#include "TMVA/PlotFoams.h" #include "TControlBar.h" #include "TVectorT.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamKernelBase.h" #include "TMVA/PDEFoamKernelTrivial.h" #include #include #include #include "TMVA/PDEFoam.h" void TMVA::PlotFoams( TString fileName, bool useTMVAStyle ) { cout << "read file: " << fileName << endl; cout << "kValue = " << kValue << endl; TFile *file = TFile::Open(fileName); // set style and remove existing canvas' TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle ); // create control bar TControlBar* cbar = new TControlBar( "vertical", "Choose cell value for plot:", 50, 50 ); if ((gDirectory->Get("SignalFoam") && gDirectory->Get("BgFoam")) || gDirectory->Get("MultiTargetRegressionFoam")) { TString macro = TString::Format( "TMVA::Plot(\"%s\",%s, \"Event density\", %s)", fileName.Data(), "TMVA::kValueDensity", (useTMVAStyle ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") ); cbar->AddButton( "Event density", macro, "Plot event density", "button" ); } else if (gDirectory->Get("DiscrFoam") || gDirectory->Get("MultiClassFoam0")){ TString macro = TString::Format( "TMVA::Plot(\"%s\", %s, \"Discriminator\", %s)", fileName.Data(), "TMVA::kValue", (useTMVAStyle ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") ); cbar->AddButton( "Discriminator", macro, "Plot discriminator", "button" ); } else if (gDirectory->Get("MonoTargetRegressionFoam")){ TString macro = TString::Format( "TMVA::Plot(\"%s\", %s, \"Target\", %s)", fileName.Data(), "TMVA::kValue", (useTMVAStyle ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") ); cbar->AddButton( "Target", macro, "Plot target", "button" ); } else { cout << "Error: no foams found in file: " << fileName << endl; return; } TString macro_rms = TString::Format( "TMVA::Plot(\"%s\", %s, \"Variance\", %s)", fileName.Data(), "TMVA::kRms", (useTMVAStyle ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") ); cbar->AddButton( "Variance", macro_rms, "Plot variance", "button" ); TString macro_rms_ov_mean = TString::Format( "TMVA::Plot(\"%s\", %s, \"Variance/Mean\", %s)", fileName.Data(), "TMVA::kRmsOvMean", (useTMVAStyle ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") ); cbar->AddButton( "Variance/Mean", macro_rms_ov_mean, "Plot variance over mean", "button" ); TString macro_cell_tree = TString::Format( "TMVA::PlotCellTree(\"%s\", \"Cell tree\", %s)", fileName.Data(), (useTMVAStyle ? "kTRUE" : "kFALSE") ); cbar->AddButton( "Cell tree", macro_cell_tree, "Plot cell tree", "button" ); cbar->Show(); file->Close(); } // foam plotting macro void TMVA::Plot(TString fileName, TMVA::ECellValue cv, TString cv_long, bool useTMVAStyle ) { cout << "read file: " << fileName << endl; TFile *file = TFile::Open(fileName); gStyle->SetNumberContours(999); if (useTMVAStyle) TMVAGlob::SetTMVAStyle(); // fileNamed foams and foam type TMVA::PDEFoam* SignalFoam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get("SignalFoam"); TMVA::PDEFoam* BgFoam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get("BgFoam"); TMVA::PDEFoam* DiscrFoam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get("DiscrFoam"); TMVA::PDEFoam* MultiClassFoam0 = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get("MultiClassFoam0"); TMVA::PDEFoam* MonoTargetRegressionFoam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get("MonoTargetRegressionFoam"); TMVA::PDEFoam* MultiTargetRegressionFoam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get("MultiTargetRegressionFoam"); TList