#include "TMVA/tmvaglob.h" #include "TMVA/Config.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; // set the style void TMVA::TMVAGlob::SetSignalAndBackgroundStyle( TH1* sig, TH1* bkg, TH1* all ) { //signal // const Int_t FillColor__S = 38 + 150; // change of Color Scheme in ROOT-5.16. // convince yourself with gROOT->GetListOfColors()->Print() Int_t FillColor__S = getSignalFill(); Int_t FillStyle__S = 1001; Int_t LineColor__S = getSignalLine(); Int_t LineWidth__S = 2; // background //Int_t icolor = gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fUsePaperStyle ? 2 + 100 : 2; Int_t FillColor__B = getBackgroundFill(); Int_t FillStyle__B = 3554; Int_t LineColor__B = getBackgroundLine(); Int_t LineWidth__B = 2; if (sig != NULL) { sig->SetLineColor( LineColor__S ); sig->SetLineWidth( LineWidth__S ); sig->SetFillStyle( FillStyle__S ); sig->SetFillColor( FillColor__S ); } if (bkg != NULL) { bkg->SetLineColor( LineColor__B ); bkg->SetLineWidth( LineWidth__B ); bkg->SetFillStyle( FillStyle__B ); bkg->SetFillColor( FillColor__B ); } if (all != NULL) { all->SetLineColor( LineColor__S ); all->SetLineWidth( LineWidth__S ); all->SetFillStyle( FillStyle__S ); all->SetFillColor( FillColor__S ); } } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::SetMultiClassStyle( TObjArray* hists ) { //signal // const Int_t FillColor__S = 38 + 150; // change of Color Scheme in ROOT-5.16. // convince yourself with gROOT->GetListOfColors()->Print() //Int_t FillColor__S = getSignalFill(); //Int_t FillStyle__S = 1001; //Int_t LineColor__S = getSignalLine(); //Int_t LineWidth__S = 2; // background //Int_t icolor = gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fUsePaperStyle ? 2 + 100 : 2; //Int_t FillColor__B = getBackgroundFill(); //Int_t FillStyle__B = 3554; //Int_t LineColor__B = getBackgroundLine(); //Int_t LineWidth__B = 2; Int_t FillColors[10] = {38,2,3,6,7,8,9,11}; Int_t LineColors[10] = {4,2,3,6,7,8,9,11}; Int_t FillStyles[5] = {1001,3554,3003,3545,0}; for(Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); ++i){ ((TH1*)(*hists)[i])->SetFillColor(FillColors[i%10]); ((TH1*)(*hists)[i])->SetFillStyle(FillStyles[i%5]); ((TH1*)(*hists)[i])->SetLineColor(LineColors[i%10]); ((TH1*)(*hists)[i])->SetLineWidth(2); } } // set frame styles void TMVA::TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle( TH1* frame, Float_t scale ) { frame->SetLabelOffset( 0.012, "X" );// label offset on x axis frame->SetLabelOffset( 0.012, "Y" );// label offset on x axis frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.25 ); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.22 ); frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.045*scale ); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.045*scale ); Float_t labelSize = 0.04*scale; frame->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize( labelSize ); frame->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize( labelSize ); // global style settings gPad->SetTicks(); gPad->SetLeftMargin ( 0.108*scale ); gPad->SetRightMargin ( 0.050*scale ); gPad->SetBottomMargin( 0.120*scale ); } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::SetTMVAStyle() { TStyle *TMVAStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("TMVA"); if(TMVAStyle!=0) { gROOT->SetStyle("TMVA"); return; } TMVAStyle = new TStyle(*gROOT->GetStyle("Plain")); // our style is based on Plain TMVAStyle->SetName("TMVA"); TMVAStyle->SetTitle("TMVA style based on \"Plain\" with modifications defined in tmvaglob.C"); gROOT->GetListOfStyles()->Add(TMVAStyle); gROOT->SetStyle("TMVA"); TMVAStyle->SetLineStyleString( 5, "[52 12]" ); TMVAStyle->SetLineStyleString( 6, "[22 12]" ); TMVAStyle->SetLineStyleString( 7, "[22 10 7 10]" ); // the pretty color palette of old TMVAStyle->SetPalette((gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fUsePaperStyle ? 