#include "TMVA/TMVAGui.h" #include "TMVA/Types.h" #include #include #include "TList.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TControlBar.h" #include "TObjString.h" // some global lists static TList* TMVAGui_keyContent; static std::vector TMVAGui_inactiveButtons; TList* TMVA::GetKeyList( const TString& pattern ) { TList* list = new TList(); TIter next( TMVAGui_keyContent ); TKey* key(0); while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (TString(key->GetName()).Contains( pattern )) { list->Add( new TObjString( key->GetName() ) ); } } return list; } // utility function void TMVA::ActionButton( TControlBar* cbar, const TString& title, const TString& macro, const TString& comment, const TString& buttonType, TString requiredKey ) { cbar->AddButton( title, macro, comment, buttonType ); // search if (requiredKey != "") { Bool_t found = kFALSE; TIter next( TMVAGui_keyContent ); TKey* key(0); while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (TString(key->GetName()).Contains( requiredKey )) { found = kTRUE; break; } } if (!found) TMVAGui_inactiveButtons.push_back( title ); } } // main GUI void TMVA::TMVAGui( const char* fName , TString dataset) { // Use this script in order to run the various individual macros // that plot the output of TMVA (e.g. running TMVAClassification.C), // stored in the file "TMVA.root" TString curMacroPath(gROOT->GetMacroPath()); // uncomment next line for macros submitted to next root version gROOT->SetMacroPath(curMacroPath+":./:$ROOTSYS/tmva/test/:"); // for the sourceforge version, including $ROOTSYS/tmva/test in the // macro path is a mistake, especially if "./" was not part of path // add ../macros to the path (comment out next line for the ROOT version of TMVA) // gROOT->SetMacroPath(curMacroPath+":../macros:"); TString curIncludePath=gSystem->GetIncludePath(); TString newIncludePath=TString("-I../ ")+curIncludePath; gSystem->SetIncludePath(newIncludePath); cout << "--- Launch TMVA GUI to view input file: " << fName << endl; // init TMVAGui_inactiveButtons.clear(); // check if file exist TFile* file = TFile::Open( fName ); if (!file) { cout << "==> Abort TMVAGui, please verify filename" << endl; return; } if(file->GetListOfKeys()->GetEntries()<=0) { cout << "==> Abort TMVAGui, please verify if dataset exist" << endl; return; } if( (dataset==""||dataset.IsWhitespace()) && (file->GetListOfKeys()->GetEntries()==1)) { TKey *key=(TKey*)file->GetListOfKeys()->At(0); dataset=key->GetName(); }else if((dataset==""||dataset.IsWhitespace()) && (file->GetListOfKeys()->GetEntries()>=1)) { gROOT->Reset(); gStyle->SetScreenFactor(2); // if you have a large screen, select 1,2 or 1.4 TControlBar *bar=new TControlBar("vertical","Select dataset", 0, 0); bar->SetButtonWidth(300); for(int i=0;iGetListOfKeys()->GetEntries();i++) { TKey *key=(TKey*)file->GetListOfKeys()->At(i); dataset=key->GetName(); bar->AddButton(dataset.Data(), TString::Format("TMVA::TMVAGui(\"%s\",\"%s\")",fName,dataset.Data()),dataset.Data()); } bar->AddSeparator(); bar->AddButton( "Quit", ".q", "Quit", "button"); // set the style bar->SetTextColor("black"); bar->Show(); gROOT->SaveContext(); return ; } // find all references TMVAGui_keyContent = (TList*)file->GetDirectory(dataset.Data())->GetListOfKeys()->Clone(); // close file file->Close(); TString defaultRequiredClassifier = ""; // gROOT->Reset(); // gStyle->SetScreenFactor(2); // if you have a large screen, select 1,2 or 1.4 // create the control bar TControlBar* cbar = new TControlBar( "vertical", "TMVA Plotting Macros for Classification", 0, 0 ); const TString buttonType( "button" ); // configure buttons Int_t ic = 1; // find all input variables types TList* keylist = GetKeyList( "InputVariables" ); TListIter it( keylist ); TObjString* str = 0; char ch = 'a'; while ((str = (TObjString*)it())) { TString tmp = str->GetString(); TString title = TString::Format( "Input variables '%s'-transformed (training sample)", tmp.ReplaceAll("InputVariables_","").Data() ); if (tmp.Contains( "Id" )) title = "Input variables (training sample)"; ActionButton( cbar, TString::Format( "(%i%c) %s", ic, ch++, title.Data() ), TString::Format( "TMVA::variables(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName, str->GetString().Data(), title.Data() ), TString::Format( "Plots all '%s'-transformed input variables (macro variables(...))", str->GetString().Data() ), buttonType, str->GetString() ); } ic++; // correlation scatter plots it.Reset(); ch = 'a'; while ((str = (TObjString*)it())) { TString tmp = str->GetString(); TString title = TString::Format( "Input variable correlations '%s'-transformed (scatter profiles)", tmp.ReplaceAll("InputVariables_","").Data() ); if (tmp.Contains( "Id" )) title = "Input variable correlations (scatter profiles)"; ActionButton( cbar, TString::Format( "(%i%c) %s", ic, ch++, title.Data() ), TString::Format( "TMVA::CorrGui(\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName, str->GetString().Data(), title.Data() ), TString::Format( "Plots all correlation profiles between '%s'-transformed input variables (macro CorrGui(...))", str->GetString().Data() ), buttonType, str->GetString() ); } TString title; // coefficients title = TString::Format( "(%i) Input Variable Linear Correlation Coefficients", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::correlations(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots signal and background correlation summaries for all input variables (macro correlations.C)", buttonType ); title =TString::Format( "(%ia) Classifier Output Distributions (test sample)", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::mvas(\"%s\",\"%s\", TMVA::kMVAType)",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots the output of each classifier for the test data (macro mvas(...,0))", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title =TString::Format( "(%ib) Classifier Output Distributions (test and training samples superimposed)", ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::mvas(\"%s\",\"%s\", TMVA::kCompareType )",dataset.Data(), fName), "Plots the output of each classifier