foam_list; // the foams and their captions if (SignalFoam && BgFoam) { foam_list.Add(new TPair(SignalFoam, new TObjString("Signal Foam"))); foam_list.Add(new TPair(BgFoam, new TObjString("Background Foam"))); } else if (DiscrFoam) { foam_list.Add(new TPair(DiscrFoam, new TObjString("Discriminator Foam"))); } else if (MultiClassFoam0) { UInt_t cls = 0; TMVA::PDEFoam *fm = NULL; while ((fm = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) gDirectory->Get(TString::Format("MultiClassFoam%u", cls)))) { foam_list.Add(new TPair(fm, new TObjString(TString::Format("Discriminator Foam %u",cls)))); cls++; } } else if (MonoTargetRegressionFoam) { foam_list.Add(new TPair(MonoTargetRegressionFoam, new TObjString("MonoTargetRegression Foam"))); } else if (MultiTargetRegressionFoam) { foam_list.Add(new TPair(MultiTargetRegressionFoam, new TObjString("MultiTargetRegression Foam"))); } else { cout << "ERROR: no Foams found in file: " << fileName << endl; return; } // loop over all foams and print out a debug message TListIter foamIter(&foam_list); TPair *fm_pair = NULL; Int_t kDim = 0; // foam dimensions while ((fm_pair = (TPair*) foamIter())) { kDim = ((TMVA::PDEFoam*) fm_pair->Key())->GetTotDim(); cout << "Foam loaded: " << ((TObjString*) fm_pair->Value())->String() << " (dimension = " << kDim << ")" << endl; } // kernel to use for the projection TMVA::PDEFoamKernelBase *kernel = new TMVA::PDEFoamKernelTrivial(); // plot foams if (kDim == 1) { Plot1DimFoams(foam_list, cv, cv_long, kernel); } else { PlotNDimFoams(foam_list, cv, cv_long, kernel); } file->Close(); } void TMVA::Plot1DimFoams(TList& foam_list, TMVA::ECellValue cell_value, const TString& cell_value_description, TMVA::PDEFoamKernelBase* kernel) { // visualize a 1 dimensional PDEFoam via a histogram TCanvas* canvas = NULL; TH1D* projection = NULL; // loop over all foams and draw the histogram TListIter it(&foam_list); TPair* fm_pair = nullptr; // the (foam, caption) pair while ((fm_pair = (TPair*) it())) { TMVA::PDEFoam* foam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) fm_pair->Key(); if (!foam) continue; TString foam_caption(((TObjString*) fm_pair->Value())->String()); TString variable_name(foam->GetVariableName(0)->String()); canvas = new TCanvas(TString::Format("canvas_%p",foam), "1-dimensional PDEFoam", 400, 400); projection = foam->Draw1Dim(cell_value, 100, kernel); projection->SetTitle(cell_value_description + " of " + foam_caption + ";" + variable_name); projection->Draw(); projection->SetDirectory(nullptr); canvas->Update(); } } void TMVA::PlotNDimFoams(TList& foam_list, TMVA::ECellValue cell_value, const TString& cell_value_description, TMVA::PDEFoamKernelBase* kernel) { // draw 2 dimensional PDEFoam projections TCanvas* canvas = nullptr; TH2D* projection = nullptr; // loop over all foams and draw the projection TListIter it(&foam_list); TPair* fm_pair = NULL; // the (foam, caption) pair while ((fm_pair = (TPair*) it())) { TMVA::PDEFoam* foam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) fm_pair->Key(); if (!foam) continue; TString foam_caption(((TObjString*) fm_pair->Value())->String()); const Int_t kDim = ((TMVA::PDEFoam*) fm_pair->Key())->GetTotDim(); // draw all possible projections (kDim*(kDim-1)/2) for (Int_t i = 0; i < kDim; ++i) { for (Int_t k = i + 1; k < kDim; ++k) { canvas = new TCanvas(TString::Format("canvas_%p_%i:%i", foam, i, k), TString::Format("Foam projections %i:%i", i, k), (Int_t)(400/(1.