// @(#)Root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Kim Albertsson /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVAGUI * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation (see header for description) * * * * Authors : * * Kim Albertsson - LTU & CERN * * * * Copyright (c) 2005-2017: * * CERN, Switzerland * * LTU, Sweden * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ #include "TMVA/efficienciesMulticlass.h" // TMVA #include "TMVA/Config.h" #include "TMVA/tmvaglob.h" // ROOT #include "TControlBar.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TIterator.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TROOT.h" // STL #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Note: This file assumes a certain structure on the input file. The structure /// is as follows: /// /// - dataset (TDirectory) /// - ... some variables, plots ... /// - Method_XXX (TDirectory) /// + XXX (TDirectory) /// * ... some plots ... /// * MVA_Method_XXX_Test_#classname# /// * MVA_Method_XXX_Train_#classname# /// * ... some plots ... /// - Method_YYY (TDirectory) /// + YYY (TDirectory) /// * ... some plots ... /// * MVA_Method_YYY_Test_#classname# /// * MVA_Method_YYY_Train_#classname# /// * ... some plots ... /// - TestTree (TTree) /// + ... data... /// - TrainTree (TTree) /// + ... data... /// /// Keeping this in mind makes the main loop in getRocCurves easier to follow :) /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Private class that simplify drawing plots combining information from /// several methods. /// /// Each wrapper will manage a canvas and a legend and provide convenience /// functions to add data to these. It also provides a save function for /// saving an image representation to disk. /// /// Feel free to extend this class as you see fit. It is intended as a /// convenience when showing multiclass roccurves, not a fully general tool. /// /// Usage: /// auto p = new EfficiencyPlotWrapper(name, title, dataset, i): /// for (TGraph * g : listOfGraphs) { /// p->AddGraph(g); /// p->AddLegendEntry(methodName); /// } /// p->save(); /// class EfficiencyPlotWrapper { public: TCanvas *fCanvas; TLegend *fLegend; TString fDataset; Int_t fColor; UInt_t fNumMethods; EfficiencyPlotWrapper(TString name, TString title, TString dataset, size_t i); Int_t addGraph(TGraph *graph); void addLegendEntry(TString methodTitle, TGraph *graph); void save(); private: Float_t fx0L; Float_t fdxL; Float_t fy0H; Float_t fdyH; TCanvas *newEfficiencyCanvas(TString name, TString title, size_t i); TLegend *newEfficiencyLegend(); }; using classcanvasmap_t = std::map; using roccurvelist_t = std::vector>; // Constants const char *BUTTON_TYPE = "button"; // Private functions namespace TMVA { std::vector getclassnames(TString dataset, TString fin); roccurvelist_t getRocCurves(TDirectory *binDir, TString methodPrefix, TString graphNameRef); void plotEfficienciesMulticlass(roccurvelist_t rocCurves, classcanvasmap_t classCanvasMap); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Private (helper) functions - Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// std::vector TMVA::getclassnames(TString dataset, TString fin) { TFile *file = TMVA::TMVAGlob::OpenFile(fin); TDirectory *dir = (TDirectory *)file->GetDirectory(dataset)->GetDirectory("InputVariables_Id"); if (!dir) { std::cout << "Could not locate directory '" << dataset << "/InputVariables_Id' in file: " << fin << std::endl; return {}; } auto classnames = TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetClassNames(dir); return classnames; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// roccurvelist_t TMVA::getRocCurves(TDirectory *binDir, TString methodPrefix, TString graphNameRef) { roccurvelist_t rocCurves; TList methods; UInt_t nm = TMVAGlob::GetListOfMethods(methods, binDir); if (nm == 0) { cout << "ups .. no methods found in to plot ROC curve for ... give up" << endl; return rocCurves; } // TIter next(file->GetListOfKeys()); TIter next(&methods); // Loop over all method categories TKey *key; while ((key = (TKey *)next())) { TDirectory *mDir = (TDirectory *)key->ReadObj(); TList titles; TMVAGlob::GetListOfTitles(mDir, titles); // Loop over each method within a category TIter nextTitle(&titles); TKey *titkey; TDirectory *titDir; while ((titkey = TMVAGlob::NextKey(nextTitle, "TDirectory"))) { titDir = (TDirectory *)titkey->ReadObj(); TString methodTitle; TMVAGlob::GetMethodTitle(methodTitle, titDir); // Loop through all plots for the method TIter nextKey(titDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *hkey2; while ((hkey2 = TMVAGlob::NextKey(nextKey, "TGraph"))) { TGraph *h = (TGraph *)hkey2->ReadObj(); TString hname = h->GetName(); if (hname.Contains(graphNameRef) && hname.BeginsWith(methodPrefix) && !hname.Contains("Train")) { // Extract classname from plot name // classname is string after nameref Int_t index = hname.Index(graphNameRef) + graphNameRef.Length(); TString classname = hname(index, hname.Length() - index); //std::cout << "Found TGraph " << hname << " with classname " << classname << std::endl; rocCurves.push_back(std::make_tuple(methodTitle, classname, h)); } } } } return rocCurves; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Public functions - Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Private convenience function. /// /// Adds a given a list of roc curves provided as n-tuple on the form /// (methodname, classname, graph) /// to the canvas corresponding to the classname. /// void TMVA::plotEfficienciesMulticlass(roccurvelist_t rocCurves, classcanvasmap_t classCanvasMap) { for (auto &item : rocCurves) { TString methodTitle = std::get<0>(item); TString classname = std::get<1>(item); TGraph *h = std::get<2>(item); try { EfficiencyPlotWrapper *plotWrapper = classCanvasMap.at(classname); plotWrapper->addGraph(h); plotWrapper->addLegendEntry(methodTitle, h); } catch (const std::out_of_range &) { cout << TString::Format("ERROR: Class %s discovered among plots but was not found by TMVAMulticlassGui. Skipping.", classname.Data()) << endl; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Entry point. Called from the TMVAMulticlassGui Buttons /// /// \param dataset Dataset to operate on. Should be created by the TMVA Multiclass Factory. /// \param filename_input Name of the input file procuded by a TMVA Multiclass Factory. /// \param plotType Specified what kind of ROC curve to draw. Currently only rejB vs. effS is supported. void TMVA::efficienciesMulticlass1vsRest(TString dataset, TString filename_input, EEfficiencyPlotType plotType, Bool_t useTMVAStyle) { // set style and remove existing canvas' TMVAGlob::Initialize(useTMVAStyle); plotEfficienciesMulticlass1vsRest(dataset, plotType, filename_input); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Work horse function. Will operate on the currently open file (opened by /// efficienciesMulticlass). /// /// \param plotType See effcienciesMulticlass. /// \param binDir Directory in the file on which to operate. void TMVA::plotEfficienciesMulticlass1vsRest(TString dataset, EEfficiencyPlotType plotType, TString filename_input) { // The current multiclass version implements only type 2 - rejB vs effS if (plotType != EEfficiencyPlotType::kRejBvsEffS) { std::cout << "For multiclass, only rejB vs effS is currently implemented."; return; } // checks if filename_input is already open, and if not opens one TFile *file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile(filename_input); if (file == nullptr) { std::cout << "ERROR: filename \"" << filename_input << "\" is not found."; return; } auto binDir = file->GetDirectory(dataset.Data()); size_t iPlot = 0; auto classnames = getclassnames(dataset, filename_input); TString methodPrefix = "MVA_"; TString graphNameRef = "_rejBvsS_"; classcanvasmap_t classCanvasMap; for (auto &classname : classnames) { TString name = TString::Format("roc_%s_vs_rest", classname.Data()); TString title = TString::Format("ROC Curve %s vs rest", classname.Data()); EfficiencyPlotWrapper *plotWrapper = new EfficiencyPlotWrapper(name, title, dataset, iPlot++); classCanvasMap.emplace(classname.Data(), plotWrapper); } roccurvelist_t rocCurves = getRocCurves(binDir, methodPrefix, graphNameRef); plotEfficienciesMulticlass(rocCurves, classCanvasMap); for (auto const &item : classCanvasMap) { auto plotWrapper = item.second; plotWrapper->save(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Entry point. Called from the TMVAMulticlassGui Buttons /// /// \param dataset /// \param fin void TMVA::efficienciesMulticlass1vs1(TString dataset, TString fin) { std::cout << "--- Running Roc1v1Gui for input file: " << fin << std::endl; TMVAGlob::Initialize(); // create the control bar TString title = "1v1 ROC curve comparison"; TControlBar *cbar = new TControlBar("vertical", title, 50, 50); gDirectory->pwd(); auto classnames = getclassnames(dataset, fin); // configure buttons for (auto &classname : classnames) { cbar->AddButton(TString::Format("Class: %s", classname.Data()), TString::Format("TMVA::plotEfficienciesMulticlass1vs1(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")", dataset.Data(), fin.Data(), classname.Data()), BUTTON_TYPE); } cbar->SetTextColor("blue"); cbar->Show(); gROOT->SaveContext(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Generates K-1 plots comparing a given base class against all others (except /// itself). For each plot, the base class is considered signal and the other /// class is