT.Internal.TreeUtils.RFriendInfo, None): Optional information about friend trees of the dataset. Retrieved only if a TTree or TChain is passed to the constructor. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, backend: BaseBackend, npartitions: Optional[int], localdf: ROOT.RDataFrame, *args): """ Creates a new RDataFrame instance for the given arguments. Args: *args (iterable): Iterable with the arguments to the RDataFrame constructor. npartitions (int): The number of partitions the dataset will be split in for distributed execution. """ super().__init__(backend, npartitions, localdf) self.defaultbranches = None # Information about friend trees, if they are present. self.friendinfo: Optional[ROOT.Internal.TreeUtils.RFriendInfo] = None # Retrieve the TTree/TChain that will be processed if isinstance(args[0], ROOT.TTree): # RDataFrame(tree, defaultBranches = {}) self.tree = args[0] # TTreeIndex is not supported in distributed RDataFrame list_of_friends = self.tree.GetListOfFriends() if list_of_friends and list_of_friends.GetEntries() > 0: for friend_element in list_of_friends: if friend_element.GetTree().GetTreeIndex(): raise ValueError( f"Friend tree '{friend_element.GetName()}' has a TTreeIndex. " "This is not supported in distributed mode." ) # Retrieve information about friend trees when user passes a TTree # or TChain object. fi = ROOT.Internal.TreeUtils.GetFriendInfo(args[0]) self.friendinfo = fi if not fi.fFriendNames.empty() else None if len(args) == 2: self.defaultbranches = args[1] else: if isinstance(args[1], ROOT.TDirectory): # RDataFrame(treeName, dirPtr, defaultBranches = {}) # We can assume both the argument TDirectory* and the TTree* # returned from TDirectory::Get are not nullptr since we already # did and early check of the user arguments in get_headnode self.tree = args[1].Get(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[1], (str, ROOT.std.string_view)): # RDataFrame(treeName, filenameglob, defaultBranches = {}) self.tree = ROOT.TChain(args[0]) self.tree.Add(str(args[1])) elif isinstance(args[1], (list, ROOT.std.vector[ROOT.std.string])): # RDataFrame(treename, fileglobs, defaultBranches = {}) self.tree = ROOT.TChain(args[0]) for filename in args[1]: self.tree.Add(str(filename)) # In any of the three constructors considered in this branch, if # the user supplied three arguments then the third argument is a # list of default branches if len(args) == 3: self.defaultbranches = args[2] # maintreename: name of the tree or main name of the chain self.maintreename = self.tree.GetName() # subtreenames: names of all subtrees in the chain or full path to the tree in the file it belongs to self.subtreenames = [str(treename) for treename in ROOT.Internal.TreeUtils.GetTreeFullPaths(self.tree)] self.inputfiles = [str(filename) for filename in ROOT.Internal.TreeUtils.GetFileNamesFromTree(self.tree)] def _build_ranges(self) -> List[Ranges.DataRange]: """Build the ranges for this dataset.""" logger.debug("Building ranges from dataset info:\n" "main treename: %s\n" "names of subtrees: %s\n" "input files: %s\n", self.maintreename, self.subtreenames, self.inputfiles) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # Compute clusters and entries of the first tree in the dataset. # This will call once TFile::Open, but we pay this cost to get an estimate # on whether the number of requested partitions is reasonable. # Depending on the cluster setup, this may still be quite costly, so # we decide to pay the price only if the user explicitly requested # warning logging. clusters, entries = Ranges.get_clusters_and_entries(self.subtreenames[0], self.inputfiles[0]) # The file could contain an empty tree. In that case, the estimate will not be computed. if entries > 0: partitionsperfile = self.npartitions / len(self.inputfiles) if partitionsperfile > len(clusters): logger.debug( "The number of requested partitions could be higher than the maximum amount of " "chunks the dataset can be split in. Some tasks could be doing no work. Consider " "setting the 'npartitions' parameter of the RDataFrame constructor to a lower value.") return Ranges.get_percentage_ranges(self.subtreenames, self.inputfiles, self.npartitions, self.friendinfo, self.exec_id) def _generate_rdf_creator(self) -> Callable[[Ranges.DataRange], TaskObjects]: """ Generates a function that is responsible for building an instance of RDataFrame on a distributed mapper for a given entry range. Specific for the TTree data source. """ def attach_friend_info_if_present(current_range: Ranges.TreeRange, ds: ROOT.RDF.Experimental.RDatasetSpec) -> None: """ Adds info about friend trees to the input chain. Also aligns the starting and ending entry of the friend chain cache to those of the main chain. """ # Gather information about friend trees. Check that we got an # RFriendInfo struct and that it's not empty if (current_range.friendinfo is not None): # If the friend is a TChain, the zipped information looks like: # (name, alias), (file1.root, file2.root, ...), (subname1, subname2, ...) # If the friend is a TTree, the file list is made of # only one filename and the list of names of the sub trees # is empty, so the zipped information looks like: # (name, alias), (filename.root, ), () zipped_friendinfo = zip( current_range.friendinfo.fFriendNames, current_range.friendinfo.fFriendFileNames, current_range.friendinfo.fFriendChainSubNames ) for (friend_name, friend_alias), friend_filenames, friend_chainsubnames in zipped_friendinfo: friend_chainsubnames = friend_chainsubnames if len(friend_chainsubnames) > 0 else [friend_name]*len(friend_filenames) ds.WithGlobalFriends(friend_chainsubnames, friend_filenames, friend_alias) def build_rdf_from_range(current_range: Ranges.TreeRangePerc) -> TaskObjects: """ Builds an RDataFrame instance for a distributed mapper. The function creates a TChain from the information contained in the input range object. If the chain cannot be built, returns None. """ clustered_range, entries_in_trees = Ranges.get_clustered_range_from_percs(current_range) if clustered_range is None: return TaskObjects(None, entries_in_trees) ds = ROOT.RDF.Experimental.RDatasetSpec() # add a sample with no name to represent the whole dataset ds.AddSample(("", clustered_range.treenames, clustered_range.filenames)) ds.WithGlobalRange((clustered_range.globalstart, clustered_range.globalend)) attach_friend_info_if_present(clustered_range, ds) if current_range.exec_id not in _graph_cache._RDF_REGISTER: rdf_toprocess = ROOT.RDataFrame(ds) # Fill the cache with the new RDataFrame _graph_cache._RDF_REGISTER[current_range.exec_id] = rdf_toprocess else: # Retrieve an already present RDataFrame from the cache rdf_toprocess = _graph_cache._RDF_REGISTER[current_range.exec_id] # Update it to the range of entries for this task ROOT.Internal.RDF.ChangeSpec(ROOT.RDF.AsRNode(rdf_toprocess), ROOT.std.move(ds)) return TaskObjects(rdf_toprocess, entries_in_trees) return build_rdf_from_range def _handle_returned_values(self, values: TaskResult) -> Iterable: """ Handle values returned after distributed execution. When the data source is a TTree, check that exactly the input files and all the entries in the dataset were processed during distributed execution. """ if values.mergeables is None: raise RuntimeError("The distributed execution returned no values. " "This can happen if all files in your dataset contain empty trees.") # User could have requested to read the same file multiple times indeed input_files_and_trees = [ f"{filename}/{treename}" for filename, treename in zip(self.inputfiles, self.subtreenames) ] files_counts = Counter(input_files_and_trees) entries_in_trees = values.entries_in_trees # Keys should be exactly the same if files_counts.keys() != entries_in_trees.trees_with_entries.keys(): raise RuntimeError("The specified input files and the files that were " "actually processed are not the same:\n" f"Input files: {list(files_counts.keys())}\n" f"Processed files: {list(entries_in_trees.trees_with_entries.keys())}") # Multiply the entries of each tree by the number of times it was # requested by the user for fullpath in files_counts: entries_in_trees.trees_with_entries[fullpath] *= files_counts[fullpath] total_dataset_entries = sum(entries_in_trees.trees_with_entries.values()) if entries_in_trees.processed_entries != total_dataset_entries: raise RuntimeError(f"The dataset has {total_dataset_entries} entries, " f"but {entries_in_trees.processed_entries} were processed.") return values.mergeables