-0.2)), 400); canvas->SetRightMargin(0.2); TString title = TString::Format("%s of %s: Projection %s:%s;%s;%s", cell_value_description.Data(), foam_caption.Data(), foam->GetVariableName(i)->String().Data(), foam->GetVariableName(k)->String().Data(), foam->GetVariableName(i)->String().Data(), foam->GetVariableName(k)->String().Data()); projection = foam->Project2(i, k, cell_value, kernel); projection->SetTitle(title); projection->Draw("COLZ"); projection->SetDirectory(nullptr); canvas->Update(); } } } // loop over foams } void TMVA::PlotCellTree(TString fileName, TString cv_long, bool useTMVAStyle ) { // Draw the PDEFoam cell tree cout << "read file: " << fileName << endl; TFile *file = TFile::Open(fileName); if (useTMVAStyle) TMVAGlob::SetTMVAStyle(); // find foams TListIter foamIter(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *foam_key = nullptr; // the foam key TCanvas *canv = nullptr; // the canvas while ((foam_key = (TKey*) foamIter())) { TString name(foam_key->GetName()); TString class_name(foam_key->GetClassName()); if (!class_name.Contains("PDEFoam")) continue; cout << "PDEFoam found: " << class_name << " " << name << endl; // read the foam TMVA::PDEFoam *foam = (TMVA::PDEFoam*) foam_key->ReadObj(); canv = new TCanvas(TString::Format("canvas_%s",name.Data()), TString::Format("%s of %s",cv_long.Data(),name.Data()), 640, 480); canv->cd(); // get cell tree depth const UInt_t depth = foam->GetRootCell()->GetTreeDepth(); const Double_t ystep = 1.0 / depth; DrawCell(foam->GetRootCell(), foam, 0.5, 1.-0.5*ystep, 0.25, ystep); } file->Close(); } void TMVA::DrawCell( TMVA::PDEFoamCell *cell, TMVA::PDEFoam *foam, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t xscale, Double_t yscale ) { // recursively draw cell and it's daughters Float_t xsize = xscale*1.5; Float_t ysize = yscale/3; if (xsize > 0.15) xsize=0.1; //xscale/2; if (cell->GetDau0() != NULL) { TLine *a1 = new TLine(x-xscale/4, y-ysize, x-xscale, y-ysize*2); a1->SetLineWidth(2); a1->Draw(); DrawCell(cell->GetDau0(), foam, x-xscale, y-yscale, xscale/2, yscale); } if (cell->GetDau1() != NULL){ TLine *a1 = new TLine(x+xscale/4, y-ysize, x+xscale, y-ysize*2); a1->SetLineWidth(2); a1->Draw(); DrawCell(cell->GetDau1(), foam, x+xscale, y-yscale, xscale/2, yscale); } TPaveText *t = new TPaveText(x-xsize, y-ysize, x+xsize, y+ysize, "NDC"); t->SetBorderSize(1); t->SetFillStyle(1); // draw all cell elements t->AddText( TString::Format("Intg=%.5f", cell->GetIntg()) ); t->AddText( TString::Format("Var=%.5f", cell->GetDriv()) ); TVectorD *vec = (TVectorD*) cell->GetElement(); if (vec) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < vec->GetNrows(); ++i) t->AddText( TString::Format("E[%i]=%.5f", i, (*vec)[i]) ); } if (cell->GetStat() != 1) { // cell is inactive --> draw split point t->SetFillColor( TColor::GetColor("#BBBBBB") ); t->SetTextColor( TColor::GetColor("#000000") ); // cell position and size TMVA::PDEFoamVect cellPosi(foam->GetTotDim()), cellSize(foam->GetTotDim()); cell->GetHcub(cellPosi, cellSize); Int_t kBest = cell->GetBest(); // best division variable Double_t xBest = cell->GetXdiv(); // best division point t->AddText( TString::Format("dim=%i", kBest) ); t->AddText( TString::Format("cut=%.5g", foam->VarTransformInvers(kBest,cellPosi[kBest] + xBest*cellSize[kBest])) ); } else { t->SetFillColor( TColor::GetColor("#DD0033") ); t->SetTextColor( TColor::GetColor("#FFFFFF") ); } t->Draw(); }