considered background. /// /// Given 3 classes in the dataset and providing "Class 0" as the base class /// this would generate 2 plots comparing /// - Class 0 vs Class 1, and /// - Class 0 vs Class 2. /// For the "Class 0 vs Class 1" plot, events from Class 2 are ignored. For the /// "Class 0 vs Class 2" plot, events from Class 1 are ignored. /// /// \param dataset /// \param fin /// \param baseClassname name of the class which will be considered signal void TMVA::plotEfficienciesMulticlass1vs1(TString dataset, TString fin, TString baseClassname) { TMVAGlob::Initialize(); auto classnames = getclassnames(dataset, fin); size_t iPlot = 0; TString methodPrefix = "MVA_"; TString graphNameRef = TString::Format("_1v1rejBvsS_%s_vs_", baseClassname.Data()); TFile *file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile(fin); if (file == nullptr) { std::cout << "ERROR: filename \"" << fin << "\" is not found."; return; } auto binDir = file->GetDirectory(dataset.Data()); classcanvasmap_t classCanvasMap; for (auto &classname : classnames) { if (classname == baseClassname) { continue; } TString name = TString::Format("1v1roc_%s_vs_%s", baseClassname.Data(), classname.Data()); TString title = TString::Format("ROC Curve %s (Sig) vs %s (Bkg)", baseClassname.Data(), classname.Data()); EfficiencyPlotWrapper *plotWrapper = new EfficiencyPlotWrapper(name, title, dataset, iPlot++); classCanvasMap.emplace(classname.Data(), plotWrapper); } roccurvelist_t rocCurves = getRocCurves(binDir, methodPrefix, graphNameRef); plotEfficienciesMulticlass(rocCurves, classCanvasMap); for (auto const &item : classCanvasMap) { auto plotWrapper = item.second; plotWrapper->save(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Private class EfficiencyPlotWrapper - Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructs a new canvas + auxiliary data for showing an efficiency plot. /// EfficiencyPlotWrapper::EfficiencyPlotWrapper(TString name, TString title, TString dataset, size_t i) { // Legend extents (init before calling newEfficiencyLegend...) fx0L = 0.107; fy0H = 0.899; fdxL = 0.457 - fx0L; fdyH = 0.22; fx0L = 0.15; fy0H = 1 - fy0H + fdyH + 0.07; fColor = 1; fNumMethods = 0; fDataset = dataset; fCanvas = newEfficiencyCanvas(name, title, i); fLegend = newEfficiencyLegend(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Adds a new graph to the plot. The added graph should contain a single ROC /// curve. /// Int_t EfficiencyPlotWrapper::addGraph(TGraph *graph) { graph->SetLineWidth(3); graph->SetLineColor(fColor); fColor++; if (fColor == 5 || fColor == 10 || fColor == 11) { fColor++; } fCanvas->cd(); graph->Draw(""); fCanvas->Update(); ++fNumMethods; return fColor; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// WARNING: Uses the current color, thus the correct call ordering is: /// plotWrapper->addGraph(...); /// plotWrapper->addLegendEntry(...); /// void EfficiencyPlotWrapper::addLegendEntry(TString methodTitle, TGraph *graph) { fLegend->AddEntry(graph, methodTitle, "l"); Float_t dyH_local = fdyH * (Float_t(TMath::Min((UInt_t)10, fNumMethods) - 3.0) / 4.0); fLegend->SetY2(fy0H + dyH_local); fLegend->Paint(); fCanvas->Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Helper to create new Canvas /// /// \param name Name... /// \param title Title to be displayed on canvas /// \param i Index to offset a collection of canvases from each other /// TCanvas *EfficiencyPlotWrapper::newEfficiencyCanvas(TString name, TString title, size_t i) { TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(name, title, 200 + i * 50, 0 + i * 50, 650, 500); // global style settings c->SetGrid(); c->SetTicks(); // Frame TString xtit = "Signal Efficiency"; TString ytit = "Background Rejection (1 - eff)"; Double_t x1 = 0.0; Double_t x2 = 1.0; Double_t y1 = 0.0; Double_t y2 = 1.0; TH1F *frame = new TH1F(TString::Format("%s_frame", title.Data()), title, 500, x1, x2); frame->SetMinimum(y1); frame->SetMaximum(y2); frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtit); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytit); TMVA::TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle(frame, 1.0); frame->Draw(); return c; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Helper to create new legend. TLegend *EfficiencyPlotWrapper::newEfficiencyLegend() { TLegend *legend = new TLegend(fx0L, fy0H - fdyH, fx0L + fdxL, fy0H); // legend->SetTextSize( 0.05 ); legend->SetHeader("MVA Method:"); legend->SetMargin(0.4); legend->Draw(""); return legend; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Saves the current state of the plot to disk. /// void EfficiencyPlotWrapper::save() { TString fname = fDataset + "/plots/" + fCanvas->GetName(); TMVA::TMVAGlob::imgconv(fCanvas, fname); }