#include "TMVA/network.h" #include #include "TArrow.h" #include "TEllipse.h" #include "TPaveLabel.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TDirectory.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TText.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; // this macro prints out a neural network generated by MethodMLP graphically // @author: Matt Jachowski, jachowski@stanford.edu TFile* Network_GFile = 0; static Int_t c_DarkBackground = TColor::GetColor( "#6e7a85" ); Bool_t MovieMode = kFALSE; void TMVA::draw_network(TString dataset, TFile* f, TDirectory* d, const TString& hName, Bool_t movieMode , const TString& epoch ) { Bool_t __PRINT_LOGO__ = kTRUE; Network_GFile = f; MovieMode = movieMode; if (MovieMode) c_DarkBackground = TColor::GetColor( "#707F7F" ); // create canvas TStyle* TMVAStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("TMVA"); // the TMVA style Int_t canvasColor = TMVAStyle->GetCanvasColor(); // backup TMVAStyle->SetCanvasColor( c_DarkBackground ); Int_t titleFillColor = TMVAStyle->GetTitleFillColor(); Int_t titleTextColor = TMVAStyle->GetTitleTextColor(); Int_t borderSize = TMVAStyle->GetTitleBorderSize(); TMVAStyle->SetTitleFillColor( c_DarkBackground ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleTextColor( TColor::GetColor( "#FFFFFF" ) ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleBorderSize( 0 ); static Int_t icanvas = -1; Int_t ixc = 100 + (icanvas)*40; Int_t iyc = 0 + (icanvas+1)*20; if (MovieMode) ixc = iyc = 0; TString canvasnumber = TString::Format( "c%i", icanvas ); TString canvastitle = TString::Format("Neural Network Layout for: %s", d->GetName()); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas( canvasnumber, canvastitle, ixc, 0 + (icanvas+1)*20, 1000, 650 ); icanvas++; TIter next = d->GetListOfKeys(); TKey *key( 0 ); Int_t numHists = 0; // loop over all histograms with hName in name again next.Reset(); Double_t maxWeight = 0; // find max weight while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH2F")) { continue; }else { std::cout<GetClassName()<<"----"<InheritsFrom("TH2F")<<"----"<ReadObj(); if (!h) { cout << "Big troubles in \"draw_network\" (1)" << endl; exit(1); } std::cout<GetName()<<"----"<GetName()).Contains( hName )){ numHists++; Int_t n1 = h->GetNbinsX(); Int_t n2 = h->GetNbinsY(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n1; i++) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < n2; j++) { Double_t weight = TMath::Abs(h->GetBinContent(i+1, j+1)); if (maxWeight < weight) maxWeight = weight; } } } } if (numHists == 0) { cout << "Error: could not find histograms" << endl; //exit(1); } // draw network next.Reset(); //cout << "check4a" << endl; Int_t count = 0; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { //cout << "check4b" << endl; TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH2F")) continue; //cout << "check4c" << endl; TH2F* h = (TH2F*)key->ReadObj(); //cout << (h->GetName()) << endl; if (!h) { cout << "Big troubles in \"draw_network\" (2)" << endl; exit(1); } //cout << (h->GetName()) << endl; if (TString(h->GetName()).Contains( hName )) { //cout << (h->GetName()) << endl; draw_layer(dataset,c, h, count++, numHists+1, maxWeight); } //cout << "check4d" << endl; } draw_layer_labels(numHists+1); // add epoch if (MovieMode) { TText t; t.SetTextSize( 0.04 ); t.SetTextColor( 0 ); t.SetTextAlign( 31 ); t.DrawTextNDC( 1 - c->GetRightMargin(), 1 - c->GetTopMargin() - 0.033, TString::Format( "Epoch: %s", epoch.Data() ) ); } // ============================================================ if (__PRINT_LOGO__) TMVAGlob::plot_logo(); // ============================================================ c->Update(); if (MovieMode) { // save to file TString dirname = "movieplots"; TString foutname = dirname + "/" + hName; foutname.Resize( foutname.Length()-5 ); foutname.ReplaceAll("epochmonitoring___",""); foutname += ".gif"; cout << "storing file: " << foutname << endl; c->Print(foutname); c->Clear(); delete c; } else { TString fname = dataset+"/plots/network"; TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, fname ); } // reset global style changes so that it does not affect other plots TMVAStyle->SetCanvasColor ( canvasColor ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleFillColor ( titleFillColor ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleTextColor ( titleTextColor ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleBorderSize( borderSize ); } void TMVA::draw_layer_labels(Int_t nLayers) { const Double_t LABEL_HEIGHT = 0.032; const Double_t LABEL_WIDTH = 0.20; Double_t effWidth = 0.8*(1.0-LABEL_WIDTH)/nLayers; Double_t height = 0.8*LABEL_HEIGHT; Double_t margY = LABEL_HEIGHT - height; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nLayers; i++) { TString label = TString::Format("Layer %i", i); if (i == nLayers-1) label = "Output layer"; Double_t cx = i*(1.0-LABEL_WIDTH)/nLayers+1.0/(2.0*nLayers)+LABEL_WIDTH; Double_t x1 = cx-0.8*effWidth/2.0; Double_t x2 = cx+0.8*effWidth/2.0; Double_t y1 = margY; Double_t y2 = margY + height; TPaveLabel *p = new TPaveLabel(x1, y1, x2, y2, label, "br"); p->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetTitleFillColor()); p->SetTextColor(gStyle->GetTitleTextColor()); p->SetFillStyle(1001); p->SetBorderSize( 0 ); p->Draw(); } } void TMVA::draw_input_labels(TString dataset,Int_t nInputs, Double_t* cy, Double_t rad, Double_t layerWidth) { const Double_t LABEL_HEIGHT = 0.04; const Double_t LABEL_WIDTH = 0.20; Double_t width = LABEL_WIDTH + (layerWidth-4*rad); Double_t margX = 0.01; Double_t effHeight = 0.8*LABEL_HEIGHT; TString *varNames = get_var_names(dataset,nInputs); if (varNames == 0) exit(1); TString input; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nInputs; i++) { if (i != nInputs-1) input = varNames[i]; else input = "Bias node"; Double_t x = margX + width; Double_t y = cy[i] - effHeight; TText t; t.SetTextColor(gStyle->GetTitleTextColor()); t.SetTextAlign(31); t.SetTextSize(LABEL_HEIGHT); if (i == nInputs-1) t.SetTextColor( TColor::GetColor( "#AFDCEC" ) ); t.DrawText( x, y+0.018, input + " :"); } delete[] varNames; } TString* TMVA::get_var_names(TString dataset, Int_t nVars ) { const TString directories[6] = { "InputVariables_NoTransform", "InputVariables_DecorrTransform", "InputVariables_PCATransform", "InputVariables_Id", "InputVariables_Norm", "InputVariables_Deco"}; TDirectory* dir = 0; for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) { dir = (TDirectory*)Network_GFile->GetDirectory(dataset.Data())->Get( directories[i] ); if (dir != 0) break; } if (dir==0) { cout << "*** Big troubles in macro \"network.cxx\": could not find directory for input variables, " << "and hence could not determine variable names --> abort" << endl; return 0; } dir->cd(); TString* vars = new TString[nVars]; Int_t ivar = 0; // loop over all objects in directory TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey* key = 0; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue; if (!TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__S") && !TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__r") && !TString(key->GetName()).Contains("Regression")) continue; if (TString(key->GetName()).Contains("target")) continue; // make sure, that we only look at histograms TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH1")) continue; TH1 *sig = (TH1*)key->ReadObj(); TString hname = sig->GetTitle(); vars[ivar] = hname; ivar++; if (ivar > nVars-1) break; } if (ivar != nVars-1) { // bias layer and targets are also in nVars counts cout << "*** Troubles in \"network.cxx\": did not reproduce correct number of " << "input variables: " << ivar << " != " << nVars << endl; } return vars; } void TMVA::draw_activation(TCanvas* c, Double_t cx, Double_t cy, Double_t radx, Double_t rady, Int_t whichActivation) { TImage *activation = NULL; switch (whichActivation) { case 0: activation = TMVA::TMVAGlob::findImage("sigmoid-small.png"); break; case 1: activation = TMVA::TMVAGlob::findImage("line-small.png"); break; default: cout << "Activation index " << whichActivation << " is not known." << endl; cout << "You messed up or you need to modify network.cxx to introduce a new " << "activation function (and image) corresponding to this index" << endl; } if (activation == NULL) { cout << "Could not create an image... exit" << endl; return; } activation->SetConstRatio(kFALSE); radx *= 0.7; rady *= 0.7; TString name = TString::Format("activation%f%f", cx, cy); TPad* p = new TPad(name, name, cx-radx, cy-rady, cx+radx, cy+rady); p->Draw(); p->cd(); activation->Draw(); c->cd(); } void TMVA::draw_layer(TString dataset,TCanvas* c, TH2F* h, Int_t iHist, Int_t nLayers, Double_t maxWeight) { const Double_t MAX_NEURONS_NICE = 12; const Double_t LABEL_HEIGHT = 0.03; const Double_t LABEL_WIDTH = 0.20; Double_t ratio = ((Double_t)(c->GetWindowHeight())) / c->GetWindowWidth(); Double_t rad, cx1, *cy1, cx2, *cy2; // this is the smallest radius that will still display the activation images rad = 0.04*650/c->GetWindowHeight(); Int_t nNeurons1 = h->GetNbinsX(); cx1 = iHist*(1.0-LABEL_WIDTH)/nLayers + 1.0/(2.0*nLayers) + LABEL_WIDTH; cy1 = new Double_t[nNeurons1]; Int_t nNeurons2 = h->GetNbinsY(); cx2 = (iHist+1)*(1.0-LABEL_WIDTH)/nLayers + 1.0/(2.0*nLayers) + LABEL_WIDTH; cy2 = new Double_t[nNeurons2]; Double_t effRad1 = rad; if (nNeurons1 > MAX_NEURONS_NICE) effRad1 = 0.8*(1.0-LABEL_HEIGHT)/(2.0*nNeurons1); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nNeurons1; i++) { cy1[nNeurons1-i-1] = i*(1.0-LABEL_HEIGHT)/nNeurons1 + 1.0/(2.0*nNeurons1) + LABEL_HEIGHT; if (iHist == 0) { TEllipse *ellipse = new TEllipse( cx1, cy1[nNeurons1-i-1], effRad1*ratio, effRad1, 0, 360, 0 ); ellipse->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor( "#fffffd" )); ellipse->SetFillStyle(1001); ellipse->Draw(); if (i == 0) ellipse->SetLineColor(9); if (nNeurons1 > MAX_NEURONS_NICE) continue; Int_t whichActivation = 0; if (iHist==0 || iHist==nLayers-1 || i==0) whichActivation = 1; draw_activation(c, cx1, cy1[nNeurons1-i-1], rad*ratio, rad, whichActivation); } } if (iHist == 0) draw_input_labels(dataset,nNeurons1, cy1, rad, (1.0-LABEL_WIDTH)/nLayers); Double_t effRad2 = rad; if (nNeurons2 > MAX_NEURONS_NICE) effRad2 = 0.8*(1.0-LABEL_HEIGHT)/(2.0*nNeurons2); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nNeurons2; i++) { cy2[nNeurons2-i-1] = i*(1.0-LABEL_HEIGHT)/nNeurons2 + 1.0/(2.0*nNeurons2) + LABEL_HEIGHT; TEllipse *ellipse = new TEllipse(cx2, cy2[nNeurons2-i-1], effRad2*ratio, effRad2, 0, 360, 0); ellipse->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor( "#fffffd" )); ellipse->SetFillStyle(1001); ellipse->Draw(); if (i == 0 && nNeurons2 > 1) ellipse->SetLineColor(9); if (nNeurons2 > MAX_NEURONS_NICE) continue; Int_t whichActivation = 0; if (iHist+1==0 || iHist+1==nLayers-1 || i==0) whichActivation = 1; draw_activation(c, cx2, cy2[nNeurons2-i-1], rad*ratio, rad, whichActivation); } for (Int_t i = 0; i < nNeurons1; i++) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < nNeurons2; j++) { draw_synapse(cx1, cy1[i], cx2, cy2[j], effRad1*ratio, effRad2*ratio, h->GetBinContent(i+1, j+1)/maxWeight); } } delete [] cy1; delete [] cy2; } void TMVA::draw_synapse(Double_t cx1, Double_t cy1, Double_t cx2, Double_t cy2, Double_t rad1, Double_t rad2, Double_t weightNormed) { const Double_t TIP_SIZE = 0.01; const Double_t MAX_WEIGHT = 8; const Double_t MAX_COLOR = 100; // red const Double_t MIN_COLOR = 60; // blue if (weightNormed == 0) return; // gStyle->SetPalette(100, NULL); TArrow *arrow = new TArrow(cx1+rad1, cy1, cx2-rad2, cy2, TIP_SIZE, ">"); arrow->SetFillColor(1); arrow->SetFillStyle(1001); arrow->SetLineWidth((Int_t)(TMath::Abs(weightNormed)*MAX_WEIGHT+0.5)); arrow->SetLineColor((Int_t)((weightNormed+1.0)/2.0*(MAX_COLOR-MIN_COLOR)+MIN_COLOR+0.5)); arrow->Draw(); } // input: - Input file (result from TMVA), // - use of TMVA plotting TStyle void TMVA::network(TString dataset, TString fin , Bool_t useTMVAStyle ) { // set style and remove existing canvas' TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle ); // checks if file with name "fin" is already open, and if not opens one TFile* file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile( fin ); TIter next(file->GetDirectory(dataset.Data())->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key(0); while( (key = (TKey*)next()) ) { if (!TString(key->GetName()).BeginsWith("Method_MLP")) continue; if( ! gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory") ) continue; cout << "--- Found directory: " << ((TDirectory*)key->ReadObj())->GetName() << endl; TDirectory* mDir = (TDirectory*)key->ReadObj(); TIter keyIt(mDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *titkey; while((titkey = (TKey*)keyIt())) { if( ! gROOT->GetClass(titkey->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory") ) continue; TDirectory* dir = (TDirectory *)titkey->ReadObj(); dir->cd(); TList titles; UInt_t ni = TMVAGlob::GetListOfTitles( dir, titles ); if (ni==0) { cout << "No titles found for Method_MLP" << endl; return; } draw_network(dataset, file, dir ); } } return; }