18 : 1),0); // use plain black on white colors TMVAStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0); TMVAStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); TMVAStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0); TMVAStyle->SetPadColor(0); TMVAStyle->SetFillStyle(0); TMVAStyle->SetLegendBorderSize(0); // title properties // TMVAStyle->SetTitleW(.4); // TMVAStyle->SetTitleH(.10); // MVAStyle->SetTitleX(.5); // TMVAStyle->SetTitleY(.9); TMVAStyle->SetTitleFillColor( getTitleBox() ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleTextColor( getTitleText() ); TMVAStyle->SetTitleBorderSize( 1 ); TMVAStyle->SetLineColor( getTitleBorder() ); if (!gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fUsePaperStyle) { TMVAStyle->SetFrameFillColor( getFrameFill() ); TMVAStyle->SetCanvasColor( getCanvas() ); } // set the paper & margin sizes TMVAStyle->SetPaperSize(20,26); TMVAStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.10); TMVAStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.05); TMVAStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.11); TMVAStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.12); // use bold lines and markers TMVAStyle->SetMarkerStyle(21); TMVAStyle->SetMarkerSize(0.3); TMVAStyle->SetHistLineWidth(2); TMVAStyle->SetLineStyleString(2,"[12 12]"); // postscript dashes // do not display any of the standard histogram decorations TMVAStyle->SetOptTitle(1); TMVAStyle->SetTitleH(0.052); TMVAStyle->SetOptStat(0); TMVAStyle->SetOptFit(0); // put tick marks on top and RHS of plots TMVAStyle->SetPadTickX(1); TMVAStyle->SetPadTickY(1); } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::DestroyCanvases() { TList* loc = (TList*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases(); TListIter itc(loc); TObject *o(0); while ((o = itc())) delete o; } // set style and remove existing canvas' void TMVA::TMVAGlob::Initialize( Bool_t useTMVAStyle ) { // destroy canvas' DestroyCanvases(); // set style if (!useTMVAStyle) { gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); return; } SetTMVAStyle(); } // checks if file with name "fin" is already open, and if not opens one TFile* TMVA::TMVAGlob::OpenFile( const TString& fin ) { TFile* file = gDirectory->GetFile(); if (file==0 || fin != file->GetName()) { if (file != 0) { gROOT->cd(); file->Close(); } cout << "--- Opening root file " << fin << " in read mode" << endl; file = TFile::Open( fin, "READ" ); } else { file = gDirectory->GetFile(); } file->cd(); return file; } // used to create output file for canvas void TMVA::TMVAGlob::imgconv( TCanvas* c, const TString & fname ) { // return; if (NULL == c) { cout << "*** Error in TMVAGlob::imgconv: canvas is NULL" << endl; } else { // create directory if not existing TString f = fname; TString dir = f.Remove( f.Last( '/' ), f.Length() - f.Last( '/' ) ); // directory does not exists , try to make it if (gSystem->AccessPathName(dir)) { if (gSystem->mkdir(dir, kTRUE) != 0) { Error("imgconv","Error creating plot directory: %s",dir.Data()); } } TString pngName = fname + ".png"; TString gifName = fname + ".gif"; TString epsName = fname + ".eps"; TString pdfName = fname + ".pdf"; c->cd(); // create eps (other option: c->Print( epsName )) if (gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fUsePaperStyle) { c->Print(epsName); } else { if (gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fPlotFormat == Config::VariablePlotting::kGIF) c->Print(gifName); else if (gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fPlotFormat == Config::VariablePlotting::kPDF) c->Print(pdfName); else if (gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fPlotFormat == Config::VariablePlotting::kEPS) c->Print(epsName); else c->Print(pngName); } } } TImage * TMVA::TMVAGlob::findImage(const char * imageName) { // looks for the image in tutorialpath //TString tutorialPath = "$ROOTSYS/tutorials/tmva"; // look for the image in here TString tutorialPath = getenv ("ROOTSYS"); tutorialPath+="/tutorials/tmva"; TImage *img = nullptr; TString fullName = TString::Format("%s/%s", tutorialPath.Data(), imageName); Bool_t fileFound = ! gSystem->AccessPathName(fullName); if(fileFound) { img = TImage::Open(fullName); } else { cout << "+++ Could not open image: " << fullName << endl; } return img; } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::plot_logo( Float_t v_scale, Float_t skew ) { TImage *img = findImage("tmva_logo.gif"); if (!img) { cout << "+++ Could not open image tmva_logo.gif" << endl; return; } img->SetConstRatio(kFALSE); UInt_t h_ = img->GetHeight(); UInt_t