for the test (histograms) and training (dots) data (macro mvas(...,3))", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title = TString::Format( "(%ic) Classifier Probability Distributions (test sample)", ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::mvas(\"%s\",\"%s\", TMVA::kProbaType)",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots the probability of each classifier for the test data (macro mvas(...,1))", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title =TString::Format( "(%id) Classifier Rarity Distributions (test sample)", ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::mvas(\"%s\",\"%s\", TMVA::kRarityType)",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots the Rarity of each classifier for the test data (macro mvas(...,2)) - background distribution should be uniform", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title =TString::Format( "(%ia) Classifier Cut Efficiencies", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::mvaeffs(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots signal and background efficiencies versus cut on classifier output (macro mvaeffs.cxx)", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title = TString::Format( "(%ib) Classifier Background Rejection vs Signal Efficiency (ROC curve)", ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::efficiencies(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots background rejection vs signal efficiencies (macro efficiencies.cxx) [\"ROC\" stands for \"Receiver Operation Characteristics\"]", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title = TString::Format( "(%ib) Classifier 1/(Backgr. Efficiency) vs Signal Efficiency (ROC curve)", ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::efficiencies(\"%s\",\"%s\",%d)",dataset.Data(), fName, 3 ), "Plots 1/(background eff.) vs signal efficiencies (macro efficiencies.cxx) [\"ROC\" stands for \"Receiver Operation Characteristics\"]", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) Parallel Coordinates (requires ROOT-version >= 5.17)", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::paracoor(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots parallel coordinates for classifiers and input variables (macro paracoor.cxx, requires ROOT >= 5.17)", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title =TString::Format( "(%i) PDFs of Classifiers (requires \"CreateMVAPdfs\" option set)", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::probas(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots the PDFs of the classifier output distributions for signal and background - if requested (macro probas.cxx)", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) Training History", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::training_history(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plot training history of classifiers with multiple passed (eg Neural Networks) ", buttonType, defaultRequiredClassifier ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) Likelihood Reference Distributiuons", ++ic); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::likelihoodrefs(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots to verify the likelihood reference distributions (macro likelihoodrefs.cxx)", buttonType, "Likelihood" ); title = TString::Format( "(%ia) Network Architecture (MLP)", ++ic ); TString call = TString::Format( "TMVA::network(\"%s\",\"%s\")", dataset.Data(),fName ); ActionButton( cbar, title, call, "Plots the MLP weights (macro network.cxx)", buttonType, "MLP" ); title = TString::Format( "(%ib) Network Convergence Test (MLP)", ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::annconvergencetest(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data(), fName ), "Plots error estimator versus training epoch for training and test samples (macro annconvergencetest.C)", buttonType, "MLP" ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) Decision Trees (BDT)", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::BDT(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data() , fName ), "Plots the Decision Trees trained by BDT algorithms (macro BDT(itree,...))", buttonType, "BDT" ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) Decision Tree Control Plots (BDT)", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::BDTControlPlots(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data() , fName ), "Plots to monitor boosting and pruning of decision trees (macro BDTControlPlots.cxx)", buttonType, "BDT" ); // ActionButton( cbar, // TString::Format( "(%i) Rule Ensemble Importance Plots (RuleFit)", ++ic ), // TString::Format( "TMVA::rulevis(\"%s\",0)", fName ), // "Plots all input variables with rule ensemble weights, including linear terms (macro rulevis.cxx)", // buttonType, "RuleFit" ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) Plot Foams (PDEFoam)", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format("TMVA::PlotFoams(\"%s/weights/TMVAClassification_PDEFoam.weights_foams.root\")",dataset.Data()), "Plot Foams (macro PlotFoams.cxx)", buttonType, "PDEFoam" ); title = TString::Format( "(%i) General Boost Control Plots", ++ic ); ActionButton( cbar, title, TString::Format( "TMVA::BoostControlPlots(\"%s\",\"%s\")",dataset.Data() , fName ), "Plots to monitor boosting of general classifiers (macro BoostControlPlots)", buttonType, "Boost" ); cbar->AddSeparator(); cbar->AddButton( TString::Format( "(%i) Quit", ++ic ), ".q", "Quit", buttonType ); // set the style cbar->SetTextColor("black"); // there seems to be a bug in ROOT: font jumps back to default after pressing on >2 different buttons // cbar->SetFont("-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"); // draw cbar->Show(); // indicate inactive buttons for (UInt_t i=0; iSetButtonState(TMVAGui_inactiveButtons[i], 3 ); if (TMVAGui_inactiveButtons.size() > 0) { cout << "=== Note: inactive buttons indicate classifiers that were not trained, ===" << endl; cout << "=== or functionalities that were not invoked during the training ===" << endl; } gROOT->SaveContext(); }