w_ = img->GetWidth(); Float_t r = w_/h_; gPad->Update(); Float_t rpad = Double_t(gPad->VtoAbsPixel(0) - gPad->VtoAbsPixel(1))/(gPad->UtoAbsPixel(1) - gPad->UtoAbsPixel(0)); r *= rpad; Float_t d = 0.055; // absolute coordinates Float_t x1R = 1 - gStyle->GetPadRightMargin(); Float_t y1B = 1 - gStyle->GetPadTopMargin()+.01; // we like the logo to sit a bit above the histo Float_t x1L = x1R - d*r/skew; Float_t y1T = y1B + d*v_scale*skew; if (y1T>0.99) y1T = 0.99; TPad *p1 = new TPad("imgpad", "imgpad", x1L, y1B, x1R, y1T ); p1->SetRightMargin(0); p1->SetBottomMargin(0); p1->SetLeftMargin(0); p1->SetTopMargin(0); p1->Draw(); Int_t xSizeInPixel = p1->UtoAbsPixel(1) - p1->UtoAbsPixel(0); Int_t ySizeInPixel = p1->VtoAbsPixel(0) - p1->VtoAbsPixel(1); if (xSizeInPixel<=25 || ySizeInPixel<=25) { delete p1; return; // ROOT doesn't draw smaller than this } p1->cd(); img->Draw(); } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::NormalizeHist( TH1* h ) { if (h==0) return; if (h->GetSumw2N() == 0) h->Sumw2(); if(h->GetSumOfWeights()!=0) { Float_t dx = (h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin())/h->GetNbinsX(); h->Scale( 1.0/h->GetSumOfWeights()/dx ); } } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::NormalizeHists( TH1* sig, TH1* bkg ) { if (sig->GetSumw2N() == 0) sig->Sumw2(); if (bkg && bkg->GetSumw2N() == 0) bkg->Sumw2(); if(sig->GetSumOfWeights()!=0) { Float_t dx = (sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmin())/sig->GetNbinsX(); sig->Scale( 1.0/sig->GetSumOfWeights()/dx ); } if (bkg != 0 && bkg->GetSumOfWeights()!=0) { Float_t dx = (bkg->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - bkg->GetXaxis()->GetXmin())/bkg->GetNbinsX(); bkg->Scale( 1.0/bkg->GetSumOfWeights()/dx ); } } // the following are tools to help handling different methods and titles void TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetMethodName( TString & name, TKey * mkey ) { if (mkey==0) return; name = mkey->GetName(); name.ReplaceAll("Method_",""); } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetMethodTitle( TString & name, TKey * ikey ) { if (ikey==0) return; name = ikey->GetName(); } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetMethodName( TString & name, TDirectory * mdir ) { if (mdir==0) return; name = mdir->GetName(); name.ReplaceAll("Method_",""); } void TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetMethodTitle( TString & name, TDirectory * idir ) { if (idir==0) return; name = idir->GetName(); } TKey *TMVA::TMVAGlob::NextKey( TIter & keyIter, TString className) { TKey *key=(TKey *)keyIter.Next(); TKey *rkey=0; Bool_t loop=(key!=0); // while (loop) { TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (cl->InheritsFrom(className.Data())) { loop = kFALSE; rkey = key; } else { key = (TKey *)keyIter.Next(); if (key==0) loop = kFALSE; } } return rkey; } UInt_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetListOfKeys( TList& keys, TString inherits, TDirectory *dir ) { // get a list of keys with a given inheritance // the list contains TKey objects if (dir==0) dir = gDirectory; TIter mnext(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *mkey; keys.Clear(); keys.SetOwner(kFALSE); UInt_t ni=0; while ((mkey = (TKey*)mnext())) { // make sure, that we only look at TDirectory with name Method_ TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(mkey->GetClassName()); if (cl->InheritsFrom(inherits)) { keys.Add(mkey); ni++; } } return ni; } Int_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfTargets( TDirectory *dir ) { if (!dir) { cout << "tmvaglob::GetNumberOfTargets is called with *dir==NULL :( " << endl; return 0; } TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey* key = 0; Int_t noTrgts = 0; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue; if (TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Regression_target")) noTrgts++; } return noTrgts; } Int_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfInputVariables( TDirectory *dir ) { TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey* key = 0; Int_t noVars = 0; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue; // count number of variables (signal is sufficient), exclude target(s) if (TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Signal") || (TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Regression") && !(TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Regression_target")))) noVars++; } return noVars; } std::vector TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetInputVariableNames(TDirectory *dir) { TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey* key = 0; std::vector names; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue; TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH1")) continue; TString name(key->GetName()); Int_t pos = name.Index("__"); if (pos != -1) { name.Remove(pos); } Bool_t hasname = false; std::vector::const_iterator iter = names.begin(); while(iter != names.end()){ if(name.CompareTo(*iter)==0) hasname=true; ++iter; } if(!hasname) names.push_back(name); } return names; } Int_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfInputVariablesMultiClass( TDirectory *dir ){ std::vector names(GetInputVariableNames(dir)); return names.end() - names.begin(); } std::vector TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetClassNames(TDirectory *dir ) { TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey* key = 0; //set varnames; std::vector names; while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue; TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH1")) continue; TString name(key->GetName()); Int_t pos = name.Index("__"); if (pos == -1) continue; name.ReplaceAll("_Deco",""); name.ReplaceAll("_Gauss",""); name.ReplaceAll("_PCA",""); name.ReplaceAll("_Id",""); name.ReplaceAll("_vs_",""); name.Remove(0, pos + 2); /*Int_t pos = name.First("__"); name.Remove(0,pos+2); char c = '_'; pos = name.Last(c); name.Remove(pos); if(name.Contains("Gauss")){ pos = name.Last(c); name.Remove(pos); } pos = name.Last(c); if(pos!=-1) name.Remove(0,pos+1); */ Bool_t hasname = false; std::vector::const_iterator iter = names.begin(); while(iter != names.end()){ if(name.CompareTo(*iter)==0) hasname=true; ++iter; } if(!hasname) names.push_back(name); } return names; } TKey* TMVA::TMVAGlob::FindMethod( TString name, TDirectory *dir ) { // find the key for a method if (dir==0) dir = gDirectory; TIter mnext(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *mkey; TKey *retkey=0; Bool_t loop=kTRUE; while (loop) { mkey = (TKey*)mnext(); if (mkey==0) { loop = kFALSE; } else { TString clname = mkey->GetClassName(); TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(clname); if (cl->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { TString mname = mkey->GetName(); // method name TString tname = "Method_"+name; // target name if (mname==tname) { // target found! loop = kFALSE; retkey = mkey; } } } } return retkey; } Bool_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::ExistMethodName( TString name, TDirectory *dir ) { // find the key for a method if (dir==0) dir = gDirectory; TIter mnext(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *mkey; Bool_t loop=kTRUE; while (loop) { mkey = (TKey*)mnext(); if (mkey==0) { loop = kFALSE; } else { TString clname = mkey->GetClassName(); TString keyname = mkey->GetName(); TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(clname); if (keyname.Contains("Method") && cl->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { TDirectory* d_ = (TDirectory*)dir->Get( keyname ); if (!d_) { cout << "HUUUGE TROUBLES IN TMVAGlob::ExistMethodName() --> contact authors" << endl; return kFALSE; } TIter mnext_(d_->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *mkey_; while ((mkey_ = (TKey*)mnext_())) { TString clname_ = mkey_->GetClassName(); TClass *cl_ = gROOT->GetClass(clname_); if (cl_->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { TString mname = mkey_->GetName(); // method name if (mname==name) { // target found! return kTRUE; } } } } } } return kFALSE; } UInt_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetListOfMethods( TList & methods, TDirectory *dir ) { // get a list of methods // the list contains TKey objects if (dir==0) dir = gDirectory; TIter mnext(dir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *mkey; methods.Clear(); methods.SetOwner(kFALSE); UInt_t ni=0; while ((mkey = (TKey*)mnext())) { // make sure, that we only look at TDirectory with name Method_ TString name = mkey->GetClassName(); TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(name); if (cl->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { if (TString(mkey->GetName()).BeginsWith("Method_")) { methods.Add(mkey); ni++; } } } cout << "--- Found " << ni << " classifier types" << endl; return ni; } UInt_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetListOfJobs( TFile* file, TList& jobdirs) { // get a list of all jobs in all method directories // based on ideas by Peter and Joerg found in macro deviations.C TIter next(file->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key(0); while ((key = (TKey*)next())) { if (TString(key->GetName()).BeginsWith("Method_")) { if (gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { TDirectory* mDir = (TDirectory*)key->ReadObj(); TIter keyIt(mDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *jobkey; while ((jobkey = (TKey*)keyIt())) { if (!gROOT->GetClass(jobkey->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) continue; TDirectory *jobDir = (TDirectory *)jobkey->ReadObj(); cout << "jobdir name " << jobDir->GetName() << endl; jobdirs.Add(jobDir); } } } } return jobdirs.GetSize(); } UInt_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetListOfTitles( TDirectory *rfdir, TList & titles ) { // get a list of titles (i.e TDirectory) given a method dir UInt_t ni=0; if (rfdir==0) return 0; TList *keys = rfdir->GetListOfKeys(); if (keys==0) { cout << "+++ Directory '" << rfdir->GetName() << "' contains no keys" << endl; return 0; } // TIter rfnext(rfdir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *rfkey; titles.Clear(); titles.SetOwner(kFALSE); while ((rfkey = (TKey*)rfnext())) { // make sure, that we only look at histograms TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(rfkey->GetClassName()); if (cl->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { titles.Add(rfkey); ni++; } } cout << "--- Found " << ni << " instance(s) of the method " << rfdir->GetName() << endl; return ni; } UInt_t TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetListOfTitles( TString & methodName, TList & titles, TDirectory *dir ) { // get the list of all titles for a given method // if the input dir is 0, gDirectory is used // returns a list of keys UInt_t ni=0; if (dir==0) dir = gDirectory; TDirectory* rfdir = (TDirectory*)dir->Get( methodName ); if (rfdir==0) { cout << "+++ Could not locate directory '" << methodName << endl; return 0; } return GetListOfTitles( rfdir, titles ); TList *keys = rfdir->GetListOfKeys(); if (keys==0) { cout << "+++ Directory '" << methodName << "' contains no keys" << endl; return 0; } // TIter rfnext(rfdir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *rfkey; titles.Clear(); titles.SetOwner(kFALSE); while ((rfkey = (TKey*)rfnext())) { // make sure, that we only look at histograms TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(rfkey->GetClassName()); if (cl->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) { titles.Add(rfkey); ni++; } } cout << "--- Found " << ni << " instance(s) of the method " << methodName << endl; return ni; } TDirectory *TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetInputVariablesDir( TMVAGlob::TypeOfPlot type, TDirectory *dir ) { // get the InputVariables directory const TString directories[TMVAGlob::kNumOfMethods] = { "InputVariables_Id", "InputVariables_Deco", "InputVariables_PCA", "InputVariables_Gauss_Deco" }; if (dir==0) dir = gDirectory; // get top dir containing all hists of the variables dir = (TDirectory*)gDirectory->Get( directories[type] ); if (dir==0) { cout << "+++ Could not locate input variable directory '" << directories[type] << endl; return 0; } return dir; } TDirectory *TMVA::TMVAGlob::GetCorrelationPlotsDir( TMVAGlob::TypeOfPlot type, TDirectory *dir ) { // get the CorrelationPlots directory if (dir==0) dir = GetInputVariablesDir( type, 0 ); if (dir==0) return 0; // TDirectory* corrdir = (TDirectory*)dir->Get( "CorrelationPlots" ); if (corrdir==0) { cout << "+++ Could not find CorrelationPlots directory 'CorrelationPlots'" << endl; return 0; } return